: . - -;.'"!--":" - ..." ;'' -' ' .'? -". "- .- ' - - -' . '-'- ft- r ' , .r . I . - . - ; . s . . ' - . -- ..." - . - , - ' ! " - i . - i . , s -v j - -,! f " - - ' . ' . Honeymoon in a Hestanrant. i 99" . Caught in a Bad Trap. FRESH FASHION-MOTES. - - i " Fowle! .-' Three cheers forVowlc,and let the shout Sweep ott from mount to sea; Till notes of triumph rend the air, -Vrom Pare, to Cherokee. And when Tpvooibcr comes again, - And drear winds round tts sigh? We'll lay poor "Oliver" in the tomb In olitt.de to lie. i : Lumberton Rohemntan. IfORTH CAROLINA DEMOCRACY. Platform of Party Adopted in State ConTcntion at Raleigh, I! There has- no question they were ., imwriNt t t'UM; Not'r fit tk A WISS YOUXO.MAX SCCCUXBS QdCKLY Steam, Air and Vacuumi PuinpSi "Vertical and Horizon- 1 f ' i - Tlie new, bfny'liiics fur mng ato - t" ? 7u :v: M f ri notnrvtWbut wit ith a pleasant face,' ' t ii i iTerrisou and l"r!i in lxinrp S Of Vhich IMd - j ! t jJ-r'WcfV!M.l TvnfrnMl plush scort was astout, (Ul)iam fol. f:l,-:v wurk. " ' si - much By reason of his skillful m incDrra? the color nd fresh ncss tai of every yariery ana capacity. and irreat adroitness, ' aars the IJeimtt Wp,l coiihtrr. Her escort VERT r . . JW Mr. Billing-i had Jkef to : manly-lo6kin chap, who would hanre i CAL PLUKOSl VERTICAL PISTOII. r tailor the Regular Horizontal Piston iBened ihe 'norhinsr. I tswrned td Me' with the other : as to . It w on a Muf inornin: that iie wnirh woiuld climb the highest: lint H Th m f Ahinnable still low per I Kwew uruai paitvriis on- snrin ace of 47 Without liccoining a . swwlf toibetter' advantage in ditterent w0vrna ro n urels .t artistic diesiffn.1 A ! ict but in rtn unguarded moment ,; clothe.vfor his pantaloons, were much ) j piAias ami striiH s Vill aain ie worii. v ---- i discipline of a lifetime availed him wr;nkled lit " the knees, and each Je ' J,t more bv Vbil-ireii than irrosvn neo- .-- - " ' ' ' Ufllorl infn ii r:inln with Miss lenie !ii nil , iinon5Cious of their! diemand that tha nutr falls r:i I m-'- - Q--- i - V j- - r r t ' ; it Hi 5.; Ill; it--- Hi May, 1888. !atdown ou the iienbcnchVan Mr.jnejofle bHhe'liicl side. I learned j Iewratea cpIIuWI letter oas and JWlinga unwittingly uJ : V - j 'S . hi? Israel fronrthe lady herself, for. pjortfolios roJovdy pies il nw WV acain congratulate the North Carolina on the coutinued mcnt of iicaccr good -government general prosperity under f rambled on: raiuistration of the affairs ot the Sftatc - ,kis h.Q nnw been unbroken for so . uon i people of nest in that old "apple tree. ' j ed enjoy.j Mrv 13inugs T hut Billings, went aud j scemjncJ to nave lapsed itito idiocy v manyyeaM; upon the just and impartial ;-binl mater' cniorrennJiiv mi wiv. !"" , ing'cffiieucv1 of our common school sys-1 tern, and tli progress made in popular j education :upou the improvement nd! enterprise manifested m all parts 01 ine jitatc. We aain challenge a com pan on between tnis state of things and fhe outrages, crimes and scandals which at tended Republican -.ascendancy in pur hnrders. Wc nlcdze ourselvca to exert in the future as in the past our best ef psed ou 11 Ke to see the ittle kir Oh, Mr. Billings; how yon do ta 4Rea Jv, Mi s McGinnis, I VOh, Mr. Billings! "WhvtIiss-" "Oh.'Mr. Billincs! uNTo, bnt real lv,-Miss McGinn i, I'm iu earnest; I love to 1 ' ' " ; r- "Oh, you naughty man! And did voii briog me out here to say this to Hi iir Hi mm' Ibrtsto promote the best inter-st of the ! me.-'. .U0- W.i Dmtngaj . . people of all sections of th?Btate; Af- j -"Wliy, I only said that I Jored-r rirminz our adherence ; to DemoGi-sitic M0h oh its all so sudden. What principles as heretofore enunciated ,lu the . i I - kiv ? ! " I I-nppje youll J I oh. just make me say ye3 George!" Vhv, woman I" 4,I suppose I could be. ready in a mth if von reallv insist ort it, dear Itcsol ved. That no government has the right to burden its people with taxes be yond ' thc amount required to pay its nccc.-sarv expenses and gradually extin guish its public debt; and that whenever ! n)0 I he revenues, however rtcnveci, exceea:fio ims amount, tncy snoiua ou n-uuLuu, i..ro Afjca" - as to avoid a surplus in the treasury. ; 2 i- Tbatanv system of taxation which ne- j "Hush, darlpig; some one is com cessitates the pij-mcnt of a premium of ing." ! . $370 by the government on each $1,000 And when their host and hostess a p of its bonds, taken up with ; tha millions j weared Mss McGinniss blushed, land mat wouia oinerwiseiiviuiuin nauua, - j-., and paid to bondholders who purchased w xX nc1 s;, in many instances, at le?s than par, isj ,wf!:rf.nSaSeP- n - " Jindemocraticl, oppressive and" iniquitous j And titllings hadn t the nerve to de ' and should he reformed. The course oi nv it -so thev Were married. our Democratie Representatives in Con gress, in their efforts to give relief to tne people from burdensome internal revenue and tariff j taxation, meets with the ap proval of the '-Democratic, party of this State and we respectfully recommend that if they find it impossible to give to our people all the relief demanded, they -support any just and practical measure presented in Congress that will afford n partial relief from such existing burden. Resolved. Thai while the details oftht t methods hy Jflfhich the eunstitutiqnal revenue tarifTshall be gradually reached are subjects which the representatives of our people at the national capital must4e trusted to adjust, wis think-the ". customs duties bould be levied for tbi -.'production of public revcuuc, and the discriminstion in their adjustment should ne such as will place the highest raUt on-luxuries and the lowest on the necessaries of life, distribute ns equally as possible, the unavoidable burdens 1 taxation, and coufcr the greatest good mi the greatest number. Resolved. That we, as heretofore, fa vor, and will uevcr cesicc to demand. the unconditional abolition of the whole internal revenue System, as a war tax. not to be justified in times if peace.; as a grievous, burden to our people and a -source f aimoyHiiee in its practical operations. We call the attention oftht : . people of the State, to the Where the Chickens Were. "I does think; I got the trif'enest boy dat ever lived-; in dis here country ,v said an old negro who had met a white acquaintance. What is the matter with him?' "Oh, he ain't no 'count, dat's wJiatV de matter with; hinv Come and tole my chickens, be did, and sold Vmj an' gin de money to my wife." I j "It was wrong to steal the chickens." . '-Yas, it wti2, and he knowd jdat. Yas, he did; he knowd how wnz 'rested on ercount o' olem chickens an tusk up 'fore de-Xutirfr, and hqw I come mighty nigh goin erde penitei tiary. lie knows that I had ter keep dem chickens hid fer a mnnt and den he come and steal em dat way makes me mad ler . think dat er boy will treat his daddv dat er way. Chij lun fleze days ain't got no revunce no how.. Come cr steal in' mv chick ens!" ! "Where did you get the chickens?' "Wh ir I git de chickens?"-"Y-cs." . I - V "What yon wanter come foolin' wi me oat wav rurr is i uone von tn hvpnu-riticai pretensions "of th Republican - p irty i i i : . . i a i ; a- l7J":Lrr, luf: "TL". - Ia' ! harm dat von wanter come er slander P' -HU'tvo) x l 'U it , Ml tne Jtepuulu-ans in Congress are tax ing their energies to obstruct all legisla tion inaugurated by the representatives . of the Democratic party to relieve people of al 1 or a part of t his odious 4"sl em . '"Resolved,-That the course of th Dem ocratic party, in furtherance of populai education, is a sufficient guaranty that we favor the education ofthepeoit and ,we will promote and improve the rtfesent educational advantages so far as.it can beilone without! hurd'ening the people b -excessive taxation. . - 'I raerelv asked vou- Resolved, That to mecl an existing evil, we will acept, for cVfurationaf nr poses, from the I federal Covernnicnt a pro rata share offt he surplus in its trea? ry; Provided, f that it lw di-biirsed through State agents and the. bill for the distribution be free f-oni object iona hie features. ! ! ' Resolved, lhat the t inted States , be-1 Arkansas Trarehr. ing one government and ours a national party, wellenoiincc the eflVrt of the jCenublicans to force sectional isniies in Aingremi,nd elsewhere, and to promote j "You merely wants ter slander me dat's what yotj wants. Kain't r inai hab cJiickens widont ,vou come roun yere cusin him o stealiu' Vm?M "I didn't say you stole them." "Mour ez wen. Lome azen mt whar I git ddm j chickens. Tse had enuff tmuble 'bout 'em already wicjout you comin' roun! trvin' to make ir.e ' feet bed. I-aint no fool dat Vou niwum mine UL in aiv.it ci . t ilj ; c. datr I's er honest man, an' I gwineto hab you hick up fur slander tf yer doan watch out what yer doin' No wonder de cullud generman ain't got no show in discountrv when de white j folks all tryin' ter Krin' him down:!' 1 I ..I rn... I... How a Few Drinks a Day Would run up to Barrels in Tims. f How American Recorder. j ow many drinks of whiskey do j you average a day i said one gentle man to another, ;is thev were enioyinu a social glass at resort, on Cotton ave- une yesterday afternoon. "Oh, taking the vear round, 1 p r - stmie my-average would Ik? about tm extension of i a dav., ' ? "And how lo 'g has this ljeen on I I . r . ' . .1 '11 . 'II V . MiKjeasion auu. ui-witi oetwecn tue peo ple of the -different' sections of our torn roon country". i Resolved," That it is due to the people of our eastern counties, who liave'.so cheerfully borne their share of our com mon hardens, that the present or some equally effective system of county gorern ment shall be maintained. " . Resolved, Tluit the Democratic nartv is opposed to any further "'extension ot f he "Nofcncev law,, unless such-cxten-j nioh shall have first been authorized by a ! m-.iiorit v of ihe "mi'ilifiwl t-Atr.rc :i,:.. : fhe territorv to be affected thereby. j '""gt along for twenty year. I Resolvetl that the Democratic r partv ! Ru'S3i Duk never hurt me any, and 1 has ever been the party of the workinir- j can attend to mv business jnst as. vyell mankind has never fostered monopolies, ;is I ever could' i cnoyiv me, contest in heiug lietweeii ksKresatcd ng to crushout all coiune individual laborer, tho Democratic partv - thought alxmt that." lion of capital, and SemS the .Jn " . d they d.d, .tnd actment of laws that will bear equallv nere w Tesnlt of their -work. upon all. g p i "Ten drinks a day would be seveutv Resolved, Thafe a,s all taxation Wars j drinks a week, or! 3,050" drinks in a nnWi T twentj years that would .3 A.2 .-or, a fiirecx ueoeht : n- Ve t he enormous nnmUAf tft nm j-. V..WV West I "T v itiitril in rnis country is isaia to be 0( to a sailor. Then divide this 73.000 bv fiO ODtHJSCS allV riAnnKiitim. V...1 ... . J M1 Ii-3 it . - . nnnrcii irec .uiu tiu win iiuu inai you nave con- AISS nndla friction safe. of houcst labor. i T'vapsc There are on an average, 80 gallon to Resolved, That ours being an agrjcul- -a l,:le, li2U by 30 and yon 5Si SliltW dnty a well as our find you have" drunk' Just h :The old toner lked atthe figures apa men hi nis tnend. and thn n- . I vmii rvwn af-itarionf 1ry ...... .k. this countrv .v' "Y canital seek- i P0' y?n navearunK (luring that time? tition. and Ihri 4 i m Sure I don t know. L never t6 the workingraan, to keep the expense of our public inUtitution nt.is., limit consistent Iwith wise and cflicicnt .uauagciuent. me Democratic tmrtv corner .chjiin at the table next to mine, she said i "Don't t there darling George; If want yon right by my side." The obliging waiter then , gave then. Seatf together, and stood mutely await ing 'an )rder There were but few guests in the room at that hour, but the attentjon of all .became fixed upon the interesting couple. f "Whatji shall we eat love?M vd George, with an enraptured look at hi d'vinitv. " " 'r . , "Oh" I don't care what; - anything you like best, dear. I just want to sit and look tit you, you darling." ' "Yes, bat, my cherub,-you, know we must eat !somethiiig.u "WellJI should just like to eat you. your darling sweet love," and uncop- surronnnings, unconscious oi but her devotion to her liege threw her arms about his rained kisses npoh hi3 face, which thq young husband, nothing loath, returned with interest. Chicago Herald, i ! ams: new , .31 ana i woolen II scions of anything lord, she neck and f ! Itfe Tell Yon Plainly that Sinunon's Liver Regulator will rid you of Dyspepsia, Headache, Constipation and Billiousness, It will break up chills and fever and jprcvent their return, and is a complete antidote for all malarial joison yet entirely free from quiniuo or calomel. Try, it and you will be astonished at the good' results of the genuine Simmons Liver Hegulatoit, prepared by J. H. Zeiliti & (' . j U . i Things Done in a Minute. jitt8burg Dispatch. A-ray hi light travels 11,100,000 miles in ia mjniite. In thej United States the telephone is used $95 times, the telegraph 136 times, ini'a-aiihute. j; Iu a minute the lowest, sound lyoui ear can catch has been made bv 900 vibrations,! while the highest (tone reaches (yon after making 2 227,000 vibrations.: In each ininute in the United States, night and, day, all the year round, twentv-jfoiir barrels of beer; have gone down 13,C9G throats, and 4,830 bush els of grLiin have to come to bin. Ill a minute an express train goes a mil6, anji .r Pittsburg street car thirty rods; ths fastest trotting hoise, 147 0 13 rods, arid an average pedestrian o! the gcntjis iomo has got over sixteen rods., ; f :' I" Of tobacco, 923 pounds i.4 raised, and part of it (ias been used in making 0, G"i& cigars, and some of it h::s gone up in th'e fhioke of 2,292 cigarettes, in tin United States in one minute. In a ijiihuti we are whirled around on the ojuiside of ihe earth by its diur nal j motion a distance- of thirteen miles, aijtdj at tl e same time go along with thd earth o i its journey around the $un, lt080. Every ijiihute 600 pounds of woo! 'row in this country, and we have to lig 61 tois of anthracite coal and 200 tons pf bituminous coal, while of pig iron we turn out 12 tons, and of stel .ails 3. : I i ilJotteu stniM's arc seen designs in cotton, k fabrics for spring wear. j ! Large s reen-itk , shades ior piano lamps are. made of ros:j ict:ilsof silk. sewn on a pink foundation frame. 1 1 The finest "artistic judgment anil taste is demanded ami displayed in the color combinations of indoor toilets. j Surplice waisis lapping ovsr kide and forming a V "opuuing on mo at the iieek arc in favor for house drfe.-ses Of I kinds. Round waists and shirred are the features on the now sui embroidered muslins for the ing seasons Some line specimens of hair K'.sqnejs s made ineom- ressirig are seen iii thnew coiffures wjjiieh the effort to iaJrotlnee the Psyche has brought out- ' !j )j Kinbriclered muslin gowns ajrc noiv lnthc hands of the dressmakers, who are making them up for the spring arid summer trade. jj U Canary yellow point d'espritjiand ac cessories of black velvet an I jot ms ii 1.. - ... ..... . ... .T ! i wry cuueiive ami gown for a-dark brunette, j This may be called a ribbon season, so profuse is the use of ribbons or the jiecoratiou of dinner, ball and opera - ... ... 1 1 ana house and live o clock tea gowns. jj The latest fad in. ba'l tissues dauphine tulle in all tlelieate with ; designs of flowers ant wrought in colored silks and Japanese tinsel threa ts. A Pmiio la:nn on a black antiuuirr becoming ball is tho shade?, birds , uuihs w Will most effectual v nrl. vrtnee tne interests of mechanics nianu fact irers and laborers. , . KMdved That the Dimocrocy of ;Nor.h4 Carolina, eordially approve the 5.admmntrationt. of Hon. Alfred M. Scah os h ileit, patriotic and conservative ' marked: "Well, let's take one more, and then I think I'll give mv stomach a rest for a day or two. ..; Bucklen's Kisolved, That tyhe ability wisdom, ' T?E Bw5T Salve in the world for hon isty, patripUsm, iudepeudetice G&titl-, nru,se'- Sores, Ulcers, Salt. Rheum, fulness to duty, and maulv courjgc of ! ;-Tctt Chapped Hands, Chi JVcsident Cleveland have 'won tb .i miratum of ill good men ; and the inter f : of the eonnrn demand hl re-nomi-mnd hX re. eleion. . , ; Arnica Salve. The Bkst Salve in the world for Cuts Fevci Cocji?, and all Skin .Eruption, and positive ly cores rues, or no nav reo Hired t i. guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or t-nce vi cents nc iiot T or Sale by E-lnttrA Co ' j . - l?r . 1 ; Is Consumption Incurable. Read the following: 3Ir. C. H. Morris, Newark, j Ark., says:" Was with down Ats eess of Lungs, and friends and physician pronounqed me an Incurable Con ump tive. Began taking Dr- King's iNtw Discovery for Consumption am now on my third; bottle, and able to oversee the work on my farm. It is the finest medi cine ever made." Jessie Middlcwart, Dec.it ur, Ohio, says: "Had it not been for Dr. Kiug's New Discovery for Consumption I would have diet if Lung Troubles. Was givt n up by doctors. Am now iu best of health." ! Try it. Sample bottle free at T. F. KhjUz & Co. Drug Store. if Foraker Eebnked. The Boston HeralJ, independent re publican commenting on Gov Fora ker's Uttifck on tlie loyalty of Mr. ltiurman-s wue, savs: "it is com-. pletely characteristic. Gov. Foraker's instinetsj j evidently led him to war upon wothen. It will be remembered that the last time tie. protruded his nn pleasantjpersonality upon the publicit was to. nake a complaint of Mrs. Cleve land, j )V1 en Gov. Foraker has a par ticu'ar sjte against a man his impulse seems to; be to gratify it by ass l ing liis enemy's wile. Iu the absence of a vyife, weiiuppose a mother or a daughr ter or a f jster would do as welH This Iiecnliarly chivarous representative of modern politics is the firt one to select .11 j f T im r 4 oiu aim jyoung lauies anKe ror pis op poneatsj hnd to have his controversio with tlje-tp in the face of the pul ic." i I i Elsctric Bitters. 1 j ! This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special men- All wno pave usea juiectnc iii tiers sing. the same song of praise. A purer met i t ion ci ne jdH s not exist and it is guaranteed to.do all! tliatis claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the Liver and Aiuucjn, j win icuiuic t iiupiris, uwiib Salt Rheum and other affections causer by impure bloods Malaria from the sys tem andi prevent as well as cure all Ma larial fevers. ror cure of Headache, Consumption and Indigestion try Electric Ui tiers--Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money! refunded. Price &0 cts. atid $1,00 per bottle at T. F. Klu'ttz & Co. The Democratic mayor of New Or leans, has appointed fifteen colored policeniep.- This is rather more sub stantial recognition of the black man than appointing him alternate delegate wronght-ivon stand, iu pink glass, with a large shulo of sill; or s.irlii rose petals makes ;l lovely point of light in algtildaml white furnished roorij. jj Novelties in lamp shades arc huge tulfps, lilies and call as of satin, stiffeiied :ipd mohled into lh ; petal and! flower form'i and exquisitely c dorevlj in nar Hire's own tints by hV.-t-elas artists. ilThe new silk cord embroidery outf 4 lined with Japane-egold thread is used on slumber cus'iions. head rests, wall banners, and a variety of objects' id plush, silk, velvet, ? ilk satin, and silk bolting cloth. j Braided wire hair rolls are now used to extend tiu puffs ami fullness de manded by the latest fancies in the Pompalour and L mis XVI. styles of hair-dressing which tin hair dcalj-rs are trying to establish and retain jis the leading arrangement of the hair The latest importations of bongalineS; for spring wear ara fig a re-1 in design), printed on grounds of i i4us new color-!, and Ihe selvages on one sido arc in block patterns of colors that repeat those of the fabric, ii These seivages are ma.le to form the ordcrs of skirts and draperies. j fNcwIguigaa-n. s it -en. nrale-i a-ul. printed cotton gools are hcing initio up for the next seaso i iu very pivtty. simple ; styles, with full plaited over- skirts Over under pipes, tho drapijng be ing effected from the waist line Hnd given easy sweep by :i slash thq over- skirt on each side, show ing a panel of the underskirt. ' i Charming novelties in fancy! work arc white celluloid whisk-brush holders; tablets, shaving papL'i cases, card! cases; toilet cushion cases, court plasteij casesi porte mouehoirs, porte monnaiesj cigar cases, sachet eases and catchalls; wash bits and din-ries, decorated with 'hand- painted designs and made up with nar row ribbon and ribbosene. plush; satin and velvet mounting. Y. Siin. . ;' n i The most simple" durable and rcifective Pump in the market for Mines, Qijarries, Refineries, Breweries, Factories, Artesian wells, Fire duty and general manufactnring purposes. 3FSend fo Catalogue. 'The A. S. CAMERON STEAM POMP WORKS. Foot of East 23j:i Stueet, New Yoek -1 iwm 'ABE WHEN YOU WANT HARDWARE AT LOW FIGURES Jail on the undersigned at NO. 2, Granit Clow. I. A. AT WELL. Agent for the ''Cardwell Thresher. Salisburv. N.-C, Juccjfth tf. PIEDMONT AIR-IINE ROUTE Richmond & Danville Railroad. CCND32TS3D OOHSDrS, IN EFFECT SEPT. 4, 1887. RichmonLaflfl Danville RailroaJ Ci W. N. Division. Passenger Sruin Schedule'.. Effective ilay 13th, 1SSS. Train No. 5?. West Beunu. -f- - Trains Run By 75 Mebidian Time. southbound! DAILY set -ic var- m6st unfortunate VxoPARKCR'8 OINCER TONIC trltbo.it dtay. A rare nwdiciual ooiukiuhi iliatcuimhnaUeiM'faili. Ilarunv) the worcteueo of Cough, Wrali Lantr-, A nth ma, Inilipptioii, Inward I'MiiiK. Khiu.ttoii. ln.aiUhUi lor liftrunmlism, Krnialc Weuknoiv, aiul all patiiii aiil dl cjtkis tl tbe Stotnaeb and Howtia. Aoc kl CruKjoit HINDERCORNS. Tne safort. Kurestand tert cur forComn, Bunions, 4-.? P;oii all train. Euiair" oomfort to lh" l--t. Never ail to c-jr. lft tntitj In-utbu. ll&cot ti Co., N. Y. B .VITAL TR GENERATOR NERVE TONIU removes Hll consequences ot foil; ut except; renbwn the enorffT, cour&sn and Tirfor of ToutU. Cumi wekknn of mind and body; Nrrou Debitiijr. Spinal Kxliutin. Lott Manhood, eto. A por,rlui iiwous invignrator u4 retrcorat We . purtl.v a!tn frod. BAKEK 1'jbltL CO Box 101. buffalo. N. Y. G:ly. PATENTS Caveats, Trade Marks and Copyrights Jbtalned.and all othei business in tho t'.S. Patent i orti)e aitcDtlcd to for Moderate Ft rs. i uuroftlce is opposite tlie I'. S. Potent -Office, and .ve can obtain Patents iu less time tban iiiobt re mote from Washington. Send Model or drawing. We advise as to patent ibilli-.v free of cbaige; &nd make .Xotftctrne uniciue Ibt'iin 1'atci.t. ' ', Weiefer her to the Postmaster, the Snpt.of Money Order Div.. and to nmctalor ihe I'. S. Pat- ! '.nt oftlce. Forcircular. advice, teims and refer-1 nccs to actual client sin your ow n fst.otr or county vritcto C. A, SNOW ii CO. Opposite Patent omce, WashlugUn b. C. Oct. si. '85. tf INVENTION the last half centurv. flow an I'uln'kjf Fellow YVaa Purnaed by the llrmuiH !' AUvrnlty. J am the most uafortuu ate fcljbw in the world," sail a man wlmse pk'rijist en t bail luck had jriveu him a iort of reputation. j ' hat is your latestyetroke of mis- fortunell' s.m.e one asked. ! t'Whr, last summer I rented the sec ond, storv of a hnue in a verv cheerful part of town, and :ii'.vr signing ajlease had begun to o mcratulute niyslf wlicn some fellow started a Tiirkish bath ou i the ground lloor, with t ltd swfeat-box immediatclv under iny .-it- ng-roojn. Well, sir, I actually thought wej would moll, but we stood it, en couraged by the fact that when iwinier should come, we would ha put t no ex pense for coal. 1 did not thi.i that weicould live thr.ui.j i A'tga-it. bjit w.t. pulled through after l.i:i in rej flesh thain cotdt! hut well f eared. Whh th--newsnaiier.s -ix-gan their annual; howl against ihe coal d atcrs. my wifojatnl I laiiffhcdi We were otit of the clutches of the dealer. The ther.iiomcter might cut its zeroc:ipei;8, but our room uonld be warm. Alas: ; fAny thing go wrtng?!' . ii MWclK i- Ab.ut the time the mer- 5 .... . f i $a cury fU to zero tne jnii-niai fellow down sta':r. in d hi bath avvaj. and as the nioney winch would havo been ouri coal allowance liad lnvm perit, we were left to freeze. Ye, 1 am th most; unfortunate fellow in the world, li Ar katisaw Trare-er. m e -4-A ea-gixen jrlassvase has rceeutly been found in Bolgn-. It l:vs ail what thee bnteh'Ta will. pu t huz logaa! -Epodt. Lives there a man with soul so dead who never to himself has said,! 4I1I pay before I go to bel, the debt ! owe the printer;" yes there are spviie we know full well, who never such would tell, hnt they we fear will) -rwell, a place where there's no ter.! . lb has revolutioniezd the world during .Not least amoiiK tha wonders of inventive progress i a method and system of work that can be performed all over the country -without separating the workers from their homes. Pay liberal; any one can do the work; either sex, young or old; no special abil ity required. Capital not needed; you are started free. Cut this out and return to us and we will send yon freet some thing of great value and importance to you, that will start you in business which will bring you iu more money right away, than anything else iu the world. G and outfit free. Address Trve & Co., Augusta, Maine. . TUTQ A VT7U "nr bo found m filo tt Ge. lUO lTaXiiXW r. Roweil Oo1 . KewMpi Alv-rtlsln ISort'UUdO Spruce Ski. vh-v drtlsina . loiifrmt may b uuIb for It IN NEW OKIi, : Visit Cedar Cove Nurseries, Which are now by odds the largest, best conducted and well stocked withthernost reliable fruits of any nursery in the State. Contains more reliable acclimated varie ties of Apples, Peaches, Pears, Cherries, Grapes, and all other fruits for orchard and garden planting. We have no eom- Eetition as to extent of grounds nnd eautifnlly grown trees and vines of all desirable ages and sizes We can. and will please you in stock. Your orders ohcited. Prices reasonable. . Descrip tive catalogue sent free. Address N. W. CRAFT, Shore. Yadkin County. X. C. 47:ly. l.v. New yrk ' Philadelphia " U.ilUniore " Wasuington Charlottesville " Lynchburg Itichinonu BurkcsvlUe " Keysyille Drake's Branch " lunvlH ureensboro Goldsboi o M Kal'-lgh Durham Ar. i'hapel Hill flillsborro " Salem High Ptilnf - Salisbury States ll'.e r Ashevllle Hoi springs' I.v.foneorU ' riiarlottp Spartanburg uif-enville Atlnnta NORTHBOUND i.v. viLiiit i Ar. liiPoi.Ulle Snirt inl.ug charlnitc t'onord S illsbury " llisrh Point Oreeusboro ; s.ilem IliUsboro " Diirhara " Chapel Hill " Kalelh - oldsboro Diunille " Drake's Branch . " Keysvtlle ; Burkesville i Ulohmond t 14 Lynchbnrg . I Charlottesville AVashlagtuu l Baltimore ; Phll.ulclphla New York i No. li 15 ; ail 4."i 11 t 3 33 50 a ic 3 17 C 18 8 CO 10 44 it no 5 SO 52 tS 15 5 t 20 11 ilS li 3t 0. A M P M A M 1 V5 8 Si S 8S C 4-1 1 s JJ M 6 57 9-12 11 00 .1 00 5 80 2 SO 4 23 3 05 5 81 5 03 9 4S 8 10 11 00 37 "2 38 ' 6 BO 10 iii 11 12 ?i 5 3S ; 33 18- 01 1 00 3 34 4 4 10 40 pr A ,M I.r 00 a. m. Bostoa 4 30 p. til. New Tork 37 Phila4eipBia 9 18 Baitiiiore 11.00 Wasniinetcn i03 a.m. Lynchburg 8 03 Danville 30 9 3 a. m. tUiihniond-Peidstllle s 10 p. m. Golbsitjro 1 45 a. iu. Kalelgfc t li Durhapi " Train Nay. 10 30 PaTil is 3s- -nooY-L !' oa a in Q ' ' 2 M imj.u.-- 13 a. a 10 44 jMa, : in; i 3 a, in. P M A M p r r m DAILY. No.. SI. No. s::. j oo 1 01 2 13 .5 03 6 09 6 II 7 57 5 2H '11 0 12 Ofl 12 -r. tft 15 2 10 4 3 10 0 12 41 1 00 1 40 3 43 1 15 3 40 8 23 11 25 3 09 6 20 P M A M P M A f P M P M A M i S 40 ! .2 31 ' 3 4 , C 25 : ' 2 1 S 0 -2 : 9 11 i 40 12 34 t2 44 t4 03 li 45 II 89 2 4i ! 3 03 r. & 6 ir. 2 00 4 10 8 10 10 03 18 35 3 20 A M I M A M A M P M A M P M Dallj-. Daily, except Sunday. SLEEPING-CAR SERVICE. On train no so and 51. Pullman Kuffet Sleeper between Atlanta and New York. On trains S2 and 3, Pullman BufTet Sleeper be tween Wafchlnpton and Montgomery; Washington and Augusta. Pullman Sleeuei between'TUchniond and Greensboro. Pullman Sleeper between reens 1)oroand Kaletph. Pullman I'ailer Car between Salisbury and Knoxville Through tickets on sale al Principle stations, to allrxiinis. For ratesand information, apply to any asrent of Ihe Company, or to Sol. Haas, Traffic Manager. J. S. Potts, Div. J'a. Agt. Richmond, Ya. W.'A. Turk, Div. Pam. Ag't . Raleigh, X. Jas. L Taylor, Gen. Pas. Jgt. 3 12ii7-in. 11 23 a ia. Ar '12 12 noon 12 s6 p. m. 1 it t 1 it 2 19 z 20 2 49 ii 13 3 27 4 00 4 31 4 40 " f W- r. 34 I.v r. I.v. Ar. fireenboro SaiUbhry StatesTllle Catawba Newtoi nhkori Connelly Sjirlnps MorganUon . t.leiAJpjie tai!oni -Old lori Kound Knob Black Mountain Ashevllie -Ashevilie Ale.vaniltis Marshall Hot Spurns? Hot SpTlji Ks 7 Morrl.sio.vri Kno.wiUe Jelli.-o ! l.oui!vilSe p.m. 5 4-1 pT'in. 3H H 51) 1 1 1) ' 7 30 .I 'm. 11 10 a.m. Indlan.io.H 6:5 .111. culc.ajfdj 1 3o St. P.iui j n p.,m. sr. I.ouw 7 lo a. ui. KsnsisCflt-v 9 ,Vj 70 8' 5 07 1 ).; -129 i;:' 344 3 13 2 33 ' I 25 , ' . 1 IS i- p. m. 12 19 noon u-1 r a. m. n 4 13 a. m. ."fl . p. m. 4 r.o p. m. r;o j). m. -3-wipi. ui. " . Bl. L2-'fp. a. IVIurph Branch. , Daily except SUNDAY TRAIN NO is ! TRAIS Xfn! 4 Kitttn iave .vHieviiie Arr"nBi- 10 25 - n uajnrbliile . ? 2 p m t burlesMin . . 10 15. 3 05 Jafrfttsj......... Leave ::-"" . A, Sc fi Roa.l. Dally except SUNDAY TRAIN ??0 18 j TRAf0U 3 60 p. m Leave spartinburg Anlve i 7 17 Arrive Ilendersonulle .sst. Asaevillle Leave 6 18 r. 73th meridian time used to Hot Springs. tolh .. .. 4 west of licit Spring! rullman Slee.pei slw;t ween Washington & Satebaif ' .. Richmond & (JrerBsAeft .. .. .. j Raleigh i f;rcenfer i Knoxviue 4 ujtusviur .. Parlor Cars . TOS. L. TAYLOK, O. P. A. W.A. Salisbury i Kncxnlle f WlNBrRN;. Aet'gD.P. niAUl I HcAViirdedlire thosetdw BlIUnL I read this and ihcnactHher will find honorable cploj'nwnt tlintwili not take them from tjheir honiepBdfenH ' ilies. The.prolits are large and sure fcr every 'industrious person, many have made, and are now making several iuir dred dollars a monfhl. It is easy for aiy one to make So and upwards mt daft who is wiilins. to work. Either fex, young or old; capital -.not needed; start you. r-verythitig new. oppecuij ability required; youj reader, can do itlai well as any one. Write-to us nt once fcf . full particulars. ! which we mail frefe., Address StinsoiHt Cc, Portland, Maiue. "iMrs. ,T. P. Newman, the Me' tst bishop 3 wife, advocates the; cure. -- :- 1 go to win- Land Sale ! thooM OX Mondav. July 21, 1888. at the Court-houie dxr in the town of S tlisbnry, at the hour of 12 m.. I will sell to tlie highest bidder, for cash, that part of the lot now occupied y A. h. Young, in the town, of Salisbury, not included in his. homestead, heretofore laid .off and assign fed to him, it being the half of the Raid lot known as the north-west half, adjoining jheloi of Mrs. J. M. MeCorkle, on Inni street in the said town. The lot to be sold Include one-half ol thejlwelling house on the same., ' m )! This sale is by ordeVof the U S. District Oourt, ind to satislV certain indmenls in lavor 01 .u. ij. noiuies and-UJ?. Baker, 0 -III Tini)cketcd in ihe county of Rowan. I. TU13 PEIB ta on ffleln PktlailrlpTtla 1 i ' tialii Aenrr of rltr. W AVER frOM " O.ortxtd wata. l''fi.i!il.uryt X. 0.. CliAS." 'PRICE. Atigue lu Itanlruptey and ' 1 YQ pk 71 vm -.bp imi-- , - b t -1 23.:- . HH , - 1 jr " - x' : ; ' t I v ' r ' - v . m - 1 u it to liepiitiluan eoinc.ition. : 1 - June A -.: .) M i i

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