POL XIX. Lthtrd series. SALISBURY, IT. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1888. 210.41 J VitllCliAlOKf ; ..." ,y.,.L..H,CLKMEXT; , ' Salisbury, N. 0. -In! ,18811 OOjJNOli-L, M. D.. Offers his profcyional services to the ritiiens of this and surrounding communi ties. All calls ptoiapUicvV18? f?iiV be found at my Office or the Drug torc'of Dr. J. H J Knniss' Respectfully, . J., p. VJUHV,J,U, ill. A. JOT Office in the Heilig Building, 2i 2nd floor, front room j i . . 18:6m. NEW FIRM. Th a undersigned have entered into a i-oartnership for the purpose of conduct- i iii? vno GROC COMMISSION; March 2H,18S7.; business, to elate irom Consignments especially g&llcitcd. McNEELY & TYgONV ' 'I The njideraignfed takes this opportunity to returi thanksfto his numerous friends for their patronage, and asks the-continuance of the slime to the SEW FIRM. Ifff will always hb on hand to serve the patron of the NEW FIRM. P.CSpectfuly, Y- 1-1'' ?V - i ! I - . . I .- " ' ' , I , f : : - y j lO jefcant lektion j i company, f mm$$ : a , ' rllim i - STRONG COMPANY SEEKIl d il-'M -Vt -.' AUlin TS 4 las all Citiesr Towns and i i riljajres in the South AL AlSSETS, J, AL EN BROWN, Eesident THE ffflM - !-'! , 41 '. l , : y Threshea, t Separates, Hulls, Cleans and Be-cleans the Seed Ready for Market ' aiiultaneoualy, iolng Its work with a rapidity heretofore unknown and a perfee JniVer topttained. Th "New" Blrdsell is the crowning effort of its inven JOHN Of BIRDSHIjL, who has had thirty-three years' experience in building, aover machinery-he giving; to the world the first. Combined Clover Thresher, ouuer and Clearer. It ia a fact worthy of note that he and his successors have fturedanfisold during the past thirty-three years nlnetea.twentleth cf Clover Hillerslnade and sold during that tima. Our factory is by far the est of its kinil in the world. Send for Catalnanft and 1 W no momr. JOHN A. BOYDEN, Agt, BIRDSELL MFG. CO.. tealisbury, . C; THE KING OF GLORY!!! '-WRITrSv1,arii,inK 4IFE 0F G"KIST EVER . - , ilji Trrv r pn nni I '...., ,r..ii .. f f Rrmt.I i . Li i . WNT BE IDLE Wilis YOU CAN 11K MAKING TUer n , lu ,s to ii f ioo per Moata. fiaS?.!?ok.on tbefAinerieau market that s5l!s ttiW i?u,''aoest "ncasent nas sold looo : t tEi?.-x.mon,,Ist care recelvlugre- Hi.Se" of "e Sioiih. One azent n?s contrac- ,.T.r i vivia i iS$0i rteai lor . L".,0P copies; in less than a venr Sptirt , cmi ve teriTtr Tuvr Pu woa Wc give lor CAnvisslmr out At Ineliulfno- rom- i . . t - - -i 1 aW ""he book in beSt bin inc. i . i . JJ Justus u I , PURELY VEGETABLE. . Ujtcit with extraordinary cfScacy on tha ' TtyER KlDNEYC, - and Bowels, AN EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC FOR 11 -- SXaUHa, 1 Bowel Complaints, . ' Z7ppiiA, Sick Headehe, Constipation, Biliousness, Kidney Affections, Jaundice, Mntal Depression, Colic. No Household Should be Without It, and, by being kept ready for immediate use, will save many an hour of suffering and many a dollar In time and doctors' bills. THERE IS BUT ONE U SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR . Sea thst yoa get the genuine with red'f Z" n front of Wrapper. Prepared only by J.H.ZEILIN A, CO., Solo Proprietor, Philadelphia. Pa. l'KICK, 81.00. On Silverware A Bargain to earlv callers. W. H. REISrjES Loading: Jeweler. PROMPT! J. RHODES BROWKri, - PffS'f-t. L 1 William G. Coart Scrvftarn S75o,poo oo ! Agent, Sklisburv, N. O. . -t ' , SOimt BEND, INDIANA Visit Ceflar Cove Nurseries, Which arc now by odds the largest best conducted and well stocked with the most reliable fruits of any nursery in the State. Contains more reliable acclimated 'varie ties of Apples, 'Peaches, Pears, Cherrie?, Grapes and jill other fruits for orchard and garden planting. We have no com- Eetitiou as. to extent of greUudst and eautifully 'grown trees and vines' of all desirable ages and sizes We can ' and will please you in stock. Your orders solicited. Prices reasonable. Descrip tive catalogue sent free. Address ' j N. W. CRAFT, 8hor, Yadkin Counfv, N, C. : . V. -r- 1 Political, Chestnuts, ; , by iu c. dodge. 0 Li There's going to be a heap of fuh- t rom now until election To listen to the chestnuts spun i On Free Trade and Protection. i - - - r . . ..... -, , The Cobdcn Club, we will be told, 1 Will rule this country for us; And with their loads of British gold, ; Spread paupertsuj o'er us. We'll hear that Democrats who own -I Half of this land and love it, Are going te-saUcth' English throne A little present of it. We'll hear the side that now contains Four-fifths of toilers hearty, Want to reduce their own hard gains To help the other party. We will be told by those who fill i Their pockets with our monev. The seven per cent, reduction bill us free trade which ts funny. We'll hear that all the mills will stop, 1 (They didn't, we remember) And hearts will bleed and tearcrwjll drop ror workmen till November. But one prediction may be made, .Ana demagogues wont doubt it,. Which is the tools who yell "free trade," Don't know a thing. about it. Texas Fioners. IXDIAN RAID IN" THE COLORADO VALLET. At an early day-in Texas, when the pioneers began to extend their settle ments far up the Colorado Valley, a town was laid off at the foot of the Colorado mountains, and was called Waterloo. When it became necessary to select a site for a capital of our threat State the village of Waterloo was chosen, and its name changed to Aus tin in honor of Stephen F. Austin, who brought the first colonists to Tex is. Settlers came rapidly, attracted by the beautiful country and rich lands, rude but comfortable houses were built, farms opened, and prosperity began to inile urjpn their efforts. In the spring of 1S39, shortly after the location of the capital, when the hills, valleys and plains were covered with green grass and sweet smelling flowers, jind birds sung merrily in the woods, the wild Comanche Indians, the scourge of Texas, swooped down from mountains, five hundred in number, to mar the beautiful scene. They first attacked, about 1 1 o'clock in the morning, the house of Widow Coleman, near the Colorado River, sixteen miles below Austin. She was in the garden at the time with her little son, Thomas, aged .about seven years, md on the approach of the Indians call ed her little boy and ran to the house. Mrs. Colemr.n outran the little boy, and arrived s.t the house first. By the time the Indians were close upon them, and when the poor woman turned back to save her son, an Indian drew his bow and with unerring aim shot an arrow through her neck. Mrs. Coleman then ran into the house, and with the assistance of. another son, thirteen years old, succeeded in barring the door. e - There were also in the house her two daughters, about nine and eleven years old, and an infant son who took ref uge under the bed. After barring the door, Mrs. Coleman, with the thought of trying to defend her children, seized a rifle, and, taking a seat in a chair, placed the guii across her lap and pull ed the deadly arrow from her nrck,and almost instanly fell dead, covering the floor with her blood. The hoy then seized the gun, anl as the Indians ap proached fired through a small crack and killed the cheif, who fell dead on the door-steps. The brave boy repeat e.lly loaded and fired the gun, killing another Indian and wounding a third, when one of the savages, thrusting a speaE through a crack in the wall, pierced the gallant boy through the boiy. He fell neatthe bei where his sisters and brothers lay concealed, and the eldest took his head iu her lap. While bleeding to death he said to the poor little ones: " I will not groan to let them know I am wounded." Then with his expiring breath he said to Them : "Father is dead, mother is dead, and I am dying, but something tells me that God will protect yon." The IndiJins then broke open the door, and hearing voices under the bed, and fear ing more deadly bullets, pierced the dead bodies with their spesirs through the cracks of the house. The Indians then left, carrying off. little Thomas. A few hours after, wlien relief came, the chi'dren came out from their place Of concealment, and wailing around the dead body of their mother, wetting their garnunts in her blood while ca ressing her. 1 The Indians then attacked Dr. Joe Robertson's house, about five hundred jards from Mrs. Coleman's, and cap turtd all but one of. his negroes; but, fortunately, the Doctor was on a visit with his family and escapet1 The In dians robbed the place, and then went" to what was afterwards called Wells' Fort, where resided Mrs. Wells, John Walteis and Q. W. Davis. Just be fore reaching (he place, however, they were met by sixteen brave frontier.-' men, who deployedlu their front; and the Indians, who were .ill on ft o turned off aud camped on Willbarger s Creel and buried their clead. f The frontiersman then took the ihree, families behind them to Fort W'illbarger, and leaving a detachmeut to watch the Indians, the others scat tered as'conriers over; the countiy to ularm the settlers and raise men. to fight the Indians. That famous Texan, Gen. Edward Burleson," soon got the news, and set out on a fast steed, and bv davlight arrived at Fort Willbarger. Hero lie found eighty men assembled, and, taking his command, left five men to protect the women and children, and vith the rest followed the trail of tljl Comanches. Among those who rodi in the ranks that day was the pioneer Methodist minister, Rev.. James G Mi land. Gen. Burleson came up with the In dians about one o clock,, in the open prairTeliear -Sush-J Creek, twenty miles now divided into two patties, . one of which was led by Capt. Jones Rogers. The settlers charged with great fury, and a most desperate battle commenced. The Indians finally re tired before the galling fire of Bur leson s men, and took a position m th ravine among the scrubby elm and cactus. 'Here they concentrated theit forces, and making a desperate charge. forced the settlers back across the open ground into the timber. Here they dismounted and held the Indians at bay, who in large numbers whooped and yelled around them. During the retreat from the ravine the young brother of Gen. Burleson was killed and his body dragged back among the Indians, who cut off bis hands and otherwise mutilated his body. The Rev. James Gilliland was killed after they dismounted,' while resting his rifle against a tree to fire. The fight lasted until nearly sun down, when the Indians retired, beat ing their rude war-drums, yelling and rattling their shields. Gen. Burleson then slowly returnetl to Fort Willbar ger, bearing his dead and wounded. Among the -former was Edward, the son of Widow Blakely. When they arrived a more painful scene was never witnessed. I he bereaved wife wept for her husband, the mother for her only son, and brothers and sisters for their brothers. On arriving at the Fort, the dead hollies were laid out in a room by themselves, where they could be wash ed and prepared for burial. Mrs. B a' ely, on starting into the room to take a last look at her .son, was stop ped and informed that he was shot in the face and was so m .ngleel and dis figure!, and the sight won Id 'he so hor rid and painful, that she must not go in. She claimed and demanded her rights as a mother to take a last look at her son. It was granted, and going into tho room, she knelt down by his body, wiped away the blood and brains oozing from his forehead, kissed him, for a moment rested her head upon his manly breast; then, rising, pale and calm, exclaimed; "His father and brother diet! in defence of their coun try, and now he is dead my only lov ing protector. . But, if I had a thou sand sons, and my country needed them, I would cheerfully give them up." God grant this mother and son the ineffable joys of paradise, and in spire all Texaus with the same tran scendent virtue and patriotic devotion. A. J. Sowell. Colored Congregation Excited. Reading, July 25. There is serious trouble in Bethel African Methodist Episeopal congregation in this city. Several nights ago the pastor' Rev. R. B. Johns, commenced a series of holi ness meetings, to continue for two weeks. Now discord has broken loose, and about thirty members of the con gregation have withdrawn, others re fuse to attend the services and complaint- has been entered against the fastor before the Presiding Elder. A arge numler of white people attend these holiness meetings and the burden of the complaint is that Mr. Johns, who is a very good looking colored man and married, is guilty of escorting home one or two white ladies who come to his services not accompanied by their husbands or male escorts. Some of the trustees have made the "formal complaint, and they my that if Mr. Johns persits in walking with white ladies, then they keen the church doors locked. The church has been used as a colored place of worship for over fifty' years, but the coloretl people; say that they have nO longer any con troal oyer 'the place. Last night one of the white visitors arose and said: "Well, weevil have our class meeting now here in this room' and our colored friends can retire to the Sunday School room down stairs." The colored peo ple went down, but were all boiling mad. Some of the colored women were in fighting mood and it was with difficul ty they were restrained from pulling the hair out of the heads of the white folks who caused all the row. War at Mowing Blade Church. .There is a colored church out in Crab Orchard township called Mowing Blabe and the worshippers of the Blade have been at war with each other; The fuss started hist Sunday, and yesterday, while a party of the parishoners were building an arbor for camp meeting, the cause of the trouble was brorght up for discussion, and the result was a fight between George Green and Jas. Simpson. Green was badly used up, as Simpson appears to have fought prin cipally with his teeth, and bit out sev eral good sized chunks! The matter has been-adjusted before the magistra tes. Charlotte Chronicle. SenatorjVaaee' Remark oatheFreel j ' maa'i Bank Bill Mr. y ance. Mr. President. T should 4ike to inquire of the author of the bill what distinguishes this from any other banking institution of the country? If we pay the depositors of this institu tion for; the losses that they have in curred by the failure of the institution why should we not pay all other de positorsjof all other banking ii s itn tion el ottered under the authority of the United States? I confessJsir, that I can see no reas on for if, and before I vote upon the mi ensnosmg ot over a million dollars of mbli)y-4G!lL&ox1the Jfefulgn tions otiome disl onest merPconnect ed withlthis; institution, I should be glad to lavela reason given to me for j vote in is favor. Mr. Sherman. When this subject was discusseel the other dav hv thp Senate there were ejuite a number t i gentlenJpn em the side who gave reason why thd bill should pass, although it would not be a good rule for us tt pay all tl epositors of broken national. banks. Mr. ? ance. 1 was notrrpsrnf. xvhfin the discission was had in the Senate. I was not aware' that one had taken placp. 1 The peculiar circumstances seem to be that the coloretl people were the ware's o the nation, I suppose, and that they were led to believe that this was a government institution managed by govenment officers, and that the faith Of the government was pledged to make'igooel their deposits ana to see that ther were preperly treated, etc. The kindest and the best thing that can be eone! with the coloml race in this couhtry is to teach them to de pend npoiij themselves. The ward business began at a very early perion. It is tine that they should either be the wards of the nation or that the should be independent freemen learn ing to dipehd upon them selves and not to ell perid upon the government one or tie other. . As wards it is assumed that these persons jwere so ignorant that thep did not knt)sv the risk they were running when they deposited their money in a charterep institution, and they believed, were to be taken implicit ignorance that tliby in their trusting and care of fy the faith of the nation, and that everything that had the gov ernment of the Uuited States attached to it mens a solemn guaranty to them of the rights and privileges and proper ty, I That ias all gone bv, sir, and at the same tin)e that we are now asked, in consideration of their ignorant condi tion, thej'r condition of inchoate citi- zenshuvjto make good all the losses in curred i$ this bank, they were as free men thought to be wise enough and statesmanlike enough ami freeman enough o entrust with the destines of whole States in this country, to take charge f the laws, the property, the rghts liberties and the civilization of my State foir one, and for many other, and wer placetl over the heads of the white people in those governments, If they ilvere able and sufficiently en lightened to take charge of the desti nies of ajfrec, eivilizetl Commonwealth, surely they were able to depe)sit their money fin a banking institution and to take tne risks there like any one else- 4 To hold them as wards wherever a defalcation of a bank is to be made good, and to hold them as enlightened and civilized freeman wherever a pol itical purpose is to be maintained by giving tliem full charge of a whole State an its destinies, I think is en tirely inconsistent. When this bill was introduced it contained a general provision to make good all he depositors who had not been satisfied by the assets of the bank. It turned) out that ejuite a number of those depositors were white people. Now, thef bill is amended so as to strike them out and we are absolutely to make a eljstintion in violation of the constitution of the United States, yhich sas that no distinction shall be made on account of race, color, or prev-ious-conttition of servitude. We are to pay thip colored man all that he was robbeel ofi by the officers of this bank. and the white man is to look out for himself and gets nothing because he should have known better. Sir, the whole business is wrong. These coloretl people most learn to dis tinguish n their business risks just as the white people have learneel to dis tinguish.!! They must learn the great truth that every man who calls him self a philanthropist and friend of the coloretl nijan is not necessarily so, and that the louder in fact Ire talks phil anthropyfand love of them the more likely he Ijs to steal what they intrust to him. They have that lesson to learn. If one is to he paid I am in favor of payfhgj the other. There is no jus tice in any other course. TinltrnTKnrniJinsrlainrbfpr wholivps at Richmond Hill, L. I., built her own house and had it made to suit her own ideas. ' The entire lower floor, except the kitchen, is one immense room, which is pivided into smaller ones by large screens. These screens may be rolled asie'or usjd for partition pur- Eoses at the wish? of Hie owner, lhe ouse staiids high and commands n fine view of tike village of Jamiica aa l t!is surrounding oanlry. M. S. LitUefield Arrested. H K IS CH A Re JED WITH FORGERY, BUT PAYS DAMAGES AJJD 13 DISCHARGED. A New York dispatch of the 18th says: Milton. S. Littlefield, who says he is president of the Jackson & Talla hassee Railroad Company, was arrai gned in the Tombs Police Court" yes terday by Detectives Doy!e and Will arel of police headejnarters. Philip Kegler, a real estate broker, whose of fice is in Temple Court, Beekman and Nassau streets, was also a prisoner. Detective Doyle tolel Justice Kilbeth that Keslef passetl a worthless cilecirtTpb7rTIlS5Lreneri proprietor of the Cosmopolitan resthttiant, at No. 28 New street- Kegler claimetfiT.at' he had received the check from Little-! field in rarment of a debt of $25. The check was drawn on the bank of De posit, Liberty and Nassau streets, to the order of M. b, Littleheld, and was signed "H. S Beardslev," When the check was presentee! at the bank it was pronounced a forgery by the bank offi cials. Kegler indignantly denied any iu- tention of fraud, and stated that he had received the check in good faith from Littlefield. The latter was arrested at the office of the rail -oad company. No. 45 Broadway. Littlefield was loud in his protestations that an' outrage had' been committeel, and proclaimed that such a man as Stewart L. Woodford and other prominent men where his iriends and could vouch for him vV hen asked as to how he receiveel the - heck he said that Beardsley, who is a resident of New Jersey, gave it to him .n settlement of a debt. He could give no definite information as to what town in New Jersey Beardsley lived in, nor whea-e he cc uld be found. 41 1 am president of a Florida rail roatl and owner of a large interest in coil and iron in Pennsylvania," Lit iefield said to Justice Kibreth, "and if you w.ll give me twenty minutes I will jbtain $utlicitnt money to redeem the chejk." ThisWemed to please Dreher, who offereef to withdraw the camplaint if Littlefield m ide goc d the money. Justice Kilbreth, however, demurred at this style of doing busines. lk0f what railroad did you say you were Presielentr" he asked. "I am president of the Tallahassee & Jacksonville Road iu Florida, and I own a residence in Morristown N. J.," answered Littlefield. "Several years ago," Justice Kilbreth said, "I reinemberb;at a president of a defunct railroad down in that locality forged a large number of bonds. Yiir name strikes me ef being very similar to the r name of that railroaei president. Are you the same,man?" "Oh, no," Littlefield replied, waving his hands excitedly; "that was in Ala bama not Florida. "OhP said the Judge: "I think it was in Fh rli'a " He, however, paroled Littleheld 1:1 the custody of Detective VV nlard for half an hour to procure the money. When Littlefield left the court Kegler told Justice Kilbreth that Littlefield was an -ex-Confederate gen eral, having commandeel a battery at Hilton Head, near Charleston during the war. At the conclusion of the half hour Littlefield returned with S25, which he paid Dreher, who withdrew his com plaint. The case was dissmisseel. The Battle of Manassas. To-dav is Julv 21st. It is the anni versary of the first battle of Manassas. There Southern valor gave prophecy of the four years of endurance that follow ed. There bled aud died the knightliest men that ever lived in any age or coun trv. They were Southerners. And they mastered many times-their num ber in battle. They did it in the foca lized gaze of a hemisphere. And there that day, there was born a nick name for a Southern General, that is the subliniest in all the chronicles of time. The nick-nam was "Stonewall Jack- w . 1 i 1 a 1TA sou. It will De transiaceu into every generation and age and language and tongue. I mti vi.ir5 nffpr the war a courtly ' J I m Southernor sought the hand of Gen. Jackson's widow in marriage. Her reply to him was, "I would rather te the widow of Stonewall Jackson than the wife of any living man." And who blames her.-' fine was building for history. And the name of "Stonewall Jackson has climbed the mountains of two hemispheres and built for itself a nest beside the eagle s. Yes: Manassas was fougt twenty- seven years ago to-day. Many a k u light ly soldier went down that eiay wnue ne was still pravmg to see his mother or his sweet heart once more, But fate willed it otherwise; and there was dust on the moustached lips. The grave worms banquetted on the seed coru aud blossom of Southern chivalry. In all the religions there is but one consoling doctrine for those they left behiud. It is the doctrine of the resurrection. Let us hope that each one f these bearded boys at Manassas and some were too young to have beard let as hope as Christians, that each one inher ited a weddiug garment of white, and a part iu the tint resurrection.- Char lotte Observer. " Public office is a public trust. Groves CLEVL.fxD. - ' An Artful Dodge. . . j Rockingham;nocket,-j- . pj We see it stated thatCol. Dockery j said in his speech JltpasllviIfe, N. C i on the 4th ot July, that if Capt Alex ander had been nominated for Gayern or on the Democratic ticket, he Dock-, ery ) would not have ! accepted the Re publican nomination JuotherwordsJ he would not liave opposed his brother member of tlie Alliance; thereft re 41 e Alliance is under obligttions to hirr This is hot the fml time Dockery Has! n ale this assertionTa'ad in a quiet way he is endeavoring to secure the farmer vote through his connection with (the Al iance. We presume we! are breath ing no faith f we have hesird i from two or three sources, reliable ones too,) in Siting that a member of the PetJ Dee AlljaHce of which Dockery is' a memberVwas recently arraigned before his AlhariSfion tne charge of attemp ting to prostihrt the! order for politf- cal purposes, the spectic charge being. that he was trvfof? to aid Dockery thromrh Ya AllimnJ- On this oe'en." sion Dockery made thkstatement that ne won a not. hiirn nnnncja Aieianaer. htli di1nimarf nnv lntanfiAll flr mimnSB of try ing tojf urther his own pohUcaHni" t 'rests by reason of his connection with it, If Colonel Dockery was sin-L ceTe in his statement he would not take I advantage of every occasion to make the reference to Capt. Alexander which is attributed to nun, Anybody can see j that his nornose is to make the imnrps- sion that,Alexander being a member of -the Alliance, he would not have oppea- ' ed him and thus divided the farmer vote j (how magnanimous!) but Alexander : not being a candidate, it is the duty of flip firrrlPlM i.rt vrfp tiir TVwvlri? Wa. t " "ask,-i8 it honest in Col.. Dockery te ! inns tnuMiiutc me organization in Yio ; lation of its expresseet wishes and its constitution? Does te for a moment I upnastthat the- stnrelv veoriianrv of the land will depart from their I fixed principles, will place in jeopardy the : good government of the State to simp- ; ly further his personal ends? If so, upou what does he base his claims? . lie was not placetV;in nomination by a body of farmers: on the contrary, his nonynauoii was given mm oy a con ventifii comneised of a pmall number of Vhite politicians and a large number" of hegro dupes and "hteelers." Is there anything in the manner of his bring ing out to commend him to the far mers? Is there auythiug in the. man himself which should in ve him special C7 1 claims upon the tillers! of the,S0ilr 1 A Desperate Fight IS PROMISED THE REPUBLICANS OF ALA 4 , BAM A OUTSIDE nELP. "l MoNTGOMERY,,AraM July 2Sil The first guns of the campaign in Alabama were fired here last night. At a meet- ing held in the county court house the t audience was composed almost exclu-1, sively of negroes. Speeches were made 1 by Dr. W. T. Ewing, of Gadsden. Re 1 publican nominee for Governofbf Alabama; Judge VV. B. Mordis,. of Shelby, nominee fer Attorney General, and Robert A. Moseley Jr., of Tallade ga, chairman of the Republican State Executive Committee. : ' T.ie speeches were confined -mostly i to the stereotyj)ed doctrines of Repub- j licanism and Wholesale abuse of the Democratic party. Judge Mardis en-' ' elorsed the reconstruction acts passed r by the Republicans in 1807, and yet h i was one of the seven men- xvlio bolted f and entered a protest against the ac- i tion of the convention at the tinie. Dr. Ewing, candidate for Governor, is said to be worth $100,000. He1 sa) s ! he will spend his money' freely to con- test the Governor's seat if he is count- f eel out by the "Bourbon black belt i Democracy." He says he wrote Gov. Seay a letter inviting him toa joint ."!-' canvaas, which invitation was not ac cepted. Moseley predicts that Jeffer- sen ceiunty, of which Birmingham is the county seat, will go Republican ; and that there will be over forty Re- publicans and Independents in the next Legislature. He says he has letters ij ; from Governor Foraker and Mr. Me- Ij Kinley, of Ohio, promising to come to : Alab inain the fall and make some r campaign speeches. As a matter of " 1 fact, the Republicans do not hope to j L1 elect a siugletate officer, but they are falling in line for the Presidential con- ' test: t i ; It is Well to Bemember. That slander, like mud, dries and falls off. . " ; . That he whogathers Iroses must not . fear thorns. : That to wait and be patient soothes many a pang. , 1 That all are not princes that ride with the emperor. That correction is gooel-when admin istered i ft seasoiu That it takes a good deal of graceJv be able to bear praise. 1 That you will never have a friend if you must have one without failiugs. " That to have what we wantls richei. but to be able to do without is power.! That there is no limit to the age at which a man may make a fool of himself, - 1 That the roses of pleasure Seldom last long enough to adorn the brow of I those who pi nek them, f That a man wno cannot mm a nis own business is not to be trusted with the lu3.:acs of cthcis. si '.S'ti: r.U'-'l ' -"'i'""" 1 ' I.: Li' t t ir Iwiw ' line uf t IMet a c ,:!'? ' Fi ' -i' L' -" 3ti.3;iu , I . S ; - ' 1 i :' . u. .-.. i -).:. -: V'-;!' I , " t . I -I ' 1 . - , " r 1 - - - -f 4