'.4 t - iCarolina w atchmaiv L O (D A L i'l.-V ' ' ' ' , iTHURSIhVY, lUGUST 2, 1888. County Democratic Ticket. y0B HOrSE OF IEPUESEXTATIVES, J. S. McCl BBINS, Sr. FOR SI IERIFE, " ( C C. J RIDER. , KOR , REG 1ST SB OF DEEDS, " II. N. WOODSON. 1 : V FOR ' TRI A8URER, J. S. McCI&BiXS, Jr. ' , FOR SURVEYOR, a B. C. ARE FOR CORONER, D. A.'.ATWELL. r 1 i! V pit watcrmillon, 1 oney, bvy is the time to get cheap dry goods. Ftlr & splendid fit, gentlemen should go to Kelly, the tailor. CJncord must have a grudge against MisUury, they do itfcvery time. C6 to I. Blumcnthil & Bro. for good and cheap goods. Bills building. We Jicar of copious- showers to the We4 of us, DM weu i . ,i pn't get them here. Cnteloape.ion th market in abun (jjace, also the homo-made watermelon. A.! the time for Court approaches, bus- iriei? OR legal row is assuming propor fions. Coi I A. Holt, wi probably succeed Cap ijawter as rai road agent at this The next term of Gourt here will com mence on the 20th hist., Judge Phillips vtt;J" - - 1 prestyiHg. Our street hands hive just finished a Koodjjob on the culveH, corner5rain and St.jjojin's mills wa sold at public au- Hion berc last week, dud was bid in lv MrrJl B- Lanier. 1 :a i - Who can tell how many contracts have been hwHirded for nef buildings in Salis bury lltirins the last tkvo mouths An.' ,immense crdwd greeted Judge Fowllabu other Denijocratic speakers at S;ate.4vilfc on Moudiif Secithc new ad. of iittmann & Lich- tcn.sk fin. Goods arq going; at cost" to make frooai 'for Hill stqek. Coll It V. Lanier hi s so far recovered frfQtn 4 severe attack of rheumatism as to be abte lb walk up stileet. .I)r,hRunpJe Teturhed from Blowing Rock.: last. Friday, ud conducted the service at Iris church 4 n Sunday. Mr. Kelly has removed his tailoring cs- alisnment to. the lolnies block, up aits ver the Southern Express ollice. ;ncricaa fruit evaporator, cith- r for kvJe cheap, or tci rent on shares to ! Enquire at this rtgdasiljle party Mice.! ' r 1 A rjrd in'anbthcr column of thb paper juinoiHiceithc proiessi rial services of Dr. KcharanV-h'itebdad.tol the people of this icnnf-. VaiAVyck k Schult 2 arc offering their bmnier noods ut and below cost. 'and jvanfllackberries. See their ad. in an- other foln ta u. Thejregular northorSi mail train was ight fiorsfate on Mdnliay, owing to tiie Ulinof a bridge acrdss the trade near pxaiidria, Va. ' i ; , , Several of the dwelling houses on the oti; factory grounds h aye been finish daiiil received by the (fompanv and will b tenanted at once. ! Forfiy riiliiutes from HJilisbury to State s- iHe i what we would !call a fast sched- 'fhq forenoon traih on the Western pnsofa this schedule.! ! beiiiir in attendnnrc poa the District Cnfi 'kt 4ere was no seruLce at the Meth cliurch on SundaM V'z ; A ht shower, of -ain last Sunday. '?ni, aniL-auothe'r Mondav morninr. oth tWtker were insi ToUnf an inch in dentSi. s 1 A. yi. Waddell Deinocfatic Elec- tit fill 1.s W... i - A. t i ... . . I I lunt ai larue, win speaK Here m 15th.! Mr. Vttldll U .i fi. peAraiid-it" will U and hear him. " " ' pol.Tiptou is gettiny jquite a reputa- "a &f a I slack rone Irierfrrt-moi : rrh ilniifcgton Star of bo Jh; July 27th ami ntes his performances on the rope uri at Carolina Beach Tef"sratulatoStai; jtc oci the passage, bjj Congress, of the u appronnati o'umiaiu ouiw.s me a un v nsir- t buildings at tl 4c olaces: nt the tme we envy thtt good'luck. UrWgn Visit to Fmioino Ttv'.is i'.. hco factory we hoUeelli that the great. Prevailed, dud were told that ie. . i - - i-ivj running to full capacity VW-Hoalyjustaboui keeping up with Tr1 Heiltg have rc- ietf from a visit tO I Wilmington. r-ftook in the sencampment at riifh...:ii ... and were very jv pleased with the appearance of tha oj.. . ;. . ;, ' i Yhti - 7 '-I'ringsgivesiair prom- ,wynwj ncaiin and "H resort- of Wa era Carol ilia is i by the fact that! the proprietors season hnti l .1.1.. 4 ' I tenL,. v, Vfi i accomp its, while-many. I 'JliUr resyit, lj 2.- i'iHc t u. 1 1 1 in .v 1 : I seareelv Miv- . - jM V i , The tax hooks for the (ow-nof Salisbury "ille PWi'je ojut and are jiowr in the iuus or the .collector wba ' willnoile Sweetly .aud na'y ? thank yon J it y u wtl J call apd settle and yon will peve him the trouble of coming after' ft V ' Capt. Stiles ancl wife of the Go?pc Army are holding gospel meetings in the hall of the V. 31. C. A.cverrnight. The meetings are fairly attended and jthe exercises consist mostly of singing. AVe have not attended theni bnt hear that the singigg is very good. f v It is rumored on th streets that Capt. A. 8. Lewter, our faithful and popular tiepot agent, has been ordered by i rail .1 ... . f rani autnonucs, to uurham. Capt. Lew ter lias been agent jit this place thirteen years. and his removal will be universal ly regretted by the people of Salisbury. Mrs. Buis has a novelty in the shape of 'wwcr, ii is n cross oei ween a rose and a jimson and was bybredized by! Mr. T..! V 1 ' 4 ' m . ' uis uy placing xne poien oi tne rose in the jimson flower, letting it 'go to jsecd and then planting. The bloom lis a cluster of twenty five rose J like flowers and quite fragrant, while the plant is-like the jimson, smell and all. Corner Stone Laying. The corner stone of the cotton factory will be laid this evening at six o'clock. It will be an interesting ceremony, and all are invited to attend. There will bo two bands present and Mr. Theo. F. Kluttz will deliver an ad dress. Thyatira Educational Convention Change of Time. u e are requested to state that the Thyatira Centennial Educational Con vention, advertised last week to be held on the 4th day of August, will be post poned till the Saturday before the. first abbath in September, in conscqueuee of the absence of the pator. Typhoid Fevar. This disease exists in this county and town, to a greater extent than usual. fiiere have been several deaths in the surrounding county,but in no section Iocs it prevail as an epidemic. We also i-j.irof its existent ijn t'io m rjnt.iinoin sections of the SratcHvhei-e indeed, it is sai l to bo more om:no:i than here. Blowing Eock. A letter from Blowing Utock, under date of July 30th, says: I'The weather has been moit and cloudy, but little rain,- There are betv. een three and four hundred people here, and it is possible to be as gay and extravagant as one's means will allow. We mve ncithor fruits nor vegetables here, but live on rice, chickens, beef, &c, very good for $15 a month. ' Sunday-$chool Convention. The annual mceting.of. the Rowan Co. Sunday School Convention will be held itThyatira Church on nextTuesday and Weduesdav. the 7th ami" 8th rf Vuirust On Wednesday at 11 o'clock the annu al meeting of the Rowan county Bible Society will be held at the same nlaco. . 1 where reports of work for the year will be made aud the election of ofiicers for the ensuing year will take place. ; Interest- ng addresses on Sunday school and Bible work will be delivered ou each day of the convention. LIST OF LETTERS. List of letters remaining in post office at Salisbury, X. C, fonthd week ending July 28, 1888. j -' Delia Borden, Maria Bushcll, James Brcdicr, M Ella Brown, Milas Click, Bella Coyer, Hall Chambers, Mr Denson, John A Fink, Henry Giubb, Henry Johnson, Wilson Kestler, Miss Leake, va McKenzie, Allen Powell, Jennie Pool, Joseph Speck, WHIiam Simpson, V. Winctotv Please say advertised when the above etters are called for. A. H. Eoydkn', P.M. A Good Driver. We hear of a citizen of our county who for wonderful driving certainly takes the cake. A Week or so ago he hitched up a mule to a road cart ami went over in David son -county, where he swapped the mule for a bull, an old one, and one that had never had a harness of any sort on him. After trying unsuccessfully to get some one to bring his cart back, our Kowanite concluded to hitch the bull and drive him, which he did successfully, making his home (a distance of 1'J miles) in three hours and fifteen minutes, and twice ex tricating the animal from tlur ruins of a feucc which he had tried to jump, with the cart attached, to have a fight with another- beast of the same kind. Jlissnheinor's Springs. Copal Grove X. C. July 2S, 1SSS. Editor Watchmai: Since writing you last, nothing of special interest has oc curred here. A large number of visitors are coming and going every dav. whilst a considerable number come to stay for a week or two, or longer. It is uotic-i'jle, that a large m.ijGrity of the visitors come from Concord aud Mt. Pleasant, though there are several from alisbnrv. - There is now a Conference being held by thje Lutheran denomination, at Bethal a coniparitivfly new and elegant church withwu one mile-of this place. ,W are told that no i-ain has tillen here for alout seven weeks, consequently the prospect for a corn aud cotton crop, is gloomy indeed, and all thestreamshere are nearly xtried up, with only a little water standing here and there in lakes. The weather is quite warm the mercury uging from 70 in the inominsr to o mil O-J nor rmm at 2 o'clock p. m. and some times hhrher. PI-"!-! V4 he health of the community is good; anH UVU 'Pf writer has someweiit im- - ovea. - Yours trulv, V, V.. Fc -Iev. Rah!l for Concord; "judgment!" ' Quite an uninteresting game of base ball was played at the Smithdeal park last Tuesday between the Concord (so- called) second nine and a second nine composed of tbe kids of Salisbury. This was the third game played by these clnb3, and as usual Concord came out ahead. The game was Called at four o'clock, with the Concord team in the field. Salisbury made one run aud then took the field. When time wasT called 'Go wan drew first blood by hitting Pence in the mouth with the first ball he threw, and after two runs made by the Concords they wer6 retired. The game was pret ty close up to the 5th inning when Con cord scored 11 runs which seemed to de moralize our boys, and they were not able to catch them again. The game lasted two hours and ten minutes, and the score stood 25 to 16 in favor of Concord. II. C. Williams acted as umpire. Of the Salisbury club, Brown distin guished himself by catching two pretty balls in left field and making a home run. Richwine covered himself with glory by kicking against the umpire's decision, and two, whom we will not name, honor ed themscves all over by making a clean score of outs. COUNTY LOCALS. Kanning1. Hurrh for Krider and Woodson. The organ has been placed in Salem church and adds greatly to the music. There will be a wedding near Manning on the 31st of July, if jiothing slips up. The communion service will be held in Salem church the second Sunday in Au gust. There is some talk of starting a high school at Manning. Hope it will 'be a success. The Rowan county Sunday School Convention will meet at Mill Bridge on Aug. 7th. Ther Salem school will be represented with two elegant preachers. We arc needing rain very badly at present, the corn crop is suffering, cot ton is looking vcrv well, the wheat cron s about-all threshed and is a little better han it was last year. The public roads are being worked and got in shape for giving up oa the first Saturday hi August. If they are worked near Salisbury I do not sec how the over seers can swear to his report. Some very bad holes in the road from the ere to town on the Wilksboro and Statesville road. The anniversary meeting of the Wo men and Children Missionary Societies will be held at Salem church on Friday, the 10th of August, at 10 o'clock. Rev. Mr. Probst, the secretary of missions, and other speakers will addres the meet ing. Everybody invited and the ladies are requested to bring their lunch bas kets with them, filled full of nice dinners for guests. Preiidential Ticket, 1824. We are indebted to John Sloop, Esq., an a-'ed eitiz.-n of this countv, for the subjoined Presidential ticket of 1824. It is iuterestitig as showing the names of prominent men of that time in the State. Jackson lot the election at that time, but was triumphantly elect ed in 1S23. John Gi!e, whose name appears as an Elector in the ticket, was a distin guished lawyer who lived and died in this town. The lot now occupied by T. P. Johnson was his home for many years. 1 FOU PRESIDENT, AXDltEW JACKSON. 5- I FOft VICE-PRESIDENT, : " P. P. BARBOUR. candidates for electors '. John M'Dowell. Anderson Mitchell. Wh. J. Alexander. John Giles. ! Paul A. Haralson. - Charles J. Williams. Archibald M'Brydk. James Mebane. Nicholson Washington. T Willis Alston. George B. Outlaw. Richard T. Brownrigg. IDaniel N. Batejian.. Isaac (yROoit. John Owen. At the residence of the ofllciatiiig mag istrate, iu Locke township, by F. M. Tarrh, Esq., Mr. John S. Graham to Miss Lillie Rex, youngest daughter of (ieo. Hex, Esq.. They,,, were 4t tended by a happpy and lively e?rort. 5-Long nnd happy, maty tht ir lives be. ' . , TJT A T3T5TT7"n :-V,.:-.".'.-"High Lifieaso Law.. v Trevtov, X. J., July 31. Tho Court of Errors and appeals has aflirined tlie constitutionality of the local option high license Uvw by n vote of 8 to 7,-. Drownsd at Ka'i Heal Hamilton, X. C., July SO.Capt Banks of the steamer Ranger, whose par ents reside in Hamilton, was drowned . X" If 1 . . ni ag s jieau yesieraay, JSuuaay morning- He called for help, but he was so far from shore that no oue dared to go to ins assistance. Material for Judge Lynch. Mt VEnsojf, Ohio' Jnlv 31 .Last Sat nrday night three masked nun appeared at A I I f i tne uouse or vjnrau Donp, aged 80, a far mer, six miles north of here, and after beat ing the old man into insensibility, secured $o,000 in cash. The robbers have not been captured. Colored Citizens Meet. Pittsburg, July- 28. There was very significant meeting of the colored citizens of the Sixth ward. Allegheny, at the school house on Tuesday night. There was quite a large representation of voters present and although a number of speecjies were made, the candidates of neuner party were indorsed. The meet ing wnl be called together again one k nence. wnen some action which may surprise the natives mav be taken. Rev. Cr. NV. Jenkins, who is oue of tho prime movers in the atfair, says there are 4,000 colored voters in Pittsburg nnd Allengheny and that they mean to have recognition. He would not state which party tbey would support at the polls Why He is for Cleveland. i ixckxeyville, III., July 30. The Democrats of Piuckneyville, 111., held me largest ana most enthusiastic meet ing ever held in this Dlaee last uioht Fifteen hundred people assembled in the court house to hear the Hon. Joseph Hastwell, the present Republican mem ber of the State Board of Equalization, but now a strouir sunnorter nt (Moi-pUnJ and Thurman. He held the larce audi ence for two hours, detailing his reasons iur leaving ine republican rjartv. H said he was a member of the State Rnjird of Equalization uid knew that the rings uuu uiuiiopousis owned tne Kepublican nnrlvnflhn Utntn TJ.'..-.:.i i r v '-"ut, no imiu u Kiowincr .. : i . a- i-ii i i o muuic 10 uieveiana. The Dynamiters Dissappear. Chicago, Julv 28 -Frank Chepak who. with Jnlin and Frank Clebobn. Heronek and Rudolph Sevic.ore charged with con3piracy to blow tin with dyna mite Judges Gary and Grinnell and In spector Bonfield ,have disappeared, and it is supposed they have jumped their bonds and lied the citv. The one. against Chepak, Cleboun aud Heronek were continued by Justice Lyon until to day. The two first named gave bonds in tne sum of five thousand dollars each for thire appearance, but Heronek. hr-innn. able to give bail, was locked un in the couuty jail. The defendants did not put iu au appearance in Justice Lyon's Court this morning, and their bonds were forfeited, but the justice gave their attorneys 48 hours in which to; reinstate them. Shooting at the Moon. INDIANS WHO WERE BADLY FRIGHTENED AT THE MOON. Gainsville, Tex., July 31. A gentle man just in from an extended tour through the territory states that on last Sunday night he was at Anarkarko agency, where several thousand Indians had assembled to draw their government supplies. When the moon beiran to iro J into eclipse the Indians became terribly ... v uiv in.uuiui.iiuii u 1 1 1.1 icjireu that soiine great evil was going to happen In great haste all the warriers were call ed out aud ordered by the chiefs to turn loose their guns on the dark object ob scuring the moon to drive it away. In response to these orders they at once beganto shoot at the moon, keep ing out of eclipse, firing over ",000 shots and exhausting all the ammunition. As the moon began to come out of eclipse they began to shoot vigorously, believing it was due to their efforts, and when the eclipse was over they gave a loud yell of victory and went Dack in tnumpu to their Iredell. Statosville, N. C, July 31. The Democratic County Convention here to-day recommended D. Turner for the bennte; nominated A. Leazar and J. B Holman for the House; T. J. Allen for sheriff; G. C. Turner for Treasurer, and unanimously instructed the candidates for the Legislature to vote for Ransom for the Senate. Statesville, N. C, July 30. Judge Fowle and Msj. Finger addressed a great audience here to-day iu the Farmers' warehouse. Thev were heard with intense interest and both made effective speeches. Judge Fowle is a great favorite in Iredell, and his elo quent effort to-day strengthened his hold on this people. He was in fine condition every way and did his cause and himself full justice. Judge Fowle's Heccption at Taylcrs ville. Judge Fowle spoke at Taylorsville yesterday, and was greeted by a large crowd. Parties who were there when he arrived from Statesville Monday night, say that there was a big torch light procession at the depot to meet him, and he was escorted up town in a carriage dmwn by four tine horses. There were three hundred men in pro cession. Political excitement in Alex ander county is already thoroughly aroused, and some big Democratic ma jorities may be expected from that sec tion in November. v - Plat city in Florida is suffering from yellow fever. All communication be tween it and the outside world i$ cut off, except for the purpose of sending in supplies to the few people who are still there. DIED; Iu this town, on the 30th "nit., Annie E. Torrence, daughter of Mr. M.C,and Mrs. Sallic B. Torrence, mouths and A daj s-v aged " 3 ye.ir?, 9 I 1 11 hi x$ iTI; Kt,. Dy- me 1.00. Sold by Drotou Pl-U.wdmU .fftioa, of th. Kidacya. WELLS, RICHARDSON ACoTproo if ' 1 1 s TORE. 1 I lias JUST RECEIVED Fine and Medium Shoes. V. 200 Sacks and Jn light Cassimero TH E LARGEST LOT OF over brought The above Goods must been cut to close them out immediately, and n. wnni no lui awaits thole who call early. Salisbury, July 12, 1888, Just stijD and read what iiiii, -is : niui! i Amity Hill, X. C, June 1G, '88. Mr. J. A. Boy den Dear Sir : The Machines sold up in this section all gi ve entire satisfaction. Shinii & Deaton, and Morrow, are perfectly theirs. Shi'nn says the .No. 4 ! Ti ' -iA.il.. C3e. - l iespccuuiiy, J. 1 URXEIt UOODMAX. Philip weiis says the McComiiek beatsj aiiv Mower ho ever tried, and he has tried four or five others. Stephen Lino says : The Mcdormick is the best nil' - saw in a ncia. W. F. Murpii certifies to the .1 - ! 7 - . .... .... , rift. N li-.. U. Iilhr t - I .... I my COHST1PATIOH large consignment of 100 Cutaway Suits, and dark Diagonals. to Salisbury. and will be sold. Pr,V Low. ftt J. B. BROWN. -j;. farmers say of the New McCcrmick Steel Mower No. 4, ' Andy Barge satisfied with; beats the Buck- ' r J. P. K. Helig ; Steel Mower on Mower he ever; they are well satisfied with the Mower ;the Dutton Grinder. same.' "or tic II' Wll 1 1 1 I Y P.'H,TH0HPS0N&C0. . . MANUFACTURERS, f - Sash; Doors, Blinds, uk? Scroll Sawing, Wood Turning, AND CASTINGS OF ALL KINDS- Dealer ix- . ; Steam Engines and Boilers, Steam and" t ' : Water Pipe,! ' ; ; rv'; Steam Fittings, ShaAin, Putters, Hangers. -AMO- Machinery-nr all kinds rrpaireJ on SHORT XOTIrt' Mar. 15, '88. t W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE. GENTLEMEN. The only fine calf $3 Seamless Shoe in the world made without tncks or nails. As stylish and durable as those costing $5 or $G, and haying.no tacks or nails to wear the stocking or hurt the feet, makes them as comfortable and wll-fitting as a hand sewed shoe. Buy the best. None , genuine unless stamped on bottom trV. L. Douglass $3 Shoe, warranted." W. L. DOUGLAS $4 SHOE, the original and only hand sewed welt $4 shoe, which, equals custom-made shoes costing from t $G to $9. - - W. L. DOUGLAS $2.50 SHOE is unex celled for heavy wear. - W. U DOUGLAS gSHOE is worn by all Boys, and is the best school shoe in the world. ! " All the above goods are madtg in Con-: gress, Buttop and Lace, and if not sold by your dealer, write YW L. DOUG LA S Boekton, Mass. M. 8. BROWN. Agent, Salisbury. 14:till July 2G. FOR SALE. . One Brick House and lot, on the corner of Fulton and Kerr streets,-about one acre in lot. One Frame House aiid lot on Lee street. Oue Frame House and lot on Main street. Enquire of Mrs.. H. E. and MiB3 Vic toria Johnson at their home corner of Fulton; and Kerr streets.- 40:tf. TII0S. L. KELLY'S FINP TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. A Full and Complete Line of Imported sroods for my Sprini; Trade, constating of French, English and Scotch poods of alt colors. An unsurpassed lineof Trousering. rail of whic h will be made up in the Best and most Fashionable Style. All are cor dially invited tr call and examine my Btock and they will scent once that I KEEP THE BEST IX THE MARKET Terms, Positively Cash. In the Mansion House, last room fronting onlnnia street. . u has tried Several blowers nf his time and this year took a No. 4 McCormick ion trial, and after two jweeks came in and paid (for it and a Dutton-Knlfc" Mower Grinder. ! ". :.! John V. Fisher also took a McCormick No. i4 Steel Mower on trial, and a Dutoii Grinder, at the same time, and after a test of two week?,", jexpressed himself as liighly pleased yitli IxjUi i Mower "and Grimkr. . j o: Tkoutman also got a No. 4 trial, and after a week s use-say and alo JOHN A. B0YDEN, MvCtumicL MoworanJ Puitoa Kn:!eCi n t - 1 .. -! , I .-.- !; - . .. . i 1 - -hi '-.iU-V' t mil ' i' ;. i .i 1 1 A V . i 1 - i Mil -ll' it.: 1-. ' !1 4 r- i