: ' . , - : '"-.fcIet It be Kememtered; Spirit or the Ar, State Organ' of lie. . Frienda o I Temperance. Yd, 1st it rjnfsraSerel tint, in 1831, wh?n the chnnbis no 1 the ?reicher anV jthe g od wom;n-of forth Carolina twere dmng ajl in their power to carryprohibition, the Repub an State executive committee held a - meeting here in the citv of Itnleieh and decided and re3olr-d. to oppose prohi hitmn. and t.i throw the . vote- of the lUnnhHr-in n trKv of the State against ' it; : v - And let it be remembered that j Col. Olirer H. Dckery, as ! soon as the ramnaicrn of that vear opened, took the ' !iield against prohibition and did all he couldrto defeat the preacher, ine Churches and Dravers of the women ; And that defeat jof prohibition that vear. was mninW due to the action of the iLnnhliean riartv with Col. Dock ery as one of itsleaders. And let it be remembered that in 1882, when a Congressman for the 8tAfj-at-l:irrrp was to be chosen, the Liquor Dealers' Association, under the name of the Anti-Prohibition Liberal Party, held a convention in the city of Raleigh and nominated Col. C sH. Dockery, and that, he accepter tne nomination of the said Liquor J)ealers, Association. And don't let it be - for gotten that one week later, the Repubh cans met in' convention here, in the same hall, and endorser? the noraina itions made by the liquor partythat party which had the year before made sport of preacher, calling them crazy fanatics. ' "" ,-. . .And then let it be renumbered that Col. Dockery stumped the State again in 1882, telling the people as he went, that prohibition would take away the people's liberties and charging that the Democratic party was the Prohibition nartv. And then let itbe rremembered that the Col. Oliver H. Dockery who is now a candidate for, Governor, and who is so anxious to canvass with Brother Walker, the Third party candidate for Governor, because he hopes to make a cat's paw of him and his party to pull the gubernatorial chestnut out of the fire; is the same Col Dockerv who ha- F-ted prohibition so bad in 1881 that he would not divide time with a prohibi tion speaker at Concord. And finally, let it be remembered, that, if the Democratic ticket, which -lias seven prohibitionists on it, is not elected, then Col Dockery, the wheel-horse of the Liquor Dealers'; As sociation, will sit in the gubernatorial chair for the next four years, with a ' full cabinet of aoties in the State offices Hitting around him. And truly may he then exclaim: "I've conquered at last.? Prohibitionists, if you would save your cause in North Carolina, vote for that t&ket which stands the best chance to beat the old wheel-hoase of Snti-prohibitioii. The Diet of Different Peoples. The vagariei of the appetite are far beyond the explanatory science of phy siology. What we call tolerance in medicine is in itself a mystery. .We capnot tell why thjs thing agreed nrith this individual and at the same time utterly destroys his brother, .The trite old saying that one man's meat is an other man's poison must be accepted empirically. Still less can we account lor the yariations of taste. Why one man's gustatory nerve should respond agreeably to salt, while another's repels it with violence, we. can not understand. Doubtless, education has must to - do with it, and yet the maimer in which e lucation operates continues a mystery. The preference f the Chinese for food that seems to our appetites absolutely disgusting is well known. In Canton, rats sell tor fifty cents a dozen, and dogs hind quarters command a higher iprice than lamb or mutton. Fancy, !.o)inW Kin-la HAitj .tk COA i. .-JI .ta viiu IIWW) uu u iiuuiiu; IfTLi. i i ' f i - jinisis wnat a manuann reveis in. The f rench hove beguiled us into eat ingllrogs' leg, which were once ta lx)edin.1thiaf country, and we hive eyejn come to esteem diseased goose liver in the form of pate, defoie gras. Thi writer has met Braziilians who rave4 over boa constrictor steaks, and counl monkeys and parrots a very good meal. In - the .West Indies, baked snake1; is 'a common dish, and the rep tiles abound, and it is a good way of geiung rm or tnem.. ttut when it comes to frying . palm worms in fat, one would think the stomach would rebel. It is not so, however, though) by a strange Jn cojisisteucy, stewed rab bit k looked upon with disgust., 1 On the pacific coast the Digger Indians eat dried locusts, and in the Argentine rlepublic skunk flesh is a dainty. Our own favorite bivalve, the oyster, is very disgusting to a, Turk, while the devil fish, eaten m Corsica, is equally so to us. We cannot - understand, either, how the inhabitants oi the West In dies and the Pacific coast jan eat liz- nrus vgg wun a reiisn; still less, how the eggs of the turtle and alligator can Ueoome a favorite article of diet. The Urazillians eat ants, probablv to trt rid of them, for they - literally "infest the Country, and are of an pnnrmnna It is easy to )ick up a handful of ants nimost anywhere, though the wary do not go about it in this way, as the pes cro1? insects, bite in a most vicious manner. A curry of ants' eggs is a reat delicacy in Siam, and the Cingalese eat the bees whose honey they have stolen. The Chinese, who seem to bare stomachs like the ostrich eat the chrysalis of the silkworm after unwinding the cocoon, f Spiders are used in New Caledonia as a Vind nf dessert, while caterpillers are also rel ished ,by the African tinshmen. PhiK London omnibnses are to be llunw justed with electricity, the battery to be unaT xneeat ot tac driver, x ASpecimsa'CJampaisn Lie." ; Albany Argu.ir 1?' 'f ' The Republican firing - m ichirieV is IU TUII worcin : oruert!iiJu u.nn srinding out it unsavory" grist for the w - . . m- u , . a m ., jm n - i my Harrison tiapers. -A i New i ork nis- putt li in the tTroy Telegram yesterday fiiornini? is a lair samme oi,-iue- uurr- liable and of ten totally" false stuff sent dut Under tb-rliead o, ruarrison is Now the Favorite" the Troy organ purports to find comfort in the betting rates offered by New , Yyk sporting men on the result of the presidential contest,'airdlreteniU to r-quote, Jam?s Kelly, the bookmaker' on races, etc., saving: "Betting changes sometimes. To-day, I believe, they are all laying six to five the other way" or in favor of Harrison. It miy be remembered fn this connection that this same Mr, Kelly was a strong backer of and loser on Blaine four years ago, but that does not justify quoting him as making a statement at ascertain time -at the bt.. James Hotel in New York, when at the same moment he was president as a registered guest at the Clarendon Ho tel, Saratoga But such a discrepancy in fact will notdisturb the unconscion able liar whoji.arei siprojniinently in Republicair'fiews columns. Prof. Mitchell's Monument In a short time an appropriate mon ument will completed to the nemory of him who perished in the highest act of professional duty and State pride. On the 27th. of June, 1837, Elisha Mitchell lost his life in the effort to de termine the highest point on the con tinent of North America east of the Mississipi river. The fame was to be won for North Carolina; the profes sional honor by him who was to deter mine the problem.' lhe fame and the Lhonors were won, but at the sacrifice of the life of the scientist and patriot. ine state lias iorgotten to nonor Prof." Mitchell; The duty is to be done by his family. ; All that was ever done other than by his family, was done by the citizens of Buncombe, and of Ash yille. The recovered remains were first inferred here; subsequently, with im posing ceremonial, they were transfer red to the top of the summit which now bears the name of Mitchell and there laid to rest, the rude grave surmounted by a cairn of rough rocks, undisturbed until now. - At the proper time we will reproduce the ceremonials of that solemn occa sion. Asheville Citizen. A Jew Convict. M. T. Saunders, Deputy Sheriff.of Csitawba, brought five convicts to the penitentiary, one of whom -was a Jew named L. Orion, who Wits convicted in Catawba of obtaining money under false pretences. He was pretending to represent a house in Wil mington and was selling dress patterns. By some of his trickery he caused some one to suspect that he was a fraud, and the house he claimed to represent was written to, when it was learned that he was entirely unauthorized by them. He was forthwith nabbed, and on trial was convicted and sentenced to the peni tentiary. He is the second Jew wliohas ever been in the penitentiary n this State. Raleinh Observer. Of course there are bad people amonsr tne Jews as well as other classes.J Col. Dockery canvassed a portion of the State in 1881 against prohibition; and in 1882 he was the Liquor Dealers' Association candidate for Congres j for the Statelit la -ge, and i n 1 884 he support ed Tyre York for. Governor, who was also an auti-prohibitiouist. Now how ever, we see trom his Setter to .Indcm Fowleand Mr. Spier Whitaker, that he is very anxious of having thechance of traveling over the State with broth er Walker, the Prohibition candidate for Governor, indeed, he can't be happy unless brother Walker is along. The Colonel took the whiskey side to zet in office. Now', we suppose, he would like to ticket both sidesa little San- fo d Express. Chinese Cash. A large number are enffacred in moulding, casting and finishing the "cash" used as coin 1 all over China Hex ican dollars and Sycee silver lieing used in large transactions. The cash are made from an alloy of copper and zmc, nearly the same as thp wpII kirawn Muntz metal; and it take? about 1,000 of them to- , answer hs change for a dollar, so minnte and low do prices run in this country, of which I wiironly give one instance. ' The fare for crossing the ferry on the Peiho was only two cash or one-fifth of .a cent , - , . ' The grand jury of the city and coun ty of San Francisco, California, have been making a tour of inspection of the sanitary -condition of the city. They report the-criminal class control ling the city that they are organized for this purpose, and have -aiders and abettors among the influential citizens, on whom the rascals have Epulis." The Chinese quarters of t he city is simpiy norrihle, and the wonder is how human baings can live in such filth and wickedness. Don't Experiment.- You cannot afford to waste time in cxper imentmir when vonr Iun., . ; .1. ' Consumption always seems, at fir, onfv a r-Mifc nnj ieaier to impose King a ew Discovery for Consumption Coush a Colds, but be sure you ff"t t he genuine. Because he can make more profit be may tell you be has somcthlnfj jist as Soo.1. or just the same. Don't Ik deceived but lasm upon pettiri;; Dr. King's New SrfftKfQbri8 Sarantced toire re- i i T!? Lun- and a,r Sections 1VUI bottle frw at KlftttVs Priiv Stort nlt'n officc PSo trust- M NORTH-CAEOLIN A DEMOCBACY. Platforai cf Party Adopted in State i C Convention c Raleigh, y . May, 1883: " a?ain congnituiate thepeople of North Carolina on the eontinued' enjoy ment of peace, good goverumentund general prosperitv under Democratic ad ministration of the -affair. of the, State which has now been unbroken for so manr years: upon the just and impartial enforcement of the law : upon the increas ing effieiencv of our common school sys tem, and in progress.. made m popular education : upon the improvement and enterprise mauilestel in all parts of the State. We again challenge n compari son between this state of things and the outrages, crimes and scandals which at nrll Urmihlicnn ascendancy in our borderfe We pledge ourselves to exert in the future as in the past our best ef forts to promote the best interest of the people of all sections of the State. ' Af firming our ! adherence- to -Democratic principles as heretofore enunciated iu t he platforms of the party, it is hereby Kesolved, That no government has the right to burden its people with taxes be youd the amount required to pay its necessary expenses and ' gradually extin guish itpublic debt; and that whenever the revenues, however derived, exceed this amount, they should be reduced, so as to avoid a surplus in the treasury, That any system of taxation which ne cessitates the payment of a premium of $270 by the government on each $1,000 of its bonds, taken up with , the - millions mat would oinerwisciieiuieiu hmhuiw, and paid to bondholders who purchased in many instauces, at less than par, ia undemocratic, oppressive and iniquitous and should be reformed. The course of our Democratic Representatives in Con gress, in their efforts to give relief to the people from burdensome internal revenue and tariff taxation, meets with the ap proval of the Democratic party of "this State and we 'respectfully recommend that if thev find it impossible to give to our people all the relief demanded, they support anv just and practical measure present eel m congress mat win anora a partial relief from such existing burden. Resolved, That while the tletaus ot tne methods by which the constitutional revenue tariff" shall be gradually reached are subjects which the representatives of our people at the national capital must be trusted to adjust, we thinR tne customs duties should be levied for the production of public revenue, and the discrimination in their adjustment should be such as will place the highest rates on luxuries and the lowest on the necessaries of life, distribute as cquallv as possible the unavoidable, burdens ot taxation, and confer the greatest good on the greatest number. Resolved, That we, as heretofore, fa vor, and will never cease to demand, the unconditional abolition of the whole internal revenue system, as a war tax, not to be justified iu times ol peace ; as a grievous . burden to our people and a source of annoyance iu its practical operations. We call the attention of the people of the State to the hyproci itical pretensions of the Republican- party in their platforms that they are in favor of the repeal of this onerous system --of taxation, enacted by their party, while the Republicans in Congress are tax ing their energies to obstruct all legisla tion inaugurated by the representatives of the Democratic party to relieve the people of al 1 or a pa rt of t his od ions sy st em .H Resolved, I hat the course of the Dem ocratic party, in furtherance of popular education, is a sufficient guaranty that we favor the education of the people, and we will promote and improve theprcsent educational advantages so far as it can be done without burdening the people by excessive taxation. Resolved, That to 'meet an existing evil, wo will accept, for educational pur poses, from the federal Government a pro rata share of the surplus in its treas ury; Provided, that it be disbursed through State agents and the bill for the distribution be free from objectionable Resolved, That the United States be ing one government and ours i national party, we denounce the efforts of the Republicans to force sectional issues in Congress and elsewhere, and to promote disseusion and ill-will between the peo ple of the -different sections of our com uiorf country. Resolved, That it is due to the people of our eastern counties, who have so cheerfully borne their share of our com mon burdens, that the present or some equally effective system of cjttnty govern ment shall be maintained. Resolved, That the Democratic party is opposed to auy further extension of the "No-fence" law, unless sui-h exten sion shall have first been authorized by a majority of the qualified voters within' the territory to be affected thereby. Resolved, that the" Democratic party has ever been the party of the working man, and has never fostered monopolies, uor have "trusts" or "co::ib:natioss" or "pools" ever grown up under lawsenact en by it. The contest in this Country being between aggregated capital, seek ing to crush out all competition, and the individual laborer, the Democratic party is, as it has ever been, agiinst the mo nopolist and in favor of a just .distribu tion of capital, and demands the en actment of laws that will bear equally upon all. Resolved, That as all taxation bears most heavily upon the laborer, it is the duty ei the legislator, as a direct benefit to the workingman, to keep theexpenses of our public institutions at the lowest limit consistent with wise and efficient management.: The Democratic party opposes any competition between free and convict labor, but it insists that con victs shall not remain idle at the expense of honest labor. - Resolved, That ours being an agricul tural State, it is our duty as well as our pleasure to promote any and all: legisla tion that is best calculated to advance the interests of agriculture; and that in so doing we will most effectually ad vance the interests of mechanics manu facturers and laborers. j Resolved, .That the Democracy of North Carolina, cordially approve the administration, of Hon. Alfred M. Scales, as hones!, patriotic and conservative. Resolved, That the 'ability, wisdom, honesty, patriotism, independence, faith- fuluess to dutv, and manlv courage of President Cleveland have won the ad miration of all good men ; and the inter ests of the'jenuntry demand his re-nomi nation and bis re-election. Bucklea's Arnica Salve. Tue Brst salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises. Sore?, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tette. Chapped Hancrs, Chilblains Oorne, and all hkm Eruption?, niirl positive ly cures Piles, or no oav required. It is jrnaranteed ta uivc perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 2." cents pes box. For Sale by Klattz & Co. 3:ly.' y . V TTTR P A PTT? mar bo f ouiwt en file t Geo. f iiirikD. rrkowell & Co n N.-wipaBcr AflvertlKlns BurwwMH) Sprnoe StA wher advertising t-otrucia ami' lw tun-lv ls It N XEY YOUK.. Democratic Indiana. Eliriira Gazette , Ex-Governor Porter of Ind i ina has staggered the Republicans of his State by refusing to be -their candidateJfor Governor.! 'They had; coirhtedloiifhis cahdidacjr to strengthen Harrisson.i It is not believed that Harrison cup -carry Indiana withou Porter, on the State ticket J H ' ? ' ' ' 4 Sound Legal Opinion. E. Rninbridge .Mundav Esq., Atty,.;lay C., Tex. say: "Jin Count; re neo res tilts. My brother also was very low w itp Man rial Fever and Jaundice, but was timely use of this medicine. Am Electiic: Hitters saved his hie." ured ly satisfied Mr. D I. WiU'oxson, of Horse Calve, Kr.. adds a like testimone?, ning: 1 e lull tivelv helieves he would, have di ed, had it not been for Eh-ciric Bitters Tlvispn-at remedy will ward off, jns well as cure ail Malarul Diseases, and for all Ividnev, Liver and Stomach Disorders stands uncounted. Price .10c. aml $1. at T. FJ Kluttz &: Co They have a ttboyin slide at Bridge port, Connecticut, M'hich lartds the riders in the sea. It is an adjunct of the bathing establishment at spa side Park. The tower from which the slide starts, rises '62 feet nbovjp high tide; and the riders laud into th wat er 100 feet from the starting point. l . - We Tsll Yon Plainly f i- lliatSimmon's Liver Regulator will jrid you of I)yspej)sia, Hi-adaclie. Constipation and HilliouAiiess. It will break up chills and fever. anl prevent their return, and is n complete antidote for all malarial poison yet entirely fre.- from quinine or ci(nifcl. Trv it, and vu will be astonished fat the I nood results of the genuine Simmons Liver Itcgulator, prepared by J. II. ZeiliuS: Co. Serious charges are made apiirs! Mr. Levi P. Morton, Republican VicefPres idential candidate, by some of his re: cently discharged employees. Tljey ac cuse him of having discharged thsera to put a number of laborers, imported bv him under contract, in their place?. The inipo.tation of. foreign laborers under contmct is a violation of a law of Congress. Almost everybody wants a ''Spring Tonic.'' Here is a simple testimonial, which siiows how . li. H. is regarded. It will knock your mala ria out and re.storc your appetite: Splendid fr a Spring Ton's. Arlington', (ia., June 30, J887. I suffered with malarial blood poison tnorc or less all the time, and the only medicine that lone me any good is li. 13. 15. It is undoubted ly the best blood medicine made, and for ihU malarial country should be used by evptj" one iu the spring ot the year, and is good ii sum mer, fall and wiuter as a tonic and blood ijjuritier. - t- Gives Better Satisfaction. f Cadiz, Ky.. July fi, 1837. le.',f!. send me one box Blood Balm (hitarrl. .Siiuif try return mail, as one of my customers is takiug 'ii. & B. for catarrh and wants a jiox o. the tnutr. B. B. B. gives better satisSaction than any I ever sold. I have sold lo dd.en in the past 10 weeks, luid it gives good satiju tiou If I don't remit alL right i'or snuit' write bu'. . Yours, V. II. Biia.oox. It Removed the Pimples, j Rorxo Moi mtaix. Tenn., March 20, 887. ; A lady friend of mine has for several year? been troubled with bumps and pimples her face and neck, for which she used varictfs cos metics iu order tu remove them and bfeautity and improve her complexity: but these local applications were only temporary and lft her skin in A worse cnniilion. I recommended an internal preparation- known as Botonic Blood J?alm which havi been using and selling about two years: sli used three bottles anil nearly all pimple? have disappeared, her skin is soft and smooth, and her general health mneh improved. fic ex presses lit-rself much gratified, aud can ccom mepd it to all who are thn? affected. M:ts. 8. M. WnJsftx. A, E30K OF WONDERS. FREE. i All ivho dslre full lufoimuton about tlif cause ant eure Of lUowl Poisons, ttcrolula and Scrofulous swelliDus, fleers. Sores, KiicumaUsni, Ridnej Coinplal lis. Catarili, eic, can K'cur- by xn:ijl."free. a copy or our .TS-pae IllustratMt Hook vt Wailers. tllU'd'wii.ti the most wondeiful and htartliDif proot ever bt fore known. Address. Blood Hai.u Co., Atlanta, Ga. ELY'S CREAM BALI Cleanses the Nasa DMNi Passages, Allays Pain andlnflamma-! t ion. Heals the S or ofusstores. the Senssscf Taste and Smell. RE.HAY-FEVER TRY THE CU CATARRH is a disease of the mucous membrane, generally originating in the nasalr pas sages and maintaining its stronghold 111 the head. From this point it sendsforth a poisonous virus into the stomachs and thraugli the digestive organs, corrupting ihe blood ai)d producing other trouble some and dangerous symptoms. j A pirticlc is appliel into eacli nostril, p.nd la agreeable. Trice r cents at rirusts; bjf mall registered,' 80 cents. ELY BROS., 5i Warren Street, New York. ISsiy. 9S SO Wonders exist in wu- sands of forms, but are surpassed by Ihe marvels of invcjitinn. Those; who are in need of profitable work that c4'n be don4? while. living at home should at j'ouee send their Jiddrtiw to Ilallett & Co., Port land, Mc.,and receive free full iufondation how either sex. of all ages, can earn!' from $3 ini $l" jcr day and upwards wherever thev live, iou are started iree. , Capital not required. Some have made over $50 in aaiugle day at this work. All succeed Ill AP7TZ2D, Traveling and Local if Salesmen for Agricultural and Ma chinery specialties to sell to the trade. State age, reference, amount expected for salary and expenses. , Address, I M ASSAY & Co , Montezqma, Cta. mrnmmk cs" - y I-! - i - fi .-19 1- - I- 't 3m Steam, Ai r and Vacuum Pumps, Vertical and Horiz5r : . tal of every variety and capacity. ; ; ' VERTICAL PIST K. '-' PARKER'S CIMCSF? TONIC without do'y. A raru uitxiiomal eoii)uunii that cures when aJlelse faiU. Hax cured the worst cane of Cough, Wtrak Lunira, Ahthn:a, ndit.'sli.in. Inward l'ainn. Exhaustion. Invaluahle for liCfiiniatisKi, female WtakneKs, and all pains ar.d d: ' oruti'8 ft the Stomach and HowcU. 60c at Drutiu. HIMDEROORSS. Tho wntosl, surprt and bert cm for Corns, Cuniop.8, c. Eto all pain. LiL-wt-ea comfort to the trot. Never foil to cure. Id euata ot Druggets. Hiswx & Cq, K. V. Of Interest to Ladies. Wo will send a FREE SAMPLE of crar ronderfcl PT.ttcitie for fmal- complaint 4o any lBd" who winliei to teatita efficacy before purchnicp. t?Pttft rtamp f"V postage. BaXEB fsEMEDY tO., Bos 104, Euilslo. if . Y. G:ly. PATENTS Caveats, Trade Marks and Copyrights obtained, nnd all otln j uusltitt-!: in ilie U.S. Patent )!liw .tticndoti to for Moderate Fet f. uurotiice I :s opposite tlie I . s. I'utent Ofiiee, and ve can obtain l'aiente iu less time thuu lliofcere aotefnim wasliii'icn. Sfnd Model ordraulnjr. VPKdvlse a? topaient ibllll.v free oteliaige; .-.nd make Ao charge ice )bUiin Patent. - We refer her to the Postmaster, tup Stipt.of lonev order l lv . and to oflirialhof (lie Pat nt oftlce. Kot -circular. :dvke. teims niid refer-:nee- to aci ual clienir in ycut owr Stpteor eouuty ritito C.A.SNOW ACO. ppositt Patent oniee, Wt-bblngti.t li.C. Oct. 21V-.5. tl Me of Town Property. By virtue of an execution isuel from he Superior Court of Iredell cotinty n the case of .1. M. Harvard, Admr. &c, igainst V. li. Kennedy, Guardian of A j. Young, &.c, I. will sell for cash at the Jourt House door in Salisbury, on Mon lay, the Oth day of Att-ru.-t, 1888, at puhiie luetion all the right, title and interest of A. L. Ywung in and to that lot in Salis bury, on Inuis street, adjoining the lots f T. F. Kluttz and others, heing that ;iart of the house and lot alloted to A. L. Voting as ;v homestead and now occupied y him. Thisale i to be made to satis fy a debt contracted prior to lbGS.to wit: 18C0, C. C. KKIDER, Sheriff, Julv 3d, 18S8. of Kowan county. "37: it. The nconle of Salisburv and Vicinitv .u c laboring under the mistake that we keep only Second Hand (Jlothinjr. On the contrary we keep a full line of BRAN NEW CLOTHING, For Men and Youth, . EQUAL TO CUSTOM WORK. In the Buia Building. Respectfully, I. BLniE.Yrll.U & LRil. ity of ITorth Carolina. Chapel Hill, N. 0, The next session begins Aug, 30. Tui tion reduced to i?o0 a half year. Poor students may give notes. Faculty of fif teen teachers. Three full courses of .stiic-y leading to degress. Three short courses for the training of business men, teacher, physicians, and pharmacists. Law schowl lullv equipped. Write for catalogue to Hon. KEMP P. BATTLE. President. Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as Administrator upon the estate of J. J. Lowder, deceas ed, all persons having claims against said estate are hereby noticed to present them to nie for payment on or be lore the 23d day of June, ISS'J, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. GEOiiGE T: TIIOMASON. Lee S. Ovkuman, Administrator. - Attorney. June 2?d, lbSS. " D.R.JULIAN & CO.:, DEALERS IX General Merchandise, .Salisbury, N. C. COIvIE AND SSS the SHOW At DAVE JULIANS NEW He has a full and compute line of ENTIRELY which he is offering ciieapeti thax f.vkr. lie is on Fisher Street, near the Stand Pipe, J5Twhere his rents and other expenses are so low that he is sellinir one dollar's worth of Good's for 90 cts. SHe has the Us and cheapest line of Fertilizers in the county, and decidedly the best line of peo visions in the market. Be sure to sue him lefore you buy. f-IIe wants to buy all the he can get, April 19, 9 88. G:3ra - 1 - 1 ; . STORE! Eegular Horizontal Piston. The most simple, dpvable and effective.' Pump in the market forIine,s, Quarries Refineries, Breweries, Factories Artesiaii wells, Fire duty and. general manufacturing purposes. Jgjf'Send for Catalogue. Tiie A. S. CAMERON STEAM PUMP WORKS, Foot ok East 23ki Stmekt, New Your pi::moht.aih-libi eom Richmond & Danville Railroad. IN EFFECT JUNE 21, i033. Tuains Run By 7o SOUTHBOUND -0 Lv. New iork 2 15 " PiltKlelplila " 2it " HaltiiLorei st 47 4 Washington u m ' (Mi iriottesviile 3 40 " I.yneUbcrg 5 so Ar. D tnviile s 30 i.v. i.iL-liaiond 1 3 ic l- Burkesvllie 6 n " K-e.Vs.vH5e 5 57 . l)rak- s Branrb 6 13 ' l inille ; t so Ar. (ireeusboio ; 70 sr l.v. (iolds! 010 2 40 " li 1 lgh s 00 " IHirham . cm " Oliapel Hill 15 20 Hlllbboro 6 37 Ar. Gre iiboro - s 35 I.V. S.ilt'Ul I t7 no ii eensborcr ( n 16 Higu Point 12 :t7 Ar. Salisbury ii 01 4 statebvllle 1 51 ' Ahviite 7 i " Hot Spiinjs : 9 15 I.v. Salisbuiy . l? 4 Ar. Conoi r1 ' l 10 " CUarlutte j 1 f.: " SiiarUmbnrjr 4 4t 41 ;ieenvilte 1 1 20 " AlUfitt 11 00 NORTHBOUND j- Meridiax Time daily NO. 2. 1 4 30 P M 0 57 9 fi ll 00 3 00 5 10 7 45 2 ao 4 25 5 05 5 20 8 O r. A M 1 4J ti 10 1 41 3 12 T7 25 4 00 7 no 6 20 9 SO to )6 11 IS 12 li 4 31 5 10 P M A M A M V M I : irs3 ' 12 01 ; is 40 1 3 37 4 4S j J0 DAILY, A M P M NO. 53. l.v. All :ua Ar. (;i(o:r-. ille Sp.ut.inijuj; 44 (.'Handle 44 coti-ord 44 Sui,buiy I.v. lioi sprfujs " Aslnvllle " statevliJc Ar. s nisliut v Lv. SaMsl-iiry Ar. Ilijri! i'uint 44 (Jreei. boio " s.iu-m Lv. (Jiecnsboro Ar. I!ills!.oio 44 cnapel mil 44 D-.miain " KalelsU 4 MtMsOoro Lv. fireentboro Ar. Danville " Dra!;t-'s Branch " Kcysville " Burkesviile " 11 Umond 44 Lynchburg 44 harloUrsville 44 Wtishiton '4 il.iMlieore " I'lili:idel; hla 4 Xtw Yoik "ii 00 I p m 7 10 A M- 1 06 A M j 1 51 P M 'i 13 44 ,2 38 ' 4 50 li 44 5 30 5 4:i ; 44 fi SO . " C i? I 44 IT (15 ' SMf M I 11 (I A M 9 S5 44 j 1 J3 P M 3 A M 5 M 4 :t7 ! fi 3i ' 6 27 44 7 in 7 X8 44 s b5 ' s oil 44 ,8 40 " 1L40 44 t2 31 A M 9 SO '- lo 50 P M 11 55 4- 3 10 " 1 15 P M : t3 SO 14 35 ' 4 30 A M. 1 55 44 I fi 63 4 1 0 44 til 43 5 o5 A M S 50 P M 9 47' AM lo ?o P M 12 25 P M l 23 A M 12 40 ' 1 4-, 44 1 S5 44 2 : 6 ' 2 : 0 44 ; s 00 12 40 P 12 r5 " 2 5 5 4 4 3 0 5 44 . 7 i'.5 " : 7 00 44 8 SK 44 8 0 44 3 00 A M 10 47 44 6 0 44 i 120 P M Daily. t Daily', except Sunday. No. 5o r. i d " 1 eonnoit flniiv oiwnf .. . VKej-KVilieiori M.ksvlile Oxfovd: ' .u. t-ono'.'ois ai Kiciiwon j w iih c. & O. for Old Point and Norfolk. . No. oi and o.T connects at iriclvmond dally excent Sunday for West Point and Uaitjftnore. No. W from 1 west Point Ins daily connection at Picli:r.oDa with No. 50 for the South. SLEEPING-CAR SERVICE. On train no 50 and 51. Pullman Buffet sleeper Montgomery and New York, Danvilleund Augusta i:alel!zh and Morrlstown.-'Tenn Onuain.-.r2an(53, Pulliaau Kuffet Sleerer te"- iween w ashlngton nisi Ntw-Orleans, via Montgrm-1 eiy; and beiM i n Waslilnsioii ;mrt Augusta. Klch- IH.M..1 .inn wn t-ubuoiq. anu ruiiman Pallor ( ars i betwot n Salisftury aiKtKnoxvillf r ' 'Th mil li .l-At. . Ti . . ... . . . . 1 '"""''".M-i5ua3iiBai i nncipte stations, to i all I'Olms. . For rides and Information, apply to any agent ot j the Company, or to - "Sol. Haas, Traffic Manaaer. J. S. Potts, Dir. ?af. Agt. Richmond, Va. W. A. Turk, Div. Pass. Ag't, Raleigh, X. Jas. L. Taylor, Gen. Pas. Agt. . J. HOLMES Is now Receiving His Fall and Winter Stock Of GOODS, Direct from tie Mm Markets, And will be pleased to see his customers be lore purchasing elscwlurc. : -) 4!'i Groceries, And all other kinds of floods kept in a gen eral stock, will he sold at prices to suit the times. CALL AMD EXAMINE MY STOCK. Bob White and Crystal Roller Mill Flour of the best quality. rnTi rz rs r . csw so " JUST RECEIVED OXB'-TIUXDIIED BAR BELS OF FRESH VIRGINIA, LIME FOR SALE. " ' j Eg? I expect nil persons who have piren me Mortgages ou their crops to bring me their cot ton when it is ready for jule. J. HOLMES. 40:t( . VERTICAL FLlKEf BiciiMiina aiOaivilleiiil W. N. C. Division j Passenger Train Sch Effective May 13th, 1 w - Train Xo. S2. West Houna. Train Ko. ij. r.ani nana, ' Lv 9 00 4 30 57 U 11 00 5 05 8 3 a. m. p. in. Boston 1030 P. to 7, New York Pliiladeiihia iKiunioie Wasiiinion l.j nclitiUiv lanvliie v 35 nboa ifc3s,tt i i(t i . a. ei. t ioj 2 30 a. ni. KJcliiuirtnU I'eldsvUie Oolbsboixr" Durham t 10 p. m. 1 45 a. m. 3 12 6 65 V 430 p. S 12 a. m. Grqensboro H 25 a iu. SuUuury Ar 12 12 noon simesviiie 12 S6 n. m ('-itnul):, 12 55 Newt nn 1 14 1 4 2 10 2 i'O 2 49 873 S2T 4 00 4 31 Lv. 4 40 AT. 6 09 5 34 6 10 Hickory Connelij S. riEts Morgamoii Oleii Alpir.a Marlon I Old Fort Hound Knob ! Black Mountain Asueviile - - ! Ashevilie Al&xaRders Alarsiiall Hot Springs I not Spiirgs ! ' Morilsiowu Kiioxvllle" ' ' Jelibo -;j Louisville i; 46 3c II 3 SS (u) ii IS it. ll. !t!4 p. m. noon .a. IS 1 49- I.T. 5 4D Ar. t-3o 8 50 11 40 30, p. m. 25 i 4 35 4 U i.I5 SO a. m. . B. p. a. 11 10 a.m. 6 35 p. m. 1 5o IiMlianipd.ls t'l)iefo d p.m. J? P in. St. Kti 1 p. . St. Lcuis a. ra. Ksnsas city 00 ' 11. m. - 6 40 7 IP go ... h. m. i5 p.m. Murphy Branch. Daily except SUNDAY 1 KAINT NO IS S 00 a in Leave-As'ierlUe .... H25 Arr Waynesviiie 2 2fipm - I harlesioij ., s 05 Jarmts TRAIN 50 IT rr 4 6p.. oia.:Br Ledv 'e : ? i - i A. & S. Road. Daily exeepWSUXDAT TRAIN NO 18 S 5 p. m Leave 7 17 Arrlvu TRAIN KG 11 Spartanburg Arrive J lOpm liendf rsonvllle ' t s$ a Ashevilie -j j Lea pi) 73th meridian time used to Hot Sprippn. oth .. .. .. west of lt()Hprir)pi. Pullman Meepei sbet ween AVafHiliifrtoii & Salisbury If iclniiond t Gree Dhboro . , .. Haielgh & irer nsboru . .. - KnoxvTtle'Al LoniHvlllfl , .. ParlerCars .. Salisbun t Kcoxtilla TO!S. L. TAYLOil, O. P, A. -i-jl 'V. AWlNBtTRN. MVRH.iU !l V ward e'l are-those wha ifi I U ll tm i rend this and then ct; they will find limihr'iK'n U riot n il! -vrMvv varj inviii luuv fti not take them from their honvds and fanir ilies. The profits are Targe and sure for every industrious person. - many faave made, and are now making scleral hun dred dollars a month. It is eafcy for anr one to make $5 and upwards per dat, who is willing to work. E tber sex, young--or old; capital not njceded; ire" start you. I-verythiJlg new. jSo specUi ability required; you. reader, clui do it as well as any one.' Write to ns it once for full particulars, which we inail free. Address Stinson & Co.. Portlanld. Mainer mm WHEN YOU WAN HARDWARE AT LOW FIGUEES j Call on the tin dersiiriiTn at "0. 2, Gram J . - Row. D. A. AT WELL; i Ag-ent foFthe(CardwellThresaer. Salisbury N. C, June h tf. INVENTION totSS'SJS the last half century. Xot leastaoo -the wonders of inrentive progress i method and system of work that can M performed all over the country witbimL separating the worker&from their bones. Pay liberaJ; any one can do the tfor; , either sex, vouna: or old; uo special abii', ity requin-d. Capital -hot neededtfa are started free. Cut this out abd retura to us and we will send you free, so"4 thing of preat value and importance i you, that will start 3 0U in business vw vill bring you in more money awaythan anything else in the (handout ft fret. Addicts TCE Augusta, laiue. - , I S. ' v . iy' ..-'!-: , . 4 4

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