Wo Carolina Watchman., "'yiUUSDAY, OCT. 18, 18SS. 'r ' County democratic Ticket. ' IFOR THE SEX ATE, ' J - . ' T. U. HAIIiEY. - rtjit -HOUSI OF UEPItfesEfcTATIVES, i .... . j ,1: ',-(! : FOR SHEKIKKJ j; r. . -il l j-oR UEG LSTER j OF 1 seds. ir. x:wooisox. I FQR .TRE.AfiUttEK, ,s. Mccunihk.s, Jn. f OR. SURVEYOR, ':i !' BV C. A FOR; CORONER j. IV. A' AllVKU tEY.: frrgetr the re-union, on Oct.Gth. Thl eourity"iean vnsa wasj resumed to- dropped in at the lUnabVicah i ppenkiii-at Meroncy's Hal I forva mo ment lost. Tuesday night, and wasionly there long enough, to .count noses and hear Mr. Moore 4nyV You never heard of o much famine and flood .before 'the' democrats were in power," and "When diil yo ever knoiv of nn earthquake before?'! 'Ity actual count- there were 33 whites, including some Democrats and )Klicemen, and UWolorcd people pres ent. V - day.! , . t. - - fhemiitreU played to a good house ' Jt every white man see that his iiame Bird hantin;-? privile 'as le.vn Monday Th hof : cftbo hunter ib;jard oa the ..uf4l.'e.j the .'.possum iiuiitcr.j.- ti i; Iilumcnthalj& Ijro. Tor go id ftlKl licup goods.' Bins building, V li' ILt Murrill, : of tho . Vrczt and Carv1ipi:iV l,uul our oliice a visst tni-s LT.3T OF LETTER3. . List of letters remaining in the lost Oflice at Saiisbury, for the week vending Oct. 0, 1888. . V'A Sa m u el 1 Banks, Kcttic B a rtu n, Julia Brown, IVJ Clielc, C . Oliver Davis, B Fink, Kobt truster, Charley Gaither, Sallie tlrahain, Walice Hunt, Nathan Johnson, "Harriet Kerr, Julia Loathe, Kllen Mady, John Martin, Sarah Miller. I)avid Murphy, James McBridc, Halina Owens, C'F Itobinson, K 8 Steen j (2), Mary J Smith, Itamse W Walton, AV C Wolfe, E Mickell Whaley, Henry Wil liamson ' Please say " Axlvertiscd," when the above letters arc called for. A. II. Boydex, P M. tho 7atcliaan. . ThiA No: of the- Watchman fiuWies the trescnt volume of th piipernd pre sents a fitting occasion to take a glayceit its past hlstuiy", V , " . The fiist copy of the Carouka Watch man was issued ou July 28th, 18.T2, by the late Hamilton C Jones, Esq., as - its editor and proprietor. The design of its cation movement of that time, started in South Carolina under, the inspiration of Johu C. Colhoun and other of the itistin . j Morton's Speculation. We publish in another part of thin pa per a statement whica should arouse the people of North -Carolina to; put forth every effort In their power to defeat the attempt of the Republican party to carry this State in the next 'election'.'' It is a matter of $30,000,000 withMorton, the candidate of the Republican partv for establishment was to combat the nulIifi-Tt he Vice Presidency. " It is shown in the article referred to, that this aspirant to the V ice-Presidential honors, is not care- I ing for honors, but for the money he guished statesmen of that Common-: hopes to make out of radical success in wealth. The latir llon. Burton Craige j this state3. ) The $00,0003()00 ; which ' he was then editor of the Western Carolinian, published in this place," ajidvas "a1 zeal ous advocate of the views of Mr. Calhoun; and his. vigorous editorials were produc- claims of the State, the peoplc jiave de nounced as a vile fraud, ad have declared they will not pay it. But if the State votes for him and his partj', it will be ing a rousing iuflucnce fn Western North ; an important point gained; and will help an j e a n ;t 1 ).i vi d to n eow n t i : ar e s year, -'from a Demo- tmtfc?;tauclpoint, ' ilHlilHe Riejlardsj)ii,Avho has spent tiie,!nuniner.iit Maj. Cole, left this morn-in-'dir UiviimonVl, Va. j j f ThfceJ eek? fr Ti ta-tla y t!rs pjlitie.il. contest i)f li 'will hvvd eaded, and it will lie pretty welUknovyn wlu lias been lm have seen it fetat.;! in. an 'exehange. tbatirV:-! i TjiOmsOa wilt start a shuttle ,ul sm)k hictorv in Si.lbury in a week j or ten days. - : ) ? . Hon: Johi S. "ller.di ifn came home lt''rMjiy'.aiid cptered ;! once into the niivht ' ; He .fisl now! i..S reilrll and Ca- tawlw counties. -,'; Scaatjor-Riuisointwill fiVd.lress the eiti 1 r . .. ii . .i i. . . i ... i .... ; gns pt Jk wan on,ia - ni at t jvk'h i. 1 ; if . t.v ..i i.. John S. Il3ni2r33n. The Stat esville Lind mark, saytv that Mr. Hendersoiu during the present'Con grf'jfl, has been representing three di&? trits, his own, the fourth and fifth; the. ii.aicigu ana ijreensoaro uisiriete1 oems: enreseiUe(l by republicans. Mr. Hen derson is undoubtedly one of the most industrious and efficient representatives oyer sent to Congress from this State, and he jrortton audleing one of the ablest men we have ever had in Congress from Forth Carol! Carolina, which alarmed the Unionists and induced acttvc opposition on . their part to the spread of the violent remedy proposed by the. South Carolina move ment, and "the establishment of the Watchman" was the result. Mr. Jones continued to publish the paper forjsever al years after the settlement Of the ex citing fpiestion which gave it birth, end ing his connection with it ou the 28th of July, 1S39, by a side and transfer of the printing office, subscription list and good will to Mace C. Pendleton aiid J. J. Biuner. -C - ". ' '. " Under the firm" nr.me 'of Pendleton & Bruher the paper was continued for three years, at the end of which time the junior partner withdrew, for the purpose of col lecting a considerable amount due the This was accomplished. in the course, of eighteen months, during which time the : readily serves any one from any j l)aPer was continued under the mahage n of the State, regardless of locality; lejit of the late Mr. Pendleton as editor uuu prujirnuur. im, uuuuig ine ousiness more dilfieult than he could well bear, he ha, he commands influence with the ad- soul oul IO J-J- runcr and the late ministration and in the departments, arf miul W. James, in January, 1844, his herehv able to serve his constituents ! uwr uie ni'm n.B ot urnner & and fellow citizens of the State. Wit- Jlllnes thc Watchman' Iwd a successful run of six years, to July 28, 18T0. Mr. James then so!d his interest to the pres ent proprietor ami drew out, since which time there has been no change in the ownership of the ollice. Stoneman's raiders had possession of the office while here on the 12th and 13th ApriLSGo, and aftcr printing an army him in his effort to enforces the; collection of the fraudulent claim, which Jwill batik nipt the State, and ruin every man in it. ; Cotton Bagginj, i The Otleiiheimer Cottoiv Bajiging Co. of New Orleans, claim to have: solved the cotton bagging question by the produc tion of an article far superior to the jute bagging. Their , circulars,, just issued, set forth the points of difference in a very satisfactory manner, .all of which have been subjected to the severest and most unqucstionabte tests. The bagging pro duced bv the Lone M.ills, lof.l New Or- leans, is lighter, stronger, jnore durable, anu less name io loss oy. nre; ami can be supplied at a cost a little below that of jute. It bears severe handling better Possesses many Important Advantage, over all - ' j otber prepared Food BABIES CRY FOR IT. '"' I IHVA LIBS RELISH IT. Mai? P'MmpLauBhJfig. Health, Babies. Resumes the Stomach and Bowel.. Bold by Drujsfats. H5e 50c 1.00. . -WELLS, B1CM80SCII t CO.. imtiinw wt BajbC Portraits. free to Mother of any Baby bom within WILLS, RICHARDSON L C0 P.ops, Burlington, Vt fipn and paying off . accumulated debts. I than jute, and makes a better and neater COTIZTTYLOJALS. v - Organ Church. I.. Rev. and Mrs. W. R. Brown have re turned to the parsonage. Wheat sbwhig i-s in full-blasts If the news sheet, turned the office upsifle we;vther is favorable a large crop will be ! down, wrecked the principal press and ko vn. f Cotton picking is going on. Cotton destroyed; all they well could. Upon the arrival of the Federal ar.ny after the covering. In all points it is rcprcsentel as superior to the jute; and the Lane Mills propose to manufacture It right along with-the confident expectation of supplanting that article. It Js not, and will not be patented ; but is offered to the cotton States free, any cotton factory ehoosing tj manufacture it i$ at. liberty to do so. rams. The farm ors ' re gathering I fi .id it.sliort in (piantity and quality. corn ami inferior in (irovp, at t o ck- tlatihuld atiend. ; I . ; - :ll:j;icr Mmld be;ir tin mind that neiirlVall the land in jtliis section of amiity isjostcd, ami they should not trfsim' without pernission.. . . , It iV now stated that Dr. Benbow; tl c to tie instr U ir i ni a a t o n a n 1 1 I . v I I y ,ft;fjj-i;-iy nrv;; n;y ;i i t i s Statej w31 f ate' uw;Repttl!ian f j:':c i ltollins 4s' has been sdama-ed i.V the continued ! surrendoi the Commander took posses- sion oi h, ueiaueo priuiers irom incarmy To gather ui type enough to print a daily army news slip, end held possession until about the 4th July. When at last they turned over the shattered establish ment to the owner, he commenced the work of repairing it, which occupied him until January 8, 1SGG, at whii-h time the publication of the Watchman was re sumed. But it had only a brief run of eight weeks when fire broke out in C. F. Baker's tin shop. (Feb. 2Gth)aud extend ing to other dmildiugs near Anally reach ed the Watchman office and destroyed about half of the stock, and reduced thc paper to a half sheet. In this form it Taere will-be a Sumlay School picnic at O.-gin Clr.uvh o:i thj S.tturJ.iy before the second Sunuav iH ,Nov. next Mr."(to. Brown, of Virginia, and Mr. i Sidney Ileilig, of Salisbury, are visiting Rey.-W. R. Brown, at the parsonage. B33.ll & CO. .. One of the ni st remarkable 1 examples of increase in business that we know if hiving piano- mihg will do making powerful ' ' .... . : ' . . I 1 ... 1 I . 5jfros ui ins eastern p iri rine Tiaic, -tory. A ye Wfwythe uapor ot. tliat syttiou. Jl.- is ( taWnsiimcut, it was , ato.S juLik'cl to get ia sj:hC" g jl work in llicfrfth district:. ' i , ' . ;' -M;j; rU ,: . p The attention of musicians is called to thc;lk;e-rtisetaent ofOwe'p II. Bisliop in aootftciJlanvi. TIu.se fkf or. orpins nee ling ft well lo eaij oa hi:n . .: r't-;.-" . ' J, Mir. David L. (J.vskill, the pushing rep reseiltativfc of the factories of J. I), (Jas- fciii.pltigjtmL twist, and i Beau ix L o., smoking i t (jibaeeo, after; 'successfully working the Western Stati-s and Tcrrito rifcs. k now ii Mexico. ' ! There will be a grand reunion of the M-soldieif after the speaking on Oct. ffithJc All ex-soldiers shon!l see Col. ( l. ILharker.at Klutt.'s Ding Store ai.d Agister their names as s ioa as thevj ttr- five in town.on that d iyj.- ivie Times savs. &TUU has becn tie dullest Court held ia juvie," and pn of thsaaie page gives tlie .proceediugf viri,! witli the disposal! of 2G cases on "f'ft1 Vckci. nnai-oe4 ii ti ie 0 wivke Davie Court liveiv ? -Mr. J. R Silliman," one of our popular rtttftietoVA and" Miss Bet tie Aiowerv arried yesterday dvehing, at the ulew pf the bride's parents. Revs. fMutRnmpleoflieiatinsr. Thcv left lliic evening train ftr"Rlieh'mou'd. . ? ieavif from parties who were there liaiisoai deliVpiOfl ji xtnnnini' nd- Aibrauarle oa Taesdaw Our hair stand on Cllivj.x counties were well rcprcsciKed, i . i i ? i . l n a a --A i i isth'it of Reall&CoV Vmoking. to'aacco as lu,olJsnca Iur iwcmy-inrce wocks, a fa we visited the (..Si J until a new press and material could b; with only two or throe employees.! They were turning out only a small quantity of tobaceo,',but that good.' We-visited it again a few days ago ar.d A.undl twelve hand.-', as constant employees, all busily engaged in some part of thc work of ire paring the tobacco for market and ship iruut. We were informtd that thcv had regular customers ia twenty-three states, j and that" L f hev had manufactured audi On the 10.li of January, 1SGS, the Watchman (as an experiment thought advisable at ihe time) was consolidated with the "Old North State, ' and was run under the name of ''Watchman and Old North State' Thc ''Old North State " was a weely paper started here in iSG.l, b; the late Hon. Lewis Hanes'. This arrangement confined only one year, a 1 when bv an agreement with Mr. Hanes sold in the first half of this month as much -tobacco as in the - entire first six months of their oporatums. This shows what can le done; had this company placed afriaferior article on the marketfhey would have gone to the wall but instead of that they manufacture a superior article an I the. natural' conse quence is a wonderful increase in bu-i-u ess and no telling --herc it will stop. Thcv are making six brands three of their own, tv. o proprietary brands for Texas"de;ilcrs and ofte for a Baltimore firm. Vw people fbviactual cduatW tre there, "Wt. John, S. Ilrnilprson will sid.lross ;'a3taasiiip'(. Mrsj- Kriders in -the f aud at Files Schiol I louse'in J t;t3wiiship on the same night. He mo addre-ss the citizens at Mt ' er- NQVSth in the dav time and at lujiteiocke township the same ;.Make a note of ilik- p9R ICFonst; a brother of J. IL QfthiAcity, who tkught adiyA at1 mntij . C., a fciv" years ago? was rcd in Texas last; weak, ami the .Wale ledger say's: 1 ' Prof. Ml and Miss Sue Noble were I married nv Kemp. J Mr. Foust is a Philadelphia, Oct. 1 ". Mr. J'Muor:-Oi last Saturday night the Democrats .paraded the streets of this city. Th"ie were :)4,220, anl not a single negro did I see, except those who were acting as coachmen or in some similar capacity. ; Quito different was this from the Republican parade of two weeks previous, rlln that, as stated in my lasty white and black" participated. Tnis Democratic: parade consisted of two divisions, a North and a South. The former marched down Broad street v thence back-5 the latter up and back, each sceininirto vie in the -.display ol in respect to the business of the olliee, the Watchman retired, leaving the en- j tire field to Mr. Hanes, who, ia Jan. Fo), changed the name and re-established the "Old North State." Mr. Hanes contin ued to publish his tape; in the Watch man office until the loth Sept., 1871, (one year and nine months) and then sold out his interest, J, J. Brunei- becom ing the purchaser, who immediately re established his old paper, the Watchman, and has continued it without a break to thc present day. Before the war the Watchman was a A whig paper, and remained so until Lin coln's proclamation came out, calling on the State for troop? to coeeee tlie se- cedlij: States. It was then devoted to th i Confederate cause and zealously sup ported it during thc war. After the war it most naturally took-sides with the conservative party, Which embraced both old Vhigs aj I old Democrsts, and which, transparencies iad the production of various kinds! ofT music. Most of the transparencies indicated the .popularity of ' Cleveland's administration and his personal views on the tariff question. They were such as, "We Want a Pro tective, not an Oppressive Tariff'," "Re duce the Suplus. Revise the Tarifr,"&c, One showed a workingtnan bowed down with taxes, representing "Protected Lalor." Tlie nexf the rotund figure of a capitalist, representing "Protected Mo nopoly.'1 Never, in all the history of i this country', has a picture so faithfully Individuals and parties, and had to sus represented the rea-Pconditiou of affairs. 10 prove this, one need only wituess the m.igniticent style, of the manufacturer and then watch the employees as they wend their way through back alleys to their hovels of want and poverty. This js direct; but indirectly it reache : every consumer North and South. Another transparency, "The War is Ended: no "Imaii latn nr Vtn fT, - xvi- I North. uo.South,". pleas4 my eye, and. ilh.V . . . . . ias J : !m F vr,"uqiU "1 Tr w -.thgootl people of Pennsylvania. , oflr ehoolr and id wieM the y " : i C. W; ConimiE y-of.ihe country, as editor of her ;ra'ul,hewy little paper, tht; Times. 4!y )s a - drtghter vT ' Cncle Al c 1 whom -our people are well n " 1 She is " oHvcmn's pret-?.-nil ;?0Rf itelli-ent -young ladies. '.. 1--U tllfitn .1 ...... tT.L-.r: 1 l .... atuunr inrou g!i life j ru Appointments of Hon. John S. -Healer son for this County. I Mrs. Krider's, j File's School House, - Mt. V em in, - '.day. " 1 mailt after a while, d.;;3 1 thu name " Con servative" an I adjpted ''Democratic" as leing more expressive of the political character of those; ranging under it. Nearly all H13 white people bf the South, without regard to old party nanus be fore tn war, unit.nl iu. forming the Dem ocratic party af.er the war, and this ja per had no other, home to go to. Tl2 jtipcr .has .boen self-sustaining. It has had no bthcr reliance than the-pat-ror.age of the public, aud it has been con stantly devoted to wliat its editor be lieved to be the best interest of the peo ple. It has doubtless erred at times in iudirmeiit. Certainly it has offended Eoads. Tin.' mails in ami aruund Sdisliury are now in splendid c:;i.li titv.i. How loiig will tliey t!t us renin i a ?-r- Walch win. Wth, tux. Editor Watchman: I will try to answer your question : They will remain good until the next soaking rain; then; in .the course of ten days, if there is 110 rain in the meantime, they will get good again. By the by, how much more; profitable it would be to the people of Salisbury to McAdamize the roads leading into the town than to McAdamize her. streets, badly as they need it! At any rate, it wouid be better to spend a few thousand dollars in filling holes and improving bad stretches in these roads than to spend this money in ornamenting by compar ison the good old town better for the town. Would not money thus invested pay a handsome per cent, tin . concentra ting the trade of the county on Salisbury, and might it not bring iu a respectable amount of trade from the outside? And wouldn't it be a great blessing to every man, woman and child in the county if tins county would take hold of this road-improvenu-nt matter and commencing oy nine ana eouiiuui ng oy luiie, perma nently improve every public road in the! county. 1 he amount ot tune and money that would thereby be saved to our peo ple can hardly be overestimated. Be sides all this, there is a moral, side to this question ; but this will keep until after the election. RAtL-sp;.iTTKK. Political News from Various Conntier. Mr. (Jeorge W. Means, deputy foi the State at large, arrived iu the city yester day from Statcsville. Mr. Means has traveled extensively through the west ern counties of the State during the past few weeks, and as he is known to be a keen observer of things atid a close cal culator, a Chronicle reporter last ni;4;ht! endeavored to draw him oat on politics, lie says that the outlook for the Democ racy is bright. Cleveland county, ac cording to his estimate will go Domocrat ie by a majority ranging between 1,G00 and 2,000. Cabarrus will give Cleveland 5J(K)mijority. The Democratic majority in SlanTy"'wi!l be between 4"0 ami f00. Rutherford, which has heietofore been a Republican county, will this year give a Democratic majority, i Polk county will give a Republican majority of be tween 2o and "0. Iredell will give a largely increased Democratic majority. These figures are the cool calculations ot a man who is well posted; Salism'KY, Oct. J.'5, 18SS. Mr. T.C.Linn. )carSir: It has been currently re ported that 1 am a candidate for the Legislature, and I desire to say to my friends that such a reivort is without foundation. I am not a candidate for any office, and never have been. I ex pect to vote the straight .Democratic ticket, and I ask my friends to do the same. Very Respectfully., W. R. Kl!li!vK. To tiin voters of Jloiran County: I hereby respectfully announce to the voters of the county of Rowan that I am not a 'candidate for the olliee of Sheriff or any other office within the gift of the people at the ensuing election. I am and always have been a Democrat anil I urge all of my friends to support the regular nominees of the. party,. Benton Li'dwick. Oct. loth 1888. It!. ' - - i i - I, I j y to Bye asy Superior IN Strength, Fastness, , Beauty, 4 4 AND 4 Simblicitv. m Warranted to toItr more rood than ...),- WUS MCHMSOMS C04 Burlington. t. Ff Gilding or Bromlng Fancy Article, USE DIAMOND- PAINTS Gold, SUyer, Bron-e, Coer. Only 10 Cent-, P.R TH0PHS0H'& COV . " MAXUF.VCTCnCRS, Sash, Do.orsBlindsAirii 1 " " x'-yti'. tl ;'-;' -' V-.-" i ''" Scroll Sawing, Wood Turning, ' AND CASTINGS OF ALL KINDS- DEALERS IX - ' Steam Engines and BoilereSteainand .- : . '' Water KpeV.ly': Steam Fittings, Sh a ft ing, Pulley; Hangers. -4 aio Machinery of all kinds repaired on SHOUT KOTBJE. .;,. Mar. 15, '88. - lj FAIL NOT TO CALL AT BROWN'S And Grand Opening of the tain! loss by it. But these were never of disturbing important, but passed as a trifling ripple on the current of its on ward 'way. It has had not less than fifty competitors since its commencement, and some of them very ably conducted a few deliberately designed to supplant it. Its proprietor profoundly sensible of thc favor by which It has been sustained under every trial, and feels an increasing weight of obligation to make the paper acceptable to those who have stood by it through all the changes and vicissitudes of the past.: the?most -tempting display of Giothinq- Shoes, Hats, AND GENTS FURNISHING GOODS Ever offered in this market. FIT i My line of suite at iOO, 7.50, 10.00, 12.50, 15.00 and ?20.(X eajfsT BE EQUzLEcEcED Tremendous stock of Overcoats of every Style and Quality : Vt Prices to fssu.it everyone. My stock of Hats, Umbrellas, Trunks and Valices is now complete. The most gorgeous line of Men's and Hovs' Sh -es ever opened here! at 1.25, 1 1.50, 2.(H) & $2.iA) The celebrated Douglas Shoe at $3. -Winter HEAVY BOOTS AT COST! 15 i .-iiir.vari l giv.? in" a call. M. S. BROWN. i m i ., ft ' t rr, v. f nam. V - m - JH0. A. B3YDEN. m. c. aun?ir f ' SALISBURY, HAVE JUST RECEIVED FULL STOCK OF 1 ! I I loiJaiiifliiwM FOR Tit err WHEAT AND OATS - . Recorder Trotter, colored, of the Dis- 7 " i trict of Columbia, savs that fifteen papers i i ''. , edited by colored mea are supporting 4.c;u vuurcuj. iiig!ii.-3rcicvclaua. PIANOFORTE TUNING, FOE SALISBURY." Mk. Owe. H. Hishop ( pupil of Or. JUr.v, Professor of iiusic at Berlin j rirsity, and Monsieur lieiiezit of Paris) has- come from Knglauil and Pit tied close to alisbun , and is prepared to time, regulate and rcpsiir Piano forte?, Organs and Pipe Organs. Having had fifteen years' practical experience in England, Ladies ami gentlemen, who wish tl(eir musical instruments carefully aud regularly attended to. may rHy u;on having thorough and con scientious work done if they will kindly favor O.-II. Ii. with their es-teemed patronage. Liv ing near town, no traveling expenses will le incurred, and therefore the terms will Le low; viz: 2.50 per pianoforte, if tuned occasional ly, or ! for three tunings in oncfVar. Please apply for further particulars by postal card of note left at this office. . . j X. B. Schumann ears:" Mt is the falsest economy to allow any piauoforte to remain cc- is none hotter made than those ire offer. Our motto Low Prices axu Easy Termf. is COTrrON COTTON COTTON 6- tfWe are p spared to pay. HIGHEST CASH TRICES for COTTON, COTTON SEED, and OF 'it- 1J - it . ILL A We have a Fine lot of Seed Wheat which we will sell at reasonable prices We have bought the celebrated 1 1 i For Cotton and Corn. Call nnd ec;it. " " ' v ' "t. . - " ' ' ! - ' ' ' ' " ' ' Z, . ' r '" - : . ' f ,- We have' also the Pure Home made BONE HEAL al $2,50 per Sack Varrented Pure. GALL AND SEE US BOYDEN & QUINN. - -I; ! , I U it ra:as bot!i iegtranacat an 1 car,' , . - ... ..:. i - s t - ' ' ! ! - ' . -.-:V- ii'--,v:-..; v.s i-xi ': r -"i"

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