N. ! V ( v '-4 I. 1 j Folly In a Cbnrtrocia. I A LEARNED EIRD MAKES AN INTEREST- ; ixa witness efubb a JCIXJE. ; uOhi I'm glad Tm here. I'm glad i I'mscat:' -; sU-s:Ah ! "Put that drunken roan 6utf Mr. Bailiff, shouted Judge Lawleri wearily. "It's only Tom Sawyer" responded . 2lr. Neiigle. "' 1 ' ' ;" . V' i I don't care the sneeze of a" corpse who it is put him out." -But it's a parrot, jour Honor. y -Ah, there, inj pretty V sung out the same yoice. ; ' v: ! j " :::: y' The Judge scratched his nose re- necuyeiy ana awaitea ceveiupu-euv. Ah officer hore in 'sight bearing case containing a dissipated-looking I parrot. L ' " ; t Le,t jue out V screamed the I bird. "I'm Tom Sawver. You're w thief. You're a thief' ' i f -Order in Court." cried the bailiff. - Order yourself," retorted i polly. "I'm the cock of the walk. Ho, Tom." t " -What crime has this gentleman committed?" queried his Honor, point ing to the lireiy bird. ut -He is here on" a search warrant, replied Mr. Mbtt "Mr. Sawyer, who is the original of the character in Mark Twain's famous book entitled 4 Tom Sawyjer,' claims the bird and seeks to -recorer it. : -Well, let us hear the story." , To-wit to-wee to-whittle to- . wee?? ' - . "PoIIjY yon must not whistle in court," warned Mr. Sawyer, as he took the stand. uIt isn't dignified." -Oh, vou're joking, I knovf," chuck led te Bird, j ,' . A -I hare liad . this parrot nine years or more? said the, witness, "and it is the most intelligent and best educated bird in the State, i What Polly doesn't know isn't worth knowing. I guess I hare' been offered $75 for him,1 but I would not take $100." I -How did you loose him ? Mot- ( I " kedMr. us "TjVhew !" ejaculated the bail i "Let iro my finger, you little devil! " baijiff.- Hej had placed his finger thoughtless ly between the wires of the cage, and Tora'Sawyer liad promptly punctured it. - ii ; ' . i . MI -guess you had better let him out of his, cage, observed the owner.- iUHe will be quiet then." ' " Poll r was released, ahd stepped out with a mien as stately as that of Edgar Poe' "Ituven:1' - missed the bird on the 21st of last Jun," resumed Mr. Sawyer, and I felt pretty bad over it. I hayeseareh ed fpr it ever since, land I saw it yester day n a store kept j by a man named Norh, at the corner of Twelfth and Folsbin streets. ,JThe parrot recognized me as soon as I came near, and sang out,iTom Sawyer, take me home." "ou are right,' remarked polly, as he jinked one ; eye and twisted his head on one side. -What a brain you're got, as Mark Twain used to say." -That seems a pretty knowing bird," said Jus Honor. "I don't see why he should not be a witness in this case. Swear him, Mr. Clerk." (jh, I never swear, but I'm d hungry," ejaculated the parrot. "Let us ir SiffwlsJ r.WT hold n rn; rmfct hn " Pl5 muttered somethiojr that sounded suspiciously like MI owe ten ;ft1l,rw mii' i..j Tfien he raisedhis foot and hWpH IK fk tu -lo.u r Tl,anV ww1nM. fK?.fa k marked. ."Sar.Tmdir. Let's ad ioum n .,V - What is vour name?" ' nM th. rnnrt r ; ' eLi t- i ... UBWJ uu x in ii uanav uut I'm na dude. "Howdidyou stray away from 1 WM.-v'- " V tWell, now, you're srnp.rt. - Stray Bwayr l was earned away ? ' t uHow was that?" . Polly paused to scratch himself and then replied: ?Well, I was sittini? in front of mv ialoon and a boy grabbed me and ran. i j wore at mm, out he was a Ueroian .-si J.'i j s i i '(..... and didn't understand me. 'At last hel. iedcal staff because of the color met a man, and he told him he had fniind u ..J ..... A 11 ! mi n wuu ttHu wun Leu to sen it. i ne boy sold me for four bits and took me to a place on Harrison street. Why, I almost committed suicide when I found myself there, for I tell yon I have been in select T Dodbtless," said his Honor, laugh- . ngly7 iwButhowldid Mr. North let - you?"' .Mvv-v .:. .j(. .. .. 0h, I bit the wire of the ca"e un- ' til I could iret ofit unit 1 flr fntn I Sot I tired. Then , North haoochea Wong and took me with him. ' Oh. I have had a gay time, I assure you." jcTr Know Mark, Twain? asked Mr T .ff - Well I should Vnrtn, H...I.I Wlii " V" . him You boss The court officials nodded nssent UV ell,1 you didn't know that I nu m '.trio lim mmmlM. . ft. . J!J n T . mui nuio ii.um your i saia: -jdark your pea and my: boss had inade. mud pies together and awoPDcd chewt II fT frnm 1.,,1' .ifo m - . t J:--.--,- w 7 waw ' O D"""1 v viw 1ITI1 1 1 AO 7 ... . ii . Kmembciv you arc under oath," re- EQH ttm so."- That's so. L take it U back. sal1 ihm 'UiwA "BY. OieSS Vrtlir llftVirt I Irnum I AllOtllPr rmt.lPlir. Ufrr stunHinn nrlmU - : . ml f- 1 wj,ftjvftft u When he was nut in his first, n-mfa Idav 1:1 a riolpt rolnrftvl now the book he wrote about my pletely cured. American! and English t ! ' . k . Imedicid anthnrit. IPS ' CAtttTl fn mnnv.1 fiava I. voa inst t:il-led. but because it was a nvl Wm. .write a si or v. TTp.nnd I tion. makinr lh n:ititfa in While his Honor was tvi hi iLN.1.?Hf.?l.Ne,X the com- i firing Po ly Iioppedon - to Clerk Kan- lan s head and dmf his clawT intH ti clerW skull. The man WKmTi2 tetaths took some on his own 2 fount, and knocked Polly sick with a ( b Aw ; Ki : r.T.i. - r , 1,1 " stomach. His Honor sail he rnftji,T Xff s... ver would have to. train him he was irettiuir ton fVnsh -illi irettiuir ton Frosh ' IU . . i U " v w Wftft, V i ne unxi returueKto its . legitimate owner, i K Ihev .he court cue cf tbe 1,-1 standers remarked to : the reporter: J -Tom is a pretty good ventriloquist, ain't lie? He has: built up a reputa tion for that bird, and nobody knew that Pull v didn't do . the talking just now. Tom is as tig a joker as when he fooled the. boys into - whitewashing his fence for him. Tom sent the bird to his saloon at No. 035 Mission street and then cele brated the return of. the wanderer. When he cot home he- saw two birds and two cages. His hat was also too m:i1I Tor hiniftH The weather was warm, venr warmi-San Francisco Ex aminer, v. .; :; . , Cjy - - The Arizona Kicker. SOME ADVICE AND OTHER THINGS, IN Original wild west fashiof. The last issue of the Arizona Week--ly Kicker;contaifis the following items:- Adtice Gratis. We have a word or two of advicelto those people who are-canvassing the town for subscrip tions to build a church, (jet your congregation betore yon get your buildmir. i WeTve taken the town di- rectorv.and srone slap through it from cover to cover, and we haven't lighted on the name of one single individual who has got enough to drive a mule forty rods. j We refused to chip in for a church, but wilt contribute $10 to help get Lanipas Jake, the revivalist, down here. We waint him to come here and tell the peoplo that-they are the mean est, wickedest, low-down, shack-nasty lot of heathens in America, and that not'nne of them stands any more show of getting to heaven than a jack-rabbit does of out-running chain lightning. If Jake can knock any of the dirt off and down to the cuticle and scare thunder out of enough citizens to hold a prayer meeting, we'll go in for a church building with a whoop. wo Hence I The lor-sared monstros ity which claims to edit the PraireStar has been so iealous of the uheuomenal success of the Kicker that he hasn't en joyed his whisky for the J last three months. In his last issue he claims that our circulation doe3 not-reach 15QPand that we are carrying sixteen columns of dead ads. We hereby pub lish our affidavit that our circulation is 153 cobies weekly, and constantly growing, and-as for dead ads, thats our business. We have discovered that the people of this town can extract more comfort out of an ad. of St. Jacob's oil, Rad way's Relief, Trask's Ointment or Mr. Allen's Hair Restorer. than from a two-column sketch by Trollege, and it is our business to pleaso ke ntasttfiL. More Wind. Professor Rose, who hit this town last spring to get up a class in music, and who has been here on his uppers ever since, does nt like your way of dealing with him. Be cause we suggested last week that he quit dead-beating, and, pick up the pick orshoxel, he is around town calling us a fugitive from Justice and asking why the police don't do something. gently, professor. -When we left Xenia, Ohio, the sheriff patted our back and lent us half si dollar. We are the only man in this town who dosn't turn pale when the stage comes anU ine oniJ .ne a0Sn C ,)reaK W ;VSf! n it K iV11' marsnai isjiere. e am i ncn or preuy, put we are and the Pressor is ark.ng up lQe wrong tree. VVe don t bear, him W."" but the professor must re- It ll 1 . . A . - act Yemenis aDoat us or we I varop a line to rmKertou, asking if w rrotessor- Kose, isn t wantd somewhere. Detroit Free Press. Colored Light Trials with the Insane. The experiments with colored liehts in the treatment of the insane made recently at Alessandria, Italy, are being much discussed by medical facultv. though getting little credence; the cures, if cures were really made, being' attributed to unusual treatment and painstaking attention on the part of ,1?13 rrf er tnan t0 anything m the theory ltseir. in the evidence trans mitted by Dr. Ponza, he ssiys rooms were selected with as man v windows is possible, the walls of the roomsr lin ing paiiited'the same color as the win dow panes. A patient suffering from melancholia, who" would not eat, was Placed room witn briKht red walls andwindows. In three hours he be- c?me cteeri apd asked for food. Another lunatic, who always keDt his iands over nis mouth to keep out air aud nourishment, was placed - in - the ?ame roomand next day was much UCLlcr uuu ilte wllu a nearly appetite. a i i i i - iiuicui niaiiisir. wns n : ion in a blue rOOni. Sind llMVimo nn!f in on linn. . ' ,, v..v,u .1 -o these cures as effects rather than I CailSeX 6f thp trpnfmAnt irirlnnoJ lkn t . It ..... ' r - J . X.- UW m Am " b their inclinations, as pebbles put into viAttxj uuioc ItlUM; I11IU I ft. . '!!. a ' to forget his pranks; a sudden bath shock might have the same 1 transitory Knii11; are leruuzer lor trees V V1,' any .diseases such as f1 tc-v -9e from Ki0lue Jietessary, elements of growth. :As ashes contain nfc 1 a phosphoric nS - 1 "A!1? r- I :KU e-TO ure is not sil wars suitubU f or. orchards, as the decompos- ioi aieri "b jt.-cria sometimes, induces dis- wviu ft. i.aiu no f . le3,sir;lurHu "Qt oecause the light was color "Well, Why Is It! Why is a cat's tail like the earth? It is fur to the end. "j What kin is a door mat to the door? A step farther. What is a waist of time? The mid dle of an hour-glass. . ' Why is adoctor never seasick? He is usec( to see sickness. . Why does an old maid wear mittens? To keep off the chaps. Why is a door in the potential mood? It s would, or should be. . What is the bo:ird rf of education ? The schoolmaster's shingle. r What sticketh closer than a brother. A postage stamp, by gum. v Whv is a tin can tied to a dos's tail like death? It's bound to occur. Why does a sailor know there is a man in the moon? He has been to sea. j Why is the North Pole like an illi cit whisky manufactory ? It is a secret still. What is it that will give a cold, cure la cold and pay the doctors bill? A arausnt. What does a man take when he has a mean wife He takes an elixir (he kicks her.) Why is it easy to get in an old man's house? Because his gait is broken and his locks are few. Why is a man who makes pens very -Jr. "W - 1 wicked f He makes people steel pens and then says they do write. Why is f city official like a church bell? One steals from the people and the other peals from the steeple. Why is it dangerous to go out in spring? Because the trees shoot, the flowers have pistils and the bullrush is out. What is the difference between a dog's tail and a rich man ? One keeps a wagging and the other keeps a car riage. What is the difference between an engineer and a school teacher? One trains the mind and the other minds the train. What is the difference between a soldier and a pretty woman? One faces the powder and the other pow ders the face. Whv is a sl:e.it of writing paper like a lazy dog? A sheet of writing paper is an ink-lined plain and an inclined plane is a slope up. What is the difference between an apple and a pretty girl? One you squeeze to get cider and the other you get 'side her to squeeze Pittsburg Dispatch. Curious Minerals of Utah, Inchidetl in the mineral resources of Utah, apart from its precious metal., are deposits of alum, some recently dis covered veins of which are eighteen inches thick and several hundred feet in length, of dazzling' whiteness and great purity. Beds of niter nre al.o found sufficiently pure to readily fuse when thrown on hot coals. Ozokerite or natural mineral wax, a rarity elsewhere, is here found in large quantities. It is air, acid, and water proof, and can be used for imparting these qualities to other substances. As an insulator it is said to be perfect, and would doubtless be found a superi or insulating material for electrical appliances. It could also be adapted as the biise of a cheap yet durable paving material and for indurating piles and posts to prevent decay. A .somewhat similar, discovery is gilsonite, found, on analysis, to con tain about eighty per cent of carbon or ! asphalt in pure i'orm. Of the. latter a vein has been discov ered three feet wide and over a mile in length a supply that, if worked, would be found almost inexhaustable. As is now well known, the Great Salt Lake is an immense, limitless magazine of salt, that can be obtained in any desired quantity by the simple process of evaporation'. From this lake vast quantities of sulphate of soda are also secured, blown on shore at certain temperatures by the winds, where hundreds of tons are often piled up in a single, night, that can be utilized-in the cheap pro duction of soda and carbonate or soda. Model Farmers. National Stockman. Nearly-every section haswhat might properly be styled a few model Farm ers. At least they are such compaia tively speaking. Their farms, their barns, their houses and surrounding are far above the average in every re spect. These farmers show a degree of thrift and frugality too that is above the average. 1 hey are on time with their work, they get the top prices for their produce, they live better and ni cer with their neighbors, and general ly are respected more and held in hirh 1 1 it , er esieem man any otiier set or men in their community.- They are held up as examples for young men jus btarting out in life, and, as the titl implies, are good models to pattern . i 1 1 aiier. ii asKea ros a reasou wnv some men are leaders in their line of busi ness u wouia not De nard to eive First, they study their business. They go into the details anil master them thoroughly. They work with their brains a well as w ith their hands They systematize. i and enconomize They take time to read and post them- selves, anu in inis way gee ine : avan tage of others experience. They keep up witn tne times in every way-ana by aomg tneir auty in tne way. tnat com moa sense and good judgment dictate they clearly earn the title of model f armersv and should jenjoy the respect that such a title ccm mauds. t Classical. Some thirty odd years ago a bet of 25 cents was made that if Every tub must stand on its own bottom" was in the Bible, i j The matter was referred to this writer and he decided that it was not Biblical. He did notfknow then who was the author of the saying, but has since .ascertained. It is by John Bunyau, and the words are put in the mouth of ; Presumption, in the "Pil- srani's Prosress." the greatest of Al- ieJrorias, and one of the marvels of all reliirous literature. But was no a bet " 1 a singular! way to' ascertain the truth? (Jcasar's wife, must not be even sus pected.r -Julius Caesar. This was the remark of the greatest of Romans. when it came to his ears that his wife Pompeia had favored an intrigue with Publius Clodius, a young nobleman. Caesar divorced his wife instantly, say as above. Clodius, wasj tried because he disguised himself as a woman and attended the Bona Des, a kind of freemasonry among Romans ladies of rank, held ; in the house of Caair. Cicero was a witness agninslj hira, Jjut he bnded the jury and escap-f ed puuishment. It is not believed that there were any just ground fof suspecting Pompeia. 11 dmington Star. j Brace Up. Yon arc fueling depressed, your appetite is poor, vou are bothered with liuuhu lie!, you are fidget ty, nervous, and generally out of sorts, and want to brace vp. Brace upj, but not with stimulants. 8prin; medicines, or bitters, which have lor their basis very cheap, bad whisky, and which stimulate you for an hour, and then leave you iu worse condition than before. What yoii want is an alterative that will purify your blood, start healthy action of Liver and Kidneys, restore your vitality, and ivi renewed health and strength. Such h medicine you will tinl in Electiic Bitters, And only 50 cents a bottle at Kluttz's Drug Store. - Thsir Busii3ss Booming. Probably no one thinir has caused such 11 revival of trade at Kluttz's Dru Store as their giving away to their customers of so many free trial bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Their trade is simply enormous in this very valuable article from the fact that it always cures and never disappoints. Couuhs. Colds. Asthma, Bronchistis, Croup, and all throat and lung diseases quickly cured. You an test it before buying by getting a trial bottle free, large size $1. Everv bottle warren ted; . ' j The idea of a'nation with the wealth and mechanical skill of the Unittid States having to ;o abroad for its guns for warfare is ridiculous. Sporting arms, -equal in workmanship to any manufactured 111 the world, are made in this countrv, and there is no reason whv the he.ivier ordnance should not also be made here. There is a bill pending before Congress to appropriate ten millions of dollars a year for this pur pose. It the 'bill passes, it will open an extensive field to American manu facturers. Stores and Hardirare. V7e Tell Yon PUinly lhat Simmon's Liver lletilutor will rid you of Dyspepsia, Headache, Constipation ami liilllouhdess. It will break up chills and fever and prevent their return, and isi a complete antidote for all malarial poison ; yet entirely free from quinine or calomel Try it, and you will be astonished at ihe (;ood results of the genuine Simmons Liver Regulator, prepared by J. II. Zeilin & Baked Steak. Place a steak in a shallow pan, sas on with salt and pepper and a ffcw slices of onion, cover with another pan and bake three-( misters of an hour. The onion may be omitted if the flavor is disagreeable. j Bucklen's Arnica Salve, i Tub Bkst Salve in the world for Ciuta. ruises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Hheum, Fveii bores, lette. Chupped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positive' y euress riles, or no pay required. It i guaranteed to mve perlect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents pea bo.. For Sale by Kluttz & Co. 3:ly. i ; "Public office is a koveu Cleveland. public trustJ"- Almost everybody wants a "Spring Tqniti'' Iere is a simple testimonial, which shows1 how J. Ii. B. is rcganlcJ. It will knock your mala ria out and restore vour appetite : Splendid for a Spring Tonic. Aiilixgtox, Ga., June 30, 1 88tf . I suffered with malarial blood poison more:or less all the time, and the onlv medicine! that done mc anv good is B. B. B. It is undoubted y the best blood medicine made, and fof thi3 malarial country should be used by every one in the spring of the year, and is good in j sum mer, tall and winter as a tonic and blood purifier. Gives Better Satisfaction. Cadiz, Kv, July G, 1887 Please send rac one box Blood Balm Catatrh Snuff by return mail, as one of my customers is taking B. B. B. for catarrh and wants :a box of the snuff. B. B. B. gives better satisfaction than anv I ever sold. 1 have sold 10 dozen; in the past 10 weeks, and it gives good satisfac tion. If I don't remit all right for snuff write inc. Yours,- W. II. BitA.vboS. It Removed the Pimples, j j1 Roisn Moi xtaix, Tenn., March 29, U1. . A lady friend of mine has for several; years been troubled with bumps and pimples jon jher face and neck, for which she used, various fcos-m-tics in order to remove them and bjeautify aud improve her complexion: but these local applications were only temporary and left her skin in a worse condition. J 1 recommend an internal preparation known as Botanic Blood Balm which! I have been usin' and selling -about two yejirs; she hscd three lottles and nearly all pimpjes Have disappeared, her skin is soft and smooth, and her general ucaitn mucn improvca. ; presses-herself much gratified, and can pad ex- refcom- mend it to all who arc tnus attected. F Mb?. S. M. W A BOOK OF WONDERS, FEES. All who desire full tnforma.lon about thebansc and core ot Blood Poisons, Scrolula and Sf.rotulous swellings. Ulcers, sores, Rheumatism Kidney Complaints, Catarrh, eic, can secure by iiallfre.e, a mnf nt n ir 5.nasre Illustrated Book of won lers- nul .with the most wonderful and start llnsriDroof 1 erfr n.lr.c kaovrn. Additw, j ii j !: ! ! ULO'JU DALY . AU-!iia, l Steam, Air and Vacuum. Pumps,. Vertical and' Horizon 1 1 ft VERTICAL PI8T0H. f'' :I!V It -ir 5& '4V L"1!?.... CATARRH LKliAI BALM Cleanses the Nasal Passages, Allay Pain andlnfiamma- iWFEYER tion. Heals the Sores. E 23 tores the Senses of TasUpe! and SmeU. TRY THE CURE.HA1f-FEVER CATARRH is a disease of the mucous membrane, generally originating in the nasal pas sages and maintaining its stronjrhold in the head. From this point it sends forth a poisonous virus into the stomach and thraugh the digestive organs, corrupting iihe blood and producing other trouble some and dangerous symptoms. A particle 18 aDnlleJ into each nostril, and i agreeable. Price 50 cents at lriKf2lsts: bv mall registered, fif cents. ELY BUOS.. 53 Wnrren Sstree t . X e w Yo rk . 1 3: l y . NORTH CAROLINA) Superior Court ROWAN COUHTY f Before the Clerk John D. Miller, Adm'r of Win. Litaker, dee'd, Plaintiff, vs. Albertine Miller, D. J. Brown and wife, Jose phine C. Brown, heirs at law of Win. Litaker, Defendants. Petition to pell land to make assets. It appearing by affidavit to the Court that D.J.Brown and Josephine C. Brown are necessary partiesi defendant to the. proper determination of this proceeding, and that they are non-residents of this State, now, therefore, this is to notify them to be and appear before John M. ilorah, Clerk of the Superior Court of Rowan county, at his office in Salisbury, N. C, on or before the 22d day of No vember, 1888, and answer or demur to , plaintiffs complaint which is now filed therein, or this proceeding will be heard ex-parte as to thera. Dated this the 25th day of September, 1888, J. M. liORAII, Cl'k Super. Court of Rowan county. Thco. F. Kluttz, Plaintiff's Attorney. 50:6t. PATENTS Caveats, Trade Marks and Copyrights Obtained, and all other business in tlie U.S Patent Office attended to for Moderate Fees. ourolllce Is opposite the I', s. Patent Ofllce, and we can obtain Patents In lees time than those re mote rroin Washington. Sena Model or drawing. We advise as to patent ability free of charge; and make SoeliaraeuH.es ice Obtain Patent. Weiefer ner to the Postmaster, the Supt.of Money order Dir., and to omcialsof the V. S. Pat ent ofllce. Forclrcular, advice, terms and refer ences to aclualclienisln ycurown Stoteorcounty w,llet? . C. A. SNOW A CO. Opposite Patent Ofllce, Wabhlngtcc D. C. Oct. 21.'S5. tr , LAND SALE! By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Sampson county, in the case of L. A. McKoy and others, exparte, I Avill sell at the Court House door in the town of Salisbury, on' Mon day, the 5th day of November, 1888, about 350 acres of valuable land in Rowau couuty, about ten miles west of Salisbury, known as "the Mc Koy land. This land will be sold in tracts of 50 to 1j0 acres.' They are among the best lands in a section famed for the excellcut qual ities of the soil ; and furthermore there is suffi cient timber of fine quality to pay for the land if it were worked tip and sold Pine, Oak, Ashe and Hickory being abundant, and situ ated withiu 2J miles of the Western Korthi Cirolina Kail Koad. Terms : One-fourth cash and the balance in twelve months. Persohs desiring further in formation will please call on mc or Col. W. A. Houck. J. V. MAUXEV, Com'r. Sept. 22, 1888. 50: Administrator's Notico. Having qualified as Administrator up on the estate of Margaret Ritehie, dee'd, all persons having claims against said estate are required to present them on or before the 27th day of September. 1S89, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons owing said estate arc hereby notified to make immediate payment. M. A. BOSTIAN, Sept. 25, 18S8. Adm'r. T. C. Linn, Att'v. 49:Qt. MEN Who are Weak, Xerrous and Dcbiliatcil. who jire sufTcrinp from the effects of carlr evil habits, tUc result of ignorance or follj, will find in i'kabs cpkcific a posi tire and permanent cure for Nervous Debility Seminal Weaknesses, Iavolnntary vital lossses, etc. Cures guaran teed. Scad six cents in stamps for Pears' Treatise on diseases of man, their cause and cu"- J. S. PEARS. Jl:lT C12 Qhurch Street Nashville, Tenn """" THIS PAPER 5?52sJSnra fa fie k lvrrtisin LuAa(10 Ejiroof HtX where Ad teAitti P Is tJ w mm tai 01 every variety ana Begular Horizontal Piston. - The most simple, dnrableand effective Pump in the market for Mines, Quarries, Refineries; Breweries, Factories, Artesian wells, Fire duty and general manufacturing purposes. jSend for Catalogue. Tie I S. CAMERON STEAM PUMP WORKS, Foot ok East 23rd Stkekt, New Yobk. ." PIEDMONT AIB-LIHE ROUTE Eichmond & Danville Railroad. IN EFFECT JUNE 24, 188tf. Tkains Run By 75 Meridian -Time DAILY : JSO. 52. 30 P M" i 42 " SOUTHBOUND No. 50. J2 15 A SI 7 tu 9 43 " Lv. New Vork I' Pniladelphia " Baltimore " Washington CUariotiesville " Lynchburg Ar. Danville Lv. I.lchmond 4 Burkesvliie Keysyille " Drake's Branch Dauvtlle Ar. Greensboro Lv. (iolddU)io " Jtal-lgh " Durham Chapel Hill " lllllsboro Ar. Greeiiboro Lv. Salem " Greensboro " High Point Ar. Salisbury " Statesvllle Ashevtiie 11 ii S 40 5 50 8 30 3 1C 5 IT 5 6T. 6 13 8 0 10 33 2 40 5 00 6 01 to 0 6 37 S 33 tt 20 It i It 37 U 01 1 51 7 S 9 15 U 28 1 10 1 53 4 4 1 80 11 00 11 00 3 00 5 10 7 45 2 SO 4 25 5 05 5 20 5 03 9 42 tS 10 1 43 3.12 T7 2". 4 06 7 40 6 30 9 50 10 ) 11 1 U 12 4 31 6 lit 11 23 12 01 12 40 3 37 43 . 9 40 P M A M P M A M A M P M Hot Springs Sallsbury Concord charlotte Spartanburg Greenville Atlanta Lv Ar A M P M NORTHBOUND' DAILY. No. 51. No. 53. Lv. Atlanta Ar. .reeiillle Spartanbug Charlotte " Concord Stllsbury Lv. Hot Sprtugs " Aslievliie " Stateviiie Ar. S tiisbuiy Lv. SalisDury Ar. Hl-h Point " (JreeLboro Salem Lv. Greensboro Ar. HUlsboro 44 Chapel Ulll Durham ' Kalel-h Oldsboro Lv. Greensboro . Ar. Danville Drake's Branch 4 Keysvllle " Burkesvliie " llrhmond ' Lynchburg " t hailottesville WasUinston " BaMln;ore Philadelphia New York .1 I 0 0 P M 7 10 A M 1M AM 1 51 P M ' 2 13 . g 53 ' , 4 50 5 30 5 13 " ( :;o 6 22 7 03 " 5 5 P M 1 1 40 A M 55 " J j 25 P M ' 3 30 A M ; 5 5C 4 37 i C 3S 6 27 7 15 " 4 2 " ; s 15 " 8o0 : 8 40 " 14 40 " t!2 34 A M so ' tioso pa i 11 55 " 3 10 " ! 1 15 P M ! t5 20 " I 12 33 : 4 SO A M i 1 55 " 1 55 : 4 10 " til 45 I 8 15 A M 8 SO P M ' 9 47 A M : o SO P M 12 25 P M 23 A M t 12 40 " I 43 ' : 1 23 44 2 3 3 30 44 : 5 (H 44 12 40 P M 2 53 I 2 5 44 3 05 44 7 3 5 44 ! 7 00 44 8 5 0 44 s go 44 3 ro A M . ' o 4r 44 . 6 20 44 120 P M Dally. t Dally, exce 1 1 Sunday. Ke?sv1?iaenio,5C.a?kDS No 51 and 53 connects at I'lcumo d dally except Sunday for West Tolnt and llaltlmc e. f ii N2I;om,.wt?t Point his datly connection at Richmond with No. 5o tor the Sout - SliEEPIITG-CAR SERVICE. -JDn train no 50 and 51, Pullman Montgomery and New York, Danvl Raleigh and Morrlsiown, 1 enn Suffet Sleeper 'and Augusta un trains' 52 and 63, Pullman Bu. 't Sleeper be tweeu Washington and NewOrleai;i,viaMor.li-om A ft- A K 1 -h -ft ftV ft ft ' . . ft. ft . . irij, uuu ucmeeu vasuingion anorvugusta. L'ich- I rnond and Greensboro, nd Pulln :.n Parlor Cars bei ween Salisbury and Knoxvllle . ThrOUil tlokftSOn SllP nt. Prlnr 1 i1..il1iu i For ratesand Information, applj the Company, or to :o any agent of Sol. Haas,. Traffic Mono ;er. ' J. S.Totts, Dir. Pa i Agt. Richmond, V;.. W. A. Turk, -Die. Pas. At t, Raj eigh, N. JAS. la. Taylor, Gen. Pas. Agt A R. J. HOMES Is now Receiving His Fall and Wintei Stock Of GOODS, Direct from tie Northern Markets And will be pleased to see his custoimers fore purchasing cjsewhere. be Groceries, And all other kinds of Goods kept in a gen eral stock, will be sold at prices to suit the times. CALL Af EXAMINE MY STOCK. Bob White and Crystal Roller Mill Flour of the best quality. JUST RECEIVED ONE HUNDRED 'BAR RELS OF FRESH VIRGINIA LIME FOR SALE. H I expect all persons who have given 'me' Mortgages on their crops to brine- mc thrir mt. 1 ton when it is ready for sale. " it:it - capacity. VERTICAL PLUKGE Biclimonfl anfl DanYille Hajlrjafl Ci ' W; N. C. Division J Passenger Train Schedule. ' Effective May 13th, 1SS8 " Train No. 5?. West Bound. Train ir tin. jiusi jsound. Lv 900 4 30 657 a. m. p. in. Boston New York Philadelphia Daitlmoie iWashington Lynchbuiv ; jjanvllle Klchmond 1'eidsvUle Golbsbbro ltaleih Durham 10 30 P. tt. noon a.m. 20 12 35 10 03 8J0 2 Iff 1129 9 42 II 00 5 05 a, m 85- J.xn 2 30 9 33 a. hi. 6 15 1044 "ll 45" 6S5 4 30 8 10 I 45 8 12 p. m. a. in. . ml" t 312 a. m. Greensboro 9 50 p. 1125 Ar 12 12 12 86 12 53 1 14 1 4ft 2 10 2 Id 2 49 3 13 3 27 4 00 a in. Salisbury noon Statrsvtiie p.m. Catawba Newton ! Hickory ; v Connelly Sprlbcs Morgan i on . i Glen Alpino Marlon . Old Fort Hound Knob Black Mountain Asbevllle Asheville Alexanders 4 r- Marshall Hot Springs r- T 7 20 , 6 27 5 58 S 57 C S 17 1 48 4 30 4 17 3 44 3 13 2S5 2 10 -125 1 16 12 46 12 1! 111 41 --V-ll 4 31 4 40 5 09 5 34 t 10 Ar. Lt. Lv. Ar. nooa -A.m. Lv. 5 40 Ar. 7 30 8 50 11 40 7 30 p. m. Hot Spurge j Mortlsiown ; Kiioxville r Jellied ! a. m. -Louisville - 1 10 25 -8 33 7 13 4 15 7 SO 4 00 8So 3 CO 8 OO : 8 25 a. m. p. m. llloa.m. Indianapolis 6 35 p. m. Chicago, 15o St. Paul . 6 4o p.m. sr. Louis 7 la a. m. Ksnsas City p.m. i p.tt i p. n. a. m. p. m. . Murphy Branch. Dally except SUNDAY : i ... 8 .10 a m Leave Asherllle .. ..... I Arr 4it i i ' 10 25 rr Waynesvlllej::; 22fipm tharlesion ...... idKta 5 03 Janctts Leave 7;l j A. & S. Road. Dally except SUNDAY 1 -.5 1 L TRAIN NO 12 3 so p. m Leave 1 1T Arrived ' ; TRAIN-OIL Spartanburg An h e tlfp. llenden-ouvllle . Ashevllle; 1 Leave 75th meridian time used to Hot Sprier?. "-i i. i, u vmtriictsprirr. Pullman Sleepeisbet ween Washington Mtlmj .. RtebBifmd it Grei-Dfboro -Jfalciph 4t Greem-bmo 4 . Jinoxvllle & IxiustIH .. Parlor Cars .. Salisburj KLOitulft . JOS. L. TAYLOR, O. P. A. . " f . . - ; . W. A. WiNBURN. Act'jfD. F.A . FOUTZ' S ' HORSE AND CAT! LE POWDERS No H'Ksb m ill Hie of ( oi.K-;Tv?r Lrio f i 'R. if Fmifxvrnwiivrs nre h.mA In tiro. i Yoiiw.n ro-rtr ill.iiraii4-rirf TPtti llKf out- I'oir'i.r, win prtvrur ;Arf ix Fmi tentx' IM-,in -tn Inn;.i-- hr qt;.ntitT tt k;1K ; k rrenni xuen-v prr crnf and MmkeTne IrtitWira ; nd Mret. ; i . :(.-' -MmW I'ardcr :il rnro nrVirnr !mit kTUT !. A to wtiieii .,r. anrl nlil ar,ntilrru , hold evtrywi,er. j " DAVID r. ro??S.freprUtar5' j-T PAETIE3S CHTLDDIBIB HOW ACOO-MKLI-HEU. Jerr Uar nbooW kj-i PBdrtarop. BAKER KKM.CO..Boxl(aBuloJLI.j ERSIAN BLOOM, Bert Ccspluie- j tifim-, Skin Cure and BlarnUh Eredlcator toorl. 8nd stamp for tr'il mekan, AddnM at WHEN YOU fWAKT HARD17ARE AT LOW FIGUBES Call on the undcrsriu.(J at . KO. ? f- I" - : ' l ' v l AA Rt. . ; D.A.ATWELl- Agcnt for the Ctir dwell Thrt k ,;: - - -.i :t " - SalisliuryiN. C JnccR'b-tf. - A rare lutxltciaal ciuuuuUU'l Uutt euie t?e ij(Ju l(UmU.-n, Inward fains, fciiuftustk-n. "'7 itt:eumtUUHi, Kenuftlo Weaknras and ll P4Tnnu01,a ordvnt ci tint tomach aud BoweU. HINDERCORNg Th amfest. mrert asd be cnr forOonw.1 S:oailrlii. tiuwrecomforttoUef.,vl r. tocur. TUeentefttUrurctsu. lluou.- - ' Of Interest to Iatu& Wm mmin M - .WW. . mMtm. m9 MWT W9 ..mM pec.! for fmaixcomDUiDt to aojladrf fj:-. to ttiiaBac7 befor. purcb.hioi?. .fc"r.Lfti' C'jcra REKtsYCflf.. '" U : -- V Jl t;,r l t-. j 3' j I - . 1 . - . 6;ly. -v i.

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