1 Unci Leaf Potations. A Very Contented Zlan. Soae cf ia Jcnesl Cs.yfc.s -Daniel Webster was the frreatesti Van Fro Hi Uit Durham Tobacco Plank kae ever bora. Ha ivno r m.in nf virv kins of this place delivered an ? excel-1 the wood near Jackson vi!le,Fla, heard 1 ' H a W II l7 II XlliUC UUftUUCL V Va I VUTOIkMU ff 111IC DblUlllUU LUIUU1MI great abilities and bis reputation grows Steam, Air and yacimm Fumuo, "Vertical and BTnv,: lent speech before the Morn 'Cleveland and Thnnnan Club,-1 U M Tint ft in lN'il. i If A BMW IVfta answer the paragraph we Will I .I ' 1 ! i- ' f f 1 1 11 J w u uo iu iom, - ik i i ruw iu If t -ii; If i !i i ' IK k -4 it: . . , , 1 m -r CJ . . ' jbf the Qottrier-Jonrnal. :$o illustrate cian approached the negro and mid: the fallacy of the Republican charge You seem to be happy, old man.' that the Democrats are free trader, Wall, sab; I ain't; got mithiii Wantu lav urtinf ' tviTr the tariff, nlam rboi'ifc.t s, t Be told the following anecdote of ao3torVexperience with his 'patient, ragingall aronnd you - : od lumwlf can t do mneb with a thej would be prosperous then , aecord-IT-1- Im inifin. Onvht Lr knnw it ih whn I dun coward. There is no foundation to ing to the argument precisely in the pro- ,RiSftr?o,DVr4: V- r i' .'JfS? Workn 3 Portion iu which they abolished Jnter- f fButtheIlepublican orators say, buried my wife ywtidy. t ,! , i:?-?;.- . u course witone another. Protection and i"th Dcmocrutii: nolicT of redncins - tThen how can tou sit around here 1 oon t believe in evolution.' 1 don t cncounirammt miv h ana . miht.. bUV lTUiA.iHllv irvilVf . w a waa& r we are opposed to free trade, and there- Dis vere is God s worl' ain't it?.n lore oppose anjinui iu tuut uuw a suujwsc ou. v,, 4ion. i Au'J b'longs ter God, doan I Thusortof uiK reminas me 01 wo a av m. mm m - r tJncle Lem Austin's excuse for uncic iiu Ausuai eituae iur uc- dining to reduce the number of drinks he was taking dailr.- - " m llntAm T.Atrthal Vloati frPA drinkpr of a Jong time. . A Mast it began to ell on him. He" became sick and sent r i-i--. - . - j, ; . . ine doctor came, exam inea mm. in " .- ..... quired as to;his symptoms, felt t, i -t. tis chest.' etc ! . t . r . O his chest, etc f I mvM as. .nnnosed. suitablv im. lera, i am airaia vou are uruiKinK wo much whisky, and it is proper that I should say to vou that your trouble is caused almost solely dv- tne excessive Cse of intoxicants.' ' 1! The old man, did not seem to be at all aurprised, but replied promptly: "Well, Doc I won Id h t be aurnrised if vou , . T - . w wan t more n halt. nght about that. pittow; m licit do vou drink a day, i i ft "Well, I don't hardly know. Doc," man- MTf niJk ajx take a drink afore breakfastand one - arter breakfast and two 'twixt break- fast and dinner; and one afore dinner. How man vs that f rFive," replied ihe doctor. : t An one irter dinner." "Six." -U. I. ; u i U'i. j: ; n , au .hu twixii uinner an sunner, run m mm I LAn one afore supper. Nine.w I And one arter supper." ilea. : , . j lAnd two 'twixt supper and bed time.,. ilWwelTe.' kuc the dorfor J u Well, them's about iny daily rash- ins. Doc.' " ' " . . r - j. II 1 hats too much liquor, Uncle Lem. You jm can t stand it; it will kill you. jimoqnt It won't dp to quit oil en- yon could reduce the number of drinks, SUV a third, and after awhile make arjother reduction. Now suppose you, arop on tne two drinks between break ; fast and dinner and the two hetween v dinner and supper at first, and begin the reform in; that way." 1 ' i! (Uncle Lem. held hiahead dmum nn1 . rejected a moment; then looking upJ uiuj a is. uicus j fyes on ine uoc '. tpr, said: ' ; ' See here, Doc; blame my cats if I don't sorter, believe you're one o' them prohibitionists, and I'm agin prohibi- r viuu, iwbu ijiu toe nan. iow xnis here propersiou of your'n looks to nje rs"v a:aippijn Ine oirection oi prohibition, ahdjl ain't agwiue to take i ; ism a at v - iCiiiurn mv skin if l do: I'll die fust y. i- - . ' " Dangers of the CsnaL When the yatchman on the moan mg sea wants to stop he has to reef bis. sail and cast his anchor. When wewish to pause in our mad career on thecanal we have merely to say "De- ly7 to thedriver on the tow-path, and he kays Whoa," or its French equiva lents to the pale horse, and that makes Hipstop.Witn aa enthusiasm that scat ters gravel over t the adjacent scenery. I jjitversaw a horse that -could stop in a; more nnanimoos way of delay on such ' jnjall proYocatipn. f 4!ie also occasional , Jy made an extemporaneous stop. One " of these occasions was nearly being his ilast- There was a light breeze, and we had put up a small sail to lighten the labor of thti old horsey The 'spend obtained by the yateh under sail rre J aired that le should trot to keep the tovr linetant. He missed:, his driver, - f0,0."4 BP ini Chouse to get a t for his? bire. and he mnA his impromptu nausea. It w nnt , : ' JUJUT what could properly befcalledii full stop, but more in the nature bfra peraicolon. The yatch kept on at j double the horse's speed and there was - por means ofstoppinff her. J We suddenly- realized Uhat if that horse did not toddle alohgwitht more velocity : . pert would presently be 'a dire atls - trophe. :Veiverelnirbititrt nW Al ati the momenlv and we promptly got llti fmm 4-1.1.. mi. Jl' ' J ' ; n hmjic.- a ueB- was great upuli for 4 time, and we began shout .!rt'jLt! horse to go on, : The artist !? I hu . ctement yelled. Whoo .Uet up! tire! Scatl" and hit him on ' M m8 wh a cold potato. Our imprtuoos cook thiw a stove lid at hirn, and the captain put his whole ' .H1 eYTxHeBus notes on the injr hDeafness!emed 4aie oue of :the horses many mfirmities. Our tow4uw became slack, dipped, in the Jter, trailed along in a great loop. then asll.s vatch forilNiW! P 1 uqrsi(UnaginUlyiLstrui2b . mui,! vnpptug irom iue water," be sfl4w whahgl slash Iryachi and horse , had changed places the ,TachtfMt?vu ' f e fHlpbrase goeWh&ot dTlVc l1151 ,Jh Wild and , olttlltf excitement ol tlw pirate driver when he aw tw sailing away with his pN horse aqrgmg intoqr wake, and - m the same reason,Iil(rerV0y tu 1magiH tlje pnlling,"haulin and profanitv quired to get the brijte Hhore, Aj qf the Vhwytaip 1 . - r, - a.. .- - i--r ' ' ? a , . r. t-uuHu.uuice is a puDiic trust thel - Do you know that yellow , fever is - Jfc mvm ; nvw a J v vu a MVS W eia i ies. 11 .-. ' -:'a i lu v . de - Welef de Laifd.put itrit in my , f cu, ri ur uaiyu.pui. it pit in ujj heart ter sin, I doahsee. wVy I oughcr keep my jnouf sbet. . uAn van tint. ufniM aP .ilfm;li I fever tt , Wh tit's de eerea. le it, I use ii bein erfeered Ef de Lawd wants me ter take I r,. : . . ' . .r" rrv "! ii neaain l ain t. oats an: I . . . . . his land sides dat, I ain' tgwine ter take it i : .! t : ti rand dat town, no wan rmf II fi' A . . -o- C round dat town., no wan ron 11 fin' trmJ o'-de folk. what', cmt ct - i win. an it rieaoun l ain t. dats nil:! . . .. : . w. ... ur:A. -T..I..:. ".ii" - teraay. - - - No sahjease you didn't know dative truth. I get sorry but I don't get I lad? like I did." . I mad. fl "Didn't you get along well i ogeth er? - ' I !JJidn t get erlong tergedder ez well ez we did erp.irt, sah. " n e trouble? . , 1 is er tiaptisan she year blind fMeferdis. ingin' ermtldabro aafa1.1 A .H.i..&l. r "On, wa!l,sjih. She b'lived dot fliiimn er litflw dak water on ertnan would dof de wuck fur him. when all sensible missnns nnVrht f . . i . i - . r ---- -"o-;-; er snow oiit er ne wan ter be saved he must be souzed in de bavo headman years. J tell y ou dat w en dls yere plan o saiwation comes up man better not O saiwation comes nn mnn hof nnt V V " . j V. . dnrlire de n'int- V.t Uhn A eotoutin de riblierdown nt 'the f. .W : - kT-j 7r anlsouzed folks under de water. ' 4 bvrv vnt in uc iiuijti uunii hl liim j tMw-rmr doan see wV folks wanster lakSVde . - w"y t- ... t - i i . .. !; ft .7" rlbe nUnrinkled "Wits ".Tr.r;"7 w" "I)21Ilfm I IV imn -renMiull SJt t- , Xa -Old man, do you want V fob of work?" - . N6. sah. I kuin saV dat I dnea "Isn't your name Reuben White? o III I IJUllllUltLlUII. KHI1. Didn't I see you some,tinif"ago, go-' around askins for workV" i a. ore w nig around asking for work? . "You mout; yes sah. A "Whv did you want work then?" - Had to work den ter crit suthinrfter eat." uWell, but don't you have to eat now?" Yes. but I doan Wuck fur it. Tt yere, you reckon Ise gwine ter wuck w'en de folks all ober rde eonnfrv i' sendin' hams an'-flour an' all sorts o' visions down yere? Is er cat wine ter.w'ar herself , out scratchln' roun after mice w'eu dajr's er. big piece of meat lyin' side her? Look yere, .nan, L- i. -- i.i ' i . '' . wiiufr sorter nosipuer is you, nohow? v.....ay rccirir. r A Han in Uaine. nryris something of a liar, but for ty CENTS W0ULDN T TKSfPT HlJf. - a number of members from the House of Kepresentatives have stolen away at various times and for sport . it rt - . . . yvinna iroui ineir uongressional du ties. Most of them hare selves, but none to a greater extent than did Wade of M Minnesota and Sawyer of New York. They invaded the State of nrrinj and studied the unsophisticated natives rw umi. ine last placed at which they made any stay was Leo nardtown. From there thev intended cominsr to the canital hv hnnf K.,f that semi-occasionul enift . h parted, thev were rnmnalltv. t by rail. Ihe train was started -xlfh nm.L bar, and proceeded t a yery deliberate guit, Occasional! v. the ni would getnff and gather a few peaches, With which he would treat his Dassen- gers." After the train had been crawl insraloni? for an hour and hA i.n..j leaat st toileii, tbeconductor: collected me tares, wiiieht. for the.ennm.eAn.1 crowd amounted to 8rt eena When he reache,! Colonel V,i tk- is innocent wav: " , "Do VOU etiarw nrerlior full U:-!' Jiia. r A"c VII aUU lUfVI L,-81.r lhe conductor's reply. AVe onlyt charge them half-rates. 4re you a preacher ?4" he added, looking squarely nt ttheiColonel' Methodist countenance. - ' . CvtYKWP Td the Missnurian, buttliatitfentleni1.tr iV il 'O- ...... .cat. JIUIUMUUVIU Judge Sawyer, fcwh sat a toui. e of seats 111 front of him.' , - .' I 1 he conductor at once , returned to the Judcre: and after KiwMn....i:. at theun-kissed countenance ofi the New York steamer. rr,ffmA k;m n cents, with the rem.irkr t iWe only col- laa I...U .4-- 2 I" .. s rf 5 v-v-- nnrs iijiu ureacners , f Whoin blank saul Twafa preacher?" asked the judge, wth considerable show of anger. 31 t The conductor threw his thumb over his shoulder ifTth. AltJKn nrSf1 xy tlioash ..thought nil fha 4: 4fcrt rrrr' r 0 . .v nujcwiiii ineco.onei was garb ling the facts in the case. ... . meantime the three dimes, the ?l 4i-?f? fi7cJfnn"; I calmly inihe;Udge fatalm.!r He regarded 1 7? i Vi1" wout, 'and handed them back to the official, sav ing: "I am A good deal of a liar, but I will not he for 4acents." jThetrhr rehrosfid f i n knit!rir:t ence-and4 would ndt Ioofc atrJsisj WiideuntilWiishington was reached. Exchange. W 'Ir' r s " ". ' - !r.'' a... f Uenjpve to heatitth leiripowerbut 1 ; T V "" "cr out nave ' , ter . - . v t ; ii-i : &a u iiui m uiuur.ia va a a m-r maiE' iiiiie if Ton let it stay. - 1 til get jour pile, turewn. jron.v , , ; ; ; ; .:: fiod himself can t do raueb with believe we cime from monkevs, but when I look at some of tou I think you re neaaing mat way. . I ou nt4y ppt there. n . at1 pnmnice, elegant Method wt' is a m luStrosi nromiuent Killing; they Jai. ' " ' a ni instrositr. hese nice.' little Methodists ain t worth ain't worth ten cents a J r ,l j i - A t . f MetbpdisU ain t gdtrothingto ron on but religion. :Someof you ain't got that and yon ain't running. 4 f I Rot tnat anu yon ain t runnincr. s c I .111 rn L-A u Ml aMiruli.t Khilnih noL .11 j "wriT ' - icureu ucnuuu n hwichti urtritciicr. w,th I art, h Mllb'a nnl u.na n J. w... -I ..rvvuS-ayuH the coldest place on earth. I n,vr trw ftf. .tiVk In W UtI M f tney ten tne truth on me 1 tn sorrv - 1 J Ita nian's sick, lame opdneased he I n ..j :j L.t.t 1. 1- 't on me and ride pie without bri- saddle, but wheA one of these I jC b die or Jstronir nrong ones gets on me, wnen ne waices op he'll find me at the trough eating, with one of his galluses tied around my bind leg. VI ' ? " 1, , -,1 ' - . J? -', Dockery's Expeiues. ft yj paid by the (national re- are they PHBLinAX fXlIf If ITTKSL .5 W'" ; T The Monroe Exnregi ronton. tKI. I : - " " -piirp wuwuu m important announcement: We have Pi "Hn the .authority, of Hon. M. S it upon the authority, of Hon. M. S . . Ii,in? isf Aaheboro, wTiose word no 1'.: ii j-ia. a 1 a n ait Hu1 !lK?? in XOIv Alien Joi I dan.' the- lefulincr Kim i io.n RTrv..- 1 W, tne leading Republican1 of Mont- I .wiruvilaHl iUUIIIwl I r ... , Md that . P?H i iwRcir cAucnseii were Winn naio ov itiv -a,; i r i -k i nie national iteDUblican fiXecutiTe a - committee, jord n said that the mon- ey had not been paid over bv Chair- man Quay, but that he had givn such uuaoubted mm. that it would U forthcomins tbat rtam pnate ind Vidua IS had advancer! the rnnnn nu. j - - - j essary, td defray Dockery s expenses upon the promise of beim reimbursed When the funds from the .National Committee were received. A tn Lw much money the Northern 11 publi cans are furnishing to buy votes in North Carolina Col. Jordan did not say, but it is reasonable to easonab e to sunnose u-i. : u -i i Air tnat ii tne money is furnished to oav IJOCKerv 8 cnninaMrn tmhu if la fur- r - . . mm a i m : ,1 1 li . r "s. I I .i uisaeu ior otner ciniD;iin rtnirnoie as well. Jordan gave J. U. Pritchard, Uenublican candidate .'for -1 teh tenant Governor, ns bis authority for the stat i ment; so if Dockerys expenses are not being paid by Northern diorrey, Pritch ard or some one else has Been guilty of uttering a falsehood. i y Attend careful! v to the details of your business. Beprompt in alljthings. Consider well, then decide positively. rk . 1 1 11 . , Dare to do nRht r to do wrong. Endure trials patiently. fight lifes battle bravely, manfully. Go not into the society of the vi cious. Hold integrity sacred. In ure not another a renutation or 1 - -ri7 Dusiness. -, - . Join hands only with the virtuous. Keep your mind from evil thoughts Lie not for any consider.it ion. Make few acquaintances. Never try to appear what you are not. wuserve good manners. Pay vour debts nromntlv. Question not the vmc tv of a tritnA f Kespect the counsels of your parents. Sacrifice - moneyratber than princi ple. v "i ct-- Touch not, handle riot, taste, not 'in toxicating liquors. Use your leisure time for improve ment. T Venture not upon the threshold of wrong. J f v v " Watch carefully - - j; iiwwivudi Extend to every one a kindly saluta- Yield not to i discouragemenL ; Zealously; labor for tbe right. t, Success is' yours. ; - ft - s . r ; - The Great 'Eastern. The greatvessel;'asshe silently lies on tne mud on XMew ferry, appears to ue enreiopeu in an atmospnere of set tled mtdancholv. which almnat trn vm the impression that her impending fate w Known toner.--ine vast-decks are nothing short of a howling wilderness, here and there studded with deserted and dismantled dck houses, which are obsolete iu the extreme. Below board her appearance is even worse; the enor mous tanks which did such, good ser vice in the cause of the cable are re moved, and nothing retains but a gi gantiesSLce large enough -to hold, a small church. The floor of this tre mendous npartmrnfc is ? I all rof a large holes, and the visitor is reminded rf tvtirexjsl nee by h?s tldeleal'ilf aV t step into One of them should be' follow ed by a fall of forty feet into the dark anddisinal hold below.' The"" screw' e igines have been working on her late ovage and are in good condition. Tbfkajmgbleof 'gUgjjr tlit shin at about four miles an hour. The pad It - . -i m 9 die engines nave not been used A for some time, and present a dreary, ap lJearance4 The gfaniitie- 'pistons are uivuiumes.-, uuu uie iiegrauic lutl ica tor silently points to an ominous Ston i aooo nuu m win ov htic wnen loe volume , n t ' 1DOO . X II 111 M. L . l . 1 . i ; . - . - i a - t I j general question, Sir, allow ons? Supposeall nations to icfc.33Tit; a they; would be prosperous then, accord- less, some times wise and beneficial I kept' witlun nrooer limits, but llwhen 1 1 rri tn an STtnivnimnt Iioirri rW - n i- T IT T ni.lB. Ill IKIIf W WW . A ...... . . tne point or pronibition, tneabsunl char cwvki v iiic bjbvcui uiouiicaia itscii i . 1 Is Ccnmmptlc2i I&cnrableJ J Bead the following: Mr. C. II. Morris, I Newark. Ark., kmvk? Va with rtnu-n A Kb- ! j . j - aa m ac cess of Lungs, and friends and physicians ces oi iiungs, ana menus and phi pronounced me an Incurable Co tiye. Began taking Dr- King'j Discovery for .Consumption am n vx)nsump- 8 isew wiscuvcty ior.wnsumnuon am now on imv third hotti nni uhio I . ' v . , wi work on my fann. It is. the finest inedi inn vp miri Dcatr, I . T ? lr! Ill . - iwi , -oiaiewari, uecntnr, Ohio. :- UHad ltD for Dr; Kifcg .ew Vvery lor consumption I would its ri Vf n UD DV donftora. Am nnw in Kw . . " ..w ... VCt neaitn." Try it. . Sample bottle freo at ;viuiii k v.o. lmg tore. An Eye to fiuiness Pirst with some shyness', i;m i i . VMiucvt. sir. sain rne winnw liil.-i. I 'Li. .. iut i luiszui- in time learn to love you, but, er you are qotte poor, are you not?' .j: f- eu yes; my income is not l.jrge, but with you dear Mrs. TompkinsV to cheer land encourage me, it would soon"4 H ;"Ah," interrupted the widow, Ivltl. ' in 1 . .. ' . ' : iciru neii ine wiuow. WItlilJ. : w a JKh, 'that would be pit in cr hnsfn to fortune. I am drawini?S15 a month " ; , uiii uinniuviu H UIUIIIU pension, and I wouldn't like to cive up I 4 dead Slire thinrr fnr a mnl- nnrF..m U n ? "I i idSCtriC BlUers. i . j I i ThU remedy is becominK go well known i . -Ti7Pu,aras.celn fecial men I AH fTI 1 ,mve T JJ'l.ccmc. 1JUters we awe sons of nra se.-A im--r .1 ?Cn ciedoio tSS " . ...wv..- 8 guar ti io oil tut i . ";;.t.t I ... hmwisimiiubii, bicctric isiuers will enm nil i; o.ai.iuci. jiucnic uiners ftviicuiiv ungiiiaiing in ine nasal pas 'liseases of the Liver J and M18 and maintaining its stronghold in ----- w - iiovuovin in w- a .i v - r unn ney8, will remove Pimples, Boils, ?lt Rheum and other a flections caused ?y purc b,00(1- Malaria from the sys- 1, cu e oflto Co11Bumptio and Imlition try Electrii RitfprPtiti , . i i miigiui'iiua K"arauieeo, ?r money refunded. Price 60 cts. kind f Vr ooulm at T. F. Kluttz & Co i We Tell You Plainlv that Simmon's Liver ltcgulalor will rid tou f Dyspepsia, Hea.Uche, Conatipation ind Million. t. .:ii i . ... t . w....wUauv3l.. Al urcaK up cuius and UIVM unit a.a-MVM . I. ! . . lT.r":' 1 V"" ..,v,urn. nn, Iv.cin im-ir rtriurn, aim viiicic anuuore lor all malar h do miti Tt fan ti rial . V.... r.... . r It ....i :n i . . irriT. ami vu will Im stirrii.m,i gooii rcjtuits or tbe L'enuina Simmnn. I W ii tr ... - ! yu ", prt-parco oy j. II..Z.CII111 & Co. Hw H5 Met His End. j j "So you are from Arizona?" f ! "Yes." MHow is the Tombstone Hooter com- .1115 U Busted." u,What busted A prominent citizen shot the edi tor." ' -What for?" M You see he wrote 'Horrible Hlujid- ti"u,BiT ur wroir nornuie l) und- a, a heading to Ko over an acci"bt of it railroad accident, but the foreman m9e a mistake and put it over the account! tugs. of a wedding. Texas Sift- Buckleas Arnica Salve. ; ! j ' ' : j Thk Bkbt Sai.v'e in the World for Cats Cruise?. Sore, Ulcer. Salt Kliruiu. FWyr Siirrf. Telle. Chappecl IlandM, Chill.jaliiia Cornt-, and all Skin Eruptin,Hni oiMvt ly curt-i! PiU, or no pay reipiired. t. U guaranteed to aire perlect satisfaction ir mnnry refuuled. Price j 25 cents pes lok. For Sale bv Kluttz Si Co. ill fc'J. ) ' III ! THIS AGE ! If full of humbuirs. and that rrmi.Hr liiit disproves this charge is a God-send to hurnan-l ; u" nrTrr lanea ana that ouht to count for something to him who wants to bt cured of what B. B. 11. sets itself uo to cure; r . 1 j ' .. 1 1 r j UTTERLY SUa PRISED ! U Mkbidux, Mis?. July 12, I8$t. Foe a number of 3'ears I have suffered; un told asronr from the effei U of LI (MmI tut I won i I hn niT case treat! hv srMiI nrnmina. physicians, but received but little, if anyj, re lief. ' I resorted to all sorts of patent medicines, priming a inrge amount ot money but ret gtUki no betu-r. My attention was attrUd t by the cures said to have been aff. ct.l l.v It it n and I commence taking it merely as an experi ment, having but little faith in the result To ray utter surprise 1 soon commenced to improve, and deem myself to-day a well and hearty! pef-son-Hdll owing U the excellent qualities iif R. B. B.j 1 cannot commend it tou hi"hy to those suffering from blood poison. J. . GlRSOX, ! t i. Trainman M. k 0. R. it ! AFTER TWENTY YEARS, i I I . t ' BaXTiMoas, April 20. 1887. For over tiven- ty years I hare been troohlnl -lh .tmiatiH bowels and bleeding piles, and grew very Weak and thin from constant loss of blood. I have used 4 bottles of B. II. II., and have gained 15 Eoanda in weight, and feel better iu general ealth than I have for ten' ream. I nj-An.- mead your B. B. B. as the best medicine I hate mi v. owt iut improvement to the use - f . "111 .. lr. 111 run ai aa i hiiwi if. i. . ... a ... w. . ...wu anaim, r.l la a.l 1 1 S .A. OMITH 3IS Exeter St. . :? AN OLD KAN RESTORED. .Dawftox. Ga., Jane 30. 188? Rointr nn oil man and suffer-in? from rcm-rnl HohUiti- and rheumatism of tha-joints of the shoulderi il fntinrl -a4ifRoaalar in : a . . L T ' ..a .injauing m in j unsipess, tnat mi a lawyer, anui I bonirht nl Uam . bottles of B. B. B.. BoUnic Blood Balm, of Ur T. Np.; Jones, or J. It. Irwin k Son, and hiy general health is fmnroved and th rtiumitin. left me. -I beliave it a be a. tmnA m;t.i I i ' v J II. Laiio. I AU Who AntArm full lufnnn . l.LJ f of Blood Pofsona. Scrofola and Senita tma Weill ok, L leers, SoreA Kheuinausm. Kldnev CotnpUJpus caurrh, etcan iulbalLjfrS aiiiVtii .1.. l,u::vriw?u now wooaew. r.w? v-iHtc tmvfawni book f voncteri-1 won the mo wonderful and toartllng pi!o! I i i , , 6.ioa h4M cj . AUanta. U s 1 ever Sjurr . I . .j. ,.'-.. - . .fr . .. . .. : .z : I. me if fn It' v,; if - .. - fl U I E ITS Catarrh j 6 fc DP1?I uAibAiu i, ?eanses Ilaaaaai.. BALM n the Nasal I Passages, Allavs Pain andlnfkmma- tion. Heals the Sore 8. Bsstores tlhe Senses of Tasts and Smell i - -. -- " TRY THE CURETlAr "FEVER i i : CATARRH is a disease of the mnrmis ninmlininii Ki-ucr.iii.v unginaung in tne nasal has the head. From this point it sends forth i poisonous virus into tlu si,mn,-l, .i tfraugh the digestive organs, corrupting ihe blood and-nroduciiiir othir .r.iiM !unic anu dangerous symptoms. iA particle la appltea into each nostril, and Is L , . ', nce s" centH at arusfl8t; by mall irriai-rnii. kii ivhtv k i v u rj t a oiiroi.jew lore. 12-lv North Carolina ) superior court iBrlllllU r x la va ' - . inuwAi. bUUHIT J iseiore the Clerk. John I). Miller. Ad m'r Ol Will. Ivltaker ra - I I'iiaiuiin, vs Pelition to sell Albert ne Millar n T - land to make lirown and wife. J sr assets. phine C. Brown, heirs at Id w of Win. Litaker. Defendants. It npirearin!! hv nfTnlnvit tn K n. inat l,. J. Brown and Jo.senhiiief!. Itr. a-e necessary parties defendant to the proier deterniiuation nf thi t.r.u...ili,, alia that tnev nro iioii.rSHsani Mate, now, therefore, this is to notify them to be and appear before John M. Horah, Clerk of the Superior Court -pf Rowan county, at his ollice in Salislmrv, A. C., on or before the 22d day of No vember, 1S8S, and auswef or demur to Plain tins complaint which is now filed therein, or this proceeding will be heard c-vparte as to them. ll)ated this the 25th dav of September, l$f8. . J. M. liUKAII, j j CHv Super. Court of Rowan county. jllieo. t. Kluttz, Plaintiff's Attorney. r;oi PATEiyTS Caveats, Trade Marks and j Copyrights Obtained. and all other buslDftsinthar 8 Hateni Otijit-eaiitndeu loforMtKleiiUt-Fet-t- our oiiiue Is oppohli e t . I . s. Vu 1 ent OClce. and wecan obtain Patents iu le time than thoiere- uiyiciiviu iiniii iilti on. .KiM?d;ModPl.rdrav,nS- We dvlse astopatent- lTT l ; " make A. eaarjr u tn, , u oiiti n fa ten r. , We refer her to the Postmaster, the Sunt. of Monty Order Ulv.. and to offl.-ial ol the U. S. Pat. ent ofllce. Korclrcular. advice, teims and refer en(fs to actual cllenis la youi o n St ate or county Writ t.tt A fl II Ja tai .bl . ' wv m . mm. - m a va umw mrr-m vCl, XI IT LAND SALE ! Bj virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of kSanipson county, in the cae of L.4A. McKov and otherrf, cxparte. I will sell at the Court House door in the town of Salisbury, 011 Mon davi the 5th dav of Xovemlr. Iksm acs of valuable land in Itowan county, about Kdvland ThU U ?"-iV. th Mc" ,,.,: Thls w 1,1 bc " tracU of uojto lav acres. Ihey are among the best laiids in a section fanietl for the excellent qual ities of the ?oil : and furthermore th-ri. i E..flB ciejnt timber of fine quality to pay for the land ii were worKeu up and sold jfine, Oak (he and Hickory heincr a bund ant: ami .!t at(d within 21 miles of the Western North Carolina Rail Road. Terms: (Ine-fourth cash and the balance in twelve months. Persons desiring further in formation will please call on me or Col. VYA. Iloiuck. J. ". UAI'VEV. I'l.mV ; Sept. 22, 1838. 50: ' Administrator's Notice. 1 Haviucr aimliilod Alm;ni.tt . ori the estate of Jlanxaret Rit;hie. dec'tl. all persons having claims against said feKiie arc reqiiirea to present them on or before the 2 th day of September, 1889. orjthis notice will be pleadja bar of their recovery. All pcrsoua owing said estate arjjj hereby notified to m.ike immediate payment 3f. A. BOSTIAN. bent. 2., 1888 AdmV. T. C. Li.nx, Att'y. 49:6t. ETlTraLr'i nd Ill f. .and from JOraoaa 111 ll!' rmriw fH4t, Afttfy Ta wTicn t'o 111 rL-J?.- onii 9 mm. with parucuiara for HoHurrOr? fares 51J -".-1 cnurcn St., Naaliuie. Tenn. Ti ifniaa ... a I ! ' ' ' " - . : , ThIS P A PTTR foana itie bt Gen. f,t trr.-S?Jw ' ' 1.- . . s o Begalar Horizontal Piston. The most simple, durable and Pump in the market lor Mines, Refineries Breweries, Factories, Wells, Fire duty arid general manufacturing purposes. JSend for Catalogue. mU. CAMERON STMPDIIP Foot op East 33rd 8tbkkt, New s PIEDMONT AIR-LINE ROUTE Eichmond & Danville Eailroad. , 002TSS2T8SD' BOESDULS!. IN EFFECT JUNE 24, 18. Trains Hun By 75 Meridian Time i ( SOUTHBOUND UA1LV i No. &0. No. ftt. Lv. New oric " l'lilladelphla " Haltlttore " WaabUigton Charlottesville Lynchburg Ar. Danville Lt. IdcUmond UurkesvlUe M Kej-a.vtile Drake's Branch DaoTille Ar. Greensboro nt 14 1 to 9 45 11 24 S 40 ft 641 30 S 1C S IT ft ft 13 a so 10 85 I 40 ft 00 4 t5 to 7 K 35 A M 4 Su ' 57 t 4 11 00 3 0u ft 10 7 4ft X SO 4 5 05 ft to .1 05 41 ti 10 1 4j 3 U t7 t'. 4 04 7 40 V P M A M Lr. (ul(Isx)io " Kal-tjrh " Durbam Chapel inn lllllfcboro Ar. Greriiboro Lv. Salem " tireensboro " lllg-b Point Ar. Hallsbury " Mates llle Aslievllle 44 Hot Sjirlna Lv. Salisbury Ar. Concord i'harlotte i Spartanburg " (i-reenville " Atlanta M M A t t? SO II U It 31 It VI I SI I 18 t IS It i 1 10 1 ftS 4 4t 1 to 11 00 80 50 to 1 it 1 A If it it - 4 31 to I 11 ts It 01 It 40 ; s 37 " ; 4 49 " ' DAILY. SI. No. PM I Hi" AM 1 ti P M 4ft AM P M I 4 northbound' Lv. Atlanta Ar. (.reentille i Spartanbuff ! charlotte ! " Concord ! ' S iiisbury Lv. Hot .Springs " Ashevuie " xtatcville t Ar. Si lsbury Lv. Sallatiury Ar. llljfh Point Oreenboro Salem Lv. tireensboro r. lllltaboro Chapel mil " Durham 1 " KUeiiU " ' oidsboro Lv. Greensboro Ar. D.nviile . " Drake's Branch : ' Keysvllle i " Burktsvlile I ' Kl ltmond ; " Lynt-hburff i " 1 harlot irbville t Wnshinjrion " MiMluore Philadelphia Xtw York j Dally. No. 00 1 o 1.1 4 SO 5 43 83. A M P M I t ftS S 30 '0 8 ti s 05 3 0 4 3! I 7 :t u 00 14 40 50 11 ft 1 IS 1135 1 5ft 4 10 Soft 47 It ti :t 40 1 ts 5 30 It 44 I M 7 35 R 51 SO to 7 OS II 4 ! 1 t5 I S 34 ! 7 IU ' IS I a 40 :tltsi 4 A M P M P M a A M ft A M P M i lo So 3 10 P M ts to 4 30 s ft til 4ft s 50 :o to 11 11 1 41 i 30 5 Oft t ft 3 OS 7 00 f :o 47 ito A If ft P M P M A M A M A M P M P M ' ft P If A M t Dally, exce 1 1 Sunday. PHndNortokat "tel,,,,0,,a ilh r- - Suday'frln SLEEPING-CAR SERVICE. On train no so and 51. Ptiitmm ... ' Moni.Pf)iTifti Qtdi Halels-h and Storristown, Tenn all wamV " rrlQ' stauonr. to : thScom!TnV.1iUOraaU0n- Bto1 8ol1Iaas, traffic Man r. J. 8. Potth, Vic. Pat Act. KlCUMOND, V.. W. A. Turk, Dir. Am. A 7, t. v m Kaikioh. N. Jas. L. Taylor, Uen. Pas. Agt. R. J. HOLMES Isnow Receiving His Fall and Winter Stock Of GOODS, Direct from tie Horilern Ilarteti And will be pleased to see his custotmers fre purchasing elsewhere. be Groceries, And all other kinds of Goods kept in gen timci. WU at PricM it tlu CALL AW EXAMini T.1Y STOCK. Bob White and Crystal Roller Mill Flour of . the best quality ' JUST RKCEIVED OXE nUXDRED -BAR, RELS OF FRESH VI RO IX I A U&"i& SALE. , ; I expect all persong who hare given me Mortgagei on their crops to bring me their cot ton. when it is ready for sale. i r-V . 49 f HOLMES. VEnTICALPLUKGf effective Quarries Artesian WOBKS York. amlDajwlijateici' ' W.N.C. Division Passenger Train Srh.i. , aa 4 - I't Train No. Bt. v est Bound. Lt too 4 30 51, 4t II 00 5 OS SS a. m. p. ni. ltoston - New York Philadelphia Baltimore Washing, on LyncUbUrc Danville a, m. t;w a, ni. Klchiacihd 3S 1 41 3 It J.eiasvllie p. m. a. iu. (tolbsboro itaieigi. Durhnui S it a. m. Greensbotn 11 5 a. in. NaiLohnr? .Ar itm noon Statesvllie P- m. Catawba it 36 lifts Aewton likkorr 114 J4 tio I 49 3 13 37 j4 00 131 4 40 809 SSI 5 10 Connelij8pring8e Monraiin.n t CJleii Alpine S Marion Old Fort: Ifound Knob Black. Mountain Asheville : Asheville Alexanders Marshall Hot Sprines Lv ar Lv Ar 40 p. m. 7 3 50 1140 so a. m. Hot Nptlrgs MorrisiowQ Ki.oxvlllo Jclll.o Louisville 11 10 a.m. Indianapolis" fa p. m. rijicairo 15o St. paur f 4o p. tn. St. Louis lo a. m. Ksnsaadty Murphy Branch. TUAIN NO IS - W;,wt ' I.P,iva l.h..i... TAiaoii 10 S3 Arr w .. . . .,V""' arr 4M 10 Ui,a IJSUs Jfrietts,.... Leave A;&8.'Itoad. Oally cxc. pt SUNDAY TnAIN NO 1t TRAIN S01 3 50 p. Til m Leave f.,HDbnrp -Iriave I14S.B Arrive liendfrsiui - ajr ... Asheville Leave fig 14 75th meridian lime Ukedfo Hoi Snriw. Pullman Sleepe.8beWeea wK5A!!fCS6 " 4 " Halelgh 4t tireei)htfo . .. ParloVc-irt " V1'"' Lo1ll 'OS. L. TAYLO,ro:V. A' . W. A. Wf NBritN. Act' 0. f. A FREE . fH- WiOl werk m4 cmm iwvutM.o.-vK rcaaM iBMCh ionlltrCMtWIMMa FREE. HowfaUtipMlttir ,. .TT w'i cawpaaa. mat m.mw ' t mmr mnmr mm . swhm wawismMHV JUi MMWMWaWfl tll b. Buaj M4wlt will twhantfraay Wtvleh vraEBmrfnt - i - . WHEN YOU WANT - HA OD WARE AT LOW FIGURES : . -. . . i k. lion the nntlrrKi-ixil vn Hysiit -7 m a i va " Rw. - rP.A..TWELL; Aeat for the CardweLI Thrasher. .' Salisbury. Ni a, June h4l? - L HinocRconno. j j . "77 awaw mm MMffirviortvnnJVBiw" ? , StuiaaaUMia. iMratDart(slktlMi Kiylta , . cf- pfcsf- Biaoa,.r. - -i Of Interest tfrrdici i a..iaa aajiaj-ajuIMMar fcBfl aVaP ) .1 B -at' t if l : 1 m ' 1 aN '.i--TiV - m 4 RictaoDi 'trai"otir- 1JK3 tiS ) ; 430 :j ;U 5S4 I ' III - "-S-5T . ' I 517 .-a i I I 1 I i - a is tai , ' . Mil 1100B ! 11 4 S B i i'" r. " ! a -! -- i 15 'j -; .: 4 ts s.n. ! sop. m. , ! 4oo. pTiir" - - P.m 3 00 p. m. m on a..-" P.. S. ,. .T : ill t m9 -mtmmm. I . laaa rami. 1 r 17 As If " 'JT-.TTVJ 11 JZZsyOyj M 0 Ha. mTZL i rT T V Mmpir. ftr M tutknmrf o wh mt a t iwmm a AlmtmrUtrr. A - - .aa mm . -a , wwyaa. ra. l.av .afaaaBa YOU i 1 ' 5' i IT-