- " " . " 1 4 'i'-;-.- - i- - i- - i :t ; Carolina Watchman, ZZZTl ':;:ZZ'3 ffgUBSDAY, NOV. 29. 1SSS. 7; Blaine U spoko of as Secretary of State I under Harrison, It is not known t but he will accept it; bat It fs asserted that un less it Is offered to hiu his' friends will i raise a storm. . i ' The Governor has announced by.pro- nfilfiifl Vrtle of Xortll CardllllfV 4Vvrr, et !TJTr i rttw it 're clamation the election of the Democratic A ----- I uw idJUAXUjr The Dutches of Soutberland is dead. There is a young lady; ia Iowa 6, feet 11 inches in height. .,.'.-. - I Yeliovr fever is reported as slowly dy ing out at Jacksonville, iFIa. ...7 The greater part of TJreka, Ark., was destroyed by tire last Friday. I 'Hie political troubles in Hay tT i About being peaceably adjusted. , are Virginia rote for Cleveland i will be challenged $y the republicans. There were two jfire alarms in Baleigh, last Sunday, but no important loss. The annual Conference of the Method 1st Church, met in Newbern yesterday. A Xew... York shatter, Duulap, boasts that he elected Harrison, having through the means of '20,000 circulars issued to bat operatives, turned thousands of them from Cleveland to Harrison; " Let's boy-1 cott Dunlap. , " ., ' ' ; : J North Carolina stood well in the Dan villa tobacco exposition. J. N. W. Ro gers aud A. E. Fore, of Buncombe, took the $150 premium W bright wrapers, and afterwards sold the lot for $99 per hun dred pounds. ' j- i'- f : There is a split among the "Grand Army of the Republic" on political ques tions. The Democratic members of the G. R. Ai are seceediug from the organi zation and will form into another and distinct body. electors fir President arid notifies each and all of them to meet in Raleigh on the' second Monday in January next, "to discharge the duty imposed nponthem by law," to wit: cast their votes for Cleve land. ' - , r . Skinner, democrat, elected to Congress from t ho first district bv a mninritv ! of Wo have promise of greater efficiency -bout 1000. will have hi at ,nntn La in the agricultural department at Wash lngtonv Judge Fowle, Governorelect., probable will not be inaugurated before the 20th of January. by Elihu White, republican, on the ground of unfairness in the election, counting the votes, &c. Col. Waddell is spoken of in the east ern section of the State for U. 8. Senate TtlA PVt1tn.l Vina liuifnrmlv ctsvnsl trit ! 'l h Frvinrr Po w T.ltrli Shin vf m. JpiA I J -b" - the Democrats and fought with them in every battle; and he is well known as aii efficient member of the party. "The culture of Murder," is a subject engaging a portion of the press, and the displays of pictures of bloody crimes is assigned as one of the ways by which the culture i promoted, j No doubt they are potent agencies lu the work, ! and there is a vast amouut of cheap literature and newspaper printing "equally chargeable with giving employment -to the courts and the hangman. The following Ts th official rote hf this State, jliyj ntMifor,OoTern'r in 184 aid for Gttrcrnor in 1858: ' 1884 J 1888 COUNTIES. t t , c: S -rc i - - Q 15,000; i The popular Bell telephone system (with millions in it) is the subject of a legal trial in the United States Courts on the charge of the patent having been fraudulently obtaiued The U. S. Gov ernment is plaintiff in the suit. Some idea of the wealth of this company may be learned from the following, in the Scientific American of the 24th Novem ber: " They are building iu Philadelphia a conduit three feet wide through the la the recent storm ou our coast, and has gone to sea. ,T Leavenworth, Ind., is threatened with destruction by rocks falling from a clift above the city.- ' A royal commission at Rome have been engaged in making out the history of Columbus. A lute start. main j streets and avenues wticb will contain fifty 3-inch iron pipes and fifty wooden tubes laid iu cement, with a ca pacity of 100 wires each, a total of 10,000 wires. Connections will bo made with each block by a branch runuing from a main conduit to the mid dire of the block, and in nearly all the blocks there are amall streets and alleys in which the The impression prevails that there ; f, attributing poles can be conveniently going to be a great many cfiVtnffw tAf ( erected leaving the main streets entirely republicans disappointed under the ad- Iree rrom w.ircs." The wealth of this ministration Gen. Harrison, and verv company U stated at $25,000,000. If thev many of those confidently expecting an sIloul11 lose the case in Court they will office will be left out in the colli. a lortune. A great bank swindle is reported in the Valparaiso Bank, Omaka. The offi cers of the bank did the work.- Pocomoke city, Maryland, was totally destroyed by fire on the52d inst. Loss over and above insurance $100,000. ' i i " Fifty millions are said to hang on the decision of a case iu Court on the validity i of a certain process for sealing cans. The English government has pbned indefinitely the appointment of Lord Saekville's successor to- Washing ton, and now it is suggested that Pregi dent Cleveland will withdraw U. 8 Minister Phelps fromrSt. James.. Little points of etequet like these do sometimes bring serious trouble. - (jrov. Hcales has offered a reward of $400 for the capture of the murderer of James Philbeck, in Cleveland county. iost; England, Germany & the Slave Trade, LohiI n Sptetator. Prince Bismarck's Daoer. the "Xorrb "uiau udiene, nas oeen discussing apparently under official insniration ll: xr . ... . me question ot the African slave tradf A little more than a week ajjo it pub- iisucu un anicre on tne subject which has attraced a considerable amount of attention in Germany and England. .fit . O ine article begins by stating that the AraD slave hunter of Equitorial Afri There was heavy frost and ice at Gainesville, Fla., Nov. 25th. This will probably freeze out the yellow fever. gmporofWil liam, of Germany, in a latf speech, emphasised his-, desire for peace and thinks it will be maintained. The Charleston (S. C.) fair has proved a great success so great, in fact, as to induce an extension of time. Good for the worthy old city. The County Commissioners of 3Icck lenburg county have oi-dered an election to be held in January to take the 'sense of i the people ou subscriptions to four Ca are not only the cune of the native ruitu cnemes. 10 some tnDes. but a rfanwr f,f ,a Knnpli'oli .i ... , . 11,-...' O uuiiou. IUU of them it is proposed to make subscrip- Belgians ani the Germans, and to tl tions in money, and to others tranfersl of work of civilization carried on by those &tM;lc in nt.hnr T-iof i'nrr ii viuiio. iiitueriu riUiriaim n:w iwpn the only power that has mndft anv nf. TM I i . ... 'I t L 1. . i . . . . ! xuerc is an emonrrassing strike amone to put. a stop to tfte slave trade. theruilroad ewitebmen reDorted at In-: be work, however, is too lar?t? for anv dianapolis. Eveivthinsr was t .nii Minsrle people. Onlv hv still last Friday mon.ing and the striker can civilized nations concerned siu- wcre tbreatmg men who should attcmit . . m Ptt"mS a stop to a state of to take their places. Things locktd ugly. The strike extended all the wa! 1 r i I rum .MISSISSIPPI to APW York 11, trunk lines. The schooner Edward Norton, of Bos - ton, went ashore at 6.20, Nov: 25, and was thing? which is a disgrace to our ccn tuary ; and we may confidently hopt that the German as well as the Eno-li a . O - people will prove equal to the task which -m here imposed upoa them, alike by the sacred princiole nf of humanity. , In other words, Ger many invites England to join her in putting down the slave trade the in vitation bemcr backed nn bv nKc ii r We, A .UIOvu viunc uuruuii, ix. again crowdtd to w itness the start of six aays' match walkers. Quite a number quickly broken to pieces; 15 out of a crew oficopjtcstants entered thepla prepared oi iu were arowneu. , toeiiter the race: aud there wa nn .,... I mum I. nmnr.,.,1 D .., I ' - l l it "uivu otrjms IU BUlTiieSl suaiiy full attendance of snortini? rNu that the anti-slavrv (.mm,!,, 1... Ihere was a dynamite,: explosion in plf and theater goers present. 'TIimK Cardinal Laviwrifl mifrbt .io. onrmopi county, js. x.,a rew days ago, wafers, it will be remembered, some- geoiisly used as the basis for common wiiicu iueu mree men ana mortally "mes travel more than 600 mil- in ei action. wou(letJ three others. days beating any horse in the world The mttnn rrnn nf thit vm i I Tha VifT t. . . . . 1 j v.. ran- i r -" ici, iiuw ueinz ereciea in mated in New York at 7,200,000 bales. Paris. exceeds the i. height of the Wasb- JNo considerable rise on present prices ington Monument, and the workmen .i4 an reasonably be counted on. still at work. How much h'brW it , -n 'J A Musical Wasrer. I pn Anion? the numerous comical f,rtinn nets made, musicians took a hand with me balance of political mankind. The ODOsed to rnrrv tt ' ..... u""'e weKnow oi was betweeu those l . --j nvyuUk ou,, uui eminent Exposition soloists irrmi. and Edward Stolz piuned his faith in I iiA trrnam Mrainn r 1. T I . : . : r r ..... ' I " n " rir," .twH ieanui neight (over 500 feet) for Bellstedt (Cornet) - ior me year is stated to be men to stand on narrow nlatfn (trombone). Stolz $220,353,491. - And yet the company says wield the hearv sled h,m, L ,1-:... the re-election of Cleveland, and consc nothing about profits to be divided. Two Labor fJnion bodies, composed eutireiy of hegroes; aske4 to be received nto tho Central abor Union ttt New york, ou the Sth, and were refused. ' am its head the red hot rivets arts together. 3 LU III III I , qucnuy bad to pay the penalty of his !.,. uinu unfortunate obligation, which consisted oi an hour's solo work, on the public es planade at Fountain Square to the ac- (:hnii(.n..arA xr v . r iu.u.w.iHuwna or more till -tsvuuiv, i.'t. x . is oecominer norn nent s. i'h "hrt" 0...1 m mm 1 w.uuiiu CWIS iamous as a crape product I of the three h un ilrivl mn w a I vvwii. I - ... v.. .v uu.- uooiui Tki 111. 111 ... ... I n U . I . - . uC wuuuuru'r is ins standard varietv 1U uw,u me occasion, iormed a ir,i mi ... ', I IT race till interlude for tha ..., !!.- .'.. . - MCircu OU. ine SPCllnil la mn li "Mijf liuwi f ff-f fwwv-r 01 me cuy or jllacon. tnrt,r 4lT . . ... "3 xmi.Musieai Adcerttser. Pm b been found short in his accounts, but as he and his bondmen j are solvent no loss is expected to fall on the city. Icouiit of its favorable situation in refer ende to the LakeJErio and the hills back ui u, nas been found well adanted tA A Stronly Marked Contrast. A contrast between Russia and Tur- The Farmers Alliance seems to be on a ooom m rthw State. The ; State Secre tary is craviugindulgeuce. bavins more work on his hands than he can discharge fVlkUUUV Ik u viueculture. This year's cron fthn key in their railroad policy is strongly 'at $750,000. ! h?1?0?: . while Turkey controls fer- tion I Mt!maJ s hi tomviJ, iu nuicii mere seems lo net 1 a fair prospect of profitable traffic, no ef- Ai novel method f.r lTr.rl twv.. s. ,wri'. ,s maae 10 aeve:optnem. Kussip : . VElCtISC IS I . !J t-- 1 soon to h tel k.i . Dkii-.i.t-Lj. Yu . nipiaiy reacning MJ -pu , , ."V. u""ue'Pna om into Central. Asia, and iscoming dan pany. ine plan in brief is to sink peri gerously near the Indian frontier of E112- iuruiu iron spites in the waters of the 1 " 150111 Kussia and Turkey are euauy DanKrupt; but the former appre criatea the linnnrlmwA nf p niarla ,1 , --- v x. if 11 1 ma employment to 150 to of building them, Th fir. mi V t1 loraica iron .piles in the wa iQOrst Cotton mill in lave, wm tmi tr u .1 Into operation on the Sfith l7 "m T' QrUgtt .whlch keron oil may ' iw k b r-isca mi w . . , 1 . . , 1 " " BP"a over turn out 10,000 yards of brown sheeting jh-t uay. A )g strike by laboring. men is talked .fvyvj. - f associations are workipg it up, and it has ence to the establishment hour rule. j water and set on 'firo. It L while the latter on noses their miutm.. conjectureX that such a flame as may be tfon with other obstacles l)esides finan produced in this way, would be fatal to ciaI on?s' N YorJTEcening Post. any craft attempting to enter Or even an- proaching the harbor. Alamance . . Alexander. . Alleghany. , An-on :. . . . . Ashe. ...... Beaufort . . . Brrtie.... , Bladen . . ... Brunswick . Buncombe.... Burke ....... Cihairus Caldwell .; Ciiiuden....;... Carteret..: Caswell.. . . , Catawba.... . . Chat ham . . . . . Cherokee. .... Chowan . . .... Clay .... Cleveland .... Columhua.. . . . CrarenJ...',. . Cumlicrtancl . ; Curritu-k..... Dare.......... D.ividson. .... Davie. . . . . . . . Duplin. Durham . . . . Edgcconilre .. Fowytli ...... Franklin...... Onstnn ....... Gates........ Graham.. .... Granville. .... Green.... .... Guilford.. . a. Halifax. Harm tt ... Haywood .... Henderson. . . . Hertford. Hyle......... Iridell ....... Jackson..'. . Johnston Jones Leioir bimuiln Macon Madifson, Martin ..... McDowell Mei-klenburg. . Miiehellj.. Montgomery . . Moore .... . Nash New Hanover. Northampton Onflow ... . . Orange .... Pamlico. Pasquotank . . Pender .! P riuini.i'.s . . Pi-rson .L.... Piit ..... Polk......... Itandolpli .... Uiclimoud. . . . Itobcimn. . ... Uoekinliani . . Rowan . . ' Uutlarloid . . . Sampson. ..... Stanly.. Stokes ....... Surry .... ... Swain..... .. Trai.sylvaliia.. Tyrreil .... . Union........ Vanco ....... Wake.. .... Warren ...... Washington:. . Wat.iuga. . . . . Waie. ...... Wilkes...:... Wilson... idkin... Yanelev ... .. i Titnl ..p... ' Jj 1023 1245 1741 1 il7 043 351 952 552 ' 595 403 r 189C 1085 2241 1)00 950 1251 1409 "14H2 201C 1931 2092 1799 1614 1823 "1300 1097 I42C 1511 1541 1365 921 918 2665 1941 2041 2816 127b 995 1247 1165 100S 953 1645 933 1251 420 1253 717 69! 564 598 602 1171 597 1075 676 2550 1603 133 1697 2:m 650 2oli0 756 2441 1671 2546 2029 50 594 643 868 133 2525 7J2 793 3( 205 391 286 2030 612, 2269 764 1867 948. 2072 910 133 2525F "'140 2637 247! 2159! J2577 2232 97 JlSf'.UQ?. ; 418 54 2807 S26 330 195 2073 2018 283, lOO: 1107 1008 1201 223; 3174 2295 1154 157( 1196 1815 1617 tOH 1144 1713 32481 2101 877 2550 2584 2180 987 2204 2041 1385 934 1584 12U6 1183 27041 368 1137! 271 191 21S9 204r 2400 2001 1046 3094 lOOt 1072 24 ! 208 2470 2680 2264 786 2495 2897 1254 727 1444 877 951 2640 78" 1977 917 1291 11 21. -8305 li:J2 1202 807 674 354 758 2&7I 1708 2724 1897 713 345 00;' 569 2S01 1820 302 209 746 765 634 620 1620 1399 1588 1430 1172 723 1209 901 70? 493 .780 742 1085 138S 117 1873 1576 1234 1CS7 1300 951 63j 1020, 85s 3725 3048 4 16:' 2227 035 1148 69s! 15'i:5 901 96 979i 1215 1797 1426 1955 184H 1837 1528 2157i 1699 1751 2879 1880 283C 1733 2351 1659j 1990 1284 472 1180j 425 1670 1051 1609; 1262 74 605 740j 6lf 89fc 1239 832' 1217 121.' 1240 721 1 757 777 j 979 779 932 149 102 13751 1293 2436; 2285! 2593' 2328 44Ci 481 436; 418 2044; 182 2171! 2327 195: 1675 J 2361 1992 2823' 108? 2443! 1577 23fNj 210: 2636; 1372 .2739 .. 12(g : 15l7j 1232 1690 166H 2525' 1536 2:'.70 10 H 1100 014 990! 817 132(: 1W27 1450! 1335, 1871! 1430 494 155 50. 410 459j 323 520 55: 4ej 335 472 30-; 183 f 020 2032 997 1155 1612 1382 1936 4772j 4278 46 4943 1146 2142 122 V 2307 648! 1072 807 1014 759! 24 895 945 2796, 250o 271 2561 1301 1939! 17 C 2252 213: 1493! 2I5J. 1521 9.V. 1213' 1071 140$ 74( 062 940 7M 1331 1 124245 WE promised the pcap!e1hftr if Jungc Fowle Was ekcted Governor of North Car olina, we would sell Gom1 10 JM.T cent,, less than any House in Salisbury. i 'Loat This: . -0.00 Smts reduced to 4.00 . 7.00 - " " 5.00 10.00 " r . 8.00 . 20e. doublewidth Dress Goods 12k. White Blankets. 81.00 per pair, jbll J f.l ti 5 5 3 1.)) )K iir. The Cheapest line of DRY GOODS notions, im & SH03S, GROCER! ES AND. CROCKERY in Salishurv. D i not lake our wonl for it; but ionic an-l st-e for 3'nursflvcs, . ' '4 "" ' Respectfully, . 0. R. JULIAN a go; HATS-iii-' I TBEiSfJOGIIS STOOK AT WALLACE'S ! seyerar pi'ttinjj iu such a His Hiiswtr is, t'ae ia The mction been a.kel lor days, 'Mhy ii Wallaee lare stock of gju-U? crease in misiness. Have jut reeelve.lji full line of " STAPLE BUY GWDFi, Nations, Flannels, Sliaih. lankcU an.f a line of Ladies' Uml ;rVL-ar. BOOTS SHOES and Ixl the Latest and jthl - best iiti w 1 BSTLadies fine, hand sewed wal king 'jiodtH-m 1 ? ana opera toe?. r . .; L !"- ti?' Misses spring heel button too tr. El grLIeyrant varietv of cliildren's and infnnf'c dww '. 1 ,! bis suimlv of ehillron's'Sonl fimin RO.UnnT QnrWo ' ' - U MEN'S HAND SEWED SHOES. ' " 5.aO;tonl6M:;'-r" full $:"-r)0 shoe 's a hand Cbtiii!!! ZfTlii U,te ig a Htuvldtu tlti team, &x Men's suits from $5 up to 18. Youth s suits from $t to 10. Boys suits from 3 to 7. Children's suits from 2 23 to 3. Overcoats from 2 to 1G. A complete line of GEHT'3 PUfiNISHINff GOODS. LARGE STOCK OF HATS and CAPS. My stock of shoes is of the hest make, such as Bay State, and other good manufacturers. My stock is too Iarire to mention , glass crockery and wooden willow ware My upper floors are Hrranenvl f..r .,.. merchants and I will give them prices that will compete with any other market. My goods are ljouzht for Snilf -'ll t e lo west prices. All kinds of country produce bou-ht for H":Doirt fVifl to sec oi:r-."New Process" No nails or tacks to hurt the feet. ... Just as smooth sewed at one-half the price. - 1 ".- f ' IBA new and handsome lot of ladles' canvass W trunks. ing cash. VICTOR VVALLACF. SOFT, CRUSH and STIFF HATS FROft $d.00 TO $5.00. FANCY WOOD, GOLD AN'D SILVER TIP GLdKIA SILK " $1.75, $2.00 &tS2.5a Okders 'Promptly axi Cahefltllv Fillep, SCHULTZ &VilN :WYCK ; WHOLESALE AJID RETAIL DEALERS M ROOTS AND SHOES, MAIN STREET - - - SALISBURY, N.C. Six - - 4- of the r.ro Gold Boot. exr Mexico Election Eeturns. Santa Fe. N. M.. Nov. 24 Th nm- t ial return.- show the election of Joseph, isviuofrrai, io congrestt, over etero, Re- miMican, wy i, tzu majority. The Leiris- ature staiKls as follows: House Kt- lUDUcaiM lo, Democrats 9. Council republicans ?, Democratic 4, Independ ent l. Harrison Ought to Have a Gocd Time. A8Hl.GTOX, D. C. Nov. 24. Tho total subscriptions to date to the ee iuna lor tne inaugural ceremonies of ne 4thof March amount to Sri.nnft The committee havintr the mnttfr charge expect to raise $75,000. NOTICE. especial refer- bf the eieht- Troy I idttte: Last Mondav Tho. n- ton, fcq., killetl the first deer of the Season. 3Ir. R. W. Siinnsnn ilrpw tl, . . - - - . - " -v.. . . V- . U1UUI una gov me lime. i ne eti fyuth Carolina's vote far Cleveland The Legislature of South Caroli in session. For th .i " .7 .T "TT, , ... u. uuic Biuiffi re. iiionnii ui tut; new .iiirr. nnii pahi cnnct.riwl!in :.. - . I nltl ...... i n ht .. iucic u no negro member i"" ,o. v e venture tne as- m the Senate. The Goveoimr ?cr.t.,?.u "atit is one of the best wooden mends the fundi f ',, HpiiUings in the State. C. C. Wade. yas 65,825; for Harrison. 13.840. Tot.t dehtHn "ill- . . oni.f ha. been appointed a delegate to vote of the State 11 1a.. r -nY ' or 4 per represent tnis county at the Southern v,r, rV Z le8-tban four ceHt. The Governor aUo recommends I gmtlon Convention, which meets in l WIUUUniUQ VQt UUOtu4ni k. - : . lUfi CUV III III nnfirntnnri- A 1 A tf 1 ... - .-t,.w m uie BHaia ,k n. " 1l ' . consolidation, nr olwt; I J cvcuioer next. raiIrQn.n4 Iomm . .. j "o" vurpvrauons, inMStlns: ,054 greater. Quo Mr. Burk, a horse trainer, is irlv. lmU the Pple should not cease to hold t?. . ft-V? -f hlt tralned horses Jo a PPe' control of their mean of com. . .....jiiuH. xt is saia that they can.do.1 e - ana lrave. """ jag ounac,andoneofthm comes very nigh doing that.! - ' 4 here was an ugly tra-edv in P,1a, tralil. of ll'il . . Charles Kin sr is the nnmn nf a 'm.n living at 3Iiddlet6n, Mass., who is 107 years old. He has over 600 descendants liviug. He was bom nonr rnohw. . January 15, 1875. " - t tt . . . . I . . . " , t . w-vvi uwuisqc. D con- ' urciini oi a cnronienfrrrh ftnliAn rzr . w1"?- the ! ? ...at ho -g.v: whu-hifiid been fondled by one wh, ... i j . . . . - . . v r-iwn: y uuues are uli Mfit fi A constant f i A IJB . . - - .v II'UIUIL VJ .w..w pruB m uo so, as was thought i'ui-secreiions into the throat. II n : A A a- m I -- . ... . r . r T?i". to a cat! WDercabouta' of a desperate ' society, and He becomes an object of i was vnom he had a warrant: ;W,t-.-.i.: C"1""- tt " quent JKurc the pi; 8qroet chit is, ' movement; aung cause or pulmonary disease. The warrant wmt t , - ""D ";criion eis in, . -weniio the the snoncrv bones r nt,.i-i -.. vJ r - .,v, IV quwnuy, entirety uesti JKurce of discomfort i the purulent secretion - Adjutant-Generals Johnston qujykjy drew a pistol tmlbJlu f11 Jg inveterate, bron- largely increased interest in All parties who are ouine me either bv A uoie. moriMv or account, are nnii8ti-l I ..1 ' . w . . L-iimr nnijtjH-iiie ar inr. ,i have Ihiii very Iciiicnt but niust have tln-wt accounts set'llel; All mortgages tliHt re not se ttled shortly will Ik-placed in the hands ol an timccr ior cmm tiun. AM iwOoi s who nave given me niortn-s on 1 heir cotton are reqMcstnl to call on me lefire selling it. Ih.ive on h.tnd one of the largest and I WCt LtW.lu ..I" T t 1 . I 8ali.liii v, an.l uill be plenseil lo have mv friends and. patrons sec them I afore imvir? cibcm iicrv. i win fen as low as anv one for rah. 'i I have a fsrm five mihn Southwest oi fealiKhurv near the Lineolntun road, and Known as the Ham Gheen place, 115 acres. io or zu acres or iMtttom lands, will sell very low and make lemur rav. :3m. J. HOLMES. aCCOrOlQ? tO Act OI Gnnmu : . mm au a lie vwr r i m v a ' . in ...0 office of the ,,U "i ST ..1 '".polV tDdJ, a J 'iwuiujjIUU, Ross&McCubbins )fere carried out in berfttrcoat. -1 and ordered him tocross his hands." Thi of discomfort is the reports a , - --v us III 1 J a military matters in the Ktnt- - th T a,,a al fired. Tlii'tiMf .x-..'.. - l"e f - -vouipauie ior arms ptceed anything heretofore known. ex- Ian Both fell to the flftftf I brilliant results which have atten1l it. i ll with a shot through the brain ' n ,wfPa8'ProPrIlesigiiate Ely's iur wmcer with a sht ,i o.. .t i. " . X' w"u.ua'' y iar it cr, itha w i.. .u t.reaui JSalmas by far the best, if not The officer may recover ) "l ? !S ' ' . the 0,li'v cuni for hay fevr cold and C0TT0II BUYERS. Bay? fir Hills aii Erp;rters. 'II-' I Will boy cotton baled ; 1 i ! ' : - s burlaps or any good bagging, lo the first gentleman, A dozen nnlla h .. , . : - : 1,10 'rst 1 y. 18-" nn-Jor, a Silk FanSkcrch'ef ' T . ,.ncloso your answer in .i a,ilnr...i... ... ' lo..'t f.-rcet ' " 'onp no oa back, and send once an to our store v w are neaaquartcrs on Drn Goods t C in sheeting Our prices defy all com notitim wr. i Y - . . 1 : w,.v ,,as on raanv ffliods tn ... i.'v-i:' t flTe are Leasers of La'et Styles 9 ll T.fWnct Dmnni -It TH3M B2P0BB T0T7 SELL YAN WY CK & ISOBETJLTZ, l : . i N !

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