VOL. XX, THIRD SEBIES. SALISBURY, H. C, THURSDAY, FEBKUABY 7, 1889. no. ig. CONSTIPATION - -: - -' t I" S called the. "Father of llseasf,M 1 cauHO there is no medium j through which disease ho often nttack.i this By at em an by the Absorpt'' V? tolsonou8 gaxc-a in the retention fdeer' nndvflete matter ii the stomach and Ixiwelx. It U caused i.y aTorpid Liver, not enough bile being excreted from theblood to produce Kature'H own cathartic, and is generally accompanied with such result as Xoss of Appetite, Sick Headache, ; i Bad Breath, etc The treatment of Constipation does not eonlt merely In unloading tho bowel. ThemedlcJnemnstnotonlyartaaa purga tive but be a ton ic as ve4 1, and not produce after Ms use greater cofiti renew. To secure regular habit of body -w it hout changing ' Iho diet or disorganizing theitystcin : ". 'My attention, after suffering with Constipa tion for t wo orlhree Year, was called to Simmons Liver Regulator, and, having tried almost every thiiTg else, concluded to try it. I first took a wjneglassful an&t afterwards reduced the dose to a feaspoonfiil, as 'per directions, after each meal. I found that it had done mc so much good; that I continued it until I took two bottles. .Since thenl have not experienced any difficulty. I keep it in my house and would not be without it, but have no use for u, it having cured me." Geo, W. Sims, Ass't Clerk Superior Court, Bibb Co., Ga. I Take only the Genuine, Which has on the Wrapper the red rm Trade, mark and Signature of , i i J. H. ZEHJX & CO "? Catarrh Cleanses ths 'Nasal "Passages. Allay Pain andlnflamma-KWf Pl tion. 'Heals the Sores. Eos tores the Senses of lasts and Smell, f j TRY TICK CUKE. w , -fa--'- " v U.S. A. i-JAY-FEVER CATARRH is a disease of the mucous membrane, i generally originating in the nasal pas ! sages and maintaining its stronghold in xthc, head. From this point it sends forth a poisonous! virus into the stomach aud thrahgh the digestive organs, corrupting ihe blood and producing other trouble some and dangerous symptoms. A particle is appllal into each nostril, and is tgreeablej Price 50 cents at druggists; by mall registered, ; cents. ELY BKOS., 55 Warren Streevew Vbrfcr .. 13:iy. Almost everybody wants a "Spring Tonic."' Here is a sinijJe testimonial, which shows how , II. 15. IJ. is regarded. It will knock your mala ria out aad restore your appetite : Spkndid far a Spring Tonic. i , Ahlisotom, Ga., Jupe 30, 1883. I suffered withinalarial blood poison more or Jess all tin time, and the only medicine that tone me iuiy good is 15. H. B. It is undoubted Jy the liest'ldaod' medicine made, '-find for this malarial country- should be used by every one hr. the spring of the year, and is good in sum . n cr, fall and winter as a tonic and blood purifier. Gives-Better Satisfaction. V , , , Cadiz, Ky.. July 6, 1887. Please send me one box!ood-dalm Catarrh Snuff by return mail, as otic of -my customers is taking It. It. it. for catarrh and wants a box of the snuff. , B. B. B. gives better satisfaction than any I ever sold. I-have sold 10 dozen in the fast 10 weeks, and it gives-good satisfac tion. If I don't remit all right for snuff write me. Your , , VV. H. Brandon. Jt Ecmoved the Pimplss. norsn'MovxTAis, Tenn., March 29, 1887. i , - . A lady friend of mine has for sejeral years been troubled with bumps and pimples on her fce and neck,'1for which she used ! various cos metics; in orders to remove them and beautify and improve h $r complexion; but these local . applications were only temporary and left her kin in a "wors xouditiou. 4 I recommend an internal preparation known as Botanic BloodcBalm which I have i been using and selling about two years; she used three bottles and nearly all pimples have disappeared, her skin is soft and smooth, and ,her general health much improved. She ex presses herself much gratified,- ami can rccom- mend it to all who are thus affected. - Mrs. S. M. Wilsox. Deacon Thrash in Meeting. LETTER FROM HANNAH BROWN TO SISTER . HULDAH. From Harper's Bazar. Dear Huldy: I must tell you 'bout tjie way that our new deacon s Has sot the church folks by the cars to use mat mode o speakin'. It's just that orful voice of his'n But, law! Id best begin y And tell mystery straight ahead, of else things won't fit iu. Last spring we thought that we teas bles- sexl,;to think that Deacon Thrush Was coming up from Simpkinsville to ; live in Uedarbrush. "He'll be a pillar in our church," says! lamer, tne nrst thing. y I wish he was a pillar Huldy, for men! he couldn't ring. He bought the Joneses' farm, you know,! and moved in last of May, But that first time he come to church I can't fbrgit that day; The openin' hymn was skursly read, the choir was just a-nsin7, j When everybody turned and looked, a sound came so surprising Twas something like ihe old church bell, 'twas something like the ocean, 'Twas most like 'Bijah Morrow's bull, ac-f cording to my notion. It fairly drowned iny playin' out; it left the tune behind: Jnever thought that such a voice could! ! come from human kind. Like thunder-claps and factory gear I through all our heads 'twas ringing, And, Huldy, it was nothin' else than Dea con Thrush a-singin'! I Yes, there he sot, with book in hand, a peaceful and as calm j As if he thought his duty lay in murder ing that poor psalm. ' ' He never see the old folks' smiles, he never heerd the giggle I ' j That wentoup-from the gallery. I watch ed our parson wriggle And fidget in the pulpit, while poor fa - ther's head-was shakin'; But on went Deacon Thrush, and seemed real comfort to be takin'. And when we stopped he couldn't stop, he'd got sech headway on; ' His voice went boomin' up and down,; land flatterin' so forlorn That, Jhough he tried to choke it off, it mixed up with the text, And made poor Parson Edwards skip his! words, and then look vexed. j, I couldn't hear that sermon, Huldy; my thoughts was ali astray, A-woudering ef Deacon Thrush would sing agen that day. I might have spared my thinkin', though, for that misguided man Jest started off the same old way before the rest began. -But when the second verse was reached: s the choir put down their books; I stopped my playin'; back and forth we cst despairin' looks; The boys set up to. laugh agen; the par son raised his hand Aud shouted, but the noise was sech we icouldn't understand; While Deacon Thrush was leaning back, his eyelids nearly closin', A-siugin' like an angel on a bed of clouds reposin'. I'll have to cut my story short. Next day they called a meeting, Resolved to keep poor Dearon Thrush sech singiu' from repeat in'. They 'pointed Uncle Job to go with father and request That Deacon Thrush would kindly leave -the singin' tothe rest. Perhaps you think he took the hint? Then, Huldy, you're mistaken. He listened till they'd -said their say, t b e n , wi t h t h e sin i 1 es a-brea kin', He answered, jest as cheerfully : " Yes, brethering yes, I know I have my faults: I sometimes get the tuue a leetle slow, . Audsbmetiraes, trying to ketch up, 1 take an extry flight, But takin' one verse with the next, that : makes things jest come right. Now when you ask ,me not to sing, why, breathering, I can't do it: Singin' 's ray duty and delight, and I must jest pursue it. And while I -tread this vale of tears, a sin ful x:hild of dust, Rejoicin' is my privilege rejoice I will and must." . Well, 'twan't no use, as Uncle Job and father said next day; The deacon, though a pious man, was sot in his own way. He's sung in meetin' ever sencc there's not a seat to spare ; And oh! sech sinful whisperin' and nud- gin everywhere! Then, when the hymns is given out, you I hear a gineral "Hush!" While everybody's eyes and ears is turn- -ed to Deacon Inrush. ;A BOOK OF WONDERS, FREE. All who desire fall Information about the cause and cure of Klo-vl4otsoas, scrofula aud Scrofulous Swellings, Ulcer, Sores, -Jtheunmlsm, Kidney CompUUnis. c.itirrh, etc., can secure by m ill, free, aeopr-cf our32-pa?e Illustrated Book of Wonders, filled with the most wonderful and startling proof ever fctrfvrekriovn Address - . : , -Blood Balm ca.. Atlanta. Ga WE ARE HICEi-VING OUE Fall awl Winter Stock, Consisting of chofce selections in black, blue atid trown worsted suits, also -a full line of eagiirn-.re suits for men, "youths. Soys and chil Ureiti ".. '21 J " ! . ' - i ' - ' Fll 6vercoats.a specialty. Give us a call. It Wells' okl saiwl. j - ' Respectfully. i I. ELUMENTHAL & BRO. Tha AdvaaSa in, the Pica of Fcrtil- sers. Progrlf?sive Farmer, j Before the days of trusjts, pool;, combines and monopolistic j conspira cies, any appreciable decline Or advance 111 the price of any of the leading com mercial articles was controlled ordi narily by the law of supply and" de mand. But that day has passed. The law of trade i.s now the dictum of the money gamblers of the world, and its limit is defined only by the greet! aud avarice of these men. . It is not at all unusual to. bje informed by telegraph! that a combination has just been com pleted among the. monopolists by which the price on some leading article, some necessary of life and which is in uni versal demand, has been advanced so as to put in their pockets millions of dollars. And this outrageous system of robbery and plunder is growing more greedy and more bold and stron ger every day. And yet Congress sits idly by, while the helpless people are being filched. So if there be an ad vance in the price of flour, sugar, meat, coffee or any other article, it is no evidence that it is scarcer, neither is it any evidence that the producer gets any of the benefits of the -Advanced price. ; Recently, we have been informed that the price of all manipulated fer tilizers is advanced from $2,50 to 5,00 per ton. We have been unable to trace the . ause for this advance. The only reason we have been enabled to get is that-the ingredients imported from for eign countries are much higher than last season. When we ask why this should be, we get no answer. We know that trusts and rings can be for med ill Europe as easily as in this country; we know also that monopo lists and "amblers of hoth countries can eaMly combine, to raise tne price of these goods. We have seen no thing, either from the manufacturers, the importers or the dealers iu these goods, attempting to explain the mat ter. Hence, we conclude that it is another game for robbing the cotton and tobacco farmers of the South. Whether this be true or no, the fact remains that this advanced price, from whatever cause, will cost the farmers of the South not less than 4,000,000, of which the North Carolina farmers will pav not less (if they use the usual amount of fertiliz rs) Jthan 300,000. Will their lands make more cotton per acre this year than they did in 1888? Will they get a higher price for the cotton 3 hen mudeK No. Then how can the farr&er afford to buy these fer- The Hole in the Wa!L' s. WHAT LED TO THE ORIGIN" OF THE U. SENATE RESTAUR A NT. "Tell me about the hole in the wall." "Well, it was one of the famous in stitutions of our early days. I'll givt you a full ! history of itsomething that has never beea told in print. It had its origin in. bam ani bread. One of the Senators suggested to John Beall, who was surgeant-at-arm away back in thirties, that it would be a good thing to have a little luncheon set near by the hall, where hungry Senators could run out and get a. bite to eat. "SoBealls wife boiled hams and made bread and Beall brought them down and set them up in a little circu lar room just north of the rotunda and on the east side of the corridor. Soon he added picles, and the place lecome very popular. Then somebody sug gested to Beall that there ought ta be a bottle of whiskey there, and after the whiskey had been procured there canie a demand for gin, rum, brany, wine and all sorts of things. In a little while the place became a regular sa loon. 1 here was no bar, of Cold Weather Rales. From Sanitarium. Never go to bed with cold or damp feet. FIGHTING AFRICANS. Thm Story m Native Tells f the Ua-XgaU Never lean with the back upon any thing thsit is cold.. Attack on Stanler. Tho bloodiest and mast furious, battle Stanley had with tha Coao natives during bis first descent of that river waa with tho BN?ala, Every body ha3 rcai his" graphic account of that combat, in which sixty-four J canoes loaded with the fiercest of Con 2) fighters wore precipitated upon the little band of travelors, and had not spoars a-jo 3Inale, tho chief ono of of tho Never liegin, a journey until the breakfast has been eaten. " Never take warm drinks and then immediately go out into the cold. Never omit remikr h-ilhiho- fnr been pittcd a2ain3t firearms Stanley's fieer "I11" egu'r bathing, Jor n;iPtv -nA navn ..vr. onui 111 clUlltC IIMI gea. A While the cold will close the pores and favor tho officers of congestion ana other diseases. After exercise of any kind, never ride in an open carriage or near the window ot a car for a moment; it '.n dangerous to health or even life. When hoarse, speak as little as pos sible until the hoarseness is recovered from, else the voice may be perma nently lost, or difficulties of the throat be produced. - Merely warm the back by the fire and never continue keeping: it exnost d I to the heat after it has become corn- course. 1. "ii 1 . ... not even. " smeooaru, tne bottles and demijohns being set in rows 011 ihe shelves. For a long tiriie the Senators used to go in there and help themselves to what 'they wanted, and the expense was run in the contingent account, as horse hire or something like that. After a time the stock got so large and popular that it was no uncommon thing to see a dozen Senators and t heir friends iu their drii.king aud having good times. The little room, hot more than twelve or fifteen feet in diameter, and taking its name from the fact that j it was simply a hole in the ws.ll, light ed on ly by one window, was often badly crowded, and a good deal of confusion resulted in the arrangement of the stock, so that tli3 S u ttor who Ivi l a favorate brand of liquor had much trouble in finding it. Thus it became necessary to put a man in charge, and after a time the expense became so great that it was not easy to work it off in the contingent account. Then the Senators were re quired to pay for what, they go and after this Was done the popularity of the 'Hole in tha Wall' fell off rapidly. But it was kept up till some years -after the Senate moved into its piesent chamber in 1850. It is a good thing, I'm thinking, that the walls of that dark little room aredi mV Ohio State Journal. I fortublv warm. To do otherwise is der tilizers at the! advanced prices? We djo nof, believe he can do it. We are glad to see the Alliances througotit our State and the States of South Car olina, Georgia, Alabama and Missis sippi, discussing this important matter, aud that they are resolving that they will have some voice in it. It has ben our sincere conviction for years that our farmers are wasting millions of dollars a year in the use of fertilizers. Let them resolve to grow less cetton and tobacco, to use less commercial fertilizers, to raise more grass, more grain and more stock, and improve their farms. To have a prosperous farm they must have stock, and to have stock they must hav. plenty of provender for it. Let the Alliances all over the South adopt this policy and it will not be ten years before we will see aud feel its happy results. We can do without commercial fer tilizers, and before our farmers will sub mit to a robberythey should refuse to use a single pound. Danger of the Telephcns. A good mmx stor es arealready cur rent of mistakes caused by telephone. They belong to the humorous class genr erally;biit nogreat acunen is needed to perceive that most serious trouble might arise from the failure to catch some little word, or the misunderstanding of a long one. They have had such a ter rible warning iu Switzerland if report be true, that we should not be surprised to hear of some restriction being im posed upon the ore of the instrument in certain circumstances. It is said that the accident at Montreux last week was due to the careless transmis sion or the careless reception of a mes sage. Perceiving that the reservoir attached to do the ChiUon electric tramway was dangeroin-ly full, the manager telephoned to his subordina tes in charge: No mcttez plus d'eau don't turn on any more water, but the latter not catching the all-important negative, understood simply d eau more water. Accordingly, he turned on a flood of This accords with the views for a water, tne reservoir burst, a number of oug time held and published by this P61"80"8 were drowned, and vast damage 0 ., r .. . - ifeJ was done. It is almost safe to assume 11 v ci naiii paper, and we therefore copy it in f u!T?hat such a disaster will We! believe our farmers can do better occur at Chillon.even if ther continue by falling back on the ancient system ! to use the telephone. Instructions of oroducinc their own fertilizers, and ot the gravest character are transmit- a w He'sskeered the-little children so that that they wiU be more prosperous to most 01 em Keeps crying; 'sm;ilnv r1P lnt Tt standi S TVin vnvv hnats ill tlift s!trl Willi' no more'thouttyin'; !f ntroduction of guanoe. lie makes the onconverteu laugii, wniie godlv sons are crievin'. And yet he's sech a Christian man, it's , r almost past believin'; A glass of wine changed the history of France for They're talkin' now of tryin' law, but j Louis Phillippe, A 1. ted briefly by word 01 mouth to an or cir- , , . ., employee who may be l a f asleep, thods used Tefore the ti or distractecf by a thousand cumstances. Am Operation mUck nelleviHi Vum nrale n I IlrttonHi Mc'it. '-."'-" English surgeons haro devised a new and beneQcoat oparatioa by which tho sheath of tho optic nsrvo behind tho eye Is opeaexl aiid not only is tho pros sure upon ihi norvo romovod. and to tal, or almost total, blindness cured, but tho brain itself is : relievadr Thi membranes which invest tho brain, and aro continued down to tho eyo in the form of a shoath which 3arrounda tho optic nerve, secret j a cor tain amount of fluid, and whoncver there Is an excess of this secretion, or br other Ba-Ngrala, gave to Captain Coquilhat moans, as by tho growth of a brain : the native vcrsioa of that memorable tumor the pressure within tho cavity day. - Tho white men on tha Coao of tho brain is increasoJ. a supor- brinjj homo few stories thit surpass ih abundanco of fluid Is ant to fintl its interest thosothe natives toll of tho time wav dj6wa the nervo shoath to tho level when ths unknown whites first came of the eye. subjecting tho optic nervo among triom, ani of th'S commotioa to injurious oressuro and freiuentlv these straaiors. with their wo:iderfuVfdftprtvlnr thw li ThU- Mlmlnni trade goads ani thrsir still moro astoa- may bo perm?inon. oven though tin Ishing weanjns. ovorvwhero nroduead. nr.-anrn In thn - "We hid never S3c i a whito man,Mtcausc3 it bo, only temnorarv and bj said Muole, whDis trlb 5, thickly popu- curoa. Dr. Dawocker. of Taris. slx- lating tho river bank for many miles, teon ofseventooa yoarj ago, suggested numbers over 100.000 psoplo. "We had that it was pajsiblo to opjn the not tho slightest idea that such beiqgs optic-nerve sheath, and thus not oaly existed. One day. some dozans moons to rolieve tho nervo from pressure, ago fit wa? on February 14, 1877J. at but also to drain .the brain cav- tne moment when tho sun stood right ity and rolieve tiro biin -prossiire above our heal, a flnitla of caaoas of there. Ho wad j two oxporimaats in a form wo had never soon before, pre- this lino upon two nearly hopolos ceded by a can 33 of extraordinary size, cases, 'but ho trio 1 to feel his way to suddenly cams tnto view. In tho swift- tho nerve without the aid of sight, and est part of the current thpy were quietly to cut tho sheath by means of an Itr passing in front of our villages. We strumont carrying t concealed knife were astonished to soo that th-s men, which wa, projected by means of. a even to thsir heads, wara covered with spring. Only one othor attempt of thi whito clothe, and we thought it very j sort was mid'. anf"th3 results hot singular, for tho richest chiefs we knew being satisfactory, tho osparimaats wore only a little rag m ido of banana were dropped until last year.. Dr. fiber; and a fact that was absolutely Bmdenell Carter, of london. devised a new to us, an J that upset all our notions method of operating 4y which the -of humanity, was th3 sight of two whito sheath was expo wl. to view, and every beings, yes, as whito as our pottery stop of the o-j ration was guided by cbiy, who appeared to command tho the surgoou'oyo. In a paper read expedition. -They seemed to have about bofors? the British Medical Associatioa the same form as othor m3ti, but their at its rocont owting at (Ilasgow, hah, their eyes and their color woro Carter told of four cases in which "'he very strange to us. I had porformo l tho operation. In ono Question for a Wife. M "We asked ono another: -Wero not tho result wai nogativo, so far.a3 tho 1 ii - tt. 1 a. i l . i s . n i. it l- vanssc mjn envoys irom inanza, mo signt was conccrneu: uriae omermrae o you recollect what your feelings . 4wl ..u ---v axa .v ., ' i svi tl. i- , i f, , ! uiinTOiiuiu Duuii, ami nut um wuv du I uv iJiiViUHU wore liwt vuiv uuimv (U- were unmet lately after you had spoken 8uddenly appear upon our river? Their stored to jught. but were relieved or purpose could only be bad, for sud.- cured of hsadacho and sickness arising denly they landed on an island oppo- from pressure on tho brain. Dr. Car site us, instead of coming to our shore, tor claims that the new operation could as all people did whoso intentions were be performed with certainty ad vritb not hostile. At first, beforo we were 1 out risk cither to Vila or to any im able to see them distinctly, wo thought 1 portant.Btructaro. 4 they were an expedition from our ene- Dr. Bic'certon. of LivM'pool, at the mies of Mobcka. Oar alarm drums same meeting said that aftor hearing sounded, and we crowded to our canoes, ail ready for a fight. But the clothing of the warriors, tho strangd form of their weapons, and the unheard-of 1 aspect of the white men soon unde ceived us. Still, wo launched our canoes and rapidly approached thoso of the unknown strangers. "The older of the two whito men I had straight gray hair and his eyes were the color of the water. He stood up in his canoe and h'3ld toward us a red cloth and some brass wire.' Wo still approached hin. .discussing ex citedly the moaning of his strange at titude. Tii3 othor whito man Frank Pocock, who w;u drowned a few week it later in the cataract of tho lower Con go dialed his weapon at us, and tho older man t-.ilked to him rapidly in a languago wj did not understand. Those of our frio ids who woro noarest the strangers thought tho action of the white men boded us no good, and so they judged it b33t at onco to attack these mysterious whitej who had come from na onc knew where. "Then tho battle began, and it was the most terrible we ever fought Oar bilitating. When going from a warm atmos phere inte a cooler one, keep the month closed, so that the air may be warmed in its passage through the nose ere it reaches the lungs. Never stand still in cold weather, especially after having taken a slight degree of exercise, and always avoid standing on ice or snow, or where the person is exposed to cold wind. Keep the baek, especially between the shoulder-blades, well-covered; also the chest well protected. In sleeping in a cold room establish a habit of breathing through .the nose, and never with the mouth open. CURZFOft BLINDNESS.' the firss uukind word toyour husband? Did you not feel ashed and grieved, and yet too proud to admit it? That was, is and ever will be your evil genius. It the temper which labors incessantly te destroy your peace, which cheats you with an evil delusion that your husband deserved your anger, when he really most required your love. It is the can cer which feeds on these unspeakable emotions yon felt on the first pressure of his hand and lip. Never forget the duties of that calling can alone be ful filled. If your husband is hasty your example of patience will chide as well as teach him. Your violence may al ienate his heart, and your neglect im pel him to desperation. Your soothing will redeem him your softness subdue him; and the good natured 1 winkle of those eyes, now filling beautifully with priceless tears, will make him all your own. Ex. Stricken With Paralysis. E. B. Drake, Esq., came down street last Sunday afternoon, leaving his wife sitting in a chair reading a newspaper. When he returned, after -a short ab sence, he found her in the chair, with paralysis of one side. She ha not ral lied and her condition is one of such gravity that absent relatives has been summoned to her'bedside. The worst is expected. Mre. Dorcas Watts, of Shiloh town ship, widow of the late Col. J. S. Watts, was stricken with paralysis of one side, Monday, and lies iu a helpless c mdition. Mr. J. A. D. Stephenson has observ ed all his life that after ice hangs on the trees-as it did last Sunday week, a number of Id people are always strick en with paralysis. -Statesiulle land mark. mm i Death of Prof. M Fetter. Mr. Hal. Fetter, of this place, has received information of the death of his venerable father, Prof. M. Fetter, with- it is uncomfortable to; in the past week. He died at the think how wide is the field of such pos ibilities already, and how it enlarges every day. The transmitter of an im- nearlv twenty years King of the French, portant message should at least insist father ha opposes, And so I'll write airen next week to telu hoir to the throne, who always drank I - ' " mi only a certain number ot glasses of Aviue, even one more made him tipsy. had a son, the. Duke of Orleans, and j that the recipient repeat it after him you how it closes. P. B. As l..fI.CLKMEST HERRCKAIOK. CRAIGE & CLEMENT, DJ.C.McCTIBBINSv Salisbiiy, - - N.O. Office in Cole building, econd ilKr, th xt to IV. Campl til. . -OpiNwiie D. A. Aiwrir JinUareMcrr, Alain sirctt. Ji-Jf. Oh, Huldy! - sech a curious thing! Deacon Thrush was bnngiir His apples home, he thought to cheer the way by sacred singin'. Ilis team' took fright and ran away. The neighbors found him lyiu' All iiva heap, and tock-hiin home, and now the good man's dy in'. And, Huldy, ef it isn't wrong, I'm glad to think he's goin' Where all the folks know how lo sing, antt he can get a showiir! A Woman's BisWTery.. Oh a memorable morning he forgot to count the number of glasses and took one more than usual. When entering his carriage he stumbled, frightening the horses and causing them to run. In attempting to leap from the carriage his head struck the pavenien, and he soon died. That glass of wine over turned the Orleans rule, confiscated their property of 20,1)00,000, and sent thewiioie family into exde. Mecklen bury Times. s s London Standard. "Another wonderful discovery has been made and that too by a lady in this coun try. -Disease fastened its clutches upon her and for seven years ihe withstood its Severest tests, but her vital orgtuis were underihinded and death seemed immi nent .For three mouths she coughed iu- ot cessantly and could not sleep, one bougnt of us a bottleof Dr. King's New Discov ery fbr Consumption and was so much relieved on taking the first dose that she slept all night and with one bottle has been miraculously cured. Her name is Mrs Luther Lutz." Thus writes a ' Hamrick & Co., of Shelby, N. C Get a free trial bottle at T. F, Kluttx & Co.4 - drug store. Tha Verdict Unanimsus. W. D. Suit , Druggist, Dippus.Ind , test ifics: I can rcctmunCad Electric Bitter hs the bet remedy. fJviry btiUlu sld has given re-lie' in every Ciise. One man ttMik six,bttlts, aiid was cured 'of Illjirtiuiitim 10 vt-ars standing." Abraham Hare, drugyist, ISellville Ohio, affirms: "The lieist selling medicine I have ever handled in my 20 years' expe-riem e, is Electric Bit ters." Thousands of others have added their testimony, so that the vcidict is unanimous that Electric bitters do vurc all diseases of the Liver, Kidneys rB!ool. Only a ha'f dollar bottle at T. P. Kluttz A House Built of Paper. There is a paper house in Atlanta. No wood, brick, iron or other material is used about the building. At 108 Decatur street a neat litt'e store paint- ! among the finest Greek scholars in the edskv-bhvhas attracted consi Jerable l. United State. for the past week. Ihe home of his son. Prof. Ch as. tetter, of Pulaski City, Virginia. Prof. Fetter suffered a stroke of paralysis a year or more ago, and it was this- that caused his death. The tidings of the event will carry sorrow to many old Univer sity students and others. For many years before the war and during the war Prof Fetter held the Greek chair at Chael Hill. He was a gentleman of varied accomplishments and ranked of Dr. Carter's first jc:i3o, ho harr- formod tho operation himielf in two cases, in ono of which temporary rear toration of sight wai f Uowodday a re lapse, but in tho otheion3 tho result was favorable. N. Y. Cor. Chicago Journal. WONDERFUL BLIND J.1-' N. lie Knows How to Work rjrivVf rltef ad Can Ilay an lrfrn, Tho Itev. E. II. Donchoo, secretary o tho Pittsburgh association which pro' poses to erect an institution for the in struction of tho blind, has received a remarkable letter from Alden F. Hays a prominent blind citizen off&ewickley. The letter is in thd clear and pretty characters of the type-writer, and was written upon tho machlno by that gen tleman himself. Iu it Mr. Hays briefly tells Mr. Doaeho hfs'own' history, to show jwhat wonders may b3 workod amongthe blind pooplo by education. " Ho wa. for eight years a pupil in tha Philadelphia Institution for tho ItthJ, where so many "blind boy3 and girl from Allegheny woro trained. Ho is now a man of about thirty-eight years of aire. His career sinco leaving scho.Tl spears fell fast among tho enenvf and we and tis prcsent mode of life, present killed some of them, and their bolies i some marvelous facts. A Jew of thesor lay half over tho sides of their canoes, j But, O, what fetich gave their weapons ' such wonderful power! Their bullets, j made of a heavy sray metal we naa never seen before, reached U3 at enor mous distances. Women' and old men who were following tho combat from the shore were hit. The walls of our huts r . a i I rwere pcrioratoa. oome, goais wuo were wandering far oil ia the fields j dropped dead of their wounds. As for us who were on the water, our stout shields wero pierced as though they had been bananas. Many of us wero killed and wounded ani others wero drowned, for the bullets knoc'.cad holes in some of our wooden canoes, which filled and sank. Still we kept fighting desperately, and we followed the whito beings soma distance below our vil lages. Their band finally escaped ua and raised loud cries of triumph as we ended the purjuit. We could not un derstand what they said.'1 Muole adde 1 that Mata Bailee, the chief of the Ba-Ngala, exerted every effort to dissuade his ardent people from aonroaching the whites, who. he attention gaudy color is not the cause of the little building being the o nect The Republican and Democratic sol- M i. il 1 ..." ... nf riiers ot the norm west are organizing Wi. ..... I t. I much attention, but the material of for political purposes eacn party i av- which it is constructed makes it a ing for their object the i concentration novelty. It is made entirely of paper, ot their strength in solid body. I hey The store is owned bv Mr. Aiurust declare their purpose to be po- .... u. i tic.nl. l tie. movement seems u nave Siucova. and was built by a man named Smith (spelled of course in a Freuch jway), who is agent for the paper of yhich it is constructed. The rafters tile '.veatherboarding, the roof and the flooring are all maele of thick, compressed paper boards, impervious to water and as durable as wool. The house cannot catch on fire as estsily as a wooden building, because the surface been started by the Republican seddiers, and the Democratic soldiers have taken it up, and are determined not to ba left. The waters of nearly all the-hot springs of the Black Rick, Col.; region are said to be s strongly impregnated with certain minerals that they will thoroughly. petrify vegetable and ani mal matter in a few years. u is re- he relates to Mr. Donohoo as an cvi denco of tho bright futurothat is pos sible for every blind persoa if school ing advantages wero only mora cam mon. ' i ' Mr. Haya is a son of the brilliant General Alexander Hays, whoso he;o":q services in the late war cndel with death in tho Wilderne33. II 3 is no.v, and has been for several years p:i;...a coal morchant, supplyin. most of Sswicklcy with fuel. IIo conducts tlin entiro business him3olf wlthoatclir ical assistance. ; - ' - lie is totidly blind. yetJho wrlt23 a' I his own orders' by typi-wrlter for coai from the mlna opsratorsr tai3 ths car numbers when the coal arrive weighs the coal by tho wagon-load for custo mers:, gives, the drivers properly , filled out tickets, or makes out tho receipts; receives money, counts, it, and make i change; keeps a set of books; walks to and from his homt) without company, and in faet goes anywhere in Sewickley I by himself and without a cano. I He is an accomplished musician. For eighteen years pa3t he has boon organs declared, could not be human beings. List In tho I'rosbyterian church, and ho -W . V! ..Vn V ' 1 t.""J snu uikcm tr ry rnuay ai unioun iruot .. . l - ii j i i mi... mai luiiiiei n ot tne panar is smootn aim uarM. thafc R enterprising citizen has oil, Ming iskuse as a j Zrn Z the bodies of three dead Indians ub Kelly, who says he finds ) win in raerged in some of the springs, and ex cpol weather and com foible when to make a fortune outof them the weather is ma.-MiaHM a.j turnfd to journal. stone. It was this same chief, who, three years ago, wept as he bade farewell to Cap tain Coquilhat, the founder" of the Ba- j Ngala station, who wasy about to . go back to Europe, lteturn soon,'' ho said, Vfor arn oId' an wish to see you again before 1 die." A few days over a year later Coquilhat was again among the Ba-Ngala, who, with their powerful and aged chief, aro now among the most faithful and useful friends of the whites. X. Y. Sun. his business to rehearse ths music for this church on Sabbaths. Pittsburgh Cor. Boston Ohhs. Sweet Usa of Adversity. The touch of adversity is just as Tho new servant girl camo to the lady crying- and holding on to her finger. "What's the matter?" asked tho lady. Tvo raa a fork into my finger, and if it's 'this plated stuff Til get lockjaw." "Don't ba afraid. All my silver Is genuine. I don't keep any plated wara in tho houso." Next morning the servant girl and all the silver wero missing, and thp tablo ware was all plated for some time aftir. until the times wera ootter. necessary to bring out thcr best there . is In some man as i&- the touch of tha " frost to , reveal lhi r'gloHcs ' of tb3 autumn. What Istnore beautiful tha.i a tree or forest fL-tshingi; with ' all th i colors of ih rainfcwl i Ittw dcl'ghtf:.'. is a drive with- these bouquets of , nature lining the roadside! It is said, these splendor xf tho autumn fcltagj s are the suashoe which th tress have boon . silent lyf storing: up during 11m -summer when he sun has boon shining . upon thorn. Ilappy i tho man v,hofc", in the sunshine ff pro3perity. hsu n rlchod hb. life with thase grac-i: of character which i shlco ,o it '-ru-i bajtifully wheti th3fcuch of alvet atty or sorrow comes! tl&rtiian .wyaJrc.--

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