Carolina Watchman. LOCAL. THURSDAY, FEB. 7,-1889 Mr&. R. M. Payne is visiting friends at Winston. - : - I ' Dr. John McAdeu, of Charlotte was in toWn Monday. f Mrs. Charles Price has returned from a vssit to northern cities, J Court at Stiitesville this week. .The Salisbury bar is represented. " , Go to I. Blumenthal & Bro. for good and cheap goods? Cole's building. Court Commences one week from next Monday, Judge Brown on the bench. X good turn out is requested and ex 1 pected at the Mayor's office to-ulghi. From present indications the electric ; light system here. wilK soori be established The Grand Lodge of Knights jof Honor will meet in anuual session' at villein July. Waynes- Mr. Wm. Lipe has a Berkshire pig 3 months aud I G days old that weighs 91 pounds. Who can beat it? j . s The new Presbyterian chapel on Lee street was opened for services last Surr day. There! was a good attendance. J The Grand Lodge of North! Carolina Royal Arcanum will hold its annual meeting in Salisbury-some time in June Snext. ' ". . "Skipped by the Light of thje Moon," the funniest pf all funny plays,' wilf be at vMerouey's Hall on next Wednesday ilight. I ! The sewing machine business is being worked through this section for all its work. The Singer and Davis; especially are represented by energetic agents. i It is said that gambling is being carried on systematicajly here, right juuder the noses of officers of the law, bui it seems that they can not catch up with the vio- , lators. . f- I Mr. Joe' McXeely's smilin counten- ande beams from the deliveryjwiiidow of i bur Post Office, he having accepted a po sition in that department of Uncle Sam's public institutions. 1 : Rev. J. T. Gattis, of Durham, a colpor teur for the State, appointed by the North Carolina Conference, preached at therMethodist church here last Sunday , 'morning and evening. ' ,i Iklr. J. B. Jjanier has added further, to his machine shqps and foundry, a first class and latest improved! saw mill. Logs are being hauled in largs quantities . every day to this mill. I Capt. McBee spent a day here this week. His road, the Western, is now the bob ton railroad of the South; due in great measure to the superentendcy be inz in the hands of Cant. McBee. Mr. P. H. Thorarwon. who sustained a painful wound at his shops a agOi we are pleased to note fshort time is getting alone verv well, ahd will be able to at tend to business before a great while. , Mr. Will Young who has been con ieced with the' W. N. C. R. R. for Sev- eraf years in the western part of the State, was married at Jarrettt's on Jan. 22d to Miss May Queen, ofSwaiu county. j Washington 1(N. C.) Gazette says: Ser-gcant-at-arms, D. R. Julian, of the House, is a 'model officer., and one of the most popular men we know. He has served several terms and will likely get the office as long as he desires. j Two hundred looms have been erected at the cotton factory, and seventeen of them are in operation, the rest .will be started as soon as material can be made ready for their work. Everything works smoothly and the looms are turning out very nice cloth. i Messrs. Barker & Hughes, Agts., have moved their office to the one formerly occupied by Mr. Abbott just Tabove the Post Office. They will have an exhibit L tion to-morrow and next day of one of - the most antiquated sewing machines we . have ever seen. Go and see it. The Rowan Academy Alliance, No. '1383, at a meeting .held last Saturday, l unanimously passed the following resolu ! tion: "Owing to the advancement in the price of fertilizers, Resolved, that we, the members of said Alliance, use as little as possible unless the manufacturers will sell it to us at a reduced price." We learn that Mr. Lee Wright, who has just obtained his license to" practice law, passed an excellent examination and '. came through with much honor. This speaks well for Mr. J. W. Rumple, who prepared Mr. Wright for examination. Mr, Wright was sworn in before Judge Brown at Statesville, yesterday. As will be seen by the report of -the Chamber, ot Commerce, temporary organ ization meeting heldo last Thursday -; 'night, air business men and mechanics whaare citizens of. Salisbury are eligible to membershin. There should be such a ; turnout to the meeting to-nfght that the meeting will have to be held in the Court House for want of room. !' Mr. W. Bdel and Mr. M. Preston, of Detroit, Mich. Mr. Buell i connected with the Detroit Free Press and is writ ing up his trip. Mr. Preston was a pris oner of war and confined in the prison here. Every filing looks very much chang- ;) ed to him now with the exception of the ; told pest house (now occupied by Bishop v ; Moore, Col).; where he was confined for i some time with small pox. The gentle st i men ar5 making the trip from Michigan report it very pleasant trip thus dr. a ne organization o a liv Chamber of commerce in Salisbury meens, that our town is going to keep up witli the times ind not let other towiu in-the neighbor hood whir!) nr m nnli om11. - i ouiaiict iiuu iuucu less advantageously situated leave her behind In population; internal improve ments, and every thine else that makes a first class city. It lies entirely with us what Salisbury shall be in the future and every one that wants to see her get out of the old rnt, should help along this organ isation by their hearty co-operation. Go to to-night's meeting at any rate; ' . Country BalL There is to be a Country Ball at the Boyden House on the night of the 14th of this month, exclusively for the County Boys and Girls, at which time there- will be a "break down" match between a brother and sister who are said to be tha finest dancers in the State. Spectators will be admitted for a small fee. . Pharmacy. A meeting of the North Carolina Board of Pharmacy will be held in the city of Ralejgh on Wednesday, Feb. 13, for the examination of such candidates for li cense to practice pharmacy as may ap pear. Persons interested may address the secretary of the board, William Simpson, Raleigh, for further informa tion. . Charlotte Racket Store. jjir. xu. Jul. JJavis of Unariotte JN. u.. m his advertisement in .another column calls the attention of the readers of the Watchman to the exceedingly low prices at which he is offering goods of all kinds; his sale of harness which will be inaugurated on the first of March should be remembered by all who need anything in that line. Read his prices. . A Cyclone of Merriment. Fowler & Warraington's Company will produce the famous laughter-provoking farce-comedy, "Skipped by the Light of the Moon." at Meronev's Hall on next Wednesday evening, the 43th iust. The Scranton (Pa.) Republican says of it: "Perhaps the good-sized audience which gathered at the Academy of Music last night was as well satisfied with the performance as. any which has ever lot the Academy. For racy, fast aud furious fun. bkipped by the Light of tne iWoon7 eclipses anything presented here this season. Tne fun commences when the curtain ises and continues until it drops on the last act. The piece is of a light "comedy character, possession a clever plot: but a brief outline of it would fail to give an adequate idea of the humor with-which it abounds or the pithy say ings which again and again brought down the house. The company are all clever in their respective roles and there is uot a stick in the cast." Chamber of Commerce. A meeting for the purpose of forming a chamber of commerce was held at the Mayor's office last Thursday night. A temporary organization was affected by calling Mr.'M. C. Quinn to the chair and requesting Mr. J. R. WhichartHind C. G. Viele to act as Secretaries. After stating the object of the meeting Mr. Quinn presented the following preamble, signed by a number of citizens, which was read and adopted as tho sentiment of the meeting. Whereon. Organization and unity of action are indispensable to the full pro tection and development of the Commer cial, Mechanical aud Manufacturing in terests of Salisbury; to the collection aud preservation of statistical information connected with these pursuits; to estab lish uniformity in commercial usages of this cityto decide upon and determine all matters of dispute and differences of opinion which may be submitted to its arbitration, promptly and upon the most tair and equitable principles, to promote the general progress and prosperity o the commuuity; to insure unity of action in all matters, where interests of these different pursuits may be affected, there fore, Eesolved, that we, the undersigned,! bus- . Am m a iness men, manufactures and mecnanics of Salisbury, do form ourselves into a Chamber of Commerce. ry The following motions were made and carried: That all business men and me chanics who are citizens of Salisbury be eligible as members of this body. That the temporary organization be con- turned and that a committee of five, of which the chairman was to be one, be appointed to draft a constitution and by laws and formulate a plan of organi zation and that they report to a meeting to be held in the Mayor's office Thursday night, Feb. 7th. The chairman appointed the following committee: Theo. Buerbaum, J. D. Mc- Neely, Eugene Johnson, Theo. Kluttz and M. C. Quinn. On motion the meet ing adjourned. The Sheriffs. THE CONVENTION HELD AT RALEIGH ox ' THURSDAY LAST. -1 , Raleigh, Jan. 31. The sheriffs of the State met at noon to-day. Present, sher iffs, Rogers of Wake, . Smith of Vance, Markham of Durham, Barnard of Curri- tock Sutton, of Lenoir, Fisher of Cum berland, Rogers of Granville. Kniglft of Edgecombe, Tucker of Pitt, Hamilton of Alamance, Kearney of rranklm, Als brook of Halifax, Crowell of Wilson, Rod well of Warren, Currie of Moore, Smith of Richmoud, Clark of Bladen and others. The fee bill was taken up and discuss ed. It was resolved to ask the legisla ture to allow sheriffs in addition to regu lar fees 5 cents per mile for all miles traveled over two miles in execution of their duties. Motions also prevailed that the Code beamended so as to allow sher iffs two dollars per diem and all ucees sary expenses in taking prisoners from one county to another and to allow thirty cents for summoning each regular juror and ten cents for juries summoned other wise. The convection appointed the follow ing committee to draft petitions into form to be preseuted to the legislature: Rogers, Kearney, Smith, Markham and Fisher. The convention adjourned sine !ie.. : "" - m i - - Chiraw & Salisbury Bailroad. Lat week Mecklenburg county voted on giving $100,000 to a road; from Char lotte to Sanford and the measure was de feated. Stanly county was willing to vote $100,000 to get'the road but the ac tion of Mecklenburg has killed it. Stan ly county is desirous of getting a road to run somewhere through her territory", and if the Cheraw & Salisbury should now make a move to continue that road, Stanly would contribute her j $100,000 to build it and Rowan would give another $100,000. Ta is is a good opportunity for the owners of the Cheraw & Salisbury to seize upon; their road now docs not pay j the interest on its bonds and is not likely to do so unless the road be built to Salis bury. Puch a road would give Salisbury a direct route to Charleston j and would open up to the latter city the trade, of a goad section of North Carolina. We wtfuH like to hear what our con temporary the Stanly Observer has to say about this, for it is in a position to know the wants arid the disposition of the people of Stanly county. Cheraw S. C.) keyorter. - Neighbor, we explain. Nothing per haps lies nearetf the hearts of we Stanly people than the desire for a railroad.-We meditate upon it by day andby night. Some of U3 have done all we could to get a railroad except to pray for it. We would hail with delight a railroad com ing from any direction. The road you suggest is the shortest, cheapest, "and most natural route for Stanly. But, per- tect your plans liro, before you start. Our people are sore on this question, xney nave Deen "monKeyed" . with so much recently. Stanly stands ready. willing and anxious to vote a $10o,000 for a railroad, but she is surfeited on wind work, and she will no longer take stock in uncertainties. Slanlu Observer. ! Here now, this subject of a railroad At t ll 11 a luruugn me goia mines ana gold veins in the eastern part of Rowan, via Gold Hill, via Albermarle, in Sta.nly county and to a more direct connection with Cheraw and the sea coast at Wilmington and Charleston, comes up- again for the consideration of the county of Rowan and the town of Salisbury. What wil they do now? It has been some years since Rowan voted on an appropriation for this project and refused to make one T" A A m A . was a great mistake, snail it be re peated? We think the time has come for Rowan to re-consider her action on a 1 m - , mi ' in is sunject. ine railroad proposed would be worth a great deal to her far more than the interest on $100,000, and she is sullen ng loss losing vantage ground- every day she neglects to ira prove her opportunity. Read the follow idg letter ou the subject : Hew Bailroad. Charlotte, Is. C, is a live town, it has four or five railroads, which has caused its prosperity, and sne is trying to get several more. Miss Charlotte knows the value of these great "builders up of waste places," nence her desire tor more rail roads. 1 : oausoury nas oniy two railroads and appears at present to be content, and waiting for some Risley or Bilheimer to bring her another, road. If she expects these worthies to do for heV she will wait until doom's day.;ve fear. She has now- one of the finest, if not the finest, oppor tunity of any town in Jsorth Carolina for a lxiyinq tthorl railroad. Miss Char lotte would jump at it if she had such an opportunity. Her newspapers would blow it and her people would get some one to build it, with their assistance. A;n air line from Salisbury to Rocking ham is about Go miles passing- through "Rowan, Stanly, Montgome' v and Rich mond counties to Rockingham, on the Carolina Central railroad, would traverse as fine agricultural country as is in North Carolina, and the road could bring to Salisbury annually thousands of bales of cotton raised in Stanly, Montgomery, Richmond and Anson counties, most of wk'ch now find a market in Charleston, Si C. With this road buijt'uearly every bale of this cotton would be manufac tured in North Carolina. The quality of this cotton is superior to much of the cot ton now manufactured by the North Car olina mill?. i This road would also pass through a rich mining section of the State replete with fine water powers, timber &c. &c. This road would bring much travel and ttade to Salisbury, from the counties through which it would pass. At Rockingham, the southern terminus there are half a dozen cotton mills, which would reach the markets of the West. over this road and the Richmond & Dan ville System, with their products. Salis bury can not afford to let this golden op portunity slip by, for this section, now entirely without a railroad, is going to have a road in the near future, "and don't you forgetit," and Salisbury may hot be the terminus. Already Charlotte is looking at it with "longing eyesv'-' but her proposed road would not seek for the best of the section which the above named road would penetrate. The right sort of effort ought to" induce the" Rich mond & Danville System, which is stretching out its arms, in many laudable enterprises of this sort, to take hold of this short road and build it soon. People of Salisbury bestir yourselves. Get the Richmond & Danville folks interested and secure the prize before it is two late. Trnly Yours, Richmond Stanley Montgomery Esq. County Locals. CLEVELAND. t Wheat is looding very bad through this section. j The farmers are going ahead preparing their corn ground. That wedding has not come of yet, but from all accounts will very soon. We understand that we are to have a Presbyterian church at Cleveland soon. f: We had a boss spelling match at Cleve land Academy on last Friday night, and we challenge any school in the coun ty for a race. The Nash County Farmers' Alliance has passed a resolution in condemnation of the homestead law. 1 They ask for its unconditional and speedy repeal. To all questions there arc two sides to every shield, and the homestead law is not without some good points, and is not destitute of warm defenders. The Star long ago gave it as its opinion that it did more harm than good, and, like bank- t upt laws, was a shelter for rogues and rascals. Wilmington Star. Please Return. A copy of "Ben Hur" loaned to some friend last vcar. Please return it to its owncc,, J. '31. WILEY. MINING DEPARTMENT. T. K. BBCITKir, EDITOR, H ALUS n, H. C. The Stanley Freehold Gold llines. i At the recent meeting of this company the chairman alluded to the difficulties that the company- had to encounter last summer, wheu, as the outcome of extrava gant and wasteful management at the mines, the directors had to face the fact that the bulk of the capital had been ex pended without any tangible result. At that time the company owed a consider able amount both in America and . in England, and it became necessary to is sue some ou.uuu I penerence snares, the whole of which it now appears have been taken up and allotted, with the excep tion of a small balance of 2,000 shares. With the money so raised all the debts of the company have been paid off, and op- erations at tne mines, wmcn came to a standstill in May last, have been resumed and it seems assured that within a few months the extensive "hydraulickine" works which the com Dan v is entrae-wi in erecting will Incompleted and at work. t is, of course, to be regretted that the expectations and estimates of the former manager have been so disastrously falsi- nea, but uniortunateiy t his is no uncom mon thing in mining, for it is estimated that fully one-half of the mines which fail would prove successes were it not for the utterly incapable administration thev receive at tne nanas oi tne miuiug "cap A At . m w tains" and managers who are sent out to control affairs. The control of the engineering depart ment is now placed in excellent bands. Mr. Hambly was, we understand, for many years confidential agent to Messrs. John Taylor and Sons, of Queen-street place, and has had a great deal of expert encc in gold mining in India, South America, Africa, California and other parts of the United States. He has the reputation of being not only a very clever and thoroughly capable engineer, but also a gentleman of the highest honor and integrity. The financial department is in tne careful control of Jlr. II. A Judd, who has already affected, as stated above, a very considerable economy in theworking expenses. With two such men at the head of affairs. Stanly share holders have undoubtedly excellent pros pects or success. wuiie tne watchman is on record as to the Stanly Freehold, and has no rea son to change an iota from that record yet it is pleased to see that the manage mcnt has been changed, perhaps for the better. It is pretty well understood that it could not have been much worse than under the auspices of the former. Mr Hambly is a young man and has much to learn so far as the successful operation of a gold mine in North Carolina is con cerned. , He has the finest opportunity for demonstrating his skill, both practi cal and scientific, that has been accorded to any man in the State for many years He will either make or ruin his reputa tion in this year of grace, 1889. The Watchman wishes him ample success. THE SAM CIIRISTIAN. Work is being conducted here ou a large scale, under Mr. Hambly. He pro fesses to have found what miners have been delving for these many days, viz: the mother lode on this famous old prop erty. This is remarkable, if true. The local press has but little to say of the mine or the work being conducted there, but Money, the London journal of inves tors and speculators, keeps well posted so far as matter is concerned, and from that source the above item is obtained. Mr. Hambly has his hands full, fuller than most men could hold, judging from his reported works. CONCORD (OLD CROWELL). We learn from a private letter that this company had the misfortune to lose their shaft house by fire on the night of the 4tb. Loss resulting from damage to. engine, hoister and boiler, tools, fec, supposed to No insurance. be about $2,000 The Watchman hopes to again resume its labors in the interest of the metal ifer ous ores of the State, aud in that event will endeavor to speak from a personal knowledge of what is transpiring in min ing circles in the State. County Commissioners' Meeting. C. C. Krider, Sheriff, reported to the board that he had collected up to this date $14,480 of the taxes for the year 1888, $5,150 of which has been paid to the County Treasurer on the county school fund, $5,000 paid on the general county fund and $4,330 deposited in the bank to the credit of the State. On motion it was ordered that the county pay the railroad fare for either Dr. J. J. Su in merell, county Superintend ent of Health, or T. J.Sumner, chairman of the board, to Raleigh aud return for the purpose Of atttending the State 3Iedical Convention. J. F. Robinson,, bridge inspector, was directed; to repair the embankment at Grant's creek on the old Mocksville road. The board received a communication from the Board of Commissioners of Davie county concerning the building of a hridfre across the South Yadkin river at a point near Foard & Lindsay's mill which was ordered laid over until a meeting of the Justice of the Peace of T 1 this eounty. The committe a'ppointed to audit the County Treasurer's books reported that they had found all in proper order and correct, aud as follows: To cash on hand last report, " collected since, $ 2190.52 5810.78 $7371.30 ,"$1617.86 y 340.5U 5112.86 By county Vouchers to FeU 1, 1589, . ; By poor vouchers to Feb. 1, 1589, To casn in .treasurers uus Feb. 1, 18S9, $7371.30 Twenty-five claims amounting to $298.: 48 were presented, approved and ordered CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEETING i TO-NIGHT. DON'T FORGET IT! -. Bad Eoads. "There is just one mud-hole between my house and Greenville, and that reach es all the way," is how Mr, J. R. John son, of Contentnea, tells us of the con dition the county roads are in.Grem vU Reflector. The roads are in a terrible condition. We understand tliat $50 has inst Wn spent on thecross wayat Stevens's bridge. vuib w nureo iuan eycT.vitntonJUauca man. . f Talk with whom vou mav nn 1,A lin. ifir!llS?y and a11 are agrepd about one tbing?We want a business Ssessioa of the xcgisiaiure ana a good road law. Cor. ureensooro ratrtot. u. , .. - s The road svstem is not what. It. cYimtt.i be. It is rotten. ,Wc have the in pan est country roads in the civilized worlds Oxford News. ' - . ? MARRIED. On Feb. 3d. 1889. at the resident f the bn e brother, bv W. A. C! L,nrl .11 q., ivoien, LA?e isasinger to Miss Bar oara u. u. uanup. all of Morran tovrn- snip, Kowan County. a COUBf NOTICE. Litigants and witnesses in all eivil ac tions triable at February term of Rowan Superior Court, are notified that the civil docket will not be called until Wednes day morning of the first week, and no witnesses in civil actions will be allowed to prove for attendance before that time i J. M. I1UUAI1, Clerk Superior Court. Feb.16, 18S9 16:-t. RACKET STORE, CHARLOTTE, N.C. rTUIE ATTRACTIONS of the Racket -- with our new stock rolling in daily, are very much more than usual. Recent heavy purchases warrant us inlaying we never offered so many inducements to buyers as we shall offer lor the Spring Trade. On Maish 1st we shall inaugurate a sale of all kinds of harness, embracing everything in n W fins stor.k suited to the wants of the farmers, liverymen, and all parties using harness, saddles, bridles, collars whins, &c, embracing about 2.000 sets of first-class harness, single and double. 1 his sde will continue until May the 1st, ana offers the best opportunity to buy first-class harness for a small amount of money ever offered it. Charlotte. We arc selling mer chandise to meet the wants of our trade. and as merchants, know no reason why we should hesitate to handle any.and all lines in which we can save money to the con- sumers. nic saving oi iiiiwummn three thousand s-ets ol harness amounts to ... 1 It Tl. J - III A bix tnousanu amiars. iin?uic oc more than that to consumers of harness. We will give you extended notice ot tlii sale in due tunc. Ve have added in me stock of the Racket 5,000 rolls of Wall Paper, which we shall sell tor 6 cents per roll and on. all nut up in double ro'ls, and embracing the newest patterns made. We expect to open and offer to our trade with in the next ten days over two car loads of slassand queen's ware, wlueli we propose i offer at a great sacnhee, until the line is closed out. Goods are rolling in now lailv. and it will be next t an impossioil- it v to give you an luea oi me nuimrcu lines we are receiving. Two hundred pieces Pacific Diagonals and Plain Wor steds at the unheard ol prices ot in cents per yard. 200 Vhs s, slightly damaged by water, from $1.00 to $2 00 each, worth three t:mes the money, uver ouu pieces oi White Goods from 5 cents per yard up. The 6nest line of Ham bums we Have ever offered, and there is no such thiu as com petition, with the pm e we give on tliese tine goods, for the reason we bought this at a price" very much Itelow the cost of im- portation. One case r run oi uiuwumi fl cens per vnrd. One case yard wide bleaching at 8 cents per yard magnificent foods. One case of bleaching, fully equal to the Fruit, at 9 cents per yard. Une case 3-4 bleaching at 5 cents per yard. Filty pieces ol Carpet jut added to our stocK with 200 Rugs. Splendid line of Ingrain Drowcts. all sizes. Felt Druggets Shelf and Table Oil Cloths, makes our Carpet lie partment one of the great attractions. Prints of all the, latest shades. E. M. DAVIS & CO. Fell. 4, 1SS0. 10:ly. FOR 1889! SEND 15 CENTS AND GET ROCHESTER, N. Y. Votice is hereby given, in accordance with law, that the undersigned, and nt.htrs. corporator, will apply to the Tislature of N. C, for a charter, at its coming session, to authorize the construc tion nf water works in the city or Asne- ville, to carry water into the Battery- Park Hotel, and for other purposes, to tx set out in the charter. Jan. 7, '80. 12:1m. FRANK COXE. NOTICE Is hereby given that application will be made to the Legislature, now in session, for the incorporation of Christiana church, in Providence township,. How an couuty, on the Uoid inn roau leading from Salisbury, and six miles from thi said town. By order of the Council of said Chris jiaua church. Torchon and Valencennes Iaces at New York - ttH, ctuvnq in emernve'i cluMve i 9 if- iaw-of me 1 Prices (d2P J-Caet $u(e wan Uceb call on HOME COMPANY, SEEKIQ HOME PATRONAGE AGENTS Id all Cities, Towns and Villages in the South. TOTAL ASSETS, J ALLEN BROWN Resident kzo!C. Salisbury N. O. Seeds and Plan ts Closer Seeds, Grass Seeds, Seed Potatoes, Seed Grain, Carefully selected Seeds of the best quality. Write for Prices and Descriptive Catalogue. tit was T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, RjMOND! K If any dler Mys h hM tlMW. Im Tra UM bottom, pat nun uwo m m tr W. ! DOUGLAS $3 SHOE for CENTLCMEH. TUit In tt mrM. KltmllM nil mXJOO OENUIffK HANIV8KVVED MIOE. 140 HANIWtEWKU WKIT SHOK 83A VOLlCE AND FAKM Kfg SHOE. -9M KXTRA VAI-UK CAIFMIOK. . lUOud H1.7 HOIS SCHOOL SHOES W. L. DOUGLAS C3 SHOE FOR LADIES. BMt MatarUI. Best Style. Bert Fitting. U mot mM by yoor dealer, writ . W. I'xtOUGXAS. BKOCKTON. MASS FOR SALE BY rva. s. broww, SALISBURY. 1 IISC j mm 10.000 meries at your r Own PRICES: ; 1 not 4 I I 30- Jays .SIX. . ' i GTROHO COMPANY PROHPT! RELIABLE LIBERAL J.RHODES BROWNE, )rxsn)rat. Willuk crCoAir Strtrtarf S75o,6oo ool shd t0mthe r -a 1 4? Votrof Vlo and Flowering f " Plants, Etc : CATALOGUE of tested Seeds, Novelties, etc, and containing valuable infor mation Mailed Free. 7 aorta. PIANOFORTE TUNING, FOB 8M.TSBU37. -' - " " f Me. Owis II. BisHor (pupil of Dr. Jfrx, Profter of Music mi Berlin Cnircrsit, ik1 Monsieur Benfiet of Purii) bu come from England and cettled close to SalUbury, sad is ' prepared, to tans, regelate and repair Tiane forte, Organs and Pipe Organs; Having had fifteen ears' practical experience in England, Ladiei and gentlemen, who wish tbeir musical ' instrument carefulljr and irjfularlT attenfJtd to, ma reij upon h&Ting thorough and con scienUuos work ione if they will kindlj furor O. II. B. with their esteemed patronage. Liv ing near town, no traveling expenses will be incurred, and therefore the terms will te lo ; . tiz : f i.SO per pianoforte, if tuned occasional ly, or $6 for three tunings in one year. Please apply for firth er particulars by postal card or note left at this efRce. . - -. ' . X. B. Scbamana say: " ft is the falsest Mekr to allow anr nianoforte in rmi'i u. . ( tuned, as It ruins both instrument ami ear," ' . Salisbury, N. C, Jaik 9, 1SSD. ' Notice Is herr by ttiven that nn snt !iin-i I tion will be ramie t4 the General Awmhly ' t .. . .: . i . , n . a m m mm uvakii b mmm mm mmm mm m A m m mm mmm m u mm mm m a m mm . m j the town of Salisbury. I s By order of the lioartl ,of Corn's. E. B NE.VYK, Mayor. YAEDS Embro of- . ' jP 0 (M am me orilu. Ywoti tyfoodtt Qewe m fm (i0a'fc and wfien you s and S&awefrf South

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