SALISBURY N. C, THTTESDAYi MARCH 7, 1889. ro: iro. 20. OL. XX.--THIED SERIES. fc ROYAL ?S5'.Kfjl - U I II If w Absolutely Pure. powder never varies. A-marvPlot ;ur.t Mrengtli.and vvHolesoineneu;'. More economical Mi18itueonrtnarvWHf, and cannot be sold la competition with tiuiMUltucH of low test, short weight, alum or pliofspliite powders. Sold on! j In ciius. iiOYALBAKisja Pudek Co.,10CM all ftt. N ForKHlo bv Bingham & Co., Younj.' & Bos liun,anil ST. P. Mtnpliy. I Our Boys. - "What shall we do with our boys?" said he, Old merchant I!ron, to his business wed, - As with puzzled brow he shook his head. 'Will chooses tho law," said Mrs. B. "Aul Ned," said the father, Hie stays with me. ni take him into the store as clerk, And if he'll be steady and 'tend to work He'll soon bepartner; and when I die He'll be a merchant, the same as I." "Arid now' : asked the mother, "what about Jinl? ? Our youngest, what shall vre do wi.h him?" Jim heard the questicta. "Father," said he, 'I'll tell you what you can do for me. As all mv boTish pranks arc played, -Ht's; time to begin; let me learn a trade.", "A' trade, my son! That's a queer request, rd rather treat you the same as the rest, And I can afford it as well you know; And a trade, Jim, isn't that rather low? 1 wanted to send vou off to college, To cram your train with classical knowledge; Then to cliooie a profession than pleases you best. Vou learn a trade Jim? I'm sure you jest!" T-No, father, I mean just what T say: ' I've thought of the matter for many a day, And that is the serious choice I've made; If you don't object, let me learn a trade. You say it's low. but we don't agree; All 'labor is honor' it seems to me. Mac Mathcson Tells a WarStory to a Awful Wreck of & Young: jam's Mini - Newspaper JUan. i , uausoa oy uouniia paeep Washhigt-n Cor. of Detroit Free Press. ! "What's the matter One of the assistant doorkeepers of friend ?7 asketl a reporter A Talking Newspaper. with your of a yoiing the House of liapresentiitiyes is a can- man with a brottl white hut, corduroy ny Scotchman from the. 'foot-hill -of trousers and a woolen shirt, who was North Carolina. Hew a tall-built trying to induce his companion, sirui- ... ti 1 i ...til-. . milil urn lut-ItT fl-ifl t A ,tnu en I . lit -in vi me anu ioiiy, mtii mini tjv .'.vi, .uvi w... i and a beard as long and as red as the bravest clansman of the Cheavalitr wore. An emipty sleeve tells the; sim- . demanded the questioner. of an arm left with the Lost J " hy, you see, m our 'lle's f;ot the sheep jiggers." The sheep jiggers! VV hat's that? WOXDERFCL POSSIBILITIES OP THK PnOX OGHAPH. From the Paper World... Edison's dream of the future is of a talking. newspaper. . He has developed his phonograph so far that he now feels justified in numbering" such an achievement aciatig its possibilities. business we H I1113 bro"ght t to such a degree of cuiciency niai ne is now manutactur ARTlFICIAj. COLP-Alf?. nooses to ilim CouUd la Summer by Frost That Comti Thnu;h rip. The manufocturo of cald U UkoTy to become a; large in Justry. Earlier ef forts in the production of cold wera toward tho inaaufacturo of ico. Later Lmprovomenta were in tho lino of cool-ing-roosas, where products could be stored without the use of -ice. This method has boea in successful opera tion for some time in lare packing houses. It is less tioublc3ome and less expensive than ice, but the process in tending a buach nigh on to 0,000 Tmwr m ll,e Ponograpn, so mat JJ" omy in largo ,!,- RtiA it h-i nnrtV nir rlrnv bin, tb,?-v i,re now "vailable'for many pur- concerns, and is limited lo the produ cleu1 i d St fnnJltflmn n i P0seS of b,,siueS3 COrrespondeilC tio of moderately cold air. with the HAn'eU tat these phonograms objectionable feature of dampness. Ht hcarcely gets time Jor anything . , rai,llV ninltinliwl nV virv m ,11 The newest procoss of refrigerating else Very "Slit produces a dry1, cold air thatarries off his cabasar on this iaccount, and , 'X' Mer rec?W''? Hw ,nlPln?u the thermometer manv dcirroes below that's the reason we c .-all lit the sheep 0.f,a"-4l,a?ue Hm I r , signed to be reproduced, many freezing point, and this degree of cold can be produced so cheaply and is 60 ElY'S S ATA R F! CREAM BALM! Cleanses tho asal; tion. : Sore sj TTftlsthet . Ksstores and Snsll. 1TIY Till: CURE. tlit if. & All HAY-FEVER ' CAT A HUH is a disease of the mucous membrane, teiieraTIv originating .in the nasal pas " t -snn.l Lw'.ntaiuiiij; itstronghoia in the 'iea-1 ' Frm this poi.nt it st uds forth i poMouous virus into the stomach and Hirau.i tlie ni-.j;estive orpins, corvuptini? iWflM-vMi and pvolu(jii5 other , trouble- I t- l .,.,.u jvmntniTl Not even- lawyer can find success, Not every doctor.-as you'll confess; Hut a man with aal trade, and a thorough skill, Can find employment, look where he will. As for educations, I still may learn; The- niglit-st-hools. and lectures will suit my turn." ' Then parents and brothers had their say, Hut Jim stood ti rm till he had his way. Will wcnt through college, and studied law, And looked for clients he seldom saw. I va n-rWil ii -lrrk-for a three rears term. ' - . ; Then Ins father took him into the firm. Jim learned his trade, and learned it well, Mis mo.tto in aU things was to excel. Ili5 nights he spent in filliiifr his mind V4th useful knowledge of every kind. As time went onward, all he learned To good and wise account he turned; ; Until, within him, he found one day, A talent rare for invention lay; i And, before very many years were past, 1 Ills fortune had come to him .at last; ! Though long ere this he had found what's best, A home with a wife and children blest. The merchant died, and. then 'twas known His wealth hatlin speculation flown. ; Then Jim, the open-handed, said: i -'Here's a home. for jfnothcr and brother Ned!" And o-on wise WiW looks un to him. er sounds de- encririsffwl tho 'Jist ye watch him a minute. Ye ' , . . ' iCop..,f "" thoroughly under control that the see he's got ten little pebbles or jiggers ! :;MICM u wlXi n w ? :.wolr world 18 Promls thc lury of frost Liiiniti, n cnean nriT, or nor nt. i no. rnnffm A --o in his right hand. Now hell count !us I"iueu ai "P V,e en he'll pass one of them jiggers into his all that ...:n i i... t. l.. i I . . . . . . . . . fr.m one unto a hundred, and then "cP'lP" m uuu uiKe to gno ouiy m unicago wmcn controls this procoss 1 t WLII JVV4 i ( i i in leit naiui. Wheu jiggers into his left inaKe l.uuu, ana tie n cut a notch in the rim of his hat or his boot heel "D.iln t ye never notice the notches cut in the rim of a siien buckaroo's hat? That is what it means. YVhu Joe gits a thousand counted he counts another thousand and passes the jiggers back iuto' his right hand ami keeps on back and forth all day if we let him. Hen? the young man took off his hat, cut a nent notch in the brim with his jack-kite, put it back oiii his head and resumed counting. i "Poor Joe!" said hb cpmpxnion. "We brought him'down her thinking the life and bustle of the city might help him, but it's no use. He jist stands like ye see him all day long and counts people tor sheep,! jist the same as if he was on the Mad dine plains. What s that? D;d l ever have the i jiggers? Well,' yes; onct. I was out in the foothills ot the b.iskiyou range. summary ot tht dav s is located on tho West Side in a pre- ..... -. . .'i. ...4.. . I. .1.-. 1 . . . I A .1 1 M T . l. .11 i4-K. I uews, n.KMvcu iniu me liiaciiiue ov uieu tiiiiLus uuuuinir. ia onu roum tuey i Vi.. t ...:n skilled in the use of the tongue, so distill the ammonia, reducing the re- it 51 llotCll III .... . 1 , . 4 : i - gram into nis macnine anu set it dIv storv " . J . . -a r .! I Il . . i 1 ...1 t ' 1 Knrh (!:.ralin:L He lives ia AlexanJsheenrrerder Joe. he's called ud in the ct.o Phonograms, adaptet. for trans- volves ithe use of bnne with ammonia der countv. whWh h:is been represent- Pine Creek country he$ been been r .'W' T jrr Hiu ed a the Tarheel House and Senate by two of his brothers, and of a family prominent in the war period, The mountain region of 'North Caroti' ua was honeycombed withUniou seij timent during the war. Many fami lies were divided in their allegiance be tween North and South, although as the section was dominated by the Con federates there 'were few enlistments in tt -m. r ir. i li the Union army. Mr. Jiarneson tens an interessing story of the latter years of the war in connection with the es cape of two Michigan office re from Sal isbury, prison. "It was after 1 hail lost my arm and be?u mustered out as the Confederate 1-11 i l ill.. s tvicc, ana wen en tewaas me eiose of the war, he said to the l1iee i Press correspondent. "1 was on my way to visit a favorite uncle of mine tor whujn I was named. He was known as an uncompromising aud unterritied Union man throughout the.war. I approach ed his f rm house about duk. A's I was passihg through an old field I .came suddenly upon two persons lying concealed in the broom sedge and small pines. Dark as it was I could distiu-imi-di tli-if rh nipn wore Fedeoal uni- " .... rorms. i They were astonished to see me and I to see them. But their prox imity to my uncle's home explained the situation. . They were escaping prisoners who were seeking the pro tection of a known Union man. I had often heard it reported that my uncle harbored Union fugitives whenever lie ot a chance, and here 1 had evidence a g- I inr, and hear all the news while he is j eating his breakfast, If the enterprise is at all ieasible it will easy grow into an elaborate system of vocal news ser- vise; and may be expected eventually to include reproductions of Congression al and Legislative debates, parts of the atrical and musical entertainments, verbatim reports of meetings and ad dresses and so on, (td infinitum. It will bo some time yet doubtless, before tliB uses and usefulness of the phono- trram are fully ascertained, but in the liirht of the events of recent years no one will feel disposed to deride the in ventor's faith, in it. It is hardlv to be exiiected, however, that these ineth- ods or preserving speech will in any considerable degree supplant the use of writ ten and printed language. . . '.. . . IV. . a.1 1 i rnYtfi.. is an Hie I Into ca n nostril, ana is ;jtor there s nouoay now hkc iroi,ner jmi YlT i. ..i k at.uru-'trlsts: by mall I rt"'ISiertV, o"x - njni Bii.iu - ...v.. ..... SU'f'et. New voiK. THIS AGE laud t i:it romiviy mat i .1 t. ...... .l;. i.itll.l ti lUMIILItU I Is I'. !nt Mfver fx tied airl Uiat ouglit ds. ilT. H t- count soiT'Othiiig Ij I irnri'.i of 'Us' hat H. 1J. H i sets iin wlio wants to be itself no to cure. UTTERLY SUKPHISED ! i Mkriuiajj, Miss. July 12, 1887. For number of years I have suffered un told agony from the effectSjOf blood (teison. I llmd-mv lease treated by several prominent 1 phvsivuW: hut received but little, if any, re lief. I rrsorird to all sorts of patent medicines; rpendiiij; a Urge amount of money, but yet gating no. better. My attention was attracted bv thol-ures said to have been affected by Ii. IU$., 'nd I rotntiijiicc taking it, merely as an e.xperi went,' having but little faith ii the results. To in v utteiH surprise I soon commenced to improve, un.l deeiii inVself to-day a well and hearty per sonall; owing to the excellent qualities of IS. 15. B.t l,iannot commend it too highly to those suffering from blood"poison. i J. I). Gibson, r ! Trainman M. & O. H. It. AFTER TWENTY YEARS. ' BiLTi'uoRE. April 20,' 188j7r For over twen t years IJi a ve been troubled with uleratcl bowels' ami bleeding piles, and grew very weak and thini from constant loss , of blood. I have Hed 4 bottles of B. B. B., aiid have gained 15 pounds in weight, and feels better in general liialth than I have for tea years. I recom mend' ydur B. B. B. us the best medicine I have ever used, and owe my improvement to the use orBoUnic Blood Balm. Eugenics A. Smith. ' 318 Exeter St. AN OLD MAN, RESTORED. -Dawi'ok. Cla., June 30,J 887. Being an old man and suffering from general debility and rheumatism of the joints, of tbf shoulders, I found difficulty in attending to my business, that of h lawv'er; until I bought and used five bottlee of B. il. B.,' Botanic Blood Ifcilm, of Mr. T. ('. Jones., or J. B. Irwin & Son, aud my JJenerabhealth is improve ! and the rheumatism left riw'J - I believe it to be a good memcine. . ! J II. Laiks. 0 An wisn iir run infnrmi..lon about the cause aftJ cure of Bli I Poisons, Scrofula and Scrofulous SA-t!lfnoi I!Iin Hnri. Kliedlll UiSlU. Kl Iney CompUlnis, CMtarrU, cic, can secure by mntl. tree. 32-pag:e liiusirafu mos. m hujuho. IllleaVitli the most wonderful and startling proot ever u foreknown Address. Bloou Balm cx, Atlanta. Ga CURBS- vou said : -:Tis best it you let tliem learn a trade. Vou, think it is low but we don't agree; Aft 'labor is honor' it scem3 to mc; And man with a trade and a'thorough skill Can find employment, look where he will." Lhtcttyo lnlfr-ucean. The Fear of Death. A PROMINENT DOCTOR 8 OPINION ON THE - SUBJECT. Youth's Companion. The fear of Death is natural. Eren those who are decrepit with aize and infirmities, in most cases cling t life. Criminals. gladly accept imprisonment for life; in commutation of the death sentence. To bid a final farewell U loved friends: to look for the last time on the bright aud beautiful world; to think of consciousness :is utterly sus- Dended in the grave this, apart from the hopes t Uie gospel, we cannot but shrink from. lint there is another fear of death to which manv people are painfully snb- iect. We do not now refar to the fear of what may follow deatn, out to tne act of the dying, the purposed sulfer- iuf connected with it. Dr. Traill Green discussed this subject at a meetinirof the Fenusvlvania Med ical society. .He said: UI attended an i'i . i . e t: i excellent man, recwr 01 an xjpiscopui Here was an old Confederate soldier working for u.u VV heeler, and t had placed in a predicament. It took but a so much trouble with coyotes , and second for me to make up my mind underbrush that I used to count. my what to do. As soon as the men saw bunch three three tunes a day. 1 me thev started off, but I halted them didn't have no time for anything else, with the assurance that they need have and it mighty near took- me ott my no fear, I should not betray then. I base. asked them if theywere looV.i lg for kI could see sheep a jumpin' over the Dau Mac Matheson, br. lhey said bars night and day and could near thev were. I told them I was his their eternal bleat ringing in my head nephew, and would tak3 them' to his iue oeuiangers Marcn in a nanu ... . -.1 T Itli 1 il ll house. They did not know whether u organ. j. coniun z ciu notmng ouc was best to trust me or not, but when count, count, count, and when 1 got I told them that a detachment of Con- through I couldn t tel how much it federate cavalry Morgan s or Dukes cama to. Everything looked like had pasted through town that very sheep. The h-iam looked like little evening, and were at the moment go sheep and the hills looked like big ing into camp less than halt a mile sheep. from where wc then were, they" con- k,Tjie tin cups and the frying pans eluded that thev had better chance it. looked like sheep. My Dutch oven On our way we engaged in con-versa- looked like si fat sheep,, and the knives tion, and 1 learned that thev were and forks looked like lean sheep. Michigan officers. One was a captian "1 he clouds and the stars looked and the other a lieutenant. They had like sheep, and the moon stood over me auvirttwl 4Vm ' Siilishiirv ami lipen i l- at nisnu hke a bur belt weather ami rected to my uncle for iood and aid on made me count nun a mimon nines rheir irmrnev. Thev went with me until mv head fairly ached. nearly to my uncle's house, and I went "It Was sheep everywhere, and no in ami l.fnmrld. liihi nf. to tliHm. We relief. Oh. was awf ul !" and the talked there for a long-time aud I then young man with closed eyes, pressed . - i . - . i . ii" i i t i ii ii . i.. ..i left him. My uncle directed them over the mountains and they got safely through the lines into east lennessee. Phev wrote to mv uncle after the close of the war. Although I had lost my arm in the Confederate service and sympathized with the South, yet noth ins could have induced me to betray those men and have then' snt back to his hands to hi thr'ibbing brow and as he recalled thaL dreadful Went to town i groaned experience. How did I cure it.J and got bilin1 drunk." When the reporter left, poor Joe was standing in the same place counting the people as they passed and changing the -4i liters from one hand to tne church, ifor the disease of the heart, time and knew somethin Salisbury, i I had been there a short other. San Francisco Examiner. His wife said to me: "Doctor, .my huiband has had a dread of death, believing it is attended with great physical suffering, incept ing this he had no tear. "I replied, 'Madam, I have no doubt that his fear of suffering will not be realized. H .1 r rrif suner- ings of the prisoners enough not to participate in sending men back who had succeeded in escaping. Winters of Long Ao. In 401 the Black Sea was entirely frozen over. In 704 not only the lilack Se.i, but the htraights ot Dardeneiies were frozen over, the snow in some places rising fifty feet high. In 822 - . . . -r . k 1 i- Uv the great rivers oi Europe, tne uanuoe, raethod may bo put d3 not eu(i with the rjlbe, etc., were trozen so nam as to cooiintr and froezlzir roomi in a larro bear heavy wagons for a month. In establish mo nt. far thi pnro liquM 800 the Adriatic was frozen. - in ammonia niavbo drawn olT and carried (,)01 everythimg Was frozen; the crops to a rosidenco in a receptacle some- totally failed, and famine and pest I- thing like a soda fountain, and iroin In 1077 most ot pure liquid. This ammonia, known in the trade as anhydrous ammonia, Mows in pipes to the eoDlin-rooms. This pipe enters tho rooms und Is distrib uted about the sides like ordinary steam pipes. The liquid ammonia is prevented from entering tho pipes in the room3, but through a faucet tho gas or vapor which rises from tho liquid ammonia passes into the pipes in the room. This vapor is what pro duces cold, and tho decree desired is regulated by the amnunt of vapor that is allowed to pass .through the pipes. The gas or vanor returns to the distil- ling-room with its freezing- properties exhausted, and is male again into an hydrous anfmonia, antl u again used for freezing purpose . Fruits are stJreJ in a roam cooled to tho temperature of forty degrees. Meats for use in tho near future are in rooms a little cooler, and game and delicate fishe3 for winter use are in the coldest room. In this department the thermometer registers twenty degrees below zero.- and tho game birds and fishes are frozen as hard and dry as it would be possible to freeze tham in the dry cold air outdoors. The practical uses to which thia What a Boy and a Match Can D: N?w Berne Journal. Cant. It. P. Midvette, of Smith's He will pass into a gentle creek, Pamlico countv, was in the city sleep, and unconsciously into future yesterday. A Journal reporter meb life in expectation of which he has hini on the street aud inquired Tor tnei lived. His prediction was verified by the event. Even death from a false membrane in the larynx, as in croup and dip- thena, is affirmed by Dr. Kushmore, of' Brooklyn, to be far less painful than he once supposed it to be. He said: "When the patients have died of lar- tic - . , i I iT.. " ...,:,i i,.. "ivcll i n fhuroiiis said to oe 11 J 11C WO, SaX.Vl II V, nil! niniM 11 PI art mm I'M V SI I'M is: some news. II j At this he removed his haLand show- ed a large plaster on his forehead, hair un l evebrows signed. -.. . , i ii "Why, you have been turougn a nre said the reporter. "Yes." said he. ul sat down to din- Wondsrs of the Sea. The sea occupies three-fifths of the earth's surface. A mile down the water has the pres- p j x i ! ' . r .. . i. . Sure 01 a lOU to me suuaie men. It has been proven that at a depth of 3,500 feet the waves are not felt. At some places Xlie force of the sea dash in if uoon the rocks CJ I lence closed the vear. .7- A the travelers in liermanv were irozun to death on the roads. In 12 U the Po was frozen from Cremona to the sea; the wine sacks were burst, rn 1 the trees split by the action of the frost, with immense noise. In ZM tne lianuoe was frozen to the bottom, and renmin bi Inn inn tint shite. In I ,i lt the crops I wholly failed in Germanv, wheat which some "vears sold in England at 0s. the nuarter. rose to 2. In 1308 the ermw fniled in Scotland, and such a famine ensued that the poor was re duced to feed on grass, and many per ished miserahlv in the fields. It 1308 the wine distributed to the soldier was cut with hatchets. The successive win ters of 1432-3-4 were uncommonly se vprii In 10S3 it was excessively cold. Most of the hollies were killed. Coach- i dmvp :t!inr the Thames, the ice ot which was eleven thick. In noUoccnred the cold winter; the frost penetrated the earth three yards in the rrnnnd. In 1710 booths were erected on the Thames. In 1744-45 the arnn(wt in ttmrlntid. exposed to the air. was covered in less than fifteen minutes with ice an eighth of aa inch thiek. In 180(J.. and again in 11A the winters were remarkably cold. In 1K1J. there was a fair on the frozen Ths'ines. this the gas can be f orced through a j pipe m a rcfrigerato: and that storehouse us cold as may bo desired. So far tho process has not boon u3od by families to any extent, but the pro duction of the liquid ammonia is a mat ter of such triflim' cost that a raid on tho trood hoasewife's is contemp'.atoi, and the company promiso that tho family refrigerator shall be furnished with dry, cold air cheaper than ice and servo tho pur pose better. I a stea l of the daily call of the iceman tho cold air fellow will come around once in eight or ten days with his little tank of frost-producer, and after connecting it with the refrig erator pipe carry away with him tho old tank of exhausted ammonia. It is still further proposed to extend the usefulness of this process by mak ing it a means of cooling residence. Pipes may be laid in tho streets just as gas pipes are now laid, and as the liquid ammonia will not freeze it may be run .into a residence just a:s gas is. and diirinsr the warm weather, instead of sweltering in a hot room tho house holder may turn a, faucet and let the ammonia vapor circulate through tho Persoaa WU MaX ThmlvM XTotl M Their KriruJj Very L'neoatfortbl. - ' Thero iaan ancient weather tradition about tho month ot March borrowing certain days from A irll; ' which' sho pays back; n ot i x th y sa:a j weather that she boi?rjwvbutia ojoolherown glorious gales, at a lator dato, and thb ia perhaps tho most postlatfex-iroisioTi of tho borrowin' of trouble -thaVwo 1, havo. Thaw vhi horrow tcnibfo, however, are seldom in the "habit of paying it back with . the- scrupulosity of tho month ot March in tho tradition; they keep it for" them jolvoa. thej' roll it over and let it gather accretion, they make much of it. .and they,' grow (so weary with the weight of it that when real troublo cornea thero ia no strength" to bear that, and the nervous ' powers fail at tho timj when they aro most needed. : - -.1 Is thero to bo that most fost I re. of alt ' festivals in the family, a wedding, the trouble borrower is sura, that tho brldo is a lamb led to tho slaughter," of ! that -the bridegroom is now ta be lost fdi ' ever to tho family in being, adopted into tho new wife's family, and that nobody knows where they will 'all boa year from that day. Orelso the troublo borrower is sure that the-church will . -bo cold ani they will get their deaths, or tho dress will naven como Jtrom tho dressmaker's in time, or ' with ' tho lover's well-known dilatory character, -he will bo sure to be lato nt his own wedding. Not even a funontl satisfies this tro ible-borrowcr an occaston j when onj might fool as if thero were already on the spot troublo and o 3pare; it cortrunly could not . bo iex Ioctod that any one could bo lato at ono's own funeral, in spite of the pool ings of tho heirs of rich men who por sisriu living; yet thero as well tis clso--whero tho borrower will be sure to find reason to anticipate disaster. At, tho christening, a ia, it is the borrower who, if not tho bad fairy of evil.. gifts in person, is tho ouo who soisthat fairy .coming, novcr by any possibility tb bright fairy, tho gxl fairy; aad a child doc3 not undergo toethingin th family whoro tho Iwrrower makes a home, -for which, fmm tho first tooth tb tho last, trouble i3 rio to bo extractol. An urchin can not bo semi ta hchcxl from that family whero tho borrower ,doo9 .lot forsee.-an overtaxed brai.i and ervous diseaHC, and it cart not stay iway from school where thjro i not at onco forecast of a dunco. In business matter it is as bal: fiis d'ahlor ii not going to pay, that creditor is going to bo inexorable. In all the coaoemj of life; in shirt, the b-orwffpr is drawln; o tho faluAJ al ways a bin'crant fut irr ia every thing but mt; ail cvn' comes to death, t!io borrower illtwtrato3 this life with the lu:-id light of. tho names of tha botUmloss pit, although more often concerned in that light for others than for one's Bolf, It may ba said. This borrower o" our extenli kitchen operations oven into tho outbr aiTalra or nature, i aore is novcr a suasniny. balmy day of south winds but it Is ..a, weather-broede:. and the borrower sooa no sun to-day for the cloud aud storm of to-morrow. Arc tho tirst bads early tho bluebirds here, and all things prom ising a genial spring? then it Is un timely weather, and tho prematura buds will all bo nipped by tho frosts to come, and there will bono fruit. Oatho other hand, h-usthe bad weather held lt3 own till late," knowing apparently, with that strang j Intelligence of tho ele ments, that everything willome on. in the stronger and longer sunshine with about the same celerity as if it had no lad its own .freer and lingering play, tho great law of compensations actln j with inanimate a3 withratl othor of tho departments of nature? wby then the summer is never going. to bo lonj enough to ripen anything, and if thero coaso- on tne snore seventeen tons to the vngeal obstruction-alone, the pictures net yesterday, and prettv soon Mrs have always been the same gradual- Midyette.twh was where she could see ly increasing restlessness and dyspcet, out te tlie barn yard, exclaimed, klvob viith paroxysm of spasms added at times ert what is the matter at the barn ?' I and threatening death. Then the spasm ran out immediately and found my is in a few moments relieved, but a stalls in flames. Fortunately all my .. .1 rtll It V t 1 f I . . n ... (- Ill 1' 1 I " 1 ' Cm 1 '. 1 1 ' 1 continues, and thsn a. rapid dtvelop- whieh I thou 'lit a good deal of. 1 ran nient of unconsciousness, the com icon- to the door of the stall that she was in Uniting for several hours, und the pa--Und threw it open, and as I did the laver of pure s tienx ayingqnietiy, tne ureaiuuii; uc-1 unes tnitted in my iace. i tei. i nine- Aiiaunc. The temperature is the same, vary- in" oulv a trdie from the ice ot the pole to ihe burauig sun or tne equator. The water is colder at the bottom than at the surface, t In the many bays on the coat of Norway the water often freezes .;it the bottom before it docs abve. i If a box six feet deep were rilled with sea water and the water - allowed . . . . i if .111- to evaporate m the im, mere tvouiu ue ' . . 1 . i 1 .11.... two inches tt salt . leu at uie uouwui. Taking tiio avenge depth of the ocean to be three miles, there would be a ilt 230 feet think on the KKlrnCUAIOIw ! "-' v", i L. II. CLEMENT CRMGS & CLEMENT, i Attomove -A. 3j.xt,'N. C. I' I i . ' i "...: - '- R.. t'C. McCTJBBINS, - W N. 0. Burgooii Salisbury, , O.Tice hi CA.le b.iiIdin?V f:cM)d fl or, next lo r.' Cami.U II,Hj : Oishe D. A. Aiwcll JirJwnre hIuiv, Maintici'l. inr still obstructed." :. The doctor is wont to tell the friends that tht patient will not choke to death with great struggling and distress but will die yuconscions and with compara tive ease. , There are tWD other fears that tronj ble sonit persons. One is the fear of being eaten hy worms, bat worms; cari hot live at the depth of more than a few inches below the surface. As to the other fear, that of being buried alive, although it is, of course, possible, ana diately with my face to the j ground, w M .,re verv deceptive, to 'look at and crawled out backwards the best i am otrirm t?ie would think the .... it i il 1 I 1 - .- . . could. The mare, an my stalls, iny oarn with eiirhtv or ninetv barrels of corn. peas, fodder and a large number of tarming utensils were uuimru. How did the firejoriuginate? UI have a little grandson ' five years wholf water traveled, i he water stays in the same place, but the motion goes on. " Sometimes in storms these waves are forty feet high and trvl fifty m;iN an hour more than t wice as fast th swiftest steamer. 1 he distance CbO W j old. He got a hold of a match, went . v t: vatrey .renerally faf- to the stall next the one the mare oc- . .. oa lt. h-;ht: hence, a wave cupied, raked up some dry fodder and fi feet hifTn; extend over seventy five feet of wtkteT'rtttsbtirg JJiSjHitw stuck the match to it. He says, how ever, that he thought he certainly put in some cases has- occurred, yet Dr. ifc-till out before he left. Prime4 who investigate tor years every j rjid you have any insurance cup- reported oefouna not a paiuc.e oi ttain ? huth in n ng!e o:ie of tht ni. I - I' ll cent. . Rill Chandler s ear will aa issue n national camiMiirn. State::- ville hind mark: A Distressing Cass and Happy Cure. "For over a year I have had. a breaking out n in V h'g," which troubled mc so bad I could nut walk, le ba lly swelled, of a purple clor, with eruption so bad that blood would ooze out il l bore my weinht on it. I was re omnu'iidcd to try Clarke's Kx'i:;ct of Flax (Papillor) Skin Cure. wliN-h I have doife. My leg is now well and I can walk two miles on it without i i o: I A 1 If .,. .-.! any noume cam.., ... - -v Claikc s H:ix Soap m;iKi s inc. bMii mh in.l on -veil's chapiiiiiL'. t,urc I.UO Soap 2o cent Sold lv Jno. II. Enniss. (ien. Shenuan who knows by expe- i i . ft i r.i .... .-. .iiiai-o nence wnai miiu tuiiiwnnic nu.uina are made or. says mat uie miiuh-is home provided by the L otted states for old soldi?rs ought, to be thrown open to ex-Confederates equally with the Fed erals. There is no reason at this late dav why the United States should nt make suitable provision ior ino.e ne- ,.,c vhf.p valor is the he.irane of the people of the whole Uuiou. Xetf Observer, Edward Sdvev. Cliicaao, i.lve testimo ny: "My wife hid Catarrh twenty-five k-Iir- Khtri'ied sevcrelv for sir' - cars Ih?- 'i'orc she iKf-jriiii to use vour remedy. Ua- nb!e to lireathe except tlimu.h .the month; ' in a mot critical condition. ; Iriedcvcrv where without relief, when Dr. St net ei -advised her to buy Clarke's, Extract ol F.a (Papilhin) Catarrh Care. " Uctiet followed immediately. She continuollo ue it until juww she is entirely cured Her health has not Ucn imi j;ood in many "' Price l 00. Wash the baby with Clarke's Flax Snap. 25 cents Jiu. ti Pnhi.i Hrii r ist. liuw has the FI ri medics in hand. pipes arouna me ctumii,' u. ut-rou . & famiaJ No ono neea sutler in nis nouoc or , . . . , - offico from heat when thi, point has quencc, yot prices will put ool out o been reached any more than ho need tno roaca oi uia nwr, jmu uvy now suffer indoors from colds. I'ipcs of traao Dotwoen uao cuiivmoau m w for a hoiiso-cooling plant are now being disturbed, and thero will be a chanjJ laid in Denver, and during tho coming jn tho rate of. discount of tho Bank of summer tho plan will bo thoroughly England. tested there -Chicago Tribune. Nobodv is mado so uncomforUblo b t THE FALL OF FICTION. alinhis borrowing of trouble a tho I Komwor h(m.4ft1f. n.lthou?hi of course. A Muy2ZZrZJ3X? TOPer" everybody in the ronton to disturbed and voxol by tho aubiL It la a naois that takei on-sorloa freaks somctimjd. and Literary Thero i9 among tho very poor in our lnrtrn pities a. c!as3 or person3 wno nightly i-esort to tho gin-shop to pur chase a mixture of every knowAliquor, the heterogeneous rinsings of a hun di-ed glafs.Ji. The flavor of this ua nameablo coverage defies imagination, -Uar2:r's D iznr. ' w DEST FINISHING VOOD. Why MarionAtiy I aiore I'Mrul TUaa Cherry, Oak or AU. ' As is kao j to every wool-worker,' but the liquor has for its lovers one mahogany ; ha-i no oiual for durability transcendent virtue it dist:vnrco3 all brilliancy a il Intrunu valuo lor an rivalry in the work of procuring swift work which roiuiro nicjty of detail and thorough inebriation. Its devotees 1 and elegauco of tiabh. Cherry, whicU would not thank vou for a bottle of the f is a pretty wooi for .1ect and cx- finest Chateau Yquem. when the great tretnelv ple ning when first flaisho3. ond and aim of dnuking-the being Uoon arrows dull anl g-rlmy-looictn. made drunS can ba reached by such Oak, which hu bojn so' nueh jxwi ol a.n infinitely readier agency ., The taste I late. attraclivo when first finished, for novels like Mr- luder luggard s is rbut expjricnc to vcho taat it Uo not quite as truly the craving, for coare take many months to changj all Ijis, and violent- intoxicants Mcause they and instead of a light, fresh-looking in- coarsely and violently Intoxicate. Hut terior, ono that has a dusty appear- the victims of this thirst are wttnoui anca is pwwnwi. wnici o auvuuk y.. the excuse which tho indigent topers scraping and ro'inishlng will rotorj to whom wo liken them may plead, to iU original be.iuty. V hat i??liw . : . . . . , to oak L yot mora applicable toah. The poor tippler might say that he v t,t.hrirA bo:ight his unatterab!b beverage bo- best Qd-r tb(J coadition, which aro cause ho couli not afford a better. But detrimental to tho ie othar woai. Xi the noblest vintages of literature may nrstor a light tone, it growoepar ba nurcha33i ai cheaply as their vilest and more beautiful in color Wi.ta go, f .rnUite cranes in oar vineyards, is than the? o'Jnr wools, yotlti pi'lw ll it not almost incredible that persons who pretand to some connobacurshlp should be content to besot themselves with a thick, raw coacoctioa, destitute of fragrance, destitute of sparkle, des- much lesj thai U pjpuhvrly auppoiad and tho only objeat:oa taai txxi doo4 urged again -st it hai boon cost. Whai is ciSra valuabto, ' howocr, aai wh-iS. make? mxvhogany ia reality a less costly wood, ii the fact thaV uaiiico th tituto of evciry thing but tho power toi cherrv. oak or ash.r It L easily c'o mod iaduco a craio inebriety of mind and a becaoae it L imporviooj to th j diit o. morbid state of tho intellect lal peptics'? dirt; whilo it doii uot th j woa.v It is indeed almost incied:b'o, but tho and. IhSical of jfrowinj dull-, ffrowj pity of it Li, it U true. ir YgUly llo bfighto ancTiaore pioasiug ia appu vies. ' asw. --.7Jw. J Vi6Jlir,rr. - - I - - - ' v S

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