9- AqniCULTUHAL. Farainj in Other Lands. Ralph S. Tarf, in the American-' Ag ;iilturalist, ha the following letter PUTTina a.VAy cloth ErL i t. rAnnn i:u fn.-;nn.'n How to Take care or Snmmer c.otiifeg I large hotel on their sum&er trip, in- " Thviuitrh ikA It lii Kamam Iaal - ; " -t - ... iTiiM.tni irnmn wrv:iHN frv Tnr - . - -t -which will be read with interest and urprie: j 'v ' DECLIlf EOF XeV EXOLA3TD F ARMING. During last summer I drove over a large 'part "of. the farming district of Massachusetts and some of the adjoin ing New England States; aiid no fact truck me with so much force as that the farming industry of th region is certjiinljr declining. Deserted farm houses are strikingly common and farms running to waste are ! met with oa every side. la one dayVdnre near Alt. Moradnock in bouthern .New Hampshire, I counted fifteen deserted houses, and the next day I passed six in succession. Here was a whole district so deserted that even the school-house was slowly going to ruin. I saw be fore me farms which once must have been made to supply families1 with the means of subsistence, but which are fio longer considered of any value. ' Much labor had been . expended in clearing patches, for mowing, which are nv rapidly returning to their wild state. Orchards set out with trident care are choked out by a young growth of chestnuts and oaks.- Barns and houses exposed to the weather, and without care, are falling dawjKaraid the growth of grass and weeds. Why this astonishing change? The question is not hard to answer. To start with the rocky and hilly character of the land renders it impossible to raise one crop orer a large area, so as to admit of the use of improved machin ery, as is done on the prairie land of the West. ' The soil is aatitrally vary strong, and for this reason it has taken a long time, to woar it out. On most of these farms no manure is ever used except the scanty supply of stable wasteland that mainly, forlthe house garden. Under such treatment even the strong New England soil is bound to give out, and has in many places done so. is one cause cheap frei the rem u farrnji- thre ij am. b'a.MtAMj m n..iT. rt 1-4,1 a . Kit Ah i i ijii i i iiiiii 4.. ill .1 ' I i i.i 1 1 r ill ill mi I w .1 in I ruwinru rnu nninnii I r I i iirn . 44 , i . . I 1rii HwbnrA lisi bnpn Hm1nntf m no better work than to distribute are made smooth the siitf.ir. rnl na coved the outside with cretonne, A -..,.4:.11.- M...4 small amaiinta nf t.h a iW. tri.d nn.) fW ,;!, nst putting a cushion-en the top. Ia t""w"",v w..Tw i , : , r . . r : r.r this box she out Althouga itae putting awny of tho them in their t nvvAns clothcu docs not involve a3 I m n r. i ' t . labor or time as the winter, vet 1 "n IW u, DaKeJ 8 "1" i ana lom tnem nt Mia rSiiviors love. summer much the careful housewife knows that anV care expended ott this Work now ij When leaving tlieY took the names of the servants, writing to them after ward, and regularly senrlihg to each a monthly paper or "book. Presbyterian Observer. Qrzst.' I EsaaTatins: Sa-Oat Craharii. t It 1 crmtl f I nor tn lmtn IliA rrrn Tir f Vi I . Wia nfl-An mnt nritli art nijli ririf ft of. interest n the subject of griss cul- apparently heilthy trees, which ? ture, which ia evidencl from reports practically fruitless. Tiie owner ma - - m m t ri . .... : m - i " . irom various sections or tlte oonta. I tell : us it former ? bore abmulant We here include in-the' -general desisr-1 crnns. but ofl.it? ve'irs the trtis hart' nation the Lumber of larirer SDecieslrnn-ont " - " Thev formerlv ffave iroo3 th ttare osiiaUy called forage crons.trop3 of apples. All the other land on amply repaid -whea the clothes aro viz; the various millets, sorsrhnnis. iu- the farm was exnected to srive out ont wanted for use in the warm weather. Cera, etc, with which our list has good crop, but this of the orchard was Some women who are 'extremely care- generation. It won apparently spontaneoiis Droblent in the selection nf the lvt the purpose of the farmer, But it isa fowl; the first thing they need is I feed- faCfc With few ereentinns. thnt the inrr Ofennraaif fliocrkll nooilc rlr-.iinino most valuable of our cultivated gnwses lay the needed tiles at once, or as Sion "le' ZZV 1 8 are not now found fiourishinsr in a his the soil will allow. S iifh nrchaid-. I A . ... ... iM tt Ii 4U. L.i n J" . . .. jwiner. out tno rest OT-the . summer .. . y. ' ' . ... y ........j ... nu- garments are , -o-"-"- "ri ".j uiriBS oi immure aim opieuu fQr. As moths do not thrive on a diet reuv -.Musiuexauie cruDS. excent unner lit. nnn vnon :n the sm is i i nrnnpr t j.u.. . . - . i ' -- r- - --1---- ..w.. . . . -.;-'- wiwju, muj-y is nine nooj. or pre- some degree of culture; for example, condition turn over the sod and i the caution in regard to their invasion, the crab grasses and other speeies that manure with the plow; with U:e ;hot consequently The summor clothing is infest our cultivated fields. weather will it decay rapidly. I When generally hung or pucked away caro- Aiier oepiemoer ana wctooer, feb- tins is found to be well rotted giyt Uessiy. i nary w me ot time io sow tne naray another plowing, and a deep one. v. it ar BOine women, mon excel- f 11 rrfAaam .1,:.L 1 :ll.. II I I l 1 t I lent. Virkllanb-nnM Xu! I trUP. Siw3, luwc miitu urtgiiiaiiy came i asnes can oe naa spread a neavv coat- i n puiuug- n .v - . . , , - . . frm .u- -1; u- I:.. j i r .... j i i ' i- awav wash Art. m.ti aa in I lieorge V ashuigton and- 1 nomas Jef- wiun uiuiutic vimu wui ut u. i in" auu uarrow in a uooq uressint; 01 r . ; 4i , , , Lateron th Uryr fk 1 ifn..i...i. ? . cambrics, priuts. etc.. alwavs have them terson. lis not in mortals to com- ' w v w a . UMbVAOa bUIi; 411 1 I lllir. II L ir 1.1 HUH ZLflll I : I I lHT 1 1 r:i iirnpw i - f I m . . cereals, mav be olanted. The Hfe.!n,m Lre .avI .7...! u mashed, starched and done up, so that niJini success, but we II do more, bem- oractice ofWsitilliner ' J V? I Zir ffhen ken out in the spring thoy pronius: We II deserve it." You did may ,eem, does not afford that knowl- have' a foothold, scrape off the loose ?orSlhT YonT": .1 T" edge or experience which is necessary bark! using a blunt, Short-handled hoe IT" ITXJ' ",dtterTed to Win6mf i iL. "I . : mi . J " J Buiuimnft. ii iirrii vir 1:111 iirr i.i i r K" - iiim rin ii'uw i mh a vnrinAP hnn w . -- -x Mmn i . .... , T ... . r rn, , "-'"l' , iircumauauij. uiuc ui m CUt UlOtfteS Of thlS kind Should aim cuuiuieiice to cuiuvaie grass. ine tnaw, wash tne trees with soft so p not bo starched, but if thev aro as in Annuel uiusi, nub cunciuue mat oecause maae tnin enougn to apply witn a brush, grass will grow without care in his Use home-.nade soft soap made with corn and cotton fields, and sometimes lve or Dotash. i That sold at stores i flourishes there in spite of him, that usually merely hard soap mixed with tho garment put away rough l dry. if planted by the overshadowing ones cut . Miub is iieceasaijf w success iu nie i water anu very;, rieticient in strength Culture of the hest trasses IS tn nln I !inil rmito inforinr tlio lin,(1.m.,,la the land and sow the seed. Good, nn- Mix the snnn with enonrb wt-r t.Jwltn tritintIS crrM Will not Kliereerl wif 11 1 tvnrL- ra;A'Ai' onMo ,1 DaS8 are used by some housewives for ' - ww " ivu i va.rii i viiuii i . i i i;i liic ra i aiirru iitii - few exceptions nn nonr and hadlv Hnn with i nl H10 nrfn f,.;n. Puttln& away drosses, and where thero nrenarerl lanrl Moreover there Ja bftfinUfC',..nvl. I ., n. J 13 room Oough, thoy are excellent. r 1 - , j iiuioii nic iiuiiv, t All vine Lime lljr Vv.c- iV... . i. . , , - ., degree of skill, easily acquired it is true, bark will be found beautifully smooth "1 ISo y but deoendins- on some nractical erne- nnpnnJ nil tUWii mfl, PuUv y where there aro - ' ... i i , ..r- -----r- vo" ":" cnuaren, tnn plan could not bo fol rience. witnout wiiicn it is not wise tn I he sn.-in th.it hie noun vvmicIiikI irifr Ii 3 ... . : : . . ... - "V-- umeu successniuy. w Hero a woman proceed nt once on a lanre scale. It is! the sm will sirt :i ji nefn1 frf Hi'oi- h I " , " " v " pus ruuujj uoase, 8no nas very little riuai.y true oi oiuer orancnes or iarm- -l.oug neglected trees usually require trouble in deciding where the clothes p '"&c Hi , T ived i,Vt T.V.. ntT u X, ' i "Pn 8nau Idaway, but where she is Mr. D. I. Wilt oxson, of Horse Cave, Kv. .... ...... .!, (..dtvuuiHuuuiuic nee. xicci cm v.uuiuiu, I(J xi,, lt is iUira to ueciao jukls alike tcstimonev, sain::. He iM.si The survevors are ranidlv locating I 1 T 11 rry i e.i , jei ween nere ana uanaieman. ihe uauum. do pupuiar nowaaays tnat a t i n , , . , M ,ju z , uuau.iciurs on me enu next 10 town Lrwtovu a noiuiuuc is IJUfa tllUULTUV W DO II. 'Li lxl' . u ... nave pucneu ineir caninsout about summer wear, they are treated in the ml1 "nd 81 ha,f and ar rW to ,jeS,n witiiuuu3 no swii cu me rwue is nnai- IV located. The Wnrlr .'ill then hn 11 U Ul'lIlH SFimiTlPr I " ' ..... but indifferently cared U?0,nK on "long the entire line. With ? do not thrive on a diet H continuation of the good weather the road will be com Dieted bv summer. Alt ASiwro Courier Good-bye, Grover. May vou ever be There are some women. mot excel- K,PP , n T1eP7.T r"dVeir Duttinff 1 11 11 e 111 nistorJ wtn as 3 i MDMOIIT AIR-IIE Bichmond & Danville Railroad. IN EFFECT Jan.' 6, 1889. Tkaixs Run By 75 Meridian Twk SOUTHBOUND the case of bein? ready to wear, and tne change of th3 season forbidding- it. - o - the starch ouht to be washed out, and . . j - i mo ureases are nun? in a p. nwt. nv room, they should alwavs be covered with a ciimbric curtain. Lonjr cambric We apprehend that the day is dis tant when such tiuestions as State Railroad Commissions will be sun- , n l tion: Shall the niilroads run the gov ernment or shall the government run the railroads? Progressive Farmer. A Sound Lsgal- Opinion. K. liiunbridirc Mundav E.n., Gountv Attv.. Clav Co.. Tex. savs: "Have 11 ctl Electric Bitters with most happy results. My brother also was very low with Mala lial Fever ami Jaundice, but was mm! lv tmielv use of this medicine. Am satisfied Lv. New Vorfe 15 Pulladelpuia . 7 2 " BjttiUiOre 45 " Washington ll 4 Ca tr.ouesville 3 4o " Lynehburg 6 4 Ar. Danville s so Lv. hljhuioiKl 3 ic " BurkesvIUe 5 l . Keysyllle 5 63 ' Hauville 8 & Ar. OreensUoro 10 35 l.v. lioldsboio 1155 Kuligu 4 43 ' Durham 5 56 r. tirefiiboro 8 30 Lv. Salem t6 15 . (iretnsboro lo 15 Ar. Salisbury 12 21 Tatesllle l 51- Asbevlile 1 44 " hot S,lngs i Lv. Salisbury 12 S6 A r. charlotte 1 55 Spartanburg 4 40 ' tiieenvilie 5 50 AtUnrt 11 00 Lv. ciiarlotte ! j 10 Ar. Columbia j s ?o Augubta ' 10 sa MOHTH30UND No. 60. A M . P M .4. I i 4C M - t A M it :DA1LV '4 an 6 5. a j 11 Ui 5 5 - i 7 ! ; 4. st 5 (;! ! 6 V3 I 9 42 i tS 10 j M 43 ! 3.13 ! 1 40 f 'tf 30 9 :.o IM U U 12 i 4 41 : S !0 . U 23 ! 12 41 3 3T 4 4S 9 40 1 00 6 10 9 05 A II I and DanYille Beifa fi W. N..C; Division : ! i j Train No. 6;. Wui l(Ann passenger TraiiiUh-du" Effective Aliiy 13th, lSS 00 4 50 51 t 12 II 00 5 05 - 8 0S as a. m. p.m. , ra. ui. b 10 I i, s li 1 2 . m a. n t. a. m. :i "'1 a nj. r Ar 11 14 noon i3-p. iii. C:;taba Boston iew Voile PblladclpLta Ba.ilmuro - , WciSl.lr.gt.OD Lypttibuig-Ddiviuo CKtsvn:,- tJoUiT-oit-ro Lurlisw , P M P M A M P M P M DAILY. No. 51. No. 53. Lv. Augusta " Couunhi i Ar. t Lmkite Lv. Atlanta Ar. .ieeiiille " Spa 1 UnLtg ' Charlotte 4i Sillsbury Lv, i;ot Springs " Aslievlile " Stateville Ar. s lilsbury Lv. Salisbury Ar. (ireei.boro Salem Lv. lirernsboro Ar. Durham " It.ilei-h " o:asboro Lv. Greensboro Ar. Danville " Keysvllle " Burkesvlile " I I lnnond " Lyncblurg: " ( bailouts " Wiisiiinpt " -i!ilno:-e " Phthuelh Nt-v Voik "Dally. 15 10 40 3 35 M (to 1 A 2 11 4 50 6 22 5 05 9 4? 3 10 4 3 2T 5 00 11 40 9 4". 12 02 1 02 3 10 S 5 9 47 H 41 1 16 3 : 0 12 40 2 5T 7 35 8 no 3 CO 6 20 P M P M A M P M 44 A M P M 44 4 A M A M P M P M A M i 8 45 ; 12 50 6 15 7 10 I 1 51 ! i 58 5 80 ; 7 05 12 10 ' 1 32 6 01 A 4.1 7 li S 40 tl2 34 10 5o ,4 SO 7 50 t n 45 ? 50 1o JO I 47 t 1 :- 5 15 12 53 . i 00 " r7 00 S i'o 10 47 1 iO A : P M A M p m: p M i P M A M p Ai A II P M P M A M 12 55 1 14 1 4l 2 Id tiO 2 49 ' S13 3S7 4 00 4 31 Lv. 4 40 AT 5 09 5 34 10 Xewton t-onnflij-s.-iihce Rorgacioir Glcfc Al2)ta" Mi rion 01LKort- B ack Mountain i X ' 35 noon . II 4 - ' . f. H. i , i?s hi.1. - 7 ; 1 il .. .1. S'5i: jV',',i; lie.:' - Ashevlile i- Apiievilie -AjexandPis Warsball lijot Springs Lv, 5 4' p.m. IlotSpilrgs Ar. 7 30 - Morrtsiown 8 50 KnoxvlIlc 11 40 Jflllco 7 30 a. m. Louisville 11 10 a. m. ItKManapo.is t 35 p. in. f ilcago 1 5o St. Paul 4o p.m. ist. Louis 7 lo a. m. Ksnsr.s city Murphy Brain Ii. Dally" except suxbAy TRAIN NO IS 8 00 a ra Leave Ashenie .. 10 25 Arr Waynesvnie 2 26 pm t;har)fsion '5 03 Jarietts 4 . lis"-. ess -Tis . !.), ..so Ma' ifjfK'iSh" f So P. a I P a. 823 P ., A. & S.Koa(i, -1' Daily except SUNDAY ', P TRAIN NO 12 - 1- n-i,...i -'4J" ' 4u u 1 u 1 tienaerso Ashevllle 3 50 p.. m Leave 7 17 -Arrive 1..,. ... p r I t Dally, exuepr. Sunday. i: !'. anrl if r- i.t I v rrmaa rlnwn tn i n line- I SI mil whthr if i rMxaihto for t num f A I Sipproved Varieties of "Trass Seeds to the nairit. Amevirstn AnriAiiIfurixt . . 1 . . . . I....- 1- Ml - A I1 compete single-handed with the whole- farmers, who will promise to experi sale agriculture of "the West: Rail- according directions. A good this box she put her superfluous cloth- There are seventeen prisoners in Hie rier winter grarmentd were placed Cart huge jail. two me .11 for murder. agriculture 01 tne west. xiaii- v ""'""'S uiiwhwus. a goou Is 'lifrricnltural machine?: the one n- and safe way fofa farmer to test the 7- D .. ... . . I i r . 1 1 . 011 ing up of the West and the careless vaiuc? 01 a uay crop is 10 prepare a neia use of the home farms .are all elements for the spontaneous growth of crab- in the decline. .... . . . .1 i 11 int finct i nrt nil i i sthiss. Diowins? and narrowitirr ami r5r-1 . 4 4 41 VII IO l? JAW lit I I IO. ' I O O I ij-4... .J 1 . H i .11 IL... :JC.l f iv nrr a onnrnn onl flcJ.T A'l .wl v",l 1CUICUJ (tiaim inaii even witn an niese unncui-1 """""n uu m an.ouu .1 - ,, 14 41-4 In l4l4i,m .'4 I v "-- T J..4 4 41IV.I , OU I t Hard Times. Times are hard, are they? n Yes, all will admit that. Well, lets look around a little and see if we cannot find But before we discuss ties every Cleared iarm in IMewJunglauU "tlIT "c u uiuuui. ine result , i.k j.i ai ; 7 A" garments neeainfl- repairs shoul -could and should be made to support WI 11 astonish any one who has not r"; P"ttin . ' . . "J IcV. ,1 - L. -E I III II llIIliLIICn rcLL 111" I I I It V Will l.lKfi If 1T1 I Ii ... lng- in itrin the summer, and her summer clothing" iii winter. When closed it made a pretty divan, atjd with castor. on it could be moved to any part of the room, i A soap box, covered in the same manner, nnswerod the purpose or a nat box All garments needing- repairs should Three cold blooded murders have beea committed wit bin. the last four months. Moore is getting bloodthirsty. Liquor bad li pior. nanjoril hjrjress. vield 1 , cai,ner- AneJ w IilSC longer away. It seems mf I 1 " I Att - 4lx. ....1 cVI...- I I refiner rit ,f ill tiini fr.A HMJr the cost and the aua itv. with a cron . .1 . J l,,u i-o3uei-i. mostly very convenient and tcmntin to better one's .condition, has taken of sweet perfumed com folder, made l??.111? Ty X Ad h PIace em away just .as they are, " "v - ' - luitut jium.-i i uctiu" w lucuu ilium uallv M in .-1 I " 1 I A. 1 1 I 1 1 I I 1 I . " er tne shelter, tne siring:. j usually there is so fueh Southern Cnltlrntnr aMd hang up the bridles and harness to do at tho latter season that the re " V " . . .. .. .- . ... n tue earn. ruey will also last Ion- Distance of Cotton Rows. &TL i ruH . ,,e, eaier: xiicn biicic cue i iic uuw sueus in need Cattle, if well housed, can a thrifty family. The restless money- tned it, if he will compare the getting spirit of the times, the desire the cost and the quality, with a root on every farm in New England, of blades of Indian compiled one by S ' " The younger element in these dSvs of one, by the tick of a cloct, as it were. Be"r "J f an "nler ft,vi fraiwnnrrion Wm diVd-.ti. -Soiitliem Cultivator. uad h.ing up the bridles a ea-ivl transnortation becomes dissatis fied with the uh u m-drum life" on the farm and yearns for something live lier, i The farmer's boy gives up his free life in the' copntry for one of slavery in the city: he delves in the Tlisir Baanass Boeing. Prolialilv no one tiling lias mused sucli :i revival 01 trmio ;it Tlnity, I)nnr sifi. ..u s a little thing, and it is 'heir giving away to their customers of so uvenient and tempt in f many free trial bottles of Dr. Kiny's New iyis.civcr inr v.nnsuni)Uon. llieir trade is simply enormous in lliis verv valn.il.l.- article from the fact that It always cures and never disanoolnts. Con lis" folds stln3.1a, IJr one 1 1 ist is. Croui). and all throat ;ind kin diseases quickly cured. You an test it before buviny by iri tliiiir a tr;al Train for Kal-igli vli n.irksvfMlP 'x? Vo daily. rAcejjt si nd.ty, a. in i .... 4, ryr j: anlv h riarl.KH'r, T.vi f. M ; or.t-r , - P M ; iieiidersi ii.t! 0 P l .: .nh ea Durii.' .o.:h) pin. l;a!eig.i 11.45 ji in. licturnliiK leav Tnlf;rli cJ il I . .vc:.t . ,? ,-. j l.OO A. "."M". .; i I f,;r !, 1 I !,4 . ! M.; CI irk ,!.f . ! . ; :(.-. tj ',-; ' n- ;.r- riv's MuLiiioiiu. : .:o I' . ! No 51 and Mmincct.s'it i-i;-lii.:n:i ! i.iii-.- .v -i. t i sunihsy for w,-s' ro!n'. Ml Tueslns. Taarsliivs ! 9 nd s.ipmliij s i' V, i'iln' r 1 r. 'i l'ul.it. I ' No. s.i .urn iro.n - 1 Prii.it. i s l-tl!v .:)rr)(. ! Uoi :.t IM.'hio.tint! with o. : ) r.r 1 i,c Si'mh r ' i No. so ...Hi 51-eoi-n ts at '). sown . itli trains to iiori from .Mou lu'.id fhy and Wlln lntrt'-n. . N. 5' fin-vets at Greers!) n r.i, S-lui 1 fr Fjvrt.ievi;:?. j No. 5: coniHits nt ;.,v, ror tfl'soN C 1 Nos. .o an bi Make io?" cooin i ilon nt t nlvp!--' !-h-. st olon v;a li;i-is4o :.:,J fr-a ; ha .el i Tl. cxeent Sni 1 .s. j I e.ive g'tt- ; 75th meridian time used tin tint "-I" - . " - Rlclimoi.d & rwVToS " -! " ?aleJsr A r-bct,0r9 .. ra.lori.ars .. &alisburi t Klohu. JOS. TAYLOH, G. P, A. VlXBi nX.Aft:pTvr. A! TO YOVMY ZlND RS ADEE. Have jou planted f 'fruit tree.L On train no r ni.d r.i, Puiitn .n uiT' sieener between a Alia 11 1 anu N'-w Yo.-: . lir-.-eosDoro :t.d Aug ts. an-l Jre- nslvm). siievM:.-. - 01 Springs ar.i .Morrivuw n. 'I n. r on train- :i nl s:t. Pnii tw-n V;i.,ht:i: lM!i ir. ' pairing-of Summer clotiiinar itTwhollv forg-otte:i, and only remembered when wanted for use. There ai-o few things as discoursing to a housewife as a pile warilented or, a:iu Knnr -f s'lMTi- r- vi. i "in I . . 1. -;: t , V,,.. i-n- a bomrteoiis ippT TliilArmJwvi'.,.;:, i n.' .... . . . ' -? i if.u. , quince. : The uiaije,4-.fiai,'ny,r.tK aH other dtsir-. slLie rrilils. ICrif'.: i. i orders? One of tun arc's g4reaT blt'iti is our great iiuinbt v of varieties-of fiie attractive wholsoiuc fruit's. L The Cedar Ccve llurssries has-on the ground uhout '. - It is an Unsettled nilPstion nninnmf rtf ranjira . - - V& m . U 4 ( 4 .a - 1 1 T I I I I I I . I 44 I I 1.1 II I " ' . 4 . .. . I. .C I"" I ... some or our best D anters as to th hpst ho L-fnf. fhrmicrh f h ;fQr ,..K ux summer ciotnes waiting renaira I T wiiiv4inii nn, IlilliLI ITIL1I LU 114.111 i '.No.4... J. I i .Li. T" I . I I l iii . a 1 .. . . I Whfll hfiV tlini.la t.-i-i i ,! -4,l 1 . , ". . , ., uiauuiLc 101 cotton raws 10 ooiain oesi Ness iootl than it exnosed to the po d . M i"" "mer isy worK-rooms or cue iaciory ratner results. On land fht. withnnt. frHi;. anA a -...i -.:n ......... Z i: . work, consequently, if the iiottle fioe, large siz.e $1. Every bottle Il . il li e ' i ,cau1. ou ikiki uiai wunoui lertui-' rain and snow, and vil not be ao 'inb e P heopenan-on thefarm, and zer will bring half bale of cotton to to fly away on the wings of the buz- l,Ve' hK d,ngy hAXl h-U rUr" the acr what width f row give zards next spring. rnnnHiMl hv iiniu nnrl tilth in nrufor. i , 1 , ,. .... . . . 1 o . . " ... oesc result wuen well tertiiized in the There s some UKinure coin to ence te dwellini? in the house he can Li.: no ni-. . , .. . . b"Jllo lu " .. . . - - . ui nil- summer toendiiiff is! done ero putting away, it will not have to be done after tho spring cleaning, when the housewife is exhausted in body and mind. Woolen trarments will need tn hn Lice Moore, who was arr.iiirned U- fore our court here for the murder of Laura Hi.itt a short time hio. h;.s been fjund guilty of murder iu the fiit de- -urcensboro tl orkmun. in "n' and.1 iu Dir; , .;: ;.''. . i..-. '. K'tXi;'.- ' 'f Tiimu l ll':'. 'I ' l i l.e i'.l'i : .t all ini'iis. . ' ' : For r:.t. sri 1 infr..-.), Uion. a:i ! to s.w ajroiii el ihe rphiraily. or to SQL HAAS, JAS. L. TAYLOJ?. iranv Mainigrr. t.eu. .rit W. A. TURK, I'lv. Pas. AiT.-nf. f iji'i-.tfiiful fruit tjct-f. i!es'and Wacts 1 ' 47. ..I .. 4 1 ' , w 4i ui.,1 mite ivi'iii i" V ! niiifii i t .- rrpP IrlWIK'Mrn II .i--.,.-, ,i fit fl .T r ..-S; , . .. Vt.-.-V4f!t 3--J ikiiv o iiiui vuiiiiuii i iTLLrT 21.1111 .1 iii.i.ip. iiiuniinn 11 r r in 1 11.' i ... 1 - 1 ' . 1 - k . ' n l. w mi r ' v-m ca II his own, where he may te free from .,nA vprv miM.h nh ' j t ,c n r it 1 " wen garments win need to bo - , t.s .t a $j r care and worry and vicStay at 4,l(1 verJ "i"" oblige. A. J. & C. L. II. reduce your guano bill, and at the cared for the same as winter clothes. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. ! fr ' Mmd home, young man! . Leave the excite- . i.Wfr.-There are so many vary- SeJlS! l'MpTe yT - t hat Tg & piece of camPhor- Tub Bkst Su v.-in the world r,n r : ' ' 1 Ml lBSil raentof the factory and city for those ' ci.cumstances-character of .oil, pie of litter uudtn.sk, lying out there doing each! garment tightly in news- Brui i'oL, U IwrV 8 t Kl im'r.v'i I -"" -MK who are so . unfortonatc as to be obliged hety of cotton, seasons, distance be- the corner, wil also add to your paper or trunks, fastening the edges so Sore,, Tette. Chapped Hand, c "dlf.l , I t&- I. 'Jm to taste it. i tween plants along the row that no .ompost heap, and is worth saving, as to exclude moths, bunshades brush Corns, and all Skin Eruptions.".! p0sjtiv - - Mr. Ben Tuckerwnting from Lon- unvarying rule can be given. We that you are through with that, jell, do up in paper and place away in ly cures Piles, or no pay required'. It is :zHf$Mf&2 Jon England to The American A- have studied the subject and exptri- sPpose you repair that picture fence. drfwfs lf hats with guaranteed to -ive perfect satisfaction, or 'Mmm Jiit P'fp SSiBBB or:;:;;;! jL,:u I have visited nearly every county in ber of. stalks -on the land, and the nich leisure to think or talk about the clothes make a memorandum of aU mVV' "' StT, ,",t hlU', thr""U MMtMmM England, and have conversed with the nearer tly should be disposed on a haul times: and if his conr.se w pur- the articles to be placed awav, and you J, 1' :;s 1 lUe :,lul -iit to the fa larger and the more humble farmers, square; because, since the plant food is sued you wi find, ; after axylnle, that will find it ai great help when readjust- bIe Sli once' . &iWW- anu me story is tne same wnerever you Mrrv fc i wiuaiij uisinouieu ,, . " : iumw w iwuny Hummer wararooc. , , , , tt?f5i&t$&iHW go: MTliere is no use for us to at- throughout the surface soil, each plant their tents and silently stolen away. wto Dwlget. IT l,.- ffigjglf- tempt the cultivation of the larger hould be so placed as to reach with its . A Goth." ' ' . Ta. FPPljS" mmmkM k.a 4 roots everv iin W. : Gotham Fairy Tale. F'a telrHnHH. t,..fWfoWr j, J tk MMVUllUU lUUU TC . . J ""1 bU9 DUll. I . L' T I r-X Jill II n li4 cmnir I lhis is trua also wUn fU. l.nJ 1...I Down on tht. C.rAH- s.if.n. roti soe, t said a Hroadwav car ron- 'JMwSi UCU WUC aillCUIllUU 4.41 MUC- LU4I1ICI 4 1 1 4 1 - w M ACUU 11413 - -" wmw 41.V4UW M B 441 . I I. A .... - 1 4 I hun fo.i imj 4..1 1. ducts, fruits or stock, but no wheat or l 1 - l:. Down on the Credit Syt.m. ni. t., , i , "" v i - i uui iitiiuerx run now. it rnr mn rim. I . , mj I ia Ml.. a - 1 - - . mm. " V. U J 4 41. corn. 'Save for home con su motion. I " nen tne tertilizer is aDnlied in Isirp nnir. Hio r m.) i f o..otm i ...-i. . , ' j . . - - - . 1 ii j -,4 ., . , . : .., ...n .414, vii-um oioirm uiiuilJlb l( This.-is the universal story throughout t,ie drill, .it is better to widen the rows for good. The evils of this system ire thercountrv; This feelim? on Ihe 80 as to require less time both to dIow manifold To sfnrf part t the farmer I mean the actual and to hoe, as well as to concentrate chant's figures that everv fifth mm" fanner, the tenant farmer is fixed andl U1C iertiuzer and push off the cron in- will fail to n.-,v tl,-,v doi.t. ...ui. it is nbt,the landUrd's business whtit 1 e.iirjy vigoroiis growth. Assuming at the start, with an nllmv .,, crops should be cultivated, i This in- tuat tliere should be three stalks to each interest churned up to the buvcr tertereuce on the part of the landlord J4" 3 ra, or utne square teet, if not Then there is the expense of a boek has been the cause of hundreds often- fertilized at all we would prefer to keener and cnUooinr LuA ; ; u:u aiitrv giving op their acres in desoair the rows three feet wide and the taken tnm.tw' n.ii., . V. r.n .. ' and turninsr their attention1 to otlnr stalks twelve inches .mart, in ordt?r tn runt wu?nU iuL i v .. i , .- . : , " i ii i i. 1 1 w "ivu me uiiiu niitL ouvs on a pursuits. One thing isceftain;so long g t'rpt yield psr acre. . If fer- credit has to pay. Mr. Edwards of as this feehnir exists, sr lono- will this tilized in the drill we would widi.ii tho ih aii;.J,.- vL. 7:, ' OI "ternble depression continue. Grain rows to three and a half feet, and in- that the banks here have Dlentv nf crops have -decreased since r 1887 by ?reils me aistenee between the plants money to loan and the rate of interest neany a million acres, when they cov- proportion i ne amount of fertili- is U per cent, per month Now if wv7 w'"4 w". -. , v,cS, out --- -rr ' piouuce, iarnier nas to Ouv $ltX) worth of uoods nastuse and stock raisin a iJiave pop-I unassisted, a half bale to the ar.rc tin. tn n.nU o f, A fe"""" TeDondini?lv increasetL (n ftnr. rows should Oiobablv nwr LL., nr. i' .u. , 10 rank 11 til Id 4 1-4 14 ,1 A if 1 4IY .a t-IA T n4-..n o,. .. IT.IlSlll IrtllP TiUt if WO I fii. 1 1 I I M I .. ' "Jr till . .iu Hum 4.uiuivi.kiuu l.l. lire Icivl vcWMIIlZ CJL -.. 4.vv, ir ci IClfc.liWni in (lie I Cll INOVPinhpr tllO Iff .....1.1. tl tentof land under culture' of small dKH o ai tp double the vield!w. wnM fiuits. such as trooseberries. eurriint? suggest that the rows bp incr.-.l t L,.wi Ai A v . . uy means oi evaporaiors, jam lactones vwoa to uiminisn ttiecostof tiuiw, nuituiim ncrtMAi uu cunreiy i tt3 lu ue piowea and onerdit- TLL.ni.;n i ew enUrprise. - I am glad to say that boed is decreased. P llDa salinl f or the f T? m"" 1,- ..:J.- fi,a .k: :,i Aft.r nil. .lnW . u j:-.., x, c ;.,T,ns f.or he Wmfr of SUon the VHt MiAiyi ny vi uci luaiyiiiuw ciun air I i " v. in , kiic uiSliilUCC 111 Hi I BllHI Worth nf rrttiCl I.. i . . Ho'SHt for Hog,., rW..Mtt. 4-VU.J "Tl. i. .v." fas.Vi,r ,!'.s K03 without going t the Th. Tn P.rm.r "4 f.il.V.H.T- f- " -.1 """K..IOr l?e U WOttM be frieud of oura ia .East Tenneie sij rirt, of cot T,7bit of 3' Z' never allow vour hoirs to have sa It and exercises a verv Mntridli'ntr iVfl- - -r . Tr" "'v luc iarnier thev will neVer have cholera. His in determining thV Ut TnoiSol?t"nk for money houlmct every year, uing nn judgment on experience and latter had, two to one rather self h m tr- j t i. win. pioai. 11 eatheiford Constitution. some five Year us:o he Quit them. S;nce then he has not had a case of cholera, while neighbors I adjoining his iarm had more or less cholera every year.! uae 01 the neighbors quit salt iiii; liis hogs three years ago aud has I eriousl hot .luui a ;.ise of cholera since. A suupfe remeJy; let sojie of aar far Jierj bullet which lodged in her eto ir it. - . ; J - . 1.V. ,Vr-- 'rt " t - Mrs. James Philbeck, whd was so nousiv jvoiiuaea DV Van Ctn.. i I TM i . . . r r . . 4 - w..ivcT iu i liic NurParil t.innar n- .November, last. . has Tonrhvi i 4i i... , , ; Vn . . . ' f-MW ki.C I I1LS 11 V lilt tl Wn .rnnn.i. I i. 1 stoinaca. keens an cvp n.,P,i fN .. : ll!S neighbors. i J Fairy Tale. "You soef said a Broad wav car con ductor, as be reffintered two faroa oa the indicator in response to three just reoeived, ?it inn't as easy for us con ductors to 'cheat, the company as tho public seni to think. We are re quired," he continued, "as he collected five fares and nin up three in a buoy ant manner, "to obtain five cents from every passenger, and then to register each faro on the indicator. Of course,1' ho observed, meanwhile ringing up one in exchange for two fares taken in, "each passenger sees me ring the indi cator for his or her fare, and it is im possible not to do so without being found out. "Why," he added, jerking the rope so j gently that the indicator didn't ring for the two faros ho had then pocketed, "if I did not register every fare I receive I should deem it proper for any one to have me arrested for dishonesty." So I had him arrested. Puck. "Ma," said a Jittlo student of n.itur al history, "do frogs go to Ireland in the winter time, when every thing is froze up?" Xo, my dear; wheat makes you ask such a question?" "Because teacher says they always hibernate in winter," was the reply of the observing young hopeful. The genius of 'America is stepping high about theso days. The average- uuiuuer or patents ibsued weekly ovar three hundred. fu.1tl n.m.Jm ll-.i.L . lUtt. nlill.lrlv walrft ia U WurliL inf. V'4ir. ramtd. Ilraiy 6ol,ii o!l imuunr -. Bi iM ld.,.' ml ( mis' uzcx, w-iiii n orkt ml cur. of qna .mliie. Uncl'ernoii in rich lo. CO 1 1: T mi Ifrr.-i nun Ct-.k to4Ttiirr with ecr Inry indnl. able Has of IT oucrltold Kanplri, ThiM UDtpUt. ll th .lrh. we griid . , i rri-, auu pier jr. urt lrii them In voar himi. tim A i...k. ....i . i.7. ., . ' ; -1 . ... .iiii iwii.iiiiii-iii 14 IS4HII. Who nisy bar snlied, I ber become your ow. firupvitr. Tbc-. one ran ba aura cf re!c1ric the XVotrlt yji-l Samploj. Yieyny all ciprw. frcirhl. cc. ildrirota bUuwaVo., liox la,I'orUuiid,Mniae. D. A. ATWBLIi'S HARDWARE STORE, Where a lull line of-goous in his line, inav alvas be.friund. THIS PAPERS O C.i.l !!.!:. li.i'MIiii... iiri'i i v.iri tit .U4iyro(i 10 x-u Ki yur i.earest r:uIrt(H -t.s'. n.iUivilitt luu ,, -is jiai J, ; I nin ilea ' every owe who jvaius to plant a. tree, grape ine, or trawbeny jlant, eic. I hav- no etiniparativei uom petition af ta extent of grounds, and desirable ljin-stry Mock or quantity. I can and WILL RLE ASil YOU. . 1 . I ha ve .11 siz?s of trees desired frtma3 fodt tree to 6 aiid 7 feet high and slocks rriced dt script ve ratalogiie -free. Ail dress, - j ' ' ;. 44:1, W.;CRAFTvPr6p;L i Vi.lkiTi county; X. C. it f v:nci -i fl 4. r I ir Advrrtislni Ii'ir-aadO SpViliv m.'.'i.-. , v- r wntntc-ts may l ior it x.,y VOiitl. Caveats, Trade Marks and Copyrights I 7 ott..iiV,?.r n.i .ill otuerbusliitssm the lS. Palest Oii't'i- xv. puucfl injur Moderate J ec s, UUiLOiaceisoppttwte tul . , Paierit ttlJite,:; we canouiiilu l-'aienti. in fin ii "i. nu kcr. jnotefroiu WasliiDg-u-u. i nia i-.ioaesorrirawins. e aavUe afctopaUM" abiliiy free of oliaig:e;a,ad oiake.VociaoK'U '0" v. va r. j 1., ICT Wereter her" to the Postmasier: tl;t- suii .Money irder i;lv. unit to ni)iiininr ih- i" s rii entoltlce. FerctrcuJar. advice, temis and rffrj ences to 4iclualeUeiii8tn yclir oa State or couctyi IT.tl r s- .aaaw iT ... I i ui tjv a. Kun w Ar fin. - opposite Pateutoiuce, wasliliigiojiD.jC I Oct. 1.'S3 If, il1 iC iSaniva jw-t a -" - . WAr.T23D, Traveling aud Local Salesman for Agricultural and Ma-, chinery specialties sell to the trade., State ae reference, amount ejepectad for salary and expenses, Address. M ASSAY &'CO.v 7 Monteluma, (i. iX 1.V JM : il i.aaa4aaa VaW tWaaBBBBTaaaS BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaV ...bbbbbbbbbbI bbwH ajJ KaKaal staaaal Steam, Air and Vacuum Pumps, Vertical and Horfzon- tai 01 every variety and canacitv. : ! - i t jf VERTICAL PISTGN. c . VEBTICflL PLU3SE regular Horizontal Piston. ' is 1 Va l. 11 r? t K. ir- . e. , tv. u ThednncnU. lhaiiaMiM.c.'i ww will find Toft's PIXU tho rront rental A rtfirorons body, pnre blood, strong ervcM and a ebecrful mind will rese S0ID EVEBYWHEEB. I Slflfl fax i $$gmimmM The most simple, Jpralile and effective Pump in the market for Mines, Quarries, Refineries, Breweries, Factories, Artesian wells, Fire duty and general manufacturing purposes. Send 'for Catalogue. Tii8 A. S. CAHSHOH STM POMP W Faar of East 2J.:ii r.:;:.:r, N::v York , . -1- , J 1:1 I -: 1 iff

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