Caroling, Watchma THXJBD AV, MARCH 14, 4S89. There is a genera strike of wearers at Fall Rnfcr,MassJ The Farmers' State Alliance is now an incorporated body. , j A horse with a niau on bis baci go- ; nn in n halloon will be one oi the attractions jpf the Paris exhibition. ' f " - il - ' : - Ko valuable information had been gained up to Monday last of the rub bers of Fafror's Jewelry store in Char lotte. ; !"?' The reported rich placer gold mines in Lower California have been visited by the editor of the Evening Express, Los Angeles, and by him pronounced a fraud. ' "L Cont Pear Alliance of Ga. . rr--- i' i I ... nfftirv a nrpmilim of ten dollars to its members for the best crops of corn, cotton, hay, cane, potatoes, kc. pro duced on an acre of half acre, j ,. The members of the Legislature '- were invited to visit Ashevilje in a body. Many of them accepted j the invitation and went Tuesday. The city of the sky will no doubt make the vis it very pleasant. j j : The Case of Cross and White, ap pealed froni the Supreme Court ot the State to the Supreme Court of the Jnited States, will come up inv WJash ington on the 18th inst. The argu ment will be heard by the whole bench. ' i-'i I !: I At Milwaukee. Wis., March 11, mob1t abotit 2,000 persons were after two Chinamen, who were accused of inveighling little. girls into laundries for immoral purposes. Failing to get hold of the Chiuamen, the mob broke up "their place of business. I 7 1 , - - The Richmond and DanvilleRailr (road Co., have withdrawn their emi grant rates to the West, so that all who go will hereafter have to pay full passenger rates. This . will; operate against the negroes who are going West in considerable numbers. - A bad man named Hoover, is vic timizing the negroes in Atlanta, Ga.T by forming them in . associations of a secret character, in which there are fees to be paid for certain degrees. He is an incendiary against the! good order pf society and a robber of the duped negroes.' e4i The Farmers' Alliance has been the warmest advocates for a railroad cornel mission, we believe; but it appears: j from an article m the Charlotte Chrpnicle of the 13th March, inst., that Senator became unsafe for them and Arkinsas Kerr proposes to prove thatCapt.!Alex was made the place of refuge. Arkan ander, president of the. Alliance, was sas filled up so rapidly with good peo- oppose a to a commission. The standing select committees of the benate lor the t ilty-hrst j lngress were announced in the Senate, Tues- nay, Mr. lngans acting as jpresiaeni pro tern. Uur benator icanspm was made chairman of the committee on private land claims; and Vance on Ionian Suffrage; Sherman on boreign relations Paddock on Agriculture and forestry, ij j. It has , been stated by ex-rXailroad commissioner comn, Pi xowa, i-uai- i o,uuu men are Kiuea or maimea every w K A M VvVkClA AA1in1l'n AM 1111 AAllhll H AAMI' tcili nunc tuuuiuii:ui uut,uuiuuz taia, m, . J - 4 i ' "'4 l! 41 fu uiuccu u cry sau icit, uiauc m the face of the Fact that; not less I man tnree nunareu patents nave oeen i A. i L 1 , - ill 1 issueu wiitiiu lass iour or nve years , , ... , . - , . 1 . r o I ' mwAnr rlmiincTa ia thraa if iaca Hnfir 1 f I y... j ... xne " tv nite cap orotnernooa, we Tegret to see, is extending bouth. Two young men returning) to their homes frbnr the city of Richmond, ''v . V 7' i via -n m nivrnr i m a r -war win MA-kOTi severely beaten by them The young inen resisted the party, but were over-1 r - m ' i ! , !: , w "7 r? eavon i tr ruwiTon witn crmLo nn . -t:" y lcl" i.u ugnea jor ine j XT i r i .outrage. The Legiskre adjourned on Mon- faY last. Among the last things done rf m the Row was to send p delegation to ieaane Keeper, iw. uavia Jr.- lian, into the immediate, confronting presence of the Speaker. He didu't know what it was for-poisibly to hear a sentence of condemnation but the formal presentation of a goloSheaded cane in recognition of his faithfully performed duties during the session, '.. i i . 1 ., was a most pieasant surprise: and here- after when seen with it, it should be remembered as worn in. honor of those who thought him - worthy of such a distinguishing mark of rcswcL V Mississippi farmers, are taking steps to provide' for the manufacture of cot ton bagging of a material other! than jute. v They raayuse a low grade cot ton or any other matenal which myes tispiticn may discover. . The main point with them is to establish theiriude pendence of the jute monopoly. .They will raise the eapital for the proposed factory, or fsictories, by i subscriptions of .stock, fixing the shares at, a low price, within the means of the hum blest farmer " The Alliance men of Caswell county, N. C, have endeavored to obtain a less pef cent, for the selling of their tobac co iiTthe Danville market; but their agents found all the warehouses in the city firmly Jbbund together in opposi tion to any reduction of the rates here tofore charged, and it now remains to be seen what the fanners will do. They will probahly take their tobacco to Reidsville or Durham, or establish a warehouse of their own, which, of course, they have the right and ability to do. The Charlotte Chronicle reports theffarmers, and it is altogether too coni- discovery in that city of a den for ju venile gamblers kept by Jas. A. Reeves, where gambliug was carried on every night, Sunday not excepted, by boys of 15 years and upward. The police raided the place last Monday, and ar resteaReeves, who was bound over for his appearance at the Criminal Court. By the testimony of one of the boys, whp was called as a witness in the pre liminary examination, as many as thirty boys have been in the den atone time, and Reeves was making about ten dollars a night out of his visitors. A New Jersey farmer had linrr crrvinaii0 i four irltiva a thril- ago, at Kiugsland in that State, The old man was leading a bull., through the streets when a dog ran out of a yard and jumped straight at the head of the bull.-" The bull plunged forward and struck the farmer and tossed him up. The farmer fell on the back of the bull and grasped him by the horns, and in that condition, with the dog swinging to the tail of .the bull, rah through several streets, through a shed with a very narrow entrance, into a yard and thence down into a river under abridge, where farmer Norton fell off or was kuocked off, very much bruised and his flesh lareerated.. No thing could stop the bull, which cross ed the river, and was finally shot to4 end its mad career. Rogue's Harbor Canada Tired of it. The senior editor of this paper re- members when Tennessee was "rogue's harbor for "sheep stealers, murderers ana other law breakers in North Caro- lina. But Tennessee, after a while, pie mac h soon provea an unsure re 1 1 i "t - ' a treat for the bad, and Texas was re- sorted to as the surest abode. But Texas also filled up rapidly with law- abiding people, and then Canada was found to be the List and best resort. Bat Canada is nowiwrithing under the disgrace of being the harbor for all the rogues who run away f roar the United States, and is about to put a stop to it, by passing special laws for the arrest and return of criminals flying to her for nrotpptinn ucrnimaf. Hrnton lows for (;ana(ja &nA honest folks, but where wiU tne rogueg next. -r rm m r m .uwiuiw jl. Lrvufc, x icasuici ui aianAnn T r - . , T . v . : ' 1 ' r- "n ' l- " wuuihvu vi u l ,i the company ui regard to the recent , notice of a reduction of wages, nut HYt PY II Inlf 11niih cnniiro i4linl 4l?i - company (established . in 1840), wnu a capuai oi si,ouu,uuu, and for many years a successful instttutinn. Hna a point in its historv at whir it not onlv ce;ises to nav. h..fc 5f r.m f niust do so at a rontinnnl 1nS The Tourer assigns its failure to competition from iron work-in the ofiron in these States has increased - i . i w t i v rii iiiv ill inm. vafiv-A i n rt laid down-in northern markets at prices . . . . Which uav the nrrvlnnpra- A i j i v freights 0I1 iti but defies the Hon of the old establishments of Penn sylvania. This. then, is nnnf lier r0H of the 'Mate iinnlpnSnn.,W h ,u:u the South cised In h whllL. to agriculture and turned her attention and capital into other ehnnn Capt F. W. Dawson Killed. XT ' iesterday morning brought the sad l!eWS f death. of CaP- Dawsrint-ed- I. " v".,'"ncws ana Uour- IT. ,r - ,,mcyOf surrendered I himself to fliA rmliAAm.. i U, r.,,. rmcu as nu siayer. "c"l,uS was aone in McDow's of- " ' wn,luer Mpt. Dawson; had gone t" monK, t is thought, against M9U improper intimacy - with a ThY Railroad Commission failed by the obstinate' opposition ' of the benate. " Some very patent view, 1 or argument held this body in defiance of the well known sentiment i of the the lower house in favor of some meas ure of restraint oh Railroad- discrimi- nations aiid freight charges. Sheep Husbandry. The act of the Legislature which,: provides that a man whose sheep a're killed by dogs majf recover the value of his loss by warrant before a magistrate, is n feeble effort to encourage sheep husbandry. Suppose the owner of the dog has nothing, theii what? And much tne larger part or th dogs are owned by people in this condition. Experiment Station. Under date of ilarch Oth, Mr. H B. Battle, Director, . writes thus: "While it may bejtoo late now to com post for the present crops, vet it is never too late to begin to save and utilize for the uext crop the materials at home, now possibly going to waste." This is " a valuable suggestion to mon a practice to put off preparations forthe crop which; must succeed the one on which they are now employed. : The Governor's Mansion. The . Legislature did a good deal of talking about the Governor's Man sion but filially left it where they found it. The Senate passed a bill to sell it, but the House laid the bill on the table. They could not either vote aii appropriation to finish the House or to pass a bill for its sale. The people of the State has at least one consola tion: it is not their job: they have not paid a cent on it, and the late Legisla ture could not agree to put it on them in any shape or form. Loss of Cotton in Charlotte. A fire broke out among the 1,700 bales of cotton on the large platform iu Charlotte, Monday, and although it seems to have been discovered quite early after it started, yet, says the Daily Xetcs, four hundred bales were destroyed before the fire could be arrrested. The loss is di vided among several owners, all of whom were insured The Xews repre sents the scene as a very exciting one while it lasted. Several fire compa nies with their engines were quickly on hand and flooded the place with water. Big- Bobbery in Charlotte. There was a burglary and heavy lift of valuables made in Charlotte on Thursday night of hist week. Mr. Farrior's jewelry store was entered through the sky-light, and property to the value of $4,500 carried off and, from the silence of the Daily News on this point, the bloodhounds did not take the track.. The rascals got away with the plunder and left the people of the town in utter amazement. The News' account of the incident leaves no room to doubt that the town was visited by veterans in the art. There were two of them, and they were thor oughly equipped for the job. 3r. Farrior had locked up all Iris valuable watches and other jewelry in a itrnng safe and that one he locked up iu a larger and stronger one. The thieVes broke into both and cleaned them out. Eighty tine, gold watches, a tray of diamond ear rings and finger rings, and 35 or 40 solid and plated watch chains, in all worth th above sum. Mr. Farrior js a young merchant, and the loss is to him a serious one. Who'd a-Thunk it Mr. J. P. McAnaly is discussing education and statistics in the Mont gomery (Ala.) Mail, and brings out some facts which will be very distaste ful to a portion of the country at least. He sets forth that the five New Enr land States haye only one illiterate- in every natives, while the six southern State Marvlandll Deln warp. Georgia, Virginia aiid the two t Caro- linas have one illiterate in evprv 112 natives. Now for the moral effect of this difference, which, according to wise teachers, ought to be largely in favor of the highly educated St:.. but the very opposite is the truth. In New England there is one criminal in every 1 ,084 natives. In the five south ern States named, but one in every 6,670. In New England there is one pauper to every 178. In the five southern Statest one to, every 345. In New England, one suicide, to every 13,285. ' In the five southern States, one to every ; 50,584. Deaths from venereal diseasee, oue to every 84,737, against 128,729 in the southern States! Mr. McAnaly lays the. bfyme of this difference on the public, schools, which omit to teach religion as part of a child's education . Let the S3auih be admonished by this array of startling facts and rigidly re quire the moral and religious' training of her children in the schools; for "what shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world of knowledge and lose his soul." - Washington Letter - (From our regular correspondent.) 5 , Washington, March 11th, 1889. Harrison will be a dead man in less than" three months' if the- horde of greedy office seekers do not cease per secutiag hiiu. Already his riglit arm is lained and his complexion ' has the suspicious chalky white appearance of ill health. Jiut the crowd still comes marching on, fairly falling over each other in their eagerness to reach the ear of the President. Suchr a gang was never befcr; seen in Washington. It -was thOjiight at the beginning of Mr. Cleveland's admini Oration that tin? rssuft for ffice was great, but compared jwi;h that now going on, it was its a spmmer zephyr to an untam- ed Dakota blizzard. hvery man ex t:ept iuose, mat nave cuea, that ever held oflace under a republican admin stration is here clamoring for vindi cation in the shape of an appointment to ins oui ipiace or to a better one, and in addition there, are thousands of men who are after getting their first taste of official life. These last think the Government service needs a liberal in fusion of new blood, provided, of course, that they furnish it. Between them they are- making a torment for Mr. Harrison as great as any that ever existed onj this earth, and there is little chance of a change until 'everything worth scrambling for is given out. In the meantime Mr. Harrison's worst enemy cdnld not wish him worst pnnishmejit than he is daily undergo- inyr. benatorl Hampton thinks that ex Governor friiothpson will be nominnted as the democratic member of the Civil Service Commission. He was nomina ted by Mr1. Cleveland, and would have been confirmed and bis name been sent against any more political confir mations. Ex-Secretary Whitney has sold his Washington residence to Postmaster General Wanamaker fof $80,000. "Mr. Whitney will take a two months trip to Europe before settling down to work in New York. The rest of Mr. Cleve land's cabinet except Ms. Endicott, are still herej Mr. Dickinson went to New" York with Mr. Cleveland's party last week, bufche has returned. There's a big row in the republican camp already. It is a question of ver acity between Harrison and Ex-Governor Alger. Alger told the Michi gan delegation that Harrison had ex pressed great regret on account of hav ing to leave him (Alger) out of the cabinet, and that as a slight compen sation the President had told him that he might name a man for Solicitor General. He named H. M. Duffield, who he asked the delegation to en dorse, atjthe same time sissuring them that it was only a formality; that the appointment would be coiisiderd per sonal, and would not be charged to the State, j The delegation endorsed the application and carried it immediately to Mr. Harrison The delegation was struck dhmb when the President told them he! knew nothing about the mat ter, and that they had filed the applica tion with' the Attorney General. What transpired when the delegation got back to Alger is not yet known. - Representatives Townsend, of Illi nois, died, suddenly on Saturday. He caught a severe cold last week, and on Tuesday it had developed into pneu monia. He was one of the most pop ular men in the House. Mr. Harrison's cabinet, with the ex ception of Mr. Blaine and Mr. Windom, is regarded as very, weak. It is Blaine all over.' All the members are intpnsp Blaineites except two Miller and Wanamaker, and these two can hardly be said to count, Mr. Miller being ap pointed; Solely because he was Harri- son s law partner and nersonal friend. and Mrj Wanamaker because he held Mr. Quay's order for the Postmaster Generalship, .for which he paid $100,- 000 in cold cash. A gentleman savs he asked Mr. Har rison if he intended to call an- extra session 6f the Fiftieth Congress, and that the President replied: "No in deed. I want to cet these fellows away, not to give them an excuse for remaining. Queer lot, the republicans. The man who helped Mr. Quay in all his underground work J. S. Clarkson is not good enaugh to get an appoint ment in the cabinet, and he was turned down, notwithstanding the able back ing he received from such men as Sen ators Allison and Quay. The extra session of the Senate nas done nothing except confirm the cabi net omcers, but n number of nomina tions are expected this week. It has been about settled that no other busi ness will be touched. This is some what disappointing to the bloody-shirt-ters, who wanted t to pass the Hoar Southern election investigation resolu t'on. It will be a long time before any ad ministration attains the social success of the last one. Mrs. Cleveland as the idol is not likely to have a successor for many years to come. Great Scott. Let Them go if They Want to. The negro exodus, fever instead of abating as some papers have intimated seems to be raging higher every day. Scores of negroes are emigrating every day. Nearly one thousand left over the Richmond and Danville road dur ing February and the present month to all appearapces promises to double the n umber. ---Most of the intrants gD to the cotton plantations of Missis sipii and Louisiana. Xetcs-Oberrer. The Reading Iron Works, one of the largest establishments of the kind iu America, has fiiiled on acconnt, it is said, of dullness in the iron trade The liabilities are estimated at $1,000,- 000. I At a meeting of creditors to be held on Thnrsday, shareholders will be ; asked to take stock or bonds iu ex I change for their claims, - j . , ' wanted! i By, a young lady, 'graduate ;of two of the leading Kentucky schools j and with considerable experience in teaching a position as principal or assistant. .Will accept a school in the country! Teaches aix-oraing to an tne latest methoa3. fllusic (Piano and Organ) arid Elocu tion a specialty. Best references given Correspondence solicited. Address, "T." care Watchman, 19:4t. Salisbury, N. C. PIANOFORTE TUNING FOB SALISBURY. . j MrPwex II. Bishop (pupil bf Dr. ilarx. Profesr of -Music at Berlin University, and Monsieur lienezet of Paris) ha come from England and settled clostto Salisbury, and is prepared to tune, regulat&and repair Piano fortes, Organs and Pipe Organs. I Having had fifteen years' practical experience In England, Ladies and gentlemen, who wish their musical instruments carefully and regularly attended to, may rely upon-having thorough and con scientious work done if they will kindly favor O. II. B. with their esteemed patronage. Liv ing near town, no traveling expenses will be incurred, and therefore the terms will be low; viz: $2.50 per piauoforte, if tuned occasional ly, orfW for three tunings in one year. Please apply for further particulars by postal card or note left at this office. X. B. Schumann says: " It is the falsest economy to allow any pianoforte to remain un tuned, as it ruins both instrument and ear." Fowle's Majority 15,000. WE promised the people that if Judge Fowlc was elected Governor of North Car olina, we would sell Goods 10 per cent, less tbun any House in Salisbury. Look at This : SG.00 Suits reduced to $4.00 7.00 " .' " " 5.00 10.00 " " 8.00 20c. double-width Dress Goods 12c. White Blankets $1.00 per pair. . Good Brogan Shoes $1.00 per pair. The Cheapest line of DRY GOODS, IIOTJONS, HATS & SHOES, GROCERIES AND CROCKERY in Salisbury. Do not take our wo rd for it but conic and see for yourselves, Respectfully, D. R. JULIAN & CO 1 This s)ace belongs to j. z. SCHULTZ, who is too busy unpacking his new stock of BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, etc. to write us a prie list for this paper, Watch foil it next week. HOME COMPANY, - SEEKII G HOME PATRONAGE AGENTS In all Cities, Towns and Villages in the South. TOTAL ASSETS, - $75o,ooo oo! J AULEH BEOWN Resident Aent Salisburv N. 0. Seeds and Plants Adapted to the South. Clover Seeds, ' JVJSl. Garden Seeds, IC: Grass Seeds, Seed Potatoes, Seed Grain, ! Carefully selected Seeds of the best quality. Write for Prices and Descriptive Catalogue. ' T, W, WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen; RlcfjkDVA. HacM Store CHARLOTTE, ' N. C. Most people in range of Charlotte un derstand the rule and law of our bus iness. We master it when we buy and make our bargains makeour business. We mas tered the Harncsa when wc took the very large '.ot to be sold in the next 60 days. Forty-three set-went out in on day. Write for price list or see our stock for you can buy a good set of single Harness with breast collar for $5.75, and the same Har ness with collar and harucs $6.75. A pood set double Wagon Harness $15.65, and all kinds of Harness in proportion.? paddles from $1.90 up to $10 00, everything in the Harness line equally cheap. J-. - - 300 J. B. Stetson & Sons fine Hats which will cost you $4.50 to $5.00 to buy, at $3. ami $3.50. Of course wc cannot duplicate the- Hats at thq. price and cannot give them to you again, for these h'ad to go for dol lars and we sell goods as we 1uy them Well, when these are out, and that wont be long, we will give you something else, it may be as good, as cheap, or cheaper, We are running a line of Pearl Derby Hats now at $1.00, priced by the factory that madc-them at $2.50 to $3.50. They -did not get it however as the Sheriff by the in exorable law of his hammer knocked the entire lot of 200 dozen down to us and they go to our trade at $1.00. This plays havoc with our neighbors who are selling Hats but we cannotJiclp it, consumers must be protected, and if the mcchant docs not do it, who will? Wc.nnderstand the interest of the merchant behind his counter to be identified and joint with the customer in front. And the merchant who does not i make it so has missed his calling, f he old time hundred per center laughs at the idea and says it is folly, Wc are depend cut upon the public for patronage. How can we get that? We say by giving them the best possible values forthe least money, that it pays to sell goods cheap, it fills our house with buyers, builds up the volume of our business, makes us hundred and thou sands of little profits, beating your few big ones an hundred fold. The irrcater the volume of our business, the smaller, the profits we ran afford to take. Wc sold the lJerwanger stock at half price, closinj; it out in a few weeks. We saved the public $t0,000 on it and we did very well. Wc sold the Ryttenburg ftock of $20,000 ir halt'. Saved the public $10,000 more. During 33 months wc have cut the price on thousands of things to half and less. Why ak-the question is our trade grows ami grows ami crows? ? Respectful I v, W. J. & E. M. DAVIS. STRONG COMPANY i. : ' PROMPT ! RELIABLE, LIBERAL J.RtfDDES BROWSE, DersiHrnt. William C. Coait T Seeiftarp Vegetable and Flowering Plants, Etc. CATALOGUE of tested Seeds, Novelties, etc, and containing valuable infor- ' mation Mailed Free. BpYDJJiT. 1SS9 M. C. QUij &0I1T 1 fc ') . ; DEALERS IN Cotton, . Grain, .Fertilizers, -Agricultural Implements Wagons, Buggies,- Carriages3 Road Carts, &c., &c. FEBIIffll FEKIUZ WE ARE NOW JiECElVLXG M Sjrii Stock o OUR ESTABLISHED AND VALUADLEIBRAflDS, which we will offer to the Tcade AND i ! Easy-Terms to Farmers. The entire satisfaction given by our Co. anos-last Season juifies wsT-in Enying'tLaf there are none better thanIurl , U Farmer's AGRICULTURAL WE HAVE THE- Bitcli Cnltivator, For Corn, Cottoji, Tobacco, fcc. THE SYItACUSE IS NOW PERFECT. Call ax see THE PEUPRSACLE HILL-SIDE PLOW. AND CLARK'S is something: that every fWiiiftlu-ed. i O nil! irhlThitf prices for Cotton, Cfton fL anu an khios oi v v gT!Call and sec m Rcfncctfullr, BOYDEN BBS! -" I - Reasonable IFiflres mil X i 1UUU. STOIEfll AND. : ' .i-; !, : IMPLEMENTS: DTAffi t