VOL XX, THIRD SERIES. SALISBURY, H. C, THUBSDAY, HABCH 28, 1889. HO. 20. L&lfu Absolutely Pure. ti.ib howder never varies. A marvelot purit f trenjtb,io(l wnolesomeness. More conomtcul thuDtheordinarv kinds, and cannot be sold lu competition with tbe multitude of low test, short -.iT-ht al&m or phosphate powders. Sold only In elan. RotIai. Bakinu rowDKB Co.,106 Wall st N T I' " Forale hf Binffhsim & Co., Young & Bos titn.snd X. P. Murphy. Eire catarrh CREAM BALMSS Cleanses we uabJUK Passages, Allay s Pain andlnflamma t i o n. Heals the Sor.es. Esstores tha Sanses of Taste and Smell. HAYFEVER HAY-FEVER TRY THE CURE CATARRH U a disease of the mucous membrane, ceneraliv originating in the nasal pas sages and maintaining its stronghold in the head. From this point it sends forth a noisonous virus Into -J.he 6tomach and thraugh the digestfveTbrgans, corrupting ihe blood and producing other trouble some and dangerous symptoms. A partible is applied Into each nostril, and Is roMhi Prf-e so cents at druffirlsts; tor raatl Mastered. CO cents. ELY BKOS., 65 Warren, Street. NevrYorlc. 13:ly. THIS -AGE Is full bf humbug, and that remedy that - disproves this charge is a God-send to human ,Ur. - 13. B. Iii has never failed and that ought fto count for something to him who warts to be eiW:eJ of What B. B. B. sed itself up to cure. . UTTERLY SURPRISED ! - Mkrhian, Misjs. Jw'j 12, 1887. Tot a fcumbcr f years I jiavc suffered un told agony from the effects of -blood poison. . I had my case treated by several prominent physicians, but received but little, -if any, re lief. Presorted to all sorts of patent medicines, 'spending ajarge amouat;o,imuey, but yet getting nolbettcr. My attention was attracted - by the cureb said to ha ve been affected byBrB.B., audi comiheuce taking it rat-rely as an experi ment; bayuig but little faith in the results. To ray utterl surprise I soon commenced to improve, and deenj tuyself to-day a well and hearty per sonall owing to the excellent qualities of fiL 1$. II. I Leannot ' commend it toa uiguiy to those f uffenhg from blood ioison. J. U. lilUSOS, Trainman M. & O. U. R. ATTER TWENTY YEARS. Baltimoue, April 20, 1887. For over twen ty years t have been troubled with ulcerated .bowels and bleeding piles, and grew very weak :and thin from constant losi of blood. I have Hiied 4 bottles of B. B. 11.,-and Uae gained 15 Vpoundi in weight, and feel better in general health than I have for ten years. I recom mend your B. B. B. as the best racdjeia I have ever nsedaud owe my improvement to tbelise of Botanjc Blood" Baliii. Ei GEsaa A. Smith. . 318 Exeter St. AX OLD HAN RESTORED. Dawbqs, Ga., June 30, 1887.-Being an old aa and suffering from geoeral debility and rheumatUnt of tbe joints of the shoulderi, I found difficulty In attending to my business, that"6f a lawver, until I bought and used five bottles of Ii. B. BT, Botauic Blood Balm, of Mr. T. C. Jdues, or J. R- Irwin & Son, afld my general health is improved and the rheumatism left inc. I believe it to be a good medieiue. i j- J H. Laixg. . AU w'ao desire tall Inform ulon abmit the cause n1 cure of Bloo I PoUois, scrofula and Scrofulous Swemn?s, Ulcers, sores, Rheum Ulsm, 4U-tney Complaints, Catarrh, etc., can secure by mill, free, a copy or our si-pajje Illustrated Book of Wonders, filled with the most wonderful and startling proof rer DforeWnown. j Address. , Blood iJalm Co.. Atlanta. Ga CtTRB- For sale by JNO. H. ! ENNIS3, Druggist. RRR CRAIGE, t. Ill CLEMENT CRA1GE & CLEMENT, p. J. C. McCBBINS, 'i. ! ! Snrgoon Salisbury, - , y;. -! -Nc. Olce in ftiil. b-.ilillnf. second floor, next to Dr. (iimnlill. Oimoftite t). U. Alwelr 2urJwjire More, JJaUi atretU . ' i'7- J1 TIT ' i w Only a Private." capt. r. w. Dxwgoy. I. Only a private! his jacket of gray Is stained by the smoke and the dust; As Bayard, he's brave; as Rupert, he's gay; Reckless as Murat in heat of the fray. But God is his only trust. - .I II. " Only a privatel to march and to fight, To suffer and starve and be strong; With knowledge enough to know that the might Of justice and truth, and freedom of right, in the end must crush out the wrong. III. Only a prviate! no ribbon or star Shall gild with false glory his nam! No honor for him in braid or in bar, His Legion of Honor is only a scar, And his wounds are his roll of fame! IV. Only a private! one more here slain Ou the field lies silent and still! And in the far South a wife prays in vain One clasp of the hand she may ne'er clasp again, One kiss fioin the lips that are still. Only a private! there let him sleep! lie will need no tablet or stone: For the mosses and vines o'er his grave will creep, And al night the stars through the clouds will peep, ; And watch him who lies there alone. VI. Only a martyr! 'ho fought and who fell Unknown and unmarked in the strife! -But still as he lies in his lonely cell Angel and Seraph the legend shall tell Such'death is eternal life! Carnegie's Advice to Young Men. Youth's Companion : Yon are about to start in life and it is well that young men should begin at the bigin uing and occupy the most subordinate positions. Manv of the business men of Pittsburg had a serious responsibil ity thrust upon them at the very thresholds their career, lhey were introduced to the broom, and spent the first hours of their business lives sweeeping out the office I wasa sweeper myself, and who do you suppose my fellow sweepers were? David McCargo, now superintendent of the Alleghaney Valley railroad; Robert Pitcairn, superintendent of the Penn sylvania railroad; and Mr. Moreland, city attorney of Pittsburg. Begin at the beginning, but aim high. 1 would not give a fig for the jrouiig man who does not already see himself the partner or head of some important firm. There are three dangers in your path. The first is the drinking of Uquor. The second is speculation, the third is "indorsing." When I was a telegraph operator in Pittsburg I knew all the men who speculated. . They were not our citi zens of firstj'epute. They were re garded with suspicion. I have lived to see all of them ruined, bankrupt in money and character. 1 here is scarce ly an instance of a man who hasraade a fortune by speculation and kept it. The man who grasps the morning paper to se& how his speculative ven tures are likely to result tmhts himself ior rne cairn consmeraiwu hh ru per i.i . :iU . i wuicii ue lias iu uu wuu mm tu me . , ! 1 I 1 , I Mir aim an ,-vj, rna cnnruj nr rni r nor- i sistent and concentrated energy upon which depends the permanent success and often the very safety of his main business. The thorough man of bus iness knows that only by years of pa tient, unremitting attention to affairs can he earn his reward which is the , wine ii i.s tuc result not of chanee. uut v. eU-ue- vised means of thiMtttainment of ends Nothing is more essential to young business men than untarnished credit aid nothing kills credit sooner than the knowledge in any bank board than a man who engages in speculation. How can a man be credited whose re sources may be swept away in one hour by a panic among gamblers? Resolve to be business men but speculators never. The tBird danger is the perilous habit of endorsing notes: It appears to your generous instincts and you say, "How can I refuse to lend my name only toassist a ' friend?"' It is be cause there is so much that is true and commendable in that view that the practice is so dangerous. If yon owe anything, all of your capital and all of yokir effects are a solemn trust in your hands to be held inviolate for the se- curityjottnosewnonaye uyou. 0.1. 1 . I A A-J YV nen a man in ueoi, euuurses w ntkor if. i. not his own credit or his own ' a i tl :. iu. ' capital wame a- of his own creditors. Therefore 1 s;iy that if vou are ever cahed upon to en- doree, never doit jnless you have cash means notrecmired forvourown debts. and never endorse beyond those means. Assuming that vou are safe in re- card to these v.'iur grave dangers- drinking, speculating and. endorsing the Question is, how to riser Ihe rising man must do something excep - .. "1 jj i 3 it. ' u:- tlOItai aim. ueyuuu me rufxe ua .iu snecial department. ' He must attract attention. A shipping clerk may do so by discov- enng in i an in twice u. cni nim which he had nothing to do and which hits escaped the attention of the proper nerson. If a weighing clerk he may be safe with the firm by doubting the adjustment of: the scales and haying them corrected. Your employer must find out that he has not got a mere lnVfli-.o1 in his service, but a man. r i v, .r. . :-':- Not one who is content to give so many hours of work for so many dol- ars in return, but one who devotes his spare hours and 'constant thought to the business. Our young partners in Carnegie Brothers5 have won their spurs by showing that we did uot know half as well what was wasted as they did. There is one sure mark of tte com ing millionaire: his revenues always exceed his expenditures. Ha begins to save as soon as he begins to earn, for every $100 yon can produce as the re sult of hard-won savings, Midas, in search of a partner, will lend on credit $1,000; for every $1,000, $50,000. , It is not capital that your seniors re quire, it is the man that has proven he has the business habit that nuke cap ital. Begin at once to lay up some thing. It is the first hundred dollars that tells. And here is the prime condition of success, the great secret; concentrate your energy, thought .and capital ex clusively upon the business m which you are engaged. Having begun on one line resolve to fight it out on that line; to lead in it; adopt every improve ment, have- the best machinery and know the most about it. Finally, do not be impatient, for, as Emerson says, "No one can cheat you out of the ultimate success but yourselves. lew Western Hail tray UUHte. The Protection We Want. vv e are ror protection, out it is pro tection for agriculture, the lending in dustry of the South and West, the fun damental in Just ry of the whole coun try. We hold that it is entitled to some consideration at the bauds of our law-raukers. We hold that it is high time the infant industries of the North which have grown iutd lusty giants, to say the least of them, were allowed to some extent to look after themselves and that the languishing interest of the farmers should receive some atteirtiou It is the basis interest of the land and while it is depressed as it is now and has been since the republicans estab lished their high protection principle no other interest can prosper save as a fungoid growth, so to speak, on the body of the people. Legislation has been steadily away from the interests of agriculture ever since the republican party secured the . ii mm rn i airection or public aiiairs. The pre seni high tariff taxation, "the surplus revenue, the tax on raw materials, is directly against the wefare of the far mer. The mortgaged West cries out for relief. The South under the al most crushing burden it has to bear waiting patiently for the day when its load might be lilted and its leading in terest be allowed at least an even chance to make headway toward inde pendence. It is waiting still. The democratic administration just ended did what it could for the refiel of the toiling masses. Our democratic presi dent pleaded as few men have done even in this republic of free and equal citizens for justice to the toilers, for U t f tariff tax ,cducti the impartial treatment of all interests, . e-n. ...i..o i, Ki.iiiniMivr in i iir iii iinin w w r ii in mm t-r ri---o- - r well niuh ,i 11 UCOWail 1MI UKil JJUII nil no - '. avail. The boodle of protection's pets at the North, together with the most outrageous bnll-uozing of northern employees, who had to vote as their employers dictated or have the bread aken out of the mouths of their wives and children, triumphed, over . t.ce and . ht tQ aU cJi!gseg and we haye .f to take u the battle for re lease from the toils that plutocracy has thrown about the country. We long for tbo day jvhen the ereat West will join with the South in the work of freeing agriculture T ... from the shackles that bind it, from the weight that bears it down almost beyond the hope of ever rising again; when the westerners will no longer be induced by appeals that they should contemn to "vote as they fought," but will vote with their brethern of the South for the best interests of both and of the whole country, regardless of sectionalism, regardless of State lings, regardless of all but the common brotherhood of the people of the Unit ed States and the fact that an injury to one individual or to any one section is an miury to all And we do not think the day is dis I UIUI. tant. We believe the alliance re re- fer is idl taki sj al MmA w;fL- n , .i:,.- nA n!.trmt- I VClVAJf VV Jifil j UUlVtVUO MA V a-a w campaign of education from now ... . .. ... .a tntratuat. tha MOvf ;mn(ir!li ... ii,..i. a ...;n;.,uS! iff f ... tnimnh: as it is bound to do eventually. ?aVgri News-Qbtener. We cop' the above because it is well for us all to keep this subject of tax reduction in mind. It is the biggest 1 iinliftoal tnmr. w ran think or talk r"" r - about. Clarks's Extract'- cf Plas Cough Cure. It is a sure cure for vhopin Coub. It stops the whoop, and-permits the chi'.d to catch its Uicth. It fa entirely harmless. Good for any cough of childhood or bid age. It hcab? the bronchi antl longs, anrt stops the congli. For -..Winter M Bron chialCougb this tjrup is the best ever dis covered. Only one size, large bottle. Price $1.00. at Juo. II. Ennisa drug store. Clarke Flax Soap makes ' the Skin imootb, soft anvl white.. Pri-e 23 centf "Give Him a Cheer." "Give him a cheer." The hearty words came from the lips of some one in the crowd gathered round a building enveloped, in flames, and were prompt ed by the momentary faltering or a brave fireman at the final effort that was needed to save a human life. In stantly hats were waving in the air, and above the crackling and roaring of the fire the cheering of the multitude below fell upon tHe ears of the waver ing fireman. Electrified by the ap- Clause, he renewed his efforts, beat ack the flames thai scorched his face, burst in the window that would not young firla strength, and through a cloud of smoke and fire bore his unconscious burdento her weeping friends below. : 5 "Give him a cheer," said a voice in the audience, as the young aspirant for academical honors began to hesitate in the midst of his well-prepared oration. tir - i ...... -i. . ..ii i ui.c mil. Lumf mm n me appre ciative huzza was raised the heart of it.. A I .. II 1 uie yotun gainerea new courage, so that he succeeded in winning the schol arship, which to him meant much more than empty honors. In this very way the applause of a sympathetic and re sponsive audience bears up the speak ers, who otherwise would fail. - Mr Gladstone once said, "A speaker gets from his hearers in vapjr that which he gives back to them m Hood, and when they have got it they return iL to him with interest. "Give him a cheer. Who? Why, mat young iiiristiati who has come out from the world, and in the midst of temptation is trying to live a conse craiea me. xie neeos more than an interest m your prayers, uive a warm haud-shake, a vord of praise, or a smile of recognition when he begins to faint or falter by the way. Let him know that you appreciate tiis efforts, and will be disappointed if he fails. If he does a noble thing give him a cheer by telling him he has done well. It wil give him strength to meet new trials and temptations. "(jive him a cheer the stranger within your gates. No matter how brief a tarrying he may make, bid him welcome. Do not let him co awav feeling that no one feels an interest in his welfare. I have in mind a young girl who went through life under a cloud. She had many .things' to discourage her. She was misrepresented and misunder stood. No one spoke a cheering word to her, or offered to lend a hand when troubles thickened about her. People did not understand her shrinking na ture. They mistook her seclusiveness for pride until in a fit of desperation she took away the life Got! had given her. A little note among her effects explained the seemingly rash act. It ran thus: "1 can endure this strain no longer. If I only had help to carry my burden I would try to be brave and stand up under its weight, but in all this wide viorld I have not one friend. No one has ever given me a cheering word, or dropped a tear of pity over my hard fate. ' Then over her icy form the neighbors lamented their lack of sympathy, and tears of regret in plenty fell about the still white face now mute in death. Enough appreciative tender words to have gladdened her whole life were wasted around her coffin and over her grave. But what good did they dj when they fell upon the ears hushed in death? "Give them a cheer." A host of weary, toiling men and women are to day calling loudly for cheering words and helpful ministries. Do not krep the cheer that would bless them lying idly in your hearts or tremblingly un said upon your lips to scatter around their tombs when they are dead, bring the flowers that you are keeping for their coffins and strew along their paths te-day while they are alive to inhale their sweet fragrance. "Give them a cheer." Words of honest praise will spoil no man. If i m you gain a blessing from a sermon or a prayer, it will encourage the pre.icn er to hear vou say. If some one's holy living strengthens you and helps you on to a better life, would he not be happier to know of the unconscious influence he is exerting? "Give him a cheer." No matter where, or when, or how yon come in contact with poor struggling souls, lend them a hand give them a hand give them a cheer that will help them to live better, nobler lives. Belle Y.Chisholm in Christian Weekly. Carp Caltcre. Persons interested in this branch of indiistrr will find manv valuable sug- ' J nl gestions in the "American Carp Cul ture," published at Alliance, Ohio. About the only way for people in the interior to have fresh fish is to raise them, as they do chickens and pig nor is it any more difficult to do. Carp are best suited to pond culture and pay best for the attention bestowed on them. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The Bkst Salve in the world for Cuts, Rni !(- Sores. Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Fever Snri. Tette. Ch.ii)ied Hands, Chilblains Corne, and all Skin Eruptions, and positive ly cures Piles, or no pay reonireu. .At mi.-tranterd to fiive perfect' satisfaction, C monev refunded. Price 23 cents pes box I For Sale bv Kljtf U A Co. :ly. The Hegro Emigration. The present- indications boint to a pretty general exodus of the negroes of iL!. ii i rn. . mis oiaie. a here are three forces nl mighty forces with the neero -at work- to mak this movement a general one. Tw t. 1 1.1 . " ... ! ... mc uiai, uiaue me party wun wmch they have allied themselves since eman cipation, are encouraging them to go. inei; a gooa many oi those, who have already gone We-t are writing' back such letters to their old .friends,, con cerning the advantages of the move. mat mose iest Denina are on hre to get off. The third and most nofpnt far that is moving them, is the counten ance given the movement by the negro preachers. They are preachiag emi gration from .every pulpit. These three influences combined are power ful enough to move nine-tenths of the negroes from the State in the next two years. W hat then are we to do? That is the question. Of course the negroes have the right to go as they please; we can do nothing to keep them here, nor should we be so inclined if we had the power. We may as well make up our minds to their going, and turn our at tention to what is to be done after they are goie. The State will probably suffer for a short time from his with drawal of so many laborers, but in a short time it will recover and be better off for the riddance of so many negroes. The thing to be done is for the white people to go to work and tend' their own lands, instead of having the ne groes do it for them. What's the matter with us now is that we have too many white men who are depending for a living on the work of negroes. The farmers will have to stop sending their sons to towns, seek ing employment as clerks, &c but must put them to work on the farms. Now it is too frequently the case that as a young fellow gets a tolerable educa tion he is above working on a farm, but mint go to town and become a gentleman. Why hecan'ta be as much a gentleman ou the farm as when be hind the counter? It is every bit as honorable, indeed we have more respect for the young man who prefers to re main on his farm and produce some thing, than for the one who comes to town and tries to play the dandy un der hair parted in the middle and be hind the abominable cigarette. Holding the handles of a plow is every bit as honorable as measuring calico, and is decidedly 'more so than loafing around town doing nothing. It is better to make ones self a man than a gentleman. God did not make Adam a gentleman; He made him a man, and that is what each boy in North Carolina should strive to make himself. Let the negroes go and let the white people tend their own lands and there by show that they think farming as honorable an occupation as preaching, practicing law or medicine or any other calling. Then our old State will be gin to go out of tb? wood. Durham Plant. A Brave Man and a Bold Captain. Is Mr. Flagler the proprietor of the Ponce de Leon Hotel, f St. Augus tine, Fla., if we may judge from the following taken frcm the Baltimore Sun: "Curious stories come from the Ponce de Leon Hotel in St. Augustine. Mr. Flagler's expenditure there now amounts to nearly $0,000,000. Early In January there were only twelv guests in the hotel. At the same time two bands were engaged there. One was a Spanish band that played during the dinner hour on mandolins and sang quaint Spanish songs. The other was a famous New York band, which played in the courts at the morning and evenio concerts. Mr. Seavey, the manager of the hotel, wrote Mr. Flag ler and suggestd as there were only twelve guests in the house, he dispense with one of the bands. -Mr. l?iaglr wrote back that he didn't want any -susaestions from Mr. Sevey as to how Lexpeuses should be decreased, but that f he had anything to soy as to how the attractiveness of the hotel could be in creased, he would be glad to hear from him. Mr. Flagler does not seem to be discouraged. He has just bought the railroad running from &t. Augustine o Palatka and from bt. Augustine to Jacksonville. Last Sunday he changed both of these to broad guage ro.ids and sliortened the schedule more than half. He is going to Uuihl a bridge oyer the St. John river so that the vestibule rains can run into" St. Augustine, to cost $300,000, a magnificent chnrch and a union depot that will cost $200, 000. This depot he will surround with superb park. He is paving every street running to -the hotel with as- nhalt fat his own expense) to makebt. r " - . . . f . i Aujnw ue the grandest pleasure spot on earth. His Russian baths in the Alcazar cost $300,000, and are luxuri ous be3ond description. He says he will spend $20.000,UU0 before he has completed his pleasure plant to meet his ideas. The use of corrugated iron for dwel ling honses is bow recommended, it be ing urged that they would be much cheaper than houses of: brick or stone. Being lined with wood, they would necessarily be warm in winter, and, to have them cool in summer, the plan of the well-known Indian bungalo is sng- Lgested. A Story With a Moral. Greensboro Patriot, For the benefit of the merchants and property-owners of the city of Greens boro we wish to eive here thesuksbmr of what was said a short time since on a rail way train to the writer, by a very intelligent commercial tourist (euphem ism ) or drummer (Rood sensible ver nacular.) "Greensboro is a nice little city and full of nice people" said he: "but so far from having acquired the art of blowing their own trumpet, they have allowed that useful little instrument to fall into 'innocous desuetude.' " I fre quently stop over in the place, and never iaii to note some improvement. But I am astonished at the stolid in difference of the people. If ttake a walk and returning, say to a towns- mart rrtif'a n Vnr1cmn.A r .1 ....u, kimi o i. jmiiioijur; ivaiucuie UII street," the reply is, 4yes. but it's foolish to put so mueh money in a place like this.' If I remark, lI un derstand that at a sale of city lots here last week prices ruled high, I am an swered with lyes, but they'll never get their money tack;' If I say, 4I learn that thero is talk of establishing a cot ton mill, or a tanuery, or another to bacco factory in Greensboro the rc- loinder is, 'so 1 learn, but it won t pav. tu: l : v 'i.i una n Kieiib iiusuikb. l OUT City 11 OS a fine future, but a morbid habit of de spondency will break the backbone of the best kind of thrift and prosper ity' - The above needs no comment and is a truthful report of an actual conversa tion. Why. just hear a Duih im man talk! Anybody, would think the streets were paved with gold and the houses built of marble, and that they were about to tear up the pavements because there was some alloy in the precious metal. and tear down the houses because the marble was stained by the weather; a Charlotte man almost convinces you that his place i just a little behind New York ; and if you ask a Fayettc ville man how the old town is getting on he says : " W h y, we are j ust getting to hump ourselves. YTe now have the most abundant water power in the State, but the completion of the Cape Fear & Yadkin y alley Rail way is going to develop this section so wonderfully that we intend fr increase our power by canaling from the Cape Fear. We will have hundreds of thou sands of spindles moving in a year or two. They say the best advertisements for a town are good hotels and good pa pers. A writer in tho Atlanta Constitu tion asks for. further information with respect to the "Melungeons," the sup posed Portuguese colony and its de scendants who dwelt chiefly on the Pee Dee river in North and Soutlv Carolina. He savs that thoueh called Portueuese. ... , . . , . ,y r this designation does not correctly in- dicate their true origin. He main- tain while not pretending to be strict ly accurate, that "in the primary colon ial times ef the Carolinas, Winyaw Bay was the best and most frequented, harbor on the coast, and Georgetown, more accessible, was more of a commer- cial town than old Charleston. To ami Manly. He has come to tesOy that port British cruisers sometimes uis owu unming measorement the . bruught prizes. Among these once vagtness of eur resources and toe pro was a Salee Rover, which was sold for gress we have made in material devel the distnbution of the proceeds as prize oprnent. Above all, he has come to money. The crew, consisting mostly make the heart test, and see if men ot of Moors, with a sprinkling of Arabs the North can find here friends and and negroes, were turued ashore free, brothers worthy -of- their confidence Their complexion and religion prevent- and love. ( ed immediate absorption by the white we have no fear of the result ef the race, and they found wives atrfong In- dians, negroes ana casi-ou wniie wom en at a time when many of these last were sold by immigrant ships for their musacre monev. Thev became a uecul- lar people. 1 ""twere ins i ree peo- pie oi coior or tue ree lee reg en so true to Marion during our revolution ary struggle, and no other race in America retaiued , such traditionary hatred of the British" Hamilton Mc- Millian, Esq., in his little work on the idenity of the Henry Berry Lowery people of the Fee Dee region with the lost tribe of Croaten Indians, makes the supposed Portuguese, the Lowery tribe and the Croatans one and the same mixed race of people, if we re member rightlv. Now here we have them "Moors, with a sprinkling of Arabs and negroes, Who can throw further light on the "Melnneeons?" O m i . . . iiiius tunt uc nu n wwa inena - who A Curious and Valuable Book. expects to draw liberally on both just Perhaps the most singular curiousity becanse the producer has a surplus, in the book world is a volume that be- An instance in point occurred tbe oth longs to the family of the Prince de er day. An old friend of the Stock-. Linge, and 4s now in France. It is man happened in a fchoe store, the pro entitled "The Passion of Christ," and prietor of which hailed hinvas fol'owv: is neither written nor printed. Every "Say! I'll send a wagon out one of letter of the text is cut out of a leaf, these days! to nick up a load of yonr ... ' . 1 1 '.I. 1.1 1 .imm " Mill J..L1 "T-Jl! 1 ' . and being interieavea wun oiue paper, is as easily read as the best prink-The labor and' patience bestowed upon its composition must have been excessive, especially when the precision and min - nteness of the letters are consiaerea. The general execution in every respect i indeed admirable, and the vellum is of the most delicate and costly kind. The most remarkable circumstance connecteti wan tnis nternry treasure is that it bears the royal arms of Eng - land; but when it was was in that countrv. and by whom owned, ha never been ascertainel. Boohrormt , Dead 6ea Wonder. desqlatk, oop-siirrnbr xxt kait- F0RSAXI2? BASTEBX VALLXT- One of the most intemttinrr IV j inland seas in the world is the -Dead, sea, which has no visible outlet It is f mere fancy that has clothed the TW4 Sea in gloom.' The desolate. , hore, with scarcely a green thing in sight, and scattered over with - black ;iona r and ragged drift-wood, from a fitting frame for the dark sluggish .waters, covered with a perpetual- mist. ' T breaking in slow, heavv BenntfhrmU toned waves upon the beach. It seems as if the smoke of the wicked cities was yet ascending up to Heaven, and as if it. I it v .i -. . . : me moan or. ineir fearful sorrow would - never lesva the Uod-tmitten Talley. It was a strange thing to see' ihoM waves, not dancing 'along and unark- -ling in the Bun, as other waves dovbut moving with measured melancholy, and sending to the eat. as ithey break ' languidly upon the rocks, only, doleful , sounds. Ihis is. no doubt: owinv a- the great heaviness of the water, a fnefc ' jvell known, and which we amply veri- neu in me usual way, for, on attempt ing to swim, we went floating about , like empty flasks. . This experiment was more satisfactory in its progress than in its results, which was a . very unctuous skin and a most pestifer ous stinging of every nerve, as if we had been beaten with nettle. Nor was the water we took into our mouths a whit less vile than the most nause ous drug of the apothecary. V That fish cannot liv in r this strong -solution of bitumen and salt i too ob- -vious to need proof, but to say that -birds cannot fly over it and live is one- ' of the exaggerationajrf travelers, rwho, -t perhaps, were iiot like ourselves, so fortunate as to see a flock of ducks re posing on tho wafer jn apparently good health. And yet this was all the life we did see. Thewhole valley waa one seething cauldron, under more . than a tropical sun. . God-forsaken, man-forsaken, no green thing 7 grows within it, and it remains to this day as striking a monument of God's fearful judgments j as when the fire from Heaven devoured the once -iinighty -cities of tho plain. Missionary Herald, A Prince. - , When a distinguished rrpreseiiis&W of royalty goes abroad ithe ftvplm whom he honors with hia presence-ex tend to bim every consideration to which birth, station and chancier en title hiin. - ,. r'v( A prince, in the Empire of IXxti ' isv visiting North Carolina, and it ired itablolo the Old North State that he is everywhere received as an iltustrioosi member of the royal family, of Letters. Mr. Lewis -M Qnad," of th De troit Free iPress is no ordinary man, loosely bnjlt and thrown at random on ua ,.m h v 11 t i v.- mm vuc sours oi nis ieet to ihe cra hig head he 1qoU b man .nn f ..-j c He has come among us to see who we are and whatwaare. He is looking to ascertain whether we exhibit the characteristics of Rip Van Winkle, or give evidence that we are the worthy su.PMSonif SLmW Sn..t,f f n..i. visit of Mr. Lewis to North Carolina. He has found here a realm rich in sources and boundless Jn hospitality, with health in the breeze, beautv in the landscape and patriotism and virv tue ,n tbe nearts of lhe peo - je w,l return to his home-in the treat West with his whole being thrilling , with pleasant Jrcollections, and- the ' Detroit Free Press will speaks to the nation of North CmIina-her -honor able past, her present prospects and hep future glory. Netc Berne Journal. Every teing Free oa the Faro. -i Occasional town-people get the idea that what is grow on the farm is so easily secured that it makes but little difference -whether the ' farmer gets paid for it all or not. If a farmer gathers a hundred barrels of apples, a tew tnousana ousheliof corn, he of tea 1 G .1 l. 1 1 tuiu. Au nut, aaiu our rnena: "I'll just pick up a few pairs of shoes and take home with me,' The shoe aeaier a once-.aemurrea, and really l hail the cheek to urg? that the cases I were wn ti .simuar. . ue Xailea to I see or would not see that the farmer's I surpm corn wa tut as muen asonrr I of income as his own surplus of shoes. I stock in inae. Pittsburg Stockman, i - - -; i J... - , 1 An Enlgish naval officer estimie I that there are $200,000,000 in gold snd J silver under the sea, Tfl& could ba reftcbed Vy good luck. . s - ; I -1- ! - r-

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