1 . I Carolina! Watchman, THURSDAY,! MARCII 28, 1889. i Whitelaw Keid has been appointee Jlinister to ranee. r . . The negro exodus t witVno feeling of unkindness t4 thediscontented pec yie we say iw y, wreP uu. - Four out-laws in Kentucky were ontnri n1 imnrinAd nn W Thtirs- .r. , day, and two-others were killed. It is a higher honor to be entitled taT position and -not get tit, than to get it without teeing entitled to it" j ' A trust has been formed in Eng- land to raise tho, price of paper. .The xnanfacturexs concerned in it represent 010,000,000. J The Evangelist Pearson will go from Columbia, fc. G, where, up to late ac- counts: he has not been Yery success- ful, to Fayetteville, N. C. J lhe Heading Iron Works failure . pronounced the-worst which has oc- eurrea in me iron- xaae ior years. j 1 1 . t .. . m i . Extravagance in the management is the alledged cause. A negro hotel waiter in Washington city.owned a feuracre lofrat Winston, N. C,,and held it because he didn't know what else to do with it; but re- ; ctntly sold it for a depot lot for $0,000. On the passage of J. Gould through Charlotte, a few days ago, Col.; Wm. Johnston boarded his car and 1 made quite a flattering little speech to him. It is not stated what Mr. Gould said I in reply, but some of the State papers have criticised Col. Johnston's speech pretty sharply Louisville Ky., has just had natural gas brought into the city from Meade cou nty, in that State, a distance of 32 miles. On turning the iras inta the pipes it took iust 16 minutes td travel to the city mile in 3Q seconds and burst out with a roar that startled the peopleiu all directions. Great nrenar- ations arc on hand to utilize it in run. ing factories, workshops, c. Announcements of this character are getting to be very common. Mr. Car negie has long been regarded as the iron king of Pennsylvania. He is a Scotchman, and may be said tq hate 5 no very strong sectional feelings as . petween the northern and southern .".actions of this country. It is bis bus iness to make his investments pay, and i-z.-it it becomes necessary to move South . A; J - II. 1 Ml 1 .r ' w uu it, ne win ao so. ! "Two drummers for the Farmers' Sud- .yHouse, oi Toledo, Ohio, were ar rented m Nicholasville, Kentucky, last weeic, for violation of the Peddlers act. .bnt vvere acquitted on the ground that - tljey sold by sample The Supreme . - Court, has recently decided that no State has a right to impose a license .fox upon drummers or commercial travelers who are not residents of the ptate imposing the tax. -. There has been an alarming increase in divorces in Iew Jersey in the last five years. The secretary of the State BoitfcL of Health gives the rate from J883 to 1888 ' at 22.25 of out 1CC0 .. . marriages. The petitions from wives ut-number those from men about one- half.- The causes for divorce are adul tery, desertion, fcrnelty and bicamv. The larger number of cases for deser- tiop, and adultery next. J Tl, rVi.L ir n' n -r ' AUD i mis ujiv iuaueaoie -iron ana Bteel Works at Jiouisville, designed to - manufacture edged tools by a new pro- x cess which elimjnates entirely the cost of forging, have just made their first run of product, and thus far the pnx Cess, has turned put exactly as the pai- rnieesciaimea it would. , It reduces ihe cost from l6 to 30 percent I nrofiL ' Pete, there, is another hard nut for the Yankee manufacturers to crackl series of cxpenments have been piadein. New York to ascertain th f electrie force necessary to execute crim- iiius tjy.eiecmcaty, under the new law of the State.' Seferal dogs, several calves .nd one horse were experimented on . The dogs were filled in 10 second the nm,4o seconds, and the horse in 5 seconds. lhe authorities were greatly pleased with the soeedv and - painless death by Che process", . BJ M Ac ot the last Legislature the W'J Pi )Vimington, N. C, was a'uth- orized to say to manufacturers' every- ' wnere wat they are at liberty to lodate ana carry on business, there "without . "n1 wibute : ; We suppose means without paying local or citv . certainly valuable concession foi the enconrageraent of factory advantages" Wiln.A Efcsses, and will, we tm induce many . cmerpnses to start up their, i The last Congress passed an , impor tant Act-f affecting railroad companies and snippers of freight, to witrmakin jt a misdemeanor for anjv railroad Co or accents, to discriminate in charges as between shippers from theame poin h0 the same destination or point of di Mveryli No manner of fraud by which the evident purpose of the Act may be mdeii Will be allowed, and the penal. ly fixed for its violation is a fine o: $5,000 or two years in the penitentiary or both in the diWeJiou of the Court. The JTil mi ngton Star mentions an important fact while speaking of wha wiu be the main issue in the conies of 1802, to wit: that "Mr. Cleveland received nearly 100,000 more -votes than Harrison received of the whole number cast, while he received some I muttons more of the total white vote. rl he negroes vote the republican ticket almost to a man, and there are enough of them in the northern .States to turn the scales against the democratic par- ty in those States. Thus it comes to pass that the negroes elected Mr. Harrison president, while Mr. Cleve- wjland with millions more white votes than were- polled for his corn'oetitor. I . . t defeated A correspondent of the Manufactu rers' Record in the course of an inter esting article on the production of cot-J ton seed oil aud its uses, mentions the fact that-'there are 23 factories which employ beef tallow, hogs' lard and cot- ton twed oil in making lard, though some concerns use no hogs lard at all. it being claimed that the lard does not improve the compound." Cotton seed oil is becoming more popular for cul Hnary purposes than lard, for the reason that it js more healthful and nicer. -1 he production of it has in creased from 40 mills in 1880, witbTa capital of $3,500,000, to 175 mills in 1889 a capital of from $15,000,- to $10,000,000. Xl 18 ba Anat tn3 younS man ho is in charge 01 Gallaghers Flioto. Gallery at this plaC3 is the finest Photographer tnat nas ever struck this neck of the woods, a squint at his work has fully convinced us of this fact. u01d fogy two black spots for eves and a black gash for the mouth" pho to' !s, are forever laid in the shade in Salisbury and fine delicately shaded pictures fill their place?. In fact Sal isbury somewhat ahead in the way of a fine Photographer. Washington Letter. (From our regular correspondent.) Washington, March 25th. 1889. President Harrison's appointment of "Corporal" Tanner to be Commissioner ot rensions is a great victory for the nna; of Washincrton nonm. i.. all of whnmL TiZJIT' t " "::J , " , fc!ieiPrps- li ip KIUW,V ,y,r,?K. .four .luiowiiauuers j-aToraoie decisions, Preparations are beinar made to flood the country every ex-sold have wen new applications for them. ..... u on uuiu mirr anners nom tnnfirili wna oiinl H. O otm, lu nje oenaie, one agent here' ordered 1.000 .000 flirfMilnvs printed, and bought fifty baskets of Sri0 h!S bri"knt victory. Conservative people are some- ir m ie aPPomtment of iur. xanner, wdo basbnoWn L-nrtw to favor the giving of indiscriminate Densions-tn pvaw thnw mnntha in ttj " . . , uiiiuni nuu SRrvpn 111 Lilt. I II fin a Vmtr I uur pension list now nonrlv sinn. AAA AAA , V V I wv,wu a yearrana it will be in Mr. wv,wu a jearrana it will be in Mr Tanners power to larerelv increase thflr amoutbycisios fMSS Iaws laws. There 4s some talt of defeat his confirmation by the Senate, but it would hardly be possible, as nirnntr WnMLl.. "11 . l xicjiumican wm vote for him they dare not do othprwicto with circulars invifino- e.a by the JNational l'rohibition Bureau. ier, includine those who thlg 5 fi"'? of a Mr.Demoreat. T-of,, - " , i'ir. rv. u. Patterson, or unina lirove. .v..ou ucuiui s. in mnw m. fi i.;. i. I , ) IJUCU HIS 11 ' . - - " miliar wit.h Hamv av. v- " , WU nlc m v ui u au.a air. xanner we . sni.l to-aay: The fiscal year beginning the first of next July will show a diC tr'nennips flmf rl,n i , cu nie estimates are .uic iur me nscal vear fiO-01 K!1'1 be PnWown for at least ww,uw,uuii. MUreat Scott!" A ,l the war was over tw.nf , KO. 39or ZZ. 3T" t?et rirh Thn' u5 CZiZ I. T)"u V "u -.in imic iu uaouienensinn nnonto j we uest inmsr 1 can tilinK Of. " The Irish element in the Renubliein uiHiuugn small, has us power bv nr.voi,; tirL.-i.i i Keids beinc? ani I'-" plBi s -!-r v iiiuiisier w xiiiiana, iteia had set h ?SlSJu.aJoa' b ,g?t left, al . . - w I --6" r nominated Minister to rranceis a comntrisafmi u: led feelings. ' 15 ruu" Fres dent -Harrison hf ,'n ,l,mi,t; Z Mrnson nas issued a pro- "PnbfOkla- xcrriLory io settlement. Thi-rf. js no goaf reason why it should not have lean issued two weeks ao Justice Stiinlev MffKoWc o . preme Conrf W,A T . " . r.ou 1 S Summpr hQ ba?n Slck 8inc rS-i?? Uru.on WeJnesday last firvtt ui im fun vu lacn.n - f -ry I in ?J "V UICIL Atlfl than Ki..il. . ? r ?1'? knew orchis danger- 1 purcondi ion an5 had no hope ofghis to recover, hnt l..... l u,s recover" Knf i i 1 . . ' tb ,!,?r bat.decidVto keep H from me pilOIlC US lonL'iw nnccIKU Tt. : i A gentleman who is thorou-hlv faJ"St. "od cicua;y ill Liie rpnemn r-. i v "i uciiverm of from il0.000.nnn rS aec a.m?Uo,!s 80 ery creditably. He m - - v uiwu i ill ii I if I r-i irmni i. i owincr bov-of extraordinary n . . wuouutuuu ianner willianu no has fine prospects of becc 1 y.t jviusi inns, ann it nn ore iuk, wuu nroner rrflinmir n tna W0?1. imjS!b!e to w?t the truth -ihonf imsomuui the next tmn n order will be a prominent man who , happens to get sick in Washington.' Jnst why the public should be fooled is a question that . never has - been satisfactorily answered. The funeral of the late Justice took place this., after noon from the family residence. It waiattended by the President and Cab inet, the Supreme Court and the Sen ate. After the services the remains werej)laced on a special train and started for Glendale, Ohio, accompan ied by the Supreme Court. A lively fight is going on among th Repub.icans over the position of Pub lic Printer. In order to narrow the lines somewhat Sir. Harrison has an nounced that the position shall go to the West. It is difficult to say who will win in the final rounds which are now on, but the impression is that Mr. MerridiUi, of Chicago, or Os burne of "California, i3 the coming man. The negro callers at the White House have been quite numerous of late, but so far the President has giv en the colored brother nothing at all. and he is getting somewhat discourag ed. . Gen. Badeau is trving to prevent the confirmation of Fred. Grant, who has been appointetKMmis'ter to Austria, but there is little prospect of his sut- ceeding. Fred. Grant is not a brillian man by any means, but he has not op enly been guilty of anything uisgrace ful, while Badeau, by his action in suing the wife of the man who raised lim from abject poverty to affluence and kept him up for years, forfeited the respect of honorable men. lhe Senators are growing restless about adjournment, and it is not like- y that they will remain longer than about April 5th., as that is about the mie set tor several f the junketiin committees to get started on their ex enrsions. All the clerks in the First Assistant bstraater-General's office are working hree hours a day extra time owing to, he immense number of applications or the fourth class post-offices which are pouring in: John L. .New, the mau who helped to steal Indiana, has gotten the best berth under this Government. He has been appointed Consul General at Lon aou. Mt. Pleasant. Jir, james booK. oi concora, is in our midst. Rumor says that some one was on our streets the other day soliciting sub.scrij- tinnci t n fVio "NT f! Amglam " wVii.Vi mm II soon be published at this place. Your correspondent knows nothing definitely about it, if the report be true, the paper may prove a success, but will not scruple to tell him that, as far as the people of Mt. ricasant are concerned, she needs no newspaper, for she has now very profi cient "news-carriers," in fact I never knew of any place that could be comnar ed to it in that respect. The sacFament of the Lord's Supper ill i. Ji" . 1 j 1 IT 1 ,f, . w in ue nuiiniuisiereu in me iioiy mil ky EvaniiLutheiau church Sunday, the oisD, insi. . There was a contest in the collcee chapel for fa silver Prohibition badge. o the onefdelivering the best Prohibi tion declamation was to be awarded the badge. The contestants were Messsrs R. J. Ritchie, J. L. D. Barringer, J. L. Miller, G. A. Earnhardt, J. L. Rendle man, C. B. Cox and C. A. Eddleman. The badge was awarded to C. B. Cox. wun no with honorable mention of Messrs. Ren- dleman and Barnhardt. All the con- testants need praise for their worth v cf- fort8' The was presented t6 the successiul candidate with appropriate remarks by Prof. Schaid. It was award- ome on Friday. March 15th. and returned the following Monday with a pleasant account of his visit. Mr. A. V . Sherril. of Enochville. ac companied by Mr. H. N. Miller, visited his home on the 15th inst. Mr. H. re turned with a smiling countenance, but MTK S ta .0 louver nni Sir! 31. said that he was most favorably im- presseawnn ii.nocn vine and ussurround- "gs. ana mat the people there were the d!Shrstuge,ner?s' most agreeable, V" " me most congenial MT".0 '"f"! "urranior i, -.t . h'nAnhfri I ri A 7 J I"-"ut aitcuucu ine closln5 exercises of the public sc ftt,Tamany Hal1 last Friday night 1Ch Pr ine closlnS exercises of the public school ot nnci rr" .t"a w" dered by the larger pupih ed recitations, dcclamati x ne rnze is set Uefore us," ren s. lhenfollow- ... 1 . l . . . ' ysw,;Ruu everymiug else that is rqui site to a country school exhibition rr i ll ujcci, usjitiu. ine exercises aunougn pi eparea without the" Knowledge and assistant nf .hA pa, were very commendable, young boy,. Harold Beatty, esp. a very especially de his is talents m orator in the future. r. P. c. Fr thc lelief and cu of the inflam- ?ai on ana congestion called a "cold in Lne hea4 there is more potency in Elv' "alm "?. Whing els. it h ha fn. . . v . : . : . 1? 4 ' f"81" maKing a brilliant MWH. a reraeay ior cold in the head catarrh itial state of these complains Cream Balm " . T' ?.J caJ of v""uu,v' nu nay iever alter all other modes of treatment hnvo UU UYUII. i 1 -. v. Mr. Andrew Carnegie, the Pennsvlva- .2. x . . t : i i i ii lia. iron kinS has been holding forth to r m.aaeipDians on uie lact that southern minerals are forging ahead and that western Penusylvlnil is losiurerouml n the manufacture of steel. He hold the rai,roads largely responsible for the 8tate - thinss maintaiing that there is a fierce te discrimination against his OWI section. i here is no doubt that the ?0Uth'8 day nn the matter of jron manufacture and otherwise, and not rnnswiiiPiK- ni nrntKt An hn : n : A trust has been fermed in New York lAVt KAI- llA . 1 A. V ".v-""ll"'.tuo wruugo uiuret ana put up Pnc- Since Bishop Lyman his dii- COYered that ihn irnnhPR la en ra AivwA f 1UIO I . ' - . . i. ...t M 1J - .i County Locals. . -' By our Correspondents. - CHINA GEOVE. Over 1500 bushels of corn were sold here last week. Dr. J. B. Gaither is making prepara tions to build his new house on Hotel street. Chickens in demand at from 40 to 45 cents each. Over 2,000 were bought and shipped from here last week. CLEVELAND. t Mr. R. M. Rosebro is having his house re-painted. ' Rev. E. P. Green held divine service at Christ church last Sunday. Rev. Mr. Campbell, of Woodleaf, wil conduct services at the Academy next Sunday. What has become of your Gold Hil correspondent? Has he been apelled down? We noticed a communication in the Watchman a few weeks ago speaking o the challenge spelling match between Cleveland and Geld Hill, and the writer said he toough't thaWhe ehallenge made uy nie leveianu man to oe thin . and J A. 1 A. T il ' 1 1 1 Xl -ll 1 ; A a ... uescani, uui i luins nis remarks were just as thin and descant as the challenge was. GOLD HILL. The farmers are too busy at present to get any of the news that is going. The measles has about subsided. We do not know of any new cases among the whites, but the blacks are still hav ing a right serious time of it. Well, didn't Cleveland hurl the darts at us last week about that soellinir match! We thiuk we must have touch a o ed some tender point, that made them fire so sharply. They blame us for not being ready for battle. We did not know they were going to fight with such ancient relics as the 44 blue back," or we should have hunted up some, and sharp ened them up as keenly as they have theirs. We rather think they carried their weapons concealed until they were about to charge. We will leave our readers to decide for themselves who backed and whox "kicked," but we will always baye our own opinions about the matter. And there is 4,01d Blue Back," too, who came to their reseue. Poor old fellow ! They needed some help and wc have no doubt .4hey appreciate your services. You didn't hit us anywh ere but on the "back-bone." We want to inform you that eur back-bone is all right, and quite strong enough to pull us out of the old ruts" that our forefathers made fifty years ago. If it w ere not, wo would im mediately apply a porous plaster to strengthen it which we would advise you to do. Advancement is being made in everything else, and why should w not discard the "blue back"? We not only hoot at it, but we detest it. There may be some who can spell every word in it, but what is gained by that when they can't define one-twentieth of th words; and besides, how many words do we find in the English language that are not in the blue back speller? I presume we have said enough about it, and doubt ess the people of Salisbury have already had a hearty laugh at 113, so wo think it best to drop our pen and bite our fingers thankful that we have fingers to bite at miscellaneous Items. State Senator T. L. Banks of Wake, on himr in tf-rvlewed by the leporterotthe Raleigh News-Ob- ?. ' ,l,.JUBl "is rtriurn irom w asningtOD, trave It as Lis opinion that the President. I m,.ir.o- iuucwiiuenuy in maKing appointments, ht has .Vru "'tLu,ar!5Uii,!'UiP oi loc w entern N. c. district to W.W. Rollins, unsought-bridging over three hot v.uuraiuisiui iue piace 10 reacn mm. The Sen ator thinks col. Dockery will be given choice ot Minister to. Brazil or tome other place as good; and '"""'""J- ? ,llu " raarsuai :or tne tastern dlstrlct.-O J Spears, z. V. Walser. Johs B. Eaves, 1. L. Kussell, J. c. Harris. 4as. Boyd, James Harris mm uiuu iruuiic ins oi .onn uarouna are In the nuiiiug ior someiuing ip ian on them. rJVLJL& ZeJ? tor Post Office at unura1wiu-i5,u;jj.seHe()0 ODe gig With the i cjuuiikau ii-uucrs vuerc on tub Olntr. rtnTheie,w.a.,,5'000 flre ln Brooklyn, N. T. Tue. , - -t pvnwnai injury to a rew few occupants ot houses. A more destructive are occurred! n Chicago. same day-loss over l,ooo,ooo v ,""?e.aroid nunsrarlan girl Just landed ln New J oi k, fainted on scelug a tall ncgio man near her.j .iJTl!Le.at rarn,e.,! entnuslnsm InLondoa an 1 prepnra nil V ii u,m a roonster banquet. Mr. v..uuaLVuc "in ninuu it ana presiae. A deaf mute farmer near Columbia, s. C. on beln LD tre,ith ., 1!15 sop had married went it him " L" ,uu, eui "i3 nroat. it is believed nvuun 19 wiai. i ue om man is in Jail. ti c venUOnt)l me Young Men's Chrls XX "S ,?..85s,OD at Wilmington sVt- and the Star ln reporting the exercises miib thv' were varied and Intenselv lnierrMir u ni e.rple vere 80 tm7 to the Tmpor: .V . . " " "uu rrugious euinosiafm that Dre- highmnncn roU3e1 thezealof our people toX The reports show the most encouraging evidence Of o-n.nl nnrt- hnlnn .w " ?" CTIUCUtC o "" uuuc uy me Association. x'f2i,,J1?'!ul?rll: went toetore him to w.f.f uiuviAin auu I ffl liMf nr mar trAm rr . V n . . ofTH!;,!?uiWAn3 are xpcllliw the Jews from some The proU'cUve tariff falls to bold up wages ln Lancaster. Pa., and strikes elsewhere prevail. PUBLIC SALE OF Valuable Town Property. BEING desirous of leaving the State, we will, on Monday, the first day of April 1SSU, at 1 o'clock p. m., sell at public auc' tion at the Court House door in Salis bury, for cash, three valuable ton Int. one brick house and lot on Fulton street opposite F. E. Shober's where we now reside, the lot beiaj. on West side 191 feet, fromt 182 feet; East side 283 fort witir good well of water and in a hijrh and healthy location. One house and lot on Main street, and one house and lot on Lee street. Good title given 1o propertv, Mrs. II. E. & Victoria I. Johnson, J. W. Maun'ey, Attorney. W. I Stalliigs, Auctioneer. ; lA.t ,1 - -. - ' 1 NEW r SPRING FANCY SILVER GOLD NOBBY NEAT CHEAP FINE To suit all kinds of people, any price and W. The LEADING JEWELER. SALISBURY THE STOCK of and MUST BE SOLD. If LOW PRICES is the KEY NOTE IB lTlPVlfjlKlo TYr rn Tf i rllT o -rr. Wi iuhvuuho Main Street, Sign of Big Gold ana wen selected stock ot SHOES, HATS', TRUNKS, VALISES and UMBRELLAS as can be found in the South SPECIALS Gents Hand Sewed Calf, Kangaroo and Olive" Goat Shoes, any style at $o.00. " i Ladies and Misses Oxford Ties in Tan, Russet and- Olive, the most fashionable colors, at $1.25, $1.35, $1.50, to $3.00. Ladies Black and Bronze Opera Slippers, $1.00 to $4.00. Fifteen cases of Ladies Opera Slippers at G0cts. per pair. Ladies Patent Leather Tip Ties at 90cts. per pair. 26 inch Gold tip Umbrellas Good Value) $1.2o. 28 inch Gold tip Umbrellas (Good Value) $1.50. The Largest, Cheapest and in Salisbury. Orders by mail promptly filled. - J. Z. SpHULTZ, Salisbury, N. O. Sign of the Big Gold Boot. HOME COMPANY, SEEKING , HOME PATRONAGE GENTS In all Cities, Towns and Villages ia the Sotb. TOTAL ASSETS, J ALLEN BEOWN Resident-Ao-ent Salisbury N. C. Administrator's Notice. Having taken but letters of IminiQ. t ration on the sta.tn nf wnium pna deceased, all person's indebted to said estate are hereby requested to make prompt settlement; aud all persons hav ing claims against the estate are hereby notinod to nresent ihpm t mo n k fore the 19th day of March, 1890, or thi3 notico will be plead in bar of their re. covcry. March 19, 1889. H. N.GOODNIGHT, AdmV nf Willi . C. Blackmfu. Attv t 22:6t, J A. Jewelry Jewelry Jewelry - . i i Jewelry Jewelry Jewelry Jewelry Jewelry Jewel every taste, at . BEHEB'S COMPANY this Company is now n 1 1 i .- .A i. 1 ft . MJ1 UJU at iiiy piace oi ousiness Boot, where you will find as large Handsomest line of-TRTTVI STRONG COMPANY PROMPT ! fi& RELIABLE, LIBERAL J.RnODES BROWNE, JJf f Sllf nt. William C. Coakt JServftafj S75o,ooo oo! Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as Executor of the estate of Nancy Smith, dee'd, I hereby notify all persons having claims against said estate to exhibit them to me on or before the 2Sth day of March, 1890. All persons indebted to said estate arc re quested to make payment without fur ther notice. Dated March 28, 1889. 31. L. BEAN, Executor 23:6t. of Nancy Smith, dee'd. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE "CAROLINA WATCHMAN" jj ' J j juj" 'l, 1.14. Tmmjt Jrc JXO. A. HOYDEN". 1883 v h BOYDEI & Dill : DEAXERS.IN Cotton, ? Grain, - 1 ; Fertilizers, t agricultural Implements, Wagons, Buggies, Carria ittao Road Carts, DDDTTT T7H110 n i i n I 1 1 1 1 hk i miiiuiMiilt) WE ARE NOW RECEIVING ring Stoci OUR ESTABLISHED AND VALUABLE BRANDS which we wiU offer to the Tradt-at Is Fipres AND Easy Terms to Farmers. The cntir-' satisfaction given bjourGtj. anos last Season justifies us saving that . .. . h . " there are none better than our" AND 6RIG0LTURAL IMPLEMENTS: WE ITAYE TIIE n For Corn, Cotton, Tobacco, Ac. THE SYRACUSE : IS NOW PERFECT; 7 Call aid-see THE HEVERSABLE HllLaS!DE PLOV. i n AND CLARK'S is something that every farmer petit, gWe will rmy the hisbestewb pncc3 f r Cot ton, CaI ton & -and all kimls of Grata. 'l37Cail and tfcnsi . . Respectfully, ; FERTILIZSflS! Out So Reasoned Farmer's Friend, . I Bitch Cut III!,1!! II COWAi MM.

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