Carolina Watchman. TIIUKSPAY, JVXB 6, 1889, Cbharlotte sends $279 to the of the Johustow n sufferers. ;. relief Fire blocks of buildings destroyed by fire in Jucksonnlie7 Florida yester- .Theodore E. McCray has been ap pointed Post Master at 'Lexington, Policemen Bradlev and Donavan are in jail in Ashevilje, o the charge f murder. v J A story is told of the winning con versation al powers of the great Pa"hiel Webster, to the effect that he easily obtained the endorsertreilt offii? wealthy frieuds on notes promising thousands of dollars; and when payday came,such friends would meet the demand and the great statesman go free. On one occa sion a friend who had -met an engage ment called to sets Mr. Webster to ask him' to refund, the amount. Mr. Web ster received him most courteously, and entertained ' him "vith . . such - consum mate grace, that the creditor not, only did not tell the. object of his visit, but actually endorsed for him another note of five thousand dollars, and returned home rejoicing that Mr. Webster had not made it ten thousand instead of five. SHERIFF'S NOTICE Tf TarFayers-.M-nortroes. By virtue of authority vested in me by lnw, T will sell for cah, to uttiary taxes; at the Court Houbc dxr in 8alisbarv( 011 Monday, the 1st diy of July, 18t9, the lands of the persons in the following list. tO Wit i ': y M j- -f ' 0 ' J -i " : T't ' -iA , ' - salisbcut Towssnip. The Wilmington Messenger has add- Caroline Allison Judy Brown L F Canup Amanda Ellis , Mstlinda Graham Ale Henderson I Ed Erwin ! Wesley Jones 1 7 Mrs Muse JIcLellan Martha Murphy ! U Lt Kuslier 1884 ) acre lot am't 1 5 -1 1 6 M it M U tt 41 - tt tt ir inis story De true, it presents ine prjncc Steele - I d to its staff of editors Mr. Kingsbury, great man in a very bad light. There Catherii.eBo!en,heirs 83 iormeriy ecu tor 01 me iuurmug oiar, vltuvt T cf-.0- . which we consider a valuable Bcquisi- man of his property by force and ob- Geore Hess jon 1 taming it by flattering attentions; but 8JM Brown luie wrong iu timer case remains. The magistrates ) of Mecklenburg county at their meeting on jlonday voted $1,000 as a' contribution to pro mote the droposee ; Piedmont j Exposi tion to be held in Charlotte thirfall. CatherinnBolen.heirs " 6 Geonre Hess Wm Howard estate C MAtwell tt '87 y Terrible Floods and Loss of Life? We publish in this paperan accojint CtherineBolen ,h eirs " 01 tne most destructive floods in renn-f George Hess sylvania and s: Virginia known for many years. The destruction of hu- The Critic is a new- and spicy weekly ma,, life is frightful, no less than two recently started at Charlotte, with G. thousand persons having been swept jr. ivjug ua euibui. xuc poi'1l,cl into eieruiiv in tne snort space or a enterprise of Charlotte is1 equal - to its fvv hours. growth. The Critic is issued every SaturJav. at $1 a year. - More of the Great Flood. Mrs Jayson Hunt , Mrs SI J Womack Anderson Overman 1883 ti tt 1 150 1 X 201 X 20i 1 I 1 do do George ITess CMAtwcIt E P Brown Mrs S A Brown M A Bringle Nancy Cauble John F Eagle 1886 1887 .1888 five persons have just now been put Pennsylvania, for 17 miles is strewn p rider arrest in Galveston, 1 Texas, for with the wreckage of eight different lynching a young man about five towns the homes TllA V!l 1 lpv nf f.lio Plr n o m n n rrl 1 riuor " o" - Mrs Barbaia Gales Wm Howard 1 TT 1- i ai ?fi 1 amu uunui T iiuuies oj. tu,uuu people. j$ Honeycutt years ago. ine accusea are meni Their industries are -Tinned, and , the Mrs Jayson Hunt sme nrorninence in their county, and Inssi if lifo i Htndf tan Anderson Overman tne case is quite a sensation m tne to twelvp t.hnnsnd Jnbnsfnn ; tKA great suffer, because it was the largest of the several towns destroyed. tt ;tt tt it tt , tt it t. 40 10 community. . Ijloody tragedy is reported by the Jlaleight News-Qbserver as having oc curred in Surry county, June l&at the home' of Nat, lipyden, in which ,two men were shot, one instantly kill-1 the one ed and the other mortally wounded, there. They were drinking. . New The. particulars of the dreadful flood of Johnstown, Pa., are coming M L Bean Mrs Ann Reeves M A Smith & wife Mrs M J Womack colored : Nelson Kerns I Joseph Roberts Lioranza Williams Mulinda Graham Alford Hall Mrs Mose Mcsimer Martha Murphy , Mrs Mose McLeUar e.-ates, of Richmond, Va., decorated ? K,chardsou the graves of lnion soldiers buried Lce Cowan"8 there. : The Confederate Veterans nf Anseline Bell Birmingham, Ala., decorated the graves Sf SiS?" on 44 1 Decorating GavesMay 30. The Veteran Association of Haven, Conn., decorated the grave of Confederate . soldier buried 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 27 ,28 3.08 53 86 S3 85 22 53 36 85 90 1 95 6.33 2.38 3.56 ' 1.95 98 69 70 1.90 95 95 1.19 1.90 75 75 70 89 175 5.43 3.85 1.49 2 99 2.19 1.30 1.75 391 2163 3.35 2.85 70 9.87 3.23 2.28 1.75 -in, and they Areola most deplorable ftf fvnfXwr; TT ,CB Fannie Harrii l t j 1 " of Confederate and Union soldiers alike Zuck Haught amount of suffenng and death. Fire at that place John S IL?lt ' 1 broke out in the houses dashed to gether by the flood, and many persons were also burned to death who had That Big Factory. It is almost irrmossihlA tn farm on iMao I X - v M MS IUVU escaped on them from the furious wa- of tne factory to be built at Forest Hill Ara we sitavauun ior wnose iounciation is veto. , I ,j iir i 1 . '-.-r rropst luesaay evening, is do XT1 XT Aicijsoii iverns Mrs Alex McCoy Albert Chunn Melvin Hall Zuck naughton J & II narjrravc Henry Jenkins Nelson Kerns and here The Washington Post anv that the what we got from him : anrjointnient of thp Rpv TaniM Tnwn- . The dimensions of the principal build- Harvey Long appointment ot the Kev. James lown- ing are 12G feet wide thr( to Frances Smith oeuu, a, negro, o ine omce 01 neeoraer two 00 ieet and one vz feet: the smoke ora urown nfiLnan.r..l r.n HflR 1.o stack will rear its head ud in SDace 12s Judy Brown VU 7 , T?. i A feet? there wil1 be 318 windows, 4x10 feet, Joseph Ballard, Sr w.v v muj ivo in Mian ucpainueui. aau so uoors. in aaauion to this there is 1 Joscpn. muck who come under his direction. Verv . De a t30lleT house, 33xfeet, engine room Le Cowan ii fpt. ...ii . . . taio icci, aim a incKer room uwostones "cnry.vowies ui;jr. luuY uujjiu io get OUl ana highT 32x75 feet. The fiiotnrv will K o Ilumnhro nvi ie negro women tase their places, inree siory ouncnng. Frank Dobbins nnA Rrt mnV- lha jn.f mni. A? construct this building there will be Mike Ellis ' TV "y- Hjturuv needed 1,001,000 feet of lumber, and 2.- Dan Fraley OiaCK 7o0.000l)neks. These brinks if lnlH .lTsih I end to end in a row, would reach a dfs- W II Goler nn t i, c t- ii I "" miies, ui nuiu vxncora io auc nenacrson uiirtMerv "a xuwji, in a leuer wunin torty miles of PhiladelDhia. or to Luc v nondmn ana un of the prohibition law i of that Stat p. of five." t. ti twk fto enro' T ti,. uii This factory, covering nearlv one' acre Alfrpd Hall .u.un. vUaV muiC UldU IliUl 0f rnnnf1 iafhoKJ- 1 - - u- .. v empty ai me uuih, oy me iverr JHanutacturinff Com- Thnm w..if present time. There afe 9S less con- Wl1" a pi.iai SVCK .oti.w,X). Henry Jenkins vict, ; in our penitential than there of.enTS were niree years ago, notwithstanding "l""",u- Harvey Lon- increased population. Exnensps in - Liu key Hill - I ' I m . . I t i . crim!naUnnrfs lM j: xne iiace unestion. . waviu -jinrnny . v ulk CICUbIT III" I I llnnilHnn - . I IT- TT - UCUUU9IMI ressea to tne estate UhrOnic e. hpars4'uuiauilHulls garrison s nome, ana Dud- Jule Henderson i i it u X ley could walk all the way to Concord Katie 'Heirher hesitating testimony to the efficiency 0n bricks, making a stPn fnr hS I 1 z u.L IIUIJ ft w- m- ... i npnnp rcn n rvAAim :-.:.u -.i i ii i 1 1 . .. V I aev. Mr. Vance, of the Rponnrl PmcK,.. ; . r.vwJ m.unueu, una mac ine testimony trom terian ehnrrh of tMAZ T :l "S "ST tepuen jNoble all sources is overwhelmingly in favor last Sunday, as reported 'in yesterday's SS 5?,, ofthelaw. - - Sr -hanes neither the color of a man's skin, nor the wXr structure of his brain. It does not make a white man black nor a black man 55i5"!P? , . - . rvuv VX 11 IO blood the race peculiarities Svhich God, forsome wise purpose, has put into it. Therefore the church is doing a work of supererogation, and a work, too, which can only result in disaster and failure r V. Z ft- . 1J J! ft . ' micu it woum aisregara race character : One of the sun)risin-,thin?s of Mima fast tiniftfi iVtliA'rnM;w Ji;..iJ white, and man cannot -- ujiiuiiij niiu vrillV-H railroad companies re-building bridges. and repair serious" damages to thei roads. Bridges that cost thousands of dollars, at the first, and rennirad mnnh time tohild them,a? often replaeed SSSlt&S?!l cw uaya - arier Deincr lost, and Aiexaana uazette, in full operation before " neonle shave ceased to talk of the structures Earthquake in Europe. .which were burned, or washed awav pA.Rf Ma? 3--A shock of earthquake . hj a Hood. V The lale storm in Vi "5S bkf- ; ?a destroyed three bridges pn the Mid- " London,.. May 31. Dispatches show :lan r, . feide, faking SeVWal 'ietter , washouts, and broke the mail connec- also in the Isle of Wight, Disturbances tion South. And yet the brides, have a,s. f ed in many towns on Unni.Lj U ; &?a? Lhe mainland of both England and --.owypt xne ram repaired, ranee. Among the places included are ana mail satoa nwnmiwi ii." nonsmoutn. Havant. c. . and mail service resumed over the en- pire line, l Ihis one instance illustrates the energy and the prpptriess of railroad qompames generally, and it is certainly a very commendable feature of the railroad business. ' . ortsmoulh, Havant. Cherhon Rouen, Granville and Caer. iNodamagc was done anywhere. ; Obituary. . . Entered into the rest of Paradise, May 28th, at 10:30 a. m., Charles Montfort, son of James H. and Sallie W. McKenr zie, aged one year, ten months and sis teen days. . y He was" a bright child, the light of the home. But transplanted to fairer regions where there is no more pain nor : suffer ing. His expanding soul will take in the beauties of the Paradise of God, -where all is joy and praise, and-far better than V l.i!Ll M. il! ... A Tramp Killed. I 0n lnP arrival of a freight train at Morgant6n; Saturday night, an un known .mavho it is supposed jwas stealing a ride, fell from between two wox cars across the.track while the cars I the lightest things of earth: . were yet in motion, and was, caught under the i trucks and his body severed in two a little above the hips. , He was. not not known to be on the train and one Bingle outcry of pain was the first inti The Durham Sun of thi Tnnrn in it civc Yesterday Mr. Coy Jordan, of Raleigh, and his brother, left Red Mountain to come to uurham- When they , reached Little .river thcy found; it very much Uftftm I I ft x mmm. A -ft x - - -i . ma rinn nnr nno hA ii. i , """"V uu" ""ucnooK ?o cross. Their V " v im. u w uaa ! leam beran to sinfc anA .ih fi, . - ; - " ; I mum ijV nil11 illO tUI" noenmg on ins person by which he , ni ineV jumped out and saved the could - be identified nothiri o. S,orse by cutting him out of the harness. m i t r nothing except The wagon floated on down and , lodged an old DJirlow knife and a small piece agamst some obstruction. One of the of tobacco. 'Several cars passed over ISltl swmtout to the vehicle and got V ti- i li. - . ; . Y nwoooke. . -r 'It was a pretty; close calli mm.. His death was instantancour. They Paved everything but the wagon. tie was about vears old. r'l"cT lu"'i.v - .'. i . i : - . .. Oscai Sumner es p8on Rolert Stokes William White 1884 2 , 2 54 '85 li 2.86 1 2.99 w 1 53 11 2.12 30 1.18 I " 1 75 " 1 85 " . 1 7.25 u 2 2.54 14 1 1.79 1886 45 1 2.15 i 36 " 1 40 " i 40 " 1 2.84 ! 2 2.54 i " 2f 1.18 i 1887 ,15 35 44 1 1.90 M 1 1.30 " 201 1.10 ! 1 1.39 " 2 2.45 44 20 1.27 44 1 50 1888 1 1.20 1 5 48 20 1.30 I u 20 92 44 1 3.48 44 1 3 40 1 1.04 44 1 1.85 i 1 78 ! " 1 2.85 44 1 1.23 44 1 1.65 44 1 2.03 44 1 1.20 1 1.20 44 1 93 ! 44 1 1.20 ; 44 2 2 35 " 1? 1.71 44 1 2.30 44 1 3.02 i 44 1 1.26 44 1 . 2.61 1 1.34 " 20 2.J8 " - 1 3 14 44 1 1.20 14 5 61 44 1 1.92 1 1.04 1 38 44 1 2.31 44 1 2.13 44. 1 2.43 ; 44 1 38 44 1 3.17 Danl Overcah Dan M Stewart Lncretia Brown Morris Bovdcn . Martha Brown -Dan M Stewart Adolphus Iless l Mi'hel Holshouser J R Holshouser Southern Belle Min. ting Co r ; J C Bringle Emma Ft-pperman Sarah Ileilig , Thomas McKenzie . u . -. - u - 'isss it U acres l lot amt j Melvin Hall 11 ' 70 ..... 2U : 8 .-50 70, - - 4 (i 55 115 . 157 3 - 3 -16 41 rielson Kerns 4.22 Robert McLellan 4 86 , Caleb Mebane ' l ' 53 ;Cris8T Owens . ; 86 ll Bwink . 3.91 1 Jklary Steele . , 2.71 ! m Wagoner estate ?4 4.71 G A Weaber - ; 50 i Loranzo Williams' June 1st, 1889. C. C. HEILEK, . Sheriff Kowan Couuty. H.31 7.32 34 STEELE TOWKSBIP, 1884 ... kt .- 125 145 62 52 Calvin Ktnttz C E McLaughlin LAPethcl,JVPtadmr 44 Annie Owens , 1888 W F Lackey, Guard - Garner heirs '85 , 100 - "ATWEIX TOWNSHIP. P S Ovcrcasli Daniel Kitche T A Fleming " D J Overcash ' Emetine Overcash John W Hampton HenrvC Smith T A Fleming Geo M Goodnight J II Smith N A Al linen D C Brawley . G C Smith , Wesley Verble William Wallace Mrs M J Sechler G II Basinger Jno R Bcnticld J A iienn tt '85 it '86 tt '87 u tt '88 tt u tt '84 tt tt ,58 53 3 48i H 10 285 "H 21 7 v4 17 111 58 12 64 105 40 170 CHINA tJnoVE .TOWXSHIP. J G Bostion, heirs Jane Harris Geo Walter, Admr IJ A Patterson '85 '86 1 1 '87 52 MT. UIXA TOWKSniP. Alexander Houston '85 James Torrenee '8( R J Sloan John Mills' estate 44 Stephen Byers 44 LC Earn heart '87 Stephen Byers 44 Rulus Wilson " R A Burroughs 44 Keple)' & Anderson 4 70 5 73 75 32 135 32 25 54 do John L Freeze W F Lackey ' Burroughs' estate Thos Sherer R A Deaton A L Hobbs Mrs-JP Holder J II Erider Polly Sowers Alexander Samuel T J Witherspoon Kepley & Anderson Catherine Bradshaw Stephen Byers , Pink Kerr Rulus Wilson '86 tt 85 '84 '86 '88 tt u ti tt tt ti tt it 125 73 H 108 38 180 54 79 37 35 75 35 32 1 25 U 1.02 5.08 2 80 223 1.30 443. 88 1.53 53 4.91 33 2.44 9.72 35 95 39 75 67 6 53 253 01 185 4.51 3.38 4.10 27 36 2.15 2.15 2.21 5.04 3.13 1.01 57 1.16 3.20 2.66 1.10 1.18 5.79 2.15 69 3.71 1.30 6.80 56 "1 2.40 2 199 2 V 1.03 - I 33 1 65 14 , 2.69 1 1.20 2 3.40 C5 5.70 1 2.85 Concerning the remarkable industrial growth of the South the New York Star says: 4The first manifestations of this grown .the. were almost contemporaneous with the end of the scandalous Republi can misrule in the South.4 It has been pursued .exclusively under Democratic administrations of the various Southern States and municipalities. It found its leaders in Democratic Southerners them selves, and so far as . there -is any real connection between politics and business it has been Democratic from the start.?' This is so palpably-true that all intelli gent Northern men except extreme par-i tisans acknowledge it and rejoice at the change; and it is this that has converted so many Republicans who have settled in the South into Democrats, The exodus of Italians from their na tive land has grown so great as to oc casion alarm amon& - the statesmen of that country. The official figures put the emigration of 18S8; exclusive of those leaving the country temporarily, at 195, 211 some provinces whole, villages are depopulated, and large estates left with out a single laborer. The Economist and Italia newspaper ascribes the exodus to excessive taxation and militarism. The high protective tariff discriminates against the farmer ; to a ruinous ex teut, aud agricultural laborers are going elsewhere. Tobacco Market Report. Corrected weekly by proprietors of Fajmers' Warehouse. Lugs, common, 35 I Cutters, com., 4 good, 5 a 8 u cood, Fillers, com.. 4a 10, 44 good, 10til8 cool. Fancy wrappers, none offeied. Breaks large and prices increasing. 58 12a35 10a20 20a40 Fowle's Maj ority 15,000. .' WE promised the people that if Judge Fiiwlc wa eKcted Governor of North Car olina. vt! would sell Coods 10 i)cr cent, less . . . 4 than any House in Salisbury. " ' Look at This: $6.00 Suits reduced toT$4.03 7.00' , " . " 5.00 10.00 ' 8.00 20c. donblc-width Dress Goods 12ic. 1 White Blankets Si .00 per pair. Good.Brogan Shoes $1.00 per pair. The Cheapest line of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS JSd SHOES ' GltQCEMES - : and..:... CROCKERY in Salislmrj. ; Do not take our word -for it but come and sec for yourselves, " Respectfully,- D. R. JULIA!! & CO OTXOS! EAILROAD ELECTION. A tank containing about 5,000 gallons of turpentine was wrecked last week in Union county -by an accident on the Spartanburg, Union and Columbia R. R. The Turpentine ran out in a stream which extended as far as JJroad River, three miles away. The people near at 2.40 hand gathered it in large quantities, and i 49 it is said that some of them have enough io uo ior a meiimc. PUOVIDEKCE TOWKSHfP. Cicero L Black '86 Catherine Hill A H Newsom 44 HeirsTnxlerg'ld m'nc44 Catherine Hill '87 N W Kluttz Monroe Poole 44 D Allen Ramsay 44 IleirsTrexler g'ld m'ne 44 Cicero L Black John Fulenwider James Holmes Adam Hart man Addison Ludwick Monrse Poole Noah Peeler D Allen Ramsay Sherrcr heirs Trexlcrji'ld m. heirs :88 3 70 100 5 70 23 49 1 5 3 7 16 CO 17 49 185 1 106 84 '85 '80 COLD HILLi TOWKSHIP. Louisa Kluttz 1884 2 Louisa Jacobs 1883 7 Cloe Holmes 1886 1 Til Hall 44 l Louisa Jacobs 44 7 J A Bryan (J CD 1887 1S1 Louisa Jacobs 1888 ' 7 Moses Mesimr 44 80 FMScatt 44 1 MORGAN TOWKSHIP. SCOTCH IRISH TOWKSHIP. W D Murdock D A Donaho D J Eaton W W Turner Henry William Julius Wilson J II Davis R F Johnson Frederic Carter Isaac Lyerly Thos M Phifer Laura T Torrenee Peter Allison's heirs Fred'c Carter's heirs Jordan Crawford D J Eaton Colbert Gentle Geo Goodman John Hall Anderson Irvin James F Johnson Amanda Lowery '87 ti tt tt it. Mariah Burrage F L Penny Mariah Burrage H M Brown William Mills R A Slum pock 1884, 188 f ' 1888 44 t 3 190 3 83 5 29 John C Rex A II Ghecn LOCKE TOWKSHIP. , 44 118 115 1887 FRAXKLIN TOWKSHIP. Martin Richwine est 1885 S J M Brown 1886 Margaret Graham 144 Mary Kincaid Nancy Lyerly Martin Richwine est. AnnWRufty Mary Kincaid J887 Thos P Overman f4 Jacob Brown - ' 1888 London Hall . 44 Li It tt UThos P Overman H 85 I 1 n 12 1 1 28 n 33 87 14 33 UK1TY TOWKSHIP. Elvira Graham 1887 45 44 , )888 45 T Lee Thompson f 50 C W Winecoff f v 59 John Bringle, est. Joseph Ileilig J R f olfjiouner : Wm Garner JI Joseph Hcilig , Cyrqs Beard - H Joseph Heilig A Adolphus Hess Michael Holshouser Mary Jlowcry . LITAKES TOWKSHIP. I .. . .-i - 1884 , U 185 1886 - f4" '67. 12 2 14 -.15 21 44 4 14 lid n .44 4.25 33 85! 69 33 452 34 70 1.03 23 1.08 27 1.08 26 56 85 3.80 30 3.13 27 53 85 80 1.50 53 1.41 88 2.39 41 2 51 230 1.30 3.44 ; 36 25 - - 2.08 1.C1 ; 1.44 2.31 :x 85 2.24 : 3.98 - " 2 70 x f 3 G M Lvcrly W A Martin Thos M Phifer James Steele II F Turner Hinry Wilson James Wilson Jno II Davis D J Eaton W W Fraley Colbert Gentle F M Gaither Wm Hellard Arthur Montgomery Thos M PL iter James A Steele. Scott Turner Julius Wilson James Wilson J A Wolf it '88 4. Ii ti ii it 2 25 168i 3 7i 50 lGli 80 130 n 9 75 3 107 ' 168 2 15 13 H 162 7 52 75 9 95 151 7 8 173 168 220 2 165 169 5 9 95 23 50 8 150 1.55 3.78 1.03 1.58 1.C8 86 2.95 33 1.83 3.48 85 1.70 80 2.90 6.00 80 31 37 53 2 51 2 90 2.68 5.56 5 70 1.96 75 4.25 2.80 6.28 2.15 46 1.50 1.90 3.06 1.50 35 40 1.18 38 1.40 2G 6.32 26 81 50 1.30 1.52 59 63 344 65 Country Produce Market. RepoVted by D. R. JULIAN & CO. Lard - .10 Potatoes irsh 70 .75 " " sweet 50 .60 Eggs .10 Butter .20 Chickens 20 , .25 Molasses couutry .30 Lorn .60 Peas 1.00 Flour cnty 2.60 2.75 Meal .65 Bacon hams .12A " sides .11 " shoulders .10 iSOriCE is hereby given that there will be an electionlield io Rowan county on Tuesday the 10th day of September. 1889, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of said county, a propo sition to subscribe one hundred thousand dollars to the stock of the Yadkin Rail road Company,in flye per cent, bonds ofThe county ot Kowan, to run forty years, with the privilege of paying any or'all of them at the end of ten years, or at any time thereafter, that the Board of Comniis sioners of said county may elect. Those who wish' to vote in favor of said propo sition win vote a ticket wit-n the word "Subscription" upon it; and those wish ing to vote against said proposition, .will vote a ticket with the words " No Sub scription " uponit. An entirely new registration of voters has been ordered for the election. By order of the Board of County Com missioners, THOMAS J. SUMNER, Chairman. Horatio N. Woodsox, Clerk. June 3d, 1889. tf. Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of J. C. Hamilton, dee'd, I hereby notify all persons having claims against said estate to exhibit them to me on or before the 7th day of June, 1890, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment without further notice. Dated, June 6th, 1889. 33:6t. C. F. ATWELL. Adm'r of J. C. Hamilton, dee'd. Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of J. F. Ross, dee'd. I hereby notify all persons having claims against said estate to exhibit them to me on or before the 24th day of May. 1S90. All persons indebted to said estate are re quested to make payment without further ; notice. Dated, May 23d, 1889. j O. D. DAVIS, Adm'r ! 31:6t. of J. F. Ross, dee'd. A COMPLETE TV1EWSPAPER w '. "THE PRIDE OF THE NORTH CAROLINAPRESS." J. a roxiTz T. B'. KINGSBURY, LL.D. I Editorial staff. WM. A. UEA.iXE, j Do you want to all in building up a paper that shall reflect the greatest credit on Norta Carolina no matter where It may be seen ? Then patroize THE MESSENGER, PUBLISHED IX THREE EDITIONS. THE DAIL Y MESSENGER AND THE WEEKLY M ESSEN GFR. Published at Wilmington, N. C. THE GOLDSBORO TRANSTCRIPT MESSENGER. Published at Goldsboro, N. THEY ARE LARGE EIGHT PAGE PAPERS. Do you want a reliable naoer elvlnsr vou all the news ol the world a Democratic newspaper that equina me uesi nas me largest, circulation and has ior more tnan twenty-one years been apai t and factor In the growth and development of the Old Aorm Maie7 ine suoscrioe to tne messenger. TRIAL RATES: " Daily Messenger, by mall, 4 mos. on trial, v eeKiy w umington Messenger, 8 mos., l.oo Goldsboro Transcript-Messenger, 8 mos., l.oo Cash is Advance Dr. Talmage's Sermons are a feature of all 3 pa pert. Address, J. A. BONITZ. - Proprietor. K. . ... .- - J - A. BOYDE2T. 18S0 la G2AIH wd aU Ksis tt Farming: Machine Pads and Figures for the F i ; 1; Pnr lirlif Amtt- r. J . . 1 o " ease 01 hnnJV the McGormick Mowers are in the World. ; By actual teS'? in a crop of heavy timothy and jcC each machine; cutting its swafJ the nine side of thelield, and T by the same driver and drawn h i? same team. . J THE i DYNAMOMETER S RECOEDS THE FOLLOWING, AD FIGCJn j DO. NOT LIE : ! ? c feet bar, Mcformk-fc No 4. " No 3 " . "i Standard, " " Wood, . ' M Deerlng. 4 tt. 8 In. New champion. ft tests. e.- . tekte 16 tests 1 tests. a Call and examine the folk ISTew Toolsfor Economiz Labo OUE RITCH 111 I ii ave opaned thorough theoretical a school of penmanship aud book-keeping and having a knowledge, as well as practical experience, in book" 1 97 keepinglj am able to give a practical business education, and prepare mv cunils to Masters of the profession speak in high terms of my writing. School is perma nent and stu;leuts can enter at any time. For terms call on or address, Or. JOJM33S, Sallsloury, W. C. South corner Main and Fisher streets. Up stairs. 214 60 2 63 5 56 1.66 26 4.05 7.19 42 71 1.69 2.51 1.30 48 7.63 For Corn, Cotton and Tobacco, is giiarranteed to do more work with one man andone horse than anj tool will do with two men and two horses, and will Jo, the work better. This s.reaUij A Labor Saving Machine, O McCOEMICE TRIUMPHANT IN 18S9 In Field Trials. ' ' The McCormlck, at the opc-Dlcg of the prese ' season, encountered a storm of detraction ralsedto Its demoralized competitors who decried Its wob . derful abilities with more energy than regard for f&Ct. But the Season no sooner hwan than Ik reputation of the McCormlck. instead of belt clouded, shone out more brilliantly thaa ererle. - lore, and the banner of the " Best in the World," after passing through a campaign more atdoou than has ev er been previously experlend, FaW m triumphantly over all. On its folds are emblazon ei the following astonishing legend: RSC0fRDO?THE MCCOBjiICK IN SEASON OF 1S38-189 McCormlck met Deerlng 31 times. ' Beat Deerlng 31 timer. McCormlck met Wood 26 Urn (s, f ' ..- Beat Wood 26 timet, McCormlck met Osborne 17 times. Beat OsborDeiT itlmea. -McCormlck met Buckeye 16 times. J j - Beat Buckeye i time. Beat the English machines Uornsby Sfiumesajid ' Howard 19 times. Beat the Canadian machine, Massey, 22 limes.". . - DELIXQUEXT LIST. Amanda Ellis Malinda Graham Mrs Mosc Meisimcr Martha. Murphy Mrs Mose McLclIan Sol Bichey A'ice Brown J G Cauble Charlie II or ah Wash Henderson A Word Hall Mrs Mosc McLelan Hcuben May Eider John Moore Martha Miller ' II A Propst James Shaw "Heirs" Je Simmons Albert D Thomas Alex Allison TJW Brown Amanda Ellis Dan Gillespie Wash Henderson Mrs Alex McCoy-- Reuben May Martha Miller Angtlinc Miller Isiah Nccly II A lropst Dan Pierre Frank Gladson Mrs M E Hananh' Georjje Hess, t Lindsay Harjjfaye 's ' 1886 acre 1 1 30 '67 t. tt tt t u l tt '88 tt tt u it tt u ti tt M M ' It H ' M 11 i , 33 21 1 1 78 1 40 i 1 21 34 lot anrt 75 53 1.18 1 75 85 3 33 1 30 1.90 1.60 40 1.86 80 3,53 40 40 3.20 40 2.3 2.00 2,95 147 6 75 43 1.03 j 3.26 1 1 1 1 1 1 fllSXSE IK I Ns. THE ONLY SHOE POLISH BUYERSVGUIDE For the best quality and lowest prices Go to Schultz. For beautiful new dress shoes Go to Schultz The McCormick -Mower IS made mow simnlo flion Korofnfnrft and is cheaper. our standakd! " HAY RAKE is the cheapest Rake"known. f -OUB- HIPJOER For the latest styles of Oxford Tiesdc Slippers, Go to Schultz. For Misses' heel and 'spring shoes, patent leather tips & plain toe l A r- 1 . , if-' jro xo ocnunz. For the largest stock of Shoes and Slippers, Go to Schultz. For a large and well-selected stock-of straw hats, Go to Schultz. If the bestat bottom prices are good enough for you, ' Goto Schultz. For a nice trunk or cheap umbrella, Go to Schultz, L 21 l.. 20 1 1 1 t 38 j For the best French blackimr and ladies shoe polish. Go to 'Schultz: 2.95 48 2 85 , ,65 x 79 2.40 For prompt attention to orders by mail, Send to Schultz ; - S"8IGN OF BIO GOLD BOOTgf - ;-- Bespectlully,'. ; - J. Z, SCHULTZ. LADIES tt x'-'tfK (o)QfL nOTTDflB ' n -S& Perfect Mowinj MACHINE KNIFE GRINDER. Wl?ki list 18 bb Px6 ed Into the field and attached to ng. Machine Wheel. Send for PecriPt!vo Wt , l?Vf -gentawanteHn every CJool y. - - 1 H.H. ALLEN CO..rsaVctcrSL,NcwYortJ is a tool thafno farmer with a 3Ipv ing Machine can afford to be without. A full line of Carts j Wagons Bogjpes, SurrayvPWnsj &r- Come to see us and we will male it to your interest to gii;eus your pat s ronage. - Respectfully, , BOYDEN & 9UINNf Salisbury, May 10, 1SS). -?