f '.- f0L XX.-TniRD SEBJES." '.ih ? IB ?M SALISBURY, N. C. THURSDAY, JUHE 27, 1889. 110.36. i' pi AN OFORTE T U N IN Gf 702 S.U.IVB'J.iY.. j jIn OffEt II.-Cnnop (pupil o Pr.Mflrx rof-isor of Mu4c Rt Berlin University, nnr jjotvieur Bcneiet 61" Pari.-) ha come fror .iti'l scttlcl close to Si-l'.urYyAnil i to tans' rcjju! ite and r.'pair Piano r r.rtes. onru t r - ...a hi Pipe Orpins Having ha eA;(i veW practical experience in E jri;uil jies and gentlemen, who wish their mn'ica inlstrumtfuH carefully aa l regularly atten-ld ,nU- r.-ly ti;on hiving thorough nri'l cou elitious work done if they will 'kindly favor ()'U. !J w't'i their esteemed j).itr'm:ige. Liv np" nc.tr town, no traveling ex;en?c? will bo jituctil . 1 then-fore the jUrms will te low: tit' ' lK'r I'uoioiorte, n lune I oecasiunni l'f! or f-r three tuning: in one year. ' Ple.W ' i iv f ,r ,'tiriher iarticularj by io3tal carJ or io'tc Kit at t!n. SlTiti. i. T ..!. II rt- tin ' -Ifl t? 1 "It Id t MM t:lKP9l VcOnomv.to allow any pianoforte tn rrrna m un tuiiol. a. it ruias ti itfc instrument an I car." tfsn deales-says he ha the TV. I.. Douglas cwi without name and price stamped: on . ebouoia, put him down n a ra.ud. re-:-- a: -1? W. L DOUGLAS $3 SHOE .' v""- FOR -. -1 CENTLEMEN. 8.-5.0O KNUINK HANI-SKVyKl SHOE. 5ajM POLICE ANI FA KM KUK' SHOE. 8 J.50 KXTUA VAI.UK CALF SHOK. ;i!otf and 1.75 UOW SCHOOL SnOE i' - All made in C'onprcs, Hut ton and Lac. . Pail In tl wnrld. "Einmin lllfl W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE FOR LADIES. Iteat Material. Best Stirlc EeBt.FitUnB. - U aot nol.1 by your dealer, rito Xi. L. DOUGLAS. BItOCKTON. MASS Exam.no ia. - ou jl aS jhoe tor gentl men .nd iadiss. j F;)K SALE nV j " SALISRUItY. :." ' " 7 mil Fur-aie iv J SX. II 5,.f : V s j . f rJ W jfSl 'MM I I II fl'IVla Li I HARDWAR3 ST0R1': a full Jim-of j;ok in his line, may alwa8 iK-'otintl. SStSothfCetd W fcTITlTin 4 ald far OU. nUl 1 ei . BC wirata ua wtJL Ht II i IJ 1 1 1 1 S3 t . "Ik BB MH 111 f ?m.. U. 3buatiapt.aKS. aria laa.n ;B (ran nti.nua worts tori!lrr Lb sor inrp. and - ii . , - ill . : X '-V. - W ywt bmr fK S tl-mnli. and hw tU K th ban aud, Ihmr fctMW tout in prop-f- T" Ja s C.t Ux Waiir u r". "" 'J'v, 'w jk f?Y-i t ' f-n-w. i f.le itC t4fv Ail l.i r f. li v. ....T.;i i- i i. t ixurtuur . . am m mm ma mi r I 'J . I. " ' i a a , AVM. otul Assets. - - . J,7 ALLEN 2Z0YNr 1 . . .. ... .. ..- -. .: I i l -w4,a : i pel wM-: mnm mllIlgl,. Oysrr' - i.ncss, Rhea- I-- ""Wr - Letter remedy forlheae ' ??iiaTgfl 4i:HeaseCiu 'Autt's Liver 1 i I 1.ILU rjv ' Ji I - S M iQ JT. " .W - w AT V T M . - M I . " , i. - - i - . i- . fo) Uu Absolutely Pure. rhu iei oever t lea, a atv f lor. f ureujrti;uua "'ttoleaoieiirtis lori fjaaoini Uanttirdfnarvktnds', aiid cannci be do om petition with t.e inuluiuct oi loteM -tscr. velgui, alum jr pliosplial e owrier8.ol(5 ol I ans.-7iiY.i. IUk I Mi PuwuFi- Cc.lbi FiraiiU lv Binirliam & Co., Younj: & Bn iaii. aml N. I. Murphy. y-' ' ' THIS AGE Is full of humbugs, and that remedy that Jiapruvea this charge i a God-send to human ity. II. B. B has never failed and that ought to count for sofnething to him who wai t3to be cured of what BlldJ. sets itself u to cure. UTTERLY SURPRISED ! A '1 Meridian-, Miss. July 12, 1887. Fr a number.of years ,1 have suffered un told agony from the effects of blood poison. I had my cast; treated by several prominent idiysicians, but received iut little, if any, re lief. iTesorted to all sorts of patent medicines. pcuding a large amount of mouey " but yet getting no better. My attention was attracted by the cures said to ha vebeen affected by 15 BTB., an 1 I Ciiinm.Mtee taking it m -rely as an experi ment, having but little faith in the results. To iuy utter sur,riseI soon commenced to improve, and deem myself to-day a well and hearty per son all ,owing to-the excellent qualities of B B. B. i I cannot commend it too highly to those suffering from Llood poison. x J. 0. Gibsov, Trainman M. & O. R. R. AFTER TWENTY YEARS. Baltimore, April 20, 1887. For' over twen ty years I have been troubled with ulcerated bowjls and bleeding piles, and grew very wak an 1 thin from constant loss of blood. I have tne.l;4 b ttles of B. B. B.. and have gained 15 p ma I j in w?ight, and feel better in general health than 1 hare for ten years. I recoin m'eud"vonr B. B. B. as the best medicine I have Ijevcr me I, an I owe my improvement to the use of Botanic Bio i Balm, hf gexics A. Smith. 31S Exeter SU - ATT OLD PI AN RESTORED, 'l -T)awso. Git., June 3;), '887. Being an old mm an i suffsiiing from general debility and rlieuiuat'" of the joint of the shoulders, ; I fou.iLl.diffKU-ty In attending to my business, tliat of a lawyer, until I bought and used five bottles of B. B. B., Botanic Blood Balm, of Mr. T. . Jones, or J.H. Irwin Ji Son, and my general health is iraprgveil and the rheumatism lett me. 1 believe it to lc a good mediciue. ; J il. Lai so. . tii Ml vn l3;lra fit nf ninuTen atbiut the cause i nt or .'ti 14 1 tMl.i9vSjrolJli a id s?nfu wis S villus. t'Lvrs. H.r-ca, K-auui itism. Kltneyj O :a.iiat its r, tt irr'i, e'c. ctn se.;ur- by m ill. fre, j a of o 15 n i v nimirt1Bank f Vo iders. tilled Jfiti Vif mo-it wond'Mful and startling- proof ' t tiweii'iown. - tdiv8R, . 40.-1V Brom dAt.M ca. .iiantaua teiul will prove. I'ricei -3c Sold Ever-rwhero. P il. TH3HPS9N i CO. M VSCFACTUHEItS, Sashi Doors, Bliads, worx Scroll Sawing, Moii Turning, AND CASTING! OF. ALL KINDS, , " j I ' ! 'UKALEBB IJ Steam Eainos ani fepilers, Steam ani y water ripe, ; Steam Fitting", Shafting. Pulley Hangers. V" ; j ' AL80 Mit:hiaery of aH kinls repaired on SIIUUT NOTICE. Mvr.ij5.88. StJBSCRIBE FOR THE i n CAROLINA WATCHMAN f -orrfa. .ilii In GO M P AN Y 8EEK(N3 HOAfE PATRON A. CE .0 A? STRON C0IoTAHY,rM , Prompt leTlibefall mm Kehab O . . EgyAgCDts in all cities and towns in the South.' 1 n i. a,nui;x.ij oavTiiMxt. C. Coa nT, SeprcUir- - : V" . :: - 4 - ; - - ffiO,0.00. Agcst, saiscrrv, . v. Wiw-knowj how soon a rose Till fade, How soon a biHIhrg first will fly ? ' : Who ltrow hfw;oonlhe iew. will !ry Upon th prasiK in the glade. Where flickering shadows fitful lie? Who'Biw!w1'ere thrstle-Jiowii.wiil lbflge A'hen tonw br zepyr lightly tojiel: Or 6owf worrtrraUieti on the air. s'Acr6M the lake return again tFrou echoing hills a weet refrain? Amid life'a wettr. po mui-h i lost: A'Ul love and truth abide? .Who knows? : . D. kick, in the lndejtvdent. WomaVt; Per Cent now THE BSTTEU HALF; OP MANKIND - holds her own. Kllx both A. eii-veal'd r la m. l.ouli epublle. In the M uuiu'j of tin Kurum AlivGraiii Al.1!! av eri. atiemjit to.provi : rir..t-tlhat the jn .les if tiu-li ;niui j.- ii 6 : ft the r. ci . Sec mii'hat iill lli .l is tH-tinotU hiirii.iii' jtiltli ;.ice an the m il s. yimd-i)iHt the' feui Lts sin . oi bnf nrnitT- eht r li "i-upji sut, but toi.sihi own h.ij.pv f x, -res :o "atii inttei a part tolUii.off to .ivpr.-lu-e the sj4ec;e.s.M " Ml.tnlaims toliave made thesi (Ucov6rie-uyUlie aid -of hiolov. I snail onU look at Ins aruaient' from a lomnioK-.sense 5taridioiiit. It is not iMiiuuu to kuovv that she is not hill'; we want to know how much smaller than thir half she is. I woman's &n as much as one-hird 1J Is it as much .a ont-lourth? Is it i:s ;-mll as one teiith or one-hundiedth? Or will Mr. Allen atd liiiigj- rerlncc women t thn thousand h .t re of th race? Mi. llen an j;ive the exr:ct size; of thi j.irt it-1 only will It is to be IiojmI that mod ii.ii nr . I Ui a member ot (he l.irge.t ji.irt o7 rhc au:n.in" race will not stand in h.s way. "All that. is distinctly hum n," s y. Mr. Allen, 4in Uw r .ce is m .n to build houses, raitro.uU, to tnaniifacture. are distinctly human lu.ichons. M.-n l)U i Id houses, railroads,' in iiiui .ctuj , while women i.re merely .t h-d ' tl (very one must atiraliv tlii plnast ) lolled off to carry on the r.ce." This is the gist of Mr. Allen's arg mailt, and may prettily put insllois- ti- sh.ipe thus: " It Is hum into build, etc. i Or thus: Men OJild. lit U humu to build, et .. Tuc-itstoie, men are hu j .emeu ao not i.ut.u, miu . i'httetore. mouhu are not I bun .n This tntiv be verv chmi vinciiii' to. bio logical tuitid-s but ro the non-bioioical a few slii?t ditfi.'altie arise. F r i i- suuice, it ir.sieau or tne niuucai ac count of the creation we accept the theory of evo.utiou we must admit therohave lieen long jieri nis in t lie I tie of our race during wlucn mu no nnnv built houses ami railroads than women Huw wits the WM.ii in part of tin rice propornined then?. Were women tlien, as now, tt:e.e y tolled dT (ve c;it .inly admire this phrase) to c.rry the -children of the race? If not, at what pertoil in tne history of the sjie c es d d t ie tolling off -eiin? If Mr. Allen cannot throw oioiogn-ul liiit oa these points, who can? "Mrtiiufactu rinir is a hum in function.' s tvs Mr. 1 Allen, "women do not manufacture, therefore woiueu aie not humni. lint how about the time when women ;e the only nianuf ictuiers in the world? Women were theu the huma i part. And were men then merely creatures "tolled. off"! (the oftener . one sees this phray-e the more one admires it) to per form Mime other work? Is it po-sibie that Mr. Allen does not know tnat wo mn were tlie rirst manufacturers of our race? In the old davs when men were all savages ant I war was tiie bus iness of the.r bves, when man fought! niaii, trilie tribe, coUntrv couutrv, wo men pursued the peaceful :ms, spia uiug, weaving, tilling the soil w hen ever their predatory spouses permitted them to rent in long euongu in one place to-sow and reap. The llamas the human females go byto hisdny rve they were the tirst manufacturers spinster, r the spin tier: wo-ui.m the we.n'ing man. Mr. Alltu forgut to mention a func- tion more particularly ana pre-eminently himan than those be en u mer ited, and tiiat is the functi n of cook ing.yfiom uhirnals do build their hab- I itations, the CeaVer, ftr instance. The fox constructs his hole, the hog her lied, the mole digs her u.idergrotind roadway, the ant builds cities, roads andfortifieations; birds build their nests. It is said that in times of gre.it drought, the prairie dog digs deep wells to get water and construct stepjj by which to descend or ascend easily, but no animal, insect or bird ever cooked its dinner. As far back its history goes the function of cooking has falleu on jtr oinan.' Suppose women turn the .tables on Mr. Allen ani put their side of the argument into syllogistic shape, thus: - It Is human to coolc, W omeu cook. - - Or thus: illsbanun toenail Men do aot coolc. Taei eTore," women are ba' ! man. raerefonwiea. are not uuniio. 1 leii object that some cook, we may reply that sorae, women bttikl and many eugage in nianufac ture.--- . T' ' -h-y-r. c?MI I ''All the vast trains . our race has made in its progress toward . civil iz.t I tion. stivs Mr.'AlIen"have been made 0y men; so rar as women snare in tnose gains, they shnro in virtue bf .being the lathers (laughters, nut in virtue ol liiht? their molherZ.T Them are wo- jjil, I la::L; Vuo inberit ; much of Is nob this aaftrictly Illogical as IXryAllen's premisei',aiul-dexluction3? ShbufdlM;4lIen iGject that some men m ! frrcnlty (that U the human facili ty). ;md sonn- folio x male ayocatirn (d Hj ihis leained gent leni; n mean to eafons?), bTf, by so doing, they ut.sex the ts'lves.' j . Nothing can Im? ; more mo(est than his, and if m Miesty, isupreine and pyr amid A, 1e als a distinctively human quality, the immense preponderance of this eq-ial ty found in the males of our race (if Mr. Allen is a fair specimen) will furnish additional evidence that men possess an immensely greater -hare of the human than women. In Mr. Allen's next biological treatise of tins sul ject he Mionld not forget to bring forward the function of modesty to Mist iin his position of the sujerior humanity of men over women. Some time ago 4IerUirt Sjiencer wrote a series of articles on the Uirler eiit biae which distort nien's judg ueii:; the theological, the political, the class bias, were scientifically: analyzed. Every one knows the jiower for distor tion theological bi t creatures; political ias is eq i dU distortive. Every one k iows the power of class bias. K-ngs oelieve tu iu -elves more ''divinely en dowed than their sub jects. Ail history .ses not m uu i...na..c. of a tntu :-r ciass Imm is aide correct ly to esti mate the mental and moral capacities r the t i a itoi(i ens.uved. Does it e ercur to those gentleman whoso gb: j s iiU iue on woman that m y nv j" o o'ition to judge her fairly? For 5,000 years the sex to which Mr. Allen belougs has held the position of master over the sex he vould now sit in judgment upon. Does it never occur to him to suspe-t th-.t bis judgment may le distorteit by .i hits wliich has come down to him through jges pad, fri,tn generations of master.? Can he not comprehend the iact that when mens it down oi rise up to dicuss wouiau their hiinds are bfog H by prejudices they have inherited fn:u their barb irons ancestry, preju dites wliu h very few m.nds hiive the; -trength to cast off? The long and unbroken rule which men have held m er women has created a bias nior pot. ut for distortion than any Spencr vrote of the b.as of sex. This bias has bw?n h onied down from father to son Until it has become thoroughly Migraine 1 in the verv atoms oE mm s being, although every step toward civ liizition weakens this biai; still, even in i his dav, now and then it starts up with all its ancient power to distor". Tne teach n.s of Christ gave the fir.-t blow to tais ternicioui bias. For nLtuy yars after Christ, within Christian h irehes, women were on eq nhty wiih men. Women might preach ami perform religious rires eq tally with men; bits w.i sank out of sight. When the male priests gained a little temporal power the old spirit of domi nance sprung up in their breasts, and they legaii to hold church councils and is.su- canon laws to suppress w inen. Women were forb.d leu to preach, enter th altar, to administer the sacrament, to p rfrin baptismal rites. We have reason t i believe christian women did not so quickly submit. During several centuries church councils agin and again issued Cinon laws to silence wo ne . i rMchers. Daring all the.e centuries the m ile priests gave an the reason why women siiould not preach the old story that Eve's iiioled.eiice had brought sin in the worl l; that but for fve earth would be a ptradise, that Eve's female descendants are unworthy to preach the religion of Christ bec iuse female descendants are more prone to have de dings with the devil thin male. M'U . .1- i ne c.i triie ot bves disooed.ence in he nutter of the anole isra noticeable instance f sex-bias, and its distortion of the case (if we take the Bible acco mt :i f;lct.l 1 simiv " tb it. Aibini suit 1 nut ;ts) Eve was the guilty party. The com - m and not to eit tne apple was given to Adam liefore Eve's creation; there is no evidence in the B.ble on which any jury in America could convict Eve of tne sin of disobedience, for there is no evidence that the Creator ever for bade Eve to eat the apple. Should any theologian iussert that Adam told - a mires it ll the year ataniM, yet gives Eve of God's omin and, we reply there j his business support to fome ot tier, con is no positive proof -of this. Any cem whose business he jdetests, is not worn in acq lainted with the , natur u foroetf niness of men will be slow to believe Adam thought to mention the matter to his wife; yet for 2,000 years Eve ha- borne the 'stigma ; of that charge, and eloq lent preachers of this day repeat it. Not it.ng ago Mr. Tal- m age preached a sermon oa l!ve, ami declared that she w.o the cause of all the sin and sorrow on thin earth, de clared .. obe was responsible for every battle ever fomrht. every Quarrel, every erim eomm.ttfMl on earth. tjei-;iUus 2 a. m - d.storts Mr. Taltn tae's iud 'meiit ab most as much as it did those old bish ops who held a . council 'in the sixth centry in Macon, France, to discus and determine whether women have soul 4 or not This conned was com posed of forty-three bishops with sees and forty-six blshnps. w.tb.ut sees and rifteen envoy. One learned bishop learnedly argued that as a woman could not be called Homo, a man, it joatd not bj s.iid she p issesse.I a soul. To tbi-i a te imed bistiop replied that "as the Scripture said Gcxl nude man. male and female, an I a Jestw Cnrist 11.-.1 11' ... if ..- .l,..a w tvull is caiieu iuc sun 01 ixau, n ucii ii. t tuovn that he was only the son of u .vouiin, he thought thJy were bound to admit that wcra a hava souls. though of rn-iuV quality very inferior to The judgment of the learned bishop" of the - sixth century were no "more 4ron Iy di torted by HfX-bim than the iudg nciit of the learned biologist of the nineteenth century; place the ar guments of the two gide by side and murk the similarity. "be learned bishop sertst -ten a tre sou's Vome - are nut teen. Tt learned blolo?lat as serts: It is hum-in to bund. - - iVomendonoi but.a. , Tbrer r SDUlS. Aomtnbave no Thertore wou:en are not aamaa. In their efforts to reduce Christian women to subjection the oh priests so persistently decried and depreciated all womanhood they poisoned th uiinds of the laity against them; it wai the warfare which brotnrht .ulxHit celibac of the pri. 8 hood. The first Christian priests were permitted to marry. St. Uhrvsostom summed up the 'priest I estimate of womanhood in a few terse lines. "Woman," s id this worthy saint. ,4js a necessary evil, a natural tempt. tion, a desirable calamity, a domestic eril and a deadly fascination.' St. Jer .me taught tint it was hardly jjOA-ible tor a married priest to euter heaven; if, by the skin of his teeth he managed to get in, he could never take that high pi ace reserved for the uumai ried. St: Jerome said that marriage was chiefly valuable because they furnish the rate with house builders, students of biology thrown in. If Mr. Alb h is not himself a lineal descend ant t f St. Jerome, it will not be denied that his ide. s of - woman" hate come d wu in a -straight line from that good old stint. These priestly teachings in t me bore the bitterest irui ; sex ani mosity grew so intense, it culminated in the most awful persecution of wo men the minds even of devils could conceive oi; a persecution which did iot cease until, as historians estimate, 9.UVl,0M) innocent women had been tor. 1 1 red to death by tire and fagoij In one day, oi.e hour, in the pn Ida q ntre of a Christian city n France. 4u0 Christian women, guilty of no crime whatever, were burned to death at the stake. The charges against tin jvomeii were thaV..thry,w had dealings vit h the devil. A traveler through Scotland c.tsmllv relates that in one i t.. i a-ty s journey ne saw nine women burning at the stake. Tno Hands ot Christian women were burned to death on the charge of being married to the devil. Every one of these false and foolish charges were based on theVton that Eve brought sin into the world. Every one of these KK),000 murders ol iiihocent women were eaiiM'd by the s one sex-'iias and distortion of judg ment which has com 4ovn through tne centuries and fallen so lilieralli on the miiid of Mr. Grant Allen. Only a short while ago in u Sunday school, the lesson of the creation w..s taught. : A bay of twelve took it in greediiy,;ai:d next day lieiug require . b. the public schtxd teacher to write a compo liion, he selected "Woman" as his these and wrote as follows: "tfy womtn wa Eden lost and man curst. If you trust her give up all hope of heaven. Woman cannot hve. because she i- t'o. selfish. She may have a fancy, but it is fleeting; her smil s arc deceit, her vows are triced in sand. She is a thread of candor. with a web of wiles. Her ch irity i hypocrisy. Complexion, heart, tovgue and all, oil, I hate you, ye cold compo sition of art." This boy bids fair to become as learn- cJ a biologist as Mr. Allen. Newspapers ani tinir friends. Under the caption of "Newspapers and their Friends," the Milford Jour- i nal has the fid lowing : "A newsp iper, if it h is any brains, ! conscience and muscle bad of it, must continually decide lietweeh doiuj: its : duty and injuritig its p cket. In any position but that of an editor, the pub luHs able to sep trite the individual from the collective citizen. But if the editor does not please them, it's hi pocket they aim at. hm it is that iiew-spapers le rn who tjieir friends are, The in in who reads a pewspapers and a Triemi ot tne lormer y yr. n um- r ttion alrine.H not run a newspaper Sooner or later such admirers will find, th .t the oiij-ct of their t affections h is become w elided to other ways, which they do n t admire in other words, a newspiper s '.'compelled, in order to live, to seek the fnendship ofthose who are not so plat ocic in ""their love, bu t unite that practic il esteem with senti- tiient that lands uiutuiil iulmnatiou m other nrofes ions. There are IMi 1Y1 111 V T - a . 1 men wn expect an c defence of their pet .notions biV-. advocate their views against the stnmgest position, and coolly with hold the business support by whiph Uilone a newspaper cmii live. Tpoch. - Tin tranVrion trout jonjr. linerinji m d nainbil idrkneHto'rolHiia health Utark n eN.h in ike ire. of the inoiviuusl. Such reuiarka le event Is, rinstiril in the m. nt t;rv auil the a c-riey whereov the .l hntlth kn iK'eo atuiocd is graft hjih b! sed. Henee it s ill 1 w much is l.enrJ in pmie t E t-cirie Bi:ti-ts. 80 mm ti el tl.fi tw. their restoration to heali h. to tne - --- - . . ... . ; use u ureal iineraiiv t,u sfe trouhieil will ai.y 'diiH:.se ot . K'ui neju. Liver or StoaiH-h: ot hinz r s'mhi ;..1iq yni wilUurelv ii'iH reoel" l nr!ei trie Bilters. d l,nl She. ana $ per bo.!!, at K'uttr A C. Druttorn A Worl to the Boys. As the majority of oung men of the present time are striving for some more honorable sanation in life than mat or n farmer, I feel that a few tvrktrf fitfm 1 a, trnve at an immense fortune, besidts bringing with u some unequ-iled de gree of fame. We go to hcho 1 a little, ieani to compute Algebra and translate a little L itiri wri.e a business band, and then begin at the age above men tioned to think we have some predes timd" husiiHSs qualities, and re "too fast" to farm. ! Now. instead of apply ing our physical ami mental strength to the selt-sustain'iig farm, we are most apt to upply to some merchant fra clerksh p, which is sometimes pn cured at the ulall sal .ry of ten dollars per month, which will barely pay our washing and high collar bill. Though we are in town, and by the industrious farmer lniys of our former section are called s'town lxiys" and thence to "duties," but on the contrary by the city chap. For them our col lars are never high enough, and we are not recognized as town hoys, any more tfiau Mr. Harris' waiting boy or Mr. Snooks' drayman. Such are not mere ly suppositionsjmt facts to be testi-di-d to by all of us who ha.e tried siwh life. W e may not at such an early age ee the property and comfort io le ol taineil f uu the farm; i hough a.-k some old f -.ruier who has been doing just as 1 have been doing to-day (plowing) ; or the last fifty years and note hi surroundings, and see if it is not th- me and universal verdict of :dl such men that pure and urn eliteJ l onor ami' weal :h are not the res u L of hxI f; r u ing. I d i not want any of my reader o conceive the idea that I mean tdl farni ai;d nrchtM)I. No! Alas; my ir ends; gii all you cati; learn sill you can; etui trace every opportunity, and if possible, obt ill some collegiate train ing, though still ret tin the iutution to iMJ an ayLo!a, wl just -s soou as your schoid tiays iire oer go to the farm. Don't think because your mental ca pacities are strengthened, that tour physical si retigtli 's Jess ned. You are then better prepared to go to the farm than formerly. You can then begin to know just what yoar laud needs. Ju-t soloes the doctor treat his pa tient by his symptoms. Now remem ber that some, one of t he a'ove describ ed "wisliy wishy bovs first took a bus iness course, and then fooled away some tim trying to had out whit- "my tal .ut" was, and at lastdecidedth.it when i mere b.v on the farm he was con tented, amt why hot repair to the old farm and try my first voc tion. Tfeel that I have seen my errors in due time. I have been to school in the county and in town, and am now at the age of twenty-one years, I think perma nently settled on a farm. I have join ed the Farmers' Alliance, and aim to profit bv the same. U. C. Woodard. in Southern Cultivator. Law3 of Plant Twiitin. In Professor Goodale's ;Text B.Kik" it is noteil that in the tropics some plants twine indifferently from right to I -ft. A piper in a recent issue of the "Proceedings of the Academy-of Nat ural Sciences of Philadelphia," shows th it this indifferent twisting occurs in some parts of the plants in this and all other parts of flowers. It is the reason why flowers are oue-ided, or second as this character is technically called. The flower and the spike twist alter nately in oppose directions. This law'-i". essential toflowersfiom branch es ttjiilinir on the around. If all twisted in one direction, some flower would twist into the ground instead of all leing erex:t."JA teciTiid spike is a case where a flower branch, ouce prob ably horizontal, has acquired an erect habit. The same author notices twisting in two opposite directions in the sini2.nr.ver in uialv tceous plant I I e ho 2 v hock, tor instance, is so twisted that the petals overlapping uoainst the sun. twist or rather un twist towtrd thti sun in expmdin But when the flower beirm to fale the closing petals hp iu the other di rection. ami the fl wer cdoses against the sun. A closing flower wonld nat ur til v have to L'o in the direction '.re- In kI V ! experience awe Plant, raising the feed on' their n tbefascinating idea of -qmck for- own I.iid. My pobcv tbmugh life hn, tunes, ,o much entertained by seme , been to make the farm elf-fertilizing of us, and the resiilt of the same, will and selfusfciiniug in every way. be te, perh.-ps, e.ictmraging to some of j sides supporting ray fniui'ly. Fresh be iyoung readers who are wanting to and healthy gmsaeeds and clover make smart men, mid nlsc want tuj seeds never refuse to ciiw because na farni. e are most apt, at the age of ture forms a glume or ihff over the "ighteen lr.t1'vet.v;.t conceive some sied as a pndective garmer.t. The .vay by which we think we can sKn practice ol sowing Ihesei seed In the ditor to slave in f the overlap in the totals gWe a di--lotions and hoti- i tinct eh o tcter 1 1 t'.ie tvis . JV. ) 1 Verf U9 tilt' ifinriJllliie "'Miy nirjit-i'i.nu. Independent. j , ; i ' A Very lut Vironi Of the Aliierirali jwT.pfe are tio:ibld will a iiMt--aio:ijii g, tr.'iil. no mho . li tt rreai' e. niplaiiu caileil "Catiirrh. It !.-. . n--isai v to be mi tioiitI d. It is . , ' .i-iiii.litra:e'l In v q H' lliat C'nrkeV Evta I ol Flax (J.ij..i!nr) O: tarrli Cure iimimli.iteK reih ver una p' i- iiiann I. u i Caiarrli.i A ili in uiti t lair trial K C' lo inee int. . - ; U-e-1 iM-'k-' F.x p ' f'r t fie bfci . inari Cu. $i.ra; j Kp ms. Ji.o. a.'Eft- iV Diw,; t.j.e. At Blood-bri-ter l.ltei sii.a. iii Ik i ui td li.to e;:rits of vtph-.'rt and laia'jle-; tiU n c'H eases paiih Sep 1 1 neiv .uve and Sowing Cloyer feed in the ChaffL Faruier$ who have had s no exper ience in mowing clover teed iii the thsff have yet to learn the eMet wny to ' w " w chaff h s come down to irrasta enltivu. ting fanmrs from remote forefat hem, I have bought Her.s grass seed, uud others at livery stable. in the chaff by the wagon load. This seed, mixed with wagon lo ds (in bulk) of cluff ctaver seed, will oiten give a farmer a cheap and excellent iast tire br. meadow. I have Nceu u great deal of laud well 8t in grass and clover witttout ,ny plowing on fresir ground. A sharp hairovv does the tillage, lit bus been a forty-years wonder to the writer that so many farmers in the eottou-gi owing States fail to see the value of; good pastures and good meadowy Jn Hol land, gniss-land is worth ttJOO an acre, to raise tows for Aruericau farm ers. Our Spanish jacks and French horses are raised ' on land of equul y.tltie. ':.""'. -' '. ''-- ' How can our farms rise to their fnhV value before we learn to produce first- chiss herbage by ; the acre and by the hundred acres? Now, we pay anutial taxes on a great deal more suiishineihan we use to ad vantage. Fut iuore tif thi unprodtic?, tfve laud in clovet and the Iest nativ.f and imported grasses and agricultural' sunshine will lie worth as much by the . icre in our cotton-gro wing climate, as in aiiy part-of.Eiirote. The agricul- tural jaiwer that gives existence ; to M-Ten million hales of cotton a year on f American soil, has no equal on theei-st sale of the Atlantic. It iieeds nothing so much as grass and clover to gat hrr, ' up and concentrate stock feed and feed tor growing coitou plautsr . The inil- Uions of dollars, annually paid by farm ers for commercial manures, shuw the absence of much needed clover as raw material for making cheap cotton out i of iiir and water tnat co-t uothiug. onder the pivguant f .id; buril a balu ' of cotto.i, and .-0 per cent, is changed into gas ami vapor; mere commoti air tud com moil water. - Wntti Lee. in Southern Culticahr. J y - ' V Oils aal i'alj. It i estimaeed that the United States has a doctor for very0JJ in habitants. ' ' ' '' ' Florid i ha $F2L000,(XX) inrtea iu the orange bus.ness, andthe sale this MM S ...-." ( year were, a tourtn ot tUat large auount. y - - ' " An "inch of rain" miiris 14 . 'jgillon- of water spread?over a surface of near ly two tquare feet, or a fall t-f r.yJ tons upon airacre. ' To think well of every other man condition, and to dilike our own, is one of the misfortunes of human na ture. Pleased with each other's lot, our owti wtrbute. Burton. Only 15 per cent, of the inhabitants of Paraguay can read and write. Ac- cordnig to Consul Hill the women do the work and the men do the smoking, gambling and cock fighting. . Jf a fool knows a secret, he tells it because he is a fool ; if a knave knows one. he tells it whenever it is his in-v terest to tell it But women ami young men are very apt to tell what secrets they kuowfrom the vanity of having been trusted. 1 rust none of these whenever j you cm help5 it. Chesterfield. ; Bill Arp on Chnrchss. The Methodists and Baptists have lieeii the pioneers for a century, and carried "their religion into the wild erness and established civilization. They drove mules and drove ox wagun and cleared the laud, built log chur.hes, and when -everything -Was sorter comfoi table the Presbyterian came riding tip in their I-uggies and . rbckawaxs and settled among' them, and planted out shade tfe and 4 rose bushes and bfult a church with a stee ple, ami set up the Shorler Catechitsm and preibvt ination. and nioyed around as though they were thejji-ctr By and by, w hen two or three railroads :ertt built, and the sln.de-trees hud all grown . up and the ; n t it grass w;.s growing all h round and r round, and the strcets iere nNiMiTamizci!, and an ojraliouHJ built, the Epixopaii uis came along in ajotolic Mitctsion, with stately steps i!hd j rs i-ha U i.i.(i Jxnt i.t:d Murdi Gras all mixed tip logeiher.'and they Ix.bl ,-t-ti up Mil tn ly ; into iv fejx church wi h taititd gliss windows autLW sunieil i oJa 1 he siii.ts for whom the orid w as nide in .x days, and alU ViM'y itivniyitiil in .Ulunta Con? St'.tntirjr. ' -. . . ". 1 v...:: r-i Vi -:j ,:riyfi 11 criticised fcr - wnat iii. v w:.t; . 1.1a u it were cuowu . 1 ' - . - r . a th'v iioi.i p: tiif, 4'lor ttV ntm-beiifce J tii v v h.n. oui . j v i ; t t hi t 40 print. 1 1 hey -a onid v -oi.' ui -u.i - much . moid i geaeiou ja.igmt.tV. McGinn. ' i ...