---"t'--' ir--." -fjifc !; 4 k - i t . - j, i - i i-- - Current Items I Henrv Q orire w;ll vis't Australia in j ftovcm her next, y ; 1 vi Mrf-IVirce, tv'.fe of the late Bishop God. F, Peirie, did at Sparta, 04 t'H Tuesday, ' y Mrs. Mav brigk i no reliit ion of Jef ferson Davis, and be never heard of her U itil Ihe ftffrs averted that she: was jm niece, ; Prices for great violins have reached the highest mark of their history.! a stradivarius is advertised for the un- lio.inI-of shim of .i,000, j Senator James L, Gordon, of Virginia tas been elected orator for t he nextui imal meeting of thealumma of t he Un ivcrsity of Virginia. ? The committee on stock Jist oL the -Stock Exchange recommend the Appli ration of the, ltichmond and Danville to list fA(H)0 additional consolidated mortgage 3 percent, gold bonds, mak ing tlte total amount listed to date $2,- ii77,000. y r In the Delegal i ns at Vieri na. Tues day, Count Kaluoky made a long upaech. He expressed ihe belief that t:ie peace of Ltirope was not -iit present endangered, although he admitted tlm the situation was unsettled and iniiit easily change. A New York dispatch to the Baiti- - more bun says: I he (ieorgia, Carolina and Northern Railway, whose $5,360, O00 first mortage 5 per cent. boiids were so much oversubscribed in Bal timore, New York and London, will run from Mou roe county, N. C. ti Atlanta, Ga., 268 mjles. and will com jiete with roads in the Richmond Ter lliinal system. . There has been formed au organiza tion of English companies composed of leading iroft and steel makers of Great Britian, to build extensive steel and iron works, including four furnaces. . n steel .rail mill, rolling mill, &e. at a liew town at Cumberland Gap, on the dividing line between Tennessee and Kentucky, The name pf the town is to be Middleboro, Kentucky, and for over a yesir the Work of buying mineral t lands, preparing railroad connections, has been vigorously pjushed. A seiie3 of poisonings happened at Carthage, 111., Monday night and Tues day which has resulted in three deaths y and the serious illness of a dozen neo- - 1 Tl .... ! pie. rnysicians assert that the poison - was administered ' in strawberries. jSeveral m iscrean ts were recen tly caugh t in the strawberry patches near there, and it w supposed ihe strawberries were poisoned by them. A tramp was found dead in one of the berry patches, nod is supposed to have died from the jmmsoii. I JNever within (he recollection cf j those best informed, have there been J. so many homeless people in London as now. After mindight they can be mji lying around on the streets, in all highways and in all sorts of out -of the way places. In such of the parks as v are kept open, and on the embank ments, the seats are all uncomfortably prpwded by these homeless wretches : frying to sleep, and in any cf these .. places, so great is the rush for seats that thev are all pre-empted soon after dark.althongh sleep at such, places must be put of the question for sever hours after. . George B. Ormsby, late an ensign in the navy, Wednesday brought, suit in the Supreme (urt of the Districts Columbia against Secretarv Tracy for 8100,000 damages, for trespassing, in cident to his. imprisonment ' at Mare Isluiid, Col., his trial by court marshal, arid his dismissal from tire service. Ormsby alleges that there were not sufficient grounds for his arrest, no authority for his arrest, no authority for his long imprisonment; that he was not furnished with copies of the char ges and specifications against him, and : that in various Jways the defendant vio lating the revised statues in conducting lie Case. Washington correspondent of the Baltimore Su n : The President is still - importuned by llepublican members of ' the House to call an extra session of Jngress in October, but no one of y them has he given the least indication of how he is affected by their argn- t"1, fr,ierei " e Jeasn for the belief that up to this time, at least, he sees no reason demanding a session in jidvance of December. It is positively leaned that up to this time there has 1 not been a siugle allusion in cabinet meeting to the contingency of an extra session of Congress. The Russian government proposes to raise a new loan, the raonev to be used in the building of srategic railways imn fortresses. The Austrian Empe- w. is inongni, to indicate an abandonment of all idea of reconcilia ton with Russia; The French Senate y has adopts the bill for the improve nient of the. v harbors ofCherboiirg, Brest and Toulon.! The Chamber jof Deputies assetl the war budget. Ihe bwiss Council has decided to bor row the sum of 10,000,000f. with . which to purchase repeating rifles for the anv. ' - - Bishop Pottor docs not intend to Ti-each agnst current political sins and tread the nopotistic path of dalli ance himself. . His brother William who ih ati i architect, was t among fou successful out of the fifty odd contes tants the designs for the great Prot tantcathedral that is to be built in '5,V.lClly::Bhop"wai nsk ftl, if his brothers plans would be ac- -pieu. aim answereil: They will not if I can induce the trusteej to reiect i.nem,; the fact that he is my brother K II W m!u condition lw hick rj n"der ur crcumsiances, should prevent his rne i ,ioc of Ne w York.. f .-f-: ii - -.'-:" T-t - -;V.'i t- -,' . . ;, A1n:ca4 Enterprise ia Africa. The proj ct foicon pecting the tip per and Lower Cpugo rivers by a line of railroad around the falls and rapids, thus opeaing communication f ruur the seaboard with 3,000 njiles of navigable waters running through a highly pro ductive tropical country, is one of the greatest commercial wheiLes of the country. Of its practicability there is little doubt, af Jer the explorations of Stanley and the experience of Eruin Fash a and pthera, who have disclosed the rich resources of the Dark Conti nent, .There will, of course, lie great ob stacles to overcome, but with sufficient military protection they will not be by any means as formidable as those en countered in some other undertakings of pur day the '.Panama Canal, for example. Of pluck and skill there will be an abundance devoted to the great enterprise, and it is apparent that the requisite capital will not be lacking. Tne personal donation of 500,000 by the Ring of Belgium as half of the appropriation of his kingdom is, of coure, only a drop in the bucket in comparison with the capital that wil! be required; but those who ! iv sm tuitiea St m ley's ex editions fi:istiiule a syndicate of practically unlimited credit, o that the?. Etiropeaii snbs-rip-tions to thetntjrjrse wili be large uni reliable. The announc?ment"that American c tpitalists have already recorded large subscriptions, is a surprise; and as the gentleman wno are credited witn tnisi participition in African imjrvements re men of the greatest experience and si:c.ess in American railroad under t iking.4 of continental minitu le, their judgement as to the feasibility of the ureat work on the Co:ii?o will le ac- ceited sis co lclinivj. X. Y. Star. , Mistaken Fhilanthrcpist. Richmoad Times. Auxne oioommg city or itoiuoice, Ll li t I I 1 1 tne ouier a ry, a pnuosopner aiut re former from Pennsylvania wasdescant- mg on Southern barbarism much to the disgust of several Northern gentle men, who presently took occasion to remark thnt the boirus Pennsylvania!! philanthropist was- an incontinent blackguard and fraud. The latter h id I een flitting between the bar-room and the hotel office for several hours and . i: i - i . t i uraciiciu'5 oratory on tne oar-Keep er until sutticiently lull of raountaiii l.. a -i ii uew 10 overuow witn superionry . Me then began tolectnre the- pussers-by . ... r until quite convinced that he was be ing snubbed, ami then he went forth and dragged in a colored bo.ot-blaek, with whom he intended to illustrate his superior ideas i f race equality. He ordered drinks for himself and "this gentleman," illustrating the demand with a tender embrace of th colore! shiner. The bar-keeper refused to irive ine sinner a drink; as he signihed his resolve, that colored gentleman, with an acrobatic leap, got on the top of his dignity, and thence looking down, he said: ' No use, bo3s, to say ain't gwine git a drink, cause I don't drink wid no poor white trash like dis here, no how. And then the Pennsylvania race cqu illty philosopher went'up stairs and quietly folded his grip sack and silently stole siway. - Had an Object. uMy friend,' he said, as he entered a shoemaker sqop on Gmtiet avenue, liI should like to sing you a song." "How much you charge?" "Not a red cent." , "Vhas it a nice song?" "Very nice. l am sure you will be pleased with it." "Vhell, go ahead." The man drew a long breath and started- off. It was an awful noise. It was intended to lift the shoemaker right off his bench. It did so and after the first verse he said: - "Maype you haf some object?" !! have, my dear sir. While I dnnV. charge you anything for sjnging 1 do charge twenty-five cents to ston " - i see; vhell, I vhas going down to Spnngvvells for dis afternoon. While I doan' sharge you to come in. I make you pay feefty cents to git out." And he stepped out and locked the door, and for two hours the itinerant talked with an inquiring public through a broken pane of glass, and freely acknowledged that there were oetter games than his. Dpfrmf 1?. ee In - " ' hrress. The recognition of the bold assertion to perfect equality made by the United States in the Samoan Conference is the first, almost, made by the British press that Uncle Sam is a grown up man able to dovwhat he promises or threatens. In the past he has been petted and hu mored as a promising lad who could tunefully whistle Yankee Doodle, who was great on Spread Eagle oratory, could boast immensely of what he could do, was was alternately nett.1 n threatened. Uncle Sam now heAnK tn am now begins to U oonr up as a great Instv fll might prefer to whittle his sticks, turn his quid of tobacco hrhis cheek, crack his jokes, do anything but! lose his good temper and fight, even when im pofted upon; least of all to seek a fiht for the honor and profit of it He reems now ta be a "dangerous fellow" jnd not to be trifled with. And yet he bas done nothing to scare anybody; but lm moral inflaenjee somehow has got abroad and inspires a, wholesome re. gpect. Ashetille Citizen. j T Ari Eminent Dootcfs Presiif Uon. nrEtV 1' r "nrj Chica-' Ul- pratuced nu dicirp many year sat- I et Jxtract of Flax (PapillU) SklD Cure in 4 diseascg of the :" , pme cure Applied cx- lerny' W inD II, ;-" . ; "" ' - M Strictly Judicial Answer, . Lewiituq Jonrn.it, . : ":'-': One of the best siries of white-bair-ed, wlrite-chokered, :ourteoq tXrlvin It;ont, is abinit m mellow old lawyer wh used to live on the banks of the Androscoggin, The scjuire was given to deep potations and was famou for his fine distinctions. It is said that in special pleading he could split u hail even more closely than Mr, Record can himself. , y But often after the shades of night had fallen, the squire might have been s.en struggling home so boozy that he apparently could not split a shingle, to say nothing of a hair. . j" One night wh,pn he was drunker than usual, he staggered completely o.it oi his course and could not find it. Real izing that he was lost and drifting in to unfamiliar regions, he called at a hous to ask for information. ''Madame," he gravely said to the lady who -aue to the door, candle in hauu ''Can you tell (hie) me where Squire Blank lives ?" "Certuinly, she said, and full directions. gave hull But as ttiey talked and look-d, iier ...!...! gr-i'(uaily bi.t Mil the Ie rt irtj ol a puzzled expression caaie ovr iier face, ami she tiuaily a.ske . : 'Bui i n't this Sqitiie lii.tnk ?" "M atiame repiied-tiie o!l la.vyr, as suming a judicial air "that is entirely (hie) immaterial." Wealth in 0re3. The we;ilth of Western North C.ir- olina in bessemer ores is far greater than is known to the world in general. There is enough high grade bessemer ore in that section to run every bess emer furnace in America. As strange as this statement is, the Record knows whereof it is speaking. It also knows i hat Ei.'giish and Northern steel mak ers have, been carefully investigating that region through their engineers, f id there are goo I prospects fur devel opment in the ear future, which will surprise the whole country. .The belt o c untrv ruuuMig through Western North Carolina, E.s; Ten nesse, North Georgia and p irt of North Alabama, has mineral wealth yet. undreamed of. Western North Carolina is one of the most remarkable countries in the world, with a Wantages of a balmy, bracing, health-giving climate, water in abundanc, pure as crystal itself; mineral and timber almost beyond de scription, and it will in a few years be the scene of vast -industrial 'develop ments. Manufacturers' Record. Railroad Anecdotes. Celebrities often have amusing things sa'id to them in railway trains'. There is a well known storv about the late Matthew Arnol who was bored to the extent of a long journey bv an ignoramus who would talk literature to him. Mr. Arnold would not dispute with, but when, with the portentious seriousness of one who has discovered a great truth, he s;id, 'Tn my opinion William Shakespeare was a great poet," Matthew warmly grasped his hand, unu wun equal gravity said, "Do let me shake hands with the only admirer of my tavonte poet. A story of a verv umciciii muu is loiu or or. jiiver Wendell Hoi mes. Traveling down to Gloncester he heard a long conversa tion, which ended in the countryman taking the autocrat's hat and savinir. I read something in a naoer the other day about the size of great men's heads, and I thought I'd like to know the size of youru. But what bothers me is my head s the biggest of the two. London Globe. Allen Thorndike Rice. Few men have gathered un in thir ty-eight years; of life more varied and romantic experiences tjian the late min ister to Kussiaaird editor of the North American Review. The child of an unhappy marriage, he was abducted at the age of nine by his mother, and carried to Europe to be educated. Upon the death of his mother he be came reconciled to his father, but the .1.1 1 . .. T 1 1 lamer aiso soon aiect and young U i...,j J...J- . -.fiior iicin n iiiiiiinu, gi auuaiirig WHO houoi-s from Oxford in 1873. Shortly after Imeturn to America he nurchas- led the North American, of which he has since been editor. In 1884 he bought a controlling interest in the Paris Jjurnal Le Martin. It is worth noting that he wjis one of the eighteen men that entered the Hotel de Ville with Gambetta and heard the third re public proclaimed. His death which occurred very unexpectedly at the 5th avenue Hotel in New York, May 16, ; was due to a severe attack of tonsilitis Conyregationa list. The Tru Farmer. When our farmers get their farms seeded to clover and the grasses, and divorce the farm from the cotton and tobacco incubus, they will begin to realize how much easier it is to live and muke money by growing stock, not only for their own needs, but also for the market. The fanner who always has some thing for sale, and is not ashamed to market it, we find independent of com binations and trusts. It is also true that the farmer who produces what he consumes has but few demands upon his bank account, and, as a naturstl consequence, has the readvcash for most demands. John Kobinsox. An Irishmsin In Liverpool, bein , - l -m v..a.g . hard up for a job, took a walk down sel. lie addressed him : 'Troth, Cap? tain, a n' do ye want anv sailors uVVas joti ever at tea hefore, JPat ?" asicea tne captain. "Uv me roiiI. Skid Pat "aadofe think I camp nvlr ' from Ireland in u.-oal n.rfvn ... 1 - . . uue 01 ine quays to see if he could nick w,H,ua,, ov our piopm m the hope 1 up an oaa 10b. SSeemo; the CaDtain "V. "IV wn- Ana jet it standing on the deck of . mu V7 a"'. e guarantee that el . v-o- 1 in 1 1 its ii rniiHi n m-Mxiri 1 ;3. : monopoly. ":V':'.y' ..v The eloquent Patrick Henry Raid: "Wo. can onlv judge the future by the pist. :. Lork at the past. When Egypt went down, 3 per cent, of her population owned 97 per cent, of the wealth. The people were starved to death, , w AVhen Babylon went down 3 per cent, of her population owned all, the wealth. The people were starved to death. . When Persia went down, I per cent, of the people owned the whole land. When Rome went down, 1,800 men owned the known world. For the past twenty years the Unit ed States has rapidly followed in the steps of these old nations. Here are the figures: In 1850, capitalists owned 37 per cent, of the nation's 'wealth.- t In 1870 thev owned 03 per cent.. Bojton Progress. Verdict of Experts. "Fetch in the body," dered the foreman of a Texas cr roller's jury. Fh; boU' wis laid liefore theni. Fhc- j;:r' ni le a c:irernl ex Muni tion, and questioned the attending su - -will. -Whar was he.shot ?" "Square through the he.irt." "Dead in the centre o' the heart? "Right in the centre." " "Who shot bin,?" "Jake Daniel..." A dozen witnesses declared lhat Jal e fired the shot, and Jake himself ad mitted it. The jury consulted softly lor some time. lvu i ...v.,n ..e u : " "l TU l It-lllill I 111 tli rum, lflli:in nt tha inrv ....... . ' k w... imi T . said the .ii.. 'j' coroner, "wnats vour ver- "W.ial, Jedge, answered the fore man, "we've come to the conclusion that Jake Daniels is the dandiest shot in these p trts- and don't you forget it!" J Bitter Word. bitter word may di-ouiet A si ngie 4... ..... I. I J i n cubinr i.iiiinv iui u wnoieuav. uue surly glame casts si gloom over the household while a smile, like a gleam Of sunshine, may light up the darkest and weariest hours. Like unexpected tlowers which spring up along our path, full of freshness, fragrance and beauty, so kind words, gentle acts, and sweet disposition make glad the secret spot called home. No matter how the .ihode, if it be sweetened with kind ness and smiles, the heart will turn lovingly toward it from all the tt multsof the world, and I home if it be homely, will be the dearest spot be neath the circuit of the sun. A merchant, taking advantage of the ignorance or necessity of a customer, pockets out of a single transaction five, o it may be fifty dollars, s n 1 lie gor s to his rest at night without a qualm of conscience. The next day he detects a boy appropriating some article of goods not worth more t fiat 50 cents or SI, and he denounces the poor fellow as a vinian, ana is eairer to have nm snt vidian, and is eager to have to the Stnae prison. But which is tl e worse? Is a frau d in the form of a trade bss sinful or less harmful than a fraud in the form of a thief? Found in the. Newspaper. hiivc never, as our nadirs for ncarlv "thirty yers tan testily, written o 'puff' "of any patent niedii inu". Duty as well as "inclinulio.i impel us to depart from this "studied silence, to say to our readers and "the puMic that, having been completely 'prostrated with a violent and distressing "cold, alter three days fighting it with nr" "dinary remedies and getting no relief "from their use, we obtained a IwMtle of "Clarke's Extract of Flax (Papillon) ougn cure, ootaining almost instant ie ie! ami a steadv lmnrnvemrnt. nndi.r ita "use." Larye bottles only $1.00. Ask for Clarke's Flax Soap. Best on earth. 25c. Both of the above for sale by J. IJ. Enniss M I Ui M The catalogue of the University ol North Carolina for the year past shows that the institution is well eanioned it work. It enters imon a second 4 century of life with every promise of enlarged usefulness and prosperity. The next session begins September 5, 1889. For catalogues address, Hon. Kemp P. Battle, President, Chapel Hill, N. C. A Scrap of Paper Saves Her Life. It was just an oidinary sc rap of wrap ping paper, but it saved her lite. She was n the last stages of consumption, told by physi'.-ians that site was incurable and could live only a short time; she wcighexl less seventy pounds. On a piec.3 of wrapping paper she read of Dr. King's New Discov ery, and got a sample bottle; it helped her, she bought a large bottle, it helped more, bought another and grew bettvr fast, con tinued its use and is now strong, hcalthv, rosy, plump, weighing 140 pounds. For fuller particulars send stamp to W. H. Cole, Druggist, Fort Smith. Trial bottles of this Wonderful Discovery free at Kluttz E (Jo.'s Drugstore. It is estimated that the liquor traffic costs the United State Governmeni seventeen dollars for every dollar it re ceives from that source as revenue. Eupepsy. This is what vou ought to have, in fact, ...iiov mm; n, id luiiyenjoy inc. Tliousamls nre searching for it daily, and motir.lin'r licenitSP tlwv fin.l if n..r TI, - ev " J MM.. I. Mi'l. 1 ll'IU giin,,s tiptm tliousands of doliarsmre spent bat may ectric ins to directions and ihe use persisted in, will bring o Good Digestion and oust the demon Dvspepsia and jnstall instead Eupepsy. We recom mend Electric Bitters fur Dvsncnsift anl iseases of Liver. Stomacli and Kidnevs. ?P:a al.5c anlf 1.00 per bottle by T. f. IKIIt... a.r ' . T" . . Bticklen's Arnipa Salve. ; The Dkst Salvk in the worbl for-tTuti. Bruises. Sores, IJJcer, Slt Ivlirom. Vv-r Sre?, Tutte. Clj ipel. namls (Jliilblains Corn. ami nil Skin Enijlion?,nd positive ly cures Piles, or no pay" rcjtiin-l. It is uiranteel to ivc perfect satisfaction, or tuouex refunded. Iiice 25 cents pes Imjx; Fur Sale lv KlutU & Co. 3:1 v. Josh Billings found one thing that mjiiev cannot b:iv, and that is the wag of a do's t til. It is au honest expression of opinion of tha d'x-.- ""WHAT MEDICINES ARE MOST CALLED FOR ? asked the reporter of an old druggist. . PT- Pierce's preparations," he replied. uThey are sold under a positive guar antee that they will, in every case, give satisfaction, or the money is promptly re funded. His 'Favorite Prescription, for all those chronic weaknesses, nervous and other derangements peculiar to women, is used with unfailing success. It cures weak back, bearing-down sensations, irregularities and weak nesses common to the sex, and being the most perfect of touic medicines builds up and strengthens the entire system. The de mand for it is constant, and I am conversant with scores of cases cured by it." Returning- after a few moments absence, the venerable wielder of the pestle remarked, "the number of sarsaparillas and other, so called, 'blood medicines' is legion; but Dr Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery outsells them all and it is the only blood-purifier out of the many which I am obliged to keep upon . my shelves, that is guaranteed to benefit or cure In all cases for which it is recommended, or money paid for it is refunded." "In the line of Pills," remarked the old gen tleman, "the little Sugar-coated Pellets put up by Dr. Pierce lead all others, both in amount of sales and the general satisfaction they give my customers." Copyright, 1888, by World's Dxs. Med. AS8'x. 500 for an incurable case of Ca tarrh In 1 1 A na.l Yvwr ko proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Bemedy. By its mild, soothing and healing properties, it cures the worst cases, no matter of how long Standing. By druggists, 50 cents. A nOMPLETE KeWSPAPER. - v ' 'THE PRIDE OF THE NORTH CAROLINA PRESS." J. A. 1 OXITZ. ) l B. KINGSBURY, LL.D. E:UtOllal Staff. W.M. A. HEAivNE, Do you want to ai 1 In buildl nor in n ninr thnt shall reflect ! lie greatest creation Nortn Carolina no matter where It may be seen ? Then patrolze THE MESSENGER, PJBLISI1ED IN THREE EDITIONS. THE DA IL Y MESSEXGER A ND THE WEEKL V MESSEXGFJi. Published at Wilmington, N. c. THE GOLDSBORO TRA XSTCRIPT M ESSEX GER. Published at Goldsboro, N. C. THEV ARE LARGE EIGHT PAGE PAPERS. Do you want a re table n:i rrr crivintr vrn ii tho newsot the woil I a Democratic news-paper that eauatsthe bast h.is the itinrst M.i rr11 1 i t inn c , si has for more than twenty-one years b.'en apait and iuuiui iuiucsiJi.MuiM ueveiopment or me North state? Tae subscrioe to ine i EMifvnrn TRIAL KATES: Dally Messenger, by mA, i ms. on trial, 2 co Weekly Wl'.mlnc-lon Mi-ssphwr s i, r.t i'.. Goldsboro l ianx-rlpt-Metiseiigt r, s mos., ioo Cash in Advance. Dr. Tannage's Sermons are a feature of all 3 papers. II CSS. J. A BON1T2L t'ixprieLi)r. Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as Ad minist mtnp nf tne estate ot J. C. Jlamilton, ilec'd, I hereby notify ai! persons bavin" rbiims against said estate to exhibit thein to me on or Detore the ah day of June, 1890, or i ii is nonce win oe plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indehted in estate are requested to make without further notice. Dated, June 6th. 1S89. 33:Gt. t F. AT WEI. T. 4d,..'r " of J. C. Hamilton, decM. Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as Ad the estate ot J. F. Ross, dee'd, I hereby notify all persons havinsr claims o-m;.,JV said estate to exhibit them to ine on or before the 24th day of May, WjQ. persons indebted to said estate are re quested to make payment without further notice. Dated, May 23d, J8S9. O. D. DAVIS, Adm'r ,31:6t- of J. F. Ross, dec'u If Ul TT3 J-JT Tl Tl if? if? ta&a" . . -IT" - -7T. 1L uUHlLlCLi ''CC5X.WITrTC bteam, Au and Vacuum Pumps, Vertical and Horizon vertical piston Z m i i k 1 . 1 . I H ? v "f-T . 1 " - PIEDMONT EOP. BicM(nd& Danvillo Railroad, IN EFFECT April 14, 1U39. Tbain? Kun By 75 MEKinrAK Time UA1LV ' SOUTHBOUND No a0. N SS. l.v. New Vort i ,riiit:delplila BitUuuore " Wdsnlngton catrloiiesvllle LyncUburg Ar. Dinvllle Lv. hleliuiond Burkesvllle KeysvilU lunville Ar. Orecnsbcro 12 15 7 2 9 43 11 t 3 SO 5 4 8 10 3 MC 4 59 5 4 S 41) la 27 t i) ir 4 ro 5 S2 S 3i U 13 .0 37 12 26 I 51 7 4 92U 1 Si 2 Ol 4 4 5 00 II 00 A M 4 1! - 9 6 T 4 5 S 9 tl a r m 5 5' " (I p it : . . - A M 30 13 05 ii 00 P M l.v. ooiasi oio Ar. UaMgb i Lv. Hileljih j Dartiara I Ar. Greeiiboro I Lv. Salem j "! lireenslK-ro 1 Ar. Salisbury j SMtesville i '1 Aslicvllle y " Hot S lrins t Lv. Salisbury Ar. Charlotte i " S;art.nburjj i " ureenrille Atlunti I 9 tn P-M S 7 Midnight Oi JO ijj 5 l it 41 10 23 40 ar 4S 4 05 9 II It 4 S A M P M ' ' ; A M P Mr I IS i s ' Lv. Charlotte Ar. Columbia " Augpsia NORTHBOUND Lv. Augusta " Coiumtli Ar. t barlt tte Lv. Atlanta Ar. tireenville Sp.irtanbig " ciiartotte " S ilisbury Lv. hot Springs " Astieville " Statcville Ar. 8 Hlsbuiy Lv. Salisbury Ar. Greeiiboro s item Lv. Oreensboro Ar. Durham " Ii.tlelh Lv. Katelsh Ar. oldsboro Lv. Oreensboro Ar. Danville " -Keysville " Burkcsviile ' IO hinoiul " Lynphl)urar ' ha riot t s WaSiiinul " Biitlmore " Phll.iflrli " Xev Yorls- 2 20 10 3) A M P M DAII.V, !to. SI." NO. 53. 8 15 P M 84l A M 10 40 " H2 50 P M 3 15 AM 5 15 " u 00 p M 7 10 AM 11 43 A M 1 49 P M I f 2 4) . 4 4 " B"S0 17 " 7 05 P M 8 03 P M "18 10 P M 9 4? " 1 32 3 SO A M 6 't 4 37 , " 43 ' 0 it Til 8 00 ' S 49 It 40 " t 34 A M 4" " IO HO P M 12 01 P M 5 0O A M 1 02 " S 30 1 0J t9 00! P M 3 10 " 1? SO : o 3 A M i r.6 P M I 9 47 A M lb TJO P I 12 3S P M I 43 A M j 1 :3 " i 41 3 :-o 5 is " J12 40 P M 51 2 53. 2 55 " i 00 7 13 " 6 5 8 50 tS fO $ f'O A M 10 47 - 20 " 1 20 P M Dally i t Dally, except. Sunday. TralafJr U il-igr via CI trksrilleieive Richmond dally. 3 P t.: Keysville. C.05 P.M.; anlvt s Clarks vtt'.e, 7.25 P. M ; oxfor I, s.3J P. M ; uendpr3 'n,9.3o P. M.; inlveB Durham lo.Sop. ro.; Raletgh 11.45 p m. Iteturnlng leaves Kaleljfh 7.oo A. M .; l-.uihara, s.30, A. M.; Uenflersou, h so A. M ; oxford, lo,2o A. M.; Cljrkesville, 11 18 a. m ; KeytvlPe, 12.38 P. M.; arrives Bichmond, s.Ho P. M. I o-al mixe i trains leave Durham daily except Sunday,-5.3t P. m.; arrive Keusville, 1.35. A. M : re turning, imvo Kevsvli:e. 9.t:o. A. M.; arriving Dur ham. 5. io P. M. P.isa ;n- co in attached. No 51 and 53 eo mens at. .-lchmon4 dallv except Sunday for West Point an l Baliimcrc via York Piv ri'I.ine. -No. 50 from West Point connects daPv except Sunday at Kiehinond with No. 50 for the Sotid . No. 5o and or cornet ts at lioldsooro' with trains to and from lo: fliead city arid Wilmington. No v con-a cts at Giveasb ro and Selma for Fayetteville. No. 51 connects nt Selma for Vi:son. N C. Nos. ro an i 51 make close connection at Univer sity station with trains to and rrom chapel mil. except Sundays. SLT3EPLNG-CAR SERVICE. on train no r,0 and 5t, Pullman '3uffpt sieeDCi between Atlanta and Nw York. Greensboro ,fi,d Ausrnsia. anl Greeusbjro, Ashcville. and MorrU town, 1 enn. on train.-52 and 53, Pullman Euffet Sleeper be tween Washington and Ncw Orlears.vta Moiit oii ery: and between Washington ani Elrmlngham l.tehmond .iikI (Jreensiioio. Rakish and Client anKoxvine Uln 1al0r l'ars belwn Salisbury alTooPii?slU'kCtSaSlleiU Pr,ac'.alstaJon?. to For ratesndinformatlonTappU to any ngent of the Company, or to SO-iH.ttAiS JAS. L. TAYLOR. J.aitlji , yager f Geu. VaSg'enl. W. A. TURK. Div. PassAgr-nt, AL ir.II. N.C. Rrnrlnr-Xfnrhln.l . vuit riuDnihl ar- in a: I pan, by I i ltiir n n r ...rl. I Fuuui v.nrre toe dnh i. . .. u. 1 tn-m VCf win n. t . .... . a ofl. -DrifrOD tn rarh In..; ... .1 'up-iudiumr malc IB corid.wnh l. :',c tiinThnu in. e ito send free a ron.ita I wimpirs in reiurn rt ih.i , n what we wnd. ! thow who en i t .- iv I. . - : -& Mi..i.lli.hehaU brccnir v, r own J;rr.txTty. Thi praoit nia. hinp ia fmiiflraiifr tbe Ninrr. 'pairnta. .... 1 up qui 1 Mure numii , ran ont n old foi fiU'l. vu tha Cr rirhm.nti . n .1 1 Imrns . -.iwiitFw. muff U9w Till tn.i'fimj. m ik. 1. . .. . - ..unu. jiti u . " " ''' -o rapitar Ira, ind. Pl.in ..imm pivcn. 1 iinsa who wriif 10 ua at ono re .He iho b ac inc-maoh.n.- in tbe worJ?l A CO.. liox 7 iO. .Vi.Ku.ti,, Jiuiue. Administrstor's Notice. T V;7?n"ified as Administrators of J. u. Oaskiil, deceased, we hereby 'notify al persons having claims aaainst fiis es tate or agaiHst the late -firm of J. D Gaskill, to present tliem to us on or bo fore the 2 th day of June, 1890, or this notice will be plead in bar of their re covery. Persons indebted to said estate are nottfted to make immediate payment! bahsbury, . C, June 26, 1889. oG:Gt- B. F. LUNXT L. LUXN, Tnrn Admr's of J. D. Gaskill. iheo. F. Kluttz, Attorney. mill Kllft A a I 'titer h Z7 ety and capacity. regular Horizontal Piston. The most simple, dprablc and effective Pump in the market" for -Mines, Quarries, Refineries, Breweries, Factories, Artesian wells. Fire duty and general manufacturing purpbses.;- Send for Catalogue. - Tie I S. CAMERON STEAM PUMP WOEKS -:. oot ok East iinn Stkekt New Vohk; i. y-; Effective May 13th, K' Train No. 52. West Bound. Lv 9 00 a. m. Botston i .to ii. m -:: Sptf Tnit 6 57 ; Philadelphia ,4i-y . Baltimore It oo Washington 6 05 a.m. Lynchburg 8 05 .Danville 130 9 38 a. m. Bichnmnd leidsvuie 10 pr-m. 1 4" a. m. s it tiolbstxtro Balelgt ; Durham. - 3 1 a. m. Greensboro irsi a, m. li ii -noon SalPhHrv Ar StttesvlllA 12 30 Dr ill. 18 53 j 1 14 1 4 810 2 50 -y -8 49. S 13 -3 27 -4 00 Cataw ba . Newton Hi-korr Connelly Sirtrjg Morgan! on- Olea Alpine Morion Old Fort Pound Knoh Black Mountain Ashevllle Asheville Alexnndcts Marshall IlotSnrlngs 4 31 4 10 5 09 5 34 S 10 - Lv. Ar. Lv. 5 40 Ar. 7 3n p. m. Hot Smlrgs ' Morrlstown " Kroxvpie . Jelll.-o 8 SO 11 40 - 7 30 a m. Louisville 11 io 35 1 no fi4n 7 lo tn. m. Inl-nopoJls chi"prr -St. Pml St. Tcuis K8nsn8C4tv p. m.. a. m. Murphy 'Branch. Dally except SCNpay TA1?H Al) IS 8 oti a m Leave As!ieipe io 25 rr M'aynefiviiie" 2 26 pm- Charleston . 503 Jarinis... r Leate, A, & S. Iload. h Dally except SUNDA1 TRAIN NO 12 3 so p. m Lrave n Lrave Sparta nburg Arrhe , ' Arrive ljendcrsouiTTe i Abhevilie - i.,v IT 75th meridian time V.tcd to l et siTT Pullman Slc'erei between Waw littiiYSn ! UIII II fc."-. .. Parlour " f " WU- Mam A . A A-V 1 1 f II, J , W. A WINElTX.ActD, TESTING FRUlflf TO YOU MY OD READEE, TXavc you planted a bounteous aipr! J-J- of fruit trees. '1 he Aj.ple reach, Cherry, AiiUot, Quince. ' Grape, Strawberry, .tt.I all olhcr diif. able fruits. If not. iliv iw.t t..t s.. orders Oue of iian.ru's great is iur great nuniHi i of vatielits of tu attractive wnoisou.cdi tuts. i The Cedar Ccve . Nurseries has on the ground about p ONE MILLION . of beautiful fruit tietp, vines and plak to select frt'irjiiiehttling. tieuiiy tbrtT hundred varieties f home acehmattd, tested fruits, and at rod Ixi'ttoih ptiip, delivered to yoll sll y,,ur lifanKt railroad station frelg.ii t charges paid. I ran jilm every ope who Wants to -7715111 a tr& grape viuc, or strawbt-i ry plant, etc. I have no comparative lointtetitiotrasta extent of grounds and desirable Lurstij stock or quantity. . I can and y p WILL PLtAbL YOtJ. - I IlilVft fill sTtpg fif trrr fir.cipi.il frrtm tl foot tice to 6 and 7 feet t'v and htutv. rueu uescnntive catnluLiie Ine. AC- dress, . rLy N. W. CRAFT Proo. 44rly Shore, Yadkin county, C. PATENTS,: CAVEATS, TRAM! MARKS AM COPYRIGHT., j y obtained, and all othpi business teU.S.Ptl, Olilfct alt endetfto tor Moderate Fees. ' : our ottico is opposite tli L . . Patent 01Bcf,M wecanobtaln Patents In li-bs liUiie tlian tfipttre mote rroiu Washington. - ry Send Model or drying. We advice as to patent abtlli y free of cbai jje, and make A'o ckarjtHmi Obtain Patent, i We refer her" to the Postmaster? thetfT ' Money Order Llv., and to offi laitot the r. S."Pi ent office. Forclrcttlar, advke. teims icd rct enees to aclualclieDtstn joui o nStfltcwtjustj writtto c. A.SNOVV ACO.r Opposite Patent unite, Wablilugttil.v . Oct. 2 1, 'S3 IU- - J J)Rr J. C. McCUBBINS, esui'goon Salisbury, - lomisii OHice in Clc building, second flor" Dr. Campl).ll,H. Opposite Jirtlware store, Main Ftiett. D. A. Atwui '

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