1 IiJ - ..... r , OIi. XX.--THIED SERIES. SALISBURY, N. C. THURSDAY, JULY 25, 13S9. no. 4a j I- a IAH.ROAD ELECTION. OfIGK "i-i hereby .civen that there ii K,i .i ilir'1 titll held in Uo Willi coillitv .win ""t . v - - t - TuUy tod lftih (li' iS'. Lsr the purpose of subinitling tot ,Ii.iYilud Voters, of said enmity, a m J.' iuhscrihe one hundred thousu the po- i f,',ll ilJo the stock of the- Ya.lLrn Kail- , KiIWy,Hi nvcperci-ni. wMiui ine Ltintofdiowan, to run foil v years, with ... ntftslege ol paying any or--an oi mom It tlieVnd often fears, or at any -tune Iii'i eiwtr, Uliil l lie Bimni u moioiois- lj,mel of said county elect. '1 hose film Wish lo vote iu favor of said pn;o- Mti'llJ-AVI II voe ticket with the word -inhfce-nntiou ii n ll : ami those wihi r.. ti.-vofe atra'mst said proposition, wilt Lite hi iieket with the words 1 No L. rih ti l u run k. , . . . . r An (sitpcly ncw registration oi Kiieit ordered for the ihelioii. v otcrs. liv -iUr of the-Iioanl of Ci-nnty Com . . Tiuvu i m!MI'IJ tlllSHUHCIT, . - - , A na.nitan iloKiio N. Woodson, Cerk. APOMPLETE WrWSPAPER. 11; Tiinj'Uii)i:oFTUK south cakolin A PRESS." ' u KIN iUri.-Y, i.'.ls rfT. i" j. i lit. Ni-. Ho iJufwInt lo llln Inll'liii'r u;i i ntw thfH ivlV-lSl'i'' .'.lf4-s1. i-i e Hi nil iiiri IIi.l'.o '!lln m.iiijv win re i-U.v b wtui J U. n pai ieie THE MESSENGER, !g jiiisnri) rSr tiiici.e r.uinoxs. W-; g t , r MlttSKS GKi! A XI THE lltMiiUlwi t VI!inlti!fln.'N. Tiu'i cioLDsnono TL'.ixstcurrr- x ' - MlXSK-Xtll'JH. ' I V. pub tshrrt at Colilsl.oro, N. . TH'IA AilK l.MK.L Ki Uft P.ili l PF.: S. lin ffr t a re i:ll- I' '"''1' sr'vl'i',' ' on :i!l tht iMsM.i.di''l '-; i"'iniK-fiMe in v. sjujm'i- tliaa 1 1 iiitai-ll st -ii is Vtt- i.irrfct etrvKlitlf n so (i Slsuirrto'j-'! in i;.M-iH-"a; ye us.D -en i p i i mid ficl'ii-ife-iiie trr i i ' 1 " i,im "i i -vm SunlOfaHi? T..e suiiwi i' e i i lie A! kssnher. t4 Tia ItillV MfnanSPr. nv m 11. 1 iik'.i. v i ni:'i. ?2.eo l.oo loo Wl.'i-I W aniii',rniii ji'-mm-. 1. - 11 , P i f v isa in aiivanck. i riiK'ns are a t-vUirc of all T pap're. d lrcss. J. A BONJTZ. Proprietor. UPWO : 0 ' mwmmmmmrmmm p.ilA. AT WELL'S PRDWAR3'ST0R3,- ;l'tll line of "nods in UU line, ni;tv y . ... alwavsia; found. SH.? &o1iil Oold Wairh r.irI NI. until Ulrlr- wairh In tu rll. iimlteeiH-r. i;r-J TUlIiea. lleatjr tgj-l Ooiil lluulm? Isjci. b. Tii laiiir, 11 ml (ns'al.e$.-n iili vork nnl c:i-.- I c-qu:l .Titlu. ' cniiiy can iturptiiic fr( i". trcMhi-r n iih our Isrpre turlTrl cflblc lino rf I T ni-l:ol I hnuplrt. Tifr Mil.i. wll itili, m- t-nii ""B mSr knma fo- 21 months and :: n tla-m lo tin ts !ia hate caaril: t'urr becoino vour own r.rrptcr. 1 li- it once rcn bo mire cf rrccirins '.le T nt"h Co., St . 1'ortla.ttd, r-Iinfr. .i-r til mre. f "fcrht. rre. A'i'irr n I 5? T-h "DT7T? m.-o- lio foium "n ra? i.C Ooo. x ilJT iiiiju i l!.. viol i .t Op'.i Nt-wpouor -1 ... h-rgtfni!l'ar.-au(10 Rptuw t.. wh-re ailvrtlsUf lr-t iiv U.-. marie fo.- ItlS M5W VOItll. 9U V:. . t s i Vni- il. b'. i va tt evviao -t...,. 1 d sip I-, IllfWlij WW l t JVlieridi Sal fi Trnnir rB's sow I 'I -9 IB, r? XVU I V I 71? 1 rl iiJ'5 il"tl " - i- Sw pwnlS! TiNjn w -'LL'j-i.-, ' ' ASSeW,;. T LROYALKSSS J Absolutely Pure. This .ur.ler never varies. A marv lor mr.tf strength. and wholesoraenets. .More economical than Uier(lln;irv kinds, and cannot be sold hi mpctlt ion wlili the mult it uc'. oilow lest.lien welsrln, alum or phosphate powders. Koldo;il In cans. liOYa l B.ikiMi Powdik Co..lCi all fcl. N V . For sale 1r 'Bingham 4S5 Co., Young & Bos tian,!ind N. P. iMurpiiy. f ' Almovt eTrrvlictff vr M ants 11 "Krh'g Tonic." Ilere'L 11 imji!e ttstin.oiiial. which icivp how II. U. H. i rejr;ir.lel. It will knock your mala ri out au l restore ynr apK'titc : - Sp2nlii f3r a Sn-injj Tonic. AKLivriTOX, Ga., June 30. 1888, I siifiVn!l with malarial lilool poison morror less all the time, mikT the only medicine thai ilroie me any goo 1 is U. Ii. Ii. It is undoubted ly the bst ti.ood medicine made, and for this malarial country should he used l.v everv one 1 in the spritijf of the yettr. uird is pood in sum mer, tall and winter as a tonic and lloo 1 purifier. Gives 3:tt:r Satisfacticn. Cadiz, Ky.. July ;, 1837. -.Please send in? one box lilooi Ualni Catntrh Snufl'by rctursi mail, as one ot" my customers is taking Ii. Ii. Ii. tor eatarri- and wants a box of the snuff. D. U. 11. gives better satisfaction than any I ever sold. 1 hare sold 10 dozen in the past 10 weeks, and it gives good satisfae ion. If I don't remit all righrfor snuff write me. Yours, . . . . H. Brandon. It Removed tht Pimples. Rorxir MorxTAix, Tcnn., March 23, 1887. A lady friend of mine has for several reus been troubled with bumps nndpimr.les n lur titee and nee, far which she used various cos- metics ia order to remove thcih and bcantify au t imjirove her complexion: but these local applications were only temporary and left her skin iu a worse condition. I recommend an internal preparation b now 11 as Botanic lilood IJalm which I have eeu using and selling about two years; she used three bottles and nearly all pimples have disappeared, her skin is soft and smooth, and her general health much improved. She ex presses herself much gmiified, and can recom mend it to all who are thus affected. Mrs. S. M. Wilson. A BOOK CF WONDERS, FREE. Alfw'io leslre fa'l inform iJon about the cause an I care of Bloa 1 Poisa is., scrofula and Scrofulous l ..111 .... 1 'I i,ik iji-ao Dttaiim iI1l.i, L'Mnnn j nivr 111 1. t-l';- i. o.ca, uutuiiiiusui, m-iucjr C-OSnpiill IHM. j 1 t.li 1 ii, n c, ;;iu wcuir in 1 11, ll rt-, a eapv of our 32-Da.tre Illust r it,fd Book f Wonders, lined with the moat wondeiful and startling proof i ewr 0 foreicaown. Address, I 4o:lv Bi.oud xJ.ii.y ca. Atlanta. Ga 1 i M ii 1, W -4 aUii t !re irplI IIvcp. ifpnsll -n i . lii.vi'.livi: -;iis. regulates lLo bu6Cia, UiiU urc lillCyili.leil UH uu lit f ii'nr'Hl 5-f h f !-cir virtnex nro , :Io;.v ri!ro;iawl. i.y ..tv hvsm jice- .In r fT oikct't i: . i -i 1 '. iiiss I i isv'.e:a ' t .'' t..i t f:-.-i. I ;;: u: !y M:i.r Cu.vil. Lo.-o h L ?i;-c, ."fi:.. GcIJl nvcr37"C7lioro. Office, 44 Murray St., Now York. P. ii. TMMSm & GO. st .y X UFA CT C 17 k n s, Sash, Doors, Blinds, work Scroll Sawing. Wjoi Turning, AND CASTINGS OF ALL KINDS A i DEAl.Kr.S IX- Stsam Engines and Boilers, Steam and Water ripe, Steam Fitting, Shafting. Pulley .Wjingi rs 'ALSO Mr-'Iiincry of all. kinds repaired on SIIOJIT NOTRE. , Mar15, '88. - - ' - ly KUH Oit AI'iK. L. II.CI.KMKXT CRAIGE & CLEMENT, Atjoinovs Vt Law Sai.isiiukv X. Fel.:Jrd, 1 38 1 fin 11 ft COMPANY SEEKING HOME PATRONAGE . ' o - - "a i stecStg" comsahy,'' - i - "VI X v PrOmpEenable, "LibefU ! jf"Agent in nil cities and towns in the Sonth."5ia i E HODIS ERCWIIZ, President j C. PoAittyeerelary. -J- S T"50 OOO. , i; . ,. , . ' . .. . - The Boys to be Troud of. Here's to the boys that ore always ready To dd their best at their play or work; Xercr afraid, as some are, of labor Never trying a task to shirk. Never saving, cannot do it," . And putting-it m-"till by-and-by," Dut facing each task with a sturdy courage; A willing heart and .1 brave "I'll try. Such are the bovs we all depend on, Such are the hoys who will some day win, Tiicy shut the doors of their hearts and guard them Against bad thoughts that would fain come in. Though on1- boys, as age is reckoned, j They are really men at heart say I, j And it makes me glad and j roud to see thim. jAnd the world will be proud of them by i aud-ln . F.len E. Rexford. .0. r A Will Ride. ! r It cisu't Lc(!oiie!M i '-W't'd Le canoht!" "I'll tell you how 5md the third speaker, who stood facing his two companions, I oys about his own, si2t. stepped a little i:u;irer rs liesroke. He wsi8 a bright, iilcrt boy of JO Hurry Denton by name, the only sun of a trusted engineer on the V. and A. railroad. A horn mechanic niid mathematician, he was easily the best scholar in our school, while his f pen, generous nature and fearlessness made him the ler.der of the -village boys. j His companions were Willis Bnlyn, a quiet, studious boy; the only child jof a widow s hose slender income barely sufficed to provide for the two, and, with careful uianaenient to give the boy such an education as she wished him to have. The last of the trio, and the narrator of this e ca a e, a i call d"Ned' Fa". iland. His social attributes were : si love for mechanics and an aptitude for j getting into sera pes, It was the evening of Fast dajy, 1SG3, a time when that day meant for Lmore than it (toes in those times of peace. A 'Sunday qu;et w.is upon the buisy vil'age, and only the music of the church bells could be heard where we boys stood. I Before the civil war began. Steven ton was as dull a t.lare as could be MTound in New England, s .ve for the small repair shops of the W. and A. railroad, whit h were located at that' pfaee, as it was 'midway between the termini. " There were excellent wa e privileges, but the water power of Miitl river was utilized by but one small onceri!, a woolen mill th:t. stood close to the rail road shops. I The war changed all this. The rail road became a gre A transportation line, and the rolling stock and machine shops were more than trebled within two years. A now company bought the mill, added buildings oi brick alid stone, and began the manufacture "of army cloth. Its contract necessitated running, the mills night and day, and a speedy innovation of the progressive manage ment was a small gas works attached to the-mills. As the railroad repair shops were often forced to run over tiujerirrangements were m ule to sup ply them with gas from the mill plant At this time many roads lighted their passenger ears with gas," which wiis stored in iron icservoiis. beneath the cars. In the station platform were pits furnished with hose for rilling these holders. j At Steventon the roal curves slight- j I v to the soul h, and at this point ta branch running northwest connects the main line with another village about eight miles up the river. Near its intersection with the V. and railroad this branch crosses tlje tail race from the mill and then the river., An ingeniotii mechanic in the rail road macliiae sl.os had built for tlie directors a d;. patch car propelled by a gas engine. It resembled an ordinary platform car, was about eighteen feet in length, and geared to one of its ournals was an adaptation of the Le noir gas motor. . In this engine a mix ture of gas and atmospheric air is acl mittedrto each side of the pi&t.m heaci alternately, and the compound explod ed at the right moment by an electric spark from a Uuhmkorff coil. A two bar railing of gas pipe surrounded the platform, with an opening on one side for ingress and egress. Near one end, over the forwaad or driv ng wheels, were the throttle and reversing levers. The brake was a ste I collar, surround ing a cylinder on the main journal, and by means of a screw eon hi be tight ened by turning an ordinary brake wheel. The car, though unfinished as yet had nir.de several trial trios and had worked perfectly, though the builder was not yet quite sati.tied with some of iis ha tiires. - Now the proposition wnich had so started Wilis and me was that we get this car out, fill its g ts holder, and take a ride up the branch. Harry had been on it several-timos and knew that he could handle it. - . "I'll tell you how?' lie said, uand no one will be caught, eifher. My key unlock .; the shed where it is kept. We will lay strips of board --on ttie rails so the, wheels will Tmafce uq, 1 i 1 1 i . t t sounu, mi me noiuer, pusii the car up the branch line to the bridge, and j away we go! We can easily g-t hack 1 before the special, with the two .regiments for Greenville, is oie at this place." ... ' I Our objections were quickly over ruled and wifh one eyo upon the watchman's lantern, which occasional ly shone here and there, as that offi cial went his rounds in the railroad yard, we proceeded1 to carry out our plan All went ; smoothly and in fifteen minutes we had fiiled the holder, pushed the car to the trestle over the race, and Were ready to set out. We took our places on the platform, and when the watchman's lantern again-disappeared, Harry opened the throttle. The steady btit almost noise less lieat of the engine, followed, and we moved smoothly forward across the trestle spanning the race, along the embankment. beyond and Jthen over the trestle that crosses i Mill 'liver. Two miles further we ga sed a culvert, and, about the same , distance beyond, a bridge over the high way. After crossing this Harry closed the valve, and allowed the car lo come to a standstill. j l,Xow for a spin back." he 'aid, and quickly reversing the engine, he ripen ed the throttle again. There was a pe- ' culiar jumping motion as we started, and Harry m some wav lost his bal a nee, fell forward nd sideways, and, carrying the lever down with him it opened the valve to its fullest capac ity. There was a sudjlen lurching for ward of the car, and in a moment the tremendous speed of the engine, added to the force of gravitation for it was down grade now sent us for- I ward like an arrow. The air seem ed to hiss past us. so great was our .peed. Harry regained his fee at onee, and called to me, "Ned, the lever is bent eve-r the guide rods. Help tne straight en it.M But our efforts was useless. We only bent it m another place, while the united strength of all thre? could not shut the valve. 'The brake, Ned," said Harry, and catching the wheel I gave it a quick turn. Even as I saw how loseiy it spun around, Harry exclaimed: "No u.-e. The collar is! o.i Allen's bench. 1 saw it there this morning. W e are i i tor l boys!" We .ere. Even w hile we had been making the discovery we had reached the high embankment near the river. A moment more and there-was a Hur-r-r-r! as we sped over the trestle. A brief interval, scarcely noticeable, and a shorter Kur-r-i ! mounded. The next Steventon station and shops were be fore u. and on the platform, with lan tern held above his head, stood the watcman. We had tin own our.-elves flat cpon the floor, forward, -before eros.-ing the bridges. I he car swung round the curve in safety, gained the main line, and spt-don toward the next station of Hau he!d, a tow n of some importance 12 miles below. iiiis had not spoked since our mis hap; he now aske I, iu a voice so changed that I would never have know.) it, "Don't you think the watchman will telegraph them to sidetrack us at Haiilieid or do .-omething for us?" "He c iiiuo ," said H trry. "EvvMi if he could lind our operator, the Haii lieid oihee is closed, Dj;it worry boys," he added coolly ; "we are all right if our engine runs i own before the; special -meets us." Oddly enough, I had forgotten tiie special train whidi was to bring t.ven- ty-two hundred recruits up to the camp at Fairview, and as H u ry sp ike a chill crept over ; ai d a horrible buzzing tilled my ears and then every seme was strained to catch some sign of the dreaded train. Still our speed was undiminished. We sped through cuts and over bridg es; past barns and j) ist quiet larm hous es. On, on, on. l,Hark!" called Harry, involuntarily, for we could not be quiet or alert, and then to our ears was borne the sound of a distant whistle. The special was coining! Again the whistle sounded, nearer than before, and to me it seemed like a human shriek. In another moment we caught sight of a white light high above the track. The Central road crossed us here at grade, and this was the signal to the special train that our line was open. And theii to the left of the track we discerned a lantern borne by a man who seemed to be running toward as. But these signs were forgotten in an instant as the glare of a locomotive headlight burst full upon us, lighting the rails a he; d until they seemed like bars of fire. What my feel'ngs were I cannot tell; I only know mat I was powerless to move hand or fiK-t. I could only watch the flaming meteor that nared us so rapidly. All at once I saw a lantern swung aloft at our left, and the man who held it shouted something I could not make out. Then, at the very mo ment that we .-eemed about ij crash into the hissing monster before us, our car swerved violently to the l.-ft, while the two locomotives and the long train of cars thundered by on the other side. A short distance we ran with rapid ly slackening sjieed, then left the rails. ; :nid. nhiniriiiir into the sand, stojped short. I rolled off under the rai..ng, and knew not hiiiflr more until a man rai.Scd me to mv leet ; hurt. uid asked if I was hurt. t soon recovered sufficiently to walk to the station, whither Harry hud' pre ceded me, while poor Willis, who lay as on dead, was carried to the house of a physician near by. There was not a little excitement over our escapade, but it dial away fin ally, with no prosecutio'n. It came ont thaf the watchman at Steventon had rigTitly guessed the trou ble when we sped by him, and had suc ceeded iu getting a telegram to Han field just in time to save us. To stori the special was of no use, even if Ihey could do so iti time, which was doubtful, ,s it was In sigut wheti the message vas received. So a man was sent to shift us to a side track if ossibie, and this he succeeded in doing, running us upon an uphill spur which led to a sand bank by the road. It. was a long time before Willis could lie brought home, so great was the shock to his nervous system. He nevt r fully recovered, and died before he had reached this twenty-third birth day. Harry suffered in no way from the horrors of that night, and is now a well known inventor and builder in the great west. As for myself, it was long before I could hear a locomotive whistle with out a nervous tremor. And even now, after a lapse of a quarter of a century, I sometimes awaken at night with "u start, for in my dream I have seen a locomotive- headlight glaring at me iu menace coming oh siviftly as if to crush me to death. My nerves still cherish the memory of that hideous adventure. Edicin L. Johnson, in Yuiith's Companion. "Are the Romans All Deal" Davidson Dispatch. A few years ago, J ha w riter witness ed a part of the proceeding of a Demo cratic congressional convention at Ral eigh. There were several candidates aod the contest Was long and heated. The la?te Thomas Kutfin was there sup porting John W. Graham for the nom ination.' Ballot after ballot was taken ami excitement rose tj the highest pitch. There were no probability that i he convention would agree upon a candidate, but the friends of each rival were .holding their ground with a Zeal that was intense. . When the excite ment had reached a point where it seemed that it could rise no higher, a voice was heard proposing the nameol Kutfiu as a compromise candidate. In an instant the wildest confusion en sued. Men shouted, waved their hat and screamed until they were hoarse. The proposal was received with enthu siasm th.it promised an unanimous adoption, but midst the din, the tall gu nt form of Iho n.is Uuffi t io e in the convention, those long arms, so fa miliar to courts and juries, waved over the noisy multitude and commanded silence. He spake, and every ear was strained to caicii his words. He said that he was there supporting Mr. Gra ham for the nomination, and though the convention were read v to nominate him with unanimity, he would refuse to take advantage of the misfortunes of his friend. lie declined to let his name be considered by the conven tion. f What followed is well known. Graham was nominated and was de feated at the polls. Few men doubt that the result would have been other wise had Burfin been the candidate; but the consciousness of duty well jer lormed, even at theexiiense of so much devotion and self-sacrifice, was worth more to such a man as he than all worldly honors, Thomas Butfin has but lately passed away from among us; but he has left a name and example that are a price less heritage to the young men of North Carolina. "Are the Bouians all dead?" Thomas It tiffin is dead, but let us hope that his example will prompt others to deeds of noble self-sacrifice, and that his influence will live after him in the hearts and lives of future generations of Noith Carolinar- New York Church. N. Y. Star. The New York chure'.i property, as it stands to-dav, is worth in round fig i;rs not less that $SJ,(H)0,(HK). This I i II en M'tuous sum is distributed pnequuuy anion- over fourteen distinctive le- nominations and a large number or in- dependent churches and missions. The greatest part of this property is exempt from taxation. 1 he richest deuominouon in the city is the Pro- testaut Episcopal, whose property is valued at some u,vwv',n.w, aim no- t i . l-i iuui nnn i i. .i lowed by Itoman uaxuonc, i icsoyier- ian and' Dutch Reformed churches, in order named. In the Protestant Episcopal Church - . - . . Trinfv parish st;mds at the head, own- ing more property than" all the otber Episcopal parishes put together. lhe Triiiilv p uish is by far the richest owned by any oue parish in tins cO"n - try, and even in the worlk. The tax- able projierty which produces an an nual iuoome. and is leased f r secular purpose, is valneHtt only $8 000,000, but the immense blocks upon which Trinity Church and St. Paul's Chapel stands are worth enormous sums. Be sides this the many church building and graveyard of the parish swell the v lume of Trin. ty's estate to a great niairuitude. This income is not wasted, but i spent dn-'ing the year in church wprk aiul charitit?. A Charlotte Man Abroad. Charlotte Chronicle. - Texice, Italy, July 4, 1SS9, 10;S0 p. ih Last night at i) o'clock, I left Vienna,, trawling, of course, fast asleep until 0 h. m. to-dav. wIipji I found mysidf goinglhrouah the vallevs of the A If s. wsiere the scenery is sul , 11 oE tu? PWican pany ,t North perb. At 1) m. I reached Potebba, ! .Mui N of which it is leader, have r the Austrian Italian frmtur station' ce,Vetl ut -the hands of the Mott wiug when- i tureui house fficer approach- . th.e l11" brought forth wkij- ed iii sivi.i, "Wit a Bi.frii-v pere"aiillhe North State uy its n- I IS eg .sa.p' ex tin illation.") I answered him witn oue-lir.i (2 ) vuts) and re mained undisturbed. Passing through, perhaps twenty five tunnels, I reiclml Udrice, a lunch station. As I could not make known my wants, a waiter concluded I was -bnglish or American, and the words ! "roast leef" fell from his lips, l nod ded my head. Roast beef came; at least it looked like it, but I am sure my dog would not have touched it. Next station was Mestre: from here I could see the monuments and towers, of Venice, the wonderful city nthe Adri atic Sea. Before reaching Venice I passed over a fine load about, three miles across the swamps, then over a solid stone bridge about two miles long. I soon entered a grand depot. Judging from the many tracks and engines and cars light outside of the depot I thought myself in some live' American city of about 2W,000 inhabitants. I alighted from the cars, followed the man who carried my baggage. Instead of find ing the usual cab of America, voitnre of Paris i, the droschke of Berlin, the fi iker o Vienna, I found a hundred or mote gondolas, the depot being direct ly in the Grand Canal. My gondola went up the Grand Canal a few blocks, a dozen or more side streets, under as m my. bridges, landing at the "Grand Hotel Victoria," a five story structure, which rests on 3,000 piles of Lebanon wood. The hotel is quite handsomely furnished, white marble stairways and spotted marble floors throughout the building. The main part of this ho tel was built iu n!xut 1210, over 800 years ago. There are many a sidewalk to be seeu with ancient stone and in irble houses nearly all three to six stories high. These blocks and houses rest on piles of Lbi;ioi wodI, whi.di are driven in about thirty-ive feet cleap. The streets are generally six to eight feet wide, and as there are neither horses nor vehicles to b seen mr heard, it is a very noiseless city. Fruit peddlers and the gondola men are making all the noise heard. The Grand Canal extends around the en tire city, and is perhaps 125 feet wide, whilst the side streets in which the gondolas carry their wares and passen gers, vary from eight to fifteen in width. 1 often wonder how thes? gondolas and little streamer.sTivoid collision, but the godolamen handle them as well as the cabman handles hishor-e. A gon dola with one man at work go-s as fast as a rapid walk; two men drive a gon dola as fast as a pair of horses trotting through a city. After dinner, about 7:33 to-night, I h 'red a gondola. The beautiful air. the bright moon and the lovely music offered sufficient amusements. 4 had often heard and road of the beautiful gondola rids on the Grand Canal. I expected much aud was not disappoint ed. About every 200 feet apart. I heard vocal and instrumental music, musicians going along in a handsome ly illuminated gondola, rendering mus ic for 2) to 50 gondalas. which are filled with people, following them. Occasionally every gondola comes to a halt, the music goes on, so does the man with the hat, who steps from one gondola into the other to get a few centisimi. Day and night can be seen in open streets, men and women, boys and ffirls. comins from their houses in . bathing costumes; jumping streets (or rather water") foi into the ( or rather water ) for a swim Judging from their looks tray need it. At night, sometimes, to avoid collision with gondo!av thev have a lantern str ipped on top of their heads. The weather to-dav w is beautiful, the therniom der this afternoon stand ing at 803. To-night I go out at St. j H.irco plilr.e: here I found j M:lli)J thie.Uv a- i i peopl? Broid- WV Xew-York. The squ ire is full I of an(1 thp..e A .lUo a pblie r,,lt.n on t.i10 ;i rea genuine ir,e!1 trees and bushes, none r. . tHoiurh than a peaeJi tree. m moirjw J w;n hire a guide and lf.mp of the large Islands of VTpniee Next Sunday I shall be m Rome, a few days later, in Naples; and from ii, , f ftuii jr;v nvpP tn Pomti?H lilt I' f A OHil T - " , IX ot, irnnnt. Veanvin.i. I shall njso Jike a sail on Mediterranian Sea. retnr1 tf) Bremen to sail for New York on July 2 Hh; via Rome. Pisa, .Gcno.lf Turin, Milan, St. Gotthard, c i,vankfort on the Main. Good nitfbt. With lest wishes for a hi; business in your-new q narter. I remain Yours truly, Jcs. Balcch. P. S. The Chronicle reaches me ....u iAn .ir nt.ti if. iv! h n. Knnrre or t a.tistction, ana a sur - me. sure ana s prise to people who sec it, and who are. ! valued at 3,000,000. .UU IcUurU told ' That's o ir d;.ily p.. per, We have by itst lf andurdUwrfuattrtHt i i I :nt. i ;.,- it all d. yll nu.il.it w ptaevd, in h only 1 1,000 inh MUm. w , J-f 'J u u:lttTh Jttwdwl. 8utesTille Oreeiubsrb. AND OREEXSBORO POWJTED AS C8UAL- ' D3. M0TT8 MASTERY Of i-BIS PARTY. Lenoir Topic, i The ."fly-Wowing' -that the North ite ami lhat most rea.W-UWe por v, ui.iu-iiH, 111. in nun nvuvx -etiue riuister!tin7iNorth Caialina witii gloves iff. It is the old f.ional figLt of States'ville against GiCcuboro, Molt against Keough and Boyd, with State. ville on top and with Mutt seateil iiio:e firmly iu the saddle than, he efcr;wu4 before. The Topic predicts over u year ago that, if Harrison were electees ur. Mott wouict be an mfluentiul man in the Republican rauks biit it did, not anticipate such an overwhelming scoop ol patronage as he has grabbed. He w more of a Ikiss than he ever was. vVu took for granted that President Harri---sou would" compel the North Oaroltnoi factions to settle their differences and to divide out the pap among them selves. He has not done so, but has sided with one fr-ction and thrown the other overboard. If the crowd that i in th water have no life presenrers along they are pretty good ulfcicfcingoutaut't wilt do some very vigorous splashing for the shore. The leading Republican paper in North Carolina, t hat has jep haps four times as m tnyreatlers a any other Republican paper iu the State, cannot be -shoved m contejuptuously aide without serious results, to ti harmony of the party, 1 Dr. Mott is a bold and dashing lead er, more like Mahone than any other Republican iu the Sviuth and he h;j much of the ;u;d.tcity and many of the dictatorial ways that ch;ir.tcterize the little Virginian. He was the origi.a. tor of the "liijeral moVtii4vnt" of J8S that w;;s so sterile of results aud that has always been so unpopular with the rank and fije of the Republicans Tct he clings to the idea that .underlies tnat' "movement" with teuaeity aud insets tipou working along that line. His placing of Capt. Ch.is. Price -iuihe dis trict attorneyship ami other siuiilaT appointments are sufficient evidence of 1 t his. Mahone like, he does uot seek to onciliate h;s opponent bnt to .whp them in line or ireez.; them ut. "Ru.e or ruin" has been attributed to him ;;'s as a motto by hisvueiui s. ' ' Still, tlii doctor is sh;ewd and w know that he hits laid before Mr, Har rison a plausible prog, a mine for the fu ture conduct of the Republican par.y in North Carolina a programme so plausible that the President took tu strious responsibility upon his shouldeia of so far turning his biu-k tipou all of the North Carolina RepuUkria repn sentatives in Couga-ss except Fi.iait and upon the great iu is of the respect able element of the party in the Stater" as represented by the North ijtate, as to give the whole disputing of patron age t the diK-tor. Ewart only got in to tlie ring by swearing fealty" to Mott. This programme (it is not necessary to speak of it particularly at present) is a shrewd but -visiouary dream of the uoctor andean nevei be carried throneh without the co-operation of the North State wiug and it may be set down for a fact that he will never receive-that. It involves a complete revolution with in the ranks of tiie Republican party. Mr. 3 nines E. Boyd, oue of the edi tors of the North State, was one of the elect ors-at-large on the Harrison tickt t,-. last 'fall, was for a long time distiict attorney and is said to be the ablest Republican speaker iu the State, feti he receives nothing and the office he: sought, the district attorneyship, ya iveii to Captain Price, a "hbend"cou- vert oi 135, a man wiio is cuargoi with being ad)emocr;it. Congressman B rower has no influence at the White . . n .i i i ' i Hoase and has to cool his ?him in the ante-rooms while Dr. Mott ch itscosiry with the "dish-faced'f man withiojthe inner circle.- Not content with -treating 'the Congressman tTith contempt, the administration's underlings Eaves and White White's wife is .ivd to bo kin to Harrison are charged with the invention-of using the revenue ma chine to defeatjlrowr. Price is a DenMcr.it. it is charged; at any rate si true-blue Republican. Has the North State seen any significance in the fsiet that District-Attorney Price has not resign H his positiou v attor torney f of the Richmond and Dunville -R ii I road Com puny ? Is not 510,000 :t year fees as district nttorucy enough for him? Does the North State Ije-. licv? there is any permanence iu Price's appointment to the district attorney ship? This is hot a Democratic love-feast and we are only sitting in tho gallery during the interesting perform-uct, but we c.tnuot resist the pteasure-bf maun festiug a lively interest in the outcome, the denouement of the intricate plot. We like a pretty play The brethren w ho are "in the)np'andneeni to have plenty of flies on them will please .oic 4 et,t their Deuncr.itic friendV issnr.ucr o. their .most profound couiiuiAerutiuu, The giaut diamond, luUly ditu-oVcr?) in Cape Colony, and noy at " the PaiU i r V. - ;

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