! p 8 l as Carolina Watcfimaffi , .- : Ha 7()L:X.THIRD SERIES, SALISBURY, II. C. THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 1889. HO. 45. ; 1 . II. PI.K VKXT tUIGE & CLEMENT, S Vl.lSlll-'RY, N. C. - I' f 'I D C McGUBBINS, j ; ix rgcou Uontlst, i"5 : I TJ C. fl. 'Of, l'Xl to "r U pitxllt if -V. .Aiwrilf InlV. M (til Sllt'lt. l:l ilesinoeTH Carolina, (LPEL JTILLX. C. - O IHTirt-: next session be-ins rcpt. 5. 1889. ih instruction is oiIV-le:l m I.atera ieiice, l'hilo.-suphj and Iiiw. Tui- I . I .. .1 ,;., -Id pi r session, for i uiaum-, au ,,,.. HO.t. KHMl' l DATTLIV. UWl X. President. . - lin". - P. II. TH3MPS0H & GO. - M.VXLFACTUIiKIiS, Sasli, Doors, Blinds, &roll Sawing, Woo J Turning, U3 C A S-T I H G Or ALL KINDS 11 , Dr.AI.KKS IX- StimE-igmes and Boiler,?, Steam and I " Water ripe, 'ittr S!i iMinii. Pulley Hangers. ALSO of ali kinds repaired, on 1 ; 1 SHOUT NOTICE. it's. lv TvMms to Creditors. ! - :i - - ! ;iEiiii4:.l"ulitH'd as administrator on j k -l.itr'of Joseph 1.MV-M-,. dee'd, all j plfih'-liaviii'j; claims auainst the estate! Jaf'l Bi'-aver are lu-rolry notiHed.to pre- j Cart the ain.' to the undersinrd on or j iSi.ii the 2 1 day of August, 1S)I, ot this j nfi uiIIIk- plead m bar ot their 1 In- -Ml-h dav of .Tulv, lSsD. re- r.- ! ,; BEAVEIl, Adm" I'VrJUJe lv JNvJ. 11. i:XXISS, Druggist. 3DiA. ATWELLi'S y'. SARDWARE STORE, .' ei'la lull line of ijo(!s in bis line, niav alwavs he found. Solid Geld W.trh.' Sold for IK 11M. ontll Ulrlv. p-8t fvl wan It la Ui wuriu. liuumip bull Initios l gKKi ii7.w lib vrrrks - aili" c;i n-iurf cn frr. ti'irrtht r with ot-r l-re and val cnble linc.cf- T?4t:frh' I S:inipll . Tbw mniv.li.1. wJl in On- 3l h. v iri'.d r berin Tfinr bnmt for 3 t'nili ml itMiwn tii'-m lo those if.'i wriie t once rtrj le (at sf rrciirir.ff he Wact tloou '. Co., Luz lrtIu.clrCCa.itt. 1 i . - . . -m u T . ... ... -i fll :.t (Wi :is.ry r.urau(lU Siruie St.1. Vi, ativ,.-i ,.,'.-.3 S" ii mav l i'.n-'. tor Vt. flflptal Assets 5 ' " , I'. A. 141 IU. - M ' A ? , " A 4JBJ aSMflif ' 'mmmmmm -: I nDTiii immm LIUjD i 1 V." f'1'4 mav 1 r.n-'. tor it 14 O M E (rP f ROYAL KSSS.J N Absolutely Pure. This ,)ov ler never varies. A marvfUt ur.ty itrr nglli.and waolesoinenef-fi. More economical lian t lie Vrdlnarv kinds, and cannot be arbld la ompptlilon xvnli tiie laulUtucit ot low test. on veiglit.alum or phosphate oowrtei 8. SoldOiilj In ilhS. UOVAL llAKING PuWKEK CO.. 106 Wall fct. N For sale by.Binjilinni & Co., Young & Bos (ian, and N. P. Miu pliv. Almost everybody wants a "Sjirinjr Tonic.' lit re L a simple testimonial, uhieh shows how i. IV. 15. is regarded. It will knock your mala ri: out and restore your appetite : Splendid for a Spring Tonic. " Aklinc.ton. (Ja.. June 30, 1888. 1 suffered with malarial blood poison more or less all the time, and the only" medicine that lone me any good is 11. IL Si. It is undoubted ly the best blood medicine made, and for this Vmalarial country should be used bv every one in the spring of the year, and is good in sum mer, fall and winter as a tonic and bloo 1 purifier. Gives Bstter Satisfaction. Cadiz, Ky.. July 0 1S8T. Please end me one box Mood Halm Catarrh Snuff by return mail, as one of my customers isMaking li. 11. IS. for cotarr!' and wants'abox of the snuff. B. li. gives better satisfaction than any I ever sold. 1 have sold 10 dozen iu the past 10 weeks, and it gives good satisfac tion. - If Idon't remit all right for snuff write me. Yours. W. II. Brandon. It Removed the Pimples. Rorsi) MorxTAix, Tenn.. March 2:), 1887. A lady frienuVof mine lias for several years been troubled with bumps and pimples on her face and nee. far which she used various cos metics in order to remove theiu and beautify and improve her complexion: but these local applications were only temporary and left her skin iu a worse condition. I recommend an internal preparation nou n as Botanic Blood Balm which I have luen using and i-elling about two years: she used three bottles and nearly all pimples have disappeared, lur skin is sot t and smooth, and her general health much improved. She ex presses herself much gratified, and can recom mend it to all who are thus affected. Mus. S. M. Wilson. A BOOK OF WONDERS, FREE. All who Jeslra full tnrormx.ion about the cause an 1 cure or Blool Poisons, scrofula and Scrofulous s.velHns. l lei'rs, Soies, llheuru ulsui. Kidney Complaints. C it urh, e'e.. c;m seeuiv by m tll.free, a copy of our 32-pa.sie Illusi r itod Book i f Woaders. tilled vit.h the most wonderful ami startling proof fver b foreknown. Addivss, 4o:ly Bi.ooo i1.vi.m c.v Atlanta. Ga N03TH CR0L!HA In ROWAN COUMfT ) TH?: MTERIOR ColUT. Reuben' J. Holmes:, John S. Ilendcison and Eliza A. Holmes, Plaiiiiitls, j . Against Holmes V. Reid, Xaiiev J. Thayer ami her husband J. II. Thayer, W. A. Reid,L. Reid. Minnie Har.is, R.Jones Reid, Jesse Skeen, Piisi Ula S. Floyd, Jesse C. Smith, Elizibeth P. L'earee and her hus band John Pearce, Nannie C. Sexton and her-husband John T. Sexton, Ma-y M. Skeen. John C Skeen, Charity L. Skeen, Mary liean and her husband Moses L. liean, Defendants. Speciuh Proceed in j to sell hind foi; Partition. To Ilolnies W. Reid, non-resident: Youare. hereby required to appear be fore me aUuiy olliee, in the town of Salis bury, onFriday, the 20th day of Septem ber, 18S9, and answer or demur to the eomplaint of the plaintiffs. August 6th, 1889. 42:Gt. JOHN M. HORAII, CTk Superier Court of Rowan Co. . Gresnsljoro Female College, - GREENSBORO. N. C. THE SIXTY-NINTH SESSION OF this well equipped and prosperous Institution will begin on the ..38th. DAY OF- AUGUST, 1839 SUPERIOR ADVADTAGES itre offered in all the departments of in struetion usually i)tirsuel in Female Col leges of highest grade. Charges very- I moderate. For catalogues address. 1 T. M. JONE-S President, 37:2m:pd. (ireensboro, X. C. COMPANY SEEKING HOME PATRONAGE .---0 A STRONG COMPANY, Prompt, Reliable, Liberal! . o jgSgfAgiil in sit cities and towns in the South. J. RHODES BRCWJIF. President Co a RT, Secrcta ry . : - S7J50.00O. Fahrenheit. One warm and pleasant summer eve We sat beneath a tree, And she, the silence to relieve. This riddle asked of me: "If thirty-two," she shyly said, "Is freezing point, do try To tell me what" she hung her head "Is squeezing point?" asked I. She bowed assent, my arm passed 'round That pretty little'maid: ! "I think" I said, "the answer's found: , It must be two in the shade." m o The Corse of ths Nation. DR. TALMAOE, IN HIS SERMON, SAYS IT IS DRUNKENNESS. HIS TEXT If KINGS X, 10: "WHO SLEW ALL THESE?" A MORE FEARFUL MAS SACRE 8 NOW GOING ON, HE SAYS, THAN IN THE OLD DAYS. Helena, M. T.. Aug. 11. The Rev. T. De Witt Talmage, D. 1)., preached here to-d y to a vast congregation. Tnkinsr for his text. "Who slew all these?" II King x, 10, he preached a powerTui niscourse on "Urunkenness ..-vi the Nation's Curse. He said: ; I see a long row of baskets coming baskets comma up toward the palace of King Jehu. .. 1 am somewhat inquisitive to hnd out j what are in those basket.. 1 look in and fnul the gory bends of seventy slain princes. As the baskets arrive at the gate of the palace, the heads are thrown into two heaps, one on either side of the gate. In the morning the kins conies out. ad looks upon the bleeding, ghastly heads of the massa cred princes. Looking on either side the gate, he cries out with a ringing emphasis' "Who slew all these?" M . al i . W j We have, my friends, lived to see a ! more fearful massacre. There is no use ; of my taking your time in trying to give I vou statistics about the devastation and the death which strong drink hath wrought in this country. Statistics do not seem to mean anything. We are so hardened under these statistics that j the fact that fifty thousand more men j are slain or fifty thousand less men are j slain, seems to make no positive im j pression on the public mind. Suffice i it to sav. that intemperance has slain ! an innumerable company of princes the children of God's roval family: and at the ga.e of every neighborhood there J are two heaps of the slain; and at the I door of every household there are two ; j heaps of the slain: and at the door of j the legislative hall there are two he-tps of the slain: and at the door of the university there are two heaps of the slain; and at the gate of this nation th re are two heaps of the slain. When T look upon the desolation I am almost frantic with the scene, while I cry out. "Who slew all these?" I can answer that question in half a minute. The ministers of God who have given no warning, the courts of law that have offered the licensme, the women who give strong drink on New Year's day, the father and the mother 4vho have rum on the sideboard, the hundreds of thousands of Christian men and wo men in the land who are stolid in their indifference on this subject thev slew all these! THE SORROWS AND THE DOOM OF THE DRUNKARD. I propose in this discourse to tell vou what I think are the sorrows and the doom of the drunkard, so that you to whom I speak may not come to the torment. Some one says: "You had better let those subjects alone." Why. my breth ren, we would be glad to let them alone if they would let ns alone; but when I have in my pocke. now four requests saying, "Pray for my husband, pray for my son, pray for my brother, pray for my friend, who is the captive of strong drink," I reply, we are ready to let that question alone when it is wil ling to let us alone; but when it stands blockiug up the way of heaven.and keep ing multitudes away from Christ and heaven, I dare not be silent lest the Lord require their blood at my hands. I think the subject has been kept back very much b' the merriment people make over those slain by strong drink. I used to be very merry over these things, having a k en sense of the ludicrous. Therewas something very grotesque in the gait of- a drunkard. It is not so now; for I saw in one of the streets orMiiladelphta a sight that chanired the whole subject to me. There was a young man being led home. He was very much intox icated he w;is ravi.ig with intoxica tion. Two voting men were leading him along. The boys booted in the street, men laughed, women sneered; but I happened to be very near the door where he went in it was the door of his father's house." I saw him go up stairs. I heard hinrshouting. hooting and blaspheming. He h id lost his hut, and the merriment in creased with the mob un'.il he came to the door, and as the door was opened his mother came out. When I heard her cry, that took all the comedy away from the scene. Since that time when I see a man walking through the street, reeling, the comedy is all gone, and it is a tragedy of tears and groans aud heartbreaks. Never make any fun orcund me about t he grotesqueness of a diunkard. Alas for his home! HIS GOOD NAME MELTS AWAY. The first suffering of the drunkard is the loss ff Jiis good najue. Gd ha m arranged it that no rajtn ewer loses his ;od name except by his own act. All the hatred of men and all the as saults of devils cannot destroy a man's good name, if he really maintains his integrity. If a man i industrious and ffiire and Christian, God looks after tim. Although he tnayv be bombarded for twenty or thirty years, his integri ty is never lost and his good name is never sacrifice. No force on earth or in hell could capture such a (iibrulter. j But -when it is said of a man, He j drinks," and it can Tbe proved, then j what employer wants him for a work man? what store want him for a member? who'will trust him? what dying man would appoint him his ex-knew what they suffer. Do not tell ecutor?,. , He ; may haye been flch as that that there is no future yenre in toriiditfff tll fiim there goes down. Letters of recommenda- is no such place as hell He knows tioii, the backing up of business fini!, there is. He is there now! a brilliant ancestry cannot save him. .,. . The VO. Id shies off. Why? It in THEIR HEALTH GOES TOO. whispered all through the community I Uf ; and s.iv th.it the inebriate "He drinks; he drinks." That blasts him. When a man hes his reputa- tioii for sobriety, he might as well be at the bottom ot the sea. There are men here who have their god name ..... as their rmlv caiiital. You are now achieviuir vour own livelihood, under God, by vour own right arm. Now God. bv vour own rnrht arm.' Now . m ... --0..- . (M,k out that there is no doubt of your sobriet y. Do not create an v suspi- ciou by going in and out of immoral places, or by any odor of your b eath, or by any glare of our eye, or by any unnatural tiuah of your cheek. You cannot afford to do it, for your good name is your only capital, aud when that is blasted with the reputation of taking strong drink, all is gone. HE RESPECTS HIMSELF NO MORE. Another loss which the inebriate suffers is that of self-respect. Just soon as a man wakes up and finds that he is the captive of strong drink he feels demeaned. I do not care how reckless he acts. He may say, "I don't care;" he does care. He cannot look a pure man in the eye, unless it is with positive force of resolutijn. Thr e-fourths of his nature is destroy ed; his self-resject is gone; he savs things he would not otherwise say; he does things he would not otherwise do. When a man is nine-tenths gone with strong drink, the hrst thing l.e wants to do is to persuade you that he can top any time he wants to. He cannot, The Philistines have bound him hand and foot, and shorn his locks, and put out his eyes, and are making him grind iu the mill ot a great horror. He can-j not stop. I will prove it. He knows1 his course is bringing disgrace and ruin upon himself. He loves himself. If he could stop he would. He knows his course is bringing ruin upon his family. He loves them. He would stop if he could. He cannot. Per haps he could three months or a year ago; not now. Just, ask him to stop for a month. He cannot; he knows he cannot, so he does not try. I had a friend who for fifteen years was going down under this evil habit. He had large means. He had given thou sands of dollars to Bible societies and reformatory institutions of all sorts. He wiis very genial aud very generous and very lovable, and whenever he talk ed about this evil habit he would say, "I can stop an' time." But he kept going on. going on, down, down, down, down. His family would say, "i wish you would stop." "Why," he would reply, "I can stop any time if 1 want to." After awhile he had de lirium tremens; he had it twice; and yet after that he said, "I could stop any time ;f -wanted to." He is dead now. What killed him? Rum! Rum! And vet among his last utterances was, "I cm stop at any time." He did n.ii ston it be ause lie could not. Oh. there is i point in inebriation beyond ' . - . . . ft which, it' a ra in goes, he cannot stop! THE TERRIBLE CRAVE FOR DRINK. One of these victims said to a Chris tian man, "Sir, if I were told that I couldn't get a drink until to-morrow night unless I had all my fingers cut off, I would say, 'Bring the hatchet and cut them off.' M have a dear friend in Philadelphia, whose nephew came to him one day, and when he was exhorted about his evil habit, said, "Uncle, I can't give it up. - If there stood a cannon, and it was loaded, and a glass of wine sat on the mouth of that caution, and I knew that yo.i would fire it oft just as I came up and took the glass, 1 would start, for I must have it." Oh, it is a sad thing for a man to wake up in his life and feel that he is a captive. He snys: "I could have got rid of this once, but 1 can't now. I might have iiyed an honorable life and died a Christian death; but there is no hope for me now; there is no escape for me. Dead, but not buried. I am a walking corpse. I am an apparation of what I once was. I am a caged immortal, beating against the wires of my cage in this direction and in that direction, beatiug against the cage until there i blood on the wires aud blood upon my Soul, yet not able to get out. Destroyed, without remedy !" m I go further and say that the inebri ate suffers from the loss of his useful ness. Do you not recognize the fact that many of those who are now cap- tive of strong drink only a little while ago were foremost iu the churches and v Tn .wnii i i k 4. tux L the f.:milv circh ? Do you not k0H' niH Know iu.it aoiiiemuwa " that they prayed in public, and some of them carried around the holy wine on sjtcremental davs? Oh, ves, they stood in the very front rank, out they gradually fell away. And now what do you suppose in the feeling of such a man as that, when he thinks of his uis honored vows and the dishonored sac rament when he thinks of what he might hare been and of what he is now? Do such men laugh and seem very merry? Ah, there is, down in the depths of their soul, a very heavy weight. Do not wonder that thev j sometimes see strange things, and-uct very roughly in the household. lou would not blame them at alt if vou suffers trom the loss of physical health, The older man in the congregation may remember that some years ago Ur. oewell went through this cotintrv and electrihvd the people bv bv his lei-t- ures, in which he showed the effects of alcohol on the human stomach. He had seven or eiirht diairann bv whir-h , . . .. o . i-.- j he showed the devastation of strong There drink upon the physical system were thousauds of tKonle that turned back from that ulcerous ske.ch swear ing eternal abstinence from everything that could intoxicate. God only knows what the diundard suffers. Pain filed on every nerve and travels every muscle, and gnaws every bone, and burns with every flame, and stings with every poison, and pulls at. him with every torture. Wiiat reptiles crawl over his creeping limbs: What hends stand by his mid ; night pillow! What groans tear his ear! "What horrors shiver through his soul! Talk of the rack, talk of the lnquistion, talk of the funeral pyre, talk of the crushing Juggernaut he feels them all at once. Have you ever been in the ward of the hos pital where these inebriates .re dying, the stench of their wounds driving back the attendants, their voices sounding through the night? The keeper coms up and says, "Hush, ; now be still. Ston making all this j tioiseP But it is effectual only for i a moment, for as soon as the keep- t er is gone, they begin again. "Oh ; God! oh, Gh1! Help! Help! Rum! j Give me rum! Help! Take them off me! lake them off me! Take them off me! Oh G d!" And then they shriek, and they rave, and they pluck out their hair by haudsful, and bite their nails i.ito the quick, and they groan, and they shriek, and they blas pheme, and they ask the keepers to kill them. "Stab me, smother me, strangle me. Take the devils off me f J Oh, it is no fancy sketch. That thing is oing on in hospitals, aye, it is go ing on in some of the finest residents of every neighborhood on this conti nent. It went on last night while you slept, and I tell you further that this is going to be the death that some of vou will die. I know it. I see it coming. HIS HOME IS RUINED. Again: the inebriate suffers through . a V the loss ot lus home. 1 do not care how much he loves his wife aud chil dren, if this passion for strong driuk has mastered him. he will do the most outrageous things, and if he could not get drink iu anv other way he would sell his family into eterna bondage. How many homes have been broken up in that way. no one but God knows. Oh. is there anything that will so . destroy a man for life and damn him ! ,1 I ill A tor tlie lite mat is 10 comer i nas that strung drink. With all the con centrated energies of my soul," I hate it. Do vou tell me that a man can be happy when he knows that he is break ing his wiie's heart and clothing his children with rags? Why they are on the streets of our cities to-day little children, barefooted, uncombed and unkept, want on every ptth on their faded dress and on every wrinkle of their prematurely old couutennnc, who woull have been iu churches to dav, and as well chid as yo i are, but for the fact that rum destroyed their parents and drove them into the grave. Oil, rum! thou foe of God, thou de spoiler of homes, thou recruiting officer of the pit, I abhor thee: WORST OF ALL, HIS SOUL IS LOST. But my subject takes a deeper tone and that is, that the inebriate is a suffer er, from the loss of the soul. The Bible intimates that ii. the future-world, if we are unforgiven here, our bad pas sions are appetites, unrestrained, will go along with us and make our tor ment there. So that I suppose when an inebriate wakes up in this lost world he will feel an infinite thirst clawing on him. Now, down iu the world, although he may have been very poor, he could beg or he could steal five cents with which to get that which would slake his thirst for a little while; but in eternity, where is the rum t ) c me from? " Dives could not .t .iae don of a iter. Fro n what chalice ot eternal nres w i me . o iq j of the drauk.u k drain Ins draught :' j No one to brew it. No one to mix it. An une to Diiur it. No one t. retell it. in Alilhcois of worlds tiien tor the dregs ' - wiiich lib V'M.ig m u ) uw slung on the saw dusted floo- of the restaur ant. Millions of worlds now for the rind thrown out from the punch bowl of an earthly banq-iet. Dives cried for water. The i.hriate cries for rum. Oh, the deep exhausting, exas perating, ever lasting thirst of the drunkard in hell. Why, if a fiend came up to earth for some inferm-l work in grog shop, and should go back taking on its wink just one drop of that for which the inebriate in the lost world longs, what excitement would it make there. Put t hat one drop from off the fiend's wing on the tip of the ton gne of the destroyed inebri ate, let the liquid brightness just touch it, let the drop he very small if it only have iu it the smack of alcoholic drink, let that drop just touch the lost iner briate in the lost world, and he would spring t his feet ar.d cry: "That is rum! alia! thai i rum!" and it would wake up the echoes of the damned: Give me rum! Give me rum! Give me rum! In the future world, I do not belive that it will be the Hbsence of God that will make the drunkard's sorrow; I do not believe that it will be the the absence of the holiness; t think it will be the absence of strong drink. Oh! "look not upon the wine when it is red, when it moveth itself aright in the cup, for at the hist, it biteth like a serpent and stingeth like an-ndder." , A WORD TO THE VICTIMS. But I want iu conclusion to say one thing personal, for I do not like a sermon that has no personalities in it. Perhaps this has not had that fault already. want to say to those who are the victims of strong drink, that while I declaie that there was a point beyond which a man could not stop, I want to tell you that while a man can not stop in his own strength, the Lord God, by his grace can help him to stop at any time. Years ago I was in u room in New York where there were many men who had been reclaimed from drunkenness. I heard their tes timony, and for the first time in my life there flashed out a truth I never understood. They said: "We were victims of strong drink. We tried to give it up, but always failed; but somehow since we gave our hearts to Christ, he has taken care of us." 1 believe that the time will soon come when the grace of God will show its power here not only to save man's soul. but his body, and reconstruct, purify. elevate and redeem it. I verily believe thai, although yon ' feeV grappling" ii! the roots of your tongues an alniosi omnipotent thirst, if you will this moment give your heart to God he wib help vou, by his grace, to conquer. Try it. It is your last chance. 1 have looked off upon the desolation Sitting under my ministry there art people in awful peril from strong drink, and judging from ordin iry cir cumstances, there is not one chance in five thousand that they wi 1 get cleai of it. I see men in this congregation of whom I must make the remark that, it they do not change their course, within teu years they will,7is to their bodies, lie down iu drunkards graves; aud as to their souls, lie down in j drunkard's perdition. I know that it is an awful thing to say, but I canno help saying it. Oh, beware Yoi have not vet been captured. Beware! As ye open the door ofyourwiueclo.se to-day, may that decanter flash on upon you. Beware! aud when voi pour the beverage into the glass, in tin i foam at the top, m white letters, lei there be spellM out to your sul. "Beware!" When the books of judg ment are open, and ten million drunk ards come up to get their doom, I want you to bear witness that I to-day, in the fear of God, and in the love foi your soul, told you with all affection, and with all kiukness, to beware of that which has already exerted its in fluence upon your family, blowing oti i some of its lights a premonition of the blackness of darkness forever Oh, if you could only hear this mo mnt. Intemperance, with drunkard bones, drumming on the lieu I of the wine cask the De id March of immor tal souls, methink the very glance of a wine cup would make you kIi udder, and the color of the liquor would make you think of the blood of the soul, and the fo im on the top of the cup would remind yo.i of the froth ou the man iac's lip, and yon would go home from this service and kneel down and pray Go l, th it rather than your children should become ciptir of this, evil habit, vou would like to canr them out some bright pritig day to the ceiu- eterv and put them away to the last sleep, until at the call of the soutl wind the flowers would come up all over the grave sweet prophecies of the resurrection. G d has a balm for such a wound; but what flower of com fort ever grew on the blasted heath of 17 a drunkard's supulcher? The Durham Sun puts it pungently when he says, "One of the heaviest things on earth is a sheet of paper after it has been transformed into a farm mortgage. It always takes a strong man and his family several years to lift it, and often it cau't be lifted at all." "There in no ditTerence what ever be tween the two political parties,' reiuaik eL Brown. "They are both agreed on wanting the spoils?'. "IJut dont you I know," returned Smith, "that that caus es their greatest difference. Progress of ths South. It is fairly astonishing what prtH gress has been made in the South in the building of factories of machine shops of all kinds since the war. But not to go beyoniTthe ceimis rejiorts of 1880, a comparison with lliee existing evideucesof progress, reveal's tm "ns- tonishiug increase. The Manufactu rers' Record makes tf business of bunt ing up aud publishing all tUe iacts n- lating to the march of progress in the South, giving nauivs of 'rotis firnm and companies, where locmh'd- and wluU they have dont v hat they have got and what they re doing mid pro pose to do. The Record of the 10th instant has an exhaustive article on "The Souths Cotton Mill" the number in each State with tm number of spindles and looms in each factory. But we quote from th 1 Record itself the followiug: . t: Xvmbfr of Cotton Mills. Spindle 4? Imh in the Seulh JutuZUl&KKcompiledbvthr: Manufacturer' liecord, compeared vith the nimber on Mag 51, 1880, at given in the uauea otate ihau Keportt: . s sao -5 F. o ao c: o o Ct w ft , Mm 30 g 82 ' '-O t T 1 51 1 ob ( 2 to 3 i tr ac w f 153 13 8 2 5S 2 05 . w p; r- 1C 5 Si 53 1 O Q 15 2 ? c ire s n -7 mm 3 These figures show that the uutnber of hulls now iu the South as compared witnt ioaj nas uouuieu, WHiie tt numper of spindles and looms h as mow than trebled, the tendency &riJC to build mills of greater capacity than formerly. From 101 mills, having 607,8r4 spindles and 14,H21 loom in 1880 this industry has uu-reased uqtM there are now 355 mills with 2,035,208 spindles and 45,001 looms in the Sout h. As remarkableis is this increase, these Hgnres really do not fully represent the leVelopment of this business, for they lo not include the spindles and looms of many new mills" now under con struction, and others upon which work will shortly begin. Many of these mills are mentioned in this list, and in some cases the number of pro)wsed spindles is silso given, but neither the. nills nor spindles are included in the totals, except in a few cases, aud these ire mostly where tKe mills are nearly ready to go into operation, or soon will rie. A very low estimate for the in crease itt the uumler f "spindles to go .nto the mills now building and Jhoe projected, and into old mills, during the lext twelve or fifteen month won w -be 300,000. during itlw? last twelve a greater numljer than this were put. in. but there were special conditions, such is the doubling ut the capacity of ibout a dozen of the largest mills in the South, and unusual activity in building mills, due to fine profits in the business. At present not so many large mrlU are preparing' t increase their capacity, though quit a number ire doing so, and there is a temniry lepressioii, due to the overprtKiuction if coarse good, that wiRfor a while iessen the activity in mill building. in fact, this industry has reached a point where a change tn the-ch Tacter f goods produced must lie made, and this, jn all probability, will necessitate a slciwer growth for the next twilrn months. HeaflHeart Hand. Every boy should have his head, hi heart and his hamPeducated. J-t this truth ne vr be forgotten. By the proper education t)t tke he;id. he will lie taught what is gol and what is evil, what is wise and what is foolish, what is right and .what , is wrong. . " By the proper education of thtrheart., he will be taught to love what is good, wise aud right, aud to hate what is evil, foolish and wrong. By the proper ueatwn of tle hanrl, he will Ije enabled U supply his wants, to add to his comforts, and tfc assist. ' The highest objects of a good edu cation are, to reverence andbey Gd, tnd lo !ve and serve mankind. Everything that helps usjin attaining thee objects is of great silue; aud everything that hinders us is compara tivefy worthless. When w isdom reign in the head, and love in.the heart, the man is ever ready to U good; and TT his executive ability be equal to his enlightened sentiments, order and pea reigti, and failure, and suffering mi e almost unkuowu. '. ' -.. A correspoudent waats to know how to remove pamt. Sit on it and then get Hp. O W I- tt I i i - i 1- i! - f v