v 3- . ll Carolina Watchmanr THUKSDAY, AUGUST 29, 18S9. Malione will tak the stump be to be flajed. - -tnaV I The Eiffel tower, Paris, was smk y lightning, last week, witfcoutvlatf- Eartbqoake in Greece, last Syiaj, nd serious damage W fcpotl&j. fropj several towns and citie S & Mr. A. C. Hege, of.L&iington, N. C, lied Tuesday rjit. He wa$ up old jjtizen and died suddenly. 5 "jt'fefcM0 anouied tbat jrs. 'XlovtiMlr'a ntnr 'lut lwn pnm- mted to penal servitude for life. I London, ' A ag. 55'i.r-Foar of the lar gest mills ''in -Blackburn hare sbnt Sown, owing to the dullness of trade. 4' '.1- ' ' p r - . . - I There is a gigantic strike among the Icoal workers in England. T3urii, the Socialist agitator, is said to be manager fc it . - ;- v JJi. III. Burglars, says the Charlotte Chron kle, got into Mr. Worden's store early Tuesday morning, and raide a big fJiaul of merchandise The great oak tree under which Lord IComwallis stacked his arms when bruising" around in the section Hloxboro, N. CM has fallen. sf " of It is beginning to be estimated by who Watch the. crop reports, that I this year's cotton crop will be larger -1ah I mm I n wlmaau? arm W I rs. Maybrick received the news of ier commutation of sentence with are- ITulsiou of feeling which prostrated 'her. She will probably not live long. - A great religious revival has been Heroin cr on at Chanel Hill, with widehim: interest. Up to latest reports nearly t 100 persons had professed conversion. Two dead men were picked up on railroad "track at Durham, Saturday ;? morning. One vf them fnis terribly mangled, the other had no bruise brj scratch. Thercrwas a grand Union Army pa rade at Milwaukee, Wi?., on the 27th, , in which fifty 'thousand people ,took V part. . What a jolly time for the rail road companies!"' The New Albany (Indiaua) post master has made a clean sweep of the letter carriers heretofore in service, on he distinctly announced ground tlu.t fthey were Democrats. ' ' I ' . -, - - The Mahoue candidate for Post- ; 1 I ii. master of Richmond, Va., Jks. C, I ijmith, killed a uegro August 221 who had 'broken into his junk warehouse. MIe is held for murder. The negroes of Ohio, complaining btierly of their treatment by the Slate jnnd federal governments, have called a Stale Convention of their cobrejd g brethren to consider the situation. I A cow that swallowed a pair of rait- 4 tens. died from some unkuown cause, but oit being cut open and examined it was found that the' mittens had petri fjbetU'n her stomach, causing death. 4 M . . V. ; . I, I a' ' 1 i i - , I (ioy. Fowle and daughter are at Hot fSpring, K. C. They were received ihere with distinguished honors by the ifojbchif dignitaries and other noted citi?ens who were visiting the Springs I What will be done with the fellow Jwhi. takes an oath before magistrate 5$ eloping with is 19 fyearl old wfieu jh faeHlie is only lo? I Will Castor, oKOaarro, h reported to be m this case.c ft There is a speciarmovement, by get- v unoiKi, lor xne repeal of the iaxes on fruit brand ami tobacco, l3oth parties in Virgin North Oaro' Iina and Tennessee, arc appealed to in IbehaironWrnQvement. , " ' T1?. P,V?. republican holders in IVashingtou are already, oe'ing wo-Itifiotl-'UiV'their presence at hame at'th'e cbmiug sUte election is an imperative necesisity; and if they stay gaway they, do so at; tKeif owu risk. ' Four hundred wKTle families from th, Iparolinas arc said to be "booked" ' for f Arkansas this fall, to labor this year tis 3bireliugs, aod the n'exi'iw 'croppers, if t iney choose.'!, the 'same' agent has also engad to deliver a band of negroes. J tue Democrats of Montana have reedto.'b'ury their dissfhtionsan& !; harmonVze "on J. It. Toole for Govern or, II. Conrad for Lt ' jOoverhor," n3 i artiit Mayiiiiit.tiogrg. ; They i are hopeful, of .a ndory over the Re- s ... - - l ;A! boilr-exnlosion iaiheiiil iiacfc orv atlTiiridi, Bradford cauntjv! enn.,iiiey,iriiaii7 rrecKeu ine fiictori?and-iiI!e fi men. B.T'wq others were futalljf injured. The ex plosioji jjraj terrific, and aroused the jiepple or mjles around.- jCarJigle D. Graham went over Xiag" nfn FaUs in a strongly Tjnilt barrelf ton, four miles below, ''moreead than alive." He is not jet satisfied, how ever, a gel proposes another descent tit a more dangerous part of the Falls. Th e Davids n Dispa tch says ph at Gen., J. M. Leach, on his .way to Wii-shiugtoii, attempted to get off the train; (Charlottesville, Ya., and iloin so fell, and broke b is teg in the thigh. Mrs. Leach hiis gone to him. ' THongh about 75 years old, he ts iiijgood Jieiilth. 1 .. . A ot of railroad hands in .? Wilkes had whisky and were having a boister ous time in a barn, when the bass, Mr. Chatham, entered to remonstrate. An Irishman in the crowd became of fended and cut Mr. Chatham across the abdomen, which caused his death. Four murderers of Women- were hang in the Tombs prisonNew York, huJt Friday. There were two places of ex ecution in the yard, and two of the condemned men were hung at each place at one and the same drop. The wages of sin is death, and yet men will not heed it. " Maj. E. G. Harrell, the escort of the lady teachers in England, having been accused of getting down on his knees to kiss Qneen Victoria's han,d, the litleigh Call denies it, and says that sort of foolishness has gone far enough. We didn'f start it,' and have nothing to "take back." County' Treasurers will do well to examine the law passed by the last Legislature requiring them toxhibit a full, perfect and itemized statement to the examining Committee, of the use made of the public money received by them. It is a stringent law and well deserving their attention. Fire at Davidson College, Monday morning at 4 o'clock, destroyed the bams of H. P. Helper and S. G.Sco field A uegro woman has bee -aij- rested on suspicion of starting it, out of ! revenge against Mr. Helper, who -ordered hereof! his premises, Sunday, for disorderly conduct. - Loss "alwiit $2,400. There was trouble between the whites and blacks at Mt. Pleasant, S. C, growing out of the accidental shoot ing of a negro girl by a white lad. Negroes wanted to lynch the boy, not withstanding the girl s ante-mortem ! statement showed it tvas an accideut.j Troops had to be called out to prevent Lynching. ,.. Mr. Kenyon, a northern gentleman who had recently established a private bank: in Newton, NC, took typhoid fever! after having nursed a'child sick of that ' disease, and whilejn the delir ium of the fever, leaped out of the up per story window and sustained inju ries which caused his death. His. body was taken North for burial. A ten thousand dollar soap factory is to jbe btiilt at Charleston, S. C, aud it is confidently expected that it will pay a good dividend. We telieve a saip factory could be made, to pay a good support at this place, if properiy conducted. Mr. J. B. Lanier could probably more easily make it pay than any one we know of at present. . . (! Chris. W. Luea, of Brooklyn, N. Y., was stjibbed to te heart.earTy Thursday morning last by n bfirglar named Mc ElevainlO years yld, whom, jie 'had grappled in his dining roohi. ! Luca re ceived everal severe cuts in the struggle but one ihst be'loW thft henrf death in a few minutes. The burglar got out at the window and ran, but he and a Confederate were, captured and arein prison. ' v " Dr. Grissom resigned : the tend supenn- ence of the insane asylum on Thursday last, thejesignation to tat effect upon the election of a accessor. r w fc,,e w!Psfc cases that has occurred in the State, V hpr ee the downfall of an able mail, whose i ceiling lM.MiKWMi. j . ...... iuuumg una maae nira famous throughout the tate-aimost small matter" to blast the futuRJCpros- pecw or an aged man like the- siftWr uocent man he will bring suit iu: form An: in; to show iL It h due to the innocence utiffl -tuns; but itiJ espedally;dmj to fairly dealt witb hy his feW cfti'zens, and especially by the press? . jY i ft in mis case, ana the cause should be clear forcible juid sufficTeht oeyqnd The shad ow of u douht. If r J,j.... - The Bio'hfn-Sequard elixir, pr a:?aCivil;S3rTicecGkiuissioner Lyman sbflrt time hejrsilde exit the jworw as :8ays that the j-qport -sentl out;; from a rejnviiiatinjf prtparatipn tofjoe nd-f Wash ingtoa statitj;; that the Coin mis ministejld hype.rdermic injectiot Moners bad lalkedMtuVPresident Har has proved a failure in this country, where numerous experiments have the rules to cover tha chiefs of divis been made, in some cases with fatal; ions in the department is an error, results, and in no case with permanent : The subec; has not lieen called to the felhefit. DoctoTrrndeniri ftisMErAdniV5 be, when M practical value, and in some cases it 'he returns to Washington :is the Com- has proved. fataL- A disasfrous cloud-burst occurred on ; tween the Commission and one of the Sunday last in the vicinity of Kock-i Cabinet: is said to be one of the proba ingharo in Richmond County. Five ; bilities of the near f uture; mill dams were broken and the mills and machinerv of the Pee Dep, the Great Fdls, and the Midway, damaged. ; The Carolina Central railroad between Lilesville and Hamlet, was also badly broken up. The damage to property if estimated at $100,000. and five hundred fersons thrown ' out of em ployment. . The navy department has had to issue new proposal'. for ; building "the-J five new cj-u ism' provided for at the ! last session of Congress, because bid received for those first issued were all in accessqf tliet auoifnt appropriated. Iris fpnred that vessels of the rbiss idestred'eannot be built for the amounts stipulated by Congress, and that the matter will have to be referred back to that body for further action. We seem to have all sorts, of drawbacks in the building of our, new navy. The Wilmingtou Star says it is quite common for rice farmers in that sec tion to lose 10 per cent, of their crops by the depredations of the rice birds. Men are employed to watch the fields 'and drive away the birds by the use of guns, but the birds get their share of the crop for all that. The birds are getting their share of the grapes in this part of the State the catbirds and the robbins are the leaders in the steal not and English Sparrow seen among the vines. Chicago is in dead earnest in trying to have the Exposition of 1892 held in ithat city. We have a circular signed by ten of the leading editors in the city, in which they set forth at length the reasons why Chicago should be selected as the place. The hotel ac commodations are said to be ample for 150,000 visitors, to say nothing of 5,000 boarding houses. They claim every desirable advantage for such an occasion, and say there cau le an agri cultural and live stock exhibit there such as the world has never seen. The Navy department has received a cablegram from Rear Admiral Gher- ardi, commanding the North Atlantic squadron, asking that the New Anier can minister to Hayti be ent imiuwl iately as Legit iue had abdicated and HipK)lyte is now on top in that changeable island. The rench and English captains h ive placed them selves under Adminil Glieranli's onlers in case of any trouble at Port-au-Prince. Fred Douglass is the new minister. It is said that the Haytians object to Douglass as Minister; they want a white man. The pension list has heretofore re quired from $75,000,000 to 80,000,000 annually. That was enough to stag ger the people who have the burden to carry; but the demand will increase about one-half, or fifty per cent, under the present administration. It will.be rememlered that Mr. Cleveland fought against the corrupt gang who were continually trying to extend the pen sion. Commissioner Tanner will ask the next Congress for about $30,000,000 additional appropriations for this ser vice, and it may not stop at that. A pension list amounting to $110,000,000 twentyfive years after the war is an item worth talking about. A fearful riot occurred among a gathering of negroes in Sevier county, Arkansas, on the night : of the 25th. Tbey "had, been holding jolly gather ings in the woods near the little town of Lockesburg; and on Saturday night they were to have a grander time than ever, and for an inspiration a good supply of whiskey, was provided. A fght occurred among them in which a manj was fatally, shot, ind this seems to hare been the signal for- a general fight, in which pistols were freely used. Three men were killed and a number wounded, some of them fatally. ITJie women fled to get out of the. danger, and confusion i reigned the. men shot at each other without know ing who they shot. ; Mahone Nominated for Governor. The 'Republicans' of Virginia were in State ' Convention : J at Norfolk, August 22J, and after several speeches, Gtu. Mahone was declared unani mously nominated for Governor. ' The contest promises to be hotly contested. Mr. Mc Kin ney , his democratic oppo- t-nent, is an able and popular man, and will no doubt to carry the democratic ?tnl:ir-1 fe-r.-!?vly. nson about the propsed extension of (mtssuoaarareuaHninioiisly in favor of its adoption.; An opan rupture be- There was a terrible accident on the first trip on the Cumberland G.ip & Louisville railroad, last Thursday. It wsts an excursion train that had on board a select company of distinguish ed persons; but of fifty-six, forty-one were either killejtl or wounded. Among the killed were.; Judge George Andrew, the most prominent:, lawyer in E ist Tehnessef T. Powers,' leading mer chant andformer President of the E.ist Tennessee Fire-insurance1 Corn- pane; Alex: mder Ueeder, leading noli tician whohas held many offices oE trust. The accident was caused by the bad condition of the road. Part of the train left the track and went down froai a, trestle. New Yorkers are still planning in regard to the proposed World's Fair, of 1892, in commemoration of the discov ery of America and the Star of the 25th canvasses the surrounding coun try iii the. vicinity of the city, settling down on some point north of the Har lem river, as the most suitable ground on which to hold it. Meantime, the Manufacturers' Uecord has obtained and published letters.from all the Gov ernors of the Southern States, and the Mayors of all the principal cities in the South, and many of the leading citi zens of that section, who with singular unanimity say that Washington, the capital of the country, is the place where the exposition ought to be held. Out of thirty letters on the subject, there is only one which favors New York, one for St. Louis and one for Chicago all the rest say Washington is the place for it. Thus the question of location seems to bo unsettled, and the New Yorkers a l.ttle too fast in their claim.' and preparations. The Twin-City Daily of the 2-tth August presents ' a list of premiums awarded to the exhibitors of fruits at the Fruit F air recently held in Win ston. There was a large number of exhibitors, and they took in every va riety of fruits, dried and green, can ned and preserved. The exhibit must have been very fine, and highly inter esting especially to those who have a taste for horticultural pursuits. Dr. G. K. Faust, of Graham, took the largest number of premiums of any one exhibitor. N. W. Craft, of Shore", was awarded $10 on the bjst aud largest collection of grapes. Special mention is made of the goods exhibited by the can nning factories of Messrs. Jenkins Bros., Salem; Hanes Co., Lexington:, G. L. Anthony, Vandal ia; and Dr. G. K. Faust, Graham all North Carolina concerns. Our neighbor, J. B. Lanier, should also have been on hand, for he is doing a very handsome business in this line. Country Produce Market. Reported by D. K. JULIAN k CO. Corn .60 Pe3 1.00 Flour cnty 2.60 2.75 Meal .65 Bacon Iiam3 " sides .11 u shoulders ' .10 Lard .10 Potatoes irsh 70 (.. 7."i " '; sweet 50 (5? .60 10 Butter Chickens 20 (, Molasses country ,20 ,25 Cotton and Grain Market. Reported by BOYDEN k QUIN'.W Cotton firm Strict gd M idling Hi Good Midling , 101 Midtihg ' 10 Low M idling Stains & Tinges 8(r9 Wheat $1.00 1 ;10 Com new - ' 58 Oats 40 NOTICE. RAILROAD ELECTION. NOTICE is hereby given that there will bean electiou held ia Salisbury town ship, Rowan county, on Tuesday, the 10th day of September. 18S9, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of said township, a proposition to 6U,bscribe fifty thousand dollars to the stock of the l'cufit'u Raiitoad Company in fiye ppv cent, bonds of the said township, to ruu forty years, with the privilege of paying any or alt of them at the end of ten years, or at any time thereafter, that the Board of Commis sioners, of said county may elect. Those who wish. to vote in favor of said propo sition will vote a ticket with the word Subscription'' upon it ; and those wish irt.g to vote n&ainst said proposition, will vote a ticket with the words. No Sub scription " upon it. An eutii,elyL new registration of voters, has been ordered for the said election. By order of the Board of Count v Com missioners, THOMAS J. SUMNER, "- "V ' - Chairman. H6uato N. XVoodson Clerk. July 29, I8S9. te. su33caiii3 fo:i r 1 1 CAROLINA WATCHMAN" NOTICE. BAILEOAD ELECTION. i ill ii. ncrhv. nven mai inerc will bean election held in Providence Township, Rowan county, on Tuesday, the 10th day of September, 1889, for toe purpose of submitting to the" qualified voters of said township a proposition to subscribe four thousand dollars to the tock of the Yadkin Railroad Company, in five per cent, bonds of the said township, to run forty years with the privilege of paying any or all of them at the end of ten years, or at any time thereafter that the Board of Commissioners of said county may elect. Those who wish to vote in favtr of said proposition will vote a ticket with the word "Subscription" upon it; and those wishing to voteagainst said proposition, will vote a ticket with the words " No Subscription " upon it. An entirely new registration of voters has been ordered for said election. By order of the Board of Count v Com missioners. THOMAS J. SUM NER, Chairman. Horatio N. Woodson, Clerk. July 29, 1889. NOTICE. - RAILROAD ELECTION. NOTICE is hereby given that there will be on election held in Gold Hill township. Rowan county, on Tuesdav, the 10th day of September, 1889, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of said township a proposition to subscribe seven thousand dollars to the stock of the Yadkin Railroad Company, in five per cent bonds of said township, to run forty years, with the privilege of paying any or all of them at the end of ten years, or at any time thereafter that the Board of Commissioners of said county may elect. Those who wish to vote in favor of said proposition will vote a ticket with the word "Subscription " upon it; and those wishing to vote against said proposition wili vote a ticket with the words " No Subscription " upon it. An entirely new registration of voters has been ordered for said election. By order of the Bard of Countv Com missioners, THOMAS J. SUMNER, Chairman. Horatio X. Woodsox, Clerk. July 29, 1889. NOTICE. RAILROAD ELECTION. NOTICE is hereby given that there will be an election held in Morgan town ship, Rowan county, on Tuesday, the 10th day of September, 1889, for the pur pose of submitting to the qualified voters of said township a proposition to sub scribe three thousand dollars to the stock of the Yadkin Railroad Company, in five per cent, bonds of said township, to run forty years, with the privilege of paying any or all of them at the end often years, or at any time thereafter that the Board of Commissioners of said county may elect. Those who wish to vote in favor of said proposition .will vote a ticket with the word " Subscription " upon it; and those wishing to vote against said proposition, will vote a ticket with the words " No Subscription ?' upon it. An entirely new registration ot voters has been ordered for said election. Bv order of the Board of Countv Com missioners. THOMAS J. SUMNER, Chairman. Horatio N. Woodson. Clerk. July 29, 1889. ESLEYflfliNs-rmjTE, D STAUNTON VIRGINIA. Opns September imh. 1SP0. One of the most (hr onirli and Mttractno KrhttoU for jcuni? la.lio m Xr LL"ilVw:r',1uirhea 'lata i" M fSlf. o ; OLtTI(), &c. Climate iinsurraed. Pupils from nineteen States. Terms low . Special iiuluremf titH to (kthoiis at a tlistance. J- r eRf?Ki'K?7JMmVUt" this CELKBKA1EC 1K(j I N I A hCHOOL, write lor a Catalogue to Wm. A. Harrfi.D. D., Prcsldnt, Staunton, Virginia. 25 REDUCTION ! ON ALL GOODS (EXCEPT WATCHES AND PLAIN GOLD RINGS.) UNTIL SEPTEMBER 25th, m M&KE mOM FM MT. IPAJLIL THIS IS YOUR OPPORTU NITY & YOU SHOULD NOT FAIL TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT, Very Truly, W, I. BEISNEff, i READING JEWELER, flnPBDTBS (li'RllllllElTlffii ; m m j . m ! mwi ,i i - PROVISIONS! NEW STORE . . P. W. BROWN, (Xext to Fanners Warehouse) - Dealer in...... Choice Family Groceries, Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Spices, CANNED GOODS of every description, Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff, and nun? other articles, sucli ns Batter, Eggs, & Chickens And all kinds or Country Produce. IIi?li4t Caslt 3?ricc paid For Country Produce. recall and see me and you will alway s remember the place, jy If yo do not need Goods bring your lluggtes to be repaired, or your Horses to be shod. Very respectfully, P. W. BROWN. 37:Sm Fowle's Mai ority 15,000. WE promised the people that it Judge Fowle was eKcted Governor of North Car olina, we would sell Goods 10 per cent. less than any House in Salisbury. Look at This: 0.00 Suits reduced to $4.00 7.00 " 4 " 5.00 10.00 " " " 8.00 20c. double-width Dress Goods 12k. Vhite Blankets 1. 00 per pair. Good Brogan Shoes 81.00 per pair. The Cheapest line of DRY GOODS NOTIONS, HATS & SHOES, GROCERIES AND. CROCKERY in Salisbury. Do not take our word for it hut roinc and see for yourselves, Respect fully, D. R. JULIAN & CO Salem Female Academy J-UUom, IV. C, LARGEST, OLDEST AND BESli FEMALE COLLEGE IN THE SOUTH. -4- ; Session opens Aupust 27, 1S89J Faculty : 30 Professors and Teachers. Special fea tures the Devel pmcnt of Cuiracter, i Health and Intellect. Fully equipped Preparatory and Collegiate departments, besides first class schools in 3Insie, Art, , Lansruaares nutl Cmnnierclal Studies, feud for Catalogue to Rev. J. H. CLE WELL, i:5t Principal. t - i v- .... . J ! - 1 4 CAR LOADS Of Bagging & Ties just ia! SOMETHING TO DOWN THE BAGGING TRUST! AT PRICES THAT VIU SAVE YOU MORE THV 100o OVER ANY OTHFR COTTON COYERIXCT V TTIP VSPVCTAT. A TTPYt'iav yj., THE FARMERS IS CALLED TO THIS NOTICE. GKAIMIGHliN! We buy all kinds of grainat highest cosh pricts. COTTON! COTTON!! Wq arc in the market for all the cotton raised -in this and adjoining counties. See us before you sell - your cotton. We arc at the top on prices for all grades, r -o COTTONSEED WE WILT, PAY HIGH EST CASUPRICES FOR ALL SEED BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET. PLOWS AND HARROWS! ."HtWe ' lfttve some superior Chilled Plows, which we will sell to the farmers at not cost. Call and examine them. The Hillside Plow is a beaut v and does its work wt?l. Our.Clark's Cutaway harrow is a tool that every farmer needs. I UUUUILO) HACKS AMD CARTS. Our stock of vehieles cannot he excelled in the State. The Mccormick steel mower Is .pronounced, by all who have used it to be the best. Our Wheat FERTILIZERS 4 l)f Vxtr txt p m nnifrC! LOWER THAN EVER. "Far mere Friend' "Stonewall" aiwl "National," Pure Ground Ionc and German Kanit. . Wo are always at the front i our aiirerent unet?. Respectfully,- CARRIAGES P0MQDI 1

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