i r Billy Mahone. Cincinnati Commcm.il. When the lion eats grass like an ox, And the fi-shin worm swallows the whale; When the terrapins knit woolen socks, Ana the hure'4 outrun by the snail ; When serpents walk upright as men, And the doodle bugs travel like frogs ; When the gsnsshopper feeds on hens, And feathers are round upon hog ; When Thomas cats swim in f he air, And elephants roost upon trees; When insects in summer are rare, And snuff never makes people succze ; When fishes creep over dry land. And mules on Velocipedes ride; When foxes lay eggs in the sand, And women in dress take no pride ; When Dutchmen no longer drink beer, And girls get to preaching on time ; W hen hi Hy goats butt from the rear, The Great Eastern Gone. yi i.' . WML' W, HJHH.m Compound Interest on a Quarter. About thjrty-five yars aeo a little THE leviathan bboken UP fob OLD boy was given a quarter of a dollar for - i i . ti i IBO.V AFTER THIBTT YEARS SERVICE. "Twb5 ujuiicv. .8 ue waiKen nown , , . . ' the street, verv h.tppv, hi met with an Lotion Grapb.c. umf showed him the money. We have so often been called upon saying as he did go, '"See what my in psist years to announce the last, and VP P&P1 g;ive me to spend." The the very last and positively the last, of uler ,K)y knocked it out of the little thk magnificent and crenerallv mmhmm fellow s hand, snatched it up. and i - i -. 1 :.L. :l ti. . i - rJ ship, which has lingered on, through an ouscure anu prorjtie.ss existence, since ber single voyages to New York, New Orleans and Jtielbournse proved a commercial failure, that the stranded hull ou the Mersey shore, ready to b broken up for a few thousand pounds' norm or ow iron, may seem out a re p ana ran away with it. I he little boy was almost-broken-hearted, but when he went home crying and told about it his mother tfnve him another quarter. This modified him, but he never for gave the older boy. The war came on and the older boy was given a commi.- sioti in me armv. wnue tne little one. wurin ui inu iron, inav see in out a re-j ''" iuc hic unit; tnic, miniscence of the fate, reoeatedlv de- who was too young to enlist, staid at dared to be imminent and commonly home. believed to be past. - After the war the younger boy be lt is thirty yearssince she first put came a clerk in the war department, to sea from the Thames, and her pas- Within the past fifteen years the older i i.i i-.i i iiiii i iim i i i Til uv nun iiitr nna w ii.iiiii i i - i mii, i re i w . i i l t iiiimi And treason no longer is crime; sage down the Channel was marred bv boy, who had become a lawyer and an the a shocking disaster from the bIownnornor announced himself as a candi- When the humming bird brays like ass. And potato bugs sing like the lark ; When plowshares are made out of glass, And fleas can be caught in the dark ; When gas meters cease to tell lies, And the cow jumps over the moon ; of her steam apparatus, which cost ten Mate for the United States Senate, and lives; but the laborious efferts to launch this enormous ' Leviathan,1 as she was at brat called, in 18o7, from Mr. Scott THIP. An And the dish runneth after the spoon : I When streams to their I And limburger smells like cologne ; When the skin of the white man turns black, And the hearts of Virginians to stone ; Hot till then will they follow the track Of thy treachery, Billy Mahone. A Wonderful Cotton Plant. A SPARTANBURG FARMER RAISING COT TON WITHOUT LINT. he had a lanre following. It looked al though he might be elected. Hut one morning the newspapers in many por tions of the country, and especially those of his own State, published a statement to the effect that the candi- oate naa nren dismissed from r.h rnu Kussell's buildinjr vard Millwall. had ll.'Cll lllllillnlK nt ill When the Yankees forsake pumpkin pies, were killed by the breaking of the gear nem aiier tne spoon ; " ujuiauiiv niiues ntai tu uioiuioa; mnu iu; tuuit ir fountains flow back, sIwly pushed her, broadside on, into for cowardice and other questionable tells like cologne ' the comparatively narrow river, and conduct. The lawyer denied the charge i"um tiiic cuiiiiciit riigllieer, uy "hj iiwhi iiic itn;oiu ii iiie ing a few days afterwards, was thought War Department w e r e published, to be a victim of sore anxiety and se- showing that the charge was true. He vere disappointment. was not elected. After his defeat was One serviceable and honorable per- accomplished, he received a letter post- formance the laying of the Atlantic marked Washington, D. C, of which telegraph cable in 1855. isiet down tn the following is an exact conv : " TV, the Great Eastern; but experience hasy.ou remember the day you outraged a snown tnat vessels in moderate size ie ooy s teeiings and almost broke ran An ncli w,-rl. ..o .....II 1l 1 - - . J I hi honrt Im- wK... Ii.,, ... v ir num tV3 nun. it, is a sou i .,j oiiauu a ijuiiriur ironi chanter in th histnrv nt murMia avhi. him? That deerl IS ews comes from Soartanbura of a tecture. and some oeonle mmt bnv Senate." Washlnafnn C.nnit.J Tiour ontinn nlonf n.-4ii.li if u liL-, lrcf nf rr L I I tt- wHMu, ji jt, imc ui, uhc iiuic anu inioiiicr nearly a elairaed, will make a wonderful revo- million sterling altogether by this im lution in the agrienttural and cotton mense mistake. The Great Eastern oil interests of the nation. T. Fergu- might perhaps have been converted into son, an experienced-cotton planter, a very commodious floating hotel, claims to have a cotton plant which moored in some tranquil bay; she could will produce nothing but cotton seed never have been a good sea-going ship, without the lint. His statement is or romneted , I f -"-vi, UI . , , briefly as follows. safety, with the admirable "liners" of SHVe exPense mounted a salt barrel at; tirtmp id.li uiuie is a maie ana receni, construction. Her engines, in female cotton plant the male being deed, were manifestly of insufficient Poor But'Honeit. Detroit Free Press. The other forenoon young man counten.-tnee and a suit of clothes which seemed to have run all together and consolidated with a forlorn looking on the sidewalk on Michigan and started off with: designated, he thinks, by the red calks, power and she rolled grievously for aly dear friends, pansea for The. seeds urw r.iriwnliiKut f ho dolna l?irL- nt n JL-..I TL j: ment and hear niv n:irr:ifiiTo -... vu,ui.u vuu ruuiico I yji u ncci, X lie UlalcIlSlOnS OC T.ne J being generally blue, green and white, big ship were 694 feet lonjr 83 feet P but honest young man. My feet deep; capacity, 22,500 lw r -rjACt'1,ur- niy parauts are aven ue and of course cannot be distinctly wide, and 60 feet deep; capacity 22 500 urw.ifii'il fli ran tin.- 4-. i X. ......... I f mmm .. uviuureiiLcu, aumw uine hu, iu DICK OUt the male plants, and with the seed ex tracted from them planted another i, u L 1 - II r I .1 I . . fmiabcijr. tne crop was v nen a Ueorgia farmer found out Throwing Ont Hints. ready for picking the male plants were that his son John was spackin a cer ngain selected and the production of tain farmer's daughter for a year or seeds planted separately again. This more without settling anv question process of selecting the male plants he called him out behind the stack and was kept hp until at last the lint re- said to him: fused to germinate, and nothing is "John, de you love Susan Tinker lett in the bolls save a large amount of UI guess I do, bad " seed. The amount of seed. The "And does she love you " amount of seed contained in the boll "That's what 1 dunno, and I'm 'fraid is more than equal to the weight of to ask her " 1 XSL Tl, f"nd in Se aver- . .UVVel1' i'01 better throw out a few -pp uo.i ui cotton. rerguson hints to-night and find out. Its no use StX h7alfld,!eue fourLha"- ""8 boot leather unless you are dred bushels of seed to the acre by his going to marry her new discovery, where only thirty-five That night at ttn o'clock John came bushels are now gathered with the lint, home a Wek. His face waT ill He ha been. very careful in producing scratched up, his ear was bleeding his .U 9 r"f ilu l,iterate hat gone' a"d his bllck waTcovered all vestige of lint from aboil of cotton with mud -and has succeeded in a most re- "John! John! What on earth is the markabJe manner. Other exnenenel m.ttm" 1,: j 1. , ls.ine , j i i . , --f v -ivmi uioi tuc oia man. lav planters have been shown Fergueson's ing down his naner ' 5 new discovery and are much struck "I've bin over to wnnic. . repy " exp-rt who was shown the plant "And and Tinkers," was the a mo i ;im a mot- de.-.d and I am a lone orphan." tie added considerable to the above, and in a few minutes he had a crowd of fifty people around him. Then he an nounced: "My dear friends, I do not ask for charity. All I want is a fair show to manke my way in life. I shall now ask you to chip in n nickel apiece, and I will endeavor to do something rw.vn,- yet done on the face of the globe. I will try to turn a quadruple somersault in the air." The crowd seemed to like the idea, and the small change rattled in until the gross amount was about $3. Then the young man got down off the barrel, spit on hJs hands, picked out his ground anu turned a pretty fair somersault. He turned another and another and then remounted the barrel and said: "Kind friends, I have trie I to, but I can t do it. Assuring you of mv heart felt thanks for your kindness, l" remain y ours truly." And not a man uttered a word of complaint. Teach Boys to Work. If you are weathly it is vour matter as to whether you support your boy in idleness or not, but when your i boV reaches the age of maturity it wil be nis matter as to whether v,., l and boll said it had the appearance, "And I threw out a few hints to Su- both on the exterior and the interior, san." &U f; bj!l, f cotton after the "What kind of hint?" Itnt has been picked out. Thp "Wi, t rvi'i are a little larr th,n tfc. V" U" L um l a ocen nooning it h seed and are oeVectTv "te tZ" TJ0" OUt of .a. week taught him how to earn an L ' t i semblance of 'lint the bolls are filled while he'ehawed w,? ZZ f8 I "t Y" & eusto- with these seed, which ares numer- through her nose and nnw i 5 dm for hls good and not yours, you ous as okra seed in a pod of okra. The it S?S to brush her reetb hn' gnaiian if i molutmn that will be effected by this and dnrJ p Lr 8tokin cure tl J mtrr ?n,7 that which pertains to Cbtton phint, ,f it can be cultivated bile on her chin and tel I the old folks TV ie 18 left and ma 5Pfc successfully, wi be bvnnd.Unlut; u.. anu ren the oio: tolks away by misfortune or .....wii . ,i T , .l "vuiwuu. Mian we re eigairetl. l rh . ii " ,r ,uw,w UIIU ItfJ: ccuiat,ons are correct "And her father bonced vnnP" Z 111" ut lt 'ou him wio union on ousiness 'wilt be entirely "No did nr.. fk.i-v L ii revolutionized. The planters wfio now soled ' 1 1tll7 1 ? raise cotton are fortunate if they can including Susan tlb make 200 pounds of lint cotton to th" threl dol and 'then T w IT9 are. Counting the value of cotton thahhalfhcM I seed at $50 an acre is ennsid n k;,. V . I guess we moved en return to planters in this 7 'V: . V10 "1 ,fc wasn't iBu.i.ur. u:'' T:' ' muso mi row out w otwhm Kiumjiu new cotton seed up with an honest and industrious cm racier it will last him to the end of life, and be a stay and support in all nnne. . 4 w fV imi eitigate the matter. Have a Few ... , - V"VVVU :: i plaat will yield at least $90 an acre v i- w " This ammnt he ,a will be ootabed """ Up mii! eS- v!. u,ns UI cot ion seen ti "m sum. -c..., crnu pr oushel, that being The editor rtf n u j the present price paid for the rjwweii hi.a .0 j 1 ,, ... . . on Aoma- The SUte agricultural bureau miinZlZrT e Weldon Fair, and I it -mm I on ,-ri ! m m mm k.. LillJi 7 , " VJ ,,e wnt; had he k ne wourd have been ES thi! disf-able duty of com- Arionio Kicker. "V the "numberless A corresnond.nf S re C:" "V ..run. 57 kirs and v 1 l r .7, , "M"ca i ine cui tnroats. Wo mbni;n l' Kicker has any libel suits on hand, as because the brother saVs -tbl r the result of lis independent and out- come for th pn s of Vhp 5 6 ,me ha! spoken course Well, yes, it has a few if foot down Pw,th f u 1 fun t l'Ut -about four dozen, We believe, but we every fair whose princ nle W ' UPn 2J not w.7'g They have all Win the nur anf Y-riSt 7 Cn' been instituted by second class ducks bling conwnw i tyof'8ain" aged, and the wnole batch will nroba- shall m,Wi-fc 3L. J?fre my be thrown ont of court in a l.,m comnlim-nVo.r WM.r 08 ne omeday. I the bSnnini o thS StonwH' 70r W J cohc for three days and nights, and them." 8 "T to rb wed wake tin frnitt-& ..ui- j i find our clVithK the wavVobrT? t. Wk 'hat's soon got sunburned. Indeed, we WtheS?? We nok er prefer td see them ' if , pe"fve there, is a conscientin.. " Pn tne State, but what will do the'san iZ8' hke n be er prefer to see them come. iiae ousiness. i; i pni Spoch .fli n i:r . .. an i uiir nnaprvat.nn ,, - epoch in the life of the individual. ngs, are often U ;,:iL.urn . As far a press of . . -v inn . orv and .he rV"JTL"llle: .ml MI r: " " . ru,J speaks out health has J-E UT " uncern sound about they owe their restoration to health to the use of the Great Altcrathre and Tonic If you are troubled with any disease of Kid neys Liver or Stomach, of 1D2 or hnr Ranaing, will surely find rcKof l,r mZZ EJectric Bitters. Sold WaFwif WtZL9! be at Klutt, , Co h Drug9tire. rp."-'- A Lady it South Cawliu Writes: . My labor was shorter An A ' i ' fhan on two form"!f :nd Panful SfiSCuT fee. tli 'ir their they only their emergencies if boys are trained to work, muscles will be hardened, nnd morals kept pure, so that when reach manhood they will not be able to ke p the money fninay have left them, but they will be able to earn more, and also en joy the respect and the confidence of their fellow man. An idle brain is the devils worship, and you may be ure that he keeps busy there all the time. Keep your boys engaged in some honest employment if von wish 5J mak. Talable men out of' them. -Item Ctty Dailtf. LONG WALKING English FaniWjr with Six Children Walk riT Iluii trtid Mile. Mrs. Adam Acton, an English lady who has one rosideuee in St. John's Wood, London, and another ia Ormi dalo, Arran, is tho hcroiaoof tho latest remarkable pedestrian feat-r-a walk of fivo hundi-ed miles in England and Scotland, beginning m London and ending in Glas.2ro'.v. and performed. not alone, but in the company of her whole family of six chliJroaTthe eldest ot wnoin is two! ve years and the young est twolvo month. .Tne latter, it need hardly ba said, did not walk tho whole distance, boing wheeled, in faei, to- Fgeiher with his feeding bottle and appurtenances thereto beion jring, in a buoy carriage Mr 3. Acton, in the course of conversation with a Scotch reporter oa the experience of her trip. remarked: "ion must mvr in mind that wo had no idea whoa we started of doing any thing wonderful in walking tt-r . w e como up from Lioudon every year from our house here in Arran; and as we went down by rail no loss than nine times last year, we thought wo would walk this year and see the coun try, for, of eour.se, you never see any thing of it from tho window of a rail way ear. "Our party consisted of six children, tho youngo t in our famous baby coach. which has been, oh, thousands of mileJ on the Continent and in England nnrl Scotland, and ray husband and myself and two maids ten in all. When wo started from St. John's Wood we each took a small black bag in our hands; but we soon had t give these up Afterward we had absolutely nothing but a night-gown and a mackintosh each. Ther was one brush and one comb for myself and all the children Vve really couldn't carry more than the least possible quantity of luggage, m- . I fli . . Know. lea-my n us band is so fond of a cup of tea so we carried our tea all the way trom London; and we had a kettle, too; one of those flat ones to boil over a spirit lamp, and the spirit lamp itself. And, of course, the baby, being a young baby and fed on the bottle, obliged us to carry a tin can of milk. We had very light fare As soon as wci got into the North of England wo always had porridare for breakfast, u e never had much meat: on tho only two occasions when we had really a good dinner, wo found that we could not walk afterward. We had eggs and milk, and bread and butto: to any amount. The meat we had was almost entirely tinned meat, which we bought with bread in the town or vil lage in t!ie morning, and carried with us till we came to a suitable place for dinner. W e had dinner in tho open air always. Then for tea we had just to call and get a kettle of water and the use of tea things, which they were always glad to supply us for a shilling (twenty-live cents. ) "Of course the trouble was boots," Mrs. Aeton continued. "Wo were recommended all sorts of hygienic soles, and every thing, and we tried every thin-. and wo had to z'ivg them ail up. We gave up boots altogo! her and took to 'sand shoes' canvas shoos with Iudia rubber soles. Thoso allow the feet to go any how they like; there is no pnrsure and we found thorn admirable. We never got blisters or sore feet or any thing. We used to soap our toe.s and heels and tho inside of our stock ings before we started; that is a very good thing. Then as to washing, wo could not possibly stop to have every thlug washed at the inns and places. so the way we managed our washing was to have one thing washed every UitTht. We found V.ft P.'V.llH nlnwrc rrf " o fiV J one thing washed and quickly got up, and so we had clean things without the trouble of carrying any with us. We carried no umbrellas. But though the weather was very bad in England wo did very well without. In tho first part of tho time we walked in our mackintoshes and hats that tho rain would not hurt. Of course it was very muddy, and, what with the mud and the rain and the sun, our dress got into such a slate we were quite ashamed of ourselves. And on Saturday nights we had to stop somewhere and buy flowers or some little frilling or something to brighten up our hats to go to church on the next morning. But we never had colds, in spite of having no um brellas, and. though we had a great deal of gray, cold weather that people complained of. we found it splendid weather for walking." Cor. Philadel phia f'resv. How to Bathe. Perfect healthful ne.s is imu t.ss!! 1 without perfect cleanliness. Knouetit bathing is necessary to free i he mouths of the innumerable little sweat glands trom obstructions, and neimifc the elimination of impurities from the iy. Anorner important effect of the oath is its influence upon the circula tion of the blood. A bath, properly taken. invariaUv aceeWiih-s tb i.nn. ation. One should never "out he immili;!t lv after eating a htartv iu-. but should wait two hours at least; nor should I ------- - 1 i n 1 1 1 ; oed. The liest time U i. ;w re tiring at night. i he entire bodv slmiild 1... h.alw two or three time i v ei k 111 winter. Bl.tny a m :n hi iy ! i''.1 l.'-pl.ysieni capacity by' slmi;tl.. pIp his n.iptl somewhal. Without eieannhoss in the dairy, all pffurt tn produce lite best butter or cheese ;:re vain. Generally, he who sells It iv from hi farm pays a high rate c?f interest for t lie money lie irets. - F.r t!ii' nutrition of live stock ntur the conversion of soil'ferrility, vpr-jtSt is,t!i( Wul hli IMV.l! 10K Excessive growth or fattening is at ;i rre t expense f fond, otter a r on tiiiu.ius good growth and no tramming Sf iii!-S. a rain s o. in. 111,! . . A I . A A ' ti it 11 i : t in filing in summer. ., , , , ..... . . should ljf leu. ui.i- tbnr .1 - .': . . , 1 . . rtmVk- i...n, :'u (VMq ,.,,.!! 1.) imjih ms iiiuunaia m j ..... i'lmi, t-.-i'rJlitllV (leu KM- 1 I . . .' lowen oy a cool snouTiii' and brisk rubbing, is streng; honing, white U re main long in a w trui b lii i iveaken- ing. A hot bath is iif in wiiich ine temoeruture is from 85 t l(o grces, a warm bath is one from 7;) r degrees, and a cohi bath below Q Ue- bu !.?- ecoraln; Jheap Jigars. There was an article in I h fti, Democrat the other day exnosin" so. a ot the secrets of the eimir tr. A hut there was one little trick that was not mentioned. I refer to the I1HVV Kiditmi of wrapping up or labeling cheap ci gars. Some of the choicest nnd must costly Havana are aiwavs pirbpr wrapped in a peculiar kind of nnn r .r have a gilt band around tlum i,L lately manufacturers or packers have thought of the oh in of 11 nf finer mi cheap cigars in similar style. 1 have ha I on my counter two boxes side by side filled with precisely similar cigars. oui oniy tnose in one box with collars. This box would onlv List, f.l days, while the other one would last as many weeks, omokers ot cheap cigars w ho are not particular as to flavor al ways seem to tavor a decorated smoke, and I expect before Ion" th liffi r.r nishrueuts men: ioned will h nw.! "nr. clusively for cheap brands, and used ror Them very generally. 5. Louis Globe-Democrat. .Tiie farmer mu-t 11 aye a J4ig bank account i:o can afford to-breed itnma turcainiiials i I r tlie sliamides vi'U r Shey iipriiai-h muturity. l.!y Mahonc sas she gun he 1iailin his hand when young Harrison was shot Was not "tended. Km ifi.th mm th.-.r isn't thought to be the harm tbee d;i ! loadiHl that does j 'I'll!. (Villi , , T X it. w!li tl.l I.IJL have leen loaded, but it is fair to assume ! under the ciiku instances thai Uilly was. ! Wil.Slar. i DiV..rt R n;.nPTNS yniiu S" labor DIMINISHES XaQTHFR BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA ni tOLDBYALLDRUGGiSTS. w SOI.nDYSTERE, VELL & CO. PATENTS, CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS AX D copyiuaiiTs. Ask yoor dealer for Ed. L. nmii "THB XIHELESS TOILER FOB TRADE 1" - roura, anrloag to please, Ed. L. Hcntley. VOU B. Suit oa receipt the VxTvV and wrtnt how aoea not keen m no and m WILL f JraJS . mm MMM ...i.i . 1 ,n.-ui. "UI 1 ml vour i"tiroafiflrc f vou We have built un thin mn; . orJerl ou. u. nwnw, Btyio Originator. -In ordering Suits or Orerooafe oheo. mnt; RnaKt rra ro" Vl-ti" nUKs under arma. WnlsTn, VT SL? JP aide leg nieaaure, from crotch to hccL PSiCE-UST. mATT.WKOBT CLOTniyq flu mmm Men's Brown All-Wool Double and Twiit v cHeimuru mck or j rocK Suit e a Men's Fancv Black or MmMii.kf OO ed AIMV00I Sack or Frock Suits. "ffU Men's Brown or Gray Velvet Finish " ti w Men's Black or Blue British.' Xif-Wnni00 Men's Bteck, Biue' KlMnSirl06 Mate-coior jcsnjrusn Wide Wale DiaironVl Worsted Back or Frock Suits?.. .724 00 w iuoo no, iiauvuu nans' nf ChicaW capiB.OGaOOO; CorrtinS tional Bank, of Chicago, capital &,0U0,000. and Children. 122 and Market i&l I1L PortpaoaBom WUro' P. H. THCMPSOH & CQ. MANUFACTDltERS, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Scroll Sawing, Wood Turning, AMO CASTINGS OF ALL KINDS DEALERS IX I ObtaffifHl, indallotherbusiiiesstn theT S Paten ome attended to for .Model ait- L-Ves ouroflicelaoppovnc tllf. r. s. i-atent OTJ ce, ao , we can obtain 1'ai ems in less iu..( ilnrn tl.ot.ere i motet rnni Wafihlniru i! 1 ''! nr.. am to utbriiils nf Mirt r ; en; ot'ilce. roreircular, advice, tenns and refer enoest . ictual ;Ueui s 1 a you r state of countv 0 ;osiif Patent o.uce, vVabhiTiTiTD.C. '-'L-l. i!, io t I How to Llake a Hand Grenade A Georgia physician writes to an At- aSS-,;'-"; lanta paper that tho solution us.-d in ! 0V''l':'f' th I,,.,. 1 v .. , 1U K.Slrecr. h"r" t0 Postr.ias.ter. the Sunt, o v.., nilUUC IllMV tlUfR'U SO 'X- tensively for sale is easily and eheanlv made bv taking twenty jiounds of com mon salt, ten pounds of .sal !iuinio::iac (muriate of ammonia, to be had of any druggist ), and dissolved in seven ,..!.-,.... . a ... i. iM , ... k.iimij ui water. vv lien dissolved it can be bottled and kept n eicli room ; in the house, u case of lire one or two bottles should le thrown with i force into the burning place, hard' enough to break them, and the lire will ; certainly be extinguished. Detroit j Free Fress. Thoir Busings Sooas-ng PrnliaUlv no one thin lias rauseil such irane at Kluttzs iJruir Sioic flli'ir irii in.r ......... t.. it...: . (";; " .1 n ! Ht ll CIIMIIIIH'IS OI so iininv tree trial Lotties of Dr. Kin-V New Discovery fV.r Consumption. Rjr lnule mipiy eiKirmons 10 lln.s Very va!ul!e Steam Engines and Boiler Steam and Water Fipe, Steam Fitting, liaftiug. Pulley Hangers. VAt.so Machinery of at! kin repaired on SHORT KOIKE, Mar. 15,88. Is the oldest and most r""p!?r scientific and mechanical paper pnb!b-he1 nnrt bao the larneot cirouiatK.n of any pap. r .f its class in the world. Ful.y illuftrnted. Best ciu-s ot Wood Rnirrar inits PnhHshed weetlr. Send for specimen 2?l?fvlIrVW.? y,!ar- ' montto'trUirffi MLN.NjK O., 1'UBI.isiikus, 3JI Broadwuy, N Y s IS aUviivs eures- .iiTieie n.-iii the hu t tli.it il anu never !is;ii.ioiuts. Cmi lu (,, Asthma. Iironehistis, Croup, und ;!! ih o: nul lun diseases quickly cured. Vou -an test it before buvin; hv rttlinr a trial Uottle fr.-e, lare size i. Every t-ottle Wiirrented Chicago Mail. Watcree Messenger. A pound of saltpetre to each square I rod of ground is recommended its an ex-! cellent quick-acting manure for flower beds, and it is also excellent for straw berry plants. As it is easily soluble in ! water it is soon appropriated bv plants, and gives immediate results. ARCHITECTS & BUILDER n tuition of Scientific American. A frnt .UA(.r.cd T ....1. : . . . n.v. u . i f --u..! .nia:n9.coiorea luiidrapluc plates ct countrv and citv rsidfn. nS7'.?,";,ic ". Numer.,M inSJSS; and fall plans and spec'ttcationa f.,r the use or Mich as contemplate buildlnp. IVIre $2.50 n year Vi- ML' NX A CO.. PcBLUBuS. may be secur ed by iipulv inir to Mrxjt 4 Co.. who v. ..... . i. ., j im-? xPrience r.iul hare made over upiMicuuons ior American and For ' eiirn mutiiti ,i ti i pondeaceVtrictly conflduil u TRADE MARKS. In ease, your mark is not registered In tho Pat ent Office, apply to Mux.v & Co., and procure immediate protection. Send for Uand book COPYttlOHTS for books, charts, maps, etc., quickly proem ed. Address MUNN & CO., Pnieut Solicitors. GEXEUAL OFFICK: 3G1 BUOADWAY. N. V d a JgBB mW llllfS P"Otaii of Mr (j.rri- n writ,. v . : "n'"- . - V . JJrni i f K. C. All. ii A Cu's athunn and inilili- . iiu uiien mitkesiso a oav " Sitmwl) w. ll.UAKRIM.sr. Will i.'i Klin.. Il.rr;.. t.. , .... Wi.t.! I n.vc nrm kn..u 11. '(llllff tO Aril till- fah. .11 l.r.liiv4took ..nl,r,...,u.i. .. tuiv --c over SSS.1. W. J ti in rr-, Hunpor, ji... wrliw: "I Ihk. aa onlrr ur your : ub, t .ili.: : fvrv houar lti.it. jt profit .oflcn-anmachanijixo .!r a linirlf day ' waft." ' H liirsarer!oiu nuit u-.n. P not pa,c to fir. nJ Shall we start VOl in this budtm read.r? nt. to aa and Irani all bott it for y.mrm lf W. re.tn.1inr many: will atnrt yu If y.u don t d. lay intd -.no, r jet. ,f yf, vr part of' ,b couutrr If take l.oU you will be .Mr to yh. k ,. p-old fM. OJ- itj-id-On .countof . for wr.uuirfurt r; mIc , 3S oH lri 7T , Uarins -ver known Acrui. Siw ! ,ocr'Mfl K"'- SHI, i, f on ipht Ittrl. or ., talkinp nn-eanry. fcmvn aho , ,Terr oL want! to t.ur" b"r.kto:!,,e,.,'OU,A"toof"r', wi,h rapidity Vet.; makinr forn. fc,T' P"'"" ".ry worker Apenl. ar. mak np fortune.. Idiea make a. much aa men. You, read-r can do a. wall a. , .. Fll imfvm,rw ,e. fre, ramilT Uiblea, Hook, and Periodica la. After row know all afcouia you conclude to jro no ttarthcr, why no b.'rm i, done. AtldxeM E. C. ALLEN A CoJ AcofsTA, SuuW BUILDING LOJS FOR SALE. Persons wanting to buy building lots; : near Livingstone College are rcquesteuT to inquire at THIS OFFICE HOME Northern Farmers on Southern Farms. X. Y. Herald. W hat odd and unexpected chances time produces! Years aco, for examnU ISevr- Hampshire and Vermont the George Was Not Afraid. Youn lady (badly frightened) O. George, here comes pa. George (ditto) Whero? Where? Young lady Hear him stepping along the hall in his stocking feet? George (greatly relieved) Be calm, darling, be calm. George is not afraid of stocking feet. Washington Critic "99m- A fight botween a rattlesnake and a coach-whip, near Moultrie, Fla.. is thus described: The ratllesnako watched his antagonist, but could not obtain an opportunity to strike. Thinking that the coach-whip did not mean business, the rattler then leisurely uncoiled himself and started to go, when, quick as lightning, the whip started for him, seizing him back of the nock, and wrapped himself tightly around his body. In ten minutes the coach-whip leisurely uncoiled himself and glided away into the underbrush, leaving the latter a mass of jelly, quite dead. The rattlesnake had sev eral rattles, and was a dangerous looking mdnster. The report of the Trustees of Vermont Lunatic Asylum shows whole number of patients admitt.,rl the asylum in fifty-two yeara is 6,288 Win men, and 2,G women. the the to if You Have am aW - larmerswere among the most inde pendent and thrifty folks on the con tinent Farming in New England, nowadays, however, is a constant grind and discourage m ent. Th cn;i i, grown stubborn and the niortiire in creased. ' 00 If the grandfathers of Hip nroconl generation in Vermont n,A ro, 11.. . I J 1 - .... v . A. . , IKllIilJ- shire had been told that their children's cniioren would pull up stakes and col onize in different parts of the South, they would have raised their hands in horror. But the war is over, we are one people and our young men receive an equal welcome in all the parts of the country. There is some difference between ploughing rounrl tho rY, nt England farm with a pair of open and turning ud the rich sr.il tl,o f;M;o . " M vr 1 1 IL AJLM. lOillO sippi plantation with a pair of mules. - v.w.... imu hi 11. c : t'uit aiauii im.i ...... r . . 1 . . . . kuuu 1 1 1 i 1 11 v 1 :irmrc .nn. . 1 . : -.itir;ii- cneririos. Ktirrar.N - . . i , , ii 11 iiit- 1 1 1 1 1 m (it 1 ih nir rt'i.c a . 11 iiitn w a. H - t th. ir fortunes. SOlJ E VEHVWUEKE. A VALUABLE REMEDY. A letter from S. p. War 'ell. Boston sa v: "I usim! CuiiKitFn'Dirip.-.ip, . '(i,"pin(n) CATAi nn Cuhe in June last "lor Huy Fever with great sntisfaetion, and "find it the only thin I have sc-n which i "would allay, without in itatinir, the in- j "flammation of the nostrils und throat, j "Its soothing and healing projierties were soot hir.' and imirutlint. " 1 i....i - ..... . . va.iat v. IMI . I, UW " 100. Clarke's Flax Soap is the latest I TWf-a 1 A J--. and best. Try it. 25 rents. Ask for them -"-Lctl xA-SSeiS. A T TT 1 m M. m om rmm m aa aa. COMPANY, SEEKING HOME PATRONAGE -0 A STflONG COMPANY, Prompt, Eeliable, Liberal ! ; .0.. aAgonts in all cities and towns in tlie .South. -8 X. RHODES BEOWNE, PrtsiJer.t Wst. C. Co art, Secretary, ;- - 750,000. A x an . juo. 11. r.iinia' urtirr ct..rn : . a .r.h'TkT t?tj ri .ttt.t .....v. . a,. ajftw yv , Agent, gausotiry, N. C. Steam, Air and Vacuum Pumps, Vertical and Horizon tal 01 every variety and capacity. VERTICAL PISTON. VERTICAL PLUNGI No npilte, IndlfrcKtlon. r!atn2enee, KCOA il-MtiaCuO. U(! mil (iUMU." iuv i-'U r4la, OU Will fiud Tutts Pills fYA rftt'lr il V wm an AAfl - - - a. . a. tf J ' M la vaII 11.0 icu MtouaaVli and Thcv tone Hafrererii fi nt Regular Horizontal Piston. aV ' The most simple, disable and effective Pump in the market ior Mines, Quarries, Refineries, Breweries, Factories, Artesian wells, Fire duty and general manufacturing purposes. flSTSend for Catalogue The A. S. CAMERON STEAM PUMP WOEKS Foot ok East :inn Stuekt Nkw Vouk" f aaW aaaal 1 jK L ij3aP 'I If Hfck' "L !'' - . H J aaaHL - - , i!S9Sfe.