The Carolina Watchman. XXI.THIRD SERIES. SALISBURY, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1889. HO. 6. - i" MM AIR-USE BOUTE. , m 1-v '11 T il 1 gichmoiid fc uanvine itauroaa. :TD31TD3D QOEEDTTLX. 7o kKBCT SEPT. fcfc, iot- TKAIN- lit N BV ,OUTHBOUND Meridian -n , ..., ii. S .. ITU. Ju' - (M aii'iiesville rr Ktcmona "5 1 Hurwe.svtlle .- ..-U I IIh .. Din-. ill- L. Blei - Duriiiiui . .. t.itvnsUoro .. Asev!ue Sot 3 nings . - it .Slttf"Or ir CkrlUe - ipirtiDbttrj .. All"1 It CtialrlQlte AT. coiumma NORTHBOUNO Ar. Ciiurttate I.T. AlLilit i Ar Ureenvllie - S .iri mtvug -.- tol,v -. sutOury , tint u.irlii0l 'AHiievllle suu-Mlle Ar. S t isbuiy , It. S iiMitiry Ar i.rt"uiitoio ... ti iiftii - VTi GreennOoro Ar' Durham LJ- nai'-is" Ar,- ilJHiJoro i c reensboio Ar. Danville .Hurkt svlilc l:T Unload " Lvnchburg ( Hal lottt svllle m Washington HitUiDore -ptlldelil 1- 10 T 43 11 24 3 30 5 40 M 20 3 OC 5 02 5 41 6 40 10 T "i :to 4 4 4 4i 5 S 20 t6 05 10 37 12 U 2 01 7 SI 9 28 12 32 t S 4 61 i & 11 AO 2 20 fi :to 10 .1) AM 1 1MK P M A M A M ,' K 30 6 5. y x5 1 1 oo 3 00 6 07 7 45 2 4 49 5 W 8 05 9 41 t5 00' y oo 1 CO 2 55 7 30 30 50 11 IS M2 12 4 36 8 10 Ml 23 12 40 3 M 4 4 40 1 90 5 10 9 00 r m AM P M P M A M P M A M P M P u DER ' No. ; ' 10 " , 10 3r 3 13 G 00 12 35 1 3'J 4 23 : 6 02 7 50 9 41 3 15 4 20 6 07 ' 7 4". .511 40 i aj". ; 12 oi ; 1 05 1 05 I 3 10 '1 50 9 32 li 20 ! 1 13 3 :0 512 25 2 40 7 to ' 8 50 3 00 20 DAILY P M NO 53. POW Absolutely Pure. This MvJer oever varies. A marvrilol strengili.and waolesomencfs. More economical thsintlfipTrdlnarv Rlnd, and cannot n sold u conjpptiiloD w llli t'nc mult mnS ot lm test short welgltt alum-or plos)h,it-powders. Slddonlj In cans. Royal Baking Pwvdek ;o..iOt to ull bl. N Porsak- by BinirUani & Co. , Young &. Bos linn'anrl N. V. Mtirnliv. - Ja 3k Frost From over the hills, with a breath of f'atne, From over the hills old Jack Frost came. Cam so sofl'y that nobody knew, Till the laud a beautiful picture rcw. The elm leaves turned to a golden brown, Each willow was decked with a gohkn crown. r The thistle-down broke from its prison cell, And the nuts from their clinging burs as well. - The maples flowed on the green hill-side, And color ran wild o er the country H ide. As over the hills with a breath of flame, Old Jack Frost, the ice-king, came.- E. S. Tiiomaa, in Frank Leslie's Weekly. Tildsn's Enemies. A M P M -A M P M 4 A M P M A M A M P M P M A M" ,8 50 12 50 5 15 7 10 48 2 5: 5 30 7 05" 12 i5 1 54 5 RS 43 7 12 S 40 t!2 34 11 00 5 25 7 0 t9 00 12 50 S 50 10 2o I 50 I 40 5 15 12 55 3 00 S 53 ts 6 10 47 1 20 A M P M A M P M P M P M A M P M A M A M P M P M A M P M Daily 1 t Dally, except sunilay WIIAT BECAME OF THE SENATORS WHO COUNTED T1LOEN OJU T. Trula f'r Hal via flarksvtlleleuve Uiclimont !nv 3 I" M - Keysvitle. 6 no P.M.; arrives Clarks- -ii!.. t u P. M : oxfor I, P. M.; Henderson. 0.2C i M": Vntvea I)urham9.45 p. m.; Ualelsrli U.oo p m. Hciurntnc leaves Kaleltrh 7.35 A.. M ; latiltam. 140 K M : Henflerson, S 3o A. M ; Ovforrt, lo.lo A M - C'l irk"YllIe, 11 o5A. M ; Key tvll'e, 12.25 P M. rrivett RlcbmODd. 3.3o P. M. - Thioujrh ptssengrr co;icli dally between Plcli moTnl and Kab Ig't. via KevsvUle,lealngr Richmond I oo p inland returnlns leave U alelgb 7.S8 a. m. . m inlxe I lialns Jeave Dnrh irtV dally exeept SuR'lav, 8.00 P. v.; arrive Kesvllle, 1 35. A. M re turnlnir. leave Kevsvli'e. 9. on. A. M.: arriving Dttr,p. m.;Hab lgU 11. oo p.ra Passenger coach lltached. - No 51 nn(l S3 connects at 'Mcbmonl dallv exec t Run lay for West Tolrit and Baltlmcre via York Hlv er'Llnc. ' Nq. 50 fro-n west Point connects dally except 8unrtv at ittdnnond with . No. So for the Snutr . No. so and 51 connects at";oldsboro with train? toan'l from Morehead city ami Wilmington.- Am' t Selma to and from H.ivcUevllle. N 5? c an -ctsat (irconsb ro for Fayettevllle. No S3 ronneets at Selma for Wilson, N C. Noh. Ro an I 51 make dose con neet ton at Univer sity stuion with trains to and from chapel Httl. xcept Sundays. IT A BODY MEET A BODY the result is a collision, whether "coming thro' the rye," or not. Lifeis full of collis ions. We are constantly colliding- with- some body or something. If it isn't with our neighbors it is with some dread diseases that " knocks us off the track " and perhaps dis ables us for life. Women especially it seems, have to bear the brunt of more collisions ana afflictions than mankind. In all cases of nervousness, bearing-down sensations, ten derness, periodical pains, sick headache , con gestion, inflammation, or ulceration and all female irregularities" and "weaknesses," Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription comes to the rescue of women as no other medicine does. It is the only medicine for women, sold by druggists, under a positive guarantee, from the manufacturers, that it will give satisfaction in every case, or money paid for it will be refunded. See guarantee on bottle is rapper. Copyright, 1888, by WORLD'S DiS. Med. AsS'K. outlined by Mr. r;tvnr, which was outgrowth of sleepintj-cAr service. On train no 50 and M. Pallman 3uffet Sleeper b?lween Atlanta ant" N-w Tort", Grei sboro and Augusta, anl Morehead City. Ashevllle, and. Mor- rtuown, Tenn. On trains 52 and 53, Pullman Buffet Sleeper be twwen Washington and New Orleans, via fonli,om- ery; and between Washington and Birmingham, Ittelunond and Greenshoro. Kalelgh and Gnens boro, and Pullnvtn Parlor tars bet ween Salisbury n1 Knoxvllle, and Charlotte nrd Aucustn. . Tlir nu' a tickets oa sile at principal stations . to attnoinis. For ntes ni Information, applj to any agent of tne uomnany. orxo SOL HI VI. JAS. L.TAYLOR. frame Manager.. ' Gen. Pass. Agent. W. A. TURK, Dlv. Pass. Agent, UALKIGH.N.C. Dr. PIERCE'S PELLETS regulate and cleanse the liver, stomach and bowels. They are purely vegetable and per fectly harmless. One a Dote. Sold by druggists. 25 cents a vial. Bickmond and Danville Railroad Cc W. N. C. Division Passenger Train Schedule. Effective May 13th, 1S88. Train No. 52. AYesi Bound. Train No. j3. hast Bound. L 9 00 4 3U 6 57 9 42 11 00 5 oj S 05 a. m. p. in. a. m. t so 9 3S 8 10 1 4 n li iV i 1111 tlM It i . ri4 l m : t r s 1 : 4t i is 127 4 00 4 31 4 W 5 09 5 34 '- 10 Lv.S 40 " kr. 7 3. 8 50 U 40 7 30 11 10 Boston New York Philadelphia Baltimore Waslitngton Lynchburg uauviue 1030 3 in 12 35 10 03 S 10 2 JO 11 S noon a. ui. p. m U. Ill, p. m. a. m. Klclimond Keidsville Golbsboro- Kalelgh Durham e 15 10 44 a. in. prm. It 45 8 55 4 30 a. m. in. Greensboro 9 50 p.m. Lv Ar SaUshvry . 7 20 talMT Ills f IT Cl w U KwVa 1ST Hickory I IT Connelly SrriafS 1 4S Morganl on 4 38 Cler, Alplnt 4 17 Marlon 44 Old Fort 3 IS Round Knob 2 35 Black Mountain 2 00 Ashevllle 1 25 Ashevitle X 118 Alexanders 12 48 Marshall 12 IS HotSprlng8? 1140 D. A. ATWELLi'S . HARDWARE STORE, Where a full line of goods in his lir.c, may always be found. Ar. Lt, p. m. noon a. m. p. m. a. m. Hot Sptlngs Morrtstown Knoxvllle JelUco Louisville 10 25 8 35 T 15 4 15 7 30 a.m. 55 p. m. Chicago 1 So st. PauL n p.m. St. I.ouis 7 lo a. m. Ksnsas City 40o 8 30 3 oo 8 oo 8 25 a. m. Pvm. p. m. p. m p. m. n. m. p. m. Murphy Branch. Dally except SUNDAY TRAIN NO IS - - TRAIN NO IT i-o a m Leave Ashevllle Arr 4 soji. m ,p f rr Waynesvllle .... ,so inm Charleston x ' 1 16a. m 505 -Jarretts Leave 7 30 k, & S. Road. Dally except SUNDAY TRAIN NO It TRAiN NO 11 m Leave Spartanburg Arrive 2 10 p. m Arrive Hendcrsouville Ashevllle - Leave 810 J 17 75th mertdlan time used to Mot Springs. 00 1 h ,..rtf . II.., Um-lnrra FulimanSleenersbetween Washington & Salisbury .. Richmond Greensboro If a leljrh & Greensboro " .. Knoxvllle & Louisville .. Parlor Cars ... Salisbury t Knoxvllle JOS. L. TAYLOR, . P. a! W. A. WLNBULN. Act'gD. P. THIS PAPERS '-rtiKliw Hiinuiin n. bo fmuwi n flle it Geo. uwf.ll ft Cu'i Kewsoaver A'twrtuioK Uun-auGO Sprticf SC. wivere advertlsiag v.ui.Mru mo b SFit U ;.; :.i:v you-. -PILES, New York Star. Tt is said that retrospect is not al- 1 all '. J t ways pleasant, out that it is always profitable in an intellectual sense, li this be true, then it is well to look back to an event in th history of this nation that will always befringed with black lines. The result of the recent elections provokes me into recalling and telling the story that reverie brings up. Henry B Payne, the pres- heiit Democratic benator irom Ohio, i . i t wno win next year give way tor an other Democrat, as the result of the recent political cyclone, was one of Hit ni . i " l i i Electoral Loin mission wuicii mane Rutherfiird P. rl iv s Preside .t of the United States, in speaking of that worn air. ravue once sain: rive hundred thousand men stood ready on r l i 1 ci i i t iii i" ii iHarcu , ioi 10 no oatt.e to tne death, and the seating of M'. Hayes saved us from an armed conflict of the most deplorable character.' As Mr Payne was the chairman of the com tuittee that framed that Electoral Commission bill, and was o:i the inside of the events then agitating the whole country, it is supposed that he knows what he is talking about. His posj tkm as a man of the highest character makes his word accepted without ques tion. How wonderfully, then, have 1 11 t 1 Ti we traveled since those days, it is only twelve years ago, and yet we are more than a- generation, in results, away frni that dangerous condition the the armed conflict be tween the sections. After tire hrst spasiu of anger which the seating of Mr. Hayes aroused the country started toward a new and a better life. That event laid the cornerstone of a new Democratic temple, which was so well built that, eight years later on, it over shad i wed the Republican barn, well stacked with years of experience and control. Agtin, the Democratic party lias triumphed, and its powers for the future are so well defined by it that I am led to revive an old story, yet one that should always be kept new. These reflections bring up some very appropri t thoughts of the conflict of 18TG and "77. They were recalled to jjie to-day in a very forcible way. Some malicious man, u not having the fear of the Lord before his eys, but being jyssessed by the devil,1' as the lawyers say in their indictments, has seen tit to preserve in enduring form on a broad piece of parchment, the signatures of the legislative, executive and judicial officers of the government in 187677. it is perhaps well that it has been done, for it will tor all time call attention to an event in the his tory of the nation that will forever stand to rebuke those who may in the future, for a similar purpose, teel like testing the temper of the people, and of again stretching the powers of the government almost to a breaking point It seems as though the Republican party began to decline from the mo ment it lent itself to chicanery for the purpose of keeping itselP at the head of affairs by elevating a weak and unde serving man to the highest office in the gift of the people, to which he yvas never elected. . Naturally, his Admin istration sowed the seed of discord that ripened with the election of Garfield into an opened revolt that has never yet been quelled, even with the accident of Harrison's election. What wonderful changes have taken nl:ipf in the IpoMshit.ivp branches of the ' Gnvurnmauf viiifA t lifted fl:iv I'llA ' He XJ, i J v. l .4 . ui. II V . i i v i . i i v i ' . . . ' ' and presiding officer of the Te mte. He declared Hayes elected. He was and is a weak man, and in those trying times it took the best and bravest of his party to bolster him up to the final duties of declaring the result as the Electoral Commission had found it for him. He was then a Senator from Michigan, and reputed to be a wealthy man. He failed in business soon after and was beaten for re-election. After ward he wtnt to Europe, and was prac tically an outcast from the country oi his birth, and upon whose history he has made the impress of some qnestion- tble acts, for several vears. He has now returned to Grand Haven on Lake Michigan, and is a country postmaster. Talk aiout time setting all-things even! Old Senator Christiancr was his col league then, but he resigned in a close bargain with President Haves, so a to allow bluff and honesv Zach Chandler to be elected to the Senate. Chris- tiaucy got a mission to South America, M e ptice ot his resignation, but he did not remain there Ions. He re turned to this country in serious trouble with the young, girl he had married in Washington. She was a Treasury clerk and he a Senator. An unfair match, and she got the worst of it. She died after years of heartburn ings and scandal. He still lives at Lansing, Mich. In those davs George E.Spencer and G. Goldthwaite represented the State of Alabama in the Senate. Spencer, after his term expired, married an actress known as May Nennez, and became a nine speculate r in Nevada. Now he is called a political tramp. He really never had any residence in Alabama, and when his I if- as a carpetbag Senator i i i isr i . ended ne armed west. Utointliwaite was a curious old character, who looked a good deal like the pictures of a coun try parson you find in comic almanacs. He wore a pair of gold-rimmed specta cle always down on the tip end of his nose, and was so absent-minded that he would pay his carfare every time the conductor ' passed him between his boarding house and the Capital. They used to have to tell him when the Sen ate had adjourned. He is noyv on the Golden Shore. The State of Arkansas was ten represented by Stephen VT. Dorsey and Powell Clayton. Dorsev was in those days a very prominent man in the Re ptioncan puny, ana was a still more prominent one in the 14 moral cam paign," when General Garfield was elected President. Dorsey has a ranch i m r now down in :ew Mexico, having es caped the clutches of the law bv- an accident, but spends most of his tune in New York as a " promoter." Pow ell Clayton is still browsing around in politics, but has no place in the high hfetfif the Republic. Five vears ago a negro beat him for Chairman of the National Convention. But he makes money out of Eureka Springs, in his State, and he still has some influence there. Newton Booth and A. A. Sargent were then in the Senate from Califor nia. They were simply two pliant Republicans. Sargent was a much stronger man than Booth, although the latter had a good deal the most polish. Booth has gone back to San Francisco, and Sargent after having been Minis ter to Berlin, was two years ago bea'en for re-election to the Senate by Leland Stanford. Jerome B. Chaff e and Henry S. Teller then represented Colorado. Chaffee, who was a power in party management for several vears, is dead. Teller was Secretary of" the Interior under Arthur, and is back in the Sen ate. Connecticut had two Democratic Senators in those days W. W. Eaton and W. H. Barnum. Two Republi cans now sit in their places. Eaton has been in the lower House since then, but is now in private life, living hat Hartford. . Barnum remained a great figure in his party as the head of the National Democratic Committee, but died soon after Cleveland was beaten. Delaware had Bayard and Saulsbury in the Senate then. Mr. Bayard hsvs been Governor of the State. The first is dead and the latter looking for new honors. J. E. McDonald and O. P. Morton represented Indiana, and alout equally divided the honors in intel lectual power. The latter flied some weeks ago, but McDonald still lives in Indianapolis. Allison and Wright were from Iowa. Wright quit politics in disgust at the end of his term, because he preferred the law; but Allison is still there. ''James M. Harvey, a dull, ordinary man, with lngallsrwas there from. Kan sas. Harvey gave way to an ordinary Plumb, who got rich in railroad specu lations. He is now there, and so is In 'alls. Who will not rememb -r that curious old character, T. C. McCreery, of Ken tucky. He was the laziest, yet one of the most brilliant men in the Senate. He never opened his mouth except to vote, only when a Senator died, or there was some unusual occurrence to arouse him from indifference; then he always spoke with power, and in the choicest English. He had for a colleague J. W. Stevenson, now dead. There is a vast difference between these two men of the past and Beck and Bluckburn. Kentucky s present representatives in the Senate. In the days of which I am writing. Louisiana was represented alone by J. R. West. That State had not been reconstructed then, and there was a very decided quarrel going on over the vacant Senatonship, and the status of the State generally. It yvas perlutps the worst, of all the examples of the Carpetbag era. West was put out at the end of his term, and was made a Commissioner of the District of Colum bia, and still lives in Washington. The State of Maine, perhaps, shows the most wonderful changes of them all. Hannibal Hamlin and James G. Blaine were then its Senators, while Hale and Frye, the present Senators, were in the lower House. Old Mr. Hamlin has retired from politics, and still lives up in Bangor, on the Penob scot River, the silent observer of cur rent events. Blaine still has his hand on the trigger. Maryland had W. P. Whyte and George R. Dennis for Senators during the Hayes contest. Whvte was beaten for re-election by A. P. Gorman, who has figured so prominently for the Democrats every campaign since. Whyte has since been Mayor of Balti more, and row lives there quietly prac ticing law. Dennis, who was there with him, is des.d. George S. Boutwell and Dawes rep resented Massachusetts in those days. The latter holds on, while Boutwell is tryiug to make a living practicing law in the Departments at Washington. William Windom, of Minnessota, who was a most creditable Senator, be came Garfield's Secretary of the Treas ury, and is there again with Harrison. He was frozen out politics in his own State by Sabin, the lumber m in. In 1870 Mr. J. R. McMillan yvas his col league. He quit-public life in 1887. F. M. Cockrell and Lewis B. Bogy, both Democrats, then spoke for Mis souri. Bogy was a curious character. Tie was from one of the old French families that settled St. Louis, and is now dead, while the breezy George Vest sits in his place. General Cock rell still holds on. The wonderful changes that have taken place in the Senate within the past twelve years can be seen from the fact that in the days when a President was elected by a commission, B. K. Bruce and J. L. Alcorn represented Mississippi. They were both Republi cans, and Bruce the same colored man that was Register of the Treasury tinder Arthur. Revels, of Mississippi, was the first negro who sat in the Sen ate, and Bruce was the soeend. Both of them were exceedingly creditable representatives of their race. Alcorn was a man of means and fair ability. He is noyv a planter in the State he then represented i i the Senate. Nebraska had A. S. Paddock and P. W. Hitchcock, both Republicans. Both were beaten for re-election, but Paddock succeeded by a Republican, and now lives'at bis honie in Utica enjoying his declining days in pence ajxi quiet. M. W. R insom and A S. Merrimnn, both Democrats, represen ted North Carolina. Merrimon give place to Governor Vance. nd General Ransom is still there. -A. G. Thurman and John Sherman represen Jed Ohio until Sher man was c died iuto Hayes' Cabinet. After v -.Hon changes Sherman is back in the i nate again, while Thurman, sympathy and tenderness told her that he was sorry, but the State could do nothing for her, but that the would have to look out for herself as the best she could. That the State mid not aid her girls in preparing themselves for the battle in life, that she proposed to give heprbajB the best training pos sible for the different avocations but could do nothing t aid her girls in obtainmg instruction in the industrial arts and sciences. He told her, how ever, in a sort of apologetic tone thai if she could manage to get an educa tion herself and then wanted to be come a teacher she might possibly get -a year's scholarship in the Winthrep Training School. A few years afterwards this young man seeks a position in the industrial pursuits or wishes to establish himself in a chosen profession and be goes armed and equipped with the State's great professors. The young woman is forced to make her own living and seeks from place to place without sue- . cess. All the industrial avenues of life are closed to her, for she has not been trained and equipped. Everywhere she seeks employment but is forced away by the .young man the State has educated and trained. In dispair she goes away; the bright sun of life sets almost be fore it has arisen. Her brain is on fire; she reels and falls and those who come to pick her up pity her. The State dignity passes along and ays "poor girl," never once stopping to think that the frail creature has been literally killed up by the- State's iu j us- tice. Sumpter Advance. This not only .apply s to South Caro lina, but its truth conies down upon this State like an avalanch, crush ing down all opposition in its wayv after bring n candidate for Vice Piwvlenr, remains in private life, and always will from choice. J. H. Mitchell, Republican, and J. H. Kelly, Democrat, represented Oregon. Kelly is out of the Senate, and Mitchell was for a long time a sort of a railroad law yer about Washington. He is now back again. What a change in Pennsylvania's representation iu the Senate since those days! Theu,Simon Cameron was t here, as tenacious of his party's success as ever; while William A. Wallace was as ardent and unvarying in his support of the Democracy. Cameron got tired of politics during the dreary irtid monoto nous Hayes Administration, resigned, and put his son Don in his nlace. When Wallace's term expired, by a kick in the party which Mr. Blaine counseled, John J. Mitchell got in, but did not fill Mr. Wallace's place. He gave place to Quay. Poor old General Burnside and H. B. Antony, who were there from Rhode Island, are both dead. J. "J. Patterson, who tried to steal the State, and F. J. Robertson, also a Re publican, were there from South Caro lina. Patterson lives in. Pennsyl vania, and Robertson has fallen out of view entirely. D. M. Key and Henry Cooper, Democrats, represented Ten- iKsee. Cooper was murderetl, and Ttirl'rti l i-.v uf ttiP mul'infv o ftilnta a a O IIU jtf. V A V V , IttlVl 1 1 1 f l f i i i 11 1 III I U 1 L - 1.7 1 . . Ill 11 Postmaster-General under Haves. Our girls need the an vantage of higher tied down iu Tennessee as United technical education as much as the. States Judge. M. C. Hamilton, a Re- boys and youth of the State. Our" publican, was then General S. B. Max- state should not pause with the Agri ey's colleague from Texas. Hamilton, cnXlm ft Jiechanical school for young who yvas never of much account, has , T, , , given place to the Democrat, Coke, I raeu at Righ, but pursue the good who is known as the "Texas Steer." i wor thus begun and prepare an insti George F. Edmunds and J. S. Morrill tution on a broad Jiberal and economical were Senators from Vermont then, as b:isis? vet of such thoroughness as to thev are now, and w ill likely be as long aduiitof technical instruction in-all as tney live It remains for Virginia to illustrate the greatest change of all. General R. E. Withers and J. W. Jo'.inston of the Sen ate. of 1876-77 were succeeded by General Mahoue and H. H. Riddleber ger, who acted with the Republican party. Mahone gave the Senate to the Republicans four years after Withers ind Johnston wrote their- names on he register, from which I am drawing been Secretary of State since, and has 1 skipped back last year by a compromise, just taken unto himself a new wife. The festive Sharon, who was in the Saulsbury was beaten last year by a Senate from Nevada at this time, yvas Republican. George Grav and An- rarely ever in his seat. John P. Jones, thonv Higgins are now the Senate. 1 the other one, always attended to his ! Florida had Jones in the Senate then. I business and has been returned ever 1 He got crazy over a girl, and is now in since. Both were Republicans. Sha- 1 T-. . i a. i . i , i I . jl i I. . . , i - . i.- ri tn i chart upon which I am looking, bear- Detroit looking alter her. a. . t,on- ron spent ia.e x P- - i r1 i :i r i.i: I r io-a n,J nmnuv in l-.iw iiits with his vara) n? over. ils lie miuiil.i ii uietiiuei in ioiu, nu mw... , ... ..... . , . , 25Cn For sale by JNO. H. ENJUSS, Druggist. ing the signatures of e-ich and every member of both houses of Congress, tells a most remarkable story, and one KERR CRAIG K. L. II. CLKMENT CRAIGE & CLEMENT; Attorncvs A-t Xjx-7C- Salisbury, N. C. Feb. 3rd, 1881 T)R. J. C. McCUBBINS, Stirseoxv Dentist, Salisbury, - - - N. 0. Office in Cole ijtiihlinp, econo floor, next lo Dr. Campbell,. Opposite D. A. At veil's 'nrdware Rlore, Main street. 9:lj. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE CAROLINA WATCHMAN' I r i i l i l U . rrno Ivi.-L- in his business 1 mistresses, then died. 1 he recent death as a doctor, and is now in Florida. 1 of Judge Terry was an outcome ot his r " I . I i i I C. '.!........ 11 1 . 1 Li- 1 Knr Revern vears nrLer hp nrt tne oen- liiuisuro tnai men ootu 111 puonc aim private - J" - - - . . , , L ,.. f-rtm ..ui t1 ' ate he occupied a minor position in the There has been a great change from plexion of the Senate has been radical- Marine Hospital Service at Ph.ladel y changed since those days, and the phi that gave him just about money devastation in the House has been even enough to keep himself and family from want. He was simply picking up the threads of his old life in the Army. From Georgia there was then Gen New Hampshire. B. Wadleigh and A. H. Craign have both ben passed out bv their constituents. The former is in Boston practicing law, while oid man Cragin was not long ago employed in the patent right business. When they were in the Senate trying to helj more niar.ked, when we come to take into consideration the number of its members. It is astonishing to note them to-day, after the recent teirible defeat of the Republican party where -1 I 111 ! 1 .1 C it snouiu nave won. remaps uie oen- . , ' " 'V " ... " fl Hm,hlin.., Sen ate is the best to 1 enri to illus- ernor, alter a lew years 01 enon to ger, m. j - -g - wtf V P Ran P I .-.i. 1 1 : l: . . : o...i ulnr frnm FVew .lersev. 1. r. rUin- ie oiuie. ioi- mw - -- j- 7 " m-Ml I R fJfirdnn nd T M Norvwuid. 1 Haves into the Presidency, t. 1. rre both Democrats. Gordon is now Gov- linghuvsen, who was Arthur's Secre- ij-iifjp the rtiio-ps tint and nnlitii-ul tp ' rich .developing his native venges have made among prominent j wood went back home when his term nien Some reminiscences of the per-! expired; kicked out of the Democratic sons Who were in the focus of the ' P-" he ran an Independent candi mighty contests of those years, and date for Governor, and was defeated, made their records for good or bad, as He then wrote. - some novels, but is back again in Congress. Ben Hill sue- .UL II VI UO 111 If 111' IW m A. lilt. II i U w conduct-, will not, it seems to me, be ceeeded him in the Senate, and after a dolpb, a Democrat, was his colleague Both are now dead. In the list of signatures of men who were in the United States Senate 117G appear those of Roscoe Conkling and francis Kernan as representatives the State of New York. The the industrial arts suited to the physi cal capacity of our girls. Every. Con sideration of reason demands that some such liberal course by the State be taken for the young women of the country. Our State is becoming dotted over with factories of all kinds and much of the tedious labor is. performed by girls and women who have had no 1 i .fi iL. l.-t.-l ,1 . tie eviuences I'f.uie wuiiuitiuici iinga frsl.. anA wUn !,.- to wm-l hat have taken place in the highest ; " 81 - .7 . L egislative branch of the Government. Ior Mm uoming unui me uuu ruu . m - 1 Barbour and Daniel now speak for tine of the task assigned; is accomplish- Virginia. ed, when they can begin to draw fair Henry G. Davis, who at the same Compensation for their time, ime represented West Virginia, has! etired, and is making his millions, I There are thousands of things tol while Samuel Price, who was then his, which they could turn their attention colleague, is dead. Keuna and Faulk- if their hands bad only been trained ner sit in their places . ' for the purpose. On the farm, butter r. O.Howe, from Wisconsin, after d . maki works of art being fostmaster-uenerai, nas oeen . " . . called to his final account, and Angus e product increases in price soieiy on Cameron, who was with him in the the management or make at the farm. Senate in 1870, has quit politics for The materials in each instance cost ex- good. I oUlv Lheannw Well mde butter for Out of the seventy-five Senators who - - - v. 9-. as constituted the Senate of the United . . - 1 . . States when Mr. Haves was made 'hile the same material may be used President, and thfi Democratic party by or misused so as to command only 15 to that self-same injustice was started on 20 cents per pound. The difference in he road toward the election ot Urover nr:. :s the difference between success Cleveland, only eleven will now answer anlr-,irv l .j ftnlv an :n . to the ro call Sixty of them have - mber gone to their hnal political rest. 1 he . ' . list from the South shows that recon- which the girls may betramedjio a struction was made complete by the . to become independent, and in the same deal that put Mr. Hayes into the heart of every true woman there is Presidency, and there- are many who titnl inny:My lUt on. -unrenie mhu feel that, de:ir as the price wa, it yvas . . 1 1 . 1 t. i.i 1. 1. 1 1 1 1 vn tion, to heconie independent and to, perhaps best that it should have been 1 r . paid. It is impossible, without going . lean upon her own exertions for the over the names carefuliv, sis I here necessities of life. The mors one con- have done, to appreciate what a great templates the advantages of such edq politic il revolution has been going on ' catio tu; more r2UmenU bubble tip ince 1870. A Vision. " . .Il.Ll. m m 1 -it- 1 1 1 -..., n , 1 iiiiii tuvi n'imo IU Till- amiss at this moment. i w yersoi brilliant service, aieu irom -7-; "."3 uTU. mL n. i A 11 i. e U MiiMir nf iho inncruo COIIIUCt tinil, w.w i-kiiij iyiui i... Xlie lll.sfc uituic iiii nir iiu w uiiuv o O . .r 1 . lei-,-, 1 I . 1 J ... . T . 1 11 I . . , . n ,1 .in,,n L 1 i i U. 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 t'fl 111 that of U. S. Grant is not Trery assur- Ueneru bogan was tnen in tne oen- . . - - - ..... . . -4. v. .,i,u I,, I...A tnr hi o - his :isiu by u ii held ana nual it u riisit iir I hiiiii'iK W Hwrrv mtm iiuui iinnwi-. aim uuu ..." - - . . - - si himSf league Dick O.desby, who ha. since withdrawal fron Keruap was ing. who TECHNICAL EDCCATION. In thinking of what the State of South Carolina is doing for her boys while she is leaving her gir s to tight life's battles alone and unaided a sort of vision, as it were, came across our mind and it was such a sad one that we can not refrain from telling it. We imagined that we saw a young man and a young woman, both without means, approach the State House and knock at its portal. They were met at the threshold by a great dignitary, clothed iu the purple robes of State, who asked them their mission. Sadly they both told him that they were with out education and without the means of obtaining it; the young man was strong and robust while the girl was delicate, The great Sstate dignitaiy grasped the young man warmly by the hand and p.iuting him to the grand University toldr him to enter there through its wide open doors and be ed ucated and trained and fitted for his life work, or if he preferred he could go to the citadel in Charleston and be educated there all at the State's ex pense. While listening to all this the eyes of the fair young girl sparkled with hope and expectancy, but alas for bu rn m hopes. "The great State digaitan turned to her, and iu tones of affected in its favor. " To our Salisbury people this matter should be of supreme interest. We h ive the climate, a central, healthy lo-""' cation, cheap living and a largo agr cultural and manufacturing country adjacent. Our people should think this matter over, and if State aid through the legislature cannot be obtained, then let the municipality take hold and be gin in our graded schools. Raleigh has sent the Superintendent of ber graded schools to various educational centres for the purpose of getting the best information on the subjects, manual training in common chools. It is quite probable that Raleigh will become the pioneer in this work, but there is no good reason why Salisbury should not follow suit in to good a Cause. What do the teachers in our graded schools think of the subjeeH' Of- course, we mean as applied to male and female pupil, in the common schools of the towns. The idea of having an uhT slipper especially made to order to thru nftef a bride appear to be a New York fatiev. mm J mm -1