1 M Carolina Watchman. THURSDAY DEC 19, The bank of Gallatin, jiiiulc an -iigi)meHt. Tell II., I.i.i ChriatnW aceidenU from pistols and powder explosions have com noticed- Ai earthquake broke up a theatre at Grenada, Spain, Jtec. J5th. tfo age done. that throw a 1250 1 shot 2000 yards through 20 a - 1 1 ; inches ot wrougii iron. -r- Roanoke and Southern R. R. The eouocij of the city of Roanoke, Yn.j hare ordered an election to be held on the subscription of . eo.i m n t-i t)ie UoAttpke and Southern Railroad company. The election has beep set take place ott January 27, 1800. The city has already made an appropriation to this road, and the $100,000 proposed tfow is an addition to that. the are r Rumors Of dis affliction at Uh..;o rtf (Invfrnmeut in Brazil lunu r - je ported from Rio Janiero. The ejprehs office at Bronwwid, Texas, was entered by disguised men J(udayjgbt aid robbed of $7,000. U.nri V. (Ir.ulv wag hurried away fMtnj 7 r r j - - from New York a few days ago to his hnm in Atlanta on account of a II VIM'. II - - threatened attack of pueumonia. A Swedish believer in the faith eure w on trial in Brooklyn for refusing to allow medical attention to his daughter Mfbriag with dyptheria, of which dis MeiUdied. Four masked high wny men who fell upon a farmer returning from market to his home, in Arkansas, were captur ed by a vigilance committee on Tuesday and lynched. .Another glycerine explosion at North lilarendou, Penn., Sunday last, (lest roved property of flOOjOCO value, but no lives were lost. Ten tons of the stuff went off at a flash. The Democrats of Boston lost in an elect ion the other day by an attempt of nominating a committee ta force on the party persons having no claims en titling them to favor. We near that Gen. Beauregard made no sign at the Davis obsequies in New Orleans. It is reported that he refused to participate. Had tor nun. it true, ne will lone teiiH of thousanuds offricuds m iLi3.ii ii'.' ii....Mii. 1 lie ruuill nil. i( rei iy.i . It Mr. Davis was the stainless man lie ia represented to be, he could not go with anybody who loaned himsel to hold up the Louisiana lottery. The citizens of Richmond, Va., have held a public meeting and adopted res- ohitiom to the effect that it is their de- fire that the body of Hon. Jefferson J hivis should be buried in that place, and have appointed committees to so licit subscriptions for a monument fund and to report to a meeting to be held some time in tho future. 1 '. i M V -He ' ' - I ; ' ' A yl The AVomaii's National league, re cently in sessioti in Washington, adopt ed resolutions in recognition of the tendency of male agents to pun away with money entrusted to their care, and propose to remedy file evil by putting women in trust of moneys, who are not so exposed to temptations, and who would never think of skipping p Canada, or other rogups? harbor. The Cronin Murder. The trial of tbjs case, which has oc cupied the Chicago courts for nearly twelve months, has been finished at last, and three men, Couxhlin, Burke and O'Sullivan, were found guilty of murder in the first degree. Begga was acquitted, and Kunze found guilty of manslaughter. The three found guilty of murder in the first degree coilSpir itor? and cool deliberate murderers wqre sentenced, not to hang, but to life imprisonment in-the pen i tent iary. The trial was a long drawn out serious farce, and the sentence insulting to outraged justice, . The Blair Bill. Washington Letter, (From our regular Correspondent.) Washington, Dec. 15, 18S1. . Senator CoekreU, as Chairman of the caucus committee, reported to the democratic Senatorial caucus this morning a list assigning the democrat ic Senators to position oh the newly created Senate committees, which was ratified by the caucus. Affairs around this office of the Ser-geaut-at-arius of the House are begin ning to take on an ugly look. The committee of the House, which has been investigating the defalcation of the absconding cashier, Silcott, in its partial report tells about the loose way of doing business in that office to sur prise people, and everybody knows that the committee discovered a good many things which it has not told because members and ex-members of the Hudsp are mixed up with them. This mys tery should be at once and without delay swept away. Mat era have arrived at the stage where it will be far better to make public everything tne committee has found out tnan to attempt to smother up things, as h.is i i rwt . i . North Carolina s Vo cs at ew Orleans. Beautiful Extract i a grant meeting 01 eteiung at New From the address of Moses l. Hog, of leans on W ednesday mKhtt (.en. Uor- nirtimmwl i... hd. ..r ... I . .. v. , ii iuv ui yniit'iWH Uit Y J; " The boast of heraldry, the pomp of iwwvr. una nn mat ieaHtv. all that been done. This smothemor Or leans on W eil iicsd.i v don, President of the velerans' Assoeia tiou, presided, and among others (iov. Fowtu was called out. The Democrat reports the speech as follows : GOV. D. G. FOWLE, of North Carolina, in response to repeat ed calls, rose and addressed the meeting lie saiu lie was born on lar ltiver, and the people of North Carolina were re markable for their 'sticking qualities. They had proven that during (he war. JeUerson Davis beloved by Ins soldiers, had aehieved a fame -that would never fade. 44 He was our President, and in-North Carolina we believe there was no man who could have conducted the Confeder acy as well as he did. The private sol dier, who is si trrpjit eritie. upvph (Vm.,,i - n- t i-Muni anything to criticise in Jefrersou Davis. To-night in the name of the private sol dier (the crront frlouv of the t aepcniied on the private soldier), I tell you that in Carolina next to that whir.li V I I 1 V I I is felt for Washington is their love for r i v . aiewerson uavis. 1 " You ask what will North Carolina do? It is uot necessary to make mi v vn. ply. We may be slow, but we get there an inc. same. ( Inv lri lr nml.l (1.., . ..: 1 .1 . ,. I " ' w "Hiv VIVAJVXI urn ill lliv IIUC81 poucy (applause. 80 enthusiastic, in fact, were with rumors charging all sorts of thin urs against various- Ben Heme n of - o prominence in both parties. In the The mischeivoiis Bill has been again Inieuntinie Silcott is. the Lord only brought up in the Senate H is a feknows wh and the books a shortage 1 , , , . for aoouii ji,uw, 11 t ie action or radical mtusure a pandora's box from CLu ,..f ' .1 . Z. i . , . . . . ; ." ii4Jiv ui uluuii uii mu pail, oi which, should it become law, more those most concerned, jnay be. taken evils will spring that it will t in the as a basis of opin ion, Sikcot t's defulca power of the people to control. It wa8 00 crime. H ha bow- is the most potent mens urt for ibt dr7 '. . Z "m,u,'fu UJ ine J7 centralization of all power in Congress b-BroQgbt'l$ucV.' '??,; C; cl ' .-? ever yet enacted. The Democrats nave The Senate hits two propositions be- f ought it heretofore with only a partial fore ,fc relating- ta negro emigration understandiim of it no,r f,.,. frwm toe South. One is a bill offered" . ., . . .,' by Senator Butler, and the other a res its evident that the republ.chris will 0fution offt,,.a Senator Gibsmi, uotli look to Government aid for the emigrants. The McKinlev tariff bill will nrri o- aljly be the popular name for the meas ure which the republican members of the Ways and Means committee will try to formulate on that most trouble some subject, the tariff. It is entirely too early to attempt to make a predic tion as to what the now bill will be. Some people think the bill will be ....... . ... L I w' A. X 7 iT I'll - .1 include it in their clap-trap of a plat form iu the next general election, and that the democrats will b obliged to light it again and, as we hope, with decisive euect Congress will take recess from Thurs day next to January 0. Many mera lier9 and Senators wjll take advantage of this opportunity go home for a flyiftgvisit. Thi ia particularly true pf theojocrats of the House, who do not fterth'e sanie responsibility al)out he reu work of thp I louse cpnjmitf es that they did last year, and for some years past. Electric Lights New York City is making war on the present system of street eleetric light the mayor has ordered the cutting 1 . 1 1 . . uoc-u uii uie oenaie tarm oill or the down Of electric wires for this purpose, ioil. your correspondent docs and the Courts has Sustained the nef.mn not. thiiiL- cn Tim I. .11 e 1 .. . i . -- -- ...... I nit .niia ujii yjL i.l.M and so the rioles aiid wires are falling Ijoar was a vote-catching hodge-podge ll 111 .. Ml llf 1 i. I I I 1) i i. I . . . . 1 . .11.. . . .. . I in an pans or. tne citv. They are UH,muu s muj-ivuiy 1 in own to found to be damreromi bi hnmkn fi 8einer J. 9ruer rUmi republican A tfnrm . . . bosses, aud would never have passed A Storm, for iiivr-.ni--n nn,t.- 1.1... ... t , . .H.s. uiu tDe senate had not those who voted down the wir nnrl sa nuf rlifttn i f.-wi. It- i..rii l .. 1 , j.v.v i.n, ui in iui IU - IVUU n II HKIL It HilS CCliaill tO OC the way of men and teams to be killed defeated in the House. The new bill by touching them. be constructed in a uiore leisurely It does not seem to be a war on the 7 " 1 !?ll,e.lUj! " be4tet - , , . . measure it could hardlv be worse. use 01 electricity tor lighting purposes, , Qen. Clark, ex-clerk of the House of "unc,t'r. UUb n me present system of Uepreseutatives has been nresontml ; . . . - 1 . .. . . . 1 employing it. No doubt some plan I with a valuable gold watch and chain 'will be found to use it with -safety in wnicn case it will again take its place. by his former emnloves k Chief Justice Fuller is coniinc out. in a new role that of a nojmlar orator. He delivered the address at the dm. gressional eenfenm'ul lvf V...I i.ac-.l...- Afraid of Him. I v uuiiu IUC wVlli I Coo UL Hie There is no one man in the United I dedication of the new Lincoln Music States of whom the repuldicans are &J! ,USth" citl next rida uiSht- .... .. I in S1111.1l.-1 Ua.. 1: -1 much afraid as they are of Grover Cleve- TrTuT . tuuuuucu nnA tu- ji . 'j U1 lur- Harrison s nonuua- lauu. inis is especially true of North- tions. ;iMil ncrsiinui cam u if l,ni 1. ...... ... 1 - - 7 "O "U"V W. LilVlil ern republican editors. They rarely w a very active tight lx;ing made, no let an onDortunitv 1,; nr. tiibly Morgan. ( I K "J I '- lU Uail At k l I W C3 1 - -v-- Vfc ' - i ill LI r i j ; has resulted already in filling the air f the expressions of approval that he was loreeo to respond. On resuming his ad dress the speaker said : ; I donHUsnow that there is anythtng more thai,. I can say except it in about tlmt (lag which Mr. Secretary Proctor refused to raUke at half inast over hist nf. ,fiee. "Don't you know, and don't T know, that when the United States was engaged in a war with Mexico, standing upou the field of Buoua Vista, wheu Zach Taylor sat ou his old white horse and tho battle seemed to be going against him, while 4,000 Mexicans were endeavoring to charge ttuttibattery, and Captain Bragg wiiis .giving sfchem a littlo more grape, don't wc kuqw that a . Mississippi regi ment was called upon to make the charge which afterward became ho famous, the cnargc tnat was led by Mr. Davis; and don't e know that the verv flaw u hii-h they refused lo hoist over the oilice f the seereiary oi w ar ; don't we know that that Hag swept the field of Buena Vista; iikc a meteor it swept across the vision ot old Zach laylor, and when tho INI is sissippi regiment chargotl those 4.000 Mexicans and routed them, that fiag was loriie by JetTerson Davis. (Tremendous appiause.; "And to-night, mv countrymen, I tel ....... !.... I 1 . I . i iuu limn mve mauiiig, and 1 believe that .Mr. Davis had a fond feeling for it all the days of his life, lie had retlectct Honor upon if. Jle loved it. Mr. Davis was slow to go into this war, but when he went there, like North Carolina, he went there and stayed. I'll tell you what I want to say," believing that that great neart oi ms was in favor of this great country of ours, and after he fount that the Southern Confederacy could not be established, he desired this country to oe greater and more prosperous than it uvwr iwis oerore. let us show that the hearts of the southern neonle are in favor of thut. ernmeut which we once controlled, 'and niai we are again going to coutro .rcai applause; And when the next monument is raised to our nation's hern when they raise a monument to Abra ham Jjtncolu piereiug almost tho verv clouds, let us, a nation, on the other side ot that square, erect another mono meat equally as high, and upon its toj let us cmblaaCfn in letters of gold, tin uame of our hero, JetJ'erson Davis." wealth e'er save, alike await lb inmit. able hour. The path of glory leads but to the grave. To-day, my hearers, we are warned that palled .death knocks w on impartial nands at all doors. ie enters, with equal freedom, the dwelling of (tin li 1 1 in ! . I ... t . : . .1 . I : ...v .. v. ui iiilci auu mc iiimiMon of Senator, Wage and Chieftain. He lays peasant and President sid bv nid tn rerose in the silent, all-summoning cem- " There is nothing great but God ; there is nothing solemn but death, there is nothihif moniPntniK hut iTTrlcrtnont " " Finally, every life which is not made ji prcparauon ior the eternal future is a comedy on folly, a tragedy in fact. No matter how splendid its success the life itself and all its possessions are tempo rary. They are like the dissolving views of the panorama. Pictro de Medici com manded Michael Amrelo to fashion n tuaiue oi snow. Think of such a man spending his time andrsplcndid tajentsiu shaping a snow image! But men who devote all their time and talents to tem poral things, no matter how noble, are modeling and moulding with snow. "He builds too low who builds beneath the skies." He who expects an enduring portion-from anything lower than tho skies, from anything less stnble than the heavens, from nm-ihimr n ...... onffi..;A.. . . .. .-.'.I 11,iii pi ivoa v . 1 1 v. iv lit than God, is doomed to disappointment. The man with a mortal body inhabited by an immortal soil-it. drifting- tn th eternal future, without is like a richly freighted ship, sailiug uuuu auu round on an open sea, bound to no nort. and bv and hv . . i r " " darkuess aud storm." WANTED Tho name of everv man in Wogtern North Carolina who has timler land, improved and unimproved, farm lands, town lots and properties for sale. We must have bottom prices, full, clear and correct descriptions. Persons wishing to buy, soil or rent properties will find it to their interest to write to or call on - fflcCDBBINS & REISNER, E2AL ESTATE AGENTS, SALISBURY, X. C. JIM & 11 The New Yorkers h a v a sausage factory oo Long Islaad which works borae fleh. This industry was for lg time a pecutiif French instita- $ion, butil mmsitcrBfs , no longer. But tne goods 'turned hi0 should cert tainly he uiarkel itiaeceitfelno pin?. Ourouthess peqple nip. very, poor it is tijij btgiey . not dbie pr break fiKt on"horse or w tile. Cleveland a lick. Mr. Cleveland', rfi11'. untl "Chester, superinCendent friends are not at all troubled at it for OI In?,.an clioola. It would not be an UVUUiCU at U, ior StimriSlUif if thes t.wn aim rnwu foil hey very well know that everv blow A rrim nn t fi.u it it.. II...... . I i .... - i .iv.vv uuusu llcis OCVU aimed at him is also aimml nt: tua inn 1 Lt) I )( i I t I f t i 1 f r f ru ci It A nit Am ii. i I. .. -'-'- v uc Itltk" I I ww mm w UUU 11.111 UUr. II Lilt jority of the white people in the United ?wlindrels who" committed the forger States who stand at his back as solid leS " t,!.e rotorious Imllof box con- as a stone wall. Harrison was elected nFM . r lhe recent Kv fb na l elected Ohio campaign. Honest men of both oy tne negro vote in the Northern narties will Olimoiitlir uri.-li K,. oi i Si , , i . V,""V""J .iou tin; tuui- btates. Cleveland beat him about. 100.- mitte God sneed in its imo.1 woi t- 000 in the Donnlar The HoWe porters were white men. Remiblican hiavlll Perfected an organization, the malice and spite can't change ftJ ? 5 VJVti Ule contested elec- KL-a tim-n I i h wwu cuaea win oegm to llow this like these, so let them rave, week. m, Justice Lamar of Supreme Court has 1 lie condition of friuinn .;. n,;.. iipr-Mntci) -m ;i.f;n,. couutry should indeed fin us all with address to a mass meeting of the citi anDrehension. In im4 : -mi. i;;,.i i r- . i suuit iu auvancR "a u lutuiuui i . viriinm. nn r ip - I ... - ....... . - . V i V. m -"iwv ysufMIWS manufactures, the f:irmin;niaMv4 i i3een treated as of no concern by those who have shaped the policy of the laws. Even the Secretary of Agricul ture insists on maintaiuiug the condi tion and policy that are against the farmer. Prices for farm products are fry low. Tfcef are in some lines low er than ever before. What, then be comes of the Home Market argument I It IS Mft AM.. . L - . mauuiaciunng enterprises are The fpUpwfng is a list of North Catr plina delegates who attended the funer al ot Jefferson JHw at New Orleans: PorDsniel 6. Fowje, Jkfiis flelen, his flaufeliUrr, and his staff, consisting of Col. Win. H. Willinms, Mj. Eugene Harrell, Capt. Benfehan Cameron, Capt. Wm. Grimes and Color Sergeant Thoraason, who brpught with him the polorsof the State of North Carolina raped iu mourning. ; The N. Y. Star reports a now and remarkable epidemic as haying reached that city from abroad a sneezing epi-deraic-a somewhat exaggerated form of hay fever, which keeps men so con tinuously sneezing as to unfit them for business. It says tln?re are seven cases nil w I r i r no oui .4 - . i . -v.i,,,iuu mj prevent ho sit w.. i. w-n is our- PT ut m nod the mUoMef WiE S M 32 t& l 1 . . rr "i-m ilrt uu- a v brought the farmers of the South and West to a determination to co-operate and remove the evils as far as pntcticable.-.Vrs-Oirrcr orCatenng ovrfinancial exhibit orcalduelleounty, as published in the rup,c we see the total for printing InfL J hiUgh. ? C-Wwell cGuntv had 21 we dou bt lion's share. wkZ' he - uVt iv is uur- I t-o help tlliif iniial riiiulf Ia ii T if, mese cases withsi-.iwi vu,u"iy printing, not- ought to be iuMnedmtely removed be- !' well at Smf 'WW "9 m city. ! wSMBfli J3E ytunig Journal, life and character of the late Jefferson Uavis. Speaker Reed promises to announce the rest of the House committees before the recess. The death of Mrs. Scott-Lord a sis ter of Mrs. Harrison, has made things T'7f qiliek round White House. I. Mr. Randall le iook a idiort walk last Saturday,1 V V Tl" emerpnses are 0 . ;; . - clogged with ingestion, xi6Miye.-tltfflj& gWe mMrmieAn iif aft urlidfe iSS" S?n.d tbl Peed -oflR the.qws'tmn. thvrd j pU,t Ilvir pronucw Cannot be expxirted, and the factory hands ire demanding that they shall get a full day s pay for eight hours work, while the farmer works 14 hours year iu and year out and gets but slight remunera tion for his toil. . Besides that, the capitalists engaged jn manufacturing make large profits. I he profits in iron manufacturing es pecially ,8 enormous. Hut the farmers will have to bear theurienvfor there no. truer maxim thanliakat last tire burdens are borne byi the f annersJ It eeiiug tnis oppression that has fin- uiscoverer ot the art of " transmittiiig telegraphies siguiils to a sufficient dis tauce to lie of any practical utility;" says that " in view of the most recent decisions, Leonard A. Gale, and not S. F. 13. Mprset is the man to whom we are indebted for the art, and that all Morse's labors were vain until Gale put him on the line of success. We advert' to this subject to men Perished in the Flames. Milwaukee, Wis., Dec. 13. A special to the Evening Wisconsin from Hancock, Wis., says: At Huron, Minn., a large building, formerly occupied as a store, was burned last night. The second story was used as a boarding house. Of the twelve boarders eleven were working on a niirbt shift. One man iumnetl iniurincr himself badly. Two Finlander women and a six weeks old child perished in the flames. A li reman succeeded in ireiihif one of them to a window, but on account of the dense smoke was cempelled to leave the insensible woman to save his own life. Portions of tho bodies oT the victims were found this morning. Poisoned Hi3 Wife. Lafayette, Ind., Dec. 13. After two days preliminary examination befnre .a justice of the peace, the bail bond of the 11 1ITM1' t t a ivev. wiiuam r . rettitt, charged ly am davit with administering poison to bis wife, was fixed at $10,000. Mrs. Pettitt died last June, her death indicating strychnine poisoning. An analysis of the stomach revealed over half a grain of strychnine, and her husband was .arrested last week at Columbus, Ohio, lie is a prominent Methodist minister. Birmingham. Dc. 13. amrni xf ager Boud, of the Teunesseo Coal, Irou and Railroad Company, returued from New York this morning, and after con- icixtug wiiu ti committee or tuo rratt mines, all the differences were arranged and the miners agreed to return to work to-morrow at the present prices. Their wages arc to be raised us price of iron advances. Tho Boston Globe says that the follow ing things, among others, have been set tled : That the tariff will be the great issue in 192; that the next Democrat io candidate for President will be a man with an unimpeachable record as a tariff reformer; that Benjamin Harrison will not be renominated, aud that the South will remain solid. Naa-SfisMeat Notice. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA 1 !.&- ROWAN COUNTY. r,wiw R. J. Holmes and E. A. Holmes, Admin istrators of M. L. Holmes, plaintiffs, against James M. Burns and Susan Burns, de fendants. To Jn ius M. Burns and Susan Burns, non residents : t You aro hereby notified that tho plaiu t ill's above named have commenced a civil action against you to foreclose a mortgage executed by you to tho late M. L. Holmes; aud you are hereby required to appear before the Judge of the 8ape rioi Court, at a court to be held in the county of Rowan, at the Court House iu Salisbury, on the 2d Monday before- the 1st Monday of March, 1890, and answer or demur lo the complaint of the plain tiffs. 1 O.vcn under my hand the 2oth dav of November, I88U. J. M. 1 IOR AH, Clerk Superior Court of Rowan county. G.(ir, Sale of House and Lot. By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Rowan counlv iu the case of Kate C. Foster against John S. Hender son, Trustee, and others, I will sell at t I . A. IT . . . . niu v uiu-L nousc iloor in iSa is nirv on 4 CAR LOADS Ot Bagging 4 Ties jnstfej SOMETHING TO DOWN Tlip BAGGING TRUST! AT FKICES THAT WILL SAVE TOU MORE THAN 1 00o OVER. ANY OTH FR COTTON COVERING - THE ESPECIAL ATTENTION OF THE FARMERS IS CALLED TO THIS NOTICE. - t - AIM! GRAIN! Wc buy all kinds of grain -it highest conk prices. o Sanford Express: Mr. IKlly Page of Hollman says his coininunity is infested with fierce and vicious foxes which at tack people on the highways. Some time airo one of these brutos piitr-roil Htw.ii. ing house and attacked the inmates. It ; Monday, the 6th day of January, 1 SIX), at is possible that these foxes may have tho ! Pulc auction, a house and lot iu the hydrophobia. North Ward of the town of Salisbury, on i ii - Bg ' L ' i in h" eoruer of Fulton aud Liberty streets. EEPOET OF the OoSSinO osfcr Mhod Zt Ibis lot fronts alxut 1(X) feet on Fulton street and runs back to Jackson street? Terms: One-third cash, one-third in six months and the balance iu twelve months with interest at 8 per cent. lieeomber 2d. I881J. JOHN S. HENDERSON ' s Com'r and Trustee. OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Salisbury, in tha State of N. C. At the close of business, Dec. 11, 1889. t HE SOURCES. Loans and discounts ofu 17G m Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 1,019 73 U. s. ltonds to secure circulation ls.noo ( Stocks, securities, judgtaents, claims. etc.. 2.3 10 oa Due from approved reserve agents 3 190 01 Due from other National Banks i2,m 90 Due from State Banks and bankers 4.394 ST Real estate, furniture, and Bxtures 1,120 00 Premiums on V. S. Bonds s i5 . BUls of other Banks 2 ,;r5 00 Fractional paper currency. nickels and pennies 12 1 7 sPele 5.22s 25 " Legal tender notes 7,000 oo 15,101 to KiHlemptlpn fund with U. S. Treasurer (" per cent, circulation). Total $259,sss w LIABILITIES. Eaco Prejudice in tho North. New York, Dec. 16. The 270 White longshoremen employed at the National Steamer Line here, to-day demanded the discharge of the colored men also em ployed there." The demand wa9 re fused, and tho whites left work, but hung eround and made threats against the negroes. A reserve force of police vaa called out to guard against vio lence; but no unlawful act was attempt edi ' Vr " J"'11 '- . 'U'lCX'i BiU. -The Kd neat inn me! In. day, and authorized a favorable report on Senator lllair's bill to aid in the es tablishment and temporary support of common schools. This is the bill com monly known as the Blair Educational Bill, which passed the Senate last session, but failed in the House, . J? avbrahfo iteport on4h Blair Washington. D. cf, Dec. 17. CH Uate Committee on A Fatal London Fog-. London, Dec. 16. During the almost unprecedented fog which hung over L011- tion the fncWhot Julius Cfeinmons a I ! persons were . - - 1 1 ui tu itiiuii.i jiai iM ui inoeiiy auu native of Davidson county, while at ra'otronolis suburbs, by walking into collece conceived lhe idea'of ,.,,;. ! !iver cal,uls.or- larger uum- w a v ting telegraphic signals by electricity, and formed a plan for it. Papers aim1 drawings wete sent by him to some ne (nanift not now remembered ) about the patent oflice in Washington for the purpose of taking out letters pat ent. These papers, &c, were suppress ednot heard from for three years, until after Morse cahie forward with his claim. Mary F. Sawyer died a few days a-o k oicn si. JiiuSfi.. airtii .i..-'..i v...; . ,., oer were seriously injured by fallini; into cellars, excavation?, etc., or through being knocked down and ruu over by vehicles. Cotton for Bremen. Messrs. Alex. Snrnnt A. Snn iIhh1 Look wood the British steamship J. iM yesterday, for Bremen, wfei 4,t00 bales of cotton, weighing 217,o?i6 pounds, and valued at $2lS,S00. Wit. Star. Col. L. L. Polk has tendered his resig nation as secretary of the North Caro lina Farmer's State Alliance, to take ef- Jiimiary 4tn neat. lie will retain he was the Mary that had the lamb, the! f"8 Miemhtjralup in Oak liidge Alliance, little lamb is dead, too, but, the little 18 rel"tKU as editor of the Alliance puetu winch toh bf. Mary aud the littlo ' f?' alMl his cilizeuehiii as a North lamb, still lives. Wilt iSfor. Carol iu iau. f TiO.OOO OO i2,ooo 00 3,S4i! 93 11,250 00 Go OO Capital stock paid In Surplus fund Undivided proilts National Dank notes outstanding Dividends unpakl Individual deposits subject to check 68,79s 89 Time certlttcatesot deposit so;i2r 00 Cashier's checks outstanding 5.B72 so lo4,596 69 Due to other National Banks 5,260 92 Due to State Hanks and bankers 7,099 12 Notes and bills re-dlseounted 55,;i4 54 Total $a5,8s State of North Carolina, County of Rowan, ss- I, I. H. FOUST cashier of the above named bank do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. . , ,w , . I. 11. For ST. Cashier. n 1 le d 3W0rn 10 More me this the tsth day of Dec. 1SS9. O. D. DAVIS, Cokkkct Attest : Notary Public. R. J. HOLMES, ) . A. B1N(JHAM,V Directors. D. A. ATWELL, t THIS SPAC fin Commissioner's Sale of Land. In pursunnco of an order of the Supe rior Court of Rowan county, mad in the special proceeding, entitled John 8. lieu- VAren.?nd ?' J' fJolra8 against Holmes W. Reid and others, I will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, nt the Court House door in the- town of Balis bury, on Monday, theikUlav of Febru ary, 1800, the following described tract of land: Lying on the waters of Crane creek, adjoining the lands of J. C. Rowe, Ira B. Miller, and others, containing ninety-six and one-fourth (9f)) acres, and know as the." J. W. Jones tract ' Terms of Sale One-half cash and the balance in six months, the deferred pay ment to draw interest at the rate of eight per cent per annum. Title reserved un til all the purchase money is paid. R. J. HOLMES, Cbaige & Clement, Commissioner. Att'ys. 7;Gv. Belongs to D. R. Julian, who is too luisy to write sin adver tisement. Watch it and sec what he will have to say to you next week. iOTTOrH COTTON!! Wc arc in flic market-for all the cotton raised in this and adjoining counties. Sec us Tjcforc yoii sell your cotton. Wc arc at the top on prices . Tor all grades. -0- COTTON SEED WE WILL PAY HIGH-! EST CASH PRICES FOR ALL SEED BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET. PLOWS AND HARROWS! ave omo suncrior Chilled Plows, which we will sell to the farmers at net cost. Gall and examine them. The Hillside. Plow is a heautv and does its work well. Our (3krk's Cutaway harrow is a tool that every farmer needs. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. ILivins qualified as the Executor of J. M. Ritchie, dee'd, this is to notify all per sons having claims against his estate to present them to me for payment on or before thu 20th day of-Deeember, 181)0. Persons indebted to said estate arc re quested to make immediate payment December PJtb, 1839. 0:Ct:pU, J. 8. LIPE, Ex'r, of J. M. Ritchie, dee'd. Administrator's Notice, All persons having claims against the estate of L. A. Jamison. dnrauul - !ii please present the same to me within two year?, otherwise thi3 notice will be plead .... . . 1 . . ! J l! 1 u ui iu nihis claims. 4 -December 7, 1886. JOHN. F. JAMIrfOV 8?Ct:pl. Adnpiiistrator. COMSIISSIONErS SALS op - . VALUABLE MILL PROPERTY! In pursuance of a judgment of the Su perior yonrt, obtained in the special! Vt 1 ? v,,l,l,tu Mewai t, Ida Miller and others, against Nannie Miller Jacobs and Ernest Miller, I will sell at the Court House door in Salisbury on Monday, the Gth day of January, 18J0,at public auction. to the highest bidder, a tract of land lying on Crane Creek, 'in Kowan county, and known as "Miller's Mill," containing 2(H) acres (two hundred acres), adjoining the lands of, Jesse Kluttz, James Trelcr and others, a more particular description of which is given in the petition tiled in said cause. This property is situate three miles froi Sal isbury, on the Bringle Ferry road and comprises a good two-story dwelling house, and also one of the best known grist mills in the county. A part of the land is in cultivation, and the remainder rs covered with valuable timber Terms of Sale :-One-third cash, and the balance in 12 months. Interest on delerrcd payment at 8 per cent v. ' C- Y. STEWART Nov. 7 1880. Commoner. 4:t.s. WAGONS mime? CARRIES Our I UUUUILOl HACKS "AND CARTS. j stock of vehicles can net lo excelled in the State. 0 C&mpball & Coicill Have occqpied the office over Mr Wil liams Brown's stove store, where they may be found at all hours, day and ni dit unless professionally en-aged ' J. It. CAMPBELL, M. I) J. B. COCNCHJ. M D t. 22,1880. 4W 7 ?. The Mccormick steel moweb Ts pronounced. lv all who luivo useo it to hcJUic liefrt. Our Wheat FERTILIZERS A HE NOW JN AT PRICES. LOWER THAN EVER. f mers' Friend," 'iBtonewjill" &W "National' Pure (J round VoM anl German Kanit. We are always at the froiit ifl Kespecitfully, BOYDEN-8

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