Carolina Watchman., '" The subscription rates ol me taiouna Watchman arc h rmvnient delayed 3 months - 2.00. ' Do not blow in tbe barrel to find out if it is loaded. Canup's Club expires Jan. 1st. If you want to renew or enter sec Caleb Canup. It is again rumored that the Davis & Wiley Bank will be removed up street in ihe, business part of town soon. R'jdema, Annie and Fernando Tom linson, of Thouiasviile, are spending the hotTdays at Mr. Alfred Johnssn's. Last Saturday was a very busy day hi town, the streets were just crowd. -d with people,and our merchants did a big bus iness. Miss Annie Oowan returned from Ashcville Saturday, where she is engaged in teaching music, and will spend Christ-J -mas here. 'The favorable weather and the splcn - did condition of the roads brought hun- rtrc.ds of ticonle ii- this week make Christmas purchases. Mis Jennie Caldwell and Jeanriie Kluttz wentlo Washington on Monday to spend Christmas, and will be -the guests of Mrs. Senator Vance while there. Two of our Salisbury boys, Ferrand Haughton und John Sloan, narrowly es caped serious if not fatal injuiy in a wreck Sunday night on the W. N. C. railroad. The new house of Mr. Ecu Marsh oppo Tslte his. residence on Main Street was discovered to le on fire last Friday but it was extinguished before much damage was done. Several "At Home1' have been already announced and the indications are now that the Christmas holidays of 1889 will he memorable in Salisbury for their so cial features.! Our boys are all home 4Yom school for tbe holidays, a number of them in their regimentals and what is better, nearly pill of them have come out well in their examinations. The police had quite a chase after Jim Henderson, who is wanted for killing another negro. a few days ago, yesterday morning. Jim's legs were tlie longest and he got away. Wo are requested to state that the Country baH which was to be given at the St. James Hotel on friday night has been postponed indefinately a;id notice yi be given when it is to be held. The manyrieuds of Rev. Jos. -Wheeler; who W7T3 pastor 'of tiro methodist church in this place, a few years ago, will be .pained to hear of his death. -lie died yesterday at the resilience of his son at King's Mountain. I' Tiic home talent that gave such a ; splendid rendition of 'LutIe Tycoon" should have iirebared another. play and 'given it one night during the lrolfdays as there will be no olher -kind of amuse ment of the kind on hand. The "regulators'' went the round of town last Thursday night breaking street lamps, tearing down fence and acting the fool in general. We hope our mayor will get the necessary evidence to give them all the full limit of the law. Mr. O. A. Osborne has sold his grocery and provision store to Mr. Ed Heilig, who will continue the business at the Mime old stand. " Mr. Osborne will ac company his father to (irecusboro where they will engage in the brick business. Lulu Watson, a little colored girl, was arrested last Tuesday for stealing a pair of shoes from the RackeCStore. On ex amination she tcstilied that her mother, Molly Watson, sent her to steal them. The mother was also arrested, and both were bouud over in the sum of 200 each for their appearance at court. Mr. J. Z. Schnltz, our popular, one prico boot and shoe man has presented his customers with one of the prittiest Christmas cards we have seen in a long time. It is a winter scene, boys coastiug down hill and as nono of their toes aro sticking ont it is taken for granted that their shoes woro bought from Mr. Schultz. Fulton Lodge No. 09 A. F. & -A. M. will celebrate St. John's day, Dee. 27th. Instillation of officers, after which there will be a banquet at the St. James Hotel, nt9 o'clock -p. m. Members of the Lodge are requested to meet at the Hall promptly at 7 o'clock. All visiting brothers in good standing in their Lodge . are cordially invited. Douglas Holt and Jim Henderson, two colored men employed to work on a grav ed train, got into a dispute about some whisky at a colored festival on the ede of town last Thursday night and Hender son shot and killed Holt. Henderson got away, but no doubt will be caught i-i i . . uuu orougni to justice. It was a Avillful coiuruioodeet murder, if reports about tho occurrence arc correct.. The Whipping Post. We need the restoration of this good uiu mMiuuion, espeeiallv for tho benefit of such'fellowS-ns those who went around town one uiuht last w L- w.,t- mg the street lamps, and damaging the private property of persons who never did them harm, hut who are amongst the most orderly and generous citizens - of the place. Fellow who do such fool ish cowardly and wanton mischief ought to hug a whipping po.,t. F LOCAL- THURSDAY, DEC. 26, 1SS9. . Ths Johnstown Disa3ter. The Harrwburg TeTosrun is preparing JjKCompk'te history wc Johnstown tiis luster, whleii will bo published shortly in ' bo elegant valume; It is proposed "to I make thebook u valuable souveruer of the great calamity, excellent alike in matter uiul illustration, ihe text will be from the pen of the editor, who is thoroughly acquainted with the subject ami will furnish portraits and views engraved ! . i .,J T . irom origiu:u urawiu u nuiugiuiuii. We advise those who desire astfperb vol ume, worthy of a place in any library, to wait forthcoming work. Ex- ' , t . ii ... i i oei u iiecti canvassers are uiaireu us ocui Ml write at once for territory. Christmas. According, to custom wc send to our patrons this week only a nan sneei This is done for the old reason, that tlvej hands in this office mav have a day or ! two of rest during the holidays. Every body likes a short season of freedom at least once a year, and the printer loves it as much as his neighbor. Business in the the regular way will go on in our office after the lirbt of January, and wc hope our patrons will cheer us in our efforts to serve them by promptly retailing dues. I" To one and all joy, hoping that t: l rtrLUim lliiil V I i , ..;,,.., they may have greater success in their lawful eflbrts for the at tainment of business prosperity! and so cial happiness than ever before experi enced. The Connelly Case. omo of our exchanges seem to think that the late decision of the Supreme Court is to the effect that Connelly is free for good and all. We digested the opin ion. Such is not the effect of the de cision. Connelly was -indie ted for env bezzlement under sections 1,01.3 and 101G of the Code. The Court holds that sec tion 1,011 only punishes embezzlement by:olIi'-ers of private corporations, and 1,0J6 punishes embezzlement by officers of public funds onlv. As Connelly was indicted private statuary as a public; ofliccr for embezzling funds, and embezzlement is a , nut a common law offense, the omission ran only be cured by the Legis lature, 'l'iie court points out that lie may still "be indicted under section 1 ,0iX) for malfeasance in oliice, but that the present indictment is for embezzlement and can not be sustained for malfeasance. Xcws-Obs.-r ;. Iverla Carolina Cunflr: Wasiiixton', Dec. 20. The Senate secret session -the jfvjllowing nominations : Oliver H. Doekery, of Nort h ('arolina, Consul (Jenerail at Kio Janeiro; Bedford Maekey, of South Car olina, at San Jose. Costa lUea ; Join1 It. Lynch, of Mississippi, -lib auditor; Stew art W. Cramer, assayer and inciter, Cluir lotte, N. C; Win. Rule, Pension Ageut, at Knoxville, T nn. X. C. Postmasters: J. B. Fortune, Shelby; Archibald Brady, Charlotte; S. V. Wheeler, Winston : J. "S. White, (Jreeusboro ; H. L. Shore, Salem ; J. H. liamsay, Salisbury ; J". M. Afton, Tar bo ro ; S. O. French, Wilmington; S.'J. Hasty, Monroev. The Whites in Luck. Cor. Xlv Ilcrnc Journal. After Wednesday of this week all the Colored people who resided on the Tren ton and New Berne road from Jumping Run to Trenton, a distance of nearly four miles, will have left for the promised bind and other parts,. leaving the whites in full possession of the whortleberry or chards and ;ill the gooLohl fishing p laces along the Trent in the same locality ; and by the by, won't the fish bite much bet ter? Tlie colored people fished after them-so much they kept their mouths so very sore that it was hard to get a nibble from them in the whole locality for the dast few years. A Book Made in Short Order. Buffalo Courier. One of the most remarkable feats in the history of book making was ticcomplish ed'in Chicago this week. Twenty-four hours to the minute from t lie rendering of the verdict a complete history of the Crouin ctHe from its inception of the scenes on Monday night, nfaking a vol ume if o7d pages, cloth bound, and gilt- lettered, was on the market. This record of rapid publication, it is said, has never been equalled. Fifteen Stores Burned. Raleigh, X. C, Dec. 20. At 3:30 o'clock-this morning a fire broke out in a barroom in the town of Frauklinton, 30 nines norm ol Here, and in one hour and half, burned fifteen stores, and the postoffice, all frame buildings. -Loss $23,000, insurance $8,000. Baltimore, Dec. 19. Tho Manufac- turerss' Record reports that contracts have been given for building at Florence Ala., the largest cotton mill ever put up in the South. It will havo nin. dies. The hiehest number of Rnindlns now operated by any southern company is 4,000, and these are in two mills. - Henry W. Grady Dead. Atlanta, Ga.. Dec. 23. llenrv W Grady is dead. Death came at 4:8(5 this morning. Its coining had been feared by thtse who had watched the ease- closely, but nobody cxpeetedi it so soon. When daylight came and the news of ms ueatti spread over the city, it created sorrow never equalled here before. Mr. Grady was horn-in Athens, Ga., in 1851, and will probably be buried there, beside his father, who was kiiled in the war, while gallantly leading the 25th North Carolina Regiment at Petersburg. Mr.irady leaves a widow and two chil dren. U has been arranged that the funeral orMr. Grady shall take place on Wednes day aftornoon. The body will be placed a auit in uaKianu cemetery at 2 O ClOCK. - A Distressing Case and Harpy Cure rur over a year I have had a breaking my icg, w men troubled inc. so had 1 could not walk, leu badJv swelled, of a 'furple color, with c runt ions so lul that "blood would ooze out if I bore my weight "on it. 1 was reuMhmended to try Clarke's "Exiract of Flax (Papillon) Skin Cure . which I have done. My leg is now well ' and I can walk two miles on it without any trouble." Si-i.ed, A. J. llavua.d. Uatkes lax Soap iakeB lU, .skin soft ami prevent chappiag. Skin Cure 41.00 -roap 2o cent,. bu:U by Juo. II LuuLL Don't Be Afraid to ".Filibuster." K. Y. Star. Events have already confirmed the Siar'n opinion as to the-supreme necessity for strict discipline and unrelaxiug vigi-L lance auung the lJeaiocrats in tne nouse of Representatives. Speaker Reed's action in he Arkansas case was unpre cedented, and the proposition for sessions. ..!... r ,.-.i.!n t,n . ,.. !' I . i . hi 3 rtiiriiwr 1 the recess shows the anxiety of the Re publicans to carry out their programme for seizing the contested seats. The Boston Globe reports as follows the expression of a leading Republican Con- We must -have more votes, and we must haye them soon. . At the present moment wc could not get a quorum to save our souls. If the Elections Com- mittce could report immediately after the holidays, we could railroad a lew ol tiie cases through while the House is still being run according to I Reed's rules of order. ' The Republicans know that their ma- ,ioritv is at nresent practically a minor ity. " The management of the House has - I ih fact been taken out of their hands, and ex-Speaker Carlisle from the floor has exerted more influence over its pro ceedings than the Speaker and his Chair man of the Committee on ways and Means together, irritated by their own awkwardness and the lack of a working majority, the Administration leaders will stop at nothing to perpetrate the great injustice they contemplate. They must not be allowed to succeed. J nere are occasions w e a raoiau ponev i the only wise one. The Democrats must stand out for their rights, resist aggres sion upon the lawful representation in the House, and be ready to resort to fili bustering if necessary. The Albany Argus agrees with the-Vtar as to the Dem ocratic duty, and states the caso well in this paragraph: "If it be necessary in tho cause of sim- - - plo justice for the minority to resort to fil ibustering, they should not hesitate to use any weapon likely to enable them to check usurpation and outrage on tho right of a member to the scat to which he has been fairly elected. Their opponents are un scrupulous and regardless of precedents or justice, and nothing can be gained by yielding to them iu the slightest particu lar. Ex-Speaker Carlisle is a capable, fearless and experienced leader of the uunority, and it every Democratic Rep resentative will faithfully comply with his instructions, ali will be well. Al ready the scheme to give the Flections Committee the right to sit during the holiday racess, that a report might be made in favor of unseating a number of Democrats after the reassembling of the House next month, has been bafllcd by the vigilance of Mr. Carlisle and his as sociates."' Even if it were necessary to do an un popular thing and one in minor respects hurtful to the public interest, it would be right for the minority members to resort to every legitimate expedient to prevent a fraudulent change in the composition of the House. But filibustering will not be unpopular now if the majority Torccs the minority to resort to it. Therepre sentatiou of the majority of American voters must be defended, and the people understand the situation perfectly. The Montana outrage lias openeel all eyes to the nature of the Republicans' scheme to strengthen themselves in both Houses of Congress without regard to the wishes "of constituencies. Not a single Democratic seat should be surrendered, and no com promises whatever should be made. It is easily within the power of the mi nority, by resolute adherence to a well defined program, to compel the majority to do justice and allow the rollcall of the House' to stand as its fiiral membership. When this joint conclusion is reached legislation can properly proceed. If de lay occurs in carrying out Republican legislative plans, the country will not sutler. The principal measure which the majority members uow contemplate are subversive of local self-government and of our federal system. Their passage would be an unmitigated disaster to the country, and, above all things, the Dem crats must not allow a single vote for them to be gained. , In discharging the Democratic duty of the hour, harmony among the members of the party is the first requisite. Such contentions as that of Saturday between Mr. Mills and Mr. Hoi man are greatly to be deprecated. It is only by forbearance regarding lesser matters that the minor ity can preserve that fraternal spirit which is necessary to a compact and suc cessful opposition. Goxi Adttc3, Showing Essult Edward Silvcy. Chicago, gives testimo- nv: "3ly wite had Catarrh twentv-live years; suffered severely for six years be- 'fore she began to use your remedy. Un "ab!e to breathe except through the mouth; 'in a most critical condition. Tried evcry "where without relief, when Dr. "Streetcr "advised her to buy Clarke's Extract of '-Flax (Papillon) Catarrh Cure. Relief "followed immediately. She continued to "use t until now she is entirely icured. "Her health has not been so good in many ' years." Price $1.00. Wash the; baby with Clfirke's Flax Soap. 25 cents. Jno. II. Enniss, Druggist, now has the Flax remedies on hand. The epidemic now known as the Rus sian inuuenza has appeared in many places north of us. It is remarked that! its first appearance in a now locality is among those who receive and handle large numbers of letters, such as post ollice clerks, bank officers and others. It is therefore concluded that it is a germ disease, with its special bacillus, readily conveyed cither through the air, but mdrc often attaching itself to such sub stances as paper and cloth, and in that way becoming contagious. Sucklen's Arnica Salve. Tnrc Bkst Salve in 'the-world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fovex Sores, Tette, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positive -ly cures Piles, or no pay required. It is ruaranteed to tjive perfect" satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents pes box. For Sale by Kluttz & Co. 3:1 v. MARRIED. Dec. 22d, 1SS9, by W. A. Campbell, Esq., at his residence inv Morgan town ship, Mr. John H. Morgan, of llowau county to Miss Margaret A. M. Trout man, of Cabarrus couutv. Country Produce Market. Reported by D. It. JULIAN" & CO. Corn .4067 .1.r, ' Lard .10 I'eaa .Cof.tJO Flour enfy 2.00(2.50 Meal v00(f.5 UacoB lianis A 21 -w6ides .11 Buoulucrs .10 Potatoes irsh 00 (J .05 " " sweet 4o .50 Kjrs .15 liutter .20h2j. l.'li i el: ens 124 (j, .25 jJoluscfr col. all .Ju POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvelof purity strength. and waolesomeness. More economical tbantheordlnarr kinds, and cannot be sold lii competition irllh the multitude of low tesl, snort weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only In cans. Uotal uakim: I'owder co..loc w an sv. j V For sale by Bingham & Co., Young & Bos tian, and N. P. Murphy.. CHRISTMAS Is past, and we have COME DOWN TO BUSINESS. We intend to sell goods cheap er from the 1st day of January to the 1st day of March, 1890, than they have ever been sold in Salisbury, in order to make room for our Spring Stock. A good brogan shoe for 8.00 Suits for 0.00 ;; Bovs' suits from $1.50 to 1.00 G.OO 5.00 4.00 If you have the hard cash and want any tlting in our line don't fail to call on us, as we will give you more for your money than you ever have gotten before. 0 Respectfully, D. R. JULIAN & Co. -O- The name of every man in Western North Carolina who has timber land, improved and unimproved, farm lands, town lots and properties for sale. We must have bottom prices, full, clear aifd correct descriptions. Persons wishing to buy, sell or rent properties will find'it to their interest to write to or call on - McCUBBINS & REISNER, EEAL ESTATE AGENTS, SALISBURY, X. C. GUARANTEED. Tho only medicines sold by di unglata. nndr a positive guarantee from tbeir manufact urers, that they will do just what is claimed for them that is, benefit or cure in. all casoi of diseases for which they are recommended, or the money paid for them will be promptly refunded are Dr. Pierce's world-famed spe cifics, manufactured by World's Dispensary Medical Association, of "Buffalo. N. Y. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures all diseases arisinjr from a torpid or deranged liver, or from impure blood, as Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, Pimples, Blotches, Eruptions, Salt-rheum, Tetter, Erysipelas, and Scrofu lous Sores and Swellings. Consumption, or Lung-scrofula, is also cured by this won derful remedy, if taken in time. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is tho world-famed remedy for ail those chronic weaknesses and distressing derangements so common to American women. It is a most potenW invigorating, restorative tonic, or strength giver, imparting tone and vigor to the whole system. As a soothing nervine it Is unequaled. See guarantee printed on the bottle - wrapper and faithfully carried out for many years. Copyright, 1868, by WORLD'S Dis. MxD. ASS'S. OFFERED inr an lncurnnie rase oi t;a lorrh lu the Head bv the proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Reined v. By its mild, soothing and healing properties, it cures the worst cas. no matter of how long Standing. By druggists, 50 cents. Campbell & Ooencill Have occupied the office over Mr. Wil liams Brown's stove store, where they may he found at all hours, day and night, unless professionally engaged. J. It. CAMPBELL, M. I., J. B. COUKCILL. M.VD. Oct. 22, 1S8D. im WANTED CRASH! m ii rum. CLOTHING sold at greatly reduced prices. Never have you seen goods at such low prices as at our store i j tliis week. Too many goods and mild weather the cause. MONEY MAKES THE MARE 60, Wc propose to make the glorious ani mal ga pretty lively all this week in Lijhi-WeijM OTercoats, Chinchilla OTercoats, Charlottesville Kersey Overcoats, Bine Cheviot Overcoats. Men's Suits, Youths' Suite, Children's Suits. Our departments are twice their usual size this season, over shadowing everything of their kind in this city, and surpass ing all their former achieve- ment8 And why do they grow so rapidly f Large basinets is the result of tho power to buy right and the will to sell right, or, as you may say, liberal deal ing, good value and low prices are the factors which make a great business. Our stock ranges from the Cheapest to the Finest, which must -be sold without delav. We recognize that in order to do so we must mako concessions in prices, Vo have marked them down. . Compare our goods and prices with others, and you will buy fro i ft us. Respectfully, M. g. BROWN. 'U.oUl. 18 MY SPECIALTIES FOR 15 DAYS My Millinery must be sold leaves for the North then to post Cloaks, Wraps and Jackets 50 dozen Shirts left at New York cost. You can buy a shirt from me at 50 cents and $1.25 worth $1.00 and $2.50. I will close out 100 dozen Hose far below what they can How'sour time. We have a great many handsome and useful things suited for Xmas presents. Don't fail to give me a look before buying. Remember I don't keep shoddy Racket Store goods, and as to my saying I was going to leave here in Spring and selling out at cost, &e.,:I meant it, but there's such a fascination and . such great attractions in Salisbury, it would break my heart to leave the dear old town. And as to Bro. Stoner's hits at me, I will only say I am sorry he did not succeed here and it should be a warning to him to keep good goods hereafter, and not inpose on the public with Racket Store goods. Everybody trades with Van Wyck. Wishing you all, but especially my customers, a most lightful Xmas, I am yours, striving day and night to please, 0. B. VAN WICK. ANNOUNCEMENT OF W. ft REISNER & BRO. LEADING JEWELERS. We arc receiving new goods daily, and now have for your inspection the finest line of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Rings and Novelties ever on this market. Weiiave every thing'complete. - Our work department is the best equipped in the State, and are now prepar ed to turn out work at short notice, and Tn a Appreciating past favors shownthe pld firm, we respectfully ask a continuance of yourpatron ago to the new firm. We are, truly yours, W H. REISNER & BRO. N. B. The change of the firm name neces sitates the closing of the old books, arid I would respectfully ask all who arc indebted to me to call and settle the same. Very truly, I W. H. REISNER. Cotton and Grain Market Reported by BOYDEX k QUIXX. Strict good middling, Good middling, Middling, T . i Di S j 1 1 1 1 n it 9i n n 60(5,85 60 30 A W lUlUUllllwt Tinges, Staius, Wheat Corn OaU GRAIN. SUBSCRIBE F( R mTJP W k mPUll I II NlflliTTiilUllfflJUl 90! ONLY! in two weeks as my milliner up on the latest Spring styles. at New York cost. Ladies'r Misses' and Children's be bought for North or South. do- Executor's Notice. Having qualified as Executor of the last will andtestament of Duncan A. A I 1 ,1 . 1 T L....I... nntiio I A ll jiiiu. uct u, x uci f j uu.iv persons having claims against the estate of said decedent, to exliibit them to me on, if not before, the 29th day of Novem ber, 1890. November 27, 1889. J. S. SPENCER, Executor, of Duncan A. MacKac. CuAjuK & Clement, Att'ys 6:6v. . ADVERTISE IN

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