Carolina watchman. nrUBftbAV, jan. so, iso. For year t here lius been a coatrd rersj gver the removal ef the county so at of Blanco county, Texas, from BIuhcu to Johnson City. Au election was held Monday to decide the matter. At the close of the election Monday night, and when it was known that Johnson City had been chosen, there was a clash of the factious, in which pistols were freely used. tldiraliiU Modern RepublicansThe Same. Ttrt Wilmington Menenger mya: Mr. Lodge think there is no lillle resem bianco between Utter-day Kepublicauu mud the tld Federal bU, and be Is exactly right. Thwy all favor a strung government and are working for eenlraltXHtivo, and the enaUuiwm it Ihil Hiiptey The New York Herald hu wisely discussed the admission and reeenblauce and adds: 'Yes, Mr. Lodge U historically accu rale th Btili m i party in these daya has very much in its measures and Poli cies to remind one of the old Federalists And one day, In those old times the peo ple waked Up and the federalists disap peared from view, as a party, and were aever heart! of again; until last year tome New York Republicans organized themselves in a Federalist ' club." Political thought dike htorr, re-1 . . . 4 . Ihmtt Tk'nAl!(bl ,l-ffl l ) i 7 -i f i fit HP IHCIIl pUllklMU WWHII known as thfeSerulist party cstme into existence about one hundred years ago, aud elaimed-th Constitution of the United States and to be the true exponents of federal government. In truth it was simply clamoring tors A revolution is reported to have strong centralization of power politi- broken out in Costa Rica and the gov cal and financial at the seat of Feder- -rilIIMmt overturned, amid some horri- al Government, and that is being re- bi e scenes 0f bloodshed. The revolt! peated to-day byjhe active Republican tionisU are reported as holding every party now in power. thiug. It is a Kilkenny fight between The destruction of the federalist two factions of republicans, in4he suc- party was brought about Ty their op-1 ceaa 0f neither of which the world is position to the War of 1812 and the farther concerned than that the coffee calling of the Hartford convention. jrowen, are eft undisturbed. Jn 1816 Monroe , was elected to the presidency, and in. 1820 the Federalists t seems to be uow cen ceded that the disbanded, Monroe receiving all but steamship Erin from New York for one of the electoral votes. It does not Liverpool has perished in the great require a prophet to see how the rock I gale which have swept the ocean dux- on which this same political idea of jg the past month. She is now centralized strong government will thirty-three data out She belonged to i . w break and founder. Its opposition to the National Line, and was a large tariff reform is enough in itself to base ship of about 4,000. Her cargo, con- such a prediction upon. The more the Uisting of cattle and grain, was valued people comprehend the poverty-pro- t $400,000. ducing effects of this hydra-headed money-absorber; kkm hidden tax which Raleigh now justly boasts of an ar- drains the pockets (Si the rpoor from! tist, in the person of Mr. W. Q. Ran- the cradle to the grave, the more terri- dull. He is not only a portrait painter ble and certain the avalanche of oppo-Jbut a landscape artist of no mean nier a . -- . . m www sition wuich will hurl .it out of exist-lrt. We saw an autumnal scene on rrti l a 1 if ill 1 i f t t i ence. lne people are wakiuaKitis one exhibition at me last state rair, irom ime! The so-called Ne- his brush, that was true lo nature and would rank with the best urorkof that class anywhere. The Queen of Greece, now visiting London, while walking ou the streets, became entangled in an electric wire, which hod fallen from its fastening, and encircled her tightly as she strug gled to free herself. Luckily the wire was "dead ut the time, the hour not having arrived wheti the current is turned on for lighting purposes; and she escuped with only a severe fright, m ude more impressive when a few min iates after the streets flashed up with the electricity, which, had it been let en sooner, would have instantly killed her. Washington Letter. From our regular correspondent.) Washington, Jan. 27, 18!K). Mr. Blaine represents erne side and Senator Cjuay and Representative Ray, of Pennsylvania, the other in a very pretty fight over a post-office iu Penu ry I van in. Mr. Ray, in whose district the post-office is, solected a mail for the position, got the indorsement of Mr. Quay and handed the application to the Kst master General with the ex pection that the appointment would be immediately made. This was some weeks ago, and the Peunsyiyauian have just discovered the cause of the trouble. Mr. BUine , gave a cbtisiu of his a strong letter to the Post matter General asking for . the same post-oqe. Mr. Wanamaker not wishiug to offend either the Senator or the Secretary has refused to recom mend cither's caudidate. That's the preseut status of the fjght. The end is looked forward to with interest. , Ex-Speaker CarJisU explained -to a democratic caucus of the House the changes that the republican members of theonimitte on Rules proposed making in the Code of Rules; he also pointed out why certain of the changes 8 question of time! gro, or race problem, what is it? .Nothing more or less than a snperan- uted hoax hobgoblin which the northern Republican party has precipi tated upon the South whenever this question of tariff reform was agitated It serves to draw us away from the ' .mm a main issue, thins new Five desperadoes, who murdered Con stable Long, near Catlettsburg, Ky., at the same time dangerously wounding his wife, were captured Tuesday night There is no change; no- by a heavily armed body of pursuers whatever in the Negro 1-1 hey were also heavily armed, but were qoeation. Li is moving quietly along caught napping. To avoid lynching, in its own solution. But with its acri- the prisoners were taken to Rich tation we observe that the fight against mond, Ky. tho abominable, tariff is not waged as hot as of yore. Keep hitting the tariff jMn" ltodPtn 1 and the race problem will soon be loctlwhcre.hewilUptndatTeralBontha.gath- in the din. jenng anc revising material ior a snort t - I history ef the Con federate States pre- The Law of Libel. j pared, but not coeplcted, by Jefferson Tae SUUe Chronicle whose editor is. Mrs. Davis haa also prepared wac trained for the law, in adverting biography of her illustrious hntband, to the libel suit ractntlv hroiurht to be pubfishrd hy Uelford, Of New easiest our neiirhhor. the Dnrie Timta. I i ork. O f 0 , 1 bv one Prof. Loish. who had taught sa a-v a , . mKaaI mi. C.n tAtrin.fU .. 1 Mr. P. 13. unncv, tor s lonff time a Tn aki. n-tun ... v.k -chemist in the H. C. Agricultural x- . mm u m. mm wa v u w v 3 i t7. uinLi there Uv need of a ch an go iu the law of perimoiit Station, at Ralsieh. has re- unci iswortn uaroiinn, not to fit this gi ed aad opened a prj?ate Uboratory fir. but to cover eases -where honest ntla-1 at Rsleigh. Thi, we believe, is the takes are made. The law of libel ought onjT enterprise of the kind in the F A ILADIiln that n AitliAii i.a.aaii t i i shall he maintained fur the tiiihlinnMnn btftte. oi any matter ot legitimate interest to tho puhhe, rr such publication is made The Samoan treaty is denounced by witnAlif ma anil r Ant Ka ...Vv I - ' - lUher thereof causes effectual retraction the PHfliP Press, and it is equally at- Both bceu or correction to be made of anything in " S a 1 J k ft . . irue or nusuiKen in sucn puoucation as soon as practicable after being requested to do so by the person aggrieved by the original publication. That would do justice to all and- be in keening with the progress of the age. Our present law is goon m a country where only monthly magaziues are printed, but i. not in keep tacked by the New York papers, sides claim that too much has yielded to the other. Senator Iagalls's Speech. If the conservative people of th is mg wun the progressive spirit of to-dav. entire country do not feel shocked nr. and b a hardship upon honest editors. I'the incendiary speech made in the Senate, on Thursdav. hv Mr. TncMlUnf ine cigarette nrra ol w. Uuke,bons JVansas, it will only be because they Co., of Durham, has ordered five of have become educated to expect only its cigarette machine. Lran-.frrwl r th T,,et language and the basest .. v v . .1 . NYnrL- b i.f.,rl,a Aiu suggestions irom tnis "Aausns Jay ' " " v CT lUlttlEl I U 1 1 Mil t U I lib I Tl I 1 ., , , , - , MiMifi. ns was iiappnv iiuoocd by Sciiator Blackburn, two winters it may ne possible for the whole plant ago, to go. i rerhaps, jitter such an incendiary ...... , I L!.L . l .1 While we regret to see any enter- "!. n' wnien . nni ?norl .or criminal prise leave the State, because not only M; iu fi' A T n"ent,0?'l nu,d A. , w. . . 3 Mr. I u Kalis rind himself suubbed iu a me watchman, out inostall the news- southern community, he would get up papers of the State,jire doing all that a panorama show of indignation, with in nonor can be done to encourage the a ngw lantern of epithets, that introduction of more factories and woul(i become exceedingly popular in other manufacturing, industries, yet cla8S of Northern Sunday it occurs tolbe writer that this action ThA'M. cj....,.. jumps on the heel of Judge Armfield's mistaken liberty of speech for license. i . . 1 1. . . ...... lUOrue nraiUSt the; "cnr:iivtt .nif" I lltS lanemaL'P w:i nn nnhr L.1 i;ano ' -"TH a'W VI iio l 7 I o o w IUIVU S LWW 11(71. cently organized, at the last term, of "ere !t delivered in any city in th the Durham count v 8..nor fW I"JW have been en and MA H . ' . 'v' tirely iuatifie.1 ut locking Mr .ueuuucauon ot tlie or- p; JUid, therefore the S gfiuiKeu the Same se lem.. TU V 1 w viwilMAai UlKJS not mean to olledge these occurrences OB ! nliu . . mi vausi nilV LIIIS c,i tin . , ... I " ot leaving the StaU, nor does proposed would be particularly object ionable to the niiuority. There was a discussion, both of the Rules and of the uow plainly to be seen, iu teiition of the republicans to give every republican contestant ihe seat now held bv a democrat. No resolution of any sort was adopted, but;it was never theless well understood that if the re publicans attempted to bring up and dispose of the contested Jc;ise of Smith vs Jackson, which has already been re ported to the House, before the Rules are adopted; the democrats would re sort to every legitimate method of de feating them, even to the extent of breaking a quorum. In this connec tion the fact may be mentioned that the democrats in the House lack dis cipline. They have splendid leaders, but they don't properly support them. And worse than all many 01 them are .constantly out of their seats when their votes are most needed. Speaker Reed's decision might have been over ridden on two occasions last week if the democratic absentees had occupied their seats. It took Senator Ingalls exactly two hours to tell the Senate what he didn't know about the race problem. The language was mild, compared with the Kansas Senator's previous speeches. The World' Fair isn't getting solv ed as easily and as promptly as it was generally expected to be. The Senate Committee is to meet Friday. The House committee meets constantly, but, owing to its peculiar construction, does nothing. Senator Brice's declaration that "Ohio should be eternally democratic" has struck a responsive cord in the hearts of the Ohio democratic Con gressmen, and they say they intend it iiii . 1 i r snail be, beginning with the Congres sional election next Novemler. Well, the Civil Service Commission is to'be investigated, the House Com mittee on Reform in the Civil Service having decided this morning to make a favorable report on the resolution proqiding therefor, and iU passage by the House being only, a question of time. Senator Sherman has put his foot in a a it bad in nja recommendation ot a pc' master for Columbus Ohio, if one may judge by the prospects pour ing in by mail and wire upon Mr. Harrison, the Postmaster General and the Ohio Congressman, from the citi zens of Columbus. Unless Mr. Sher man withdraws his man he will be ap- pointel, is what they say at the rosl office department. It seems from the evidence taken by the Naval court of inquiry, now sitting here, that instead of one, as had been charged, t hero are two organiza tions of Naval officers, formed solely for the purpose of influencing Con gressional legislation in which they are interested. Secretary Windom, in a long letter to Senator Frye, chairman of the Sen ate committee in Commerce, opposes the bill now in the hands of that com mittee-providing for the taking of Seals in the ' Alaskan waters by the Government, and favors a reuewal of the lease of the preseut company. Senator Vest's Committee on the beef industry is at woik again after several weeks vacation. The railroad men are boing heard. This will finish the investigation. Senator Gorman, after the Senate had passed a bill appropriating $400,- 000 for the continuence of the im provements at the mouth of the Co lumbia river, gave noticejthatrlie would oppose further specific appropriations until all public works were considered in the River and Harbor bill. Mr. Henry Wolcott, of Colorado, a brother of Senator Wolcott, is in Washington, and has been expressing publicly some very hard opinions of Mr. Harrison and his administration, it is sad to see such ill-feeling between political brethren. Jefferson Davis is Not Dead. God pity the nnrrow-ininded soul that squeaks out in dirty bitterness because tue people of the South love the memory of Jefferson Davis, lie was always au j houest man; a friend of bis people, re- ga rd I ess of the menaces and intolerance, of those who were not friendly to the South. Ho uever used his principles as net iu which to catch fish for market, ilo was not the inventor of the idea that man need not love a government that he could not love, or a people who believe that a political adiniuistration has the right to punish people for not loviug nar row minded people who bate them. Jel fer.sou Davis came into this world as ot hers come. Ho loved the feopie of the State and localities whose people he kuew, aad whose menaced interests he sought to protect. Through all the shock? and years of shocking wars aud all the whirlpools of hate over which bis life ran, he lived out God's appointed time, as Daniel lived in the den of lions that growled but- wore not permitted to lay claws upon him or to touch hiui with their teeth. Wise men are satisfied with the geueral result of the war, in the lib e ration of slaves and its restoratiou of the couutry. Jefferson Davis did as he thought to be right; therefore he deserves honor. Ho wits true to his love for all that portion of the couutry that did not propose to tramp with iron heel upon the other portion. Ho believed that states manship should supersede the sword and that reason is more honorable tbau rage, fanaticism and passiou,heated by desire to plunder aud confiscate. He ha.s passed on to spirit life, and the South loves his memory as it should love it, and as the people of every patriotic couutry should and ever will respect it. Were tho peo ple of the South to forget him, or fail to honor the man who endured so pa tiently for their sake, they in turu deserve noue of respect or place iu the minds of meu who have mauhood. The cause which he was chosen to lead failed through the errors of those who plauted it, and tho numerical power, but uot superior bravery, of those who cou teuded against it to fiuul victory. The North has enough to be proud of and enough to bo ashamed of without sully ing its reputation for greatness by burl ing cowardly venom upou an honest man, bis memory, aud upon those who admire houcsty, bravery auu devotion to best friends. Jetlerson Davis will live longer in his tory, aud better, than will any who have ever spoken against him. J'omcroyi Ad vance 1 nought. WHICH HILL IT BE? Which Is the fairest, a rose or a lily ? Which is tho sweetest, a peach or a peart Merry's ooquetish, and charming Is jfiS ; Dora is gentle and fair. Yber Sweet as a flower was her face when I nsVc ti (Love is the romance and glory of life.) Muly, my playmate, I love " liko a sister,' But Dora I choose for my wife. That is right, young man. marry the girl you love, by all means, if sbo wiU have you. Should her health become dsMeaSS and her beauty fado after marriage, remember that this is usually due to functional disturbances; weaknesses, irregularities, or painful disor ders peculiar to her sex, in the cure of which Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is fruaran teed, to give satisfaction, or money refunded. See the printed certificate of guarantee on bottle-wrapper. For overworked, " worn-out," M run-down," debilitated teachers, milliners, dressmakers, seamstresses, "shop -girls," housekeepers, nursing mothers, and feeble women gener ally. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the greatest earthly boon, being unequalcd as an appetizing cordial and restorative tonic, or strength-giver. Copyright, 1888, by Wobld's Dis. Man. Ass's; lr. PIERCE'S PELLETS regulate and cleanse the liver, stomach and noweis. iaoy are purely vegetable and per- iccuy unrmii-He. vno u isotc. sola druggists. 25 cents a vial. Ice Sixteen Feet Deep. San Francisco, Jan. 26. Railroad of- Geials at Sacramento succeeded iu having communication for a short time late last night with Truckee ollice in the eastern slope of the Sierra mountains, when it was learned that the snow is lb leet deep on the tracks there. The rain, followed by freezing weather, bad transformed this into ice, which will have chopped and shoveled away by hand. It is understood the railroad company lias enoeavereu to secure tele graphic communications with ltcuo, in order that a few, at least, of the west bound trains that aro there, can be or dered back to Ogden, and there passeu- gcrs bo transierrea to tno ooui-ucrn route. Tho water in the rivers of California is receding; but in some places from Corcs sa, in the western part of the Sacramen to Valley, reports come that for twenty -two miles north aud south of there, farms are covered with water to the depth of from 2 to G feet. The loss throughout the State by flood, cannot bo even ap proximately estimated at this time; but it seems certain will not be as great as at rirst estimated. Tho railroad companies did splendid work yeatcrday in getting tho tracks leading out of the city repaired. The main lines of the Southern Pacific sys tem are now open as far as Sacramento and to points of equal distance in Sao Joaquin Valley. Oil Struck in Hew York. Oloversvillk, N. Y., Jan. 28. Petro leum was struck on Saturday morning on the farm of 8. II. Kennedy, near Johnstown. The well was being sunk lo discover natural gas. Three distinct voins of gas had been passed and the indications promised a liberal supply. Tho well had reached a depth of 960 feet. The oil was only tapped , but it rises to a hoight of 600 feet through a seven inch casing, intense excitement prevail?, nnn thousands are visiting the well, which i being sunk by the Mohawk Heat, Light and Power Company and promises a rich yield. The find is in a gorge near the Caya dutta Creek, close to the Great Falls. Experts from Bradford, Pa., have assist ed in the work, and they say that the rock strata and the lay of the land are similar to those of some of the best yield ing wells there. Natural gas was once struck in this vicinity by John E. Wells while seeking a well for water, near the old fort built by Sir William Jobnon. The gas (lowed for some time, but the well was never developed. NORTH CAROLINA 1 In the Superior ROWAN COUNTY 1 Court, Jan. 27, 1890 J. A. C. Blaekmer. Executrix Blackmer, dee'd, against R. J. Holmes, Ilolmes W. Reid and others Proceeding for sale of real estate foi Partition. I In the SurEmoR RC7.'AH COUNTY JLt. Alice L. Earuhenrt, Plainiill, against Nathaniel Earuheart, Julius Earnhcart, Turner Earuheart, Lorenzo Earnheart, Daniel Eanihcart. Laura Shuping and her husband Henry Shuping, Ida Eurii heart, Walter Earuheart, und Thomas Earnheart, Defendants. PCOCKEDIXO FOB DQWER. It having been made to appear that N.ithatiiel Earuheart, Turner Earuheart aud lxireuzo Earuheart are uou-rosidouta of this State, It is ordered that publica tion bo made iu tho 44 Carolina Watch man," a newspaper published iu Rowan county, for six successive weeks.- notify ing the said non-resident defendants, to appear Ir-Ioto tho Clerk of tho Superior Court of Rowan county, at his office iu Salisbury, on the 28lh day of February, 1890, and answer the cooiulaiut which is bled iu the office of said Clerk, Jauuarv 11th, 1890. J. M. HOEAH, Clerk Superior Court, Rowan county. COMiCSSIONSE'S SALE -OF VALUABLE MILL PROPERTY ! In pursuance of a judgment of the Su perior Court, obtained iu the special proceeding entitled C. W. Stewart, Ida Miller and others, against Nannie. .Miller JhcoIw and Ernest Miller, I will sell at the Court House door in Salisbury, on Monday, the 17th day of February, 1890, at publie alictiou to the highest -bidder, a tract of laud lying on Crane Creek, iii Rowan county, aud kuown as " Miller's Millyi' containing 200 acres (two h'uurircd acres,) adjoining the lands of Jesse Kluttz James Trexler and others, a more particular description of which i.-i giveu iu the petition filed in said cause This properly is situate three miles from Sal isbury, on the Bringle Ferry road, and comprises a good two-story dwelling house, and also one of the best known grist mills in the county. A part of the of Luke ' 'ant ,s in cultivation, und the remainder . is covered with valuable timber. Terms of Sale: One-third cash, and tne balauce in 12' months. Iuterest on deferred payment at 8 per cent. C.W.STEWART, U Jan. 15, 1S90. Commissioned. ! Iff 1 Vfl MM lit H by ft HIB i 111 Holmes W. Reid, one of the defendants abovo named, is hereby notified to appear at the oitice of the Clerk off the Superior Court of said count v in Salisbury on the 10th day ot March, 1S90, and answer or i demur to the complaint filed in the abovo stated proceedings, and that if he fail so to do, t he plaint ill w4U apply to the ! Court for relief demanded in the com-: plaint. J. M. HORAII, Clerk lo:6t. Superior Court Rowan county. SALE OF LAND! By virtue of a decree of the Superior i i.i ld M. y Executrix Notice. Having qualified as executrix of tho . will of E. I. Lipe, deceased, late of Row-! au county, all persons having claims against bis estate must preseut them to me for payment on or before the 20th j day of December, 1S90, aud all persons indebted to said estate must make imme diate settlement with tho undersigned, j This 23d day of December, 18S9. C. E. LIPE, Executrix. H. H. JoitDAX, Atty. 10:6t. Court of Rowan couuty in the case of; C. Ruftv, Adm r of Stephen Bro I dee'd against David Broddy, and others, j I will sell at the Court House door in I Salisbury, at public auction, on Monday, ; the 3d day of February, 181)0, one tijtct of land in Morgan township, adjoining the lands of Mrs. Elizabeth Broddy, Moses Broddy, (Jcorge Walton, Henry j Williams and others, being the land on which Stephen Bnldy formerly resided, containing 110 acres. Terms One-third cash, and tho bal ance in twelve mouths with interest from day of sale. this 30th day of December, 1880. M. C. RUFTY, 11: Administrator. Administrator's Notice AU persons having claims against the estate of L. A. Jamison, deceased, will please present the same to me wit bin two years, otherwise this notice will be plead ns u bar to saids claims. December 7, 188!). JOHN. F. JAMISON. 8:6t-pd. Administrator. The copartnership of Bostian A Mo Canless ia this day dissolved by mutual consent. J. W. Bostion will pay ail indebtedness of said firm. All persoux owing said firm will make payment to J. W. Bostian. January 21.d, 1S00. Sale of House and Lot ! By virtue of a decreo of the Superior Cturt of Rowan county in the case of James Foster and others against John S. Henderson, Trustee, and others. I will sell :t the Court House. dor iu Salisbury on Monday, the 17th day of February, IS'.H), at putdic auction, u bouse aud lot ill the North Ward of the town of Salisbury, on the corner of Fulton and Liberty streets, uow occupied by J. M. Uaden, und known as the Foster houseund lot. This lot fronts about 100 feet on Fulton street aud runs back to Jaeksen Mreet. Terms: One-third cash, one-third in six months and the balance in twelve months with interest at eight per ccut. Juuuary 15th, 1890. JOHN S. HENDERSON, Com'r and Trustee. the Durham Ingalls in; and, therefore the Senator was not opposition inaugurated bv lustihcd m tisinir the 1 illimmcra in rtnlv L. . tie V " n-o ' r!r" tunueis :v i:iiiim i.r ,i,..f ti.: . i ue v wnirp It is already charged that the Sena In u I. i.l, lii. . A' . .. 1.1. . . w. io uimvuii iur me negro vote in the next uational Rennbl H". Ill ('iini-..i s ne may succeed in mdtino- but he certafnlv cannot secure follow ing in the North and Kast. The peo ple north have broader ideas and a bet ter conception ui law and ordevthan to support such a man as Mr. Ingalls has proven himself to be. It will be of interest to note the tone of Ihe press ,f the north in the criti cisuisof Mr. Ing.dls's latest. effort to bring about a general race coudict in the South. CUa, lAte Chronid. A Mine Flooded. Leadville, Jan. 27. Saturday tho men engaged Plata mine had after in a drift of the La fired a round of holes, IE HVin kliiiw th..r t. . I 1 vmiiv 1 1 1 e ijuKe eon ceru was iu the trust, but it does not nesitate tooniinend Judge Armfiebr charge, and to bid God-speed to the Alliance iu trying to defeat air trusts and combines organised to reduce the price of farm products flatiare. of whatever It is stated that the people in nine- a teen counties in South Dakota are iu a state of starvation. Their condition is deplorable; they have no flour, and but little meal, nud in some counties every farm is mortgaged, and theshci iUs are levying on the stock which is stdd at pitifully low prices, cows selling us low as-65 apiece. This is the State which was recently admitted with such a flourish of trumpets. Is there any truth in the statement that Senator Ransom has drawn $300,000 in the Louisiana State Lot fcery? Will the Sen .tor please an swer? If it is true, we would like make a few remarks on the subject. they were astonished at hearing a noise resembling the rushing of a mighty river, and when the smoke cleared away they saw from where they stood a river run ning out of the drift They barely bad time to escape, and in less than rive hours the mine was flooded to within 270 feet of the surface. Four thousand fcot of drift are submerged and thousands of feet of slopes covered. Many think a lake was encountered, and that when the opening was made by the shots it burst through the thin bar rier and flooded the mine. If it proves to be a pocket of water very valuable mineral will be found behind it, as that has been the rule heretofore. In this case the water can be pumped out in thirty days, but if it is a water course the mine will have to be abandoned. Herr Most Gels Another Chance. New Your. Jan. 2S. Justice William Brunt, presiding Justice of the Supreme Court, here to-day granted a stay in the case of John Most, pending an appeal to the court of appeals from the judgment of conviction, and sentenced to a year's imprisonment for making intiamatory speeches at a meeting held to condemn the Chicago authorities for convicting aud hanging the anarchists there. Most will be liberated iu $5,000 bail, same amount fixed in the former stay. The proceedings were held in the Jus tice's private chambers. Members of the press were excluded. Leavenworth, Kan., Jan. 23. Fifteen suits against as many druggists were commenced yesterday by Assistant At- itorney Ocueral iiiack, who was appoiui- to ed bv the Governor fir the special pur pose of enforcing the prohibitory laws in this city. 0 fVc.lcKinc,iitIot0i ce J. M. PATTON, JR., LESSEE, EVERY VARIETY OF JOB PRINTING Dope VLUQi TcatRcss ami Dispatch No BOTCH Work Turned Out. 7frn ff o7e aictna fated man, Qf ty to in Aim you ta G am new irate-r to fo ALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING IN BEST OF STYLE, j A TL IR 08C9KI-IB10 T IT 0 M 7 7fid de Best Equippefl Office "Between Char lotte and Winston q? can notfi ycu a-j yc-c twz, on tt aame yttaty fff fuftei, at ant ftoa-te tn fave tn aocA xi po U rf l3$t ff (eart, JzHttu Gttatif, Qioe &&a ant '-fau.j, tot'et tot' tt-ttc-jc at a (stacttftce, in citci to ma e zoom t a new ana ettti yuatty. &f -fatty ttcon to ucetve ytui oitti-i ft you may neet tn tte ne rf'ztntet mattei, am, 9 r. i an ?ttin tytttny 4 GAB LOADS SOMETHING TO THK BAGGING TRUST! AT PRICES THAT WILT SAVE YOU MORE THAN 100 OVER ANY OTHER THE ESrECTAL ATTEKTirvv vii yj p THK FARMERS IS CALLED TO THIS NOTICE. IHl!6Bill! Wo buy air kinds of grain at highest cash prices. -o 06TTGH ! GOTTDHt! Wc arc in the market for all the cotton raised n this and adjoining counties. Sec us before you sell . vour cotton. We arc at the top oil prices for all grades. -o- LU1 lUn SLLU WE WILL PAY HIGH EST OASil PRICES fl A . V t r T- w- fUn ALL. 61SCU BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET. PLOWS AND HARROWS! E5i We have somo superior Chilleil Plows, which wc will sell to the farmers at net cost. Call and examine them. Tim Hillsitle Plow is a beauty and does its work well. Our Clark's Cutaway harrow is a tool that every farmer needs. WAGONS BUGGIES CARRIAGES HACKS AMD CARTS. Our stock of vehicles cannot 1 excelled in the State. nio muuuumiun oilll itiuumi Is pronounced by, all who have usoff it to be the best - Our Wheat FERTILIZERS ARE NOW IN & AT PRICES LOWER THAN EVER. fF& n' i! 1 T .1 TlntlA viiitritii iii i i if i i ' t - and German Kanjt. - Wire always at the front H our (Cerent lines. Respectfully, IT ft ATTT1II iiiv iu n Mm i DU UHlUUllUi 1 -

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