Carolina Watchman. LOCAL. Script ion rates of The Carolina Uent delayed 8 months r - $1.50 2.00 Tlie Royal Arcanum Lodge, at this placer numbers ahout eighty-five members nrjrtn-miiig a me insurance to th Taulh- Death of Mr. Tauibec. Washington, March 11. William P representative in Congress ' The Provident Savings. Mr. J. S. Jones who is well and favor- E. M. Andrews, Charlotte,! amount of two hundred and fifty thous- from the Tenth Kentucky District the anly known in the State and particmlar- Pnfjtffl DON'T H f! anddollara. A pretty bisr thins for one f9th "d 50th Congresses, who was shot y n Salisbury was in town last week. u YOU W AIM r A PARLOR SUIT! pretty community. Tho Nows and May Jones Beall, in Jwtion with Chas. E. Kincaid, ! Hrfis the manager of the Provident Sav- ' i nsiiiHirion corrsnonnpnt or tn : t :r i -i . . : ' t mi's liio As.-ii ranee Lumnanv ior me Carolinas, BARd AINS! Observer aavs Miw Louisville Times, m the House wing on , .Tr. . . j !. the dUtTLUK February 2th, died this morning t 6 ; department of Virginia and the t tne distinguished t-iw,v s i u.n.M ;n itt.m young painter, of Lenoir, N. C, -and SAY, MARCtl 13, 1890. o'clockat the Providence Hosnital nis aeatn naa been expected for ReV- IS - - .rof Commerce to-night. whoso studio n West 23d street. New eral days, but while there was still a York, is the rendezvous of all wM chance for life, the ohvsiciana thouehfc it art, Is in that city, the guest of Mrs. J. B ladvisab,e not to permit him to make an Martin IV KOI n.,l:f . 1 v. -ixa niaicuioin VI tUC Cirvuia martin, jno. 531 Halifax street. She has Utw i: ir wiin nor two naintintr nn ton&ai.wh1iw1. tharAfnm itKnnf ur- a w www W I r h w IUMM1IIK MKT Hi3 rlotte gjber ol Luinmww . 0- " puiuungs on lapestry uieu, ineretore, without maki f..hl Wallace is visiting In which he ls putting the finishing touch- abatement, and the ease against ' Eat" es on, which a gentleman who has visit- Z T en,t,rely uPon th testi ed all the Kincaid monv of art cn on a i n i i. ,1 i . . r:. ri nman wont to New York .-j , - " T W those eye witnesses was Ifr. 1 p I ttUU ,B someiuing ot a connoisseur ejamuel Donaldson, of Tennessee, former declares equal to the best he has seen 'J aoorKeeper or the there. .... - have been pur- onjbasiness. Ucrftl new pianos nave i Li bv citizens hero lately. Ljoiber' of Commerce meeting to jj Fun ancuuuuvD fncturers will bezin tO WW' " . II'..' . ... . . -.- a A . . Lk regularly about the hrst ot April. r John West is lying critically ill Viilence on North Inniss street. B15 1V ; -r..,.ivpl a call from Mr. J. I. Mc- Neighbor No. 1. House of Repre sentatives, who has refused to make any statement for publication. Donaldson was with Taulbee at the time the ahnnt. T . 1 . 1 & I ! , rni . . . i uuu v vuiii cieci-ric i mg occurrear me oiner witness was a Hgts in this town; too much danger of hoy, who cannot be found C e !i Thi atnrina nf f V. tl,,.r The stones of the shooting differ in one important particular. Kincaid and an encounter some time fires from it. Neighbor No. 2. Oh! is that so? JfflKSU ao you know if about half this town was prior to the shooting, in the corridor ad- ournea out, it would be the best thing joining the hall of the House of Repre- sciuuiMca on nie eoHt. it was sam lust after the shooting took place, that Kin- with headquarters in Richmond. The t . (Li i & !lT,?r!"cI !? r?J!lu 20 Different new and artis- ibuucu ad lira luiiuoiug imiraiiug ci- i . , tl'M hibitofitenroffriiMiandfinanemratrenirth. tlC patterns in DlUSheS, Wilton This sterling company has recently paid I Rugg and Silk Tapestries bought twenty thousand dollars to the Gaskill at very low prices. X am Oiler- estate, having previously paid two thous and dollars each to the estates of Robt. Foard and J. M. Best. S.. Its rates are as favorable as any com pany in the United States and its finan cial standing unsurpassed. Below we give last annual statement as taken from The indicater: December 31 last the Provident Sav- ngs Life Assuraute Society completed its fifteenth year and the annual state ment put out at that time was ever issued by this company. Nearly 2150.000 were added to the assets, and that ever happened to Salisbury. Hills- ----- ic caid had armed himself after the first townsrin the State that can boast of fine Raleigh News and Observer, buildings that were standing during the g oarfav'i , Revolutionnrv I b: Tuesday ThPre is strong talk of a company be to- build a nrst eiass rouer a iui uiv - ill at KDOchville. Spv Ir. Murdoch is in Charlotte reachina geries of sermons in St. Pe ;r3 Episcopal church.. Hew Discovery. A gold bearing quartz vein with slate binding, has been discovered on the John Ruffty tract 10 miles from Salis- encounter with Taulbee, and seeing him oing down the stairs that led to the ascment, had run after him, called to him and shot him in the face. Kincaid claims that he never armed himself in fear of danger from a further encounter with Taulbee ; that Taulbee had warned him to arm himself, and that Taulbee in sulted and attacked him on "their second encounter, rendering, in his opinion, re anuary -1, 1890, this item reached $715,646. At the same time the surplus SUITS at $100. 125. and $150 I .1 A 7 f A. A -J 1 r ' ny me actuaries lour per cent, s-utmuwu $368,899. The income for the year amounted to $1,360,814, disbursements to of any of ray Suits, and let you com- poncy-noiuers rz,40 anu expenses $369,S12, making a total of $1,294,558. n the amount'of new business matters the company fairly outdid itself. It L:l,r l.pre ttt 1- u tiui,. mrauuv uimi the same hours luouuuy. The theory of self-defense was set up by Kracaid's lawver. As soon as the news of Taufbee's death reached police headquarters, an officer now is. Music. The Choral Union met last Thursday night at the St. James Hotel and pointed the following committees: Things that Tickle, the Landmark. To see a man look in a horse's mouth lJ" and then pretend to know how old he is. To hear eyery fellow who catches cold bury on the Bringle Ferry road. It was sort to the pistol a necessity. an accidental discoverv mndu bv MY i -i I ,i ...... i . -. j Thetbenaomeiei culJ ueK,B" A Abram A. Hodge, some month ago; and although not yet developed, a sufficient trial ot the loose gravel and sand about was sent to Kincaid's room. He was f thft TTnii-prl the vein, nroved t hat th rrnUKiiitiaa e awakened and after he had dressed, was L. i ... ' aa k rK5 tmmMhincr vnlnahia So ,tii u taken to the police station, where he tMCS iJ . I " J L will be gone three years Mr;. J.'P- Caldwell, who has been li3i""n erhanie in Statesville, Monday. b Vr Wells in another column tells if .i. lli.U i-ti.itili i n rr? 1 1 li I 1 1 IijI Lati tn " sin i) ami w lis you how to do it. Read Ins ad Communion services were held at the tesbyterian church last Sunday,-- Rev t wbarey, of Jlooresville, assisting Jlr. E. E. Woodman, iSf Massachusets, jb&m in town for a few days taking a Men bf the mortsraze indebtedness of hecouuty. Uuclc F.illy Whitley,. of Stanley coun y.die the first of this week, at the ad mired ane of 115 years. He was a noted liaracter. The filter for the waterworks has ar- ed and will be put in place as soon as lie uessarjLarrangemeutscan be made is a big all air TheDauiel Booue" company played st uight to a moderately good house he play ou the whole was enjoyed by II iu attendance. Every member of the Chamber of Coin- erc should be iu attendance at the Executive, Mrs. W. L. Rankin, Chair- declare that he has the grip. man, Aliss W. White, Mrs. Thos. Mur phy, W. S. Blackmer, H.J. Overman and A. 8. HeiJiir. x General Information Committee, Misses Fannie McNecly, Addie White, Rachel Wallace, Jennie Bingham, Annie Smith- deal, Ella Brown and Mrs. C. L. Welch. To hear the Iredell distillers cuss " the western men," as they call ihestorekeep ers who have been quartered upon them from Eaves district. To hear a man talk about eating "j check" when they mean a snack or a. lunch. To hear a rooster who here with out any seat in ni3 breecbt- and is now The Union will meet again to-night at pffctty well off, decry State ille. the residence of Mrs. Thos. Murphy. pn Prof. Edison in town. A very pleasant looking gentleman, large, smooth shaven face, on which was a pleasant smile, was seen on our streets tin3 th To hear a Republican express his vatc opinion about things. To see a fellow who is loaded to back teeth, walking about under delusion that nobody knows he is haul ing. To note the severe and disdainful ex pression of the beat whose i) ier has beei last Friday, and upon inqury it was stopped because he wouldn't pay for it learned that it was Prof. Edi30U, the great electric mau. He had just come up from Gold Hill, where he had been looking into the mineral resources of that section. He was very reticent as to his plans, but told a gentleman afterwards that he was more favorably impressed With Gold Hill than any other property he had seen in North Carolina thus far. To hear one of the high-toners sav 'keeneen " when he means qui-nine. To see a small mule hitched to a lar top buggy. To. think what might happen if some body should inadvertently ink. a county commissioner the time ot day. Matt ville Landmark. He was only in town about an hour but eetiug to-nignt, at the Mayors ofilce, was seen on the north bound train last s business of importance is to be Irons- J Monday night on his way to High Point He then stated to a reporter of the Watchman that he was going North on the 15th, but would return in about six weeks, and would then give Rowan coun- hcted. A vi' Bitiou ry flattering statement of the con- of the First National Bankef Sl- liburv will be found in another columns. . I . . . 1 1. .1 ... t will be gratifying to the stockholders V VU511 aQU Bee wnM we au 111 lue i Me such a good exhibit. If Prof. Davis ol La Grange contetn plates a change of location for his mili ary school, it might be advantageous for him to negotiate with the people of Salis- iry beore deckling upon a new site. Mr. J. C. Tipton has been elected Cap- in of the Guilford Grays, Company B, rbirj Regiment, vice Captain Schenck, sigiied. His commission was signed shape of ores. The Alliance and Politics. What the Wood Grove Alliance be lieves to be the true position of the Farmers' Alliance and Industrial Uniou on party politics, which was unanimous ly passed after they were hrst read by many of the members and afterwards of fered and read to the Alliance and freely discussed at their regular meeting on March 8th, 180: ing some HDeciai .bargains in Parlor Suits now, and if you want one don't wait, as they will never go lower. I give a few prices to show that 1 mean What I say. 1 never say a thing unless I mean it. Walnut Frame Hair Cloth Suits, " Kert Wool Flush " " Silk Plush, vLwin Antique Oak " ' " WlflUIH " " Tapestry " I have some VERY $29 00 85 00 45 00 50 00 65 00 95 00 HANDSOME pare prices-with any northern house. E. M. ANDREWS. issued 5,403 polices, insuring $19,172,197, pT . w rxpp A un T7TTI? TJT an amount larger by nearly four million ilAnUj UiwAiJ All Is I? UlliN i TURE DEALER. hCngMlGnuiUi dollars the lacgest business ever before . . . ?' , & i i written in a Hinie vear. jt me ciose oi 1889 there were in force 15,752 policies and $60,954, 208 insurance, a gain of over $9,000,000 for the year. The Provident Savings is the creation of its president, Sheppard Homans, whose high reputation as an actuary is not confined to this country by any means. tific principles, and arranged-its rates with a view of affording life insurance at actual cost, and he has been eminently successful. His plans have brought life iusurance within tho reach of many here tofore unable to carry it, and have an swered the wants of those desiring sim- rlr lifip. iti!ivMinff nt. n. lnw nwt. nnd n.t. : . V " a l i A :ii l ci i ho enmo f mo nn anil hrmis Thf DWUUWliuuu sun mill anu u&vurea Provident Savinzs offers protection at sale clieap. in good running order -V . the lowest possible cost, and its finan cial ability to meet its obligations as they mature, are unquestioned. Its plans are well worth attention and investigation. 5 f"' 1 r H Have occupied the office over Mr. Wil liams Brown's stove store. vheri thev lie devised its plans on scien- may be found at all hours, day and night, unless professionally engaged. J. R. CAMPBELL, M. D., J. B. COUNCILL, M. D. Oct. 22, 1889. 4m SAW MILL FOR SALE. for 19:Gt. J. J. KINCAID, Cleveland, N, C. OF tho CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK j j At Salisbury, in tha State of N. 0.. Ajt tho close of business, Feb. 28, 1800. MANSION HOUSE MODEL LAUNDRY, GREENVILLE, S. 0. t SENT EVERY MONDAY, DELIVERED SAT URDAY A. M. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO LADIES WORK. RESOURCES. U'n i-lr l c TMva T.fc 1 1 IliannA yUvernorl-owlclast Wednesday, and Industriai Union movement is not de- mm well to read ttf G!a. jrwarded. W have bearcf, within the past week, oiseveral new enterprises now under ausidcratiou for Salisbury: nothiue suf- ciently definite bower, to warrant luthoritive mention in this issue inother,cottou Factory we believe is no lsocr?t in business cireles. fcrsous desiring furniture oDauv kind the advertisement W. Wright in auotlrer column Mr. Y riyht has a well stocked store as re koow by personal iuspectlon and his pees 'are very low, he is determined build up agood tnule in his line and judyiug from his prices he will certainly P aL Go aud see his stock Mr. D. R. Julian left last Tuesday for the Nottliern markets to lay iu a stoek n new goods. Dave said before he left fK 1.- i ... ne Knew juat wtiere lie was going nd what he ls troiui for. and that tvben he got back he would show us the 5'- fod prettiest line of goods brought signed to advauce the political or bllieial aspirations of any one, man or set of men, but ot doing tne greatest good to the greatest number, and Whereas, It is not a political organ ization in the interest of designing men who are after the loaves and fishes " of office and the " spoils' but grander and nobler in its aims and purposes, with the motto hying high at its masthead, "Principles, not men," but men with principles solid in union with ours Therefore be it Resolved, That while there is no inhi bition on the members of our order pre An Exciting Election. Biddeford, Me., March 10. There i great excitement nere over tne munn-i pal election. One hundred special police nd twenty-five deputy specials are on duty. Ibe votes ot men natural izatidn papers were issued by the munici pal court in alleged violation of the law are now being challenged, the epecia oiheers are working in sympathy wu the men. lu one ward two sneritls ur rested a challenged voter, but clubs wci drawn and the special officers and crowd liberated the prisoner. In another ward Deputy United States Marshal Obed F. Stackpole drew a revolver when the crowd interfered with his arrest of a pris oner. He succeeded in holding his man and also caused the arrest of a special officer who interfered. At 10 o'clock a. m. warrants were issued for the arrest of the sheriff, and ten minutes later the ocal police captured Deputy United Marshal Stackpole and Deputy Sheriil Parker, of North Berwick, and bustled them to the police station, followed by u mob. A general riot is feared. Loans and discounts f SU.SSS SI Overdrafts, secnreTl and unsecured ,120 est U . s. iloaJs to secure circulation 12,5oo oo Stocks, securities, judgments, claims, etc., 3,6.lo oo Uue Pom approved reserve agents... Pue from olUer National Hanks Due from State Uanks and bankers.. Heal estate, furniture, and fixtures. Premiums ou U. S. Bonds djieck andotbecasU Items.. Jiljls ot other jfaiik3 Fractional paper Currency, nickels and pennies Specie Legal tender notes Redemption fund with V. H. Treasurer (3 per coat, circulation) S 034 7 4,328 73 06 1 67 1,120 00 3,125 OO 1,063 90 4.B .5 00 117 80 7,193 25 OFFICEat MOEGAN'S STUDIO. P. H. THOMPSON & GO. MANUFACTURERS, Sash, Doors, Blinds, wore Scroll Sawing, Wood Turning, AND CASTINGS OF ALL KINDS H Ii C Sc c LARGEST STOCK OF FURNITURE EVER BROUGHT TO SALISBURY! AND AT PRICES WHICH Y0TJ NEVER DREAMED OF BEFORE. DON'T BUY BEFORE SEEING WHAT I HAVE AND GETTING MY PRICES. I CAN AND WILL SELL AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN NORTH CAROLINA. IF A GOOD STOCK & HONEST DEAL; ING WILL MAKE A SUCCESS FUL BUSINESS, I SHALL HAVE IT. G. W. WRIGHT. -DEALERS IN- V.OOO oo 13,902 08 Steam Engines and Boilers, Steam and Water ripe, Total $x67,i8o 31 Steiwn Fittings, hlmitiug, fulley llanyera. AL60 Machinery of all kinds repaired on SHORT NOTICE. Mar. 15, '88. lj ASSIGNEE SALE LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In oo (Surplus fund S5,ooooo Undivided urodls 628 8 National Bank nous outstanding 10,75o oo Dividends unpaid 2,500 00 Individual deposits subjeet to eUeck 9l,i& 10 Tiniecertllieutes of deposit ::3.2e SS Cashier's clificte outstanding htUto 128,750 06 Due to other National hunks- 2,561 84 4,ro 04 rixiniii Mr. Edison Likes the Country. Charlotte Cor. Manufacturers' Record. Mr. Edison spoke in warm terms of ap preciation of the climate ot the l'leu- mont section, of the beauty ot its land- scapes, anu ot me courteous nospuaiiiy oi the citizens of Charlotte, lie will make this city his headquarters during his in vestigations, but will not be limited in bis prospecting by Mecklenburg county's or this State's boundary lines. The good 42,500 OO Due to state Banks and bankers Notes and bills re-disjouhted.. Total f 267,1 8U 32 State, of Kei th Carolina, County of Rowan, ss: I. I. H. KOIJST eashler of the above named bank do solemnly that the above statement ls true to tut- ue-ot or my kuowivuge anu oeuei. I. II. FOUST, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this the 13th day ot March, lsi0. J. A. BKOWX, CouBKcr Attest : J, P. K.J. HOLMES 1 (i A. BINGHAM, Directors. I). A. ATWELL, J venting them from running for oraccept- uraentiy hope that "The Wizard" will ing the nomination for any office within K ki n,n nmKlom tw. hnH the gift of the people, yet we unhesitating- bcen Vexihg the soui.s and cmptving the ly condemn the idea that any officer or es ofthe goltl minera Gf this country member of our order can use their posi- -or hft,f ft ceuturv and should iie do so, lion to advance their own private or po- they at least will have a new saint in uucat aims uu euus uuiu cojisiamo 10 jier calen dar s:,int Thoma s, .stirnamed ... - 4 1. n - n a r havs linn j-.i.. ,.. I ' governor; that we draw a line Detweeu a man bearing aloft the banner of our order as its choseuciiamnion for the ad vauceuieut ot us principles, anu one simply using our order as a stepping etonc to oniee, place or political position Edison. Test of Smokclc3s Powder. Washington, March 8. A successful Resolved. That we condemn auv sucb J test of smokeless nowder was given at linsr' phy Ajconference of a number of the voca F1"': 01 fcallSimrv vv-ic lirdil in ihr nnrlnrj fWfr; St. James H..trl Yaat. ThiwwfWv g t, the object being to consider farth Pr Ikk J m i . -. . -foieasiuuity ot attcntliii' the musieal Festival at Charlotte in k. . - . . "p. it was strictly a business meet- The Fxecutive Committee ap ttl wil meet at Capt. Thomas Mur- to-niglit, to hear reports from practice and deprecate any such action tenuinjr to corrupt ana tieraae our tile riavv vard here'to-tlav. A uumbci of distinguished men were present, iiultid o Salisbury f-;- the .sank: money, and he movement from its avowed principles. inp; Secretary Tracy, Commodore Folger, Jenirsdlv does what he savs Kesolved, That we recognize the right Chief of Ordinance, Assistant Naval Coi.- - ' of all men running for ollice on their own structor Heckmnn and other naval otli- D. A. AT WELL'S HARDWARE STORE, Where a full line of goods in bis line, may al wa s be found. $10,000.00 worth of Dry Goods to be sold at and. below New York Cost. This is the biggest Dry Goods Sale ever opteredto Salisbury and now is your time to save money. 1 r 1 uuier committal. V tr. . Chi ojie after a VHit to Concord a days agy remarked, that the Depot uPtowu was Certainly a great conven ience to, ike citizens bolh as to trans- lnni in . . .:. rciit i M, i nar it. i-.'.u a railroad out of. and destroyed the heretofore beautiful an- cars Hade x fc&fsfiiee of Maiu Street. Freight oil I-worked on Main sti-et ma , : 7 - J "at It is nn! w eetiinr j business However. Cjt.cord i iut. position to establish roatl r streets, ujul-e bcmtiful, and as away from th ibim.ii - ,ij J ry, thau any hc baa iWiad merits as citizens, but we prefer that noue do so until they are called by the people we disdain the idea of self-im- poseu canoiuates. We will not support any one wuo does not stand solid on and for the principles and demands cf our order as set forth at St. Louis and other places and bv our national lejrtslative committee and approved by our order, and -that we arc solidly in iavor of dis franchising any man oriflen who will buy or sell votes from ever holding any office or voting. A pure and honest ballot and free and uutrameled. election is our motto. Massed unanimously. . W. L. Kistler, Sec'v. Alliance men as citizens are exhorted to attend all their local political meet ings, county, state .and congressional con ventions and see that noue but good men are nominated, and then attend solidly ou election day and help to elect them, and then held them to accountability. W. L. K. , it i - i -i.i ii .t j cers. ltie powder seeiucu to no an mat was claimed for it, and was stringer than the ordinary powder. DIED. March 6th, 1!S00, Martha V. Piaster. nrc Weddington, wife of J. N. Plaster, ol consumption. Was buried from St. biioch K. L. church, of which s!ie was a true and consistent member until death. She was a great sutsVrer. The physi-! cians pronounced her at the point oi death four years ago. Sbe died triumph ant in the faith as it is in Christ Jesus aged 37 years, . months and 20 days leaving a kind aud alleetionate husband and four children to mourn their ;reat loss. But their loss is her gain. Bet ter is the day of death than the day of ones birth." WHAT MEDICINES ABE MOST : CALLED FOB1 aaked the reporter of an old drngirlst. "Dr. Pierce's preparations," no replied. M They are sold under a poaitlvo gnar antee that they will, in every case, giro satisfaction, or the money is promptly re funded. His 'Favorite Prescription, for all those chronic weaknesses, nervous and other derangements peculiar to women, is used with unfailing success. It cures weak back, bearing-down sensations; Irregularities and weak nesses common to the sex, and being the most perfect of tonic medicines bnilds up and strengthens the entire system. The de mand for it is constant, and I am conversant with scores of cases cured by It." Returning after a few moments' absence, the venerable Wielder of the pestle remarked, "tho number of sarsa pari Has and other, so called, 'blood medicines' is legion; but Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery outsells them all and it is the only blood-purifier out of the many which I am obliged to keep upon my shelves, that is guaranteed, to benefit or cure in all cases for which it is recommended, or money paid for it is refunded." " In the line of Pills." remarked the old gen tleman, "the little Sugar-coated ' Pellets ' put up by Dr. Pierce lead all others, both in amount of sales and the general satisfaction they give my customers. Copyright, 1838, by WORLD'S Dl3. MXD. ASS'S. SALE OF LAUD ! By virtu: of a decree of the Superior Court of Rowau county in the case ol Wilson Rosier against J. 15. Trexlcr and .1 t ...III II I I ... I '.II ft i I ! I otners t win sen iun ;uii.iiwu..ivu. iu Salisbury on Monday, the Ttfr day of April, lSiM), at public sale, the following describedTcal estate, to-wit: Situate in Kowan county, adjoining the lands ot Tobias Kesler, O. V. Pool, Nathan Mor gan and others, containing 11)5 acres more or less. Terms cash. This .'3d day of March, 181)0. WILSON MORGAN, 20-t.s. i oiniiiissioiH r. Chamber of.Commerce. A meeting of4he Salisbury Chamber o Commerce will lo belu at tbe Mayors ollice ou Thursday night, March i3th. A full attendance is desired as busii.esf favorable to of importance will be dieussed. STOP THAT SCRATCHING! Wklls Lioutsiso Cure foe Itch never fails to cure any case in 15 minutes or money re funded, tor san by 8TE&RK, WELLS CO.,.- $5002 for an incurable case of C tarrh In tlie Head by the proprietors ot ur. sai?e s uiuimi xmjuksuj. its mild, soothing and healing properties, it cures the worst cases, no matter ot now long standing. By druggists, 50 cents. - 9m BU!LQ!HG LOTS FOR SLE. Persons wanting to buy kbuilding lots ..e..r Livinjp-toi c College are ieu sted Notice to Creditors anu Mors. Having qualified as Administrator on the estate i f A. 1j. White, deceaseu, an persons having elaims against the estate of the said A. L. White are hereby noti- tiel to preseutthe same to me on or be fore the 23th day ot relHunry, ioi, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons UHubteu to sum estate will please make prompt payment This l:oth tvU v. KSb('. T. J. WHITE, Adm'r, 19.Gt. Coucoid, 2. C. Tlie dress go'xls stock al trimmings is still complete .ami embraces many Spring goods at half their value. Q 15 doz. Warner's and V. I. Corsets left. Buy at cost and save i30 per cent, profit. 25 doz. White Shirts left, some below N. Y. cost. Summer is coming, buy while you can save from 50c. to $1 on the shirt. The largest ami finest stock of Jerseys from 50c. to $2.36, will be sacrificed from this on. k. lou can save lrom Big line Jet Capes, good sto to .1 . 1 . .1 . .t l . .. w r ometning every itui uceya iui wunug, mro on each grade. - This is fcGOO worth of Ribbons, that are worth 25 per cent. than when bought, now 10 per cant, less than N. Y. cost. 4 ii lrfii: '..v.l . 0-i r,AfVnnf lc than NT. Y'. post. iIl Illllllviy vjou' i.i ' i'- 40 Rolls of Jeans, all wool tilling, cost 28 to 32 cents; tako your choice for 25 cents, pay you to buy for next These goods are chefat 50c. and will winter. ' - 1 BED TICK. 15c; all grade EXECUT0H&' NOTICE. Havmg qualified as Executois of th last will and testament ol Wu;. It. Fraley. dee'd, iC luieby jie notice Ut pel sons having claims against l he estate ol said deee ieul . to exhibit I hem to u- on. if not before. 1 he 3d day ol J.ti.uai j , I8dl Junuu.-j li - 'i lK. ii MtAl.KY, J; ill.; d I hAhrA', The best Feather Tick worth 25 cents, now from 5 cents up. Table Damasks, rtfl and white, at just half what you eau buy them elsewhere. Theliccounts du. U. 13. V;.":i Wyck must be aiU,r .aatifift UKitkj about Uic-iii, IU UiO lie-it lc-,i uh. LE.E S. OVEICM VN, torv arramenic n Uncord. - I Tiiko. F. Kxunz, P:es't. iiitin. . fcahbbary, IS. C.

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