Silos aa3 Endlae. Sdiior Hsme and Farm : Your writer, although klrm, lo nut pay uifioieut attention to tltu grniiilut uuriuiiitv uf the ngiiculturul punsihili- f of the greats Sou ill. You have the aeii aud cHumtc in fuir perfection lo raise iuaause orops of your won t hern white 901 a. If, lu additiou to ti.M, you would build cheap wooden silo, otu of narrow Ward one inch thiok, ? none of them over four iochee wide, aay from two and a half to four incite, planed aud matched ceiling, having the pits of fair site, ac erduig to the numher of cattle you de id re to keep. I have four such pHs in my farm -barn here, Ofteen feet square dusideiaeaaure, and ns deep ah I could build them inaide of my tarn, and have them reach the roof-plate. This size pit does best to have thirty or forty head of cattle cat from it both night .and torniog--it is altogether too large for ten head and much of the ensilage would spoil after the pit was opened, and we began to feed if I did not have fully thirty head of cattle to cat it up. Every feed night and morning it should be rak ed off the top of the pit and keep the en silage level in the pit all the time and aot stir it up at all until you are ready for the feed. It is always warm then and is eaten Very greedily hy cattle, and in fact, horses, mules, sheep and hogs Will dive rr it ana leave most any omer kind of feed but grain. This corn that if jrrowo for ensilage should be planted in rows and he stalks far enough apart so that each stalk will have one or more ears of corn on them, and the ground needs good, deep ploughing and jthorough tillage. The better you do the work the richer you will get. rheti the corn gets matured enough to pass the milk stajjo, and before the kernels get glazed bard, or the cornstalks begin to dry up or wither, the fodder is then in its best and sweetest condition. It should then be cut perfectly green and run through some kind W a power fodder cutter and packed right into the silo, The silo pit or pits are all filled each year. I now have six of them. The ensilage, when cut, will have fully three 4o four quarts of gram m eacn buanel basket of ensilage, aud is a sufficient grain ration for almost any auimal. A good, fair-sized cow or ox will oat from one and one-half to two baskets of cusi- lage twice a day. One aero of good ground hero in Ohio will grow as much feed as ono animal can eat in a whole Jrear, and it does not cost us twenty dol ars per acre to do the entire work. When your southern farmers supply themselves with silos and ensilage, and will feed their farm stock liberally iu July or August, as soon as the dry, hot weather strikes them, then feed and never let the stock shrink iu flesh a par ticle, they can beat the world iu raising cattle or any kind of farm stock cheaply. -They inuxt feed every day iu the year wheu needed, and the dairy business for - both cheese and butter can bo better done than in the North. I have made just as good butter for three years on my Tennessee farm as I ever made here in Ohio. (That was in McMinnville, War ren county, Tennessee.) I do not know but that it is possible for the South to beat the world in stock-raising if they will only do thorough work and feed when needed. It has been the common practice in - Tennessee to let stock run at large and in fair order. when the grass is green and good, but never get them up when the summer pasture is gone and feed to keep the growth and flesh, so they shrink up and die of starvation. It is this great Stglect that ruins the stock industry in the South, so far as my observation goes. The illos and ensilage can reform this great mistake. I advise the using of only one thick ness ef such ceiling, because as wet or damn ensilage is put into the pit it swells up the ceiling both air and water tight, and remains so until emptied, when the lumber then dries out evenly and quick ly and never rots. If two thicknesses re used, with paper between them, or without paper, it then holds moisture longer and the board will not rot in spite of all your wishes in the matter; besides it does no earthly good; for when the pit is air and water tight, that is all that is needed, and a dozen thicknesses more would do no earthly good, while it would waste much money. I have used my pits for years, so I do know that what I advise in the matter is perfectly correct. None of you need to hesitate. By using ensilage the corn needs no busking, . neither do you have to waste time in -taking it to the mill; the grain keeps soft and good all the time, because it is tu me warm, moist ensilage, una every particle of it makes good, digestible feed. I am now feeding it to dairy cows with grand results. They give almost as-much inilk in winter as they do in the best of summer pasture. j Henry Talcott. Jeffocrson, Ohio. . Pure Water for Horses. If the importance connected with fur nishing pure water for horses wn fully understood, we huye no doubt but thnt many farmers would provide better means for watering their horses than they now have. Many diseases which horses are subject to are the result of drinking uiimre water. The owner of a lance stable iu New York city began some time since to Alter the water for his horses, and states that since doing bo the cases of colic have decreased 75 per cent. Pure spring waters do not need to be alt ered of course, but where horses are wa tered from ponds, or pools, or streams which are liable to become stagnant or anywise polluted, some provision should be made to purify-1 ho water before the animals are allowed to drink it. A cheap filter could be made that need cost but little except what labor is put upon it. Take a good sized barrel aud fill-it with charcoal, coarsly ground, placing brnsh and gravel in it to keep the char coal in position. II the water is allowed to run throuuh a barrel filter in this manner it will be evcu purer than the best spring water. It is receotmneuded that sulphur be put into the charcoal. This is said to give the water a medici nal quality vvhieh is very valuable iu keeping horses iu good condition . Odds. A baby born at Tpadra, Los Angeles county. C'al., was christened La Grippe Brown. In Scotland it is said that to rock the empty cradle will insure the coming of other occupants of it. A Kalamazoo grocery man gives a copy "Stanley's Travels" with every pound of cheese purchased. The tooth extracted from a thirteen year old horse at Townsontown, Pa weighed a Quarter of a nouud. Thomas Allen, the man who took the Uirst train out of Chiuago in l4e, is still living in that city at the ago ot eighty. One orange grower of San Diego keeps trees from being picked of ripe Iruit by putting up placards: These oraugos have boou poisoned." A Missouri woman, who four years ago named her twiu boys Blame aud Logan, aud during the last campaign uamed another pair llarnsou aud Morton, has just beeu defeated in a post-office con- tost iu her town. A farmer near Chauutc, Kris., sold beef for two cents a pouud to a butcher, agreeing to take a quarter of it lor hi: own use. The butcher charged bim reg ular rates for tho beef, and when the farmer settled owed him $2. An English Artist's Strange Experience In n Dead Jloom. A well-known English photographer will vouch for the following facts: Ko was called in one day to wko a photo graph of a young girl of about twen ty, who had died a few days before, lno corpse was laid out upon a bed with tho hands clasped ovor the breast. Deatu had como very gently to her, and, ex cept for the stillness, sho lay there as if in sleep, borne flowers had boon strewn over tho body, and on tho floor by the side of tho bed and standing out in black rcliof ayaiast it was tho coflla. Tho photographer silently adjusted his len3 and took tho photograph. During tho ten minutes needod for tho exposure the photographer paced up and down in tho ong corridor outsido tho room whore the dead girl lay. When ho returned he saw that oh tho lid of tho coffin was a flower, which was not so before. How did that flower como there? No ono had en tered tho room, tho windows wore closod and there was not a breath of air stirring. Why was tho flowor now lying on the co3in, whon a fow minutes boforo it was on tho bed botwocn tho hands of tho corpse? Tho photographer listened, but ho could hear no sound except tho beating of his own heart. In a fow moments, however, ho doterminod to dismiss the question from his mind, and busied himself with packing up his instruments. Then he paused possibly tho falling flower had left a trace on tho negative, or, as the day was gloomy, tho photograph might not bo quite successful, lie would try again. A second photograph was taken and tho artist returned homo. That night, sit ting up lato in his studio, ho dovoloped the two nogativos. Tho position of tho corpso was not tho saaio xn tho two nogativos. lho photographor strained his oyes, half disbolloving tho ovidonco of his own senses, but thero wore tho two nogativos boforo him, tolling him in their silent, unmistokablo truthful ness that between tho taking of the two photographs tho arm of tho dead girl had distinctly moved. Tho mystery of tho flowor on tho ooffln was solved, but it was suocoodod by a mys tory more torriblo still. VICTOR HUGO'S FAITH. How to Test Seed. It is au easy matter to test the vitality of grass aud clover seeds, by placing a given number, say one hundred, of the variety to be tested between woolen cloths, moistened with water. Care should be taken to boil the cloths before using, to scald the plute or pan in which the ciotns are lain, ana to use only re cently boiled water with which to moist en the cloths, in order to retard the growth of fungi, or molding. To or more cloths may first be laid upon the plate or pan, the seeds distributed on the up per one, and another cloth laid upon the seeds, buthcient water should be ap plied to keep the cloths moist. A plate oi glass laid over the plates or pans would add to the efficiency of the device by retarding evaporation, and protecting the interior by floating germs of fungi At a temneratur of 70 to 80 decrees Fahrenheit good seed should germinate in from a week to ten days. Seeds wil germinate after being under such in flu ences several weeks, but seed that do not respond in from seven to ten days under such favorable influences can be of little value when subjected to the vicissitudes of an ordinary seed-bed. Illinois station Newspaper Law. Below we give the United States Postal Laws relating to the newspapers and subscribers: 1. Subscribers who do not irive fix- . press notice to the contrary are con sidered as wishing to continue their sub scription. 2. If the subscribers order the discon tinuance of their periodical the publisher may continue sending them until all ar arreages are paid. S. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their periodicals from the oflice to which they arc directed they are held responsible until they have settled their bill and ordered them discontinued. ir lf subscribers move to another place and fail to inform the publisher, and the papers are sent to the. former direction tthey are held responsible, - 5. Anyperson who receives a news Iaper and makes use of it, whether iie ordered it or not, is held iu law to he a subscriber. 6. If subscribers pay in advance, they are bound to give notice to the publishers at the end of their time, if they do not wish to continue taking it; otherwise the publisher is authorized to send it on and the subscriber is responsible until express Cultivate Lucroe. Hickory Carolinian. Our friend, P. C. Hawn, brought in a handful of lucerne grown on his place from September sowing that argues strongly in favor of its more gcueral ml tivation by our farmers. From the Ag ncultural Experiment Station Bulletin No. GO, we learn that lucerne can be cut ajhonth earlier than clover, and three times as often. It can be fed with lm punity in any quanity, green, wilted or dry to any kind of stock. It never sail votes and is equal to corn and fodder for horses. If clover is good because of its deeep-rootmg and fertilizing qualities lucerne is equally if not more so, for th roots brought us by Mr. llawn show growth of thirteen inches during four L- ! II J I , . , luuniua in inn nnu winter. II is excel lent feed for milch cows, increasing th quantity and improving the quality of both milk and butter. It is good for pasturing hogs and improves the land, It should be 60wn in March, in light and gray soils, as hard clay subsoils, will not admit Us long and tender roots. PHOTOGRAPHIC MYSTERY. TERRICLE TEMPTATION. now Poor Weak numix. K-tnr.? Asserted Itself in a Stroet Car. There were a dozen passengers on a The Qreat French Writer Idea Conceru- lujj IiuiuortaUtjr. I fool in myself tho future lifo. I am llko a forest which has been more than onoo out down. Tho now shoots are strongor and livelior than ever. I am rising, I know, toward tho sky. Tho sunshino la over my head. Tho earth gives mo its gonorous sap, but Heaven lights mo with tho rofloction of unknown worlds. You say tho soul is nothing but tho resultant of bodily powers. Why, then, Is my soul tho moro luminous when my bodily powers begin to fail? Winter is on my head and eternal spring is in my hoart. Then I breathe at this hour tho fragrance of the lilies, tho violets and tho roses as at twenty years. Tho nearer I approach tho end tho plainer I hear around me the immortal symphonies of the worlds which unitomo. It is marvel ous, yet simple. It is a fairy tale, and It is history. For half a oentory I have boon writ ing my thoughts in prose, verae, history, philosophy, drama, romance, tradition, satire, ode, song I have tried all. But I feel that I have not said tho thou sandth part of what Is In me. When I go down to the grave I oan say, like so many others! "I have finished my day's work,'' but 1 ean not say "I have fin Uhed my life." My day's work will be gin again the next morning. The tomb is not a blind alley; it is a thor oughfare. It closes in the twilight to open with the dawa. I improve every hour because I love this world as my fatherland. My work is only a boginning. My work is hardly above its foundation. I would bo glad to seo it mounting and mounting forev er. Tho thirst for tho infinite proves infinity. HOUSEHOLD WORK. teonth. aava tho Kew ork bun. lie f had a gold-headed silk umbrella, and ho leaned it against tho front door and sat down. When the car got down to Wall street tho largo man atiddonly rose up and hurried out of tho car, never think? ing of his umbrella. Then human nature bean to snow itself. A young man with a very loud suit of clothes changed his Beat from roar to front to get nearer the prize. A vary solid woman, with a band-box, pushed a boy along to bring herself nearer. A man on tho other side, who had becu very busy with hi3 paper, new folded it up ar.d fixed his cyo on tho umbrella. A shop girl, who seemed io be out on an crrffad, cast covetous oyc-3 aud thought of tho. swoll sho could cut over the other girls if she had that particular piece of personal property. An old man with a very prominent nose finally observed in sub dued tones: 'I livo next door to Johnson and I'll return him his umbrella.' "Johnson!'' exclaimed tho young man in the loud suit. "Why, that's our su perintendent, and as I am going rijht to tho-oHloo I'll carry it to hiau" "Seems to mo he's my grocer, but I won't bo suro of it," remarked tho solid woman, "llowovor, I'm an honost wom an and it will bo sato with me." "Look hero!'' exclaimed tho man with tho paper. "You aio a nlco crowd, I must remark. I was just laying low for you. Tho jjout is my brother and I'd liko to see somo Of you try to walk oil with his uiubreila!" This sealed all but the shop girl. She turned white and red., moved about un easily, and finally decided it was now or novor. Sho suddenly roso up, walkod to tho ond of tho car, picked up tho um brolla and tiptoed hor way to tho roar door and passed cut. "Thank you, miss." It was tho largo, shotvily-drossod man, who was standing on the platform with his hand .extended. "Don't mention it!" snapped tho girl in reply, as sho turned over the property and dropped off. And then ovcry body chuckled and slapped himsolf on tho back to think he had boon wi-io enough to let tho umbrel la alone. WIDOW. of Clorer ! A Sound It'gil Opinion, E. fvnnhridge Mumlav Esq., Cyntr : iAttw, Clay C., T . sax "Have m eil Electric Bitters w iih most hanny results. Broadway car the ether rainy day who My brother hi was very low with Mala noticed a very larger showily-dressed j i:d Fever and Jaundice, but was cured by man got frfctara at the corner of boven- ! timely use ot this medicine. Am satisfied Llectnc Bitters saved his littv Mr. D. I. Wilcoxson, of Horse Cave, Ky. adds a like yestinioney, saying; He posi tively believes he would have died, hud it not been tor Electric Bitters. Thisyn-at remedy will ward off, as well as cure all Malarial Diseases, jand tor all Kidney, Liver and Stomach Disorder, stands uiuqualed. Price 50c. and $1. at T. F. Klutiz & Co. m L vfc . ! Richmond & Danville Railroad. - Tho Alliance is no One Man Concern. Clinton Caacasian. TheSanford Express says: With out Col. Polk tho Alliance could not be what It is. He is the ablest organizer and one of the most magnetic orators in the State and he may deserve a seat in the V. 8. Senate.', This is news to us. The Alliance could not be what It is without Col. Polk, indeed? Brother pay that Col. Polk could not ho who he is without the Alliance. There Is no man in the whole organiza tion so Indebted to it. me Alliance could be what it is if any dozen men connected with the organization were in their graves. The organization was not called intn being at the will of any man or set of men. it is an organization of principle and not tueii While desperate politicians iu the North are Pict urine the South an v r.nti. demonium let loose, the cool-headed bus iness men of that section are investing uicir money, m Southern enterprises me uiiiiiou. wun ine confident ex peutation of good dividends. A Rideewav. Pa.. DhvsiHnn enva tt.. olive oil is an antidote for rattlesnake poihon. uait a dozen tablesnoonful rp It Is tho ro!t of Men Thf Xach of It Is So Wearing. The San Francisco Call suggests a so ciety for lightening the burdens of wom en who havo houses to keep in order, and says: Does the shoemaker try to lighten woman's work by sewing1 the buttons on honestly or "tipping" tho footwoar with honest leather? Does the tailorwho makes tho pants withhis boasted bonevolnco of "doublo knees" ever put them on tho right place cr large enough? Does tho carpenter ever put tho nails and hooks whoro a medium-sized woman, lrt alono a child, can reach them? Is thero ever but the fewest possiblo shelves that a woman can reach without standing on a chair at the risk of break ing her back? It is a very little thing to havo no water-back to a stove so a man thinks; but to a wifc-of-all-work is Is well thro Is no word strong enough tofcx prrss the trouble it causes. A sink on a lovel, with cold water, is not an easy thing to keep clan. Why not make a liUlo decline? Also bring the zinc over the edges somewhat. The continual set tling of grease in tho fine cracks on in terstices i very trying to a delicate stomached woman. The bureau drawers that never open or shut without a trial of temper, why can not they be made to run smoothly? It should be declared a punishable offense to make a window that can not be brought in to clean. Men invented all these awkward and inconvenient things and men made them, and they aro responsible for the broken down, haryard-lookir.g women wo see on the streets, or rather in the houses. vw a i . r notice. jvilh payment of all arrears. Is! Z 1 C 10 CUre an' of seut direct to the publisher. The new postal amendment has made it a peual offense to refuse to pay for a newspaper aud the subscriber may be imprisoned for fraud. Says the Bcntharn Medical World: "Mother's Friend" is growing in favor throughout the .South and is highly rec ommended by physicians. We consider it iniliancnuulilu t.. 1 k.tA !,. I. . 1, .... tff ' I'Ikiuc. . . ,MwiQjvuri.Mii. in luirac iiu iwiuw lurj j ui'uauuus 111 Ollicrs IlilVC must pass through the ordeal of child- ,uy,r birth. Write The Biadtield lice. Co Atlauia, Ga., for particulars, tfold by j aii urugMs. The Verdict Unanimous. W. D. Suit, Druggist, Bippus.Ind , test ihet: UI can recommend Electric Bitters as the best remedy. Every Untie wild has given rebel iu every case. One man took six bottles, and was cured of Uheumatism of 10 years' standing." Abraham Hare, druggist, Ikdiyille, Ohio, affirms: "The best selling medicine I have ever handled in my 20 years experience, ta EtMi T?u ndrlcil testimony, that tho verdbt is unanimous that Eleetrio bitr- ,1.. i I j . ' vv,t WVfV ail t;l disease ofthe Liver, -Kidurvs orBlW Prrserr'.R Trait la 5nnU. The Italians have a method of pro serving fruit in sand, alternate layers in fruit and sand being put down. Or anges are frequently kept for months by this process. Tho fruit Is cut, not torn, from the tree. A similar method has been adopted by a grower of oranges in South Africa, and the fruit comes out of the 4,silo" in fine condition at a time when oranges aro scarce and yield good prices. Sweet potatoes may be preserved in the sume manm r. A negro who attempted to rob a store at Palmetto, Ga., thought he would en ter by way ofthe chimney. About half way dowu he stuck fast and jelled foe some oue to help him out. Tho Nw Discovery. Yeu have heard your friends and neigh bors talking about it. You may yourself be one of the many who know from per sonal experience just how good a thiny it is. If you have ever tried it, you are ue of its staunch friends, because the wonder ful thing about it is, that when once given a trial, Dr. King's New Discovery ever after holds a place -jn the house. If you htive uever used it and should be afflicted (-with a cough, cold or any Throat, Lung or Chest trouble, secure a bottle at once and give it a fair trial. It is guaranteed every time, or money refunded. Trial Bottles Free at K hit fit fc Co.'s Drus store. IN EFFECT NOV. 24, lb89. Trains ltux By 75 Mkeipian Timk - " daily; SOUTHBOUND TtiT. The number of German emigrants in 1389 was 90,239. Iu 13SS it was 98.513. Last year's emigration was les thia during any ycarsiuee 1S82. Buckien's Arnica Salvo. The Bust Salvk iu the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sorea, Ulcers, Salt Ithvum, Fever Sores, Tette, Chapped Hands,, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positive ly cures Files, or uo pay required. It is guaranteed to give pcrfecT satisfartion. o uioncy refunded. Price So cents pes box For Sale by Kluttz & Co. 3:1 v. Lv. New iurfc " Puil.delihla ' Washington cairtottesville Lynchburg Ar. Danville Lv. Ulchmond Burlcesvllle Knjsvllle ' Danville Ar. Greensboro Lv. Goldsboro Ar. UallgU Lv. Raleigh " Durham " Ar. Greeuboro Lv. Salein " tfreeasboro Ar. Salisbury Statesv 11 !e AshevlUtt HotSprlags Lv. Salisbury Ar. Charlotte Spirtanliurg " -Greenville Atlanta Lv. Charlotte Ar. Columbia " Auguaia NORTHBOUND i is 7 0 45 U 34 3 35 5 40 5 0 3 OC 6 05 5 45 S 40 10 7 2 20 4 4 ' 1 43 5 43 S "0 5 30 U 37 1 26 01 7 31 9 SS 12 32 2 U.V 4 51. 5 DS 11 00 2 0 0 .M0 10 30 A M P M tt A M A M 4 30 S 5 25 11 00 55 5 07 7 45 t 4 29 6 OS, 5 05 9 ii t5 00 y oo 1 4 0 2 53 7 30 0 15 ro 11 is II 12 4 riG 6 10 11 23 12 40 3 3S 4 48 9 40 1 00 5 10 9 CO V M A M P M P M AM P u A M P M P M :W1 i a too mm Passes ger Train -Schedule. JLdlective Muy iatvl&c8. Train So. 52. Weal uouaU. LV 9 00 4 30 67 9 12 11 00 5 95 S05 a. in. p. lu a.m. lluatOU icv Yoik PhlUtdelijliia Buulaioie Washington L lie u. burg Danville 9 30 9 38 a. iii. S 10 1 4". a ii p. in. a. m. MoUniond ttelaavtue Golbsboro- Kaioigt. Durham Train Snr,. Kasi-feouad ' 10 30 3 20 12 36 -noon " . 13 u,iu bjo 2 10 Jl. 11 29 p.m "iraTiar- J p.m. 11 15 a.m'r 3 12 a. m. Grtensboro DAILY, No. 51. Twenty-live hundred amateur jdioto graphcrs have taken out permits to uro their eameras iu Central Park, New York. Ly. Augusta " Columbia Ar. t'harlelte Lv. Atlanta Ar. Greeaville " Spiruubusj charlotte Salisbury Lv. Hot 8pi lai j Ashcville " Slateville Ar. S iiLsbuiy Lv. Salisbury I Ar. Grcei.boro " Satoin Lv. GrensboreB Ar. Durham " It tlclh Lv. Rnlelch Ar. ' oMsitoro Lv. tiroensborol Ar. Danville " K.vsvllle " Burkosvllle r1 " lillinonil " Lynclihurjf " r'u H-tottoHvHlo " Washlnclon " !Viliirr)rti " PlilluiclpU " New York C 10 10 35 3 13" 0 00 12 35 1 39 4 25 6 02 7 50 9 41 3 15 4 '20 0 07 7 43 in to 9 l-i 12 01 1 05 1 03 3 OO 7 30 9 32 12 20 1 13 3 :;o 2 40 7 10 8 10 3 00 6 20 P M A M P M A M it i P M A M t . P M A l A M P M P M A M 175 No. r.3. S 50 12 CO 5 15 7 10 1 IS 2 52 5 30 7 05 12 s;r, 1 54 5 53 e 43 7 12 S 40 I-1-2 30 1 00 5 O0 7 45 t9 00 12 50 8 50 10 20 t 50 2 10 S 13 512 53 3 20 7 03 tS 20 10 47 1 0 A M P M A M -P M ,t i P M P M 11 25 a a, Ar 12 12 noon t2 S8 p. m. 12 55 114 1 2 10 rw 2 49 3 13 S 27 4 00 4 31 Lv. 4 40 Ar. 6 09 5 34 6 10- Saibbury Stalesvllic Onts ba Ne ton Hickory Connelly Sorings Morgan I on tiler. Alpine , "Minion Old l-'oi't Hoand Knob a Black- Mountain As'ievllle Marshall Hot S,rtns Lv. 5 40 p.m. Hot Ar. 7 so Morrisiown 9 50 KnoxvlUc 11 40 JCUIOO 7 30 a. m. Louisville r.-. 4 30 950vTr 7 2(1 " 27 5 5S 5 57 0 17 ) 46 4 3 4 17 3 41 3 13 2 05 2 00 '-ak 1 16 146 p.ra. JI9 noon 1 1 40 a. ra 11 10 a. m. I iicli-i ri:i rsolls 6 35 p. m. nu.'-rtfro 1 so St. Puul -c 4o p. rn. St. Louis 7 lo a. in. Kansas City 10 25 S 85 7 15 4 15 a.ia. J 30 .jh. 5 3o p. m 3oo p.w. 8 oo a.m. S25 p.ilK A M P M A M . A M P M P M P M A M Murphy Branch. Daiiy except SUNDAY TTIAINNOIS sam Leave Aancvliif 0 25 Arr Wavnesvllle 12 SC p m Charleston .. ! 3 03 Jarifits "TRAIN xou Arr 4p, V3 1" 15a. K Leave 7 :,o A.-& S. Road. -Daily except SUNDAY TRAIN N(ri3 3 50 p. in Leave 7 17 Arrive P M ITow It TTw Donn by a Hand Pr!i3n flTrlndler.i. A worthy widow, Mine. GuindorU, has been fleeced on a larje scle by a veri table company of Paris swindlers, says a correspondent. It was all through a puppy-dog1, and happened thuswise. Mme. Guindorff lived in tho Hue do Rennes, and had a canine favorite called Lolo. Ono day the pet escaped into the street and wandered at largo, being eventually captured by a person named Roger, who saw tho address of tho dog's mistress on its brai3 collar. Roger is a chevalier d'industrio of the first water. Ho is also a good-looking fellow, and when he brought homo her dog to tho aged but amorous widow she fell in lovo with him at first sight and told him to call again. This Roger did, and soon found out that the Widow Guindorff possessed a fortune of 1,000, 000 francs, or 40,000, invested in vari ous soourities, besido some valuablo houso property. Roger began by pilfering plate, jewelry and small articles from his elderly dame, and theso he deposited with divers and sundry avuncular relatives estab lished in official monts-da-pieta through out tho city. By and by Roger related his good luck to his po' house compan ions, who also rosolvod to make the widow's acquaintance, tho rascals event ually forming themselves, under Rog er's lead, into a firm for tho purpose of "exploiting"' hor. Thoy first inveigled hrr into tho bourse speculations, one of them opening a 'b.-g;:s" office for this purpose. Uy this "means and by making a strong point of "ofilce disbursements" they fleeced the widow to tho tuna of about fi,000. Then thoy made her effect a loan, got her to mortgage some of hT property induced her to embark in coriimerclal 'attain speculations in ostrich eggs, Gtpc diamonds and pict ures and would have sent her eventu ally to the French equivalent for the work-honso but for tvro reanon3. These were: First, that the old lady's relatives, hearing aboUD her new-fangled friends ralhr late in tho day, though inter fered on her behalf; and secondly, that tho thieves foil out among themselves and quarreled ott tho plunder. Tho police being sot to work all the mem bers of tho band except Roger, the founder of the! charming community, were arrested arid will bo tried. Maui Train for Kab-hrb vl a ciaiksviit t bally, except Sunday. ely'cs Catarrh CRM BALIS Cleanses the Nasal Passages, Allays rain .and Inflammation, Heals the Sores. . . . . . i . uesiores ne eu-i. s of Taste unil Smell. THf Clin- wffK. Cat-a. o c$Y ; - u in rHAY FEVERS y e 50c tl.illv. . vllle. r. P.M.; Willi .10, . leave Ulcbnier.d i' m.; iveysvllle, .no P.M.; arrtv. sClarks i. M.: otorl, 8.25 P. M .; iiend.-rsnn..45 riIv3.;:arkamlo.,o p. ro.;Kaleigi pm. rtlng ieaws Kub'lgb 7.oo A. v.r Irurhara, M.; Henderson. S uo A. M ovfer.. 9 r, . . . TRAIN NO 11 Spartanburg Arrive 2 10 V l Hendersouyiiie snsa S Ak icvi'Ih i ... , .. .... . . IXillf 8 IV Will meridian time usea lo Iloi Sprirps 90th .. .. .. vest of urn snri,., ..... I V r. Pullman Sleepei&between Wusi.ingtoir SalWMtr , Hlclimond t (ireonsbort .. ... Kiioxviiiei Lpm'sviiie L. TAYLOR, O. P. A. "int V. A. WIXBUBX. AcfKDlp,4 JCS. KeysvlUc. 1-'.'j5 p J. TRY TH3 CUSS. HAY"FEYER Apart lelc Is upplleil Into each nostril ami Isngree ablo. Price 5 i . .ii Drust.-i; by in ill postered 6o cts. LLY '.Vurrenu. Skyc VirU. ' A GULO 1ATGH FOR 0KLY ONE DOLLA Per Week, hy our lmprvetl Cuh Sys tem. The Oases in osir Watches are fully Warruntel for 20 years. The movements are Hliu ami SV'althair., reliable and wrll know n. The Wati-hes are lluntint: case or ojn-n face, La'Iies' ur Gen Is Sie stem iiuierj ami Set ters, aii l arc fully equnl in dnrahiiity. service mid ajearaiiee to any o'- Watch. W m-II riifiif llipse. Wairhe for "S'li-" chsIi. and send to any address M.: Ol irk"sviuc. lo .-." A. M ;iiTi Uti'liiiionil. a.So P. M Throujarli p .sponger cicU dally brtwoi n Plch-mon-1 ami iLih lifii. via Kmsvllle, leaving Uichmoad :t.oo p m.. ii.J returntnsrleave HiUi IgU 7 a. in. I.o ai :al : tralas le;io Durhara ttailv fexecpt -uuuH.i. :. i-. m ., ari-iwu kosvuu. 1.35. -A. M.:rf-J- uirninc. iave Krvsvitre. .. A. M.; arrtvlnjr Dnr ham. 5 :! p. la.-.Uakiti U.2o p.m Pusscairer coach aCldcIr.U. .; i No r,t nrt i-i connects at Rlcnmon.1 uallv o-vcovt Sumlav for West Point aaa Paltlmcrc via YorkKlv er Linn No..'.) from wost Point .--onr.erts dallv oxeept Sunday at K. hii.,m1 with No. r.o for rln- Soutr. No. r.r, n 1 1 - 1 i-nnncctsnt ;olilsrirn with trains to nn-1 froi.i Mnrrhcail iiv and Wilmington. And :it !l tn it to an-1 from Payeitevtlle. Xo '' ris at fJrcinsh 'ro for Favptterllle. No. r. i roiinf fts at Splma Wilson," N C Nos. :.o iii.t si make cIorj-connection at Univer sity st uion with trains to aud from Chapel Hill, except Sundays. Ontnln no r.o and r.!. I'tillnian Suffrl sieer-er iMtwo'ii Atlanta an! N--w Vork-, Hanvtllf and Au JT'ista. "l OrcejisLoro vli AsUcvlllc to Morris town. T-nn. On trains v2 an4 53, Pnllmin TUifrrt Sippprr Vc twoen U'ashlnton and Nr-w Orleans, via MontKom ery: nnd in i .een Wasiiinion an.t Plrraln:tiarn. Picbnytinl and (ireensOoro. KaleU'h and fJrens boro. mi t' lil nm l trior f-ars t fnarlottp and An,"K'a, n,l Pullman rtuffet sjrpper between Washington mi snfvlllo and Hot piinr. Throu,'' tickets on sale at principal stations, to all polo is. i For rm-sanl information, applj to any ayont of the CompQjr. or to SOLHAJjS, JA3. L. TAYLOR, Jratr M .nairpr. oen. Pus. Agent. W. A. TURK, Dlv. fuss. Air'iit. LALEir.H. N.C. fWTIS ron many Mitts jnmwmim FRft cop. One of th I it t . s i xel- eicopei n 3Si ' ur fc'i'iiri upcrioroodi w will wndritl tOOH PERS05 in ch l,IH Miboe. Only thot who write to u at onc cn nuk tun of th chtnceAll jtqu Iutc toioii return i to how our roodi t those who call ruur ntirhbori and thoae around ,tu. Th. k- finning of thU li..mi, ' Tho followinp; cot gires the appeanuire of it reductd to about the fiftieth part of its bulk. It is a grand, double ahuMa. scope, u large as is easy to carry. We will alto show yoa how you can make from S8 lo SI (It day at fruui the sun.with out eiperience. Better write at once. We pay all expreeeckuwaiv Address. H. HALLE TT a CO., Boa , Vu , aUiVI ;e of examina Umii at $1 per iy Express, with privilt tipn; r lv nr t'lun Sy week. Duo s,ooi reliaMe A(J EXT WANTKl) in each pUu-u. Write lor par ticulars. KJII'IfiE V 'iTH rrrn TO., M Park Kew, NKlV YORK. CKKK ci: k;k. L. ll.CJ.KMKvr CRAICE & CLEMEF1T, AtJornovo Xjayy Sa r.isufKT, N. C. Feb. :?rrl . 1881 I THIS PAPER rXZJmx s.!4 Ail vi-r On: 1II.1V Ui ( ! m i for It i. ifly". a N Ti T. V wfi. '.V.rii Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained. ar.J all Par ent business condncted for Moocratc rtc. Oum Orncr is Opposite U. S. PTrT Orrice ana we can secure patent in lea tiue ihau lUuta remote from Washington, Send model, drawing or photo., with descrtp- , tlon. We advise, if patentable or not, free of charge. Our fee not due till patent in secured. A Pamphlet, "Bow to Obtain Patents," wlta names of actual clients in your State, cuuutfj or town, scat free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. Off. Patent Office. ItfASUiKaTON. D. C. fVll rs ' i the wend Paitae jOr.h a half i0hi, H UoltIc ., t p fc Co.'s Ur-jig btoie. Kh A new idea embraced iu Ely'sCreara Balm. Catarrh is cured by cleansing and healing, not by drying up. It is uot a liquid or snuff, but is easily ap plied into the nostrils. Its elfect is magical and a thorough treatment ynu cure ine worst cases. Jfrice 50c. With Ely's Cream Balm a child can be treated without pain or dread and with perfect safety. Try the remedy It cures catarrh, hay fever and colds jin the head. It is easily applied into the uostrils and gives relief with the J first applLV ion. Price 50c. TrTlt-d rarU!r T.cTsf Ions. There lives in Union township, near Jefferson rill, Ind., a family that can boast of the most curiously complicated relationship. Some jriirs ajoa widower by the name of Morjran, who hsd a grown son. married a widow who had a prown daughter. After awhile ho and his w'fo secured a dirorcc! Hi3 son then fell in lure with bH Other's di vorced v. i'e and married lior. The fa ther got married to the daughter of tho woman from v. item he had been divorced. Each couple h s children, and the "two families are terribly mixed as to their relationship. The old rna is his own father-in-law, tho brothcr-ln-law of his own son and tho stepfather of his wife, whilo tho son is father-in-law of his fa ther, Lis ow n stepson, stepfather of his stepmolhcr, andsooa Tho relationship of the children, who ere tho issues of the last merrhi s. i too complicated, for any one to puzzle his head over. Cohiftjca OolJ ro!!ar. Tho coinage of gold dollars at the Philadelphia mint is limited to fire thousand a year, and they are put in posses? ion of the Treasury to mako exact change in paying depositors of gold bullion. Application is being constant ly made to tho Superintendent of tho Mint for diiTcrent amounts of this coin for tho purpose of converting them into ;barms or ether articles of personal adornment. But tho superintendent ij: variably declines to fill such orders. ft Is the oiliest nrrt mot scientific and mechanical ?r er pnMlsTtctl anrl has the largest circulat ion of any p.-ipTpf if m class in the world. Fully illustrnted. clasx of Wood BnirraT- Inirs. rutilishfrt wet-klT. Send for uppcimen Copt. Price $3 pr. Konr ru nths' trial, fl. MUNN ii. CO., I'ifBi.isrrKRK, U liroadway, N.T. ARCHITECTS & BUiLDERC Edition of Scientific) American, w A vreat success. Each Ipsuc contains colored ItthoKraphic plates nf coontrjr ami citf residen ces or public biitldl'isrs. Numerous ensrrayings and full plans and (rciflcations f'-r the use of nchas'conieinpl.'ite Kuildlnr. Price fj.50 a rear, tects. a copy. ML" N.N ,V CO., I'lblisueus. HOME P Id eii may be secur ed by apply ing to Mush ,V Co., who hare had oyer Tpara experience and hare made over 100,000 applications for American and For ' elan patents, fend for Handbook. Corres pondence strictly confidential. TRADE MARKS. In case your mark Is not resist ered In the Pat ent Office, apply lo Ml NN it Co., and procure Immediate protection. Send for Handbook. COPVRKJUTS for books, charts, maps, ate., quickly procured. Address MUNN V CO., Pntent Solicitors. O enei:ai. Orncz: 3G1 Bboadwav. N. T. .OUR KIWI nSSBalM retold Watckl . Worth miOi Isratchia tka wend ti iu a. esper Wsmsvtl kaas l"""" oa.D aaaur asasaa I Doth Udiw aad r i . sum. 'with work! aad aaaaa J reqnal alu Oaa rtusiu locality can mil sm free, totrttkar with Mr im rand valuable "irifHaaiitsH aannlea. These unnlM WJ! . ine watea, are free. Aii the week rest need do .a to show what we send yon to those who rail-rear friends and neighbors and tboee abotrt-you-ihat always rteaka . 31 trade form, which hold foryears when osweatanaC aad thu. wa are repaid. We pay all express, freirht, etc. AftW JZL r ,1.'L3,ou i0"1"1 lilre to U rs for as. yea eaa i?i"m per week and upwards. tttZ Uakson fc Co., Box MIS, fort laud, MsUaT COM PAN SEEKING HOME PATRONAGE - o...... A STivOKG COMPANY, Prompt,' Reliable, Liberal ! o Agents in nil cities and towns in tin Fotith Total Assets J. EH0DES BROWNE, rtni Wm. C. Coart, Secretary. 750,000, J. BROWN, Agent, Salistcry,.!. C. JWjrgx'i'ri"a:.ti .l .'-j l.'ss-iik,.J.ixw,jJUii aMgw-sisjsBSfa-wp-prtpi Steam, Air and Vacuum Pumps, Vertical and -Horizontal of every-variety and capacity. r. VERTICAL PISTON. Exnlar HorisDiital Piston. VERTIGftL PLUNGE 5",oTH&.ASV Child PWWBk LESSENS I PM TO LIFE Cr DIMINISHES Dgl UF I I 51 S ,. km c i ' Ci5 rr & MOTHERS' ua:lzc rjtez 1 BRADriELD REBUIATOR KL ATlANTAgA The most simple, durable and effective Pamp in the market lor Mines, Quarries, Refineries; Breweries, Factories, Artesian wells, Fire duty and general manufactr.rine; purposes. USPSend for Catalogue. TteU CAMERON STEAM PUMP Mill Foot ov East 23km Stueet Nev Your.,

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