Carolina Watchman. THUESDAY, APRIL 17. 1890. The Hall of Our Father3. THE EYRIE OP THE EAGLE BECOMES A BOOST FOR CROWS. "The Grand Campaign Committee, the Central National Campaign Com mittee ot the Republican Party, now sits supreme in the room of a nation's statesmen. Years ago statecraft had some relation to government. To-day bitter, remorseless, cowardly partizan methods aloue apply. Here are the imnm-hmt measures which have con sumed the entire session so far : The admission of sundry little State- leca. wicn a view ui uenwtuwuuK , " X & publican supremacy in the Senate. The sham tariff sunzethat will end in smoke. The unseating of rightfully elected Democrats iti the House. (Til 1 "11 TL ' L rt ine Din wj-ureyeut mm suiTciaiuu a Renublican flrerrvmander in Demo- I a v . . cratic Ohio. The national gerrymander, scheme under the provisions of Article 4 Sec tion 1 of the Constitution of the United States. The national supervision and control of congressional elections in the South. The vote of Silver Bow township in Montana, upon which the Senate pro- noses to level its Drobitv down to.the , - grade of the House. ' The colossal, pension bribe. The John Sherman mockery. Reed ism in the House, And last of all the matter of the The Scales From His Eyes. The Alliance in Rowan. A FORMER PHILADELPHIA BBPUfflJCAJN HOW WANTS TO BULL I KG ALLS, GIVE FIDDLER SOME HORSE TALK AND MOVE SOUTH. WORTHY ORGANIZATION" WORTHILY CONDUCTED IT STANDS FOR THE BIGHT. onsoieus of right, fearful of none, A citizen of Salisbury drifted into a the Alliance of Rowan has pronounced conversation with a fellew passenger with certainty against the dissensious on a R. & D. train lately and was en- and fatuitous bickerings of Thim- fcerbiined. The oassenirer was a Phila- hvirtvUm. Here, as before, the white r w t j . , . . delphia physician, a former Republican raen of our gallant democracy will and ultra red shirtist, a follower, of stand for a common weal. Old friends Fiddler and a believer in Ingalls. It arrd comrades in many a hard-fought seems that his physical condition this field, as countrymeu and townsmen, we winter presented him two alternatives, will watch the best man win at the One of them, was rest in the southern conventions and then float him in on climate andlhe other the narrow bouse, the usual tidal wave. The farmers of. Hesitating between two reputed evils, Rowan are, as a class fair-minded, he finally chose the former and went to thoughtful and fearless. The wrongs spend some weeks in Lancaster, S. C. 0f classisms, the danger of schisms, the He was now returning refreshed and fruittessness of divided attack, the un strengthened. Moreover he had ac- fairness of nominations made with cumulated a store of usefuHnformatiou. doors closed against old friends, the Said he " I was almost afraid to go, disseverance from loyal allies, the so thoroughly was t indoctrinated with heedlessness and rudeness iof willfully the bitter creed of blood v-shirtism. and causelesslv alienating those who After I had gotten there, and when would do much for their betterment next day a local physician round me A these they have reflected upon ana out and called on me, 1 was disposed repudiated. Much of the fight which to be offish. When he invited me to a has latelv transDired is known to the . i drive that afternoon I was at first sur- Watchman. The raen who participa- Foreshortened Politics. Speaker Reed is disappointed. He tias found from reading the election returns that his authority docs not ex tend into Indiana, Ohio,, Michigan, and Illinois. Even Helena,' the home of Russell Harrison has wandered away. Brazil's Constitution is said to have been modeled closelv after that of the - - mr . United States, and may Heaven pre serve it if it happens to tangle upwith such men as Reed, Ingalls and their ilk. Waddell, the republican contestant, has successfully jumped the claim of our Wise. We would suggest some automatic arrangement like a cigarette machine to Reed for doing this work. Helena, Montana, has just shown her appreciation of republican labors in her midst, in the direction of the Silver Bow steal, by giving a democratic gain of seven hundred. A half million more for public buildings in the towns of the new States. There isn't a man in Wash ington who could find Fargo, Dakota in a month. A northern exchange says : In no State have the municipal elections been more prised and then delighted over me .ted and the views tney neia are Known. I Michigan. On Monday there wero elec pleasing nature of the result. VV hen Those who stood up as democrats of he asked me to tea the next evening I the whole part, whether as speakers or was eager to go. I wanted to see the voters, besides their own approval, have high class southerner at home. Later 'retained and multiplied to themselves when house after house was opened to the esteem of the wider circle. The nie. in the war of an easy hospitality Watchman, the town, the white citi - hitherto unknown to me, I was di-1 zenship of the South, and the -demo- vided between the feeling of grateful cratic party are heartily and last' ngly in sympathy with the farmeis of North Carolina'iu their battle with ated capital. Cleveland led aud and chagriu and contrition feelings toward exagger- cnrnnCA Oil1 LJS llliM wu..2 .i r ii it II T l l 1 the ooutn rinauy i Dougnt a nouie ated capital. Uleveland lea auct we western hog against southern negro." down there and I am now going North fought and failed on that issue entirely. to do two things. First, I am These eleven Questions, no one of which addresses itself to the demands of the neoole. have been so far the only contemplated subjects of legislation. going Stand by us when we try again this to give Fiddler's people some plain talk year and again in '94, and the chances about the venomous campaign false- are we will win. hoods they made ihe believe, and then I am going to move my family down to Congressional Nomination, tions in every large city in tne state ex cept uetroit. ine uemooratic gains were remarkable. Grand Rapids, the second city in the State, which gave three Democratic majority last yearT goes nearly 2,000 Democratic. Battle Creek Adrian, Lansing, Charlotte, Big Rapids Pontiac, and many other leading cities all heretotore Kepubiican, nave gone Democratic, and Democratic majorities have increased in Democratic cities. Ask for a subsidy, as in the case of thatreeu country where people live.'" The Asheboro Conner believes that the- Tampa-Panama steamer service, "Two months ago," he continued, Mr. Henderson will be renominated by and the corporation making the de- j applauded the speech of the Kansas acclamation, and app3arances point mand finds $200,000.00 a year thrown Jay-hawker, and now I feel that if he that way. It fact scarcely a ripple into its lap. Ask for government pro tection, subsidy if you will, for the farming world, and the dead stare of inattention is your sole return. Epliraim is wedded to his idols, and our sole hope is to smash his whole system of erroneous theology and kick him out. This shameless Congress 4s making Democrats faster than any ma chinery ever before devised. Republi can Chicago is now democratic by eleven were to meet with a sudden removal by of opposition has appeared mv hands the country would be better pie have at last come to off." It is Always So. PROTECT US NEVER MIND ABOUT THAT OTHER FELLOW PROTECT US. Whenever those Republican people of the North fiud that legitimate com petition is about to restrict them to The peo-understand that a new member has a vote, and nothing more. The men from Texas and Georgia are now wielding more influence than any other representa tion among the Democratic mem bers the next House is to be indubi tably democratic Harrison, Boss Quay & Co., who de feated New York for the World's Fair hecause she was a Democratic city, wil be as mad as wet hens because the Fair if held, will be in a Democratic city Chicago having wheeled over into the Democratic ranks. It wouldn't be sur prising now if they took spite on Chicago by defeating appropriations to the Fair News Observer. Evidences accumulate that there wi be no tariff legislation by this Congress The Republicans are hopelessly divided on some or tne leading scneduies or toe McKinley bill. The people must wait until tncy nave a democratic congress and a Democratic administration. Ex, It begins to look as if the Republican Ways and Means committee will have to place a prohibitive duty on Democratic election returns to prevent them from coming in. Washington Star. The State. Last week, at Washington, N. C Miss Julia Archbell, a young lady of simply because they seventeen, shot herself through in tire thousand. Milwaukee.Springfield and Wfff Pfit. they run like a set of . . .... . ... I crv hahv s. fcn Conores and wmninpr C1C ' have given their men time to gather a following. Mills,, it will be remem- half a score of other towns and cities are the prophetic straws in the political wind. As the Syracuse Courier puts it: The Democratic gains made in Western States in the recent elections arc over- Whelming, and they denote that a Demo cratic tidal wave is sweeping over the country which is irresistible in its force, and will bury the Republican party out of sight. While they are busy belittling the cry-baby's, to Congress and whimper for a protection. Still thoy have hith erto trie! to preserve the semblance of manliness as a rule, until now, when they throw off the last filiment of dis guise and staud forth ridiculous in the littleness of their own demands was-there six years before he got his committee, aud so with the others. Vance, in the Senate, spen t ten years in teaching his fellow sena tors that there was more in him than a joke. The new member, however flag with star dust, we are-brightening ly Ignobly and shamelessly they p'eal thrfixed stars into Democracy. True, for nrntpct.inri no.ainsfc thp Smith as Ingersall jays"the Democrats beat cotton fields. Men upon whose salads the devil at 4 filling 1 when there is cotton seed oil has been constantly nothing in the pot and nobody's bet- used under the label of Huil de Olive, ting, still, following his vernacular, now have tho boldness to declare the we held one hand when they had to same article unfit for lard. win or go broke, and we will hold one It has developed before the House again. Jhis year we will turn them Committee that what thev term mim out of the House, and next, with Gro- ard is made by these lard factories veHMeveland mounted on the platform from pigs feet, heads, ears, paunches, of w public office a public trust," we inffino anA ,mi0,i aa - - El 1 1 il l ".11 talented lie is, must lnevitaoiy go It is notnauoer labor of Eurooe through the period of incubation before ... . i inn vnnf will listen fnhim Afr Hpnrlpr- now. but the neirro ana tne mu e who J " I 1 1 .1.-1.-1 !Ll L i L are to be jrovernefl into a deener nover- suu "".reauy nau weigiuenougn cogei, o r . n i i one importani pleasure uirougn ana a favorable report on another. In addi tion the people have always found him courteous and attentive while at Wash ington, and that a letter to him will bring an appropriate answer by return 1 XT I i man. ne nas grown stronger, year by year in this district and his friends have multiplied many fold. Last elec tion he ran over two hundred votes ahead of Cleveland, which was almost as inanyMfypre stronger than the ticket, will win most of the remainder. Randall Dead. The editor of a Weekly must render each week a diversified sheet. He cannot dwell long upon a given subject, lest jn his lu illness he becomes, compar Jtirely, prolix. Especially is the hard ship appreciated here where, pages can not exhaust the honors due the hero of "The Force Bill," and the champion of j ust ice and right in the face of re morseless oppession. We expect of our own loyal sons of the South J.hat they be brave and true, and it is only a matter of shame to us all when they are not. But when a .Northerner is all oi both and more, his devotion becomes superb. Samuel J. Randall lived the live of a true man and a Statesman, neglectful of the thousands of opportunities which must have come to a life like his to accumu late a fortune, by such methods as Blaine employed, and died poor in gold, hut splendid in his wealth of faith and honor. What a reproach, what an hour of bitternes must a life like his, by contemplated contrastcause to such inenas Reed, Ingalls, Sherman and Blaine. The one braving the chances of war while the storm is on and then inagnaniouslv remembering in his knightly soul that we too are Ameri cans ana that alter an tnat it was a quarrel of brothers. On the other hand the others must recall that when there was danger they were inglorous- )y sheltered behind substitutes, Jay hawker Courts, and official positions, and then, when it was over, they emer ged to show the cruelty of cowardice The one, respected of friend and foe -rnakesthe others seem coniemptille ittfeed, 1 1 x ii i riinr, Ur, ,,i m uo.. anu ne rs.stronger to-aay than them with pies. e defeated a republicanoriginally and What ever else the compound lard succeeded to his place, and not a demo mnv W orffinlvik i Un nnA crats, nor can any one say that Mr. some so far as the cotton seed oil be- Henderson ever sought to oust, either comes an ingredient, for it, at least, is for himself or a friend' a Democratic mre. Nor do its makers resist the Congressman of the 7th or other dis- idea of a destinctive brand. Thev have trict- He is at Washington attending ed the sight of the other will also be blot i.u : i- i i -iiv . lift hia nnd hw rnnfif.ii. ted OUt. Ex. nuniiug hi cuucdu aim are wining io I J label it as rnmniinfl nr i tnn A ency is looking after his interests at home. mMV Hlll.ll IlkkllV 1W UUl wil nit: vicinity of the heart. While the fam ily, with whom the young kidy resided, had gone out in answer to an alarm of tire, Miss Archbell, it is supposed, got a pistol, with which to protect her self in the event of a robbery was at- tempted. Careless handling and a want of experience is supposed to have brought about the result. She died about ten o'clock the followinz morn ing having made no explanation. Greensboro is now entitled to her free mail delivery, and is preparing to have her houses numbered. Also she is sooft to own a telegraph- exchange and electric fire alarm boxes. Mr. Bradshaw will not be a candi date for Congressional laurels this year. He authorizes the statement. Asheville thinks she sees a $250,- 000.00 hotel ahead of her. Her push deserves all that comes to her. Mr. Polk of the Farmers' Alliance, is domiciled in Washington to watch the sub-treasury bill. Judge Dick discharged all the defend ants in the Orange negro murder, except. Kirkpatnck, the man shot, and Fatter- son who shot the negro, They are need- developments. Jvirkpat- eyes ed for further rick has gone North to have his treated. One is a total loss and it is fear- on issue of which is the safest and best. They simply ask that their proluct be ! not taxed. Republican brother, why cant you be a man. Mr. Henderson's Resolution. A DASH AT THE MILLIONAIRE POLITICAL METHODS SENATORS TO BE ELECTED BY THE PEOPLE THE TEXT. Mr. Henderson has always the cour age of his convictions. He feels that it was never contemplated by the fa thers of the Constitution that plutocracy Give it to Him. It is said that Hrower is plowing around the President and asking to be should be supreme in the Senate, there allowed to run for Governor of our ore "e asks that the election of Sena- State this vpnr Wh nf ut i- tors should devolve to the people, in- o ti. : i. " L- i sceaa ot purchasable legislatures. The iuu . iiicxc isu u ciuv n L i' ; r thr j n r n. i . , ,. 1 1 , , - tonowing is me texc or wie resolution, in nmt, jiBuuverauit? to tue naKea eye, which has been read twice, referred to at least. When he crets through his the Committee on Judiciarv. and or- ... . . o , , . . , j wite will not be able to pick him out. aere pnnted : Rindall's fellow committeemen appropriation had this to say: During all the years he served as Representative, aud as member of this committee, never, for one moment, was there the slightest suspicion that he was in any way cannected withajob. Ab solutely pure in his personal and pecun iary relations, he could attord to do many things and subject himself to much op position, which otherwise would have been impossible. With the assistance of the Greensboro North Statu the-Watchman arrives at the definite conclusion that W V. Webb, of Person county, Census super visor for this district ii a Republican. This being the case no Democrat can hope to secure place under him. Such applications as have been made may as well be recalled and the assurance added that they would not have been made had Webb's politics not been mistaken. Resolved by the Senate and House of Rep resentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That the following amendment to the Constitution of the Uuited States be proposed to the legisla tures of the several States, which, when ratiueu by three-fourths of said legisla tures, shall become and be a part of the Constitution, namely: First. Amend the first clause of section Rhode Island, what there is of and to her, is now finally democratic. The postponed elections on Monday result ed in all the democrats could ask. This will give us the entire State gov ernment and the legislature by an easy working majority. Alas, poor Reed ! Even "Little Rhcdy" is in revolt. Washington Letter. (From oar regular correspondent .) Ex-Speaker Carlisle presented the minority report of the Ways and Means committee to the House. It takes the McKinley bill in detail and shows the injustice of that measure, and goes into the strongest kind oil argument in favor of a genuine tariff reform, one that will afford the coun- ry some real relief instead of deluding, as the McKinlev bill wil) do, those who kuow no better, into expecting bene fits that will never come until the dem ocrats are returned ! power. rny democratic rooster has had a glorious time in Congress since the returns from the Spring elections be- A " a m 1 gan to come in. it was ior several days hard to find a democrat's desk in the House that was not ornamented 1 - i m witn a newspaper with cuts of one or more roosters lustly crowing for vie tory in its column, and the favorite democratic postime last week was to show these papers to the republican members, benously, though the best informed democrats in Congress be lieve the Spring local elections to be but the prelude of the great tidal wave which is to give the democrats the con trol of the next House of Representa tives, and the Presidency in Unless there is a great change of opinion among members of the House, the abortion which the Judkialycom mitte reported and the Senate passed last week under the name of an anti i. L HI II t m . irusu oiii win never oe nearu irom in the House. It might as welt have been called an anti-small pox bill, for all that it could accomplish if it were a law. The bill to appropriate $75,000 to make goo4 the money stolen by Sil cott is a law, and the Congressmen who lost their November salaries have all been paid. Representative Wilson, who ranks high among the democratic leaders of the House, says the republicans will certainly pass a Federal election law during the present session. If they do, it will have to be done by order of king caucus, because there are enough republicans in the House who are opposed to any such law to defeat it unless they are compelled by order of the party caucus to swallow their opinions and vote with the party. The republicans of both Senate and House have held caucuses within the hist few days trying to get together on the silver question. Secretary Win dom has brought all of his powers of persuasion into action in trying to have the caucus to adopt his silver bill, now before a House comraitte, but so far nothing is agreed upon. Between the anti-silver republicans and the free coinage republicans there is a wide chasm which will have to be bridged in some way before anything like unity can exist in the party on this subiect. in tne meantime the most of the dem ocrats hold themselves in readiness to vote for free coinage, pure and simple, if they can get an opportunity. The bill to. revise the grade of lieu tenant general of the Army has been reported favoraby to the senate. If it becomes a law it is expected that Gen. Schofield will at once be p omoted. The Torrey bankruptcy bill has been favorably reported to the House. This bill has beeu very highly spoken of by lawyers as being equally just, to both creditor and debtor. Ihe Pan-American Congress wants " i 1 I k I 9 an international American dank es tablished under a United States char ter, with branches in all American countries. Ihe Congress will adjourn this week, and on b nday the delegates start on their Southern trip. Ihe Tanner administration of the Pension office has been stirred upgain by the dismissal of the assistant chief of an important division, who had his pension re-rated; they go slowly, but tney go. brokers from New York, Chicago. and New Orleans have sent delegations here to protest against the' passage of the Butterworlh bill taxing dealers in lutuves and "options. Another democrat Representative Wise of Virginia has been deprived of his seat in the House of Represent atives to which he had been legally elected. Supervising Architect of the Treas ury Windrim denies that he was in fluenced ins electing the site for a nub- w .r at Springfield, Missouri, by large amount of monev in a game of poker from a party inter ested as has been charged. Mr. Harrison has, by authority con ferred upon him by aot of Congress, presented a gold medal to Mr. Joseph fcraucis, the inventor of the first life saving car. Mr. Francis is 89 years of hge and extremely feeble. xuc onu s r air ou sin ess may be regarded as settled. The Senate com- mitte has favorably reported the Chi cago bill, slightly amended; and it will uc pasacu uy nie ot'iiaie m a iew uays. DRY GOODS GROCERIES Mv cm incr atoftk is now in and I have an elegant assortment 6fSm,i.. Ginghams, Lawns, Dress Goods, Plushes, White Goods, &e. Havo the handsome! i: res : QilAa Otvinaa nnrl PlAlds in the WtV All rnlnM T UUU Ul OCCISUUKCIS, 1U OVIIUS) . a J .w.w.o. xu JJy can be found every thing'good to eat: Hams, Break&st Strips, Beef Tongues, Dried Beef, Chickens, Butter, Eggs, Pickles, etc., etc. . - . FRUITS ! FRUITS! Ba nan nas, Oranges, Lemons, Apples, and Cocoamits.- I buy and sell all kina. of country produce. Kespectluiiy, , FKMK YOUNG. McCtjbbins Corner. .- Another cOnfermation Tuesday, and still Eaves has not his Senatorial en dorsement. In the connection of our position oniMr. Pearson's pay, we have m reason tor a three of article one of the Constitution of sis vet seeu no sufficient uuuu oiuics w reau as ioiiows; l Ti,n unnot. tu TTn.'j c. i u cnange. i w v . uuuaiu vri lilt; u uiiru t. niiiLii lit . ' composed of two Senators from each btate, chosen by the people thereof for six years, and each Senator shall have It begins to look like the submarine one vote, and the electors in each StateT torpeda boat is to come after all. At Cherbourg, France, the boat Gourbet shall have the qualification requisite for electors of the most numerous branches of the State legislature,' Second. Amend the clause of section three of article one of the Constitution by striking out all otthe word "otherwise ' .Advices to Washington point to another Indian outbreak. The agent at Tongue river, Montana, reports the in said clause, and substituting the fol Clieveunes as congregating in a throat- lowing : "The executive authority of the w W-v O m " jnuig-iaaiiuer. was submerged and maneuvered under water for three-quarters of an hour on Monday morning. State shall issue writs of election such vacancies.' to fill I Portugal and .England are Still growling about it and at each other We are getting up a Watch Club and need only a few more members to make up the first Club of 25 names. The principle is this: The 25 persons will each pay SI every Saturday evening; the name of each subscriber will be put on a slip of paper and placed in a box from which one name will be drawn every Saturday nightrand the name of the subscriber appearing on the slip will be entitled to his watch then. You can take your choice between a watch or any other article worth $30. There is no lottery or cliance business what ever about it, as every one .of the subscribers will get the watch or its equivalent Of course one will have to be the last drawn, but to that person we will give a $5 chain or its equivalent Truly, w. H. REISNER ft BRQ. Leading Jewelers. YOUR LAST CHANCE Tan Wyck's Stock! - I1C DUUUlUg winning a u lame Maj. Dowd Has a Remark to Make. This has been a brieht. peaceful snrin day in town, but there is one man jna enough to fight, for all that. That man is Maj. U. Dowd. He was calm, serene. nm in wis usuai iroou snirirs wnpn a JSews reporter entered his office in the Bryan building and read him this para- giupu irum nie naieign corresponaence Of tne btatesville Landmark - " AnntW rumor has it that Hon. Clement Dowd. of vuarionc, is reaay ana wi incr to in n he republicans and that he will gladly accept the collectorship, and that he will mm. A l 1 J "W-V -mm!. mm - . . ue iub cnoice oi ur. MOW." Major Dowd did not exactly use an Diauks when he caught his breath and Degan to deliver himself, but he came very near it. "That is an unqalified falsehood," said the Major. " It haa not me slightest foundation in fact. I have always been a democrat, and I expect to cuejust like I am now. That report is uusuru ana nuicuious, and how it could nave originated is beyond my compre hension." Charlotte News. P AO T nttrt mrr i j wtitjt ta tjt n Anmi UU0 LLoo IfliilN iYiH lUlliV tUDl! FOR ONLY A SHORT TIME. Ladies' Gossamers 50c. Misses' Gossamei's 40c. Spool Silk 4c. Spool Twist Ijc Ladies' Jerseys 25c. Surah and China Silks 30c yd;. A Good Laundried $1 Shirt at 50c. I Pity the Watchman on the day it suns itself in the approval of those men who have been disloyal even to their race. if $3,000.00 worth of goods that you need an are buying every day, for just half N. Y. cost uu uariy uiruns tnar; come a-niovmg. L. S. OVERMAN, Assignee. d

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