J Carolina Watchman. THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1310. Hero Cowariico. . ,yy From the sigu. of th tinjss and the outward nemUiUU of tilings political, jt begins to lo;k like the moment is f ust approaching for the people to turn mt arid save the Jiatioa. List week we published H lar's mild experimental bill a:i I allnde-l to ft-jetf measures. This weak n? ppat the full text of the latter s speech and the Stars exposure of Q lay's inicpiiteusr design is given o:i the first p ige. liedueiiig theui and kindred purpo es Quay Stands Mate. Surely the New York Wdrld and the Ereniny Pont are of sufficient dignity to commend the respectful attention of Senator Quay. Certainly they have bejn able to astound the public. Bold- ly and openly they have charge! that Senator with, in short, larceny, with the appropriation, lueri catta? of large sums of the fund- of Pennsylvania ; and if the charge is true, Mr. Quay de serves the penitentiary instead of the Senate. Why then does he stand mate if he is not the felon that they charge? They are wealthy papers and might e;isily be made to respond in damages to heavy verdicts for th ir acius itiions RESETS PROKUNCIAMSNTO. Hero n th3 Radical Scheme. TO REVOLUTIONIZE THE POLITICS OF TH." COUNTRY. National Democrat. The speeeh delivered on Saturday .evening hist before Quay's Americus j throughout the city wTasirinton Letter. A. G3E.VT DEMOCRAT CALLED TO HIS FINAL REWARD. (Fr J3i our regal it correwa Jeat.) There was a ery of ,lExtra Paper" on the streets of Washington Saturday evening. and it was soon known eoain litv. American people believe that gold and silver coin are both the money of cim merce and the Constitution ,and n chiea.'ierv or false representatives will induce them to consent that silver j shall be deprive 1 of its us? as money. and seduced to the level of a mere KLDTTZ & RENEEMAft TJ2 d.v!i:i i:i Ljener 1 1 that Senator i price. Which has been troins on for T ATTTNT T" Club in Pittsburg by Keed, the -Kadi- j James B. Bee!, the Senior Senator from i about seventeen yearn is attributable I II I I I K 8 ieal bulldozer, unfolded fullv the na-Kentucky had dronned dead from hp.irr.lt.'. ..h fWfi t.U-tt th Anmtul fttmnlv f I LJJ KJ aJ M ii 4 . mt j a i - - . I 4 I I 1 I 1 1 "i i " f tare of the Republican scheme to abol-' paralysis in the Baltimore and Poto ish every vestige of State control and I mac Railway Station. There baft been of the present Congress to appropriate iumlysese arrive at about the follow- re lifted out of tlu upsr qnl"nu& jug propautious of their radical an I subversive measures : Jst. By bitched census reports it is proposed to leave out many or racist of the qegfoes from the count throughout the entire South, thus reducing the poutheru representation in Congress ynateriully, while our importance in the electoral college is diminished in the same proportion. 2J. It is proposed to deprive the States of their rights of guardianship over the polls. Federal judges are ex pected, mediately, to take a supervision pt all elections which relate to federal affairs. Mr. Reed desires to register, si. pirvise, count and certify the vote. H j will do this, if possible, simply because be-has the power and the people are now impotent. He will dv it, though lie knows that if he were to come be fore the nation on such a platform, no one could count the votes he wouldn't get. 3J. By the present system of force ; and gag-laws, in the way of rules, now governing the House, it is supposed that eveu the slender democratic mi nority which does run Uje gauntlet of a republican count (Goa save tlie na tion on the day that such a thing is again attempted) will be stifled into silence and shackele I into inaction. Thus, by these three measure.- are $ve to be robbed of our heritage. Thus js our representation to bjcomi a piti able mockery. Thus are the proudest ju thi land to bi degraded and derided bv the cowardlv partiz tns who would disgrace nobler nieu and rentier a na tion ludicrous iu the eyes ot the world for the sake of bolstering their wretch ed cause. Is it not time to give even the coinage measures, the Sub-t reasury plan, tariff reforjpn, and the dozm righteous jtauses whifrh are dear to us, isn't it tims to abandon all thought of thtse and organize a struggle for bare exist ence ? fhe contemplation of all these sub yersive propositions ruinously revolu tionary in theirhar.icter as they are, are enough to sicken the heart of any patriotic citizen, orth or South, prop ositions lesponsiye to no national need Air requirement. They are gratuities evolved from hate and a sense of cow ardly security, vvjiich is as false as its When we are pst'kw slanderous in their nature, if they are false. Moreover a criminal action for libel will lie. Again, then, why is he mate ? Why not deny the imputations and recover a fortune for a blasted name ? The Pittsburg Le.tder saVs: O mi "Senator Q lay ha . been published as pi scuuudrel aud a scalawag, and has not denied the imputation on ms character. Instead of defending him without proofs, und glorifying hitn with meaningless geu cralilies, why, then, iu the name of com mon sense, do not his associates iti the republican party compel the man to sp-ak out for himself and make a person al declaration cf his guilt or innocence, followed up with a lioel suit agaiusL his accusers? The character of the National Chairman, both privately and politically, has sustained trrepaiable damage, and his silent acceptance of the situation coa stitutes prima f acie evidence against liirn, in the face of which the efforts of other people to vindicate him are valueless aud inopportune." Hgsfcho.filchss from ins mj pj l name, takes that which tut enric'ieth hiiit, but leaces me poor indescl? - M. tlllOj i i l I td. A ft .1 - Can any man affoiLto be silent here ? Weeks have elapsed, and the world has awaited in vain lor the flash by which his assailants are to be blinded and broken. Is he a thief or not? The World aud the Post have thrown dowirthe gag? of battle to him and oiler to prove his guilt, or else stand ninl teed for thousands and ridiculous before the world. They have openly defied him to combat and still stand over him. What has he to say ? Sam Jonas ia Charlotte. - Sam Jones has removed himself, and the people of Charlotte, relieved of the pressure, will now have another 1 rm 1 II 1 nance, we presume, liiev nave pur.e Hie mustard plaster i ff their moral stomachs and some will soon throw away their braces as they settle their bent old shoulders under the accus tomed burden of sin again. As in Mark Twain's instance, the man who steps behind the barn to find his re pudiated flask will find one of Iris fel lows looking up his abandoned cards and the other his relinquished pipe. Democratic authority over the conduct of elections of federal officers, to abol ish a permanent-despotism of the mi nority party in the United States, and to continue the present leaders of the Radical party now in power in defiiiute ly. It is proposed by the revolution ists to pass a law which shall m ike registration, the counting of votes and tiie .certification of the results of elec tions an exclusively Republican matter. When this proposed law shall be pass ed it will, in the opinion of the radi cal revolutionists make little difference to them whether the Democrats gain control. of the House of Repiesenta tives or not. They, the radicals, will hold the Senate and through that body will maintain themselves per manently iu control of the Federal Government. Here is the significant speech: I have not for years been one of those who have talked about the South. For the. last eight years no man has heard me in the House or campaign, no more sudden aud appalling death of a prominent; man for years. He fell and died in the depot iu which Gen. Garfield w.as assassinated nearly ten years ago. Senator Beck was born in Scotland 1S22. He received an academic eduea- siipplv gold has been so.n.'.viit dim nidi in 4, while all the great countries of the civilized world have practically Invn on a gold bisis, all their mxi y being gold money or its efjuvalent free and unlimited coinage of silver is needed and demanded by the people. If this Republican Congress refuses to restore silver to its rightful place as the equal tion in his native country, and came of gold the American people intend to to tne united states wheTl a young i know the reason why. The Republi in .i it -if oni'inf Aim r . 'I . .. 1 111. in . .-cft7niciT.i ui iriii.iitrru. Aiiey discourse ujxm either settled to Kentucky and the future Senator immediately started to work to earn a living. He was employed in various minor capacities. A story which illustrated the innate honesty of the man, in his early days, wa; related last night by a gentleman who was thoroughly well acquainted with him. Mr. Beck the gentleman, said was employed in Cvnthiana Kv., about one of t!ie stables there. Here he came under the notice of Gen. John I is for. Federal election office holders ?o C Breckinridge, who was attracted to make false registration!, false count hini by his intelligence, industry, and ! ing ahd false certification to capture good nature. Gen. Breckinridge was j the next House by f rand and perjury. o le o: toe leaning lawyers or his sec-' l . c ins nave determined to. pass an -exceedingly obnoxious Federal election law. The depravity of the Republi can party has reached the very lowest depths of degradation and infamy. It remains to be seen whether the 'people of this great Republic acquiesce in the usurpations and profligacy of the Reed, JlcKinley gang. Reed in his speech STORES ! DOUBLE STOCKS! DRY GOODS DRESS GOODS JN Oil UIS Ufvurivry CLOTHING HATS MATTS CAPS KUGSi SHOES MATTIXG The family supply side, like the other, is inexViauJ Tt. i our nofiilinr business to dress and feed your faniuV nia 1 i- i a .1 a r " ' M," a ed the key-note of the Republican pre- you give us the slightest encouragement ue will do it. snpnfod a greater variety of high class goods at a smaller cot tlianjtetjj be done elsewhere. W'th every assurance, gramme in llris Congress. The plan outrages or tion at this time, and one day he wrongs. murders or shootings or hang-; brought down a cony of Blackstone ings. My .-ileuce did not arise from aud gave it to young Beck. He read an approval of murder, of terrorism, it thoroughly and showed such a or frauds at elections. It did not arise strong desire to become a lawyer that from any ignorance of facts or any Gen. U reck in ridge took him into his doubts of the great wrongs which are office at LexingUn Ky. Here he en- ..!.-. ....... ....i. i. L... l l! i .1 i " i. m , pci aicu .i..iub i-ue u.jvf i tiuiL'iio uy ieie.1 nie iaw seuooi or irunsvivama the people. Until they were aroused Univ; rsity, from which he was gradu ally efforts of ours would be utterly i:i ! uted in .1-3-10. vaui. In fact, politicians .ureonly 11th When General Breckinridge went l-w.'ii iii Tii. f .!. t.-.i.f l -r i Ii..!.. ! (!, 1.1. AT ' IJ 1 I iiv.n tiiv.ii. a u.j uiu "V'lllM ui iiicn IIIIU OIL1 Hill, iUI . le( ., WHO WUS lis WAITED ! KLTJTTZ & EBNDLEMAt -o- everv man in penny, out tliey never oear rue our.ieii and heat cd' the day. If they cry aloud before their hour they only turn back the shadow on the dial. It is k.uo'vn to everybody that the South denies that threatening is part aud parcel of .their elections. It is cquaHy known to everybody that the denial is Hot true. The South has p issed through many stages. The Ku-Klux first deployed his law partner, took charge of hi ..m . i . i . i .. . . . auairs itim i;i ms law pratHlce. treil. i i . Bieckinridge at that time owned a I)tSJaild pTOpei ties for sale The name of Western North Carolina who has timber land, improved and unimproved, farm lands, town We lottom prices, full, '-JV.. If u -j n, PEAL ESTATE & Sioci ! L L t 1 1 11 . I i . t iaj-u irac. 01 ouacv;.opea Uinds'iu the; must iKlVi V...l I T.. tJ...l. ... i . I law practice and intererests cnmmittLl cle and COrr0ct descriptions to his care so judicioiislv and honestly Persons wishing to buy that he w is snhiequeutlv able to turn over to Mrs. Breckinridge Sl0,0(-0. its uiiuuignt terrors to intiunuaie vo ters. Then came the baMiloranu: and the driving of the negro politicians in to the woods in the darkness of the niiht. At present the murders have 1 1 1 1 I. 'ftftil?ir. .v . 1 ij first e Mr. Bjck devoted himself early years t the law and to l his incident, it is s.:id. known, aided maleriallv in election to Congress. in l;is; business : affairs, amassing a fair competence be- i fore beginning liis political career in Congress. He was a Whig in hi; e.t : ' I Y year, but when his law partner! General Breckinridge went into, the Democratic party he carried Mr. H-ck ' who was devotedly ettached ;o his iu teresfs, wirh him. In 1800 he w. s DCCCDITMPCC -M M Mrfin. Ear... General MarniLrlr Jfuekliriio.'i II I I r I 111 IV V . 1 I I - . - I " 'v L.I ' III r t II IJ- U 1 r . T ,.,!, V Y Iwlnrr -U!.. V V i .x.. ...... 4- . . .. f.. .i :i i. "" ' .-I " - - ; ui i em piuiiei iie win i,i;u n to interest to write to all on or Craige, Escj., Salisbury, N. C, wr McG DBBIKS & REISNER tLJ SIAL AGZNTS, SA LTSiJl'i.Y, X. f. or 2 nromotors are insecure. learn to believe that the masses of the people are lost to manhood, hen and not until then ,w,ill we believe that-such jfirceful methods, - which are but the prearrangements of fraud, wilt inure Jo less thuu the total confusion of the perpetrators. mostly passed away, and the terroriz mg and the m.dnight marauders. Bit lot-box shifting and cheating iu the court have taken their places. Throughout all this variety of wicked ness 1 call upon you to note one sing ular fact, thai while it existed every one ot these crimes against the dov- ; first elected to Congress as a represent- DTP T"D p ITJ1 p f HePfiT? eminent was mojt solemnly denied bv ative in thr; Fortieth Con"res fpm AU Lili U J J Jj Mu iTxili jlLi'll ftinr ui- I n.iit un n ii Hii'ti i' ii... ... ft . . . i ii.. i t . i i - - jjui.ici ii ujMi. .ui iii. i.i -ruicro Lutriu I me .asuiauu iiv. I (lisii'let. Me w;s re-elected to the Forty-first ('ongrev-; in which holy he made mi able rejtlv to Georse S. Bo:iUve!l.ar?uinr u?a:nst your race reeling, pi claims tne dan-, the adopti; n of the dftednth amend ger of the ignorant rule, - and weakens ment to the Constitution -declaring your sympathy for his misgovernment, I that the right of suffrage should not 0 . ... .... , .-.. I t ...i. .At ii-ii .... .,.. x,,i .ui uiM.ua null an j oe aonagea on account or race, color. n IMi!(i tUU) that has nothing to do with Federal or previous condition of servitude on I SpiuiStJ ,c i ji'liS elections, if Mississippi be in danger! the izrourid that the reorulation of rJ t ignorant uouiiuatnm the United fitirro shnnlrl hn lft . H DRY GOODS u r. a . r, to-ttav. w w Wiien, therefore, any Southern gen tleman, however eloquent. 'seizes on STGiE DOLED. My s : K'! n. :ht along with L?1 PIMXti tilling up 00 DS T ... ! I - ....... . 1 T 1 ..... . . . ...lit rccni'tniriit . t ii n ui i n JB I 1. . T 1 1 I ' 1. III.. .!...,. W'liilA llrft.irl- X-f I I i f I Ilii i.i.Lah ft i iia:a lilt, j .aw us. imi-w wuiHin, i m.-m ..m v.. -... ..... ... line of .Seersuckers, in SolidsfUtipes anlTlaids in Uie ct-y All 'colors. In idj Gr"ElC3C5ES3El."r jOA..'Z' HOLIES T can be found evervthinu. good to cat : Hams, Breakfast Strips, Bee 1" Tongue?, Beef, Chickens, Butter, Eggs, .Pickles, etc , et-e. iritxjiT?-; : fruits; -r A 1 t T t. .1 1 1 tl 1 I . m i n i- . . -rz-.il- I " 1 . .1 WT !.it Olll I Ofi 1 I", II ! i 1 I 11 V 111 1 I I -ii'li M 1 1 St of country produce." Itespcet fully, - FRAJvK YOUNG. McCrnniNs Cornkr. foolishness of preaching," etc., Our Non-Agricultiiral Exchanges. AN AfOUKlY TO OUR FARMER FRIESDS. There is no competent agriculturist on the staff of this paper. The fact is there is not a man near it who could farm 4 gourd vine hp the side of a last years hog pen, and if of our o'tfu weight we were. to wade in and advise jthat kraut seed sown iu the first jtyll moon of thei4iierry month of May, some one miglit get into trouble. This being the case the paper is compelled Jto rely upou agricultural papers for Jielp in short, for cliped matter. This plan was resorted to as usual of lite, but failed to fruit. The weary I ,e litor tried his tired eyes upon column after column of ably edited matter in farmers' journals, and the following is xvhat he saw among the headings : "The Windom Bill," "Is it Paternal ism? " " Free Coinage as Against 'Un limited Coinage," i'The McKiuley Bill," -Coast Defence," "River and Harbor Bill," -The Ways and Means ties which he indulged. O.i the other hand, after a few day's or week s jj trial, many will submit, like the Land murk s man, for the old sort of a lop eared hound they always were. Nevertheless, his power to hold men while hi applies the slipper to them as they lay unresisting across his knee, is wonderful. That a man should be rate and abuse a people like Sam Jones diiithe good people of Charlotte, and then get 52,20O voluntary contribution for himself, and raise in fifteen or twenty minutes $8,800 for the liqui dation of the Y. M. C. A. debt is diffi cult to understand. Those who heard him several tim.'S at least will ac knowledge that he, is a good and Godly hese matters. He declined a re-election fo the Hon-e in 1S70, aud was elected to th.- n i-uoiaui oumiuauim uie u uireu j rrnne siiou'd ie e t o t he Sf.-iti while occasionally the language of the spates is not. If cheating at the xlls Jierng elected to the Forfv-second Governor of N. C5 will be heard 0:1 the 0:ib a V fraud in South Oaro- and Forty-third Congress. Mr. Beck street Still, on the rule, by the !",a' ex:,b! lecanseth; white jnan s,1;Ve I on Jhe Wavs and Means Con- ,, - l is superior 111 mieriecr, liiougu inierior j mittee. He studied tariff questions or , 1.1 I ... 1 , V..V., . in nunioer. tnere can he no excuse in wit. 1 o-.v it. :is n t h.i.,.. ill- 1 1 1 f , 1 1 f I . ...... . . . . i rv - ..... . . 11 it win linger in tne wase on cue aosurui- the L'nitei Mates e ections. w here the rW,,mn,l !.n(l.nP;n. n 7 j V V ' ' J I .V U UIMIOM II , HI II white man, with his superior intellect is superior in number also. In other 1.1 . . . worils the excuse, whether it be bad or ' Senate. good, for cheating at Shite elections J Among those who entered the Sen cutinot be spread beyond State elee- :,te at this time wiMi him were Messers tioiis. When a Federal election is ! Hoar, of Mass.; Bon Hill, of G;i.; David held it h::s nothing to do with State Davis, of III.: Plumb. of Kan.; Garland, gov niment, but bi comes part of of Ark.; McPherson, Coke and Han is the government of the United States: ox-S, crtturv Kirkwoodof Iowa, at large, where there is 110 possihilitv Hr tonk a nr.-.minnnh mrt Jo ' I I ......ft- ...ft. in 1 in. ii:i 1 1 1 1 ii- 1 iM mi-- : !.-.,;..! .. 1 ; . . .. ... I. 1 1 l i 1 ,ft.w. .... ft. vv.i.. 1 11-mii.u ii mi v. un'ii refill um 111 uie pas sage of the Bland silver hill. He was always an advocate of the liberal silwr Diiccs low! Styles lovely ! . . liiti.' (ioud? a Sj-ociaIt 1 N e carry a iuii line of SHOES, - HATS, - CAP. PETS STRAW - M ATTIX'. ., CK0CKEBY .'. a xi) v TIN WARE. Yei'y Besppctf uily, BOSTIAX. T T of negro doumiatioii, ignorant or other-j legislation which resulted in the wise. Y hat. then, is the remedy ? I speak only for myself. What I say binds no body but me, and not even me if the Republican party prefers onother poli cy; but speaking for myself, it seems to me that, the only wise course is to take into federal hands the federal elections. Let us cut loose from th BABY CARflIAE.ES' o- policy, and at this time offered a" meas ure proposing the coinage of not les '' than S3.(XI0.IH10 monthly. He was assigned to the committees on Arnv.o- : and Finance. It is a very 85 NEW-NEW STYLES STYLES 85 nation.; I niatlo tliv largest purchase rare honor for a Senator to heouboth i 111 iy -iirnagei tins season I made at one tune. flio Ulul fni. . .....ft.!..l 1 1 nr ""nici ui iiij.aiiiieni 10 oinees. It begins to seem that Mural Hal- jCoai mittee,'' -The Uuttcrworth Bill", 8'e'"1 wears iUfi wrong sort of a rabir's man, despite his faults. It is sold that at the mere mention or It. k. u..tnat accKlent, the Fresitleuk 1 1 T T . - ."I . 1 ... . l ci tne L inteu States has fuistafiian w A 'a us cut loose from the committees. :iml S.Minl..' Unnh , 1 1 ...r. .... k-tate elections, uo ourovvii repisf ration. 1 i-lm.-.iM -,f 1,;., i ' ourowncounting,andourowncertifica- indtistrv :ind ability. II- w s the U1 t ,M'cau0 COUkl huv tion. Ihen the nation will besntisfied. h-ader of his party on matters ' relating them at SO much less price from Against this course no constitutional to the Senatorial Democratic eaucds fiw, , ,1. ,. r , 4- .T objection can e urged. Against thisjfor manv ve.irs. He was re-elected in."' .lna'1- 1 Kv 111 the course no constitutional objection can ; 1S82 and in 18SS for the term ' expir- UfiakeP onlv. I be urged. the larberouiih case, a 'i i in 18,)P I y'sions of many men in buckram. The ! decision of the Supreme Court, cover- ; In person he was tall and powerful. riase? Ln on veterans, in every direction, are, lifting irp their oices against him. For instance The Benj imin Harrison War Veteran's Association of Brook lyn, numbering 700 men. has renounc ed its name and substituted Abraham Lincoln. The reason for the change is the alleged desertion by Harrison of r Mil M V M I ft. i 1 (1 11.W r 11 II ! 11 l 1 . 1 : 1-1 1 ' ft ..... I I .... 1- L 1 " ! 1 t " ft j .ft.ft.ft.1 v....! w.. o w"n six ieer. nirn, wu i t ie against it on account of sectionalism, frame and depth of chest of a n':mt I. i -ft ' 1 . , .1 ft I . It 'inniiiftl A..il-fli .mil SmiM-i I. .....I I 1 - . . ! . i 11 1 P .ft i..ii..o . 1 1 ii 1 1 . i -1 uuuiii, uit iniu lie wa iioL a iiueni taiwer. ami lie- i am solium Car Irom lo to 2) b )cr cent. .ft.. . .. . ,. Il ! .11 -l t)lf, .iv--4i man i sum 1110 same C ariiagcs tor last season.- Prices ii? ii . West. It will out an end to all bick- (,,ntlv vf..,..,,, .,A i,.;f..i r... r1L 1 c'an S1J 'OU a largo Cat erings. The Southern States will then word. He was a rapid but jerky speak- t;in holv Carriage with wire by themselves grapple with the prob- j er and when excited would eiiipausize ' wheels a 11(1 Upholstered soat at lem of whether any State of a republic his ae marks with vigorous gestures. 7.50. 1 haw them at $10 00 can permanently enthrone injustice., At such times his place of birth hecame ' 15.00. 25.00 ami SiUloO V , . W . . ft. child should be allowed to wall- breed from all right of interference f plainly evident in his enunciation. c nf j except moral and advisory, f toe popular superstition that the North within their own borders and I universal I v conceded Hint be . j when vou can buy a carriaire nt ;roni the Notwithstanding these defects it was union soldier is entitled to the earth in i wthi'n the limits of their own Stale effective debater such a price. 1 got up a com- rignts tney v.iii nave what they have the liepubucnn leaders at the capi ! plete line of photos that I will louged for, the power to work out tul are engaged iu a conspiracy to de-!l0 rrL1(l (1 B knfi t k , - -4i their own neculiar nroblems tliwii. innit; e;iL T!, .;i.L i.;i. ....;..,. le glad to SOlKl to ailV Olie, Wltll I ---- , .......ft. ,ift. .iini, 1 uc .-.IHl Mill II I L : 1 vrong SOr. Ot a rabirS ! selves; and 1 venture ihe nr.mhr.ev mJ flw, l?.ft.,.llfti;.ft.ft n,t The Plumb Bill, M The William . tyjt He KIS changed the place and I sincerely enterUin the hope, that the ; will authorize the Government V 1 1 1 C 1 1 . verv lowest prices. Bill," and " The Bill Bill." There was nota suggestion a to how to nurture .even a scju ash to be foiiud anywhere. After trying it awhile we got into a state .of mind. So many bills rolled in that we became insoi vent, indulged iu some rank and llsh-like Billiugsg.ite and quit. jHowcVer tliere is a native gra ;p of jthings about us that leads to the under standrig that there is difference between a lean and a gate post : ,o;ie of eih you plaut to eonie Ire' c flio rv-iin I" I.!. .J: - . . .-x. v.. miu, ii, iii uis iiisgusi at V7.iic, he looks at Brooklyn for better be havior, on hisgide of the cred politi ca1. In factTif the vote looming sui c lal methods of ths 11 -p iblic i is is pursaei ttjticb further he .viil b'eo:ne. in his wandering, a second Ponce De Leon vainly searching for that which does not obtain on earth. to Jju v M. Pasteur's claim, th it in iive years his treatment at his iusiitni i. .l .o ft. n.t.T mhu no ami the the 1 ll'iw rf fniJiM 1. ...... I I , . . . . i ' --ivc uusiuica i.'j iu the other you dun t. If the times are w io 1ml f- I.i.,. ..... t- i --. ... . . . .. t. rt . " r io mil toi him must have ieiahcd not out of j unt, there assuivdly a . miserably bv hvdronluobia.looks lite nnu aorj.:ned itf3:c iiboot thin w'- ".-.... n . . . . . I o- ui u:ii. no Uy.it teiiv .c. W ,t ... sou-rut. ! 1 relief from outside pressure will break j 4,500.000 ounces of silver per month, dowii the race issue, aud as the South- J or 54,000,000 ounces per vear, silver ! ern people divide, not on the color bullion certificates to be issued' there- issue, but on the questions which make for. The aiho.mt of silver coinage up sound politics and good govc rnment. j hjis been avemging $33,O0O,0CO per ! Then, as the Constitution of the United I annum. The new silver bill will in Statcs and the principles of our Amer- crease the annual amount of currency ! ican system always intended, the voter, j about 22.000,000. This increase whether white or black, will contribute j will not however real I v add anything ! his share to the Government of all, and j to the volume of the hutpum- f,vr tlZ I ,......ft ., ... int . E.M. alNDREWS. Furniture. Piano and Organ Dealer, Charlotte, N. C. the hopes, which were at the founda tion of all our great sacrifices will be tinally and completely fuliiile 1. a. i a t;-.j . i:-..! tt?m i loath of Mrs. Graham. Ttlrs. usan Graham, widow cf the late Gov. Graham, died in Kalcigh at aiid- niyhl'. Sjti.fliiv tier mniilci. l -mie -tan I . ... .. .,! mill- . i . . . 1 . . - - I . .. . t 1 1- v asainirion. isae wa-s a ftiesceuoeni oi,",,,7 i v:uue aim in a tew Lawteute Washington, a"ha!f brthcr cf ears the silver bullion certificates mlil reason that the National bank notes are ueirtg continually returned and I cancelled; and when cancelled are not reissued. Thf Republican bill propos es to re pea I nil laws authorizing the I coinage of silver, and the inevitable! result will be that gdd will be Ihe i - B " Fa-.har Time" -savis Watch Club is the host p - iii.il i r villi iii "'i n Watch, Diamond Ring, w v r - . 1 . tft 11 .lAillij kj 1 1 VvJ 1 IT UI Vj VJ i mo bcr of articles valued at in our line. We need .-.- . i . -.ftft-..ftiCft a 1 1 11 n iwi I of 25 names: when it isci plete, we will at once form anolhicr. ft : - Call and see the goods offer and learn the plan -j Very Truly.; W. H. REISNER & M LEADING JEWE : A , ntrTanTTmnT.ni -.-r-v -x-. a n A M. Having qualified Executors of thev! estate of J. J. Bruner. we h '.trL.r r a i , ....... , a r i r - i --i i i iiutice to all against the decedent to cxhibif the same pie of Rowan and auji'' . to us on or before the 4tb day of April.! Office, Room N': r" J'l -f 1891. All petrous id neb ted to said estatcBtisher street, a,i-i ' are requested to settle without further notice. DatcJ April 3d, 130. i : 3m FOR iiitii iiiiiii c k i i v.' i &Z2 SZT t.;. MORGAN'S STUDIO SALfS?UY S.C. i T. K. BRUNER, Executors of J. J. Eruner. jt .eore Uslnn'.ou. --m- vi n " n n i. i . .viV 1 near liiYingiouv v fjirf

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