Gavoliaa Watchman. L O-C A L. subscription ratea of The Carolina . . ..u.ntn arc - - UT.i I i'i advance, - - - - $1.50 lCfp4ya:t deTaycd 3 mouths - 5MX) fill) RSDAY, MAY 8, 1890. , miniature horse race ma- 'fhia,ih his store. - . t-ill rnllrv. miHa-lifti'A lir- f 1? l. ni- ' " r - " mill 10. g3V lift themselves from the ground. g- R7 JFtanfin, of Z:b, has been f i miliar Form and voice of John 1 ' r- Agner the' old confederate court erier " sa;ilv riiHse in the Oourt House. Or J. J: Su.nai3rell has removed his s- fi-.mi fcorner Main and Innis street mill i " i &arert corjfrr Messei stv wri'4 At the regular meeting of t ye Choral Union Monday night, the question of giving a ecmeirt for &c benefit of the Rowan County Veteran. Association was favorably di mussed. The money real ize 1 would be devoted to enabling the Veterans to attend the unveiling of the Lee Statue at Richmond. A decision will be reached at the regular meeting next Monday night. Te case of State vs Benjamin White hearst was a pitiable one. Young, edu cated, handsome, the husband of a su perior women, a father and a gently bred son of reSned people, yet the nolo cintejy derg record of larceny stauds en our dock et against the narne. Whitehurst, a stranger who had Yun on toward the close of a debauch, drifted intoTS.Uisbury two montha ago and openly filched from romn, re iidenc-aT J o3i.;,'S in the such property as clothing, brushes, inuf- llers. razors &e These he pawned at sjloons an 1 reseived whisky 1.1 return. Presently he found himself in jail await ing a trial fur larceny. He submitted to a record of nolo con tenderyand was allowed to take tlie in solvents oath fr the costs, after paying as far as his mency would go, the twen ty days notice being waived. The Clerk of t he court and the committing justices remitted the c'jsts and the latter his wit ness fees -as well. Say this is a hard cold world if you , , vnnrKni'VoHi, i ',iiM.n will, but Your c.nt is raise, l lus man, 110011 l.'llIlt 1,111 1 fcil VW-yilMBJ I - ' lii'M a't the cnurcn 01 unu ueiiouunauon f , ...v.. . , t r- - M,lu and Bank streets. T. 13. Brown and W. C. Lind- Ireseiit at the marriage ofJGaa- f ,j. V.iiMu; 1 T ; l t . of Aho.vilW ton rr " ' Rev. Hi"- liehrend-, of B'-ooklyn, X. Y., Mill preach in the Presbyterian church neXtSnnclay, at 11 o'clock a. in. Dr. Kfhre ids bears a high reputation a$ an eloquent ".preacher and a spicy writer. Rev R- King', was" attendance 1 .. ..4. i..-.L ' it'l'vi '- UaviusuH eouniy, msi wec, There were no services at St Johns here cn Sunday in consequence.. . ' A straw'cerraf festival will be. given in the V..M. C. A. Hall, Thursday at 8.0 p. in.. My loth for the benefit of the Young Jden s t;nnsiian Association, it AJi'l l-iveii by the ladies cd'the toWu, aii'l the. young men are invited to bring their -poeket boXiks and a young lady with them. The nrrangemen between the Yadkin Enlrtfd I " v '.ip uiy and' t lie Penitentiary sathorities, spoken of last week has been eamphted. After the adjustment of some matters of detail a heavy force of convicts will nc placed on the line be tween Albcmirle & Norwood.. This "contract will drive the road quickly on to it- terminus a quo. Dr. tJriflith informs us that (he North Carolina St.atc Dental Association will hold itsannuahmeeting at Wilmington this year, beginning oa llie 25th of June and,e.nfinuring three d.tys. The Stato Dental Kxamin'g Board of which Dr. (i. has heeii a membet nndsee'ty. of the Board for :v- term of seven years, will Bieet at same place on 24th of June. The Directors of the Salisbury Gas and T-Kfi't iTc "Liht Comnanv met Monday unknown to us, for Whitehurst was only th name which he gave for the purpose of disguise, yet this stranger was able to command money enough to pay the costs that must be met. In addition three distinguished law yers espused his cause and even the pros ecutors united to ask the mercy of the Court for him. Comsiissionsrs Meeti-ij. The County Commissioners met Mon day in the offiec of t he Register of Deeds. There were present Chairman Sumner, and Commissioners Kluttz, Baker, and Coleman. It was ordered by the Board that- the Justices of the Peace be notified to meet with the Baard of Commissioners in Sal isbury on the first Monday in June nest, for the purpose of levying the county and school taxes for the year 1890; to elect a County Superintendent of Public Institution and to transact ' such other other business as may come before them. The 26th inst was appointed as the day for the sheriff and proper committee, consisting of Messrs. Baker, Kluttz and Sumner, to have an accounting and set tlement of taxes, - Margaret Camp was refused admission to the poorhouse, as Israel Goodman was found to be responsible for her support. V. P, Stallings was appointed town auctioneer, and gave a bond of $5,000 C. C. Krider, Sheriff, reported that up to date he had collected $34,175 of the faxes for the year 1889, $12,250 of which has been paid to the county treasurer on the school fund, $J,750 on the general county fund, $11,000 deposited in the Davis and Wiley Bank to the credit of the State, and $1,175 deposited to be paid -rout on the county school fund. A. M. Brown, keeper of the poor, re ported the average number of paupers at the county poorhouse during the month of April, 1890, to be 16, nine whites and seventeen negroes. He also filed an itemized statement of the expenses of maintaining said' paupers during said month, amounting to $30.42. A large number of aceountswerc order ed paid, and other routine business was transacted. Tar Heel Itam3. Personal. Copt. Thea. Parker, of Danville, was down on a short visit this week. Pailey, of Mecklenburg is in the city, stopping at Hon. John S. Henderson's. Congress roan Hcndersen arrived j.t Salisbury this morning in a short visit. Charley Reisncr left yesterday aftcr fioon for Lancaster, Pa., to enter a larte wholesale house where he can get 'point ets' in the jewelry business. He will be Kouc some six mouths or mote. THE WATCHMAN GET3 ITS FOOT INTO A LITTLE NORTH STATE TAR. Dallas EagVe: Some crookedness at Pink Allen's still fiouae-discovered by Mr. Vanderford, closes him out at pres ent. Who next ? Wilmington is now feeling for Sam Jones. About the first thing the Rever end Sam will do, if she gets him, will be to-feeLfor Wilmington. The State Chronicle says: " Mr. Ed ward A. Oldham has been engaged by D. Lothrop & Co., rich and wide-awake publishers of Boston, to write the "His tory of North Carolina " for its series of M Stories of the Ktates." Two veafs as,o Charles Dudlej' Warner requested Mr. LMnimra to write a biography of William GilmomSimins, of South Carolina. His other engagements prevented his ac ceptance." God savfe the State. Twin-City Daily A gentleman repre senting a northern syndicate has just spent several days in Stokes county in specting the iron and coal deposjts. Dr. W. A. Lash, of Walnut Cove, one of the principal InncU owners, offered to give several acres as a site if a plant would he established. The agent was very mnch pleased with the proposition, and is said to have returned to New York to make arrangements for the establishment of a plant. The Greensboro Patriot tells a deplor able story of the murder bv strangula tion of a new born infant in Greensboro by its mother, Miss Jennie Edwards, a handsome young lady, who was led astray by a cousin living in Missouri, to whom she ascribes the paternity of her babe. She is from Randolph county, and was visiting in Greensboro. She. will be committed to jail when her condition will admit. 1 ler -'parents are heartbroken and she nearly demented. Two Roberson brothers, of Areola, Warren count . were lately arrested by postomce detectives tor carrying on through the postoffiee department a swindle and fraud. Their plan and work was as follows: They secured quite a large sum of Confederate money, which they proposed to exchange for greenback money. They advertised to exchange C. S. or S. money, claiming it to be silver certificate money, a fine imi tation of the original, not easily detected. and passed readily, giving, ten dollars of this money in exchange, for one dollar of Mccormick mower. - $10.00 & $12.50 DAISY REAPER. , ., At SPECIAL JOB SALE! Mccormick self binder. t: - ; TJ5I7 Sre3t Fr Jilts. While the two banks are being built, it wilKbc a good time to improve the busi ness fronts on Main street. If General Cornwaliis were to return to Salisbury, he would be apt to know tlu place. Let us preserve our Supt. The company when renewing its mi charter, lu I a provision mad where In! It could establish an TIireD Chnroa Courts. .Dr. Brooks and Rev. Mr. Swindell, of the North Carolina Conference, passed through this city with their families en route to the General Conference, which is in session in St. Lout.;. John W. Mauncy, of Salisbury, is a -delegate from this placCj but has been detained by t!ic present session ot Court, lie wur leave at the end of the week for St. Louis. A lar -e number of Methodist brethren have 0 1 I passed through. lion. J. B. Hoi man and State Senator Turner, of Iredell, nave also passed through going the other way to attend the B.iptistX'jiivention which meets in Fart Worth, Georgia. Oa the 15th of this month the General Assembly of the Presbyterian church South will convene in North Carolina's beautiful mountain city, Asheville. This should not b . 1 .1... . .. r iv....t..-l,. T t i-o-veuvrwl hn nrid memories anfl relics. aiWl flt'CU"' ! IHC-uiu ui uiuvtio. v. n, j ..v.. t - Brown, President, O. D. Davis, Sccre- but let us ot neglect any opportunities Wind Treasurer, O. S. Gallimore, i to improve or beautify, especially in the aiu thorough fa res -of the ci;y. e 1 Herein electrie plant in connection with the gas works, as Booa-as practicable." . Th WatcSMAM thanks D. T. M. Jones for an invitation, to attend the Connnclice;nent exercises of Greensboro Eemale. College, on May 27, 23 aiuU 2 . Rev! 1v. S. S. Lambeth, of Richmond, delivers the annual sermon, Hon. Walter Clark the a I dread to the Alumrae, and Dr. V. F Tillett, of Vanderbilt Univer sity, th- annual address. The WATCH MAN also extends thanks for an invitation 'to attend the. coinmeaeeraeat of Union Institute. The Alliance Fair Association of Row an will have a business session in Salis bury on -Saturday ' of next week. The friends of the fairshould attend at . all . hazards. Remember that Salisbury of fers the site, this fence and a contribu tion toward the buildings. Moreover, in addition to gate money contributed by the live, th ous .in d od 1 people of the town csntribuitions toward the premium list will assuredly follow its location at Salisbury. 1 W. T. Thomasou, of Zeb or Franklin, lii orJer to find a market for his green Bid s. was lately forced to haul them a di-tauee of nearly thirty miles to a neighboring town. After the haul he found he could get two cents per pound .more than at Salisbury. This is wrong. Ohrf7nvn should hold no its end ot the -T- - ------- I han l-spike. in every particular. Some general dealer, with available ware house room, ought to see that in this par ticular also Salisbury's market is cor rected. A part, of. the W.VTriiM avs staff was constituted a director - in the Salis bury tias Company. " With this blame, blameworthy, blamable post added t o Town Commissioner, editor and a few other airy, lucrative () sinecures, next .to the dog killer, wo ought in time to become the most popular man of -The eo.novanity. However we will keep the is out of the paper, but if we get some live hundred. and fifty volts tangled up with thedrive of our pen you will un derstand. If you happen to have a val uable watch, in danger of becoming mag netized, we advise that put aside hereafter when you pick up our paper. The Salisbury WATCHMAX, notwith standing its venerable age, has become one of the brightest papers in the State. In its livelv naratmuhs an 1 breezy notes we recognize the facile pen of James W. Tinniple, the oet and author. That the Watchman has the best wishes of the Patriot for its future, goes' without, the saying. Greensboro 1'atriot. What trbandy way- the Patriot has ! We will wear the little mireissus in ouv button hole while we write the name of Sup3rior Court. The Superior Court convened Monday with His Honor Judge Shipp on the bench.. The following grand jury was chosen : Moses Frick, Ephraim Mauney, Henry Beaver, J. W. Miller, W. C. Brin glc, Monroe Castor, Ambrose Castor, J. E. Goodnight, Y. L. Kesler, S. J. Swice- A T T C:.rl 1 T? I'rnw TT S Pet lie, GClI. Shaver, D. A. Bogcr, A. Parker, S. F. Owen. Robt. Phifer. J. L. Sifford was made foreman. Henry W. Shaping was appointed court crier, to fill the vacancy caused by the death ot the old crier. Juo. Agner. The docket for this term of court is very light. On Monday, Laura Castor was convicted of keeping a baudy house. James Knox, colored, was tried for stcalting clothes from R. M. Rosc borough's store, in Cleveland, and found not guilty. Henry Heilig and Will Robinson wcie tried for an affray. Heilig was fined $5 and Robinson $10. They paid the costs together. A good deal of interest is manifested in the case of Town of Salisbury vs. Ike Fraley, which was tried Tuesday. He was tried for obstructing the public high way by moving a fence on Shaver street six or eight-feet out into the street. Judgiftent was suspended on payment of CJsts, and 011 condition the fence be moved. Tsaiah Forney was tried for an nssault l female operatives to work and battery upon llici person cf Lucy Pearson. Judgment was suspended on costs being paid. John Harkev and J. M. D. Barriei were tried for forcible trespass charged with, breaking into the house of Ander son Luckey ami taking therefrom a desk, some clothing aud Various other articles. They acted under orders of Esq. Kesler. and although Judge Shipp said he (the 'Squire) ought to pay the eosts, Harkey and Barrier were let off by p lying them, it being ascertained that toe removed goods had all been re turned. Malcom Mauley was fined $23 for an assault and battery upon Stephen Boy den. Tom Taylor, who knocked out the eye of Mose Basinger, several months ago, while the parties were camping out in the citv, was tried and found guilty. He was ordered by His Honor to suitably compensate? Basinger for the injury in flicted. The case of the State vs. Dallas Tor- I rence. D.iu Fraley, Bill Clement, Louis HAY RAKE. G. B. money. They found many victims in the Northwest. Congressman Ewartbas surrendered, we are told, his license to practice law, in order that he may qualify himself for an admission into the Farmers Alliance. The farmers would do themselves credit if, as in tirower's instance they blackball him. Once a deserter, al ways a deserter. A man who will drop an old friend for a new will as quickly abandon the new for another. Such a 111:111 will set a sail to any wind until one 'me day shall dawn on which he will discover himself to be an aban doned unci dismantled deriliet idly adrift on the political sen. Your viear of 15 ray, like any other shifter, always finds out in theendthfit three moves is equal to a fire. Wc have on hand about 125 Suits, Sucks and Cutaways which arc now placed on the " Job Counter." None costing less than the prices at which they are offered : $10 and $12.50. . These are all seasonable Suits, ouc, two and three of a kind, that were sold for $12.50, 15, 17.50, 20, and 22. Now re duced to 10.00 and 12.50. Come early and secure a good IMPROVED HELL3R DRILL. wxmm mmm bargain. M. S. BROWN. May 1st, 1890. Perfect Mowing it llA Weighs Int 18 Ws i -an be carrlr.i Into the field and J "ached to wow iK Machine Who. 1. Snd for PescriptVO Uar . wnc. Agents wanted la fvery CjwLj. K. AHEM CO., 23 Wcter St, New Yorfc- mmm IM'TTPpB At the Salishury 'ot- W'iMiJ U VitSa t''d 31 ins ten or iineen or learn to work in the mill. Girls or women from fifteen years of age and upw ard may ap ply at the mill. QOIHN DEALERS IX JUST RECEIVED! Tl.e Roan ok o and Southern RDai. The Roanoke and Southern Railroad Company is casting about for a southern connection. It is proposed to connect Monroe, the terminus, with Gen. Hoke's road north. The map shows the direct route, almost an air line, to he by way of ... A I Salisbury. Meetings are being lieUt, ana represwitrtfives from Thoinasville and Lexington are laying claims and offering j Williams, and Tom Clement, all colored, A BOON TO SMOKEES. ALLAN'S PINE LEAF CIGARS k CIGARETTES, Use the Pine Needle Cigars for a de lightful smoke and speedy relief for IN FLUEXZA. ACUTE AX i CHRONIC CATARRH. CLERGYMEN'S SORE THROAT, HAY FEVER. ASTHMA ami ALL BROXCHIAL DISEASES. Com bining the full aroma of the Yara tobac co, imparting to the taste and breath a pleasant effect, and by the introduction of pine needles the nicotine or poisonous properties of tobacco arc destroyed, not only rendering their use free from injury, but with positive benefit to the consumer. For sale bv the following dealers ia Salisbury: G. W. Smith, C. J. Kesller, Cotton, GrainTlgricultii ral Implements, Buggies, Wagons, Etc. Wo have just received, for sale W. L.Young, D.Hanline, L.Ed. Heilig, , .1 formers of Rowan and J. H. Enniss, E. C. Miller, C. H. Swmk J-l t iit ir : . i i ,,.;ti, .iicr nt Sf i! :. nMmdAu o c or nnr nt :l' 1 ! ( ) I 111 1 m i oimoi v .1 V. Harris. J. Jv. Smith, also at bi James hotel. S. F. HA RR ELL, Greensboro; N. C. Southern Agent inducements. Will Salisbury not bestir herself? Sho lost years ago, the termi nus of the JSorth Carolina Road, and consequently the terminus of the C. C, the Atlanta and Charlotte, and the C. C. ami A. Let's do something now in time. Why cannot Lexington and Salisbury sta&d by each other, and each have this road? Lexington is a little to the right and this city a little to the left of the di rect line of tliis road. Ifit.goes to Lcx- iugton, it will have to deflect back to the left again, which will necessarily throw it near Salisbury. The Tic in City Daily says : It was an important meeting of the stockholders of the Virginia aifd North Carolina Construction Company that took place in the city yesterday after noon ... i i 11 for gambling, was taken up, aim an weie adjudged guilty except Bill Clement. James Rued, called and failed. Reed, convicted of a deadly and almost fatal assault with a knife upon Lucy Alex ander, colored, jumped his bond. Oa appeal he was required to give bond in the sum of $1,033 for his appearance from last term of court to this one. A ''sire facias" issued Xq. his bonosmcn to snow cause why they should not forfeit the bond. His bond was a ood one. 1 -l 17 I R'JNS EASY. HfciNS FAST. eans SEED PERFECTLY. Makes FINE SAMPLE. NEVER CHOKES or BREAKS THE ROLL. THE CELEBRATE 3 Salisbury," N. C, May 5, 1890. A meeting of the Ex. Committee of the 7th Congressional District is hereby call ed to meet in Salisbury on May L, 1S!K). Frank Brow n. Ch'ni'n. COTT Has All LATEST UPHOVE ARE NTS Including Knlam- Viircl on Brush which in sures even speed. This featuro is peculiar to this make of Gin and i3 used on no otner. Are n7UY aT4BASTKEcnd Arc 5olivreI FHE.: iF FBEK3KT f.t any R. B. Station or the landing cf any Regular S.entr.boat Line in the Bcutli. If v.e have no Agent near yon, address the General Sou'horn Agent, ' n ill i!liF5n a fT2 VTI.AN I A, OA.ot K.W.nUBRU OA LLAS. 1 1 A. DIED, The capital stock of the company was ! creasad from $10-3, 0:W to $600,003, of j - me which our own people took a large por tion aud Roanoke and Baltimore the bal ance. -t-'ome$4o,C00additional sought ad mission but was of necessity refused. There was a slight change in the per sonnel of the directors and its officers : Col. F. II. Fries was retained as presi dent as was VV. A. L?m!y, President of Wa-chovia Rank, as secretary antl treas- Vim m,,! (i Mirire C. Jenkins, of Haiti- SuDreme Court. W hen he arnyed thft Ml V ' " O ' - - I I s r f 11' irtv a Pnitfi int:int, son oi .Mrs. naiiM1 Druher i'otts. at the residence of tnc late J. J. Bsuner, Esq., at 2 o'clock, a. m., on Sunday, May 4th, 1890, aged nearly 20 months. "suffer little children to ccmc unto inc. Mr. Cleveland" went to Washington S.iturdav to ar2 a ease before the t , fKatAHTtHiSfe 3 Ton $ 35. cikt r.y GOOD yo S STANDARD icbt put:. luiiy r.arreiiM. c itn r iz-n in.l Vrrl l.rin.i:c Kills. Executors' Sale McConnu-k s .Mowers, licapors and S; 'If IMiulors, celebrated througliout the civilized world as superior to and victorious over all competitors. These machines will he sold at prices far below any ever named here before. Farmers, this is your opportunity! You-had better take advantage of it. A stock -of Buggies, Carts, Plimptons. Pleasure and Farm Wagons at lowest prices. Our ( 'harm-Carts are superior to any all others. A trial will convince 5 on that it is the easi est riding vehicle in the world. We Agents for the Eagle Gin, . ... . 11- i the best on made e nave one ot them now on exhibition . ,1 i i. store. C all and inspect m our . . . .. t a. Tn nursuanceot a i:over coniaineu in u aim sei: h.-uiu'm...., pur friendly journal high on more : J. W. Hanes and K. J . Keynoias, of Winston ; and L. P. Harper of Suffolk, Virginia. The Option to construct the road from Martinsville to Uoauoke, a.f was orucr Lei taken up and work on' it pushed as J 1 our exchanges. The Patrl always was a splendid paper, amVone of the W atch- fa t t ;i Man s ocas kvirned mucii 01 mi wiuvun whole court room was fumed and stuf fed filth tager, expectant people. In terest in luni is unabated, and fidelity aodimininiskccl. When he stands list of ranidlv as 11 ..ihle. It, was also deter- ;im0ng the people he is still Use tail j mined to look afcer the southern cud of; cjj which midway leaves the storm. I the line. j. "Statesman in all" meiisuies, cratflike A del ejcat ion from uexinvwn w.i pro 1 s .ex.ngionwiiHue.c! . , f - .1 i,it muiit nun . 111 in.- in",in o col- i "jblvd to work for a s ihrlption ly in-1 the people ,ee ,n h:ni the next p.est- 1 hp hll ill and testament of the kite J J Brniicr, we will sell at the Court-House door in the town of Salisbury, on Mon dnv the2ddav of June, 18U0, at public auetion. to the highest bidder, the Car. isnn Wmr-hniiiii. including the good will I of the newspaper, the subscription fli-t. 0U two priming presses, type, aqiiamnj in ink and paper, and all other 6x1 ures and propertv belonging 10 m primiiii; o Terms of Sale : ne-haif cash, ami t he balance in ( months. Ci Ci. VIKLE, Esecutoi s of J, J. Brunei We have the Dutton Knife I Grinder; no farmer with a rna- . I ,! A chine ran aftord to be wnnoui Also a full line of Agricultur al Plows, Harrows and Cultiva tors. Respectfully, Bmm & quinn. H 03 C c A FULL LINE OF Woven Wire Cots at $2.75 to 3.51 SSIsit Woven Wire Springs 3.75 " ri r 6.i 3.00 to 3.25 2.50 2.00 5Slat u t. a a ti lt u lSlat Spiral Slat Spring Remember these goods are but the receipts of one day. They are jiwst in and opened out. Besides this, we have the LARGEST GEN ARAL STOCK OF EVER BROUGHT TO SALISBURY ! G. W. WEIGHT. i H 1 i H H D! bt i Kae hy working 'o:1 msl a non Pans, f . x i'uee them to do, ih':it of thee fni'ed Stales. i

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