1 I "Decided Scruplet." DELICIpCS DISQUISITION 03i OFFICIAL PttOPRIETy. 'j NaUoiial neiiocrat. Mr. Randolph Keim has written a Jetter abort Mr?, Harriawn which can jnrdly fail to close the doors of the White House and the Gift House to him, though jt might Ik? argued by an cute" to accept valuable presenU,given I i. n r I 1J 1 on account of tlie great omce you uuiu than to make a forty nate in vestment with your own money. . wXhe Commsioners of the District, his own iipjioifitees, shonld doubtless feel disposed to niake improvements in that direction which would still further give the transaction the ap pearance of a deliberate money-making scheme." We hope the Commissioners tup geuue- -j t. I r: -i i' ,w U-f W.,r. man tlie riirii t io o;;g:t in mmiiixu m i . .. .,, aju- proximity to presidintial families was a i . p -j,, riito luwvpr that to k'ji v this gentle nun the right to hi:? in suniign greatness, anu to disport himsel CTTlSSIai gentlemm whom the President iuci a.. - r -7- , .iriiV1:n0i !,wtm!istfr Opnt-ra was one r "irn tn"?Mr,0KMm w tl aoneiJtiib TOmmnr residence him. If it b? true, as Mr. Keiui says, . . , , . , . l rial IX anyone BMnwxa it anyone supple . niSiy Douglass. Aines and ce ne is great- - ' a lv nntukpii. then Mrs. Harrison can not too promptly banish the aforesaid Keim from her train. It was Mr. Biuret Haisted, exiled f rom Ohio v . nn account or s couuuei uunim I 1 - - - .j ........ 1 1 1. 1 1 . . - 1 i-. 1 l ii.. 11 : I MSG cam pmxu mix irccm-iv we oenve, 10 wnoin uc wuim w m-i . . . -. m .,1 i.. Ated for the imaginative picture olV) 8 th he fue of Mrs. Harrison, with a handkerchief ' . . ""-' wra White I rl 1 I 1 1 'I 1 III 111-. Il l .1 Ml I l l jm a'1 1 . ma 11 i !.... I III UU1 3 IlUb IIC v. A- .... nrovHineiirs rererreu to can oniv oe rs. Harrison, with a handkerchief Uak V .ew was ennanceu uy impiove rapped her around head, sweeping the M.fVi hteHou.se. It was Ifrim who at- ed by President Cleveland. Mr Ha ibuted to Mrs. Harrison nmmto- IMjr Woow. tb.fc Ma. teesm lvl ImniflUnino n t hft W lite uu,s uukuc uugui t. If i , v Ka , , . 1 i ,-. 1 i f it- 1 1 1 -! 1 t tSlCffSUi Mrifc- Ae. ew brWge on. Wooley Roadnd the : Z. extension of KowIuMU avenue. A . 1 .. 1 m. lhe bridge was voted by Congress semen airs, riniiuii us lunmug 1 .,, : , 1 1 u 1 . . 1 L ..zTi-- ...: with one branch of which President maims ftuovi, Mie iiisuuitiiicw u - ' : xi.. it i.;..i ta ,w.f Cleveland did not have so much in viv?nce 01 ine ijuusu 11n.11 huuim "w" n j i-ti i 1 u : ,1 :s i. flnence as lie was entitled to, and the nave oeen 1 1 a very giHu swic il ir ... , . , , n 1 i.. ff k'oin, hn ;,, other branch of which was controlled 1 1 1 1 1 . : .( c... bv his nolitical onDonents. Senator ine rnnaueinuia liHiuner ui ubi kJU" , T' r n i 1 a 1 I"1 1?.- , John James Ingalls was the chairman "The Executive Mansion, as every ? eomnuttce on the District of Co kirn- l. ..-1 ;.f oil nAvtQA w nnt. bia. He was never accused of seeking ii t .1 i.,n,o to advance President Cleveland s polit L.11- 'im. uwIf aK..1.1 ..f heal or pecuniary interests. lhe bill i. Ik -j-.x: ...... fi,Ar for the bridge became a law without citizen, when lie takes enjoyment in the President's signature. mi 1 -, t r 1 11. having all the members of his family Ane extension or iuassacnuseus around him. Some persons have taken avenue was oruereu uraiHw ih u, n exception to our haying a large family A enjoy me presence oj: my iattier iu his declming veare. We enjoy our children and our grandchildren and of the laud through which it was to run gave the land for the avenue4, and the opening of the avenue would make 1 quantity of agricultural land taxable JUIIIIUICII cum .Ml iiiiiiimminn.u ....v. A... , . . 1 Wish to have them about Us all the city lots, and thus prove a good time. It would be-unnatural tor any father or mother to feel differently investment for the citv. The exten sion of the avenue -will be of great im Tko r.nv.rnmnt. fnrnil.o iMMfWiiintP portance to the owners of land across nMAn.niiwl!.imn fr th ftimilv nf Hip Kock Creek from Washington, now President and besides during the sum- entirely inaccessible, and to land lying u .....i ,...ot..;..f too far south of Woodlev tioad to le put upon the President and his house- reached by it, lhe place President JioJd, the Executive mansion is a very Cleveland bought, for fronting south .mni(w..Up nhmp " on Woodlev Koad and west on lenal- Senator Harrison V family was not 'v town Road and at least 400 yards Innrp. it i-siif.t. nerfwIvHwinvliv Prpsi- north orthe extension of Massachu Ipnt. Harrison 's -familv should be hirife setts aeiiue, will not de rendered one that it cannot lje comfortable in the particle more accessible or desirable by Kipeutivp Mansion. - Hut this is a that extension, which is still very far mM trifln? 'it is simnlv siivmnrr fllf from pompUte, A map of the section old song which Mr. Keim has been is enough. to convince any one that vinmn.r fnr n vpmp l.rpiinse Iip L nnus a the ex tension of Massachusetts avenue ifinhI architect to snoervise the erec- cannot add to the value of Oak View Hnn nf a hirtrp ndditirvn tnthf. mnnsinn If the avenue were to run north of Mr. Keim has made all his nrevious Oak View it woiihUdd to its value by attacks upon the good sense and good giving ita new frontage, but running taste of the President's family seem 400 jards south of the south front of small bv inserting the following in his 'the place it will be of no Ijenefit what- letter to the Inquired of last Sunday: ever to any property that Mr. Cleve- On the subject of the accntance of hind bought, acottiiue. Mrs. Harrison said: uLast But then, it is hardly worth whih vear the president thought best to occu- to institute any comparison between py a cottage at Deer Park. This sum- the President yho buys his house and mer the late adiournment nossiblv ex- his chairs and his flour, and fh tending into earl v autumn, necessitated President who saves his money by ac- tho splwUimi of n nenrpr nnint tn Hip cepting a present a "beautiful Cot- Capital.. There have been suggestions tage fully equipped." from various sources about purchasing A summer home in the suburbs of Henry Clay on ths Goat. wasnington, wmcn at the eiul or Ins The following anecdote of Henry omcal term niiglit be sold at a con- Clay has just been published for the .derable adyance. We have an example r'f. :,. Ub-miim mi nf Hip of this, but the president will not use Capitol at Washington one dav, seeing nis omcar raji.K as a means of making ;l frightened woman frying to ward off money, even to the extent, of purchas- the uttacks of a sportive goat, he gal- 1 o nu,Mr ,8u"",er usx. Him h,Uy, in spite of his years and office, Helping Sickness to locate. Brick Pocaeroy. A doctor wants a job. Therefore these instructions are given to all who wish to help the physicians and the undertakers to buisness and profit. i ii - worry ail yon possibllv can. VYor- ry about your nealtn. Worry about the health of vour wife, husband, son. daughter. Keep right on worrying and all the tune be afraid that some thing will happen. You will not have to worry a great while before all you thus invite will come and stay with yon. Converse with your household and visitors all you can about sickness. Describe all the complaints of any and all of yoar family, friends or neighbors ever had. Talk about sickness, sores boils, belly aches and biliousness a, the table while-eating, and at all times possible. Regale your visitors with reciials of all that is doleful, dreadful and d's mil. Be real sure that von will soon be sick. Stay at home till you are sick Don't blow your nose lest you bust your head open. Do not take a bath lest you have the pip or periwinkles. Talk as much as possible about sick n ss, death, funerals, graveyards, worms, darkness, hell, damnation, and ill such that encourages to mental gloom, spiritual despair and kidney troubles. This will help you to be sick and to bring up in the place you dread. Pay as little as possible to nature's calls. 1 his will help send you to a loctor. Keep your house dark as possible. Have curtains thick and keep out the ight. 1 m iik f hell and hard times all you can. To be out of doors and in the open air all you can, induces leep, which is rest, which is Heaven. Therefore stay in the house as much as possible. Absorb all you can of the aches. grunts, grumbles and despondency of those whose pores need opening with soap and water. Encourage those who von talk to about their neighbors, re tail all they can of scandal and dirty foot gossip. This will help you to need a doctor. I bus you can induce sickness to locate itself and your body in bed or the back yard. Wprth Hnndrdds of Eoliars. My wife used only two bottles of "Mother's Friend" before her third con finement. Says she would not be with out it for hundreds of dollars. Had not half as much trouble as before. Dock Miles-. Lincoln Parish. La. Write The Bradfield Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga.. for further particulars. Sold by all druggists. The name of Mr. Samuel W. Clement of Duplin county has been proposed as tno successor to lr. 15. t . uixon as i-u- perintendent of the Oxford Orphan Asylum. ELY'iS CREAM BALM Cleanses the Nasal Passages, Allays Pain and I n fhun mat ior . Heals the Sores. Rest res the Sens?? of Taste and Smell. CatarrH SEND YOUR JOB PRINTING BicM anfl Mile Eailroafl Co. W. N. C. Division Passenger Train Schedule. Effective May 13th, 1S8S. Train So. 5i. Weil Hound. Truiu No.03. Lma l.uiuul. TO THE i THY THE CUES. HAY-FEVER A parUcle Is applied Into each nostril and Is agree able. I'rlee 50 et-. at Druggists; by m ill registered 5o els. ELY BKOTHEliS.M Warren St.. New York WATCHMAN JOB OFFICE. J. M. PATTON, Jr., Lessee. Lv u uu a.m. 4 3U p. Ill Sat y a 11 00 r. im a, in. 5 W5 liostun At?. oik 1-jiiluU' i; Ula baiiuuore WusuiUKicn Lj ucliouig Ounvaie 10 30 SiO It ; noon Ji t3 U. Ul. MO s 10 Mfi p.m. i At! U.U1. 3S itlcumuiiu Keidsvillo bia a.m. 10 44 p.m. 8 40 p. m. Oolbsboro 1 45 a. ui. Ualolgh H li Imi'Slahl 11 45 6 : 4 m a. in. -0 I I k 1 S i . n 1 . . . & i . H LU, MET &ASY 1 fit' LABOR LESSENS iRfflLgjp T0 LIFE oP DIMINISHES DjtUTUCD r wmirF CHILD Complete in all its Appsiitmb. -o- KiJ EJ 1 1 l V f I 1 t I m 1 1 Major 8. B. Bethel, a well known citizen of Desarc, Ark. while limiting was attacked by a panther. Mr. Bethel tired upon and wounded the beast, when it chased hini to the river, where he took refuge in a dugout. He was not seriously hurt. The body of Mrs. Hall Henry was found in the woods at Scriinton, Pa., death having resulted from the bite of a rattlesnake, lhe body was so swollen and discolored as to be hardly recognizable. The colored people of Asbury Park, N. J.,are stirred up because Mr Brad ley, j the founder of the resort, hassetapara portion of the beach for their exclusive accommodation. 1 : El S i! Regulate The Bowels. Oosliveiiess (Icranaen llso whole Gya tci auil ncjjcJs diseases, sitcli aj Sick Madaclao9 Dyspspsia Fevers, Kidney Diseases, Bilious Colic, Malaria, etc. Tnlt'M PIIIh lii ailiire rcsrulur habit of body mid ;uoU t! icxosi ioit, v.i!lioi;$ Hbicli, uoouc cat eujoy Ut.'2lil. Sold. Everywhere. Every Variety of Printing Done With Neatness and Dispatch. -0- Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Note Hea Statements, Envelopes Pamphlets, Posters, Dodgers, Cards, Tags, Ball & Wedding Invitations. 1 H No :-: Botch 3 U a. m. Urt;t-!ibboro "l l S3-a7m . Salisbury Ar IS t noon Statesvlllo it a p. in. Cituwoa it 53 Newton 114 '.Hickory 1 4 Connelly springs S10 Mordant on J20 Gleii Alpine - i 49 Marlon 3 13 - Old Fort S 87 Round Knol 4 00 mack Mountain 4 31 Asupvillc Lv. 4 40 Aslieville Ar. SOS Alexanders 5 31 Marshall 6 10 Hot Springs Lv. 5 40 p. m. Hot Spiirgs Ar. 7 3 Morrtstown 8 50 Knoxvlllo 11 40 Jelllco 7 30 a. m. Louisville m p.m. 7 20 6 27 5 3 5 57 r, 17 1 48 4 30 4 17 3 44 3 13 2 35 2 IX I 23 T 1 12 46 p. m. 12 19 noon II 40 a. m. S S5 7 15 415 7 Ar. Lv . MMfl anfl Mile Mhj 002TS32T83D B0S3 Ui EFFECT FEB. 16, Trains Bun By 75 Mertwaj, a. m. p. ra. llio a.m. iPfllannpoils 6 33 p. m. riit'-fgo l ro St. Paul 6 40 p. m. St. Louis 7 lo a. m. Ksns;ss City 4 t o p. m s ?o p- m 300 p.m. Sno a.m. S25 p.m. SOUTHBOUND Lv. laolimouU Hurkeavllle Kevsvlllo " Oanvllie Ar. Greensboro Lv.'GolUsLoio Ar. RalelgU Lv. Raleigh " Durham -Ar. Greei.boro Lv. Winsion-Salem . ' Greensboro At. Saiisbary stat llle ' Asbevllie Hot Springs Lv. Saltsbury AT. CUmiotte Spartanbttfg t Greenville . Atlanta Lv. Ciiarlotte A r, Columbia Augusta 1Ailv 'fn No. to. A St P, Minpliy Bianch. Dally except SUNDAY TRAIN NO IS TRAIN NO 17 s u a m Leave Asncvillp Arr 4 .r" p. m 0 23 Arr . WaynesvlHe .. 2 so 1226 pm Charleston -loisa.m 5 05 Jarutts Leave Tft) A. & 8. Koad. Dally except SUNDAY TRAIN NO 12 .TRAIN NO 11 3 50 p. m Leave Sparlnnbnrg Anlve 2 io p. m 7 17 Arrive lienderf-ouvllle 9r.sa.m AsbeviUe Leave S10 NORTHBOUND Lv. Augusta " Columbia Ar. Cbariotte" Lv. Atlanta Ar. urcenvillio 14 Spar4:inTu3g 44 Charlotte 44 Salisbury Lv. Hot Springs 44 Asbertllej " 44 stateville i Ar. S ilisbury Lv. Salisbury Af. Grcenrjoi'o ' Vinsti-5alcm Lv. Greensboro Ar. Durham " Ralclgh- Lv. Raleigh Ar. oldsboro Lv. Greensboro Ar. Danville 44 KevsTllJr 44 Burkcsvfllc 44 IO. hmoml A M I'M 12.ro sh in ' ' 19 l r m 75lh meridian time iuca to Hot spiirf s. ,90th .. .. .. west rf Hot Springs. Pullman Sleepersbetwcrn Washington & Salisbury Richmond iGrcensfcoro Raleigh & Gi-eentsboro Knoxville & Louisville .. Parlor Cars .. Salisbury & Knoxville JOS. L. TAYLOR, G. P. A. W. A. WIN BURN. Act'g D. P. A t !4 U " Work. tt tt u CAUTION Take no shora unla AV. I.. DoiiKlas' name and nrico are stamp d oti tho bottom. If tin- ilalT ninnot supply you, Kond direct to factory, cnclosHig udvertioed ricc. selling it when lie retires from Dfllce 7 he President Inis decided scruples about that. The OmimLsioners of tlie District, his own appointees, would doubtless feel disposed to make im povenients in that direction which would still further give the transaction ihf appearence of a deliberate money- GENERAL D1RECT6RY COUNTY GOVERNMENT. Clerk Superior Court, J M Horah. Sheriff, C C Krider. Register of Deeds, H N Woodson. Treasurer, J Sam'l MeCubbins. Surveyor, B C Arey. Coroner, D A At well. Commissioners, T J Sumner chairman, V L Kluttz, C F Baker, Dr L W Cole man, Cornelius Kestler. Sup't Public Schools, T C Linn. Sup't of Health, Dr J J Summcrell. Overseer of roor, A M Brown. W. L, DOUGLAS $3 mo FOR GENTLEMEN. Fin Calf. Heavy Laced Grain and ireea- moor Wati-rproof. . , Hint in tli world, l.nmlw lil S5.00 OKNIIIXK HAX1)-!KWK SHOE. 4.00 IIAND-SKWKI) WI.I.T SI OK. S.l.50 I'OLICK AM) FAUMKKS' SD.OE. t-i..r:) r.x ri: v.M.rv: ai.i miok. -j.i5 woitKixnjiKN's Mior.s. a.O-' anil 01.75 HOYS' SCHOOL SHOES. AH luailo in Conj-Tess. I!i;lt!i :uil Lace. Satisfaction Jruaranteed. Orders by mail solicited and pronijit- lv attended to. Address. J. M. PATTON, Jr., Salisbury, N. C. AB00H TO SMOKERS. ALLAN'S P1.E LEAF CiUlRS k CIGARETTES, Use the Pine Needle Ciftars for a de lightful smoke and speedy relief for IX FLCEXZA, At l'TK AND CHRONIC CATAHRir, CLERGYMEN'S SORE THROAT; HAY FEVER. ASTHMA and ALL BRONCHIAL DISEASES. Cora liiniuj; tbe full aroma of the Yara tobac co, imparting-lo the taste and breath a pleasant effect, and by the introduction of pine needle the nicotine or poisonous properties of tobacco are destroyed, not only,rendering their use free from Injury, but with positive benefit to the consumer. For sale by the following dealers in Salisbury: G. W. Smith, C. J. Kestler, W. L. Young, D. Hanline, L. Ed. Heilig, J. II. Eaniss, E. C. Miller, C. II. Swink, J. W. Harris, J. K. Smith, also at St. Janus hotel. S. F. II A RRELL, Greeiifcboro, X. C. Southern Agent. twins come an&w - FREE COP. One nf tho H KMT Tel - ! eseonea i n the worm, uur rmiitties ar unoqiia!- d..pntl to introdure our superior froods we niU endFI?EB tooNJt rkRoJi In each loralitr, : abo-e. OnlT th'w who write ' to u ct onre ran make rure of I the rhance All you have to do in rflini is to fhow our (roods to : thoe who call your neieiitora and those arouod yotr Thr be- a;fnnifi? of this advertisement ahows the small end of the trle- The following cot Rives the appenrancc of it reduced to BETWEEN ttESTPttm'. RiCllV(iM) araHHLFlli- "ihirliam. - Via Keysvillo, upitmd. about the fiftieth part of its bulk. It is a ffrani jdoubleaizetele acope, as larjre as iscasyto carry. We will also aootvyoa how you can make from .I to'S I O a'day at least, iruni the start, with out experience. Better write at once We pav all apres charjrea. Address. H. HALLE i T & CO.. liux tC rouiLXSU, IIaihe. M & I'tt - iMMiaia' Lv 9 jOtirai Art H orjam4rT 1 ooain 1 05am 2 25am i 32am t m . 3 yap raj 3 SSpin i x 5tipm ' 3 Wptn ! 4 pin Ar loopm Lv 5 l jpra. ai 5 4"(pift 4 SfVpill Lv 4 4-)lO 4 r.r.piu r lipiu 5 Stj.mt ; ; :!p:n T o p u I STATIONS W'es-t Point Rlcttaond UlclitutTwi Burteinic KvysvUlo Fort ytrit U FIdbc) fou t'liastv(,.,i Five Fci.l.s Cfcir! s uie u:!(tt u s Tlovaira" Oit rl Oxtritcl lial n v 111 DtlflM II Cxftud SI In':; " -.'6ntAvay Durham - faitv Haloluh l.v it Ai !m Caveats, and Trade-Mark obtair.Qil, and alt" Pat ent business conducted for Mobcrats Fzzs. Ou Orricc is Opposite U. S. Patent Owicc and we can secure patent, in less time tiiau uioso remote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. We advise, if jjatentahle or not. free of charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A Pamphlet, uIIow to Obtain Patents," with names of actual clients in yuur State, county, or town, sent free. Address, O.A.SNOW&COo Opp. Patent Office, Washington, D. C. AUiitioti;a train leaves o.vri ' iUVa p.verw d.U It a mi. aiT.vcs IlinlPiMi'i irr.ri m !L lug leave Hbadcrson 2.1o p.m.'daiij i-xwrnsi arrive OxffrJ 815 p.m. 1 1 No 50 leaving Goldhloro l2'o n. m .imi 4mi 4. r. p. in. daily, makes kii.m el n ;.t i nri..I Xo :J7Jeavtng at C p. ra. d.uiv. . , Miniif-SI wxmiu. ntf iu-rui. ai ttiiii i :t. - nm 4.Tr.6,t v .. yiM it. M . i -onus. Passenger coaelus iniulnnij trUrrifaj rutin an'J Kaieign, via Kt' . - ne. ( n MsNajtt and 55 and Jo.l. Nos 51 and 53 connect ot 1 id n r r.i tomtit .. est ruiiit ;ni(i nan uiiure tiaiiv cxcejil iiriajf. No. 5o and 51 connects at (ioidsttirti r.ttirm. toanjl from Moreliead city Wilmington. 11 ai teirai Uf aca irom rajicficvine. Xo Tri ooaiv-cts at (JreeuiJj i., uir F.nftifta. No. 53 connects at Selina u.r VIoi.'x.lL Nos. nrTaTid 51 make close einim cthMi l'tfi oily station wltli trains to at.tl from clupeii e.xcepi Mipaa s. niukiug scheme. It hap- jened while we were considerinj; what lihiiis it would be best 4o make that J was snprisetl by the tender of this beautiful cottage, fully equipped and feaby for our occupation. Its accept ance see.ned t j me to be the? best that feould be done. Ione of the gentle niaii concerned could have any object eOther Uian the courtesy of making us ?JuiforyiCle.r Asfaras their names are kuown none of them spek otiice. It iloes not involve the President in any Plioueyrmakiiirf for his personal bene fit. How others may be lenetited does not concer n us." It is iucoiiceiyable that Mr. Harrison should have made any such offensive and untrue allusions to her husband's predtreessoiV or that she should have umde these absurd remarks about the uperior dlicitcy " accepting u this beautiful cottage, fully equipped and ready for our otcupwtidn" as a present, as compared with President Cleveland's purchase of his home,his furniture and Jiis food. This uiust be Mr. Keim' own idea of "delicacy,1' and we can imagine the aiiger of a sensible and intelligent gentleman likeke Presittent fit haying extraoi-dinary v:es afyffical proineties attributed to Mr. Harrison v 'The President yill not use his otti pal rank as a means of making money,1 No indeed; he will simply use his offi vmi i.imiv .is u menus or getting a . wiiuiitu eonage ot twenty rooms. tnlly epuipjied with furniture and foiKl, possiblv clothes, for nutfiim "None of the gentleman concerned Atould have eny objeet other than the courtesy of makinsr us comfortable Oc course not, but some how or othpr it happens t hat these consic.er itegeutle man never th mobt of making general Hirrison comfortable when be lived in the Wooduunt flats, arjd was nlv a Senator, an 1 dichnot have the federal patronage to distribute, , "It doesn't ;ii'.o f: the President in any money insikittgfor his personal benefit." Far from it; it only involves his makin seized the goat by the horns. The woman thanked him and sped hurridly on. Mr. Clay would have liked to move on also, but the goat had its own 1 a I. -m views about the interference with his innocent amusement. As soon as the woman's deliverer loosed his hold on the two horns, the animal rose majestically on its hind legs and prepared for a barge. In his own detence Mr. Clay now took the animal as before by the horns and thus for a time they stood, while a crowd of street boys gathered about immediately, amused at the un usual spectacle of a senator and a goat pitted one against the other in a public treet. As long as Mr. Clav held the troat bv the horns, all was well: but when the quadruped was free, came a freshpreparation for a charge. Not a boy offered assistance, but after si while one ventured foward to make a sugges tion. Throw the billv down, sir." Mr. Clay at once accepted and adopted the report of that committee, and tipping the goat essayed to pass on. Before he could fairly torn away, however, the goat was up in lofty prepartion for a new change. Mr. Clay gave hisene my the floor once more and turned to his new adviser, "And what shall I do, now?" "Cut and run like the devil," replied the lad. Omaha Bee. TO U N. Mayor, J W Rumple. Clerk, D R Julian. Treasurer, I H Foust. Police, R W Price, chief, J F Pace, C W PooL, R M Bnrringer. Commissioners North ward, J A Ren- dleman, I) M Miller; South ward, 1 R Julian, J A Barrett; East ward, J R Gor don, T A Cougheitour; West ward, R J flolines, 1 C Li un. "Baldy" Williams Nominated. A. H. A. Williams, of Granville county, "Baldy" Williams, and not Scales, Gilmer, Buxton, Watson, More head; or Settle, will try conclusions with Brower in the sixth congressional district. FOR LAD It S. 81.75 SlIOi: FOR Mlt-SKS. Best Material. Itest Style. lt-st Pitting. W. I.. AlouKlas, IJrocliton. Mass. bold by W a BROWN. k GOLD WATCH FOE DULY ONE DOLLAR Per Week, by our Improved Cub Sys tem. The Citses in our Watches tire fully Warranto 1 for 20 years. The movements are Elrin and Waltham, reliable stud well known. The U .itches are II tin tiny; cast." or open face, Ladies' Methodist Services every Sunday at! or Gents' Size stem Winder- and Set ters, and are fully equal iu durability, service and appearance to any $50 Watch. We sell one, of these Watches for $25 cash, and send to any address by Express, with privilege of examina tion; or by our Club System at $1 per week. One good reliable AGENT WANTED in eac h place. Write lor par ticulars. EMPIRE WATCH CLUB CO , :$7 L'.uli Row. NEW YORK. CHURCHES. In Office Clerk Superior Court. lam and b-S p in. r raver meeting every Wednesday at Ul p in. Rev T W truthrie, pastor. bunuay school every bunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. J W Maunev, sun t. Presbyterian Services everv bunday at 11 a m and 8:80 p m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday at 8:30 p m. Rev J Rumple, D D, pastor. bunday school everv bundr.y afternoon at 4 p m. J Rumple, sup't. . Lutheran bervices every Sunday at 11 a m and 7 p in. Pravcr meeting everv Wexlnesday at 7 p m. Rev Chas B King, pastor. bunday school every bunday afternoon at 3 p m. R G Kizer, sup't. Episcopal Services every Sunday at 11 a m and 6:30 p m and Wednesday at (3:o0 p m. Rev r J Murdoch, rector. bunday school every bunday afternoon at 3 p in. Cant Thco Parker, suo't. r m. Baptist Services every Sunday morn ing aud night. Praver meeting every Wednesday night. Rev pastor. bunday school every Sunday at 93 a.m. Thos L Swink, sup't. Catholic Services every second bun day at 104 a ra and 7 p m. Rev Francis Meyer, pastor. Sunday school every Sunday at 10 a m. Y M C A Devotional services at Hall every Sunday at 10 a m. Business meet ing tirst Thursday night inrevery month. I H Foust, pres't. Stale of orlii Carolina, ROWAN COUNTY. Notice is hereby given of the incorpo ration of the Connelly Springs Company : that the names of tlie incorporators are b. If. Wiley, W. Smithdeal, John White head, Thoo. P. Kluttz, Chas. Price, A. B. Andrews, N. B. McCauless, R.J.Holmes, Lee b. Overman, W. C. Blackmer, Kerr Craigc, T. C. Linn, and Wr. C. Cough enour, and such -others as they may as sociate with them; that the principal place of business shall be in Connelly Springs. N. C, and its general purpose and business is to conduct, operate and manage a hotel and watering place for the accommodation of such persons as usually patronize the same as a summer and winter resort ; that the duration of the corporation shall be thirty years; the capital stock is fifty thousnud dollars, divided. in live hundred shares of the par value one hundred dollars. 37: t J. M. HOHAII, C. S. C. nn d . naaSb. ETU17Z7 EX. FREE. kOt'R SEW Sol 1.1 rOoiti Wiuhl .north UOt.M, UmtB l n Kie w orld. IVrfert timekeeper. Warrant cJ heary. IMitiu coin hunttii); caaes. Both lailics and pern's aizea, with work! and case., ot rcqual value ONE l'Eitsov-in 'each locatitr can iviita 'free, tocrefher rith our lure. 'and valuable liticof BaaackaU .Snitinle. 3hfU sanioles. r.i noil L tht! Watrll. AM f.mf All h wmIi need do it to show what w e send you to those who call your fnends and n ifrliliorsand those about you that always teaulti in valuabl j trade for us, which bold, for vears when once started, nd thus V3 are repaid. We pay all eijircssreipht, etc. After you know all, if you would like to fro to work for us. vou can Jrn frjiu S30 to !MM) per week and upwards. Address SUnaon fc Co., Box. HIS, Vol tliiud, Maine.' SliZBPING-CAR SEEVICI. Oatr.i'.n no :0 and ra.-Puiinjiin Uitiot ! botweeu Atlanta riC Xt w Yori . Hiiivilieaili jpisla, mill (Jrocnsboro via A hcvil!e to ta town. Tt-nh. On train? 52 and 53, Pultm:in r.ufTft siefwrl j Lwpen uasnlnelon and NtnvOiitNiii.s.viawwfl ... - . 1 W... It" ....! . . .11 1 A. ii.i. illl'.l nt'liHTll aiilUIIVtl'll :nj: fillllllKsl Itklunonjl and Oiornsl-orn. r-.'tx.li swl ;rr horo. and bet .vera v. as'iium''M -i d AntrnM PuHmnn M'jtTet Sloepc-s lu t v.-.t-u Wa.-J:lrjM .vsnex tno jii i net pnBK; Tanm'i tl ;kets o:i s tie .it prlaci.ialstMKtf, all uol'iis. For r itefc nl Infocinatiiia. .ijijij t n an a?H tae eOrfl.-inv or to SQLHA-'S, JA3. L. TAYL0P, i r.tiiii- M.iiuurir.' 'i'ii- rasnvja W. A. TURK, I II V t';l-S-i A'TIlL ',- KAt.Kliill.NT. THIS PAPER Kw.:ia Afhortlsllxg B-.ir.au ( W Spruce St.. ,. fl Wiitraifs inav ! mi far I: IN 0l A HOME COMPANY SKEWING Home Patronage. RUNS EASY. CSNS FAST. Cleans SEED PERFECTLY. Makes FINE SAMPLE. NEVER CHOKES or BREAKS THE ROLL. THE CELEBRATED Some scoundrel attempted to wreck the train iromK from the Hammocks back to Wilmington the other day, but no one was seriously hurt. The passengers all got out and went to Wilmington through me country. It is said that Dr. Catling, the inventor of the Galling gun who, by the way, is a native Carolinian is at work on a new artificial ice machine which he be lieves will make ice at one-tenth tho presmt coat. Jr. Talmage receives $16,000 a yflar from his Brooklyn congregation, $12,500 from a firm for the advance publication lwwe, si quantity of furniture tind Ii S hrmo"s' for his contribu- snimlv nf i- nuwtis to a religious journal, nesiues wuat MippH of provisions for Ins personal he earns on the lecture platform and Leuetit. It is so njucli ia : e 4 d?U rfrom general literary wcrk. LODGES. Fulton Lodge No 99 A F & AM, meets every first and third Friday night in each month. EB Ncave, W M. Salisbury Lodge, No 24, K of P, meets every Tuesday night. A H Boy den, C C Salisbury Lodge, No 775, K of H, meets every 1st tnd 3d Monday night in each month, p , Dictator. Salisbury Council, No 272, Royal Ar canum, meets every 2d and 4th Monday night iu each month. J A Ramsay, Regent. POST OFFICE. Office hours from 7:30 a m lo 5:30 p ir. Money order hours 9 a in to 5 p m. Sunday hours 11:30 a m to 12:30 p m J II Ramsay, P M, Has AH LATEST i SV1 PROVE ME NTS Including t:;-.l:i::r.- VheeF on Itrufila which in cures even npeed. Thlo feature ia peculiar to this maito of Crin and Is used on no other. rv FIXLY ti I'ARASTEEU and .Vi- 1' In ritKt: I" I'tWIUUT nt any n. R Station or the landing of any Regular Steamboat Line In the Soutn. If re- have no Agent near you, address the General Southern Agent, H.W.HUBOARD Mx iEHT Tr 3 Ton S33. -SIRTOS U.S. STANDARD v ijh m si M pH-'y l rcljrltt paid, fally v. arruntrn. Othnr iw. ;.nrln. Bo'" rv an i r rru b naniaa- atuas. a.ur a . rax. iiKl:UGUIGK. 1.. H.CI.KMXKT CRA1GE & CLEMENT, Attornovs Ijaw Salisulky, N-. C. Keb. 3rd, 1831 AGENTS In all Cities, Towns .-ind Villages in lhe South. TOTAL ASSETS PEQMPI RELIABIi -LIBERAL RHODES ri'KSlDT. - Sl. UKTAUV. I t S750?0(HT.( J. ALLEN BROWP, osFdent Agent, Salisbury, N.X. Seam, Air and Vacuum Pumps, Vertical and Horizofl tal of every variety and capacity. VERTICAL PISTON. J -- . &r y XS Wi V-TV Regular Horizontal Piston. v. - I VERTICAL PLUK rrocorlir.nateh H.W.HrilliAHH.iirul.Souil. u Aptur.AiUma. Administrators Ravine qualified as administrator upon the estate of Os-ar Sumner, deceased, I hereby notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to me on or before the filth day of July. 1S01, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. J. O. CROSBY, Adm'r. Jul ie 3Q, 18S0. 37:(3t. BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE. Persons wanting to buy building lots near Livingstone College are requested to inquire at THIS OFFICE. Tho most simple, durable and effectivi Pump in tlie market for Mines, Quarries Refineries, Breweries, Factories, AfHFsian wells, Fire duty and general manufacturing purposes. BSFSend for Catalogue. i Tie A. S. CAMERON STEAM PUMP WORKS Foot ok East np Struct S'kw Yon. f

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