I ae Gttj There Sh stDer Same." BV i A 'COB 8T..r OMt JEop wrote a falle vonec IViio w.v,Ir ii ilheru.vus racing, Vucai always iiiul me ilherr; Iiu a irioi-m ract-d mit linn, Unii sitopel hees l.-etlle gae, HjmI say, "K fi 1oimI bet-n o shry I geU dhere shu-ii "der SAine!" Dot vas de cases cfery vhcre. In bolidjcs uini trade, By hernial alion oifder brow Yon how soochsess vas' made. A man Hoinednne may ".sluhike it rick," Und get reuown aud faraf Bu.H dot hcrsliiratioii feller, too, He gets dliere shQat der same Der RirUlot makes goot -becskit, Und can votth mid iron ding-", Mype dou'd be no loiely A dot girl init diatoml t rings, Budt hen a wile vas vaiited, Who van id dots to blame, Kef dot girl midout her shewcls Should get dliere bfcust the saint? Per man dot leafes hees beesnis Und hang ronndt oucket shops,"' To make dvU loij.ir oudt off you, Yuen urain und oil hck drops, Iay k away from dlierr somediuie Atoocb Inxirer as he came, "Der mills of God grind shlowly" Budtdhey gets itnere sbust der same. Ihen ncfer mindt dhose mushroom schnps Pot shring oup in a day, phoe reputations dhey vas made Jv vork, und not by Way; Shunt poot your Bhouidcr to der vheel Eef vou vould via a name Uud eef der Vhite House vants you You'll get dherc shust der same! Sunning a Newspaper. It had leen Hie dream of my life to own, edit and publish a newspaper, j was net particular as to whether it was a dany, weekly or monthly; I Hmpyjcpanted to run it, and try ray 1 ;l Hi I sitmoldiri!? nuilic reiitinient. us my grandfather had done before nie. Ue was a good editor and ran a weekly newspaper as long as his creditors would leHiim, and at last he died of Jiis dehts. The sheriff gave Tiim an obit liary of which any editor might-W proud. Well, when I had ?avelup six dol Jarsnir opportunity came. A friend or mine who owned a hand-press and a lox of type offered to trade the outfit jor niy watch and sixty dollars. The watch was an old Waterbuny, so it did rot take long to wind np the business, nnd 1 soon found niyselt in full charge of a nourishing country newspaper? With great pride 1 prepared my sa lutatory, but while 1 was in theatt of putting the finishing touch to it, and jind just iienjtfd the usual words: Wi llie here and here to stay, a prospective iliseriher stalked into the sanctum, it id sealing himself calmly upon the e Ktorial desk, said : " That's vour salutator, is it? Now vovfre a stranger here, and may be V ui'd like a few hints as to what the lis iple w i:it? W -11, I'm y 13 niiti to lve em to you. .Liei see wtiat you ve wrote. t lief e.- He suited tlia action to the word and took the editorial form my reluctant bauds. ' It won t do,"' lie said, when he had 1 ibored through my ponderous sen- T iiees. " I see Von dmt understand t'lis people very well. . You know there's more Bibtists in this coiuuiuu- itv Hitm Mmm i Mitlroilir. 1 11 f:wf ive just rule things, and if you don't put in a goml word for the Baptists vou're a ruined man. By the way,! lie continued, mistaking one of my red hlippers for a spittoon and flooding it with to'jac.i j lice, " what churoli do ynn Wlong to any how?"' I was almost afraid to lell him, but 1 ventured to hint that I had n learn ing toward the Meihodists. "Keep it quiet," he said, almost in a whisper, "for the Methodieis ain't no where around these diggin's. They oiily have preachin' once a month, and I hey ain't got but one man on the jown council, whil the Baptists is got me major, four aldeniTsnoae express ngent and two telegraph operators. 0. we're in the lead, 1 tell you; so you'd lietter keep your weather eye open, ar.d lo k to your interest. That's all I've got to say." And he left me to my sad reflection. But 1 was not left entirely alone for. ere the foosteps of my Baptist friend had died into an echo, a tall, sHm man. wearing a uerveous smile aud a pair of spectacles entered and tip-toed toward nic. - I stw old Jenkins comeing out just now." he explained, as he sat doyti on jny ink bottle, u and I'll bet I kiuur Vhii he was up tu. He w;rs trying to iell voudio.v to run the paper now, ivaftii t he.J 1 admitted that this language had impressed me in that way. vRont mind a w vrd ha siys" said ray new adviser, lie's crazy on the subject of religion, and don't know li4t he is t t!kiu 'al)oa. W.i it yoa wan't t do is to praise up the presbv terian. They're retthnr slr.iiter sind w j try n n ;er every day going to build a - )riek church and a public school next week, and lx'for; six months is out they'd be in full control of the town. T ike any word ior it, if you wan'tyour . xvmit ytir paper to succeed, you will have fi give the presbyterians a show ing. And that's all I've got to say." 1 heaved a deep sigdt -jf relief as he vaniiheil through the door, which I wus-nTHiut to lock after him when an ild m in wearing the look of the Afrb- pdist preacher, pushed his way in. llow is it with you, Imdl.er? he its.ieJ, shaking b aiuls Jieartilv, as he plumped down in the only chair in the lO III). i told din) it was not as well jis it in ght ie, but that J hojxd to pull JhrougliT " Vo.ll never do it," said h by lis ten ing' to them Baptists and nrsbvfe- 1ISHIS. riii - 1 hey :ire irxm loruu tuis town. but iv go,.. &t up a levtvali w,uch v i I swoop via from ib- f.iee of t.ie e;.rt t. ! ; I I.... 4Tan!isir "No, sir." "Presbyterian?" "Not exeat I v, ir' "Episcopalian ?" "Not very much.sir. "Win, God bless us, brother," heex elaimed, as he jnmpeil up and grasped niv hand, "you're a Mclhodist, ain't your r told -him no, hot that I had once fallen from grace, and that 1 supposed that was the next thing to it. "Dont worry over it," he said smooth ing! v, and giving me a ship on the back whieh set me tocoughin'. "Vou ain't the first man that ever fell from grace. Ijut wo ar going to throw the props around you and keep you up. Now, I'm going to git right down here and prav for vou right, on this floor, which a'n't hen swept in ten vears nnd I want you to git down with me." It was, in vain that I told him I was in a big hurry and would rather wait till dark. -He would take no denial, and in a second he had started a revival in that office which would have done credit to a first-chiss eamp-meetig. He had warned me beiWrelnmd that he would remain upon his knees until I was converted, and I naturally decided that my ease was hope'ss. As the good old man praved for my salvation he beat the air wildly with his hands, and as I was in the air myself, I came i:i for a good share of the beating. He followed tne all over the room in the ngonv of his plea, now knocking my ! i.' i : t 1 1 ,. ,-.....,: I IjeMll aga.lisi- un- inin iumii mmmm. ui jostling ipv brenst with a severe-blow in the nnbs, just to onijihasize his words. Sometimes I would hit the wall hard, but he only shouted the louder when this occurcd. We were both perspiring freely with the exercise; his paper collar had melted md run down his back, and niv cellu- oid cuffs had caught fire five times. One or the other had to weaked, and I felt that he other was myself. "Brother!1 he shouted in desperation, is the work done vet? Do vou feel any charge?" I w:is tiliont to tell him that T had spent the last cent 1 had. and left no change at all,, but I know he wouldn't let, me up on tiiat. aud so I told him ves. that I was a changed man. "Where do you feel it?" lie asked, as he paused for heath. " In my back and side." I answered. "In fact it's all over mef lie gnve a shout that shook the building, rose-to his feet, told me that I was a sinner saved by grace, mopped his brow in the otHce towel, said to me that he would call on nie to lead the meeting that night and went forth re joicing. Then I sat down to my desk again, weak nnd heiniess. and wrote m own obituary; and when I recovered from the sjiell of sickness which ensued, I sold my p.iper trt the Baptists for seventy-five dollars and hired out toa heat lien HI ll IllLi l l .-MIJII-. 1' . JJ. Oliill- ton, in Atlanta Constitution. T Woai2a Shauld Heed. Here is something I jmt from niv family physician which 1 really think every woman should know. Von:en who sit wit their les crossed to sew or read or to hold the baby, are not aware that they inviting serious phvsieials ailments, but it is true, nevertheless. Ylien a man crosses his le he places ihe ankle of one limb across Ihe knee of the other, and rests it lightly there. A woman more m idest and restricted in her movements, jests the entire weight of one limb of the upper part of the other and this pressure upon the sensitive never and choid , if indulged in for eontinned lengthf of time, as is often done by ladies who sew or em broider, will produce disease. Sciat;eo neuralgia and t!ie.i siuious I roubles frequently result from t Ins simple case. The nusc'.e and nerves in the upper portion of a woman's legs arc extremely sensitive, ndd much of her whole phvs ical structure can become dernngod if they aVeovertaxed in the manner re ferred to. Courier Journal. The re-nomination of Congressman Henderson we take to be evidence of an awakening on the part of the peo to the fact, to which tliev have too long been inadvertent, that ability in Washington courts for nothing with out length of service. Everything there goes by seniority. Manv men of very moderate ability reach positions of commanding influence in Congress purely by reason of long service there with its necessarily attendant familiar ltv witn usa;e. nrecedent n:i,l miKtln affairs a familiarity which nothing b it actual service can supply. The fjirJJier away oar people get from the idea that a sent in Congress is merely a-persoual reward bestowed upon popular favorite, the less lieadful i liHV Ix'cinie of the crv -Rotation in oflifc-f -the crv of the man who is out--the liettor they will he represented " Hrni. i'iess; tne better will their public busi- .i t . . - ueiix; iiuena to.- Landmark Care for tin Boy. IYiHH it. 4 I. 1 t t 1 1 commuuitr. earninr L,.nu l; : ""it in tut' I IP IT -niiin in i-..- m:.v , i,;,. ull l ","'" ... . rHtceiy tnoiiiilit ot ly any one but a mother." vet who nas a tinman t intellect and whom Ihn world will some day flight to honor It need not be said that such was the earlier advantaos (,f Cobmih.. explorer of Clay, the statesman, of Jacob Astor. tlie money prince, because a Uv is ragged do not cast him aside but help him to fight the battles of life and when he has gamed the vu tory he will reward vou with his aou nuance ot "ooil will He t,.. ii. iatr IlilV Ot I like a neileered iexvol th- ...ii-.; i r -."! v'.nen. tne dust has fn rulArf wiU shl mth a bnYlkmrv that will si.pi,jie the nrorfd. C-rncurd Standard Candidate Hewland Conies Down from a Singular Cause. IjCnoir Topir. The question of the Solieitnrship is not. in satisfactory shape and Mr. Now land has tendered the Democratic nomination U Mr. Couitcill. It will be ritrcn.lfiid that Mr. Kwh:nd received 85 2-5 votes and Mr. (ouncill Hi 3-5 votes, giving Mr. Newland a majority of four-fiths of a vote. Mcuowell cast 22 votes for Mr. New land, lint was only entitled to cast 2 votes, Under that schedule Mr. Conn eill would have been nominated by 1-15 vote. The mistake was not dis covered until after the adjournment of the convention and the departtt e from Morgan! on of the delegates. As soon as Mr. Newland learned these facts,he promptly and honorably tender ed the nomination to Mr. Council!, who we ate informed, declined to receive it unless tendered by the Executive Com mittee. It is now for the committee to decide whether it will act directly or call a new convention. Solicitor Councill is a brother of Dr. J. B. Council!, of Salisbury. Supporting the Press Seeds," inquired the president Mi- of the agricultural fair, "has the edi tor of the Jayville Bmwer ptiblisoed the notices you have sent him from time to time about our next exhibit ion " Yes. sir," answered the secretary. "Did he print that column and iT half abt nt the improvements in nice tin k s i f! i -itM j 1 1 ? y " He did, and called attention to it in a double-leaded editorial." "Then send him a complimentary ticket, not transferable, good for one person and tell him to keep on whoop ing things up lively." Mr. Carnegie draws his princely in come from his protected iron work in this country and spends it in England and Scotland where he finds living more congenial to his state than in this country. He has built another castle in Scotland, and announces that lie will spend more of his time over there. His income from his pro tected iron worksin I his country is about $1,500,000 a year. He can spend his time and money where he pleases. Wilmington. One nite reason whi every lxnldy likes t lie Fulls ov Ni:irra so mutcli iz be k a use no one kan it. make one like Worked Like a Charm. Brail fielu" Female Regulator worked like a char in; improvement been wonder ful; cannot express my gratitude. Wish every lady afflicted would try it. I know t would eurc llietn. .Mrs. Lulu A. Lox(;. Sprins Grove, Fla. Write the Bradtield Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga., for further particulars. Sold Uy all drurgij-ts. QcNERAL DI8S0TCRY CO UXTY CO rE LWM EST. Clerk Superior Court, J I Honvh. Sheriff. C C Krider. Register of Deeds, UN Woodson. Treasurer, J Saml MeCubbins. Surveyor, B C Arey. Coroner, I) A At we! I. Commi.ssioners, T J Sumner ehafrmai). W L Kluttz, C F llaker, Dr L W Cole man, Cornelius Kestler. Supt Public Schools, T C Linn. Sun't of Health, Dr J J Sumuierell. Overseer of Poor, A 31 Drown. TOWS. Mayor, J W Rumple. Clerk, I R Julian. Treasurer, I H Foust. Police. R V Price, chief, J F Pace, C W Pool, R M liarrin-cr. Commissioners North ward, J A Ren illcnian, D M Miller; South ward, ) R Julian. J A Barred; Fast ward, J 11 Uor don, T A Cou'unour; West ward, R J Holmes, T C Linn. CHUHCUES. Methodist Services every Sunday at 1 1 a m and p in. Prayer meet in every Wednesday at Gi p in. Kev T W Gullirie, pastor. Sunday school every Sunday afternoon at o o'clock. J W Mauncy, sup't. I'rcshyterian Services every Sunday at 11 a m and S:Uo p m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday at 8:30 p m. Kev J Rumple, D i, pastor. Sunday school every Sunday afternoon at 4 p in. J Rumple, sup't. Lutheran Services cverv Sundnvat 11 ! a m aud 7 p m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday at 7 p m." Rev Chas B Kin, pastor. Sunday school every Sunday afternoon at 3 p in. R G Kizer, sup't. Episcopal Services everv Sundnvat 11 t m and G:30 p ni and Wednesday at G:c0 in. Rev t J Murdoch, rector. Sunday school every Sunday afternoon it 3 p m. Capt Theo Parker,siip't. Baptist Services everv Sunday morn ing ami nijrut. Praver meeting: everv Wednesday night. Rev - pastor. Sundiiy school every Sunday at 91 a.m. Thos Li Swiuk, suj't. Catholic Services every second Sun day at 10 a m and 7 p ra. Rev Francis Meyer, pastor. Sunday school every Sunday at 10 a ni. Y M C A Devotional services. at Hall every Sundav at 10 a in. Business meet- H iurA1 Tbnwday- uight in every mouth. 1 - " - 1 11 s irM t. LODGES. Fulton Lodge Xo Oi) A F & AM, meets every tirst and thud Frulav night in each month. E 15 Xeave, W L Salisbury Lodge, Xo 24. K of P, meets every Tuesday night. A H Bovden, C C. Salisbury IxMlge, Xo 770, K of Jf, meets every 1st r.nd 3d Monday night in each month. , Dictator. Salisbury Council, Xo 27'J, lloyal Ar canum, meets every 2d and 4th Monday night iu each month. J A Ramsav, Reseat. POST OFFICE. Office hour ?rom 7:30 , ' Mone onler hour ! :l m , anday hours ! a u i J U Uam.-.iv. V M, OlTice hours from 7:-10 a m to .::0 n m. r a k to ) p m. m to 12:30 p m A century of progro? has net produced a remedy equal to Ely's Cream Bntni for entarrh, coM in the head ind haj fever. L It is not a liquid or a snuti, nut is per fectly sale and easily applied into the nostrils. It gives immediate relief and cures the worst cas s. Don't say there is no help for catarrh, hay fever and; cold, in the head, since thousands testify that Ely's Crc.un lialm has entirely cured them. It supersedes the dangerous use of liquids aud snutl's. It is easily applied into the nostrils and gives relief at onee. mmmn BHHBPPBB" - - - "" There need be no trouble in iden tifying the poison-ivy in any oE its forms. The hairy trunk will often serve us, but there are two other fea tures which are of much more value. First, let us remember, that its leaves are always grouied in threes, whatever the outlines of their more or less wavy margius. In same sections the plant is always called the "three leaved ivy." And this naturally leads nie to a con sideration of that other vine with sim ilar habits, which is commonly known in the same localities as the " five leaved ivy." This is the Atupelopais qninxefiAm (five leaves), also called V irginia ceeper. and woodbine. This is one of the most beautiful native elimders. It is allied to the grape vine, i perfectly harmless, but is often de stroyed under the impression that it is the ' poison-ivy." Four things r.eud in be committed to, memory, to issue safe ty asrainstotir noisoii-suiuachs: l.The three-leaved ivy is dangerous. 2. Tin tive-lqgvae is harmless. 6. 1 he poison sumachs have white berries. 4. No red- berried sum ich is poisonns. Both the poison-ivv and poison sumach, though unlike in appearance oi folige, have similar white berries growing in small, slender clusters from the evils of the I T II it. 1 i 1 loaves. in all otlier suaiaetis llie bdories are red and in close bunches at the end of the branches; and far from liHino d:ii!riro!is Ul :l 1 r ssr v- i loci lit' -..,... , acid, which is most agreeable to th 1 t ! tf '.II ' taste, ami wnojesomcrwitnai. ' futoin Hamilton Gibson in Harder $ louny People. ely'3 catarrh uniii ifi Duma KSr ""- LvvA Cleanses the "as.il Pass:iges, 5 a y Allays Pain and Inflammation, Heals the Sore.-. Restores ihe Sens?? of Taste und Smell. 50c THY THE CUES. AY-FEVER A panicle U.ipp'.lecllnto ca nostril an.l lsagrer able. Pricf 50 ci s. at D'.uj.sts: by m lUivgistci-'il iocls. ELY UROTIIRS.o6 V UTt-nst.. . v York S "m atop MENSTRUATION , OK MONTHLY 5ICKMESS IF TlkHtN OUVUKS CHA'fiGt 6RLM S KHGtrX SUFT tWK.S V;LL BE NfTNXQ JBOOK TO " W O M A ti'lMiSO ? BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA GA. sola Ait nqnrizic- m Is air invaluable remedy for SICK HEADACHE, TORPID LIVER, DYSPEPSIA, PILES. MALARIA, CGSTIVENES3, AND ALL BILIOUS DISEASES. Sold Everywhere. CAUTION Take no shoe AV. I.. Doitclao' nn price are f-lan it- il un the twlli If tln l-al-r -jnnot supply yon, tinl direct to factory, cnclobiiie ailvertited price. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOS GENTLEMEN. Fine fair. Heavy Laced Grain and Creed moor Waterproof Ilcst in th; world. I'xamino bin 33.Oar-C.EXr INK IIAX I-SKW'KI SHOE. S4.00 II AND-SLWKD WKI.T MIOK. a..-o-i'Lici: ni i aiou:i:s' si'.OE. 33.50 EXTIiA VAI.I'i: C.l.l" sHOK. 3.3 A; S J WOUKINOMKys SIIOKS. 8'.OI and il.7.- HOYS' sCHOOI. sHOE9. Ad i:.:k1-j ::i ftwixresK llatloa and Lace. $3&$2SHOESLAF3les. l.t5 SHOK FOR MISSKS. Host Material, lii-st Sty?. Bt-st Fitting. If. L. Douglas, Brocktonr .'lass. Sold by m. S .BROWN RUNS EASY. CJNS FAST. uivaiig UkLV PERFECTLY. . , Mak-3 FINE SAMPLE. NEVER CHOKE3 or BREAKS THE ROLL TKEGSLE3RATED C0IT Has A!l LATEST IMPROVEMENTS tDcludmg BaUurr V on Itrubb which ic auroa ven speed. This feature is peculiar to this n-.ak j of Gin ann is usbd on no other. Are H l.I.r lit AXA'TKEU and Arc ditw r'KKI . OI' ::e.1 i: i at e.ny R. R. Station or the landing oi" any Rag-alar Steamboat Line la the SouUi. If we have no Agent near you, address the Genera: Southern Agent. DALLAS TEX. 3 Ton $35. SQOOD S STAMOARD t - - - .v.j-ht paid, ially -. Zt?':.r. Z'.Vm Irra I i la ll . . i.. ..c . 1 A - ltiata ' . a-.'t .a.Ia. Tax. b.Vt .Ia'.'LL A an-, fem Tisff BiS lUil SB I sag - SEND YOUR JOB PRINTING TO THE WATCHMAN JOB OFFICE. L M. PATT0N, Jr., Lessee. CoiDlete in all its Appiintraents. O- Every Variety of Printing Done With Neatness and Dispatch. -o Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Note Ilea Statements, Envelopes Pamphlets, Poster. DoJjcrsf Carvls. f Tags, Ball & Wedding Invitations. n n rw r r n vi 1 ' i ' i i No :-: Botch :-: Work. ! I I 1 I I L t h h h h h f"! Satisfaction Guaranteed. Orders Ivy mail solicited and prompt ly attendetl to. Address. J. M. PATTON, Jr., Salisbury, N. C. Tboon to smokees LL.VS PISE LEAF CUJARS k CIGARETTES Use the Tine Needle Cigars for a de liflhtful smoke and speedy relief for IN FLUENZA. ACUTE AND CHRONIC CATARRH, CLERGYMEN'S SOKE rilHOAT, HAY FEY Kit. ASTHMA and ALL HltONCHIAL DISEASES. Com bining the full aroma of the Yara tobac co, imparting to the taste and breath a pleasant ellect, and by the introduction of pine needle the nicotine or poisonous properties of tobacco arc destroyed, not only rendering their use free from injury, but with positive benefit to the consumer. For sale by the following dealers in Salisbury: O. W. Smith, C. J. Kestler, W. L. Young, D. Hanline, L. Ed. Heilig. J. II. Euniss, E. C. Miller, C. II. Swiuk, J. W. Harris, J. R. Smith, also at St. James hotel. S. F. HARRELL, Greensboro, N. C. Southern Agent. Slalf f Xurlli L'aroliua, la Office ci-rk ROWAN COUNTY. ) Superior Court. Notice is hereby given of the incorpo ration of the Connelly Springs Company: that the names of ihe incorporators are S. II. Wiley, W. S.nithdeal, John White head, Theo. F. Kluttz, Chas. Trice, A. B. Andrews, N. B. McCanlos, R.J. Holmes, Lee S. Overman, W. C. Black iner. Kerr Craisc T. C. Linn, aud W. C. Cotigh enour, and such others as they may as sociatc with them; that the principal place of business shall be in Connelly Springs, N. C, and its general purpose and business is to conjunct, operate and manage a hotel and watering place for the accommodation of such persons as usually patronize the same as a summer and winter resort ; that the duration of the corporation shall be thirty years; the capital stock is fifty thousand dollars, divided in live hundred .-h ires of the par value one hundred dollars. ,i7: t J. M. HORAH, C. S. C. iCERRCRAIOE. I.. H. CI.KMXKT CRA1GE & CLEMENT, Aftornovs Vt jLj z w Salisbury, N. C. Feb. 3nl, 1881 Steam, Air and Vacuum Pumps, Vertical and Horizon tal ol VERTICAL PISTON. Rlctoifl and DaBTillB Ballroad Go. AY. N. C. Division Passenger Train Schedule. Effective May 13th, 1888. Tram Nu. it. Wew bouud. TTjln No. 3. !..(.-1 MUbU. Lv j " 6 at 44 II im S W 8 U5 a. in. p. tu isoston AC. 6ik I'ullaurU'hI.l iiuiosfcn- I.JUlUOUIJJ Daaviue 3-itU S 10 noon p.m- a, m. a. tu. i.lcnuiunu nriUsviUo JS 15 a.m. p. ID. 8 IS p. m. GOltteOOro 1 45 a. ui. Uatejgik x : j Durham 11 15 4 ? a. m. 3 u a. in. urwnsboru ',: p.4n. 11 15 Ar 12 12 IS 36 li 55 1 14 1 44 210 i to 8 49 3 13 3 2T 4 4:il a. in. noon p. in. Salisbury 2" Staiesvllle 2i Cauwba I Kewton 5 51 Hickory Connelly 8i)ring8 1 4 Morsranion 4 Olei. Alpine 4 1 Marion S44 Old Fort " 3 '3 Round Knob , 2 " Black Mountain 2 0 Ashevllle 1 25 Asheville 1 1" Alexanders W-W Marshall 12 W Hot S.n injfs H 4 AT. LV. Lv. Ar. 4 4 n 34 e i p.m. n .on a. m. I.v. Ar. 5 40 p. m. nrit SpUrjrs Morrlsiown Knotvllle jeill n Louisville 1 n ?5 S rv 715 415 n.m. T rro p.m. . T3 5 50 11 10 T 31 n w 6 S5 1 So 6 lO - lO a. m. a. m p. m Tn'lin opolis rbl St. P Hit 4 M p.m. s no p. m 3 oo p. m. oo a. r.i. S25 p.m. p. m. St. Louts a. in. Ksns:isrity Muiohv liranch Dally except SUN DA Y TRAIN HO IS S ou.ua Leave Ashevllli... ." Arr Waynrsvllle i-i p m fbarlrston .. 5 05 Jariftls TRAIN X017 An 4 5up.m J 3B li isa. m Leave '." A. & S. Road. Dally exct-pl 8UXDA.Y TRAIN NO li TRAIN NO 11 3 5op. m Leave Sparinnii rpr Arilvc. 2 K p. in Tit Arrive Ilrnrtf rwniMlIe 5Sa.B0 Asiuviiif Leave sio 7rih meridian nu.r v.na to l!oi sprir.F. Sdtli .. .. wet t.t lief Sprlnsrs. lnIlmanS!eepcrsbetwcra Washington & Salisbury RIHuuonel i: Orei-nsboro Kalelh (ireensboro Knox vllle IiaHnllle Paii'V. C irs L. TAYLOR, P. V. A. Salisbury A. Kuoxville WINRUEN, Act'K D. P. A JOS WHiTiSOCIC'-l Mills .!'Q l he rrl 1 . i.r tirtj:i. ir M.- r .-r r-J f will t.'ll l I X t.ntXFI I.E lt it, r h I.- alif T 1m.v (to'; 'It.. . Ik -.rrfe f.. u- st rm- i n nr ur '4 f h' . li.im r All ?i - i:, w turn i to 1i"t 'r p to ti. m b-. rlt w n. 'ri.trf an.l tk. ftr'Mtn.l I tf- f iiui.tr -1 ''- tl-3 ni-i.t TMS !- . t it-' .nin l iti irl- 'nhoiit the fiftieth rJr' ofitobalk. It i a srmn. t.--cope.ns larcf; f'f t- irrv V.- Ml..!... h. L n rn tnk from . t.,'.la3y s! tr..n. Ibr -ult.Mirii- oatrxperinr Itrttr, rit nt WV pay H lrMrfcrSr. AtMrp.i.H. HALLE TT i CO.. L:i tSV, rBTCM, il .:!!. Caveats, and TraJe-Marfcs obtained, ar.d all Pat ent business conducted for Moderate Fees. Out officc is Opposite O. S. PATtrtr orricc aud we can secure parent in less time than taoso remote from Wahiii!toa. JSend model, drawing or photo., wit!tae?crip tion. We advice, if patentable or not free of charge. Oar fee not due .till parent io f. cored. A Pamphlet, "How to Obtain PatenW with names of actual client in your Statu, county, ur town, sent free. Address, C.A.SOW&COo Opp. Patent Office, Washington. D. C. 5 .-. ftu.n.i FREE. ."orth SIOO.OO 1.. ...K : .t U:u k.prr. WamnteJ hvj, IrrtVrt JBc:h ladict' xad pent ctzes, rtvi-h work, ,-n.t r . . . . 4 fol flae. Ost fEEiosin rirf?e, torrt!ior with our Urr ,,1 r.i.,.t,i. r.f Kb . r " . ..uiiMrnoia , , . s ihe natch, are Tree. All the frojk to reeii iio to show wliat vie tend you to Ihose who rail toot .-inc.. j ncsc Mmtnei, a. well ......u. ncijmoorna mow sttout vou ihntalwavs reulu in vafanbU trade fi.ru. whidi hoUls torv-can when once (Urtad. and thai l are repaid. We pay all expreu. freipht, etc After you know all, tf you wouid like to fro to work for us. tou can ejrn frjtn to UO per week and upwards. Addreaa! Stinaon A Co., Box Portlaua!, Maine' AHOMECOMPANY SEEK INC. Fonie Palroiaie. -)- AGENTS In nil Cities. Towns nnrl V, Villages in I lie South. TOTAL ASSETS e .. ami mmm. 1 J. ALLEN BROWiV, ?sident Agent, 1 Salisbury, N. C. every variety and Regular Horizontal Piston. C1M0 Tho .most simple, di'rablo-and effective Pump in the market for Mines, Quarries, Refineries, Breweries, Factories, Artesian wells, Fire duty and general mainiiaciturint; purposes. jo fcc-iul tor Catalogue At A. S. CAMERON STEAM PUMP WOR Foot y E.vt Sti:kf.t Nku Yokk, I V- -.-K"' Bfl BawfltejaaS 002TD3SB3D 8022? TUAIN8 KUN By 75 Mkbi liam SOUTHBOUND Lv. ki. iiiiiund " Burkesvllie Kejsvllle " HaovHle Ar. oreenslroro Lv. ooldstoio Ar. Kultrtgb Lv. ltaiefn " Hurbam AT. Oreeiiboro Lv. WlnsH.n-Siilem OreCDHlHHO Ar. SallSlniry t M SiatesxlUe AshevillR Hot S. ilnga Salisbury Cbarlocte SjiarLinbunj lireenvllle All OiT t i Charlotte Lv. Ar. Lt. Ar. ColUiiibU Augb si a NORTHBOUND Lv. Aojrusia " Columbia Ar. t li;;rKite Lv. Allantar Ar. I? reenvIHe Sparianlug h rbarlotte H- S iltsbuo' Lv. I'ot Springs Ashevllle " state vTlte Ar. SiluHnuy LvSallsfciiry Ar.reeijboro ' Winston-Salem Lv. Greensboro Ar. Dili hum KJH: i Lv. Kflcjig-b Ar. ,lfcvhoro y Lv. (liwnsboro r at. nkfvtne " Kr.vsvtlle " Harkesvlllc " trii iVirTmft . . BETWt rv H tST POIST. BICIIIOXD iDtl IlLfia Via Keysvllle, Oxionl,anl hnrJI! Rl a: rt BfATIOX.S iooaui Lv 9 4iiiinA"r 'll ooaBi'LY 1 ooam 2 i;5aml l M 1011.1 HiphicotMl Litlai.ui.d lSlilt V Kt ii in 2 ioam 2 aui: I Furt jt, i. II riiti.cj (Kht 2 4i m' 3 input ; a 5ipui j 3 asplll! 4 21'Ml Ar 4 ooj ut Lv " I."puit Ar s rjii i ' 4 aipm Lv I I t in; i.v-,.iu: 5 17;li' ::-.;vit j 7 !nt t;t I h.tfet u i (,.( Klv Vmtt Cl.trisxuie . SOIMhu I'u.'kx k :s Kit all's xSjh nl .oxlonl Laltiii v in ndfiM ii CJIoill L mi s 1 (11. VV; . Duiliiia , I an y Rail i. i t 'ii.Mii i- ' I't HmhIij "Al litlotial train leaves Oxtur I . n;i 1 1 t in., Htnics iiii(icr.-nii i intf leave Uiawl-rson 2Jo p.m.d arrlvtf! oxforl I.ts n tn. " I'-JU.. IHBn. iiyvxcfinsnito; No . p lea vlnjf Goldbl oro 2. o p.m. nml hM 4.r. p. m. ilmiy , makes coDTi-i t ion m ,urhsiS No wtV le.tTlng at C p. in. dally. . v , , 9 oxroitl. lletiersiin. ;udall t olnix nn Hat t .. nnd U. M. 1-o.i.is. "i.ii.,iu T'a.ssf nt er i oarlu u:n n 11T--L.1. Point and Kaleigh, via Kr m ii.," 1 1, ., ,54 Jr. and 35 and 1j3. -.-mmta Nos. 51 and 53 connect yf l it l n r n.1 fH-fuM Wert Point and BalUuHiro dat! t r tt .utMlav. No. 5o and 51 connect at i.oitisi 010 witi) iriu to and from Morehead i lt nnd WiUuinctiog iy at Scltna toand frotn Kai ii villi - N ) 52 conn cis at ( ; n-ensbi 1 (nTFajpimat - No. 53 connef-is Selnm 1 1 Hhhh'x.c. ' Nos. Van I 51. inak oIom- .-.,!. n. , u,n :it Td sltv station with tRalu.s to and !t m eluiiti iiui except 8nnda s. " SLEEPING-CAR SEEVICI. On train no o and .":. PuiitnTn i:nff xiwpff tjetween Atlanta an Nt-w Vin t. Danvlileakd Ii gusta, and Greensboro Mi UhcviUe lotaS town, Teuu. On tr.ilns ."?j.inrl 33 Piiltn.. n ffr, -- - ....... .1 1 . ' 1 1. v ( hi 1 tiveen U"asliln-,rton antl Nc h It- .t yja V'mi',1 . , wii winrvn 11 ,1 -1 :i ii-. 1 1 n ;ili J.init!iL'Wi i;k-hmond aM Crrcn.lx iri. p. i.j.h nd (inf lro. and Bt?tM'fn fVaslitnKin nnd Anuta, im Pullman Kiifft ilt t pi - Ih t w ccb WaaUecitaMg Ashf-Mlle and Hot .priiics. i ' Throus ru.-kftsons.ileat pdnoi.ialsUtftM tt all?Mints. . For ralti--i I information. aah tn:inv aefim 'lie "obi -i.t nv tr U SOI. HAAS. J AS. L. TAYLOR, 1 rail h- -Hanagcr. t;t-ii. 1'ass Mi W. A. TURK, ldv. p.fssAf'pnt. i.'AI.KHUI.N.C. THIS PAPEB mnv foiuii n fllf aillt p. ibtwell x Oi'-t Xfttipiiiif" )rti'-' St. I. vvlitTf adTerwM 'f.tr It IX XKW VOM. 11 le A Stronff M RELIABLE , LIBERAL r J. I.IIODES BR0W19 I'l'Ksl lKXT. WMi-TT-COAitT, Ski KKTAisY. $750,000.00. capacity. VERTICAL PLUHfit Eicniil a 5 oo ' vl i n i ;2 -i i txt I 4 45 tu 5 4S -J Afl SOT !5 . 3. ; 1 7 a - 12 t M 2 5 tV 6 K J m 11 OO . i hM mi M A M - 1M1 LYT- I ' iNo. u. M 1- 1 ao. 13 A M l PI . oo P sl ,i n 1 1 ?a am -: 2 tm : 6 (IS f !:2 4o : yn i A .m J-!l " ' '& w JJ . .7 45 ' 1 "1 P M S li 1 05 ,i ' ' oo .. : Ag ' 9 w A M ,yt fs ' 'fl IS H - A

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