I .... . m T 1 ' - I Twb nri fiabtoW who w tout Tlw Lhaw ot commerce 01 luen- flornlinfl. WaiCLIli.au , fit were arrested in mond, Vn., b;us ilecided to tun a con v - 1 O ft - . . 1 . . .X. .. . i. ., .,.,.1 fnvmAisi ti !..... Ii.ii l7 niirii vjn. n r ftmri1?l4 London oh Honda and put nner tcbwob oi ukiuum , iivw- i u-t. bonds to keep 'the peace. This is meet in tne cuy some u me m flww-'iBrowwtwwwrj hmhj; wuw.ic w nmihiiu wonderful for J.onao wer w ,.,w-..w".v.. r 1 1 ?. T 7 V . . O - . .. I ., IT It ,j 1 - .1 I . I ,( , no ...u:.. ,.. Un known as th , railway service ox rw - wiwiwiwre miri w n " u nmuiii.i; rr..- - , . - , . . . DOSeu TO try anu agree iiuuii j.n, acta-i in me nr? punac jrc tiiv n . . I a, . . . . '-- 1 hires of a bill to be presented to the vou are an intelligent republican apd r - f f Rnleiirh inmJ..tnri. ni!ikinr muv charges iii not an office holder. Tnere are som? rnr, vwih f ' 9 " i 'ry f . ' i - , 1 iL.. C.. I . 1 1 la I. ,1,. kM lMen e ected liranu sire ot uie the raiiroau laws. iTuilSDAY, SEPT. 25, 18U0. To Republican-:. Tuj j- a little talk we are goin 1 It was also decided 1 good men anion these last but, just a. j t j 1 .iaaMaiawfr Or-1 a i a la..ti- ara urol I ktinwn f :irtnpr 1 litweeii On lel ves. t heir Doli tics is too ereijfii uranu xjioc j.nwf !im. w- w ciw v - - -r .- - - , r Wer of SenatcriaL ForU. S. Sente, ZEBULON B. VANCR a r . . . - . . . Odd Fellows; Tne election euci, county an Honorary memueoi pfwiwtwofmi, voo ucn nwonn ic.r- ranspired at Topeka, Kansiis, last week, the chamljer, in ornjer to increase the nne, to lie of a kind to be considered in Mr. fcusbee will be tendered a Han.- usefulness of that organisation, 1 Urs meeting, w itn you HuiuerenT, you quet at Raleigh, on the 80th ipst. ..' are a republicam as a matter or prmci- ; 1 jn., m HI ii mil irsive llie ireasiiry pie, ijeutiusse u utuu vc uim nir nvin rru- ql.i (.miCaii of Democratic U a i . AVUr PrMnv. of tbe republican party means the lilt; Jitiic vi'ii - nen.lrilllcll t l liliic inniua ""v ' 1 i p ,i 1 . . a ttA aep . .. . a :a . .. hrreatestgood for the greatest number, Judicial. FoiiSuprcmc Court nstiff, A. F- MKHUIM451 BFor Associ.it c Justicp, WALTER CLARKE.. 7th Congressional District Ft rCon gross, JOHN S. HENDERSON, Of Rowan. Senator Vance is speaks tp-day. in attendance and 8th Judicial District For Jadgc, R. F. ARMFIELP, Of Iredell For Solicitor, BENJAMIN F. LONJO, Of Iredell., . County Democratic Ticket- For the Senate, S. IIOBSON. For House of Representatives, S. A. EARNHARDT. For Sheriff; JAMES M. MONROE. For Clerk Superior Court, W. O. WATSON. For Register of Deeds, - II. N. WOODSON. fFor County Treasurer, J, SAM'L MfCUBBlNS. For Surveyor, B. 0. Aiiky. For Coroner D. A. AT WELL. . For Cotton Weigher, JOHN LUDWICK. .... a o ,i;i, .... r-' -i a greatest goou ior me reaieat numuei dote is ill session at ftue.gh to- of lts havlIlg , e.it. red into a KKTor the State i Ti. ui.lq f.A to nriiHr . i i :ai. i Mo i.... - s . ,i uav. i ue uicrrnnai limited winners mo wim u iu a '"it.wm:iv wjumw limits auoui ine - .i i 1 wr-j by Julian Carr. (Jot. owle maae tne y0rk speculators, and Saturday bena- aimocratic ;p;irty you do riot like, welcoming speech which was respona- . CoekreU re-opened the same though you are torcea 10 coiuess, as fid to by B. A. Hackett of vvimes. j fe eimirks becting to yo . co..n ,u . "TTL the consideration of Senator bl.ei- ? . Jh , . fh!It most of the man's bill to reduce the amount of men vwu n;ive e highest regard for bonds required of National banks. Mr. in Asheyille or North Cjirolina gener- Cockrell said that he proposed when ally are democrat, ili ,m Li offer an Now we take it for grunted further fcU,S u... -r. - , that you are living in to-day not in unienumeni i-etjiiiiiu un ivh-.. Of all bond circulation, and th.e sub sLituiion of Treasury notes the best paper currency that any country ever had. "That will take," he continued, 'the contral of our finances out of the i . LLIiaii .in.l mrtimnnlv ir l ;..a l.,r.H .. Hiiima in u r Benato r Y.r Wh.it lms Wn seen within the last joint resolnhon d.rect.ng tbe See re- e taryoftheTa-asnryto mh. Wr J' The Secretary of the 000,000 ounces of ver bnlhun ,th.n tl.eeon" y y thirtv days n American markets at a ireasur nw vr " enot to exceed M 20 rr ounce, speculators in stock. nd n,m ,n New I . v,v,.U i nv nut everv dollar of cash tbe bullion to coined at once ana - -v - . . surplus in uie inswurj j save them and their imaginary ptofits The bill sh ntting the loiteries and newspajwrs which print lottery adver tisements out of the mails, is now a law. There are lots of runiors about what the lottery people intend doing po test the constitutionality of the new law, but they all lack continua tion. Shall the Southern 8tate3 B?cm3 Pro7ine j . Speaker Reed i the exponent of Re pnblicau 'thought and aspirations. When this Busy mill uog recenuv went in '.ectioneeriiig in his Ctmgres sional District in Maine and exclaimed to his Portland hearers: " Whes the Republican party first faltered kt ITS GREAT DUTY OF PRESERVING LIBERTY AND EQUALITY BEFORE THE LAW FOR all ciriCENS of the United btates a Republican House of Representatives has been rare he not only maae an historical illusion but he tore away the veil which thinly hides the dark, deep and unlawful deed of his party His historical illusion w;is to the defeat of Ben Butlers force bill in the House of Representatives in 1874-1875. Our readers will recall thegallant services of Chief Justice Merrimon in compas sing the death of that h igh nnuded measure. Reed attributes all the subsequent defeats of his uartv to the fact that Ben Butlers force bill failed of pas sain?, and he and President Harrison have given it cut that the Lodge elec lion bill must 'and shall become the law. ' Who tbstt knows the hypocntici held as current money. son s count. cant and cunning of little Harrison Three centipedes have beep found .bis summer in Monroe, and the ques tion is how did they get there. A Boston boot manufacturer has rro nested Reuresentative Kiluore to --,1 a allow hiui to name a nev production socially intended for Texas trade, uThe K'lgore Boot." At a meeting of the Hichmond, VaJi" -peculation and gamblin eitv council Tuesday night, a resolu j in.. a... ;,, t, i( ninvu nit' for tak- Q..-iL-r Utni has been so paui 11UII IVilO IIM IUUMH." " ' O '-..-. r ' imr a new census of Richmond by the beaten at his own game by the aleiuo nffippm. The matter was refen-rr ,-:! Is of the House that he (offered 'WliV V, . w edtothecoin.mitt.ee on police. It is through one of his minions to agrce claimed that as many as 20.000 per- that uo more democrats should be tin- hud been di:w in the late seated at this session it llie aemocr.ua would slay in their scats to make a quorum. It is unnecessary to say that Tim Washington Navy Yard is being! the offer was rejected the democrats worked for all it is worth just now, to 1 will made no bnrgain with lietd. help the Republicans in contiguous The offer was not made until the Concessional districts. Secretary Speaker found out that he could not Tracy must have been joking when force the democrats to stay in the he sajd that politics should not enter House not even by locking them up navy yards. Politics may not be en- un(j Representative Kilgore had set an teiing the Washington Yard, but dem- exanipje by kicking op,eu a locked ocrats ure being pushed out to make door that every democrat in the House room for Republicans at quite a lively Wii8 prepared to follow if it became rate. necessary to do so to get out ot te chnmhor. A number of republican m. I a The cotton receipts at Raleigh, . jpretatives are in hearty svmpath) UM it is said will be the greatest on with the democratic efforts to prevent A resolution has been offered in the House asking for in formation relative to the killing of Genen! Barrundia by the Gautenralan . authorities on an American vessel. t ic unseating of two legally elected con- record in September. Ihere ts no . . . . i i doubt that nearly tne wnoie crop in aemocrats hi favor of two negro that section will be open by the ena teslunts but they lack the courage, of pt the montn, ana me main irouoie their colleague, MrT Cheadle, of lndi will be to secure enough hands to pick whQ mUfle a strongspecch beggioj it, Though there are no complaints metnbera of hi9 p.irty not to at of a scarcity of labor, yet there is not . tocommjt tbis outrage, simply enough of it ti keep up witn a crop so . nminritv of the elections rapidly opening. The wife of Gen. Freemont s said to be in very needy circumstances an,d it is propose4 to have the California Pioneers form a fund, the interest rpf which will maintain Mrs. preeniont. It i ssaid that there is room for just pne hundred iuore great meu in yyest minister Abbev. AniiLis interesting to speculate what England will do with her dead worthies when the old abbey io f ull. Policeman Henry Hennerman; of Louisville, took a pap on his front porch. While he was thus enjoying himself a thief caine in at the front gate aud stole the officers hat. Such au out race filled Policeman Hen tier- 9 " committee had reported in favor of the negroes. The negroes will never be seated nutil the republicans get a quo: urn. man with wrath. He provided himself ... . . . i 1 1 j with a pistol and again sit uown upon amitht?ril .houses, and draw .nc pvic.., F.m....B uKv.. , a ael)OS,f and pay I ft - If the farmers succeed in the pru dent negotiation with English capital ists, whereby they are enabled to de 2.000.000 bales of cotton in 532 the the mouldy past and that you real rze that th promise ot gorU tor tne future of any. party must be grounded on its legislation of the last tew years - i , ,i -- as anulied to the problem's tSiat con front us at the present time. You may be very proud of the record of your party of twenty years, more or less, back, but we shall both agree that itciin help us mighty little in deciding questions of to-day, questions thnt are not matters of ancient history, sealed, signed and delivered, but that come home to every man of us at the present moment. Having got this far with very little difference of opinion, let us take a step forward and ask which party, judging by the way they stand on matters of immediate concern as shown by recent legislation or attempts at legislation, promises most lor the future; what nai-lv will in :i probability give us the least uovemuient (consistent ot ourse with complete protection l; which will least interfere witji our pri vate aifaiis: take the least of ,onr mon ey in the form of taxation; return to is the greatest measure ot prosperity; uul present, at the same time a usptc- table appearance in the eyes 'of the world. When we have answered these questions we shall be pretty well on towards tlie end of this meeting ana be prepared to vote according to con science. " When Cleveland was elected, you lepubliia .s found a k iul of w.c.ieil sat- .. . . m l ifactiou in inedicting that untler a democratic at ministration things would go to eternal smash. You were sorry, nF piiiii-si'fTiTit -viiii kmd v threw the . , - ; j couiitrv as ii dead weight out of voui Hands and stood back to see the henv-1 ens roll together as a scroll, the hu map family fall c.ff one by one, and, anvwav. tlie business of the United States as completely wrecked as though it were a small black spider under No. 12 foot. The treasury was to be plundered!; :tll the public offices were to he demoralized by tilling them install ter with-us ignorant democrats, actual free trade was to be introduced at once, the public credit was to be destroyed, wa ges were to go down and prices of staples up, and altogether things were going in be iii.aiaeltv bad wav. You re member all these dire prophecies, don't you, silly as they sound now? All of these things were predicted, btjt you must confess now that Cleve land's administration was" at least an average one, and when it was-coireluded KLDTTZ & REKDLEMANS DOUBLESTORES! DOUBLE STORES! -WILL BE FOUND THE HANDSOMEST ASSORTMENT OF U AND WINTER GOODS NF.W FALL IN SALilbDU K i r - -abv - I WrSTEK- SHOES. DIIES3 GOODS in all the Shades and Fa- EATABLES. Th best Flour made iii The Largest and Beit brics of the Coming. Sea-! America; the .best Cured Assortment in town, fro ;on I Meats to be nnar auueu ine iinc-rn, nm ami valf WINTER CLOTHING. ; Fruits, Meats and Vege-s hand-sewed made, down This is now open for in-i tubles of all kinds at old to the cheapest mane, of . .m 1 L. J All T.il. - 1 11 can doubt its passage? Who that has looked into the wicked eye and seen the wins beat in the hure. bull neck of T. B, Reed, of Maiue, can doub that his nefarious plan to crush the South with as ruthless a hand -as. the Iron Duke did theJSetherlands? Con irress has postponed theconsiderytiojio the force bill until after the fall elec tions. -- . ' It then passes. All elections are supervised by meii appointed by a Federal Judge. To enforce the machinery of this bill the President is given power to call out the army and navy. What is the result? A row' Occurs at the polls the Unit ed States annv is called out blood is spilt. "Besides, the matter goes into the Federal courts, and there the white citizens are oppressed, taxed, fined aud perhaps imprisoned. Another election two years thereaf ter occurs. 1 he memory f the previ ous election day has not yet faded away, rolls crowded with soldiery. insolent and emboldened. Cannon aud artillery in each cummer .. . J . .... cial centre of the bouth. the iron hand of the iroverninent lent to aid one political party and to crush an other. Wives will say to their bus bands, and sisters to brothers: "Do not go to the polls to-dav. lietter, a thousand times better, that the Repul)- lieans ot the North shall be in nowei bv oitr subiuiration. Better even, that a. 'J the negro, our former slave shall rule over us. than that vou shall endanger your life or your libert.si dear to u by asserting a right so obnoxious to the enemies of the booth. And yet this damnable bill thi bill which even a Democratic Gover nor of the aukeo Stale of Ohio so hated-ffiid despised that he is credited with saying that he would catt out al his btate troops to resist us enioiv -uufiit this bill the State convention of Radicals and negroes in Raleigh re cently endorsed, and the white speak ers hailed the day when the United States am y and navy would be at ev ery availaoe polling place, ouch sons of the South as these are liastards. If they know the full import of their owp acts thev would kill their old mother, I he State, to rob her dead body of its vestments. We need everv Con- irressman in the connn Uonirress we can get to stamp out this bill. Who will be the traitor? Who will aid our enemies to force A hn Choicest sped ion; it is nanusome juitcD, --- - and at prices to suit the j Teas, Coffees and Cocoas times. from many climes All Leather, at the very Lowest of tll Rock Bo torn Prices. Weoffer SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS to the WHOLESALE TRAOS. Sec us before you buy as we mean to sell you goods CHEAP foncash or barter. ours to serve, KLUTTS & RENDLEMAX. Regulators of low prices. - CALL AT OtTK STOKE AS D'E X AiSTl ICE 'I MIS M W GIN., GIN COi)r FEEDEK AND THE ROLLINS CLUTCH PULLEY, EVEUY: : ATTACH MT NECESSAUY 'IV A FIKKT CLASS GIN. the damage done was not visible'to the I tHo chains which shall shackle and i l j l a I z a ... . .... naKeu eve at leasr. in iaui ncn Harrison & Co. took hold of affairs they found things didn t thev? :n very lood sliaie very good considering, we mean; we-don't ask you to praise what m j i i chair near him. muttering vengence En Ush onj four peix.ent for the use a is the habit of yonr life to coudenr.i. he pretended to be asleep and sure J , , . , We are not far apart so far. Now enough, he did fall leep after a while, he nione) , it m1 be a grand st. Jlt M ni,tration? and the thief returned and carried off m the directien ot cheapening the in- . yom C!iwlkl lilillif,n ot" it? i ia j au :,.a. i terest on money. We shall rejoice to Honest now. do vou feel a reat throb ine seconu nai- anu tiie lv J,. ilathal a merchant of Maton,; had a difficulty with a negro last Saturdayrnight in which he received a stab in the neck which would have! proved fatal had it not been for hisi Collar button. is the verdict of the facetious Herald. Chicago ...ii : j a 1L.. A resolution has Wn rr,m-tr,l in auuionzeu oppoueiu. iua is .ui the House providing for the nppoint. l;rd on Tyre York, and leaves him to inent of a committee to inquire into W a,one "l3 HIuePcuuei" i, nu: : a. campamr.. llus is only a trick LIllT I 1 1 I Ii I I vn. I llll.l V' II IK IIIIIHIIiar IIIWIIIIII " :,.a a I al .1 ...K.. r.ii.iriovo in nni I .. .. .... i..-,.n..- , if Himwnii . i see ine uav wiwru uui ataiin.io, ... ,u, wucu mc u.u.i" -. a aai.. l TI 1 1 I I J . . . . , T 1 1 air. nennerman m an weai poiicemaij i , a ii;nnf.p secure money at and Wanamaker, Uuay, and Uuoiey ii j- a -m a ii.: I " " . r ' i i ti J CI J. .. e. . a rri...a :.. n.ni, n v ana neeo. aim noar. ami cuiiiium, n iour per ceou hhm ---" i . ,., , ....-.,,i;j m ,.r . . I ngall are mentioned ? Is it ourcandid farmer can anora to pay. co,iyiction that the legislation -attempt- 1 1 11 -I - . .. .-f,..., li t' ill , . .a II itnat ine goon worn win v "i ed bv the reimblican party since nar The Republicans have put out Mllfi tkl tnkneco be the next crop that rison was electid has been of the right candidate in the eighth district, so that I . ia rnitsitlc moiiev I kind? Is the force bill, instance, r.A w u H (.a-ioc will iiuva nni. n a a i. u I lust what vou would have framed for t.aa. aa. um.o, I 1 tin I It-OICt' IS 0(1111111 IO WUlK WCII. 113 it ' , -ii ; II AY-RAKE. aMrCOKMICK MOWER. bind us? XMo self rcppeetiniz white, man we are persuaded. White men of Iforth Carolina come out from among them and turn your face to the light! State Citron idv. the Worlds Fair, and Report to House in December. tin A -terrible'accident occurred on the Heading railroad, near Reading, Pa., last Friday, by which a whole train was thrown into the gchuylkjll river and more than twenty persons killed and a great 'many injure. is only a trick 01 Yorks. He thinks he can poll more Alliance votes withont a Republican nomination than with it; knowing full well that the Republicans will vote for him anyway. But the Alliance is not made out of such stuff! They are not such leather-heads as York thinks. He wiil be defeated, as he should be as any demagogue, seeking preferment iy such trickery should be. The Editcr Eelircs. Willi this issue the connection pf Mr. i, o. Lldnnge, as en it or ot fhi paper ceases. His associate editor de sires to say "that his retirement is felt as a: very keen loss. During the short. time we were associated together, no man ever made a warmer friend than did the editor of the local. Always kind and considerate, not a jar has come between -us. It is a pleasure to 1 w I k i n f an ir f I i f til i 1 i , t iiri vi m - . v i ' . "1 ll ft W w ' a . v i I ' v a the south) f Was it your idea mat me a, . , , ai M:- j . , . , , lit il liii, uiutv. iviii iii iii.- i i i ' i ' v utiiuij - anu i I t i 1 1 u i 1 1 i m an uemcicu l i i - i . i -.1--"- j ft. i imrij l ii in ll ll linn 1 1 ll ci i n ri'uuu 1 l .,,..,, nanwt iiilinr IllPfl i . . ! . 1 1.1 L t .. f -' rvuici iim jiaaaauvi.o C UlIlCes Ol il lieilCIL WOUIU i.'f lu Ji'iii I rilM.- i:. .1 ,.r r I', n , .11 ..J ; al -A.. lUl IIU-LIMUI.II -MVIVU8 U UUU JLi. 3 j'.t.v. rcitlUlCr liaif A Ull l liuuw-umi' ... .1 i iii - : i i :i:.... ....II . I . 1 . i . .'II II IV Wi ll I II I ... Ill'l K. .H.I I I V I 1 I I I 1 I I f. . I ! win iiwic .iiviw-oHHi. .... ...v.v-. . j fnnwiiiHcr mirnor:in i nm lipurti v rr -.. n- I I l- i-... . ...... . . . upon milions, mulcting upon us .1 uui-i ,.. H, ntan 0,i;tr den greater than if we had the sUmd-.leasure h Sliyin , that he neve. ing army oruermany tosuppoiir urn . . . it, , , , you recomend the seating of V, a fn; i-M1 iiiJlh h: . sll man accused of theft, of leading a I 0, . A . . s:n-.,ia j 4v iniui ti i .iuv.li i un; io-'irviiiiv uoii un will be a money competition, and Representative Crisp has the honor of having compelled Speaker Reed to publicly acknowledge that he had com mitted an error in declaring a quorum present when there was none. ' Keep , rt ii . . joui t-ye yn vrisp. lie is a man. rising The republican majority of the con ference committee have patched up au agreement on the tariff bill, and it has been reported, but it is pre sumable that the republicans will hold it until they can get a quorum of republicans on the floor of the House; nrnniinunf rnnnliliniin m.-V, . .( I lw. Mr. Harrison lakep thp epprage to conferen ce comittee , who was opposed pjittv nut hi t hi'iPif rv a. I .... : - 1 r wi IFWIUK Hie I frt Kluiiiao I ... I A , Ia.. , ,, , , ... , -a-w allium, j jjuiiii .-llllciUilll 1 Ct I ll UUI If l iinr II 1. 1 - I. .11 I l 1 . i I I .....a aauiijyi J 111. It IS SaiQ lial I al a.J al. re- ree.iprocity is a popu lar fad just now, and it is well enough to have the name tacked on to the t.iriff bill' That expresses it in a nu shell the much talked of amendment it is only buncombe. it, or give up the business, tical working of the plan beneficial in other ways. tor ln sbinre. n farmer deposits his cotton crop, draws two-thirds or three-fourths its value, and pays his debts or spend he money. It is not probable that he stored cotton will be sold Detore he following spring, when he will pay lis interest and have a remainder in cash when he mast needs it. Many farmers will thus be able to tide over the spriug months without going into debt, and in this way can soon be mas- r of his own. rid himself of mortgages and become prosperous! We will bless the day when our people can get four per cent, mone) ! Perfect CRINDEIJ. Wetgki bit 18 l DUTTON KNIFE G KINDER UK AIM DKILL WE HAVE A LOT OF IHCKFOKD AND HUFFMAN GRAIN AND FERTILIZER DRILLS, THE BEST EVER OFFERED ON THIS MARKET. HSC HARROWS, CULTIVATORS AND PLOWS. WE HAVE A FCIXJJM OF FARM AND ROAD WAGONS, PHAETONS, SURKEY, tAUn, WE HAVE CUT PRICES ON ALL THE GOODS ABOVE NAMED, AND NOW IS THE TIME TO GET BARGAINS. WE - WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. - WE ARE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF GRAIN AND FERTILIZERS- , -BUY EUS OF GRAIN, COTTON AND COTTON SEED. LEsi Eci i ully4 EOYDEH & ftUINN. vetoing It is said that a certambenator high up in the conn- reciprocity amendment. "Oh," he cils of the Republican party informed I -ii 1 i.: uLz. : . l.i... ll. a if I.. . a J a I ti. . 1 jiiiM ui.u ii nc vcioeu mat bin a major ity of the republican Senators had pledgeiHemylyes to make war upon i.im pefl6naityduring the lemuiudei ol hi. ;id::Mui."tr..tiou. i i i p i .1 ill .al... : I "t snameiess me, at ne u u.e o, priters. He retires with best wishes lent ot the L nited otates, uictauug uis oUhev continual welfare.-EoiTORl . . . . . Li'iiwrm.v inmn Mlw f I TUIFl'llPU I 1 . . . - jiuiicv .u.u uiiii8iUKBiiai.ii.. ....w. Durham utobe upon us in the eye ot ine civinzea ,.-.,i. I. v W ,111 . vim li-iv !'. 'r tri! i(l that the power of the s p e a k e r The importance of electing a Demo ..i i.i i. c f.... il,.. I. a bmdd cratic Legislature is the greater this allow but two hours for debate on the year, because the next General Assem- ...t ;mr.... ..,ni;,. .r..MTm f,P oiv win nave io rciistnct me estate: taxing power which it has ever been f f T'lbhcmis get in, they are . a nl 1 n il' .Mi I T. I it'll 4 llMT Mint' 11 I I l.il. proposed eonm-ess should take we S V'J."""Jct r . 1 - . I i-fllllf iir I 11 o n lfll 11.? CA . w I tx in Vii Ihnn. ..fr f.t t Ua u-ii.i o .imoilf lllnnt. tn tfl rt Of I J '- ati .vv .ir.iwiii, UICIU ii;ici a mi- linn, mi" n ' v n I .i. i . i the nresident. in an attempt to reach a oinj.n-il v Hi the btate benUte at east; i i reciprocity, power to put on or keep r air. iff the tax on sugar, tea, coffe, &e.? Unless we have greatly mistaken The white Republicans are too smart yonr caliber, esteemed republican, none t u niwrmps All I in kirkititf i toes I ot these thinirs nlease vou. inev are o rond. Here in Granvillu we have wron wro,,g ' principle, wrong m P r wti t a ml vf.ii bimiv it Ann VOU a. ' ' a sample of hovT,hey will outwit colo.ed man all over the State, county ticket has evidently already bien made up, and the convention, which will meet just on the eye of the election, will be a cut and dried aflaii . The white radical bosses intend to have and to have all the I IUCII va j ; " lpluiu's worth naving. Oxford Iknj, I knnw further pnn'in now be honest 1 - - - - j - iiiiiiu aiiw ii pirviiLiin u.. j i'j it. U ong the high road to distruction as fast as a thing of its size can travel. Moreover, it is not holding us own. Corn Its bet men in the south are leaving Peas if lUk-rfaal1-1 ilu.riKt,.,' FloUrCDtV a ii. mi. hi. hi v i v . i j. i v -. ' i and we thiiiK thev would even lerrv- mander the State so as to secure the formation of several Republican Con gressional districts. Op the whole. we are sure the Democrats had better not give thnu a chance to try theii hands at this business. Xeus and Ob server. EDATES Country Produce Market Imported by D. R. JULIAN & CO. LavJ Have we made out our case? Any way the meeting is over for to-diy. Askerilh Cittzen. . i .i .83 Meal .lo(",.lo (Sacun li-uni .12 ' skonltleri . Totatoca irsh 00 (jt. .10 .75 e ONE CENT ft MILE. REMEMBER TH OCTOBER, 14, 15, 16 & 17- It will be the BEST FAIR ever lulJ in the Souili! Succ of the last one guarantees it! Great Agricultural, Inu-tr j Educational and Social Features " u eweet 45i Eggs - A2X formation, address the Seoixtarv, Cutter .20a2j 1 - Cliickend X 124 (g i.22 1 i . .i in? or Prernium List aim 68, Raleigh, N. t

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