0ji; a Watchman. L O CAL oHptioi rates ofThc Utrolibti F'Scnt delayed ;5 InoWtte r- . j ) Y, tn' 25 IStt) rater y. vnB in town Tucsdijr .iheOp tin ..nHrtifclitre to he unco .yaohas wsth case hut h,, i, & Wilv Ban expqets to U !ilV'- . ... .1.. f..,.r,f iv. ;n(n about the fnsCof the . I., lit nr. urrnea nt Services every JtJiodist church, 4..,, -.-.liner nrr.ltlifl oil lCniv!r - Jh.nibley 1ms retured from trip through Mexico aud dc- Ashe count v of Rich charge Mr. r l..t-l?IV it1--- . taVotfKp op110 town noW lie . ,- -r ' . . if. 1 ' latin, roil., air. ivuur ESilfiBbtX'lt HI V llgiUMi. n .. l--:i,ii7!iiaat- MunfoK . ....in.r branch at China Grove, by r j.Kh'tnncIt, next Sunday. L v? Wallace has returned from the . . i i : v Allgi is Mccivina uauy n mrge ami L ,T,,Utcelc-of fall nd winter " I m : . 1 1 Bhsu-lifltd Eanics and lamny leu EwdaT fir Cap Creek, r , .... t rt lie p Lib mine. hWifttnrfioii hooks arc now open vou .-lionld regisier in, ,-ikiipw what might happen to pre- Int it later on. ftebarrel :ni Keg inciurwn . H-at'Statmille w as bin tied luesoay ri'l. on .Timtllt't (lilt Imillf.'. 1 IK" 1 nery large". ,'h'va"" ' ,)lir " -v "I .' i '.. ... .,( w. lu-n t 1 1 1 ja.l then go u; anu Nek tho socks irf Winston. . " i : 'Hw1 Hie attention oi our rtaut-ra m he taw ad rerl i.st in e n tof E. M . A n - .. .. ; iKic i'mii'!' rend it and see his n! hi i i . a on luitf" cl eans and pianos. Mr. Hubbard oft ho Tirm of ITubbanl mi Linton t arrived in Salisbury a f..v days ngg from London. Mr. Hubbard comes to recuperate IiIh health at Cow nelly Springs ilia vlng been preatly benc- httcd by a former visit, Mr. L-JL Voust has been elected nros- ident of i be SttltetHiry Choral Union to fill the vacancy caused by th- r situation' or Dr. J. F. Griffilln iiph nlhirh .... , "ry M heeU elected seeretnry nnd Mis. W. L Rankin Vice President. Afthevilte is to have nnot her erand f hotel "The Kenihvorth Xnii'V-to cost 1200,000. The Off font illustrated the plan Inst week, and we venture theas sertion that U will be the hiost imposing hotel fetluteture ih t-ehty States. While thinking overlhe street ques tion in Salishury, do not neglect the sidewalks. They are the poorest excuse in the State for a town of this size. Every stranger remarks on the state of sidewalk. Improve them by all means. There is a discussion in Asheville over a proposition to grant an exclusive fran chise to a company proposing to furnish natural gas. which is yet to be bored for. There is a famous receipt for cooking a rabbit, beginning: hit, &c. First catch the rab- Tbe Standard man has made a visit to the convict quarters on the Yadkin rail road and says they are treated with as much kimlucf s as arc day laborers on our farms. They arc fed weH, get good sleeping quarters and are cared for in the best ot manner. Gov. Vance has signified his intention of being here, if possible, and deliver an Meeting of the Concord Presbytery. The Concord Presbytery met at Pros pect church, this county, brat Wednes day and wp glean ,froin the harlot te Chronicle's crt the following: The opening sermon was prenched by tho relirjng moderator, Rev. H. G. QH l.ird, of i p!ar Tout, was elected moder- ator, and Rev. J. A. Ramsay, of Thyatira and Prof. J. H. Hill, of Statesville, were elected clerks; Special orders of business were the ordination of two licentiates. Rev. C. W. Maxwell, was ordained as assistant sy nodical cvnnuelist of the State. Mr. Maxwell will assist Rev. Mr Morton, State evangelist. Rev. Mr. Oreenleev was also ordained, and will preach atTurTcek Cove and Glen Alpine churches. A committee was appoii t d to organize a church at Greenlee, halt way between Old Fort and Marion on the W. N. C.-R. R. Another committee was authorized to organize a chinch at Shell's Ford, Catawba county. A church was' re ported as having been organized at South River, Rowan county. The next meeting of the Presbytery will be held at Bethesda church, three miles from Elnuvcod, on Thursday after the second Sunday in April, 1891. An adjourned meeting of the Presby tery will be held in Statesville, on Mon day after the second Sunday in October, fur the purpose of receiving Rev. Mr. Marion, from Bethel Presbytery, S. C who will preach at Morganton, and Rev. Mr.-J'ressly from the Associate Reformed Church,'who will preach at Concord and Clio churches, Iredell county. 3 i MB New Registration Law. Voters who offer to register under the new law will have a lot of unusual ques- Programme of the District Convention. Following is the programme of the Charlotte District Convention of the Young Men's Christum Associations to le held in ibis place Octolcr 10-12: Friday night: 8-8:30 Devotional Ex rvamxt Welcome; Thco. Klnttz, Esq., KdrVbaiy, Answer. H. F. Hudson, Jr.: ftfhbyv&SO; Address, Rev. A. G. Blc- Manaway, Charlo tef Appointment of Committees for Pterasancut Orgauisatiou; Keports of Ass. .at ions. Saturday Morning 9:30-10:00: Devo tional Exercises-; Permanent Organiza tion. 10:00-10:30 Bible Reading, Rev. W. J. Erdman, Asheville. 10:30-11:00; The AtesV Eers Frotrntle. The wis-c membrrs of ihe Alliance in ihese tlavs devoutly pray, 40, Lml, deliv r us fror.i our friends, especially our office seeking friends." With Jo siuh Turner in Orange, mid ilev. Dan iel P. Meacliam in Wake, running for the Legislature, and praising the Al!i- huice; and Tyre York in the eighth, IVd Ihouias in the Seventh, and Prof; Alexander Mclver in the Fourth. dis tricts, i tinning for Congress aa "Alli ance candidates" (self endorsed), the Alliance is in danger of being biul misrepresented. Neither of these demagogues has . Many endorsement from nny Alliance or any bub-Alluince, and it m not the Paper, Needs and Possibilities of the dis l:ict.' J- E- J Watt' Statc8viMe5 11:00rBible truthto say that H.ey are Alliance TramiuK Class, R. A. Bow man, Char- ...,;.i.... Tu.. . :.,ui . - i vnmt',r- ; x iicy iiini; uu uinit- ml; ill lotie; neporis irom Associations; iisaar Address, General Superinrendeuee ftf es4toii tfe woiild have to call them mwwiw worn, now mm wy nnon, Ocniocnttic candidates, and Geo. B. Haniia, Charlotte; 12, How to I whenever tley so call themselves 4 hey manitaiu the Secular Work, Prof. P. P. seek to practice, a fraud which will Cloxton, Asheville. Saturday afternoon; advance their interests. There are no 2:00 Devotional Alliance candidates for anv office in Exercises Address, The Financial prab-1 North Caroliun. There are, to be sure, lem.How OvercoiiieL. A Coulter, State 1 ninny members of the Alliance who Secretary; 2:45 Bible Beading, Rev W J Erdman; 3:15, Address, Personal Purity in our Associations, P lLAndeison, 3.45, Address. How to Maintain the Spiritual Work, E L Harris, Winston; 4:30, Ad dress, The Volunteer Missionary Move ment, R L McNair, Davidson College: 5:00, The College" Association, Its True Aim, Reports from Assoeiatsons, Reports of Com mi tecs aud ElcctioiLOf-district Of ficers. Saturday KightSiCO.-Song Service -1 H Foiist, Salisbury; 8:15, Reading, Rev V J Erdman; S:45; State Work; Me&sers Special Bargains and Kot:cesJ Ai vert iserr cats in tin? cr'en-n ientf or 71 e nls in r line. VVtt h it and Ifv it. t IMPORTANT! 2 ibis office CILDtsO LOTS FOli SALE, CJUiEi I .( K IK io L.miiu.iiv- .ooiie. Cl.ouiru .1 LOST: - A POJKKT llUK CONTA1N iag a considerable sum of niom-; hi fiiider will be rewarded by leaving it ut this office. READ. GET PIflGES PljOTO. E. H. ANDREWS, Before you Lny Fun.ili.re. It wi pay ycu. 1 want to rail the atteution ot all of the readers of this pai erTln t im tok FRESH GROCEHIES AND COUNTRY I nivui i vnj AM) uh- produce received daily at D. R. Julian !.'?-''? W. f rd more coniplclo ..a uitfiiuviuii iiiiunHnre i navc-beni m lEE THE DOUBLE DUAUOIIT PA It IS ) range at Baker & Naves, one ol tin best stoves ever put on the market. & Co's. o..ll b.al m.A1I:w CHk- uut.n uuAOWiBl i. ... ..i i k l.. , .iu... I inuiais, owner can nave same hy call- WITH ing at this office and provih j "pro'perty. PRKSII Shaver j business. I have just received a car lor d or notmng but Antique G.k and Si.te u Century Suits, ranging in piiro fr, m f2S 28,50 to ?75,Or). These were b nght at a ha renin and ut-e the very newest styles. I have made a largedial in Par- UbUiiIi. .1.- w i . ... UHIU..-..HM.. listen ar t nese muw dways on hand at Coagllenoqr and ,u!1 . '8 ' f. ' ' pieces I am rUer ver's on Main Street. " ".w ,fi'r, &- TA) 100.CO. Plush rv . are IJeniocratic caiirliuates, and few who are ltepuhlicnn candidate's as Prof. Mclver anil Kev. D. P. Mei. chain. The man whe-ssiya he is ' an Alliance candidate is seeking to injure the Alliance for his own'., benefit by misrepresent ing the oitlec for which he professes frieiidslnp. These self endorsed "Alliance candi dates" are every time Rejmbhcans. Pull off th-etHreTing, and you wilt soe the asses' ears protruding. -address on the occasion of there-union of Hons to answer and it is important that the Rowan Veteran RegimenT which will they. should read up on the requirements take place at the fair grounds on Oct. 23. before calling on the registrar. The new law requires: L First there must be an entirely new registration of voters, the County Com missioners having so ordered aud no man can vote at the coming election if his name is not on the new registration books. No matter how many times he may have registered previously ho must register again or he cannot vote. 2. The voter shall give, aud the regis tuition books shall show, us near as may be, the age, Occupation, place of birth The annointed registrars opened the Wd Veof readeuce.jind also the full " . l . ... ..J .1. r- .Wistration books on Monday th 22e d. nule OI luo vo a,,u 111 U1C case OI re r I i a i 1. : i i Remember voter, this is a new registra- nioyui, iuo low.isu.p or cou.uy iroiu Th3 Fejoit from Nortirarolira. 1 x rtitr XT 1 kt fl-l. f tit 1 1 f it wl ltiiii(kii I Inocl hi'tnror f . . ........... c- Weekly weather crop bi H P Anderson, address. Systematic Giv- Week endng to-nfght says If he corners won't the vets, nnel all of us j for that matter, giye him a hearty wel come. The State"Eair offers to give 425 in gold to the person who guesses nearest the population of the Slafe, the guesses to be seivtrw ith the name aud postoffiee address, with a two cent stamp, to the Secretary of the Fair at Raleigh, N. C. The date of the Fair is October 13th to 18th. lion and vcu must register or vou cannot vote at the election. Your which he has removed 3. The registration books shall be kept having registered heretofore stands for PI,en for lustration from sunrise to sun- nothing. 30 days. The books will be kept open ing, George K Collins, Asheville Sunday Morning 9:30, Meetjing. Sunday Afternoon Meeting for Men, Meeting for Women, Meeeting for Boys. The Y. M. C. A. Salisbury, N. C, Sept. 19th, 1890. ulletin for the the reports of eoriespondeuts shows that tho week has Workers- been unfavorable for crops and farm work. 014U1 kinds, tiic first four "(fays of the week continued to be very damp, with frequent rams; and the injury done to ton isconsiderable. Excessive warmth and moisture cause cotton to rot. sprout in the balls, while that which had already opened has been stained uml otherwise considerably damaged. The latter part BLACK SMITHING IN AM.4 ITS BRAN ches, an I the U-t of workmanship, at J. P. Webvra, next door to James' stable. , tf ALU ABLE HOUSE AND LOT FOR V sale-, on Mam Street w.twi-ea Fislier und Bank, enquire pfj. W.. Bustian. . DISSOLUTION NOTICE The partnership heretofore existing be tween P. H. fdmpson St Co is,this day ty muluarconeent dissolved. Thebusi ness wilt he continued by'P. II". Tlujnp- son. All persons liiaeoteo to tne anove firm will please call at once aud. make settlement. P. II. Thompson & Co. Sept. 24, 1890. Mrs. W. H.Coir Will re-open henSchooly. corner Bank ancTFulton streets, Septemlec 1st. Vn ihr Ynunn KTrtS (r!i iatL Amtnrinl inttst of the Week, flOIil Wednesday tO-SatUl' i -i s- t ,t i j dav, has been cooler and clear aitd ato- and Christian Workers of the Charlotte fvilrf permitting the (1st) District of North Carolina: ClIIilSTIAN BRETliRKK: The 2nd Annual District Y. M. C. A Convention will hold its sessions in this farmers to resume picking where it had been interrupted. In many places to bacco is nearly all houred. In the low places,; frcst c tuned e;'n the 18. In Davie town Oct. 10th and 12th, inclusive. The -ounty heavy rain and a bail storm, on . . I I . . . 1 e, i. ! I.. .... .1 - a . . . a. hWcotUn that has come iu so far, as uenil lliii'i! is Miy unsalisfactory, blemiis having damaged it. This njiluiui is i neiaj all over tle State. riw. ..llj.ir.i to lie v. i. . Jonts, or eiiih, I v l-beKf-plist -.church of this . l:.s lit i it j:e nil d and Mr. Jor.cs i.n.ne tl i i: Jtcintt Miy -l.cn ly. hottest Lnid lis in tn the W.N. C- DLTjav. I'laik, engineer, ran over killed a trtnjp en Monday mornin tltUiiec niits ibis siee of Stiitesvillet little id rtwid McPaniel, living bolu Hill dropped dead from paraly- last Pnnday. She had apparently recovered from an attack, of-dipthe- Mrglars tried to enter the honse of ,J. zrSi lmltz one night last week. i door facing was prized off and one Ihe- "lasses .Token out of the front Mr. . v " 1 lie atrtitien of all parties ivho" have iMite boxes in the vault of Itbc Davis IVilj-y Uuokv is e;tHi d to the advert ie- Itrtrin regard to them in another col- Jiuncs t)ftj;vvho jivtd in the county k'w miles from tow n was, killeel by the nilu.-i(.n:Ma -locomotive boiler in Geor- a Miimfay. Owens hud been on the iil less t hau a w eek. fire town of Concord, in Cabanas luity. own a cart and a bull and an rt is being made to utilize them for iparpose 'of keeping the paper aud m off of the streets. party of Richmond & Danville" eu- pws are encamped near M"r. Hender- s. It is reported that they arc mak arraiifgements to increase the capaci- ef the freight yards. Pr. J. J:1 Nofrmnn' line Trcifrinrl al -.nanagenieut of the North Caro- lul and Iron Company of Grcens- Ko Ur back in Salisbury where he cx- pa to make bis hcadquartars. b.Hl';l ... , f . ., " sneering inings anoiar, tne I yftU? county papers arc run un- yttjireasulisci-iber. vou have no pa io. ami n rl,.,n3 .n.,f fjust tickles nine out often. iChina (Irove it ,.l..;.v.,i k. . ..... iiuuin, euosmt;rauie uuuu going on amLamomr them is a store house which t is reoorted already bceii rented for a drug store. eoneonl Standard braes wwiaan, Paul Miller as F"pion cotton nicker of r "".v-nnierean ni.-k from The weekly practice of the sot each day, except Sundays, from the 20th day of September to the 24th day ol October, 'DO, inclusive, and no registra- Chon lion will be allowed after the last named the Kith, injured crops to some extent. 1 1 la n ha (oust tint ton. re; pei adecs in the Mountains. MiDDLESBORorciH, Kv. Sept.. 23. Jim ' X... 1 . . 1 1 , f A 1 ff, in order that ample provision he made ""y "eu cieapcrniio or ino .1 ur- for their entertainment, each Association I! !,cnS"6 " wwiuwuny im iu sessions will he held in the Y. M. C. A. hall. First session, Friday evening cTcdock. liailroad rates can he ascertained by applyingjo ihe-Ageut at your station. We expect at least 40 delegates, and tjnion will take place to-night, in the hall day, unless the voter shall have become of (Tie V. M. C. A. A fine upright piano qualified, by becoming of age, since the has been purchased and will bereadytor closing ot the registration books as pro- to-night's practice. There has been an iiieronrc of Keveral members sincc the June Festival Much enthusiasm pro vided above. 4. On Saturday, October, 2oth, 190, it shall be the duty of the registrars and vails, and the Choral Union is a ire in- J judges of each elction to attend at the si ituticn. Mr. T. J. Jerome, a former partner of Mr. 8: J. Pemberton of Albemarle and who has boon in Kansas City for some time returned last week and, will again locate in Albcmarleand practice law with Pemberton. Jerome has had a hard time .'.ince he left having been robbed of all his savines by one Clark with whom he formed a partnership out west. The Republicans"! n this Congressional district, in convention assembled, at Lexington last Saturday: decided toput old and upward, not being idiots or luna polling places of their township or pre cinct, with the registration Tjooks, from 9 a. in. to o p. to., when and where the registration hooks shulrhc open to. the inspection of the voters, and objections' to-voters shall he made, and the word 'challenged" noted on the books, and a time and place be fore elect ion day shall be appointed to hear such challenge's, upon giving notice to the person chal lenged. But such challenges may be made at any lime. 5. All male persons, twenty-one years no opponent in the field against Mr. Henderson and the h we came near tics, or having been convicted of an in famous crime committed after January saying fight Jmt there will be none) the h 1S77 , and not having been legally re fun will be in seeing how far Mr. Hen-1 stored to right of citizenship, born in the dcrson will leave the self styled Alliance, United States, and who have Jegally Independent, Republican, Industrial U n ion candidate behind. is lcuuested to forward names of dele gates actually expecting to attend to W. II. Reisner, Llim. J-.nu-i tainnu-nt Com., not later than Oct. oth. Members of the Reception Committee, designated by badges, will be 111 atten- into Tennessee, where he is wanted for the killing of a man hy the name of Campbell, and was sentenced for a long term 111 tin? State penitentiary on Satui day last. Andy Watson, another ot the same gang, was arrested by Deputy ... w ... ...I.... ... T ..1 .1..... 4l,l. ..I-IMV.. .f lw. ,1 K..,I f'1"'" ,.pH Jl .-11. 1.1,. I v..... . v. 4 1 1 lie: via 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 .i 1 v. 1 1 v mi 1 1 i e 11 i , . . . trainsand will escort the delegates lo und expects a severe punishment for his our rooms, where assignment wiirTOT V ".'t ..,..s.. c.r t... t..., made to the brflies of our c tiens bv the ... c" ""tv" Committee on Enterlaininent. . turner, and mil 1 tinier , he leaders of t 1.W...1:.., ih,. !,;.... the famous hand of outlaws who for tWrq .is" no association organized,,- the 'W'Wwk rM i et -;.;.. n..L in,. -Kentucky and noriheastcrn Tennessee, . i l i i 1 . l C J V ' 1 I ' V HI IOI Hill, U liU I i." lll . 1 . - 1 f interest of the Association at heart, will he tnde of eivi iza Uou, be considered an accredited delegate by fltf lu lr,,e WJf ft North Carolina, a: n; . ..v, wr lr i ; .. . . w here for awhile, at east, they hope to sending his name to V . 11. Reisner, , t. . . e 1 e -i xi:. . ..ii . k i w be ah e to con t in lie a life of adventure smiiis in ainnt ami Anlique and loth Century that I sold for 10 per cent, more last year. 4-have a well. selected linn of Divans Plush Rockers, Book Cares, Van lie Mori ors and Novelties in Furniture. I have Fran red the country this year for bargains, buying in large quantifies for cash to get ihe best bargains, my object being to give my juusW niers this fall ihe best goods pos.-i hie for the mcnev. I make a specially of furnishing reldi n e.. and hotels Complete JVcm tep to bottom lam anxfens to self you all ytUr furni ture, and will do it if you w ill allow me to eiuote my pi ices. Long time given on Pianos and Organs. W rite me tor Pi ices and Terms. , E. M. ANDREWS, CHARLOTTEr N. C. 0.C.A.C&M. FAIR. CONCORD, N. C. Sept. 30, and Oct. 1, 2, & 3, lSt). - ..MANY ATTRAeTlONS.. LOW RATES ON RAILROADS. Admission . 25ct?. MISS JENNIE CALDWELl'3 k WUfABY MG SCHOOL ?gr-AOTJ- . t.Hl,. or ,,.T.au. Im Hm , ,J rW. . W I .1.. . '..u i ,(',ii , i r.''1!r;'m'T' V Cam" ah miTAT iTut, I M.-rik-al c:.mn. Oaursi- in Art .mi Hi4 i- .. ... K.nd Ca.l:x Orontra. Few Rarfcctrr. wWi fall nMi,,. w cot, a. c da vi j, str:..wissWMui.c. An Unhidden Onest. One day last week, while dinner was being prepared at V. M. Carters, on the dec of China Orove, a large cop per head snake crawled into ihe kitchen No doubt Ids snnkeship was attracted by smelling the good things cooking, but as dinner was not ready, and as Mrs. Jennie Fultz, who was in the kitchen at the time, did not care about having such a guest she promptly dispatched him. We have always heard that rattle snakes and copper-heads were a very domestic snake, so to speak, but this is the first one we ever heard of that had a strong enough hankering after good vit uals to deliberately walk into a mans kitchen. for naturalized, who shall have resided in the State twelve months next proceeding the election aud 90 days in the county in which he proposes to vote, shall be enti tled to vote. The residence of a married man shall be where his family resides, and that of a single man where he boards and sleeps, aud should he stay in one precinct and board in another, his residence slmll be where he sleeps. And if ait elector has previously been registered in any ward, precinct or town ship in the country, he shall not be al lowed to register again until he procures a certificate of the registrar of the for mer. township, ward or precinct, that he has removed from the same, and that his name has been erased from the registra tion books of said ward, township or precinct. on a being the Cabarras 350 to 400 pkaday, but he has to hustle to do v.. u nuiuiers oi rroviuencc I A a-hin i i ...... . ..... ... v nu ei at tiatter Shop on "H Inursdav in rw . ui organizing an assocm- "i vi-t...-...,. - . P&c. The Y 'fwran's sons, and electing offi- oung lts at: M .. h.i ; "'""eysiiall to- Men's Democratic Club 1 . i r 1 1-ii iiifiLt v- wacdanec is desired." Messrs fcarujiardt and WoUon hay 'I Uiv it... I . . I , "l- 1 loiiUUiess the club on thi Young Mens Temccratic Club. The meeting of democrats called last Friday night was well attended. J. W. Rumple was made temporary chairman and F. B. Arcndcll temporary secretary. The constitution of the State bDemocratic club was adopted and seven ty-five names were enrolled. The tem porary officers were thcu made perma nent and M. C. Quinn was elected treas urer, T. F. Kluttz, T. B. Brown, W. T. Rainey, W. F. James and Lee S. Over man w ere eleeted vice presidents. N. B. McCanless, D. M. Miller, C. Bar ker. R. L. Ramsay, I), h. Gaskill, Geo. i..""t? Tt Arendell and W. Ij. t Rankin were elected as an Executive Committee' " Upo motion a committeecousisting of Douglas Brow n, J. M. Hill, W. H. Craw ford and H. A. Blinks, was appointed to procure a hall for meeting and to see that the hall is properly opened on pub-o-jcasions aud taken care of. T. F. Kluttz, Lee S. Overman, F. B. I Andrll and W. H. Overman were ap- i in inted a committee on public speaking legates to the Convention at Ral- was left for the president to appoint ..n .....nbeis intending to go were '""'" " - - . si . . : i evident of 8aWtr"s"' Congressional Canvas. Hon. John S. Henderson, Democratic candidate, and Hon. P. C. Thomas, Alli ance, Independent-Republican? and In dustrial Union candidate for Congress, in tho Seventh Congressional District, have agreed upon a joint canvass and will address their fellow citizens at the following times and places, to-wit: ROWAN. Bailey's Store Thursday Oct Mt. yernou Friday Salislnuy Saturday " u - (The appointments at Gold Hill China Grove have been cancelled on count of the Concord-Fair.) DAVIE. Tuesday Oct Wednesday " Thursday " Friday All persons-arc cordially invited to at tend and hear the discussions. Other appointments will be made and advertised in due time for the remaining four counties. M. H. PHINKIX, - Chairman Dcm. Cong. Ex. Com. P. C. Thomas. Mocksville Jerusalem Fork Church Farmington 2nd 3rd 4th and ac- 7th 8th 9th 10th aforesaid. Ministers all over the Dis trict aro especially invited. We are looking forward for glorious results, not only for our own town, but for the whole District, and all may rest assured that a hearty welcome to Salisbury awaits you. Coi.fi '.cut that our meeting together will ho for the mutual help and blessing of every one w ho attends the Convention, and that the holy spirit will bless us in all things pertaining to our grand work throughout the entire District, we re main, Yours in the bonds of Christian fel lowship, T. H. Foust, President. T . M. McCulloh V. P. W. H.Rkisnkk, E. G. Hunt, V. B. SMOevr, Sec. Rev. Jones and Whitehead, Rev. Paul Whitehead, presiding elder of the Lynchburg district, and Rev. Sam Jones have not been on good terms for some tiran past. It is said that Mr. Whitehead criticised Mr. Jones last spring and has not taken part in .Mr. Jones Lynchburg meetings. In its re port of one of Mr. Jones' Lynchburg sermons of Friday last, the Lynchburg News publishes the following: Some preachers don't like me. Your presid ing elder isn't here helping us to pull souls to heaven, but he's been writingjy the ehurch paper about wends getting dull. (An elderly minister called out, "Let us keep in good humor, brother.") 'I am in a good humor." replied bam Jones. "I'm happy. Bless your life he ain't making me mad; it takes a live man to move me. I never yet h.id a coatro veisy with a dead one; but I'm afraid the devil will getthe folks while some preach ers I know are pulling on their boots. Preachers must be alive to all worth knowing and doing. At thd close of the services, Sam Jones said Brother Garland has just come to me and said I must straighten out what I said about vour presiding elder. He is a gen tleman, a Christian and a schalor and I love him: hut I couldn't resist shooting rav-little gun at him. when he shot his . ' ' c ' big gun at me. Your Wife's Letters. Nashville. Sept. 23. United State District Altorny Runm refused to coun tenance the prosecution of a man who was charged with opening his wife's mail. Some weeks since, a citizen of l'utnani county intercepted a letter addressed to his wife, anil found incrimiAation evi dence which he subsequently used in a divorce suit. flie writer of the letter thereupon ap plied to Mr. Runm for a warrant against the man on a charge of interfering with mailJ Mr. Runm refused to issue it, but the matter was taken before Commis sioner Julien at Bloomington, Putnam county, who refered the ease to Mr. Rubin, who ordered it dismissed upon the ground that no jury could be found to convict under the circumstances. which has few counterparts, even in the pages of fiction. Two hundred union carpenters struck work on the new exposition building at Spoknno Falls, Wash., because the con tractor bought boycotted lumber. The citizens were indignant; consequently bankers, merchants, lawyers, couneilmen and others pulled off their coats, andT hammer in hand, went to tho building and began lay ing shingles on the immense building. Cotton and Grain Market Reortcd hy BOYIIKN QU4XX. Strict good middling, none Good middling, none Middling, 94 to 9.30 Low middling, 9 Stains,- w." 'J GRAIN. Wheat 85$10U Corn ' Oats 42 SELECT SCHOOL FOR GISLS Will open Monday, September loth, 1890. No deduction for absence; except iu csrses of protracted sickness. SALE OF LAND. By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court iu the ease of Isaac A. Lyerly and others. ;Ex-parte, I will sell at tho Court Hqu&s door in Sahsbifry -On Mons day the tith day of October 1890 at public auction, attack of laud in Rowan county adjoining the lands of Levi F6vlass,Isaac Lyerly and W.C. Lyerly, containing 19S acres, more or le'ss. Terms: one third cash, one third in six months and the balanco in twelve months. Interest on deferred payments from day of sale at eight per cent per. annum. J. L. Cowan, Commissioner September 3rd, 1890. office at MORGAN'S STUDIO SALISBURY. Mm C- WANTED. Laborers both "white and colored at BettsJiakcr--mt4'Paint Bank Mines, Car roll County, Va. Steady work, wages $1.00 pvr day 2o miles from Monet Airy and Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley R. R. James E. Clayton General Manager. . John F. McKek, Agent. OWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tarter biking' p)-!-. Highest of all In leavening strength U. s. cc rnn.t : It - ixjt , .1 1"'. IT, lSV. A groat Success was never made by a merchant without auverusing. Captain James H. Miller, while at fen i iga eampmeeting near Indianapolis during the civil war, pulled the curls of a prelty girl in front of him. They bee: me lovers, but she married another. He married also, but he never forgot her, a nd when he died the other day he left her iiiWHjO. She is; living-.n Chicago in poverty ITOTICE.,.. llie firm accounts of Drs. Whitehead & Tranthutn have been placed iu the hands of P. P. Meroncy for collection. AH pei-sons w ho arc still owing this firm will please make immediate settlement. Jno. Whiteheao, H. T. Tkantham. WANTED! o The name of cvyory man in Western North Carolina who has timber land, improved and unimproved, farm lands, town lots and properties for sale. We must have bottom prices, full, ctear and correct descriptions. Persons wishing to buy, soil or rent properties will find it to their interest to write to or call on McCUBBINS & REISNER, EEAL ESTATES AGENTS, SALISBURY, X- C. a o jj 4' i: ill . T. By tho solicitation of my friends, I hereby announce myself as an independ ent candidate for the ollice of Cotton Weigher of Rowan county-. - Respectfully. 41:3m. - ADAM L. KETCHEY. : wEion. " IWI RIDGE IISTIM'SiffiSffi- This school ia situated in one of the most hcUhful bcciIi of the H(ulh. It fcthc lurprt Wg; Schc.l i i North (-art)lin.a. 2G7 MudeHts durini.' yonr hist rlA t uU Courses fojr i.repanulon for I olleKC TwH liing. Music. nookkcepinK. ' i.n.i Ti.f.mi,hv TvnewrilinK. tend for beauiilul lllustruted Catalogue AMicu PRINCIPALS, OAK RIDGE, IU, Ibis paper, The Best Business Opportunity Davis & Wiley Bank. J5alisburyJSC., Sept. 24, 1S90. All persons having special boxes on deposit in the vaults in the building now occupied by this bank are requested to call and get them, as the bank expects to vacate Che premises early in October and all boxes not removed will be left at the risk of the owners of the boxes. O. D. Davis, Cashier, Davis & Wiley Rank. YET OFFEREI5T ; . THE WINSTON WKST END LA XI' Ol.MJ'ANY offins for ...... .i- a rpi iber of its lots in sVrtli-VeSt Winston. inu s walk )i t li cliools, hit ( i lint- of Street Cars in the" , .mil uidii -rlnidt d. inoilli- li -in - - -i 1 tl.ce.snnd ( LM '; in WW, invested in Hind nnicAam curd. Books in rtuunnf. TVAi WW frm ! mart .4 l!o rW. Pi.wrf is POST ritKV.. nt i MitJuali- o t-1 r'''. sale a limited nun are within six minute fniili fi .nvenit-nt to : tain views, ropuhtliti in iK ft.iii twelve thousand (12,000). k n;iiLk nnl ihrcc-.iuarU.-rs of outside nniiK'V Winston-Salem in 1800. Three hun ircd and tweity-ix tlious onddollars put iiTioAutoncsai.d homt. huihiinjn 1 September. Three railroads building intoodiy U-rhi,tary to Winston. This is the U st ti.nejo buy. Mu. V iLt tornwpyen on application to P. M. WILSON, Sec, Winston, N. Or bquesUrd to notify the pi Try the W atciimajm. u.-eiition. hi , - with her ihiid -hu.sLi.nd.

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