X Public E-iacatipn Ta Record two Parties qoptrastcd, &tt,e wcl. Vt, rkrnaJrl.' Iia oflfi I stated I'm luililic schools iu AorUi Were not a efficient na they 'ou Record of ths iejr.nd of tfepuWrCan ariwinmrratioii, iv h iht wwfitn m ww pt wruuz from J-Kp ufferiiig people for i.n, i,..s,-s tif waste and worse than i - . - . m wastt-. not one pn( 01 thiit Carolina was leVktl Xt''by the General for tin, .up- i ii.iir tr nun ii Si'iKNi .iiiu inrn. i i . vd.i i ipm l w rr - ' Le mailf. and we hJre aiwujs fh-fc th iWson w.w to 1 found phiefly ,,.. in th tvertv -oi III Hit- I ill. I. III"? r" I . , ,,eople thev have not felt themselves ableto pay sufficient taxation to main tain sch ails th; t w a. 4 a3 rd the test instruction. IM a n w (lay is davvn in The peoph; hate learned that thev cannot afford 0t TO E11.V?I5 THEIK CHILDRKS." It M tlieiroilly hope to make tlu ui usetul citizen. J 1)0 hte meeting of the Farmers Alliance declared for an uiceuse of the plhlp funds fQf schxl purposes. The LMw Lciutic State Convention unaiiiiQily placed the following nlauk rn U plat- Wif ere vs, The plication or the Deople is essential, not only ty indi vidual happiness and pfQspenty, but alio to the maintenance oi ciy.i uu religious liberty. Resolved, That the n"1 General Assembly pf 5grth Carolina is reoues ed to incrcjise the fund for tthi .Main tenance of public scliQuK. flje declaration of the Democratic convention ples that party, ifw pefifnl, to increase the school fund and ive the people a better system of ub fic schools. Therefore the subject of ijopular education w prjeflLitbe roost niportaiit jiivnlyetT l" political struggle Ugft41t)ll MM Hvr? M subject so momentous, mistakes must lie carefully avoided. Every father juid mother is feebly interested m the education of thejF children, and the question of public -schools conies di jictiv home to tinmi. Not to speak of jhe colore clil4re who are almost entirely depeq4e,lk HPm puMc schools, seven-eights of He whitw phiWren in !STorth C;irolina hayc no qthes chance pf an education except in the public schools. Now, how shall the parents of these children vote in th coming election? Iet us briefly eiarojue the record of he twq parties in Iorth Carol jna iu regan) to public education. Upon their record on this iniortaiit question the people ought to judge them. Iu JSaO, under Democratic ail ministration, the national congress vote4 to deposit $-28,000,000 Willi the States. In 1837 North Carolina received of this amount f ,483,757.89 and the whole of it was applied to the formation of a literary fund for the beuefit of common schools. The money was invested iu the stuck uf the Bank of the State, Bank of (Jape pear and the Wilmington & Weldon 1 Tbf remits of the war aeftvoyed the stock in the banks then amounting to 1,047,100. The stock in the W. & W. and Wilming ton & Manchester li iilroad amounting to fGOOOOOcnme into the hands of the Kepublican party when it came into p iwer. The Democrats had kept open the schools even during the war, but when the Radicals came into power thev closed up all the scholii, drove out the Professors at the University, uud put men in their places because of heir ltadical politics.- Tlie effect wsm disastrous The people refused to send their son Itippe, ami the Uiiiversity was closed. l..das this was, the con duct of the U idic'.ls m dealing with tlie Public School Fund was more in famous still and constitutes a black and damnable spot upon their record which can never le effaced. They proved traitors to the little children of the State by stealing their School i'und which, though diminished uy fhe war. was still larire. In the three ears of their absolute control they sold-out tlie stock in the W. & W. and W. & Manchester railroads (SQ00.000) and in the Cape Fear Navigation Com I mnv 650 shares) and invested the nroceeds in i'snecial tax bonds." Thev Miuaiidcreil in the same way 5,000 of nionev received from the United States Government for educational IMirposes, and were on the point of sel- luig and iu a like manner wasting the proceeds of all the lands in Eastern North Carolina belonging to the fuud. Th schools were practically closed during their term of power. The report of S. S. Ashlev, (a carpet bagger) Superintendent of Schools, and Auditor lleuderson show the fol lowing facts: For tht part of the fiscal year 18AS. durim; which the itepumicans Had power, there was not a dollar of tin literary f und spent for teaching. , Dur iuuthe fiscal year ending Sept. 30th, 1800, there was spent out of the edu cational fnad $107,158.18. Not one lollar of this large sum was spent in tf.acnino the poor ohilkren of the State, white or black, to reap an i) 'kitk. Instead of that the Re lul)lican egjslattvrs took $158,000 of that amounf and divided it among its members under the name of per diem n at $7.00 per day; $3,000 was loaned to l the hadual Uuiversitv professors, and MelalHncpof the0,0p0is charged ip, "expense apcpun: Durins the fiscal venr endins Sen tember 30th, 1870, there was spent out of the educational fund $203,411.01, as follows: Tfiirs Pills Rfgulcte Thg Dowels, Sick Headache, Pyspeptia, Feyert, Kidney Diseases, lilioui Colic, Malaria, etc. Bhif h, none CM eujoy gooil halUu Sold Every where. ely'3 catarrh CREAM BALI nort or i . a . years later, when the upt m Ut Convmtiou they made ih prttiw? t the peo'de to make better schools, TflEY KNOW THEY WOULD NO? fj?" UETEP WITH THEIR DAMNABLE KECOKJy. The recent Itepublican State Conyeiir tion made im declaratitm iu regard to Public 1 lucatiofi except one of regret that the Blair bill was defeated by the epublieatH, Both f Rurth Caroli na s P'tnocratic Senators yoted fur it. S' tit a word does the IfatlicaJ platform 0Ft884. lim, or 18JJ0 say about put. ling-their own shoulders h,ere at honye to the wheel. f le Le mop rats, on the contrary, haye alf along sought to io eyerything possfbje liere at home for our home schools and they promise to continue to do . Wo M hoped that the Northern Republicans who profess such great lovp for the negroes would help y the burden of their ed ucation by passing the Blair bill. But because they refused (they always re fuse to let a me as are pass that will sendadollarsou.il of Washington) SALE OP REAL ESTATE we do not desDiir. we wui not imi Cleanses the Nasal PasfSy Allays Pn and Inftapnuatioa, Heals the Sores. Restores tke Senses of Tu re and Smell. ER TRY THE CUBE. HKYttV A pan 1-Mp Is applied 1 n to each nostril and Um;ri c able. I'rlce 5o ct. at Drutrglst s; by m ill reglsten-d M cts. ELY BUOTUEKS. 34 Warren St.. Sew York tate the tt.pu oilcans oy contenting onrsvdves with regrets and denuncia tions. We will go to work pay the money ourselves and make our public schools the pride and glory of the State. The Democratic record shows a stead- others, heirs at law." ast determination to iucrease the I will sell at public auction at the school fund and improve the school I nouse ooor la Salisbury io ine . n a14I rl iiiKiiwi Diaaer iur caisn on oaiuraay ine acilities as rapidly as the people feet lsth day of October, 1890, the follow! ng hey can Iwar the additional taxation. (lcsjcribed real estate, to wit: One tract TO MAKE ASSET3. By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Rowan Count v made in the special proceeding entitled 'D. C. liradshaw, Administrator of J. S. Sloan vs. E. J. Brndsbaw, Jennie L. Sloan and following show the 0t ud situated in At well township said ngures imo. nits spent for public schools Jin- comity, adjoining the lands of S. h. der Democratic rule: moan, j . u. Moan, o. j. Moan ami oiners, In 1877-$28V),213.33. containing twenty-live acres more or i iw-u wi vOTin " less, the sai being lot IN o. 3 in the di- Itl 6&&C i.lV. vision of the lands of 8. A. Sloan dc- In 187- 32(1,040.85. Iu 1880 352,082.00. In 1881- 400,008.88. In 1882 500,030.02. In 1883 - 021,205.40. In 1884 - 535,205.03. ( 15 counties did not report.) In 1885 037,552 32. In 1880- 071,115.05. (15 counties did not report.) hi 1887 053,030 33. , At this time the date of the fiscal year was changed and we have only the partial examditure. from lov. 30ih, '88 to June 30th, '80 sevea ! ceased . Sept. 16, 1890. ; D. C. BuADsit.vw, Administrator. WANTED ! o- The name of every man in Western North Carolina who has timher land, improved and months the expenditures was $521, unimproved, farm lands, town 840.17. Krom June 30th, '80 to June i . nn A . e u.ui. in ju..J .,i.i;.. lots and properties for sale. We schools amounted to $718,225.00. Thus it will be seen that the Demo crats have regularly increased it and the next Legislature is pledged to m- propert must have bottom price, full, clear and correct descriptions. Persons wishing to buy, sell or crease hnd to make the schools better, or rent properties will find it to The men who have the management .i . of our public school system from wise. ww,r Kercw io write to conservative and progressire Superiu-lcall on taiiflolif I IMrfAV laiiif lllAKi t iLienton I ,.dMeiTer;di1!diua!Bthec,,i Mr.r, RRINSRRISNFR .superintendents and lioards and School w w .iwri Committees, are putting new eujlbu- siasni into the public school work. If the Democratic party is continued in power, our public schools will soon supply every need of primary and pre paratory in At ruction. SEAL ESTATE AGENTS, SALlSltl KV, s. c. GENERAL DIRECTORY COUXTY HO VERS 31 EXT, Clerk Superior Couct, J M Horah. Sheriff, C C Kiideijk i:ej.ster of lleed UN Woe&apfP, Tieasurer, J Sam ' I McCubbiifs. Sij) -vwyor, B C Arey. t!oroner D A At well. Commissioners, T J Sumner elmirman. j W L KJattx, C F Baker, Jr h W fJolc- man, Cornelius Jpsller. Sup't Public Sf, liooj. T p ff Sup't of If ealtli, 1 J J Summcrell.. Overseer of joor. A M Brown.. TOWN, Mayor. J W Rumple, Clerk, D K Julian. Treasurer, I H Foust. Police, It W Price, chief, J F Papc, C W Pool, If M Bsirrinjer. Commissioners Jforth ward, J A Ren dle'nan, J) M Miller; Soi)th ward, B Julian, J A Barren : East M'Ortl, J B Cor don, T A Couhenour; West ward, R J Holmes, T C Liim. CHURCHES. Methodist Services every Saixhiy at 11 am and 6 in. Prayer meeting every Wednesday at 61 p m. Rev T W Guthrie, pastor, Sunday school every Sunday afternoon at H o'clock. J W Mauney, sup't . Presbvterian Services cverv Sunday at 11 a m and 8:30 p m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday at 8:80 p m. Rev J Rumple, D D, pastor. Sunday school every Sunday afternoon at 4 p in. J Rumple, sup't. Lutheran Services every Sunday at 11 a in and 7 pm. Prayer meeting every Wednesday at 7 p m. Rev Chas B King, pastor. Sunday school every Sunday afternoon st 3 p m. R C Kizer, sup't. Episcopal Services every Sunday at 11 a m and 0:30 p m and Wednesday at 0:30 p m. Rev F J Murdoch, rector. Sunday school every Sunday afternoon at 3 p m. Capt Theo Parker, sup't. Baptist Services every Sunday morn ing and night. Prayer meeting every Wednesday night. Rev pastor. Sunday school every Sunday at 9i a.m. Tlios L Swink, sup't. Catholic Services every second Sun day at 104 a m and 7 p in. Rev Francis Meyer, pastor. Sunday school every Sunday at 10 a in. Y M C A Devotional services at Hall every Sunday at 10 a m. Business meet ing first Thursday night iu every mouth. I II Foust, pres't. V7crk.d Liks a Charm. Bnxdfleld's FeaMle Regulator w rked like a charm; i.uproveiiieijt been wo.i ler lul; cannot ewyw m gratitude. Wish every lady alllicted WOuld try it. J know t would eure them.. Mrs. Lri.uA. Ln;. mi vjrruve. i' 1:1 lit., tlu, ft-.. i.i Regulator Ck.f Ai Junta, Ca., for further particulars. Sld by all druggists. LODGES. Fnl ton Lolge No 09 A F & AM, meets every first and third Fridav night in each month. K B Ncave, W M. Salisbury fridge, No 24, K of P, meets every Tuesday night. A H Boy den, C C. Salisbury Lodge, No 775, K of H, meets every 1st Mid 3d Monduy night in each month. , JMctator. Salisbury Council, No JJ72, Royal Ar canum, meets every 2d and 4th Monday night in each month. J A Ramsay, Regent POST OF E ICE. Office hours from 7:30 a m to KMO p in. Money order hours t) a m to 5 p in. Sunday hours 11:30 a m to 12:30 p m J II Ramsay, P M. NOTICE. Is hefchy given that the Board of Com missioners for Rowan County at their meeting held on the 4th da V of August, 1S90, ordered a now Registration of the Voters of Said County fr the elections to le held on Tuesday the 4th day ot November 18U0. The registration hooka will le opened on the 2gd day of September next, and will be closed on the second Saturday preceoding said election. W. L. Ki.uttz. it xr w Chairman. H. N. WoOIMjOX, Clerk. Aug. J I, 1800. 43 tf SALE OF LAND. By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court iu the case of Isaac A. Lverly and others. Ex parte, I will sell at the Court House door in Salisbury on Mon day the Gth day of October J8!0 at public auction, a track of land in Rowan cjunty adjoining the lands of Levi Powlass.Isaac Lyerly and W. C. Lyerly, contaiuing VJS acres, more or less. Terms: one third cash, one third iu six months and the balance in twelve months. Interest on deferred payments from day of sale at ciht per cent per annum. J. L. Cow AN, Commissioner. September 3rd, 18;0. CAUTION i.rr-sa IT JOU. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE Fine )Uf. Heavy Lncod ;rnln r. FOR GENTLEMEN. moor W uti r proof l iamlnr A Valuable Piece of Glass. A SIXTY THOUSAND DOLLAR LENS. The Best Business Opportunity YET OFFERED. A most distingvished assemblage of matheuiaticians and scientists gathered enthusiastically around a plain packing box iu Cambridge, Juas., the other tlav, to look at a piece of glass. It was ten feet iu circumference and three inches thick, but as it lav in its lied of ex. celsior lti value exceeded wVl.OOO. and sale a liimteu niunher ot its lot.s in JNortli-HeSt Winston, lliov alt. ll With o are within six minutes walk of tlie best line of Street Tars in the greatest a tier, t ion. I he nlnee wn fliw office of Alvan Clark, the famous tele- South, convenient to schools, churches and stores, shaded, moun- THE WINSTON WEST END LAND COMPANY offers for Invested special tax bonds, Si 80.000.00 Kxnense account 3,014.00 oil tax returned 415.15 'aid to teachers f schools 88.081 .80 oaned to University 10,000.01 Joined to D. & p. Asylum 3,0000 scope manufacturer, und the glass was the lens for the new telescope to he erected on Wilson Peak, Sierra Madre Mountains, uear Los Angeles, 0,000 eet above the sea for tlie University of 3 1.1 'e ii .i oouiuern auioruia. it will he tlie largest telescope in tl.e world, the oh jt'ft glass being three feet four inches in diameter, or five inches more than tlie famous Lick telescope. The I ube will be sixty-five feet long and the moon will be brought by it to within one hundred miles of the earth. The whole is the gift of . F. Spenee, president of the First National Bank of Los Angeles. The glass was cast in Paris ufer no less than one hundred and ten at- empts aud is insured for its full value u two Boston companies, It will take "ully two years yet to grind and polish it to the required focus and when to all appearance completed the human fin ger will be called into play to finish its surface. It is ground down with red oxide of iron aud polished with beeswax. Among those present were a number of the faculty of the California Univer sity, of l ale, Johns Hopkijis, and other warm institutions. hen in oosition the telescope is expected to perform won ders. It will also hate a photographic outfit which will be three times larger until any now in existance. It will cost $3,000 simply to transport the glass io lios Angeles. tain views. Population in 1880, four thousand (4.(U); in 18D0, twelve thousand (12,000). A million and three-quarters of outside money invested in Winston-Salem in 1800. Three hundred and twenty-six thous and dollars put into factories aiul home buildinjj iir 1800, to September. Three railroads building into country tributary to Winston. This is the best time to buy. Maps, prices and terms given on application to P. M. WILSON, Sec, Winston, N. 0. It flat In til wnrlil. M.OO OKNIIIN'E II AMI-sKM KU S4.00 II M-SKHI WCI.T SMOW. 3JM 1'OI.IOK AM) KAICMKUH' NHOE. Hi.r,(i KXTK4 VAI.IIH i XI MIOV 9-i V a H K I l 1 M E 7I IHO i.oo uixi Ht.-r, itovs' Minoni. km am tuwic in Couftrtt-s. llutton ana Laec. $3 & $2 SHOES lZMm. 1.75 SHOE FOR MISSES. BMt Material, r.. -t Style. Best FltUaJb V. L. IKurlaa. Bro -iton. Man. SoM bf M. S .BROWN. RUNS EAIY. CINS FAfT. Cleaaa SEED PERFECTLY. akts FINE SAMPLE. NEVER CHOKES or BREAKS THE ROLL THE CELEBRATED COTTON BLOO GIN Has All LATEST IMPROVEMENTS including Balance Wneol om Itruaa which In ores eve- speed. Thla feature la peculiar to this make of Oln and is used on no other. Are H 1.1. V ;i 'AK.tXTKKIIaud Am P FRCK OF FKEItiHT at any B R. Station or the landing or any Regular Steamboat Law in the South. If neve no Agent near yon, address the General Southern Agent. H.W.HUBBARD VZlVaV 3 Ton' 535. i en ri i RIabncthtm1 OSGOOD U. S. STANDARD SCALES rrlgfctBnM.faa STATE FAIR. ONE CENT a MILE. SALE OF LAND, remember the dates, $20,411.01 The investment iu special Tax Bonds pf course proved an entire loss, (thev were wortfiless' when bought). Kot OJiefiftli of the whole amount expend ed w s -utplied to public school. Qut pf 2H).(XK) dollura fxpended, less tiinn tliirtv-nine thousmid waspnid for teaching. ' Aud this $3,081 is the total amount of money expended for popu lar education during the whole term pf Republican rule. louring the whole By virtue of a di cree of the Superior Court of Uowan county in the ease ol T J. HUlard, Exr., against W. H. Millard und others. I will sell at public sale at the (urt House door in Salisbury on Monday the 6th day of October, 1890, a tract of laud in Scotch Irish township, adjoining the lands of W. A. Luckey, Jr. aud qtherv. Containing 17Q seres more iZJST ' -S Vart lllP Kerr Terms: O.ne third cash, one third in six months and one hird iu twelve mouths, with interest ou the deferred paymeups :rom Uay of sale at eight 1 ceut. er Sept. 5th 189p. T. J. IIlLLARD, Executor. OOTOBUR, 14, 15, 16 & 17. It will bo thp p:ST FAIR over hekl in the South! Success of the last one guarantees it ! Great Agricultural, Industrial, Educational and Social features! For Premium List and In formation, address the Secretary, Bex SB.'Raleigh, N. C. rrtiorlionM. It low. Easbw, t il'm sa Ttr U.W.IIl'UnAkll.GiiBl.ScalKB lni,lUUAl .r Oellas,Tsa SUBSCRIBE FOR ADVERTISE in THE WATCHMAN KKll CIIAIOK. 1.. II. CI.KMXET CRAIGE & CLEMENT, Attornova At JLa Sai.isui ;uv, N. C. Vb. :in, 1881 W. N. C. Divisjwii Pasaonjgpr Train Scheduif . Jjjafeptive Hay l3th, 18- Tnun No. 32. West ttoutul. l.ai buatid. a. m. p. tu 4 x 0 57 V 42 IMP 6 5 a.nj 8 5 :50 8 10 1 Jt 11 3 II a. iu. UOalOH Ac. )";k l'uli.iaeit iila UaiUUiUIL osulUalpa OauvUic iilJbiaoua kitlelUe noon u. Ul . Ji 10 j i p. m . a. ui. a. iu. i r p. m. Goltebo ro a. w. Ualeljrii Liura.iiu M ir. 4:a a. in. a. ui. Crcwisliors li sr. a io. Siiiabury Ar U 12 noon Staicsvliic i2 36 p. in. Catawba 12 M 1 U 1 4 t 10 S 20 40 s in su 4 M 4 31 LT. 4 40 Ar. 5 0 IM 6 10 f.T. 5 40 p.m. IlOtSprtPg-s Ar. Mornsiown M) Knnxvillo 40 JellU-o '. so a. m. Louisville Newton Hickory Council Springs Moraniou Ciler. Alpine Marlon OM Fort Roand Knob Ittack Moiinlala AsUovllle A8hevtlH Alcxanrters Marshall llotS.rlng 9S p.m. ' o 0 27 ESS 5 S 17 1 44 4 30 4 IS 3 44 3 1.1 2- -Kl 2 00 1 25 1 in 12 4 12 19 U 40 AT. Lv. p. m. nrKjn a. ir. . Eiclu20.ii M DaimHj Bind, 114 KFFUiOT Wto. lti, ibJ" TiiM ) UN By 7i aOUTKBOL ND .. . ... ....... ' oO tturkesviue 5 uo ' KeytA'ille 6 41 ' UaU villi- s 40 Ar. ureeusboro io 27 lv. (ioldLoio 2 i Ar. Hal -iga 4 10 l.y. Kaleigh 4 43 " iMiFtuiIU 6 4S Ar. Urei-hboro 8 o LV. la: .ion- vn if hi t5 30 " ;niti.-uoro ! A r. Salisbury : 9i ' st..tfs. Hie J " AMUovllle 7 r " Hot S,u lags '- 33 i.vSailsbuiy 'IS 82 .r. CUarlolie r w i .Sa.ihaliDUlg .4 i ureeavuitf - A ! Uj.i a 1 1 OO Lv. CUurioitC 2 2 Ar. toiaiuuia A-Ukiitia lt: .HORTHilOUNL K. 1 1. 1 iO. HI. I T A M a A M 4 5 "S s 12 0 S o 1 uo t -., I I "i li "SI ill 11 1". li t 4 iT 6 lo 'U 3 U i" 3 J 4 i 'J i 1 OO i U) V (41 I1! I' M : I AH lAILV. So. 11 10 a. in. In M in ipoHs K p. in. rbro i so sr. Piiul 6 40 TLJn. St . Lonla 7 lo a. iu. KsnsasClty 1025 S35 T 15 415 7 30 4 lin 5 30 3oo p on 825 a. m. p. ID. p. in p. fn p. m. a.m. p. m. Murphy Branch. Dally except SUNDAY TRAIN NO IS THA1NN017 8 00 a iu Leave Asberllle Arr 4 5 p. m 0 25 Arr W'aynesvllle 5-:w 12 2R p ra 5 05 I'liarleslon Jan ells Leave 7 : o 1 13a. mW .HfeXo,,, A. & S. Road. Dally except SUNDAY TRAIN NO 12 TRAIN NO 11 3 5p. m Leave Spnrtnnlicrg Anlve 2 10p. ra T 17 Arrive l!enleioii lllr yr.sa.m Ashevllle Leave 8 to 75th uieridlan iluie uteo lo Hot Spring, wth .. .. .. west or Hot S:rln?8. Pullman Sleepeu bet wcrn Was! Injrton & Salisbury ., .. Hlcliniond & Sreesboi) lfalelgli & ireen;iboro Knoxvllle Iutlsviilc .. ParkwC.irs .. Sallsbnrj & Kuoxvilto 408. L. TAYLOlf, O. P. A. V. A. WINDUHN. Art'gD. 1. A One ofth BIST T.'l -.. an I n l!n Wlirl I. iir tn.tlili. sereuet if . ni-l t.. iurr- ' i- ..nr rn.r r.- m will tmti i:eb irbft in i, ItH-ulitr. -iM.vr ti!y th-i.- win writ t it. nf . mu iuki nnr t thf rktiir. All ym h t..r in ff-inni i. f" .Ih-h- our r.-.ii. t fknr M Ir. rail v.rtjr li.iirl.'.. rt )! h firtiitiitl ylt Til. !. 'nuiiiff 'f thi. ailv.rtiwmMTi ! til. m.lll flllt '.f lliv li r. X rut frivr. th i-f' irmr. of li r-ilui il in eoe. Jhc foUo In u the fiftieth t'irt of itnl.ulk. It U frrauii, duulilr izr tl--ittr , a lar?" a. i ra.y to .urv Wi uillnlsu shor y.m how yia mn mftke from Uni r.i.st I 4 h Liv at Inut, troni :br ftart.M ilfc out rxprrirure. Ii. ri. i nritat once We v ull exjirefrharfea Aearcs. II. HALLE If b CO., Uox RSt-.'lvnuM, m:it. sssssssa SSI III SI II M l CavoaU, and Tnule -Mirk i oUh'.notl, and all Pat ent budineea cenductod tor Koccratc Pecs. HP mce is opMintu s. PiTriiTOrnot aa we can secure rateut iu let, Uaio taau thaw rotnoie from Waxhitisrkm. Send uiodal. druwSug or photo., with descrip tion. We advLs, if patentable or cot, freo of cuurgo. Our Urn uot duo UU patent is tcoorod, A PUrHLtT, "Hov to Obtain PatouU," with nainofi of acttuJ clieuu io yuur tU:o, couaty, t town, ecnt froo. .v. C.A.SNOW&CO. FaTtiiT Orrice. VVaswimotcn, B. C. Lv. Augusta Ar. . Im. I1I.I1C Lv..Vli4Uta .xr. u i sx'u Mile " s4HitUiiii.ug Sailsbuxy Lv. iiov siimgs - Asuevuie " StaUtviKC Ar. s i.isLury Lv. Salisbury A r. ii i cei. Loi o " -. i.-isiue-j-ojf ni Lv. t.re ii-. -oi u Ar. Luibuiu- ' H.'U'ir U Lv. LaiujuU V M No. '2 t.V, (iIfflUaL.OjO Ar. Dau.i.. f. 10 itj 1 J i s.i 6 02 '11 10 12 4U 5 ea 6 r.a 7 45 ill Ul -J ir. IK Ml 1 il 05 ; tKi 7 Jo a It 41 l 85 A .4i AM I- U ' ef I U 12 .11 5 15 1 X 5j 5 SO ! ' u5 p ij il2 iSJvy I 2 h7 6 ( 1' M AM A .M V M T li 1 12 nfi il w " 4 "i ts mi l: h ro In ;ii I Mi 'i 15 -. r. is i AM Pa All AM 1 h Al I" AM f.v Ar LV BKTWKKX WKST PCIXT, EICJ150XD ni:d R.ULItB. Yin Keysvllle, Oxfonl. hi d i nili: in. Ar Clopm l. i ti r.pm AX; i IIIB "I'I'tU 12 Mpta 1: t'i ni 1 1 5.',aiii "ttinhi II ISwlH 1 'ill if, 111 yrijii v :...iu IiMfl.lll 1 1'. li i.'.ala V hi . -. i.i kooatiiJ 0.4Uam 'li ooani t I ' Mill j 2 osain . 25a in j 2 SV llll 4 4."JrUl! 1 OriptU: 3 siipntij ;' XHU s 5tiii ' 3 5SUIt. 1 1- tm r 4 oo;-t!i .v ." .put .r O l .jtlllL : 22pup.Lv A 1'ipltl 1 5 pi:-,' L 3 i, in f. iiajtiii '7 fK (111 SI A'llO.NS AVkt 1'tdnV LIcbiuoiMl lficilliinlltl ltnrki-Mlle Kevsvaie Firt 3U IHhell rinnej Mhi ltaaMew(H live Forks t'Uir sWlle Ulli'Il I -ul lock 's M4IV:i-k'd OM. '.i in Dabmy Ileudcison i XlOMl Sit-in's , Oil's I'ollowny Duilnjjn ' I'aiov L'alt -Ivh b1 Ar I : I.i l'iil f Tu-e-t Sl.ndi . tr" X 0 ln i IL' 4 " 1B M't ui: r IHt'il iiy.- RranBa, rnrrL ntViaHtii -JkW rum tm s nnmafllVVaQinn ftaW 9 OUR MKWi 4Sms Soi i.i Uulii Watch I " orlli WHS watl tl In tlie wnrM timekeeper. Warranted hear?. p"" ii.u Hunting eaaaa. oth ladle.' and rem . wllh work! and r.ia. tijual ralue OSE riuoi in h localily can secure one raswier inth oar Urge Paud vlull. lineof Ilouat-holil a"; Samples. Thcac aamplo. aa well vaua SIIU neiirillltin IMI tlinan n Ii Ad.lliloiiai ir.iin iruYeb oxfiini I day li ii. w.. air.vt s iittilei.iii iv i I. .. i ....... ii . . i I.. icair tii'.Hieixin i.io li.in. dail x. t ti ..tri- . i i i a- ii . i . v'aiomi a.i ) I '.HI. io:lieatag,t;oWTO?,io p. m. nraLPalrbjli 4.1 1 p. u. (1hJ!j , uinke.H conix ctioti m t-urli; unvtiu nv,:.'i,6k'TltHf ut .a 4".v. X( e,( un ? n $t'Vi8'V. i"aH 1 ol",!i ' u O. Il.,fc .. and K. &. M. I n,ai, . ' PaswLif -loaditn i tin tloif.li lU.D Vw To ill Lai. jyh, lit jMllj, . , ,: :,, s and 55 and lo3. est Point and ll-iHitnort dally ifcccni sundn No 5o and 51 connet iat idslxiro with traiiu to and rrom Voreliead i lly aiul M nmiinijt,,,,. au,i at selua u and iroai KavetievllL- -No.52 eonn.-eiaat Oreeusboiu ror Fayt tui;u Ao. 51 coani'i tB at Si'lniii for Wllor, N r Nos. 5o arw M make close coniu ci ion ut li aa SLBBPING-CAR SERVICE. On train no 60 and si. Pullman UoBei SlrMi beiweeu Allal.lii an N. w uik, Dhiiii- n.l I, gunta. aiud tireethLoio Ma Abbeville lo nutrto tow n. Turin. on trains stand r.s, Puilmnn BnfTH SIoppm It tu eeii v aslilntlon and Neworleai K.via Munii t cry; and oet.veen loHsningn i, and HIiuiUihIimi, , tii;i.n,i i:d trreemdmu.. UuUteh ami :reev ivoro. :. ml Ui ween V axningtoi, .Mtgn-n. ami Pu Itmaii LnfTet Slee-. kuwi i, W nM, CMn ana AKlievLle nixl Hot S'tidlifL Tii : ougf i ticket? on ile t prloe I m '. sUl Ion to all I'Oiui s. s For ra t si ml In formation, applj to any ageul of t he t'oit.my. or to SOL HAAS. Trafllc Manager JAS. L. TAYLOR, ( en Pass .' W. A.TURK, Uiv,Pas. Agont, KALfclGH.N.C nt earn lrn nie . natA S . ,or oa ' Ml. ' .. T, JBW Pf! wk ""! upwards. Address aunsou & Co., Box sin, rortiund, Maine.' THIS PAPEE uXZ.im.'i ( Vi.l-lwm.f o a.. . r" iuuui3 iiiu in" nrl-l" lor r-t J - hi t IN KRWlOKli, A HOME COMPANY ski: KIN (5 Eome PalroDam AGENTS In all Cities, Towns and Villages in tlie South. TOTAL ASSETS A Strong Cospj ?) A ? i RELIABLE LIBERAL RHODES DltOWNC, IFE8IDE?T. WM. C. COAItT. Skcubtaiiv. - - - - $750,000.00. J. ALLEN BROWln, osident Agent, Salisbury. N. C. Steam, Air and Vacuum Pumps, Vertical and Horizon tai oi every variety and capacity. ; VERTICAL PLUN&I Ksgalar Horizontal Piston. VERTICAL PISTON. Ml afca il I B t, jiEP. '- I . aan The must simple, durable and effective Pump in the market ior Mines, Quarries, Tn. i -WV e -a tanneries, breweries, Jraetoncs, Arte wells. Fire duty and general manufaeturi purposes. J3f"Send for Catalogue. Tie A. S. CAMERON STEAM PUMP WORK?; Foot u UsT i:juu Stisklt Nkw Yvme., a mm e 'BjT- H t '4; KM . a-.it:.---,