y Th i Eugagcment Ling- Rcmance. J Too first one usually uW-n't cosfcj rmnh, but II cosU enou-li lot tliMt.i i n :tp nhoiit 20 when v n A tetter From Bii! fa r'. White Hm'sn. Spt. 13. I&H). To Tfir. yV. i .., -.W. 'Vsr, My Deau M a,j..k: flin Whife nttt.e w tuoie ciK:.- iul tuan n has beeti 5ii!' ) looking pr t hf j -wi'lers nr? y iH i-ernents1 ;eveiaui leiu n. narrison, wjm i i jaini mm yNirir won.jernig if she will 1 'ittle off most f he time wlren he i i; eacu with what von .sare mull here, is off at Oregon Springs, IV. a hiucii lo yet. At I. iLth yi h,ve got a cunh'lHuli tMHtrer troiu mm lo- no.i;bt r. 1 h?n c -ntus the eventful A 'left SSSta ' 1 IB 1 11 WV 1 I ., BN kf I Regulate The Dowels-. dxy in wlijeli lie writ $ .hat he-ni ioV ; favoaole nnpre-sion mi some (jr. A. It. Yeieran who ealtal on h in. Wh.'H 'me tala the fact htUt &m i l-ration thai fponi the e!4e of the w..r mil b .tnU'il thrir votes j i tin e i MitinI campaign Ijh utterly ignored tlnJ. A It '1 II H t- . , ju , H wouiuuiie:ir a tr mi i t lie y.ter.-ins wi-iv tin o my set U fool. I com. I tiaiTjl "Otie- along wil fi t!j President, but i declined. In the fird place I want to get w inn again. Sit ting in Aha v'cinity of Harrison cbil n man to the marrow, it is like be- pntf KH.-kel up iii a weTviW r.dor or ut- ieiH.1 ig a church sociable. Day before yesterday 1 Iwd to use Some harsh language to Secretan Windom. I asked htm if he knew t:iat Wall .street was on the edge of a panic, and that he was expected to buy enough bonds to, relieve the stringency. ie bad heard something about it but did not regard the. situation ns serious. uY'oi confounded chump," I said excitedly, "don't yon know that, fi there is a panic owing to your slow pess, there will a Democratic adminis tration in next time as sure as U wl piade little fishes." " That tlij scare him a little, and ! managed. t gi t liim on the train for New Yoik, bill he is so slow that very li ely therj will !.; a crash anyhow. If lie does not;:ct1n time it will not he my fault. It Windom had not h on stirred up y me, he would have done nothing, and. a panic would have been the" result. Vi I get credit for Having save.ktho parly? not much. Tiiere was a rpecr I Hiking customer here to-l.tr. liis mime was Smithers. and lie c.ime all the way front Indiana to sfe the President, lie s.id that lie was 41 hijli protectionist amfi fanner. Ie tried to nuke me believe li.it ;. high tariff was Ixmetici; I to tbefarmer. 'Loo'i here Smithers," said , l,oa remind me ot .some darkeys down ii: Texas, pjey were taken in ais badlv a vou ai e." "How was that?"' he axkej uTherc was a white mtui in Austin. Tex., who was a pnttv simp fellow, and the way he used to foo those dai ries was simply seiimialous For in stance he persuaded them that a fourth Of the cotton crop was bigger than a venng;yoii stroll down the steet feel ing your importance at every step; vith hn nping heart you pass into your ,ove's sweet presenci; there she s.U x-jK-vtanl; before you know anything aoou u in r .1 nut h in ymr . Over her tsper fingers the j-welel bai d is slijtped, but what follows oi r. meiu ier so well it need not be recalled. Hank Hahaid was born and reared away down in the Ozark region of Chnstain county, Mo., almost within gun shot of the 'famous Buhl KnobUrs of, South Missouri. He had never been out of the country, much less out of the ofate,aid his ideas of engagement r:n were limited. CwilTmcM daranM the whole " wwfwin iiieuH, sac a as Si ok Ileadaohe- Dyspepsia, Feveri, Kidxsy Dicoascs, Jilious Colic, Malaria, etc. Jntfa PilU prc(luccrSularhal)itof body anl rood dia;9sUoh. nftnank Wrnicn, n ono cu nju ffvotf Uealtb Sold Everywhere. ely'3 catarrh CREAM BALM Cleanses t!te . Nsi sal Passages, Allays Paiin and Inflammation, Heals the Sores. WFEVERfi GE. HAL LHSSOTORY COUNTY UOVEUSMEls'T. Clerk 8ujierior Court, J M Horah. bhM-iil", C C Krider. Register of iJeeds, II N Woodson. Ti-easnrer, J SiimM M-C'ubbi)is. Surveyor, B C Arey. Coroner, 1 A At well. Commissioners, T J Sunnier ehairman. VV L Klultz, C F Baker, Dr h W Cole man, Cornelius Kestler. Hup't Public Schools, T C Linn. Sup't of Health, Dr J J Suimnerell. Overseer of Poor. A M Brown. Worked Liki a Clisnn. Bra lfiel Vs F.mu de He-ul itor worked like n eharm; impravnmont boeu won ler fkil; cannot eXpres mvrntitn te. Wish every lady afflicted woubl ,rv if I knnm i woum eure ihem.-.VfRs. Lulu A. Unui cpnne drove, i n. Writ.. 0-...1.1 u Kb.or C Atlanta G. forf e tfiffl and t&1& nalTi vs W. N. :. Kvfajoa Rest.. res the Sense.- When pretty Snllie "f Taste nnJ S!iiell -plettv HI spite (if her lenrtli I mnrr m-r-n -tt, T, dtamoling walk and f,-eckles-i,,sistl " HATTfiftK upon a miff before she won 1. 1 rnni lrl P-irAh',e,8Uptledlntoeacljnostrllanll8as,e- Oiges binding, H.i 11k was without iblf. l'rlro 50 ct.s. at Drcgrrtsta; by m Ul it-gistci fd .vi. ii,wiiir,n,j(j narrenst.. ev voik the engagement nonplussed. He expostulated sciaelud Iris hesul, thought a . i.;i 1 x- 11 . . 0 mc, .urn luiany went awi came tin next afteriiunn bi - - v mm y 111; wreathed in smiles. k'l ve rot her. eneinncn ,u,'u C . 1' ?ol Rowan County made in the 0 ........ r..w uc UIC Ullt i. speenu iiroeeelinr entitled "D. C Bnulslmw, Administrator ofj. S. Sloan ava. , long lie face SALE 0? REAL ESTATE TO MAKE ASSETS. ho Pril-miiMl o,l L orawwaaenw oi me superior ut exi 1 lined, ni ti rnill.i nr t?,v....... f .. 1- :l Kei ne urew out i.f.w.,.,i;.,... i feat ring ot brass. ' Bradshaw. Adminisl minr nf.r s hallie sniihul and reached out her vs. E. J. Bradshnw, Jennie L. Sloan and h.tud. ii. ink slipped the ring over tie olMcrs4 hMrsnt law." gilts largest finger, and leanin- neai n 1 t -public uction at the the simple maiden whiswred" Court house door w MtaW to the -.m ! o I Iiighest bidder for cash on Saturday the is lmr .wu ... i,re yesatjsnea unit wemis ISth day of October, 1890, the follbwino Mcsenned real estate, to wit: One tract on inirn ami am business with them 111 if li-ici. L i 1 I Mi' uno, mil. mf nisi hick ne evci played on those poor darkies was dur liig the Hsc-jn the Coloraujj river. Hi jilayeditoii those p or niggers vir jnueh like the hiirh tariff barons piay jtron your farmers." .' 'In what way?" MYon see the river was high, and it b ought down lots of drift, wood and n Mg lot of sawed lu in her f run a saw mill perhaps a hundred miles up th river. It was what we lawjers caji notfim a;id jetsam " ' ' il)VL what next?" "f ais Major Jackson was stamliny on Air bank ut the river and saw ah this valuable lumber iloatingdowu tin r-r. 9 lie concocted a nlan t,, ,rf ; T,irr w,s a of d ukies on the I.aii nun l- , . , 1 1 . . 1 L L . it 7 ;;,"ei ro niwii, "Come on b s; Lv.! got a j b for vou. W ule ii" tt.id pul. out ml this lumber and Th give 3 ou a dram of whiskey. Ho v thos.nigH.-s worked. They ris. into bewa crnd risked their lives. hut they pulled out lots of ;imher. thiee hundred dollars. One of (be darkvys woo bad worked very hard for Wratn of uhiskey, met old Uncle Mose and told him abo.d tUa 4 ' , v 1 1 ansae les, Jlaiik, hal, whispered, shak mg the ring round on her finger; but say Hank, whar dM ve git it?" 'Ye won't tell" '"Nope.v 'II nW?" "lloiiesj Hank." uEf xq must know, L cut it outen Ma.ds Sunday galluses." Sal slipped over into Hank's arms, and as their freckled, sunburned cheek touched, tl e girl whispered: "Say, Hank, ain't ye 'fraid yerdad'll lick ye we.t he fin is Lis ' galluses bustud ?" of land situated in At well township said county, adjoining the lands of S. E. Sloan, J. C. Sloan, S. J.Sloan and others containing twenty live (-5)ncrcs more or less, the same being lot No. 8 in the di vision of the lands of S. A. Sloan de ceased. I). C. Bkadshaw, Administrate r. Sept. 16, 1890.31 TOWN. Mayor, J W Rumple. Clerk, I) B Julian. Ti-easnrcr, I II Foust. Police, K W Price, chief, J F Pace, C vv fool, U M liar ringer. Commissioners North ward, J A Ren llernan, I) M Miller; South ward. 1) 1 Julian, J A Barrett; East ward, J B Gor don, T A ('oughenour; West wartl, K J Holmes, 1 U JjIuii. WANTED ! A Preacher aai Tobacao. The country will aw.ut with inter st the result of an effort to be madi next twelve montlw luring the The name of every man in Western North Carolina -who has timber land, improved and bv unnnnrovod. furin hmdo f,.... ,l, ,1 11 1 . ,. i ' unui tiie bar ot the Melhodist Conference, '""St nave bottom prices, full, Bishop Andrews presiding, to answer clear and correct descriptions .0 the charge of habitual use of tobat- r , LOWJI,uu,ls- co. The Detroit Free Press report, arsons Wishing to buy, sell that he appeared Agitated and much ot rent properties will find it ti) chagrined at the situation " To the liisl.op's question whether the interest to write to or uwu was true or not, Brother Uver- eail on ,. ;a. 1 j 1 . J . I 1 McCUBBINS & REISNER, EIAL ESTATE AGZNTS, 'SALISBURY-, X. C. CHURCHES. Methodist Services every Sunday at 11 a in ana bl pin. "Prayer meetnu every weauestiay at p in. Rev T Guthrie, pastor, i Sunday school every Sunday afternoon at .10 clock. J VV Mauney, sup't. Presbyterian Services everv Sunday at 11am and 8:10 p ni. Prayer meeting every Wednesday at 8:.j0 p in. Rev J Rumple, I) i), pastor. Sunday school every Sunday afternooi. at 4 p in. J Rumple, sup't. Lutheran Services everv Sundavat 11 it m and 7 p m. Prayer meeting even Wednesday at p m. Rev Chas BKing, rastor. Sunday school every Sunday afternooi, at 3 p m. R G Kizer, stip't. Episcopal Services every Sundavat 11 1 m and G:.'i0 p m and Wednesday at G.3t; p in. Kev r J Murdoch, rector. Sunday school every Sunday afternoon it 3 p m. Capt Theo Parker, sup't. Baptist Scrvices every Sunday morn ing and night. Prayer meeting even Wednesday night. Rev pastor. Sundav school every Sunday at 9i a.m Thos L Swink, sup't. Catholic Services every second Sun day at 104 a m and 7 p in. Rev Franci .Meyer, pastor. Sunday school every Sunday at 10 a m. Y M C A Devotional services at Hal! every Sunday at 10 a in. Business meet ing first Thursday night in every mouth III Foust, pres't. Is hereby given that the Board of Com ...1. oners tor Kowan County at their r"i"L . "n ,,,e n. ".v of August, " . new Kegist rat ion of the l0m,a""ny the elections . iiimo on j uesday the 4th day November 1890. 3 ti.. . . r . . 1 ne regisnation liooks will be onened V'"""' . second Saturday preeeedmg s;iid election. -W. L. Kluttz". Chairman. H. N. Woonsox, Clerk. Aug. 11, 1S90. 43 tl SALE OF LAND. g- . . . - 'lipillU uourt in 1 nc case ot Isaac A. Lverly and others . Ex-partc, I will sell at the -n n 11 ousc uoor in Salisbury on M.ui lay the 6tb day of October 1890 at nnhli.. auction, a track of land in 1? adjoining the lands of LevilWIass Isaae l.yerly and W . C. Lyerly, containing 198 teres, more or less. Terms: one tbiiHl cash, one third in six months and the balane.. in !!, months. Interest on deferred payments from day of sale at eight per 'cent per IIIIIUIU. J. L. Cowan, in iiiKciiiiini- September 3rd, 1SC0. CAUTION Tako no ahnos unless W. I.. DniiKluB' nam' nd lrnt! art' kiiiiiiu-I oil I ho i?.. 5 i Scaler rnnnot supply you. end direct to factory, enclosing mU ertUed can I mid 1 tmn. 1 . su, with head unon his bre.ist. n.: eyes looking on Hie floor,' sniJ: I have used if ever since 1 can re member, and use it now. I have trie! tune and again to quit, and have dom 40 tor a year at a tune, but I aold out. i know it is wroiv .vill trv. to iv if iii " The Bishop invoked ihe assistant e of the t reared Helper, who would not Miller us to be temped above what we are able to bear," nnd Brother Kyerson was releaved with the si a emeu t that unle ss he stopped the 1 o - of tobacco en tirety by next year, he would have to retire from the Metlmdist ministry. In his trial, however, Brother Uyer on may be assured that general m- pathy goes with him, win or lose. S' LODGES. Fulton Lodge No 99 A F &" AM, meet.' every first and third Fridav night in eacl month. E B Neave, W M. Salisbury Lodge, No 24. K of P, meet every Tuesday night. A H Boyden, C C. Salisbury Loilge, No 775, K of H, meets every 1st :.nd &i Moudyy night in each month. .Dictator. Salisbury Council, No 272, Royal Ar canuni, meets every 2d and 4th Momlax nigtit 111 each moiitti. J A Ramsay Regent Tassener Train Sehdule. Effective May 13th, 1888. l'roln No. tt. WeStBou.id. Tr.dnNo. -3. Kast Bound. l.V sou a in. Ixjlou it.io I ,J I..1A4 ACr VO.k W 6 57 fulluueipbta 1 3i noon 9 it UatUaiore ItbJ iu. 11 0 W as.ilaiion 5 "3 a,m. Lyuv-uomy in sS DjuvUKj lirj r-ni 'i M U.IU. iUuliUHibd JS Ki-iaav U .l- 8 10 pTrn. Golbslioro 1 45 a. Bft. lialelgi. n li Lurliam 3 18 a. m. Greensboro H 2"i a m. S.ill-bui.v Arliis noon st.itesvilie- 12 36 p. m. C 11 hu ba 12 a Newton 1 14 Hickory J 4' Connelly 9 irings 2 10 Mordant on 1 (ilea Alpine 2 49 Marlon 8 13 Old Fort 3 27 lam ml Knob 4 09 Black Mountain 4 HI Ashrvillf f.v 4 10 Aslioville .ir. 5 09 Alexandria 5 34 Marshall 6 10 Hot Springs p. m. 6 15 a.m. ton p.m. 11 41 a. m. 49 9 50 i r. 5s r. .-7 5 it 1 4R 4 30 4 IT 3.4J 3 13 2 33 g o 1 a i it ts 4 12 19 noon 1140 a.m. Ar. Lv p. m. ' v. 5 40 p. m. Hot SoHngs r. 7 30 Morrlstown 50 Knoxvllle 40 .Telll. o . so a. m. Louisville 'I! 10 ?5 S 35 T15 4 15 a.m. 7 30 p.m. o,ln TwArNH Run Hy 7o MEl!ibI Xn. ' IJO 5 CO 4 h I0 ! i.- 4 4u i ' , t i SOUTHBOUNEij l.v. KitliniOnd ' BurkeHvjuc Keysriil " l'.Ul Hit- Ar. ureeasboio i.V.-,OiHSLIlo Ar. Ual. igtx K.ileiuli " Ouriiiwn " Ar, Ore iiboro -, oatiuury ' Miiit-.iue - iAsiievine UiH S.jrtnjra Lv. PallsUuiy Ar. -cbarloite Spariaubur? " i.mnviiK- auuncu Lv. Cliaiiotte Ar. toluiubui AX "Mcy 4 ' 1 -d 'I 4j I ' . . "Ik Wi B 4 01 5 iC 1 1 (rtj I i. ,(ii J lOSo A M llio a.m. Tnrlianapo'.ls " 4-0 p. in - 35 p. m. Cl)i"ngT K30- p. m l so St.. PanI 300 p.m. C4o p.m. Sf Idiots son a.m. 7 lo a.m. KsnsasClty S25 p.m. Murphy Branch. Dally except SUN OA Y TRAIN NO IS TRAIN NOlT s Ka in Leave AsnevU'e .... Arr 4 50 pm "25 Arr WavncKvllle . 3o I2 2pm Charleston. lnisa.m J o; Jarrctts Leave 7.0 TUA IN NO 12 5 oh n. ni Leave t 17 Arrive A. & S. Road. Daily except SUNDAY TRAIN NO 11 Spariftnlcrg Anlve 1 10 p. m 1 lentli noh Hit- 9 rs-. m AshevtHe Leave sio 75th meridian lime Ufceti to Lei Spilr.rc. 90tll .. M-rtl I f lift .ilrwi-o Pullman Sleepei sbetween-WaHhtngton i Halisbtirj iticunionii oroensiHuxi Raleigh & ireen:sboro n , Knoxvllle fe tiuisviUe .. ParlorO.irs s . ii.i.n.-. i- OS. L. TAYLOR, G. P. a" ' """A"i"' W. A. WINBl'LN. ArfjfD. P. A W. L. $3 SHOE FOR CCNTi FMFM mnnl vS' ?ftaV I ilcod C,a,n and Creed moor Waterproof. toe tvorlil WMTIS GOUB CK M1 331 fSFPJJEE One of th' . ... ...... . fur r. iif.... Bre unriiiN(l. en iu iwr.r. , U( r...i eo.-!. .mill wiiji ifta "" I l" ill -STi-ulitT -iM .t. Only riIe t m si nnr lM,u W)r, ,if lb h-nif AU vimi burr tnfti.ia f-iiirn i. tn . tmr jt...r. to th..r v. h all v..nr nrirhlwM nl fh armHMl v.m Thr 1.. -rfouinff of i hi. ' -ni-m-i,t Ti..fn " mr .mull rn.l . t I,. 1 "It - ! I11 :: 53 Jt?2 .. 1I4- .. ; it nUKTHaOUNDr ""C iv 1 7, - . 'I. " Coiuiucla Ar. t bar it. tie liV.AUuitia .! . i'TtcUtllte Siiai laiii utr " Charlotte ' S..HiLUiy Lv.-j.ol dpiiitira Asuevnie " SLalevifcq Ar. s iiisbury Lv. allsOuiy -u . tirm.-i.boio Ulu8ion-iiaien LV. ttlvtllsOoiu Ar. Luihuuj Lv. Mk-i0u Ar. iiwtt.,0 Lv. Uico...4U Af. Httn... BlI. Kc-isVlilf S 13 A ' U I'M a2 1 4 -.-5 1 : 19 oj 5 io .. il i p L is Ts lx 40 ! '2 15 p 2 5 U2 ! t ti" 5 r,:t il 6 01 . 7 tn - , ; ll s 12 (H j. -tj 10 J.? 1 05- I J."0 A 2 51 0.V ' j " sow I' it A i ; m o u I 12 4.-, t M , 'Vi! ! 1 35 o I Ai 3 45 .. - - 5 U LK'TWl i v Via Ke.TMllle.Ovf.,.T.;. : Ut1S- rope, u Urp . i ev to , nrrr W .11 l3., 5h.. x-u1k v. u out uptrimrt, li-tfr writ.- at Olive W. ...V ,. ' , Addre... II. HALLE ft Cu., StK. S ms 7' OFFICE. Olhcc hours from 7:30 a m to :'-',Q n in i Money ortler hours y a m to 5 j in. , Sundav hours 11:30 a m to 12:30 p m J II Rumsay, P M. 'OO VOU milll'd ,7. .4 1..-.1 , - r - ... ..... IlllllOCr OIK. II Mmj ill Jucksou-tjot the; lumber and "Oat's hit, Uncle Mai '' J?' Wl me -llil,MnjahJack-son hah Jin v mom- r o,t t,. i J, , , 'v .L).m t belt eye he had n, i to Rnk ohit. 1 ,0W 1 C0,Kes MajalrJaeksiuiriwnde Coh rndo nbbcr what feleb .1 !i V . I( ll-bfiitlovn the luiii- vlb course not " 'II Il.l I I 114 I . I . x I 1 . "v- ntiuoer p i ten do w 1 it VT . 1 'ovjreckin r.ot." i t D, "i w,Vlffor Vo" 'ool niW let hi,,, lmbdeluniberforMMi.XLnT ?ltoyo,,,n,jes,Hsn,nch ns h t d Jrn.lmtjHj e ;;:se he tle ver te. , de 'vork. w i! e im t.w.l-..ii iJ ,c'(lo'"i done ririor rd!'CV',ye' Ti.e visUor front Indiana meoul ue.il ot we i i h Vn,. r orttl pi. ' ,. -'m uaven t 'iit f l le mr)niH) isLs -....l . r 4Wt- Ti t c w,fbout an ef- Y ttn ViVf ? the-nkaiid el J ou to putl tue u in her ,nf v ti How They Smoke. If a man smoke his cigar only t ivp it l.-hted, and relishes takui it "t oi Ins mouth lo watch the dud ol moke m the air, et, him down as ai, going man. Beware of Ihe mai whomever releases his grip on the ci &r and is indifferent whether it burn or not ;iui,s cool, calculating and ex acting. The man that smokes a bit i-est a lit anil funilde tl... ' - "- 'ftai llllin J ,w.w.emly affected by circuinstnn-1 on annliontinn tt t'S. If t 1.1 , D .1 I -. - ....ugmoiii trequeiit h. the smoker h;; whoki ...ui .i:....- I ii -lliO is a ail fellttw w-oli ...:n: . uici,, Willi The Bsst Business Opportunity YET OFFERED. THE WINSTON WEST END LAND COMPANY offers ft , sale a limit 1 numbor of its lots in North-West Winston. Tlie are within ix minutes walk of the host line of Street Cars in tin South, convenient to schools, churches and stores, shaded, moun tain views. Population in 1 W, ft ur thonsend (4,CC0); in 1890 twelve thousand (12,000). A million and three-quarters of outside money investetl in Winston-Salem in 1890. Three hundred and twenty-six thous- tin ...... . auu uojjai ut into lac touts aid heme buildings in 1890, September. Three railroads building into country tributary Winston. This is the best time to bin- It t " - in IIIH S-i ?J SSfclfAV I A15M1 US' SHOE, All niailc- in C.iDfrtss. Ilutton and Icc 3 & $2 SHOES uS.8,. 1.71 SHOE I'OR MISKKS. Bet Material. Ii-t Ktyle. lU-mt Flttlna. W. L.. DouKlan, Brotkton, UM. Sold bjr . S .EROWN. ymfmm m:Ns EASY, GINS FAST. Clenns SEED PERFECTLY. Makes FINE SAMPLE. NEVCO CHOKES or 3REAKS THE ROLL THE CELEBRATED COTTON tfl "as AH LATEST I M P ROV EVENTS lncludicar i!niao- U iu--t on RruU which in aurea eve- speod. Thlo feature is poculi&r to 2f2f"2f' ?S f"d s uaod on no other. Art- HKK 5: r i:;;u;n r at any BS. B. Station or the landing of any Kegular Steamboat Line in the South If uaVo no Abnt near you. address the General Sou'.hora Agent H.W.HUBDARDVa'lVaV ltmaui'iA ' -lOiini; Ar H twiim'Lv l t:.lu. X iT.il m :ain It 4;;in' 3iiinii 3 ill, in 3 X)Hil! 3 rtj.ni i 3 5S. 1 22'IU Ar 4tHi lll llT- 5 i .im ,r 5 4.1pm i 4 4 .pill 4 jiMaj v. 5 l.p.u 53; m1 i :wptn i ..... , ;, V rn Pi n t I'Ml-lllllOtHl .I'li'liinoiHl l:urliiu,. Kixstii',. yn .villi h. li i llilll j MIH il i ll.lSI (((,( live Forks t lar. still,. r-''tli II l llllin . ' Mot. ill's ii ni I Ml l l lll l IM V In ruli i.M.n i Xtl lil M Hi's I..VI li s 1 ullt.v.nv Piu4i-u I iH'tV hull i-ii l;ia. 4 'w II I 'in U toast ' I - 4-t hi 1 1 iri hat, I -Xn-iJ Mimi; rT k t u iraae- '" obtained, and all Pat ent badneM conducted for Moocum Fcts Ou Ornee i Opposite U 8 PirrnT nmo. u-g. Our fee not duo till patent Is Scared! lltrr. "How to Obtain Patenta." with SSrSTit'K djSd2, .2 C.A.SNQW&CO. Ofw. Patent Orncc, WtHmToii. o. C. 1. i6gv I --, -a -i ;n j M,v,r . in r uirj No 19. ItvvliiirAi iV. ; ; "V' 1 1 a.u Sii:raui-'- a ml 55 and ie3. b ' ' 1 iv'C - U.1..I04..U tl.nl, I. x,,,, i . a. ni., :m r. vi s i: licitM .- n 1 il..:. Iiijc Irtire littlt-rson x'.io i-'n, ai i rite uxitmi 3.ir. i. i.. Noiiriciivn.g t;oitihi off i i , tt.S-! '. toniiu i :,' l i i . Wttrt Point i lid K i ll il i I . . , 1 u4i oanurrt-in SionuH. ,. ... '.V.Ul' uul' n"1 liiw-l trim iruui K.m'i t, vi I u 4M No. rf.-OHDtHISal UrtVliMM III !. i IVtII.tflU "O. !W fOliDffli xt H..lm. r. . .. . .'tl.itlj. j - - - - iu.it 1' ' I l I i ... j ilO Statlou wnit tralj.t to &ia t 1 i ' uxcepi sulcus,. a f-' -U SLEEPING-CAR SITRVIcr IN 3 Ton $35. -SENT ON I n I V jBHGH AMT OH. sition. P. . i- . i i i.'r.iin. o-iii, t, yafml of c.ipital nelin 1 nervons m :,, who fumbles Ins ci-ar i. m ... HoMiiig the ciicar coim-anth surtiuMy ami not ear n it if I.,. i:'utl. ..f ..ii . ... ii . "- " w uiiiiiei .... . .v. cii;ir;ietenstics vvho hne the Ujiiacitv of ro! stuiflis Ins cisrssi in Mjij)?, prices and terms -given WILSON, Sec, Winston, N. C. -A.T- r mei bulldog end, "f5 cisfsir on end mid nneiuedsnioker points irlLS liis course- El Ponce ni, When Baby was sick. Bare her Castoria. Zl" 7 WaS a ChiW' sh ied for Castoria wl!n 1 C-S Castor hen she had Chfldren, she ga-a tbera Castoria - nrcin HDtlllt get- t!nr an oiue. Look he:-( l Ji lire tin. onU- Xj f; ?? WW. U.etiiTjwtt ..,.! .... " l . 'I 111 111- '"iit ' aijouf ir KLUTTZ & RENBLEMAN'S DOUBLE STORES ! sssss WILL BE iFOUND THE HANDSOMEST ASSORTMENT OF NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS liN SALISBURY DRESS GOODS I EATABLES. WINTER SHOES.. in nil .he Shades and Fa- I The lest Flour made in j , The Largest and Besi ones of the Coming Sea- America; the he.t Cured ! nssortment in town, fron Meats to be had, Canned the finest Kid and Cab W1NTEB CLOTHING, Fmits, Me.ts and Vege-ihand-sew made dowi lhisisiiowcrenforin-' tables of all kinds at old to the cheapest made o spxtwn- it jt hodec me prices, rnd the Choicest I All Leather, at the ven and at prices to suit the Teas, Ccffces ; rd Cceoas Lowest of all Keck Bot anies. j from maliy cimes j tom jceg Weoffer SPF.riflT. INDUCEMENTStothT WHOLESALE. TRADE. Sec na before you luy aifweneap to VUyougoocs CHEAP i jr castor barter. 1 ours to Beftre '' Children Cry for PitchC," KKNDLEJ.IAX. SALE OF LAB. By vi rtner of a decrre r.f u cj Court of W.n eoum vf.fi . per, L Hillanl P tou." r tlie ease of. ihG r..n, hI"'1 sel1 t public sale i Monday the fth t,TJf Q Sli '' tract ifc&i0? ,, p joiiiinthe Ian Is of V A I n?" Ud otbers. Containin., i4" L,u kr.v, Jr. land paymenu from day of .t J 'rrcd -cut. J 1 54,16 at ghi per r.Xet-Utnr BTlf". :i 3 w MMTHoaMal lov. Kaplan, BiUrn nil I , . .1 (.rl,nf Mllh. U.W.IiL'nnABD.ticul.Svula'a i .... i..a.'j..i.t UaBuT. OSGOOD . S-STANDARD SCALES t . vlglit puld. I'uliy v jr-uitlvd. OtlK-rutM SUBSCRIBE FORffi VJIVKRTISE IN KllltCUAIOK L. H. CI.KMXKT CRA1GE & CLEMENT, Attorucvs At Law Salisbl'uy, N. C. b'eb. :Jrd, !S8! I. a li1 " Ml Solid hi old Wit. rl oolo haniiuv cu.. Boihladl..(lnd,tTi2r' with work. .,1 .'.; qual valne. n.. " .of 'Mllmnl.. tk:"'" Ouoold - u .1 T " W Mld TOU to IK T " . . "V?" TOO 1 r - " . KlievlildiiiMi i Ji,,,''1"1 N li.n.-i- Bd in:.-, . ... I all Snj' UChCU D SJ, "iBclpnlsui-iM H SrJ HAAS. .I1Q I Taw. W.A.TURK. ab 1'lv. l'as. Al' 1. 1 AfTPrit, RALKIOH. X.c. i- foiUMi n nl i Han. THIS PAPPP rr,v, AHCME COMPANY SEEKIXO Eoie PatroDtp. AGENTS Injill Cities, Towns and Village in I lie South. j A ami p j 1 5 RELIABLE LIBERAL RHODES BRCiXNE, ri'KsIDINT WM. C. CO ART Slci.et.vky. TAT A T A C"OT-rr. lVAillJ ooiii i .... trftnAAn mi J. ALLEN J BE O Win, R siden J 4gent, S iliaSui... xr n o -.nil y , XI . Vv. -1 1 Steam, Air and Vacuum Pumps, Vertical and Horizci, Za cvt5i y variety and capacity. : VERTICAL PUW VERTICAL PISTCH. 1 The most simple, durable and effective Famp 111 the market for Mines, Quarrii T . G T - - xojuuenes, ircwenes, factories, Artesian wells, Fire duty and general manufacturing purposes. JSend for Catalomm Til 4 S. CAMERON STEAM PUMP FORK Eout of East 23rd aT N'icwYohk- " - I'i-iVCS.