The Carolina Watchman. - V0T, XXI. THIRD SERIES. SALISBURY. N. C. THURSDAY, OCTOBER, 16, 1890. NO. 52. for Infants and Children l-eoinniebd it aea superior to any prescription 111 So. Oxtord St., Brooklyn, K. T. u.r of 'Castorta' is universal and Thr Z well known that it seems a work ZrnZti 'n to endorse It. Few are the gffSswbo do not keep Castor New York City, ji-aor Uloommgdate Beformed Church. Caitoria cnres Colic, Constipation, Bour Stomach, Diarrbnea. Eructation, Kilia Worms, give sleep, and promotes di Kcstion, Without injurious medication. 9 For seTeral years I have reoommended your ' Castoria, ' and shall always continue to do so as it haa invariably produced beneficial results." Edwin F. Pardee, X. D, The Wlnthrop," 125th Street and 7th Ave., Kew York City. Tmc CniTAun ComAr, 77 Murray STaarr, Nnr Yob. pE! SEE! BUT! G. W. WRIGHT, tie Leading iiraiture Dealer and Undertaker In r ow IN the Largest aiid Best Assorted Stock of Furni tine ever brought to tliis place W c t M H g S3 O to - , PARLOR SUITS! r MeaVah .Civ.h riutlt at C(X 00. pi it cif-To.CO. a Silk rinsliTIt" $rC.C0. $00.00. Wl Plush nt t?..T.C0. Fe.uncr price, f45,C0. Foin.i r Foimcr prire, PIANOS AND OKCAK8. W ilces ati.l White Orgni s ni el De hor Bnw.ciiickuiiii & "i.8 sn A Wlueleck PStilH S. PED ltOOi! SUITS! Antique Cak, Antitpie Ashe, Cherry and Walnut :it rices that defy n;a caitiun. A LA KG E STOCK Of Chair?, SaftPi MatlKPFtf of all Kinds, Spring Heats, Work Tables for Laditr, Pictures ami Piture Frames of every stle and quality always fn steak., or will le made lo older oil short r.oticc at able prices. re&fon- BABY CARRIAGES! Babv Carriage, s with A laritc s-teek ef wire heals at $7 -50. Silk Plush Scat and Patin Parasol 'Car riages with wire wheels at only HG.aO. Formerly sold for i; 2..'0. LNDERTAKIKG DEPARTMENT ! s.wr-inl nt tent inn Liven to nr.dt rtaakirg - i all hours day and in all its branches, at night. t; Pal ties w ishing my set vices at Bight will tall at my residence on Bank street, in Brooklyn." Thanking my friends and the public generally for past patronage and diking a continuance of the same, T am, Yours anxious to please, a3 O. W. WRI GHT. ff Leading Furniture Dealer. td o n o a The Farmer's Daughter. You should see her Iw.the kitchen, Cup and apron White us snow, In her eyes The love-light shining On her cheeks A rosy glow. Oh, that pleasant Farmhouse kitchen. Whataehann J - .It has for me. When I view Its broad dimensions Where light Leaps iu glee. But the picture Would be dimmer, And t lie colors Not so bright. With sweet Nancy, Ytniaag and cheery. Not iu sight. Sleeves rolled up Above white elbows, . Sweeping here And dusting the.c. This fair daughter Of the farmer, i Fcr the Household Hath a care. And her song Is just as tuneful, And her step Is just as light, As w hen she, Sweet merry-maker, Joined her mates In play last night. By and by will, In a moment, Cap and apron Disappear, And in snowy gown And ribbons, Pretty Nancy Will appear. Oh, the li tie Farmer's daughter, Heaven bless her As she goes. She is fairer Than the lily. She is sweeter Than the rose. Mts M. A. Kidder, in Family Story Taper. Democracy Means Safety! DECENT REPUBLICANS THE O. O. ABE P. DESERTING . They Fhj for Safety to the Democratic I. . i.i . Below is the open letter of Hon. F. D. Winston, declining the Republican nomination feir Superior Court Judge. He utters the truth, lays bare the wickedness and pollution of the Repub lican leaders; he shows that they are menu enough to steal from n half fed and half clothed negro. Jtead it: WrffDoR.'N. C, Oct. 2, 1890. J. B. Eaves, Esq., Chairman It -pub i- can State Committee, Raleigh, N.C.: Dear Sir: At the convention of the Republicans of the 2nd Judicial D .strict in Kocky Mount, 1 was nomi nated for .Yuri ire of this district. Hie Republican State Convention ratifi?d that nomination. Although eratefui on my for tin-! expression of confidence Laugh amd Grow Fat. Grandma: "I would like to know if that slip I set. out four weeks ago has rooted;' Little Bessie: "No; grand ma, it hasn't a. root. I ve pulled it up every day and looked." Precocious hoy: "Mamma, was An anias killed "for telling just one lie? Mamma: "He was my son. Boy. thoughtfully i "There has been a change in the administration since Ananias time, hasn't there mamma? m.l lAv to mpoeer s bov: "Be them IV itfturj D ' ciirs on the counter fresh, Bov: "Yes n" uHow long have they been laid? ' Not very long, ma am voting fel- ladv: Bov: 1 laid 'em there myself less'n half an hour ago. "Pel, may 1 ask you a Pa: "Certaiuly,my child." is the wind Tom in v ouestion? fommy; "Well, where when it doesn't blow?" the part of so large a number of ... . . ..I fellow citizens, I cannot icc-ept tne nomination. I notify you in orler that your committee may lake neces ay srprv to fill this vacancy on your Stat.' ticket. The tendencies of the Republican party are such as to alarm every man who places the parmancnt w.Mrure of his country above temporary party ad vantage. The National House t)f llcp- re.-entat.ives, abandoned all pretense tt calm, wise and impartial deliberation has repressed free speech, free inquiry and free discussion, has appointed the speaker and the clerk a perniaueJit re lurninir board for the count iug of vat- era who do not vote, and has euactefL legislation involving hundreds of mil- ions of dollars without condescending So iustifv, or even excuse its oppres sion and without allowing niq nry to be made or discussion to 1)3 h 1 1 c.):i cerning its justice or propriety. The methods that have prevailed in that body during the past ten mailt lis be long rather to a packed convention of political partiz ins held iu a corner grogcry than to the highest delibera tive assembly of a tree and intelligent nation. It is doubtful whether the legislature of any civilized nation on earth has t ran sac ed public business in the year 1S90 with so little regard tor the right of speech and discussion, or of the real interests of the people a ti e present Congress. It has aholish ed parliamentary rights that weio ob served during the passion and turmoii of civil war and the reconstruction pe riod, and it has imposed taxes which not even the necessity of war required. New States have been admitted into the Union with a smaller population than one of our Congressional districts; but the votes of their Senators in the Uuited States Congress were thought necessary to establish the vicious legis lation and perpetrate the power of a selfish and insatiable olligirchy of mi 1 1 ion ai re man u fact u rers. race passion and prejudice; will bring disaster upon the negro race. No good results of any sort can possibly come from this mad political scheme; but il arried through, it wilt contribute largely -to the final overthrow of pop ular elections and pttpttlsf government. I shall nut follow such leaders or such counsels. As a citizon of the Union, loving its constitution and his tory; as a Southern man believing in fairness and justice to sill sections and races; as a friend to the negro desiring his moral, intellectual and financial improvement as the proper basis of so- ci il and p power? a id, f!n tllv, as aseTf respeting man, I shall not lie a Republican candidate for any office, but shall vote the entire Democratic ticket, Con jreoio ; 1, State and co n ty. The election of that ticket will be the best for the people of North Caro lina both white and black. It will al so be a wholesome rebuke to the man who are u.-ing the national govern ment for purposes of plunder, whose professions of love for free speech and a fair count are belied b.v their dailv practice in the halls of Congress and by their systematic purchase ot votes in all close elections; whose of the true interests of the shown by the passage of laws that will raise price of every thing the ne gro bu s and lowers the price of every tlnng he sells, and who imagine that blatant philanthropy aud braying pa triotism niil serve as a disguise for their wicked schemes. Very respect f u I ly , Francis D. Winston. information, and though he may not It. Mott and the Election Law. present it so engagingly as some, any a. V.JDockery, of Carthage, pul - one ot his speeches will be fonud by Hshetl m the last issue of the SenWd the patient and intelligent hearer to Express, an interesting open letter ti liea brief and accurate historv of the Tw I T !,- l&lm.A .. La 11. ... l . I . .H'ui lrlivl tl I V baMML bv si liilMriiiii :i i". 1 1 1 1 roil. ' 4 : . tl.... I.-. ....... ..- scientious and enlightened gentle- it to .3. W. Hardin, of A a laTuctosm-n,sm- mJi "one of the sjeeciur committee a- In view of the recoi-d has made 1 pointeel bv the'SUte Executive Com in the House', in view of his attitude s mittee to "encoura-e registration, ami upon the various living questions formation of Re publican tic kefs in all which agitate the people, in view of the counties," and adding that a -suita-his sympathy with the desires of his1 ble canvasser fer each township s'aoubl constituents, iir view of his services, ' 4 appointed at once, a lie Hi is name ami Ins ability, hilelity and character, wefttust'ofifce sent inunettiatt Iv to this call with confidence upon the Demo- commit tee, who will correspond with crats of the district, whose fe!low-par- tizm and standanl warer he i, to give h'lii a solid vote in November. Mr. Henderson is opposed in this campaign by Mr. P. C. Thomas, Davidsen. who is a. candidate on his own.accounl an Independent Republican-Alliance candidate he calls him self. He is simply his ow n candidate. Neither of the organiza'ie ns whose name he takes acknowledges him. If the Alliance hail nominated a candi date of its own it whujld not h ive been 1 Mr. Thomas. If the 'Republicans had disregard indulged a hope of Success sufficiently 1 1 t I i ... 1. I XI. ... ....4. negro is srrong 10 nave warraiueu nieui m put Congressmen Henderson. ting out a candidate, they would not huve nominated Mr. Ihomas. but this gentleman doubtlesv argues to hi ru se IE that the mass of them will vote for anybody against the Democratic nominee ami that his Alliance net will catch a few weak-minded Democrats who belong to that order. He proba bly does not reflect t hat the great ma jority of the Democratic candidates in the State this year are Alliancemen and that the Alliance having gutten him. Let the leatiing liepublicans u . the township get together and select a man and not want lor 1 the Count and Township Kxictdive Committci ff j te act, unles they happen lobe rendy to act. rlie township t anvasser should be put to work at nce, ami give the name ami posteethce of. every . man who has refused reg;stratien, and make report to this Conrniittee. The? report should also contain I he reaon given by the Registrar refusing te 1 egister said, voter, and, if essi ble,iiur names and postoftices ed'J wo witnesses to the whole transaction. Tim Democrats declare that the jiew Statu Election Law is not intended to inter- -fere with the rights of a voter. It is the duty, therefore of every Republican to test the matter. And it will be the duty, and should be the pleasure of eveiy Republican in Neuth Carolina, in case of insincerity and injustice on There is never any guessing what in the conventions very neany 1111 mat snrill" to- it roiignt lor, us niemuero iti wiuuru likely than ever before to vote the Democratic ticket straight, since it has more to lose than to gain by giving emiiitpnuiiee to scratching. But more . Kurviili hreeili j mii: Till L4 irtK. 11 v VI ward the close of a campaign, but" we feel assured that no device that they could employ would endanger our county and legislative tickets in this Gibraltar of Democracy. We warn our people to be watchful and ready for anything, yet we assume that all will be well with our local ticket, and invite the attention of the Democrats of this eminty and the other counties of the T t li district to a brief considera- rbtn if tln phiiins eif t.hf catidielates iei warned against his luachinations, the lower house of the Fifty-second it is pointed out to them that duty n hm... n ..,,;,. ....rtv rails eioem them to rive their votes to VUM"IC, 1 llv 1. iiiuimuv. wtiti , I I the part of the Democrats in adminis tering this law, to petition and demand of the Congress ot tl e United States I t: 1..... t Kl...e- r UU XiieCVIUIl eu huh w h? iiwhj of its citizms to the fullest extent.' This was Mr. Dockery's reply to tie-. Mott: "A batch of your ill-digested circulars reached me on Friday last. We had a meeting the following flay and decided not to run a county ticket. We resent the presumption that there; nrohablv still. Mr. Thomas has thought will be no fair election in this county oi; all these things and is only making and we shall not-bv made an Evidence the race in order to be able te go to getting machine 111 tavor ot the lorc T. h in crton with the claim that he bill. It mav mve von pain to lie tohl lm fnuerhr. bled and died tor the th::t the Keiuiblicans td litis county firaiiel ()ld Partv. and thus with better are oppeised to that b ll aiLtui tlier aro grace hold out his hat for a federal pained to learn that o'ir legislative cau ,fHoo Ncvt-r the ess. Jjeinocrais are idnJates will announce uicmsencs and again presents Mr. Henderson to the voters tif the district, He is a tried, faithful ami approved public servant. Few men of his age have seen longer service or acquainted tliemselvca better in the positions to which they have been called. Bv no means a brilliant man, he is one of capital natural abil ity, and is studious and laboreous to an fr H,.iiili.rson. the cam itlate ot their party, the representative of their views and the faithful guardian of their in terests in Washington. -Statesct. le jandHiark. Romance of a Legacy. A dispatch from Atlanta say.' -U-.Im Sehoed Cemimissioner ami tne extraordinary degree: Knowing web attorney General were in consultation among j.ieunt , j,, ..j to seeming lor I lie pur vv asiiiugiuu how to make his way men. he has taken in nosition creditable to himself and to his district. His full and accurate iu iormatiou upon public affair, his de liberation, his level-headi'dness, his su re-footed n ess (if we in iy say it) - . a ;...ltivfrv b:es beP!l taxed that could be L id v visitor, to the little hoy whose Lerjer.lted fro u the industries of the . . " 1 1 ill. 1 m iwiiii' .. . . .I 1 l:..J. i2..lU- mother lias neen 111: mother any better?' . . . . a " 1 " II- I . - . - a Sectionalism has been revived 111 i I h:iv msntred couhdence 111 I11111, aim iiot odious shape, livery bouthern i.e :s resected and reganled in the i ...1 flilt! sf-it OOSe 01 lUglO etuee .eeiwn 111 mm j..t- sum of money th t ! a lain 111 of England for many years. legacy, the history f which is very in n!ar. Archibald McLean, a Scotchman, was a prosp rous planter in Chatham 111s es- OIl the hustinjrs. Not wishing to ngrey ate your pain I niust assert that if we are spared th advice, the literature so-called, the akers eir other emissaries of vour o nmittee we may get along very well, thank you. 1 da not mention boodki localise I presume that will stick whero it has come to be thought its prTiper 1 s.: ! . I- ....; iu.. I? .11 UtMUlCie .11 llie cieeiiinii.iee. . rui epjie or any part of this pain dear Doctor, yon can please yourseir. iiwnu luivtnK a dose of Bile Beans and Harrison's I administration in equal parts; but pro tect us from the stomach-ache const- uJu ml uuent uptm any either of youi visits t U i' Z J. W. Hardin. The story is neither It is a , , , , ... 11. .....1 ricn nor racy, out puiruiy, iiim the people t f this State areinnt sufTeme- . , 1 11 . 1. .ill t . iLa ly interested in me luiiaimg ui uio Revenuer called Hardin. Wh et a pity it is that tl ere are not ntal kGeorgie, is your Geeorgic: "Ye?s, I 1 I . . 't 11' Allllll .lli'l 11a -mi; hit sue can yv.uiv iuuhu a whisper." The boy who will succeed in tht, 1 1.. .1 ...Miiif.,1 fr ei time. WOl'ld IS lie wine en buuiiH") - 1 dull ears' worth t) worK ror " T " .111 one dollar. His hrst aim snouiu oe fidelity ami excellence and then he can command his price. Mrs. Bandbox: "You snid the train I should take leaves at 10.30, did 11 t vouf'V Ticket agent: uYes, madam: and I think I've told you about ten .Ik...1v " Mrs. Bandbox: "1 c know von h.i'e; but my little boy y P"'" tl,e, methoa of by Uml to beurVou talk." " if r,ab On rh tip that binds bouth il V V v aF mm w v - ern cotton the tax has been trebeed; the twine that binds Western wheat has been almost freed from taxation. Southern Demccrat c Senators vote to relieve the Western laborers of unjust bnrd ns, while Western Republican Senators vote to increase the unjust burdens upon southern labor, oucu ilwir ida:il etf fltietpsmnnshio! When 1 rj 1 1 j v 1 V1' ' 1 asked to explain the inconsistency ot their votes, they laugh in their sleeves or justify their extortion I y crying "Rebel. Government is becoming a game of plunder, and the men who now control the Republican majority Is 01 highway- sneak iiu long for at 1 h id a banr number ot slaves family i Scotland was stronly opposed r.o slavery. After his death and the or his son certain interest in -I... .t-ito ll'Ull f tea bis brother .John tllV .v..v - IfnLoim John MeLeau died at Glas T.ilir 1 1SWrt leavitii? a will that th eves. A halt-clad negro 111 uae TX.n. fnlliwinnr i5 nil extract from iUifi lorn on Itim fiphl is rood plundei llie; - .. uuuiiiviu iu.. . -rj . real composition written by a small L.tolknu iho snbiect "iveu bv the KUUUtUV.Il j f-y STATE FAIR. ONE CENT ft MILE. . . . . REMEMBER THE DATES, . . aT I ...... ,.!' J tlH flip extensive one or Alan "Man is a wonderful animal. He has eyes, ears, mouth. His ears are mostly for catching cold in and having the earache. The nose is to get sniffle: ;al. A. man's bodv is split half-way ' . - w . "... . up, and he walls; on the split end. "M inima, the teacher says all people are made of dust." "Yes, my dear, so they are.'' "Well then, I spose ne groes are made of coal dust, ain't thev? y. "We are going to have pie for dinner." said HolihV to tnemiusiei. Indeeil! laughed the dominie, used at the little boy's artlessness; what kind of pie, Bobby." now I.-111 d Ma was talkin this 1 1 - - 1 . mor about pa bringiu' yqti to dinner st ..mi m u-tui hp n em i.'caaae wme. flinnwht: and ma said sue u for the millionaire philanthropist who nopels ni-aitection. Robin flood 1 more humane was In fhir ih'sire; to oil- House a body in which tnu and moral worth have to wait iveonmitioii and in which luediocntv is never heard of. This is the stand ing of our Representative among hi .ellow-inembers; a man of knowledge and wisdom, a man oE highest moral tone, of gentle manners, of perfectly .'xemplary habits a sober, Christian gentleman a student and a tirelss worker. Those of his constituent: who hive had occasion to communicate with him since he has been in Congress know how attentive he is to the wants of his people, how anxious he is to serve them, how prompt and ample his reply to any of their applications. No trouble is too great for him to t ike for one of his constituents and no one of them can charge him with inatten tion to any matter entrusted to his hands. While attentive to their wants 111 anv matter in which he can serve u 1 them 111 any ot the various department . secure the money, at the capital, he is truly representative eonrfs decided against them parly in the present century, a Repntiiacaus who aiubold enough f-.if.. uMta L'liinvii 21s (fowrie. and oil it . 1 ,, . l . ti kavTi ..... - - 7 , . ovnri'ss rnpir 00 ao.siiioii 10 ine mira 11IS rv. ,1' ... V ... 1:. ... il... bill, even at a iik party powers! of offending tho Questions and Answers. Question What is aDernocrat. An w r 'le sam it wl.o Iielieves 111 'ow, July'!, looo, leaving a oe An w r .le sam 11 ivi.o imievcuiu lireeted the application of half his in- e(jUil mws and the rule of the 1 f ojde. trest iu his deceased brother's Georgia q Who are Deu ccrats in North .of.,f ir. ihp education of the negro n:irili;,a:a? tre. .wfntpto the education of the m-gio c;m)i,l;l? 1 iWema or of their offsprings as A. All t!ie white men in the State . o ihu l-iu'R eif Georgia should per- I -M11f :. f,.vv old men who ioiued tlu MJIJ 11 l .3 1 nv " - - o . av, 'v . . - it the education of the slave popuia- pubhcins on war issues a motiy Four prominent bavannah niei- croW( ()f fellows who form a hungry . . 1 i 1 . .... 1 mat e trustees unuer to- lV,,.lfi :l, huiter bniaal the trust on the Georgia 1 the QCTOBER, 14, 15, 16 & 17. eS.lCC'SS It will l e the BEST FAIR over 1 ekl in the South! the loi on- minrnntees it ! Great I ericiiltural, IudliS 1 1, . ---- - o . Educational an Social Fu tures! For r.remium List and fcifiuttioi xiddressTie hVeretBox 58, Raleigh, N. C aui- "and It's a morn- 1 1 1 ii... c.n . , 1 1. .nil i,m till. I f .1 1 1 j. ..r i.'ic- ,-,..t, 1. 1 mi press anct piunuei toe: uuiunnii r"r 1 or tne neeasann eifni;3 i rr1- I . 1 - .. ..4- i.l 1 . 1 It XT ....11 thev are willing to Keep in poeiij ti,e jioor Qt tne House, eaa en point to a vole he lias cast mat nui in the line or tnougnt 01 tne iic his district. He has voted uniformly for those measures which his constit uents approve and against those which would be injurious lo their interests and of whioh thev disapprove. His public record challenges the closest scrutiny; the niDsUcritical investigation of it will d sdose no more than that he has al ways been on the side of his people--in sympathy with their desires and arrayed ill opposition with their ene mies. . It is to be hoped that as in my ot f th. ilistrict as can do so v 1 1 r- icv " 1 1 . . i ;.. 1. 1 Cieui to game with make Il him eat humble pie before the day was over, an' I s'poso we're geiiu' to have it for dinner. A little girl, after being out for some time trying to ensnare the little fishes in the" neighboring stream with a crooked pin and a thread line, came running into the house out of breath ?ii. ..v..; 1-. r an 1 exclaimed. "O a i la t - x e . i i, . iiii 11 v mother. L sot ill liGot MA&' k-VVh I . 1 1 i . - i . 0j e.R.if 1 do not see anv I a.i v m. . m mother;' answ-re-d the ldtie angier ; her voice suddenly changing to mourn f iLiess, "l got it b it it unbit ami div. , - . i i . il.. ... .. ... nvon ro nestrov i oe oooi, hciimw, ....... j . . norant negro. W hat a parody ana ie satire for such men to aelvocate a force bill FOR THE BKN'EFIT OF THE NEGito! There is in this force bill stnne dev ilish design to involve the country m .lix.rdpr. unssiblv to force a war of races, and bv this wicked expedient Aivurk nnblli' attention from the ' I i a v i t .... ,,f .dnn.b.r whii h thev are plnviiil' such boldness and recklessness. JNo sane man believes that the bill will add to-Hie political power of the negro, or w.ll increase his opportunities for wealth, moral culture or h appiness. The leaders of the Republican party sce.n to have abandoned the wise, lib- i .....i oirrwciirn nnlifv iiiaiii:ursil eaai tieeu ijj --- j -j r ed by Gartield and happily earMed tor ward by Arthur and Cleveland, it ie ciuired that little statesmanship to co i tinue this policv and to give the entire country a period of national develop ment and of progress in education, re fi.mmoiif sand culture, such as the II I 1 v aa iv-- iaa- e - , . 1 lie in tion chants were will, but declined rround that the laws of Georgia pro- lie Ine itinn tF slaves una ;iiinn n ---- -- bequest was therefore void. The sum involved was a little over The heirs, in view ot Hie legai I'-ionrenu. attempted 111 v.'.0---, I but the Accord- u igW the money lias been n n-ii.K'? . . . f i.l .-I 1 .....1 ll 1 I : l 1 1 1 ..mlr nr ri! 'I. .ini ' i j . . . i n . Q. of a Demo- .). condition notified of the facts the Llovd Garrison was to the end that when circumstances migilt arise under which the money could be applied according to the terms ,,t the will steppe auld be taken for se curing possession ot it. After the em- C7 .. it I a.1... .iiinf I't' anciimtiou ot ale slaves in m .u..i.j a son of Mr. Garrison, who had found among his father s papers a memor anduni on the matter called the atten ti,pi of the Georgia authorities to the lejjacy an engageei will hear Mr. Henderson m tne 11. I... a. !.' eiain ill WHICH uu e " I I " mm - - a ' He will give them what they have a right to demand of lum; a true ana faithful account of his stewardship; and he will give them also, if they will ..ll,., .in mi accurate, lineup in n 11 11 iVimLHim .ink ot fjiigiuu is vi.iusto pav over the money to who i' l,..r.llv paatit ed tea receive eer ui-e j " . UH...p t.o that eUeC, uaiaag it . . . . , I Uv l hp h;-.beJOl a.otnuiift- a iIip drricii tv is that it. been receivee siomTs of Geprgna, ' 1 . , ..i ... e ..a ..n .i... .ctj if i ip irowrie ne.oiiunw toe mi" -1 " ' , .... e..,-...l bv the war. ami Have oeeo j . , there is no way of finding their heirs ii. e...i. i wbfthpr the oe1' H)W I lie i 'icni'n i. ...i..i. lm IxHMt beantr' l nt rest ii ii- ii , - -- and valuable history of the proceedings n(.Q 18ei;i c.itl. be secured and devoted irot r' t i nh. "Wi-. nM b:ia never seen betore. l, resent administralion has deliberate ly chosen to go back thirty years in our no lticai lire, anu Lt is cw - . i - i i j Wl UK of the struggle of those twea y years g? ' ml reverse the painfully itie aasia of the present Congress and the course to t,le neWhlncati'in or negreas aaf legislation in Washington. lie dops n -t charm men with his oratory uor enliven them with his wit, but he :iaita fiim wit h facts and convinces li iii.iu ue-w I"1-"' -- results i ... . .i - L- .i(TU. their reason iy we ""wve Hp needs to be listened to closely, p;i- What U the duty crat? - - A To support Democratic principles and vote for Democratic nominees. Q. Suppose a man call himself a Democrat and votes for a It idical, what is he? A.. He is not a gooel Democrat. (. But what is he? A. He is a betrayer tif Lis party and his race. g.--Are there many such n:e:i m Wake county? f . . . t A. More than there ought to oe, a i I .1 J but mat near so many as it uiicais aim Unheal "strikers sav Unit there are.'. ).Vhy do the Hadiiiul "strikers pretend that tin re are inore of these "scrachers" than there really are? A.--Ik-cause they cxpecTHureby to influence weak-kneed fellows wliei like to be on the wining side1), and blow iu b g and high sounding phrases which are calculated te deceive the unwary. q What is the outlook in Walter? A. HwA. The mcej will le claoso but the Democrats will win if the men who own their own oiils : yote their convictions. "Boodle" Is reliad upon to carrry the election for the Uadie;a!s Tl... 1 ti.mi wr:it-s call win iv si stronj' I IJU 1e.iei i j pull and a steady puH-all a - . itei il r i... i ..f.. I n.. IheV Wl 1 Win lream ine 'i- outlook, and sweep every It adical ottue holder iu Wake county. tlm sent If you want to sow turnip seed e en ly mix a pound of seed with a peck o sand. . t ii . :.. ... -estuts ill rue main y.- - . . . . t Tn htaeni these struggles t.entiv, aua aii wu '-- i . - . .. iii..:. now rapid de- find that he knows exactly wnat uc u education and talking about and kuo.vs all about it bene cia1. s 0 anew will retard the velopment of wealth, A itslierS mixture aaf salt, bone meal and will do no harm if kept where stock can get at Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. There is a gi eat deal hf talk riowa daysabeiut Ju:V, mh Inline Reed, ami McKinh'V, ami Keaauafly, ad oilier liepuhlicaiis in public life but nol oaty ever s av.s u Word aloat plarriseau. T'a all inU-nt; : tt V pairposes Ifenjafei Harrison is the gnleU iionen.ty af ll.o ner... Nil 151 U ill putjtlC statieiU ever filled a sm dh r sjme:e in publi eye. ' s''. Itnl 0 o, J refine neat iu (herSouth; will iiifl-me 1T i : 1 ii i'j ic man ot extragremraiy

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