jia Watchman. foCAL. .,. nfThw Carolina ipUon. nuc P1, delayed o months - 2M 1; W V T 23 1890. We see it stated that Durham, Greens boro and Favctteviie wi'd soon have ti.e ') (tfi Iti.n! . . VST I a A w it m iiM'ry system, vv nay is mc in att er w i th Sal is' n r v I ieqUul to that of the two last naiiieri places. Choral Union Coneart The concert to be given to-night .11 !" c given the Chor:l I-njrvi at Hit rooms of the Hef population j .r f, A . ,.,.. fn whichwill ie given during the fall and winter, and is for the, purpose of raising funds to pay When oiii-citizens cease to eontrihnte por the splendid grand piano recently to the booming of other places both i.i j P trchuscd, and to defray other necessary -All F" , at in'" K .-A Wcrd With Yon. f - , . ..rv-man who do- K. - i . a- ! ll L v J eleetiou must regis a ... Have REGISTER- 1,'fi'ti II " B1 rre'. vou must regnter Jvu flection law to vote i ni hi. n - note u'v' 'uantlhcPwepublicans to carry ..uvuu . .... .wnorhhor ar- 15- - - .1 1..1VI UU ---- iail as i isgs-j? ii i . ,. m is "Ul ...i i-nTR THE DEMOCRAT- .? 11 LIU . fl' . , ,rn tojrct control ol )U 1 Sit tc? 1 1' lOt REGISTER .nil V a" - and out of the Stale, and devote their energy and means to the upbuilding of ! ' 1 ! 1 1 t-. !,,. ... '. I 1 1 . , ... .. . . t 1 . . . . . c.ii..kui one mil ulmjiu' no ujiinj? uiiici places are doing. Mr. D. A. Siflbrd is having strawberry pie at his bouse, not the canned kind but regular old sure enough .strawberry pie.- lie brought a paper of them --to our office this morning gathered an hour or two be fore from his patch. Most of rthe SalUburians who attended the drawing and sale of lets at Shendun, Virginia last week, have returned Speculation is rife and they. all expect to get rich. We lufj c their highest expec tations may be realized. r' the DEMOCKATic nominees, AVe are in receipt of an in vitation to . t .Hiw that EVERY NE(;uo attenci the marriage of Miss Marrie. Hl " ...wl vOTl'V 1 i .. . ttr i- Vvill registck v igaugnier ow. air. auunrs, yj. v. urics, to 1). Mel. Therrell, op&liarleslon, S. C, on Oct. 29th, at Wilmington. The best wishes of a host of friends in Salisbury are with them. "-1th so ...,,.' r.'.ii ' iv ..... mh at om- i..,n ' ..... uinw: MAN rr,:ir oct ...--111 Pon'tJsny you nuu ' ....-r. II IM'IVKS - i yoi-iv. i--. - ...L-l! ll time-c ; . ME AND pKQs- . it- 1 III' Ww rv- iiKPENDS ON IT: o v.,1 it strt " y ..... nruWV UVV R " .enEST fgt&n ; T)oN'T 'WAIT f the. nartv. . c0st,Uie ucit w. ---- expenses of this bottle musical orgauiata tion.- Remember, when you purchase ft ticket, to the concert tonighl, you are contributing to the success of an enter prise worthy of the support of the cili zens of Salisbury, to say nothing of the musical treat in store for all who attend. Many of the young ladies and gcntlemeil of our town have taken advantage of the opportunity offered to improve them selves in vocal music; and with proper encourngemeut in the way of attendance at these concerts, will develop into sing ers of merit. Both the choir and eon gregational music at cur various church es will be improved as a result of regular practice and intelligent training in voca music now being received by the mem hers of the Choral Union. Purchase s ticket whether it is convenient for you to attend or not. - A BOMB m ; - . - PEOPLE. a)- may ....o SCiri'Mi . Chai'a. Dew latu Ex- Com' atefbrWatson. yjfi)rJimIouroe- for lion. John S. Jienucrson. W the straight Democratic ticket. t put on registering another day. R,nro your tieket, for the concert to Several of Salisbury's hard cases were jugged last week charged with breaking into a car and stealing a lot of wine. If they are cenvicted, and K is said there is a pretty strong cate against tlum, they will undoubtedly go to the penitentiary and it will be a happy riddance to the community. Joseph James, son of Mr. W. L. James of this place, has been promoted rn rail- Yoic bt. i fteftasohfor'pGEsum uunung p f can't register I OS vou after Eirchall Eeiteratea His Story. Woodstock. Out., Oct. 21. Mrs. West Jones had an interview with Bireball, her hrother-in-law,a dayor twoago.They eon- and iii answer to pressing question put by her, JMrehall declared as emphatically as he could that he did not lire the shots wnien Kineu Denwell, leaving her to suppose that he had a confederate. He has stuck to his story from the start it is the only one he has stuck to but a great majority ofthe people hereabouts stiil i.elieve that he alone committed the crime. The petition started in London iu Bir- cbaH's behalf has not been numerously si-rned here. It has been in circulation several days, but up to to-night only i,ii.otppn siiMiatnres have been obtained. The Kev. Mr. Wade, Birchall's spiritual he went about a year ago. He is one of iue ,uauS ju u..u adviser, ami one or tTvo other clergymen quired t.mc at the R. R. Shops here, and ; do(!tors arc among the signers. Sev- one no4v holding responsible places con- ciaj niinsters refused to sign me pcmion irected with the business of various railroads. Married at the Presbyterian church yesterday at lOi o'clock, Mr. Peter Bryce Beard to Miss Pauline Parker. The cer emony was performed by Rev. Mr. Kin A Budget of News. Raleigh Correspondent Wilmington Messcng. Yesterday some information was sent i ecardinn the Political situation. To- day several leading men of both parties . . . i . r visit- vote. 1 4 I)..Kl;,.n. r III of the Lutheran Church, in the absence, An iih iU Hnr cfnrlr nf of the pastor, Dr. Rumple. The happy 't-uand said the indications bU illU UJ U. oovx eoupic left on the noon train lor an ex tended trip to Florida. The host wishes df the Watchman are theirs. Our prices may st ntl , lut they w 11 not vex the careful buyer. Is the LO WEST PRICE any object to you? Are t!i3 fm?3t' qualities any inducement? If so corao in an J see our splendid new stock of MEN 3 and BOYS NEW CLOTHING, HATS. CAPS and FURNISHING GOODS. THE BANNER ASSORTMENT OF THE SEASON, Bo-great in assortment. So pleasing in style. So holiest in quality. So reason able in price. Give us a chance and we will give Tou a benefit. Yes it will do you good to come in and see our immense line of new and attrac tive styles wo are offering this season in CLOTHING. It will do you more good to know how wonderfully cheap these nice new goods can bo sold. , We are asking for business with the attractive promise of the BEST GOODS at ths LOWEST PRICES, quality considered. We are doing business by faithfully carrying out this promise with our customers one and all. This con cerns vou, as well as all other buyers of goods in our line, simply because FT IS A FACT. Competition must necessarily feel sick, mi HIGH PRICES am nev er doctor it up; because we are full up ofthe very best grades of new and popular styles in seasonable goods. "mm a 1 . 1 t 1 i 1 All i J We offer such a variety that choice in selection may be gratnying to ttie lullest extent. We have seen to it that goods shall be as satisfactory in quality and wear as they are k J 1 Lv- i L3 i -I gratifying Cons'ulerablc interest is being manifes ted here now by this membership of the Lodges, in .behalf afFrce Masonry. Ful ton Lodge No. 99 ranks among tlie bright est and best equipped in the State. Royal Arch has reecutly been revived and its alSurs are now in the custody of j-oung blood which means that the order is weil mannediind will grow. We notice iu the advertising columns of yesterdays Chronicle, an application for a coal black kitten at the I'rcsbyter- great franknesa, and said the indications were that the Democrats would carry every district except, of course, the sec and. They have the advantage and .are gaining. He spoke of the appointment of Rollins as collector of the Western district as one of the principal causes of Ev re ci TIip ' 10111111' I lie ... - .KciBCtnlcr i teek. Prehcr, of Mt. Pleasant, is rftcMte Liawioru. . .,i. L- so vou can Lie the vuilL; tieket. Our dealers in Christmas goods have y&ffck for large stocks ipbjw. ...wl Cviun nnrties Kflfj-rsfnis pa6 lu ,i i:tiiua. are tn to-MiVIKiim, . ..D--- , nMUmber.l.ip of the Rowan County i ' t.su, i:it!on uuml)C4-s about kkii tttnty. then uid p'uuih purchased by the Ujg Ciioa is in all respect a splendid i- : . : ottAinl'iiu'P ii-rtOU KfV. Ur- Kumpieriu'-""-r' " i . ww. ,n Mini will oe asispui lvnoi i luiu"""" i Brum m4''.11- uvv" - Mr T C. Guthrie, son of llev. T. V . ihueaf Ibis .place and editor oi noo.- K Aim UOCMt.- was nci the Viitcni North Carolina Confer . 1 . 1 l'iWL (11 I I VIM 1 - " - " l I'l irill. -H 111 tMli lltll wu.-vi n n . t J . . t I . . I . I'l 1 I I 1 t . I vi i i - me i.i -".V" .:n ...... Piiro the services of a cOrapcteut liistruc-1 00i Iiews flom that section, inougn ne 0veiaraft3. h Novtiuber. JUsiiop jvcuuci ,.,. i ,. .f ' ...h, tTnid il, Democrats & - - tor. incpiwwu w r; - ---- - nlliXh tnthem. U(!0. . . l iU. ,t- ,n!i COll- UbUCUo OHO " yon ftt?'.?! is a thoroughly good stock in eyery respect, rush the latter. The action of Ewart in . . farmer s Alliance was reierreu u (IcSiraDie ailU jSUl Y lCUiUJlU. Good because it shows full, honest value for the price every time. will find it good because its styles are, not only tasty . .......i ., nun tO aii miliailllllg unnmm in.u. Ewart is depressed and shows it plainly, lirower's acts with regard to his female proteges have for some time been known, bub up to the time of Cradtield's exposure of them had been kept out of print. The Republican leader referred to said he knew of them and had remarked at first ofthe year that Brower would meet with fW.'nt.?ud deserved it. In fact sumo ot in manse in Salisbury. We hope that i Bruwer's supporters had cut loose trom ... . A. V. : ...n.lc rii-k I N1T',I-.X.'TlT."'T OT our town with us varied resources euu --- - ... PirPnRT Or Tilt UUJNilIiUJi UX supply the demand. Can our enterpris ing boys not effect a capture if necessaiy aiid do so promptly? No price is stated hut doubtless, a liberal one will be paid. The members of the Orchestra, cannot expect to attain to any Vfery high degree of proficiency as musicians until they se- ) inftinnation Democrats was that the prospects have 1 171 d Pr WTT UV liAWV I improved. 1 he trouble is yet us 10 reg istration. A light vote is a certainty. Vance's letter to Secretary Beddingfield " There are people here this week from At the close of biuineu O.fc. 2, 1800. tUa ...tt vDinoto sections oi mis niaie. -o A gen ti eman from Currituck said to-day i ....... nAininir intrt linR ill! lliai ins couiiijr ia vwu....s . . I n, i :u ....a frnm Ashe COUlltV ElVOi r.D illamntita l I I 1 1 L : " L uiiv ..v. . f c i 1 i.i in ..11 t... DAYIS & WILEY BANK SALISBURY. N. C. RESOURCES: IMPORTANT! LOOK. READ GET PipSS pIJD PB0T0. FR3VI. " M:,L Roblttiis. of tatesvllle " the old L- nnnll the ISSllCii Ji ITHr liOb Mill "1 Leday, jk China Grove on Friday Octo ber 3bt: - Those Avho attended the Fair at Ral- iA last week pronounce it a success in I u A i if! n or thfi winter, wottkl con- tribute largely towards paying for prop er instruction. This pian has been adop ted by like organizations in other towns. The members of tlfp Young Men's Christian Association desire to give pub lic ox m-cssion of their thanks to the i;.t.l l .Jl 1, l-k l-"inillv nllJHOll tllC Mntofatteailaneeand very creuuaoi young umiua , "T taSK ot aciornius oui .... bling of the District Convention. The decoration was so tastefully done that it elicited many complimentary remarks. The young ladies have certainly placed us under a new sense of obligation, and again wc thank ycu and assure you that we arc much encouraged in our work by such evidences of appreciation. 9lS.i:i 14,000.00 A Mistake. Al Fairbrother. the Dew editor oi the Durham Globe from the "wild and Bonds r.. f,-. ,1,1 Rinks and n inkers CUeclra and other cash Items .19 Currency and specie 2- " $lTi'.5S. : E. ffl. ANDREWS. ToUl, . LIABILITIES : $6,1,000.00 1,707 2 VPs it) CAI1UMIS. Mr. Banks has accepted a position on bwpcrnt Shendun, VaM and Has let toury. We will miss his letters iu Itbe Chronicle. Mr. SMiator Vance and son Mr. Harry lart i-itid Mrs. Fannie Hairston fat CooUsmc and are here to-daj; to meet ennfor Y;uiee. XtoUUiaa Warner is visiting rela- 75S.5S 51 Xutw, 107,S05.18 8,H73. 3 woolv" West, is jumping m the midst gUktedpwfl of things'l-ikft a Texas steer on the Depo3its subject to check 10-8-ramnae He hasn't the North Caro- ctshier's check outstanding rto- linn brand on lu.n yer, uiu win ""7' Zrs become civilized. A few days ago bt. -" said that Governor Fowle was trying toui to step ir.to Zeb Vance's brogans and , Q D. DAVIS, casuter of navis a wney that the breezes were gently playing X th rou Th his w Ukers. Now he accuses tru3 to the best ot m know g brother Josephus U iniels of crawling g,, and sworn to before me this taesist From Montgomery Countys nM. ir,v,;un inino discovered a short Wwriajfe North. She will ' be ansenM Monday to the ! H ftrirtnas. In her absence M iss Hat- . nMnM nxr fnr 4ri)0.000. Bntde is organist at the Methodi..tM nMncrtv is in the Uwharric river thuroh- Histrict about three quarters of a mile i ,. it... rcit..lT .rtnn- I ilia Mon dors miue and about tnc ar. viuenune Jiauney o oumij u vui U, father of our townman J. W. Mauney s.irae distance from the river. It is ctose 1L had iUe misfoi lune to loose all the to the top of a mountain and in a cryso- fiitriof cue hand last Saturday by a ,ite formation. The ledge has been uu- WtottfiBi. covered about ninety feet across, uc . . .Kl hin ffood nay ore while a great It brepdrted here that Charlie Mc- of .fc .g cufc up by sinun quartz strin- rei-s which are ypry rich probably assay f . M, thnnsands. This find ing f " , , , is a good one and at present probably has .u :.. ill .m nnv other mine Kn and Will Pearson of Morganton PWinimbered among the converts at the recent meeting held at that place by vausKli.st 1 ife. mnw r(Vi,v : siirht than any iiiui t o Save the best of every thing for dis- in the state. : , At,,pr mnriiiucrv Pla, at the Alliance fair next month. A ten stamp mill and ot her mnc bwiei , wavtonnikeashowisto show the is being.deJivered 0,1 he 1 - t -m w 1 i ..11 ... s nnvvi 1 i , 1 cm a a vmh tetyouvVgot.and getacrowd to show air. wuuey u, - t-e things to. At the Russell miue the only workshe- ig done is in keeping the water down, but it is reported that the mill will be running again iu a few days. At the Appalachian, ten stamps arc mnninc on good ore; they are driving on the lower level and expect to run forty head as sooifas they-et to sloping. It is reported that a plant will be put up very shortly at the Morris Mountain mine and work will be carried on on an extensive scale. nv,.. h. heen a number of good a 11 v 1 v. .... . " Coal will be more Generally used here nn(Ls in the Uwharrie section is vinter than ever before. We most enough io call them mines fcWb.t... . ir.i t.iVnvM wnn1 ....K t. crlmlden tllC llCaitS in. mat wc arepaniai luiucum L.m)(iii v a fireandoTe.i fire olace: but the prefer- the pursesW the finders, among them is " . . 1 I 1.11.MH nil that of E'.ccli liemr aim Horse Mountain, Morgan and Warner on hell Mountain and I Harper on tue ass Harris place. Maj. G. P. Erwin, formerly Treasurer of uieW. N. C. Railroad, and who for a terra of years was & citien of Salisbury )sbxi eleeted President of the PSed tooat.Rink at Morgantou. The limit to registi-ation expires to ttrrow. If ypu wish to exercise the ht of an 'American citizen which a duty you owe your country, sec that yur name is on the registration list. r. ' . . . 1 ... 3 on his stomach before the Alliance anu giving them advice at the same time. ?r.. iA.;,-lirmhpr fnraot to wash his western war paint off lefore emerging into civilization. JFVwsfcm Sentinel. This is a sad, sad mistake, All the war paint and feathers worn by this m elancholy and emaciated cuss were thrown into the Sim river as hehe.tded towards this greatest state in the 1i-,r Si fnr as the brand is con cerned, we confess that the old time brand of the South which was a tombstone is not implanted on 011 .vide and sweeping brow. But th war paint is gone; the feathers have vauished and our wigwam is closed for repair.. The advice which tann er Daniels gives to the many Alliance men makes us tired, and we propose 10 bonpver we feel inclined. Mr. Fowle wanted to secure the brogans of J.nna Kilt", rilrl?. he failed to connect. These little gems of thought go with th nnnr six dollars a "y ear fifty -i, fnr nr.R month fifteen cents a vciii-i , A J i;vn eints ner smale copy. Ana now is the time to subscribe. Durham Globe. day ot October 18Co. II. FOUST, NJtary Public. Special Bargains and Notices. Advertisements in.this coluinn. inserted for cents per line. Watch it and try it. BUiTulNG LOTS FOR SALE, CLOSR to Livingstone College, lunquir. at tiiis othce. LOST A POCKET BOOK CONTAIN in r a considerable sum of money; the audcr"will be rewarded by leaving it at this office. ....m miirniiT PA1MS SEE THE UUtauK lm.-y". -ran'e at Baker & N caves, one ol the l. H th,. ni'irL-id iK8t stoves ever pui, Our NEW GOODS are coming in daily. And many are the STYLES. NEW DE SIGNS were never so plentiful. Every ai tide is a work of art, and beauty sur passing all previous efforts in our line. Useful novelties were never so plentiful. The Holiday shopper will find it to their advantage to call early. To every person one and all we extend a cordial welcome. You know it is never any trouble to show our goods, but leafy a pleasure to be able to place before you the handsome line we now carrv. Very Truly, V. 11. KEISNNEK & i0.- Before you buy Furniture, it will pa you. I want to call the attention j fi 7 of I lie readers of ( his p;ijor thai mv : toe V of Fi RMTI'RK, PIANOS AND -OI (.'ANS is now larger (and inoi .eoinph Hi. 01 ai any t mie inco ha:e Wen business. I havciust cC Svtd a cm lei: of nothing but Antique tak and Hi;J 1 Century Suits. ' ranuing in price fi -28 2850 to .7-",00. These were b uel lata bartrain and arc Mie very Jj'wc styles. I have made a la gc (c.iijin Pn lor Suits also. Li-ten at imso rprle"i Plush Soils of H and 7 .pieces ! a;.i off. in-now for $"2. ) jto $ 100.00 1 p, Suits in Walnut and Ant ii'.e -susd fit Century that I sold Ijor 10 per cent, moi i last-vear. l have a veu seieeteM. line ! . . DjWinsd'HLSh lioekeis, l'Xtuh (iiJI:: ' tlie Horrors and Novelties i Fiirnituv I hive scon red the country ibis year f bargains, Imying in large fuiaiuilies fj cash to get the hest bargains, my o'hjV being -to give my cuhtomerfl this fall t best goods possible for the. rnonev. j make a specialty of furnishing resident ami hotels conrplcte from tcp to Lot I 1 nni anxious to sell yon all your fun turpi and will do it If you U aliow ' to quote my prices. ; Long linn- gfvei Pianos and Organs.1 Write iuc for l'i ' nod Terms. E. M. ANDREWS i HAIU.OTTi:, X ( RESII GROCEKIE8 AND COUNTltY 1 produce received daily at D. U. Jniian Sale Of Town Propert -OUND:-A GOLD BRACELET WITH initir.ls. owner can have same by call ing at this office and proving property. P.v iH ue of a dc ree f Mo Su p WilT bM FRESH BErir , muuu., .v alwavs on hand at Cougheuur and ; Shaver a on Main oireei. lately .not but still and fill The Last of the Buffaloes. TI -1.1 LU1CafcU . TpaMiTniSG IN ALL ITS BRAN The herd of buff does that the (ov- . an(1 the lMJst of workmanship, at ernineut has preserved at the Yellow- j p Webers, next doorto James stai.ie Hymnal I'arlc. as almost vue , ! I ' L I I. 1 ....- tba nii'hli. anpcies.have iast spccnueH ui 1 got loose and wandered away. news been sent out in IL fcliv." 1 - .. . iivorv dll' ection. and an expedition nas ar.ed in 1 u suit. But up to this time uALhius has been heard as to . . - "ee for coal as fuel is on the iucreasc. Old North Btate Orchestra o. Nesville. M C., will giv conceitfcn inesdrty nftHit Oct. 29th at Meroney a uu'lcr th directorship ot rrof.i i "ft the nkilliont violiD perform Children Cry for Pitcher's Castcm u,e r Middling, . 1 .iii- rchorotihtmts. and- tbetr recovery 1 jaw miounng, HLnlv t,n be nicked Stains, rtouoiiui. PvJ - j Cotton and Grain Market Reported by BOY DEN k QCIJN Strict good middliug, U'onrt of liwaii IVjjuutv I public sale sid'j' et pt the V t'. . "Tlo the-liih" t bidder, at Ihv'i .irl ii j iloor ir Salisbury (i Mouday. Nov ..1 ii.j, ir If J. ..... I I. it . Ml, ln.nr nuire hwi to South Ward of ihejtowu f ?alibrii late residence of. MieaT Hunritr-r,Hj the South side of 1 he: N. C. U. it a ing John Sfowery ind otbirs, im,: .- one liall acre 1. 1 les.' Terms: Cash. J. IV OosbA j A dm Theo. F, Klutlj Atly. UKAIN. .,4? Iiv flit settlers and hunters, who can -retahnosta fabulous price for their Wheat skin At the herd comprised the only corn w-J., buffaloes it is a serious one and IVOWO - ... . . tbeir slaughter would almost compieie gUUSCKlbfci tUtt none 9i 9i to 9.40 9 8fjf 100 7o ': Sept. 'JG ih:m. DISSOLUTION IIOTIC The iartnei-shiph-r'fofi.i e e ci.- tifi i tvwen P. H. TompWn &-( , i (hit by mutual consenl dfeaorved . The iii ss will le eoniittued bv f. H. Th .sou. All p ixHi.- iiidebfcd t( the 9 firm will pSea-e caP at-onee and 1 settlement. ' 1. laOMl -.N f .Spt. 24,1890. the exliucti m of a ones countlcsa race, I las vTArcaUAN i W