; i i - j m Larotiag -; W ate timaiM J - . I j I - - ! . : ; - L W-H -!" T "-! ; .w . "V -T"""" V " WU X U LOLfi. 1 HO. :0. i fi! sM I? i i un w in ( Thl'icading Furniture M SALISBURY.: j?;--'Is; iow ofibring tie" Largest hncl toc evcr brought to tnis place. ; ' PARLOR jMol.air Crush riuh at TCri'oxn.ir pree $73.00. ; . ' Isiik PIusIk kt $30.00. Fuinur price, $(1.0.00. i ! jWool Plush jat $35.07' Foimer price, 1 $4o,00. '! to PIANOS AKD W'ilctx aDtTtVYhite Bijo8., Cliickiriny & Pjutnos. . . liEtt liOt)M A.ntique Oak Antique Ashe, Cherry and A1alnut at prices that A LAKGE STOCK Chairs, Salts, 3Ittnnf- 1 nil Kii ("s O S-iring Beds, jWork pocjtuies and Piture aid quality alivajs niade to ord-cif oji "aL'le irees i BABY " CARRIAGES ' A large sto(k of ButYy. Curriats with w;ire whet Is at$7.5( r - Silk..lMush Stat i tagis w ith ware -wl.c Fornuilv sodi for $i2 UKDERTAKlG DEPAPttlXXT'I S.jm cial attention given to ia li i tiik irg is all iis biauichcs, at H3 uht. ' I'at tii wlshhig my call at iav residence jErookivn." -. iThaiiking niy fi h generally Jbr past patronage .and a .-king a nct'u Yours anxious G-.W. WRIGHT, Reading fFurrylure Dealer. . IteS Jtoe Is !s2l WILL BE fflW ?m v IN - J ' - . liUESS GOODS . in nil I t lie Shades and -brics of the Coming Sea son. i- : jWICTER CLOTHING. vThis is now open for ii spection; it i handsome and fit ; prices" to suit ihe THE HANDSOMEST : . eatables: The best Flour made in x Itimesg . 4 l 1 from many . We Offer SPEGIALINDUCEMENTS to the : See lis before you buy as we mean to sell 3ou gooas CPIEATj it I for cash or barter. - Yours to serve, KLUTTS & RENDLfcMAN. .1 . : . - . ' r. t I :rULS' 1 mvns an" t " V i - , AHOMECOMPANYj - V seeking . MSpfeV ' tM2A? ktet-cs, lathe South. - ' MsfMsS? SciiETAiu. urAJL ASSETS , . JALIiIINBEOWiS, ,tti ienlr Agents' J : it--II ' Dealer and Undertaker Bt Assorted Stock of Furui- SUITS ! . OKGANS. Oig?u s ai,cl Dclur Sous ai d .Wluelock :. SCITS J tieiy tcmpctition. Tables for Ladies, 6 Q to Frames - le in stock, or . will be short i.otiee ats re&son- 1 SaDnPaiayol Cvr- Is at uv&g $G.o0. 00. all hours day and" services at ni-ht will on Ba4:k ' strei t, in j;x3s and, the public to ple-iso, ' FOUND '-4SS0TMENT OF i IINTER GOODS WINTER SHOES. The. Largest and Best America; the best Cured . assortment in town, fromi Meats tobe?had, Canned! the finest Kid and Calf! Fruits, Meats and Vege-' hand-sewel made, dowui tables "of all diinds at old j to the cheapest made, of; prices,; and the -Choicest j All5 Leather, at the veryj Teas, Coffees and Cocoas ' Lowest of all Rock Bot-I clintes. ; torn Prices. ' S t ; Kesulators of low nrieod ST WM. C, QOA RT. ;,f . -; - $750,000.00! Sarsbtrv, N. C. J The new year now is fcere Revealing its hidden scenes; The old yfear has flown away K)n times relentless wing. Farewell, farewell old year, . Your lovely scenes have passed away; No more shall they be recalled, .To view! them as one may. t We welcome tliee neM' year With mingled joy and porrow; To day we will cheerful t)e , . For sadfiess comes to-morrow. There'ajoy and sadness for us, -As the hours come and go; They are mingled together Like flakes of beautiful snow. 1 Orinoco, N. C. EI1TG ALCOHOL. Aif ESSAY READ BY it S3 LENA USHER BE ft) UK THE SUNDAY SCHOOL CONFEU ESCijN COKESBUKY CIRCUIT, CUMBEtt LAND COUNTY. I have chosen a theme that we re all quite familiar with, and some, i tear, are toajvell acquainted with u for their own good; autl w hile my at may not be very brilliant, still it is original, and I will endeavor to illus- trate the .sin and disgrace that is caus ed by the too frequent use of 4 ' ' WTfTSK-VV - f I hope T can impress, in your tiiinds the fjuily of intemperance, the cause alike of sorroV and crime. First,, thoufrh, I would like to show you some of the good and evil- uses of whiskey. JNearly everything has its goodiqualities and whiskey has, Uo, if on v used for irood uui poses, it is good iti some Cases of sickness, and es pecially reconi mended fir toothache; but if you keep a bottle for that pur pose,! vour tooth will be forever ach- ingH Strange though it seems, three or foiirxtiu:es a day you . have to do something for that poor tooth; and whylis it?Simply because that tooth loves' whiskeyyand nothing will ejise; it, or relieve it hnt another drink. Did; any f you ever have suc-Il a queer Jo.)Jli? Ut course not no one-, here everiheara ot such queer tilings. There are Other things, whiskey is good for. Ju.-.t suppose yHi were to ta!ta young ladv to ride,aiid the horses might run away ihexvouiigi ladv woufi bo ure to ivl hurt, orNaiore proliJdy she,, would faint, then liow Sucky it you only had a lew drops of, branily to force oetween thosa white, speechless lips, right then? yon rote you will never go without some next tium.. loujcan take a pint in case of an acci dent then if nothing occurs,, you -can drink it yourself, and by that ""means et ijsed to it, In years to come swear to her you will never drink a drop, and and when that sweet girl, is deceived into marrying you, go to town, and get On 'a big drunk, and ' tell what a dear good wife you have, go home to thuttgentle, trusting wife, and see her face turn pale at the sight of her . hus bands soiled clothes and dusty hat, his Ideaiied, guilty eyes and harsh drunk en v(!ice, see the tears in her eyes and hear 1 he agotrviri her voice, and think then,!of the good and evil uses of whiey. Thi?n again take the mother. She watches her sou her joy, her pride watches mm grow unto noble man hood,) how great his intellect, how promising hii future! 0! she prays, God Cause my boy. to shim the'bowl." She tells tha.tson the evil of drink, the utter jruin of mind and soul it causes, and fr his mother's sake never to drinki Dos he ddit? Does he remember his mother's pleadings? Perhaps he is a good, dutiful sou and heeds her pray era for awhile but soon he goes out in the world to make his fortu ne, everything is hoptful, his mind is on his tuture success, and how his name shall ring through ages tocoiiie. Ere long he mets a former cjas juiate, an old comrade who wanlfcs to drink in memory of olden tims. Mother's prohiising boy hesitates only a moment, then he enters the fatal bar room,jifcver to withstand tempta tion bgain, to sink gradually to a drunkards grave, and to' a drunkards doom!. i Pojor anguished mother, think you, she doesn't know the good and evil qualities of whiskey? Ah! if that youug man had thought before he entered that bar where he was going! that bar with curtained windows, aiid poisonous odors, and how often the experience of thousands had proven it to be a bar to respecta bility, to honor, happiness, and a bar to Heaven. Everyday proves it to be a road to want, misery, vice, mnrder, and to prison. Some it' is true do not pass through all the stages, but intemperance prtis ted! in, always ends ia a drunkards grave, and we have toj many reaSou& to fear hell. T'hmk of the misery, of the heart agonies caused by di ink. Thery Cbmus a m.ui with his last bu! a doliar, and perhaps no flour, meat, or coffee at houie, where his uiioierablii wife and neglected children tolling for daily f wad, he walks siiui ;ut to tiie bar and iu vests that tent ot money in mean whiskey liiuie tfi forgoUcii, wile is forsaken. iione. i uOUoed Uii UCuUJC ol Vi;c whiskev. These nre the heart tgoijie.?, of tn teniperance. .low wtlb whiskey fulfilh its mission Gbd oul-'k'hirVR.' People drink it regardless of all this they care "not that bread, was sold to rpake it, and suffering children, with hungry white faes, alone ibli theiafofj those who careto thiuki . I And hnmdy. that is ade of lucious frnit, that Gd has so aUtlnantly bless ed our land with, goes pu its destruc tive course thjrough .theor!dr yield ing fruits of $itt, and death. Oh! have you ever feed the fruits 'of brandy? You will find itiir the homes of wealth, in the homes of poverty, iu the homes of humblenes., jn the homes of widows and the liotiies of orphans., Ragged dirty children in the stfW-t are fruits of brandy. Murderers thegallow?, crouovefWprked and harsh brutal looking men, ail these are fruits that brandy yield. Nothing lut the women of this nineteenth century can ever reform the liquor trajle ot this world; a few goel, noble, resolute, earnestly united w omen can wield a . brighter scepter, a: d win a more glorious victorv,. Ih'an all the prohibition laws in America to day, .Iny are in some places dwiug a grafld service, and why noc all women vork for this laudable purpose? If every girl could, and would de clare: ; "I am a ft)e,to the, wine,.' And the lips ihat titich liquor, Can never touch mine." Then would a reformation be brought aboiut, that would astonish the whole world. But how ninny voting men-r-be it said in shame' can remember that a girl first irave them wine. ves. and J jrali4 w, . t,em too Shame on that girl, or woman, who tells a man sweetly, there is no harm in taking a social glass. I te'l you there is harm in it, I can face the entire world backed by count less. millions who have been ruined, crushed, beggared by whiskev, and they will all prove that there is harm in ft. Mothers would von like vouug la- di, & to e'iicourayre vour sons to d riu k. theii? Train vour daughters not to drink wine with sotnebotly else's son. Do not have supjurs of cake, and win?, and; invite your neighbors sons to drink with you, lor many temperate joiing dos- have left these suppers with a i hirst for drink never to be qireiiehed, till! their' minds and bodies together with; a precious soul, is fallen, crushed, broken, forever lo.t, beyond th'elreach of hu man aid, to dwell in everlasting torment, and go to a drunk ards' hell. Deliver us from this curse that is destroying the minds of intelli gent men N;ind bringing sorrowing wives and wroth ers to the grave in poverty and hame, beggaring inno cent children like - death luruiug in every p;:S;ing breeze. "By each holy kiss thy inot.hcr, 0:i thv infant forehead presul, Lov; of Father, Sister, Brother, All that purifies the heart. By the hope OP Heaven within thee, Oh ! debase not mind and soul, Let, not sins own cialice win thee, Shitn temptation, ihun the bowl." NEWS' .PSOM.i THE CAPITOL. A DOUBLE TAX- ASKED FOR TO SUPTOItT TIIKi PUBLIC SCHOOLS. CHRISTMAS IN RALfclGH. A yoUXG LADY BUltXCD TO DEATH. A Wi LD feUMOU AN EDITOR CANfeD. COL. iPOLKS NEW SECRETARY. a S2O,0OJeir Christmas in find around Raleigh this year was a magnificent and de lightful season to iill, old and yovsng, rich and poor, felt; its happy intiuences. The rich were made happy by giving of their '.abundance to the poor; the .poor by Receiving of the abundance ot the rich. It is safe to say there was no home, however hnmble or lowly, that "Santa Claus" didjnot visit and leave something that wouldcause the hearts ot the little ones to be made glad. There were Christinas trees and carni vals all over the city and throughout the country; there were strains of de lightful nuisici and the wil l and joy ous shrieks of 'delighted children v'ere heard everywhere Tiie churches, chapels, homes aud even business hous es were profusely and tastefully deco rated. In homes eery a-here were to be seen the bright red berries aud the Shimmering green of the holly, -auu ''neath chandeliers and hall lamps hung the mistletoethat plant which be stows such charming and delicious pri v ileges. But it; would take a length.) article to describe all the good beautiful thiugs that were seen aud heard by your correspondent during the holidays, but suffice it to say thai the Christmas of 181XJ was the h ap piestiaud most enjoyable ever &eea in llalejgh. i , M,-. Josehits Daniel?, editor cf the Staid Chruiikiey wus tiie recipient of a handsome caut, appropriately engrav ed, fiom the compositors engaged on the Chronicle, as a slight tkeu uz i,t regard i.ud ts. tie ii in which hvi is held Uj his employees Om ChnsUnis day about 11 o'clock Mkd Lottie SJiili a young lady aged nineteen, living in th Mulue.iSleru Put;of the city, vvtnle faking a tire, dioiped a coui;H hr aroa causing il iu Mze,'. Shiiiwi of li.o house andj jerkeil the apron off and thrtw it froni Inr, thinking fh:it no olher put other clot bins had take:i fire. Uut the hhizafrom the apron had also fired her dress. She did 'uot discover this until she was in fhmcs. She fought tha fire desperately but without success. Her breast waf fearfully burned,- and her face and mouth whs scorched to a crisp. Everything was done for her that was possible, but hhe died about 4 o clock on Friday morning. A rumor was circulated I here on batuiday morning to the effect that Prof. E. Pk Closes, superintendent of the Raleigh graded school, had been shot aud killed at Jouesbqro, Tenn. Investigation failed to reveal' anything to substantiate the report rahd it was soon regarded as all moon shine. There was a large and enthusiastic meeting of, the association of the coun ty su pen n lie mien ts of public instruc tion, ih this city on Fiilav, in the of fice of Hon. S. M. Finger," State Sup erintendent of Public Instruction. Everybody present exhibited a warm but cautious enthusiasm in regard to the enlargement of til? facilities for common school education. There were a great number of speeches male by distinguished educatois of the State, all of which were characterized by eloquence, e:irne-tness, wisdom,- wit and determination to carry forward the great work of common school educa tion. A resolution was unanimously adopted by the association asking the Legislature of the State to double the the present levy of taxes for the sup port of free schools, that is make the same 25-cents on each $190 worth of real and personal property. They also recommend by the General Hssembly of the State, the passage of such laws as its wisdom may deem ef fectual to secure the attendance of all the children from ten to- eighteen years in the State upon its free schools or other proper schools, for a period of at least four months iu each year. -Resolutions were also adopted look ing to the enactment of such laws bv the legislature as will ivijuireexamina- tion questions for teachers to be pre - quesnons lor reacners to be l pared and distributed by the State Superintendent ; also, t hat the legisla ture be requested to authorize the Board. of Elucation of the severai counties to set apart such portion of the sdiool. funds of their counties as they shall deem necessary, before mak ing distribution Of the school funds to the iiistricts to aid weak districts in building ec!i-')ol hou-es, said fund to be appropriated to such districts as the board of-ediication shall determine are entitled to ir. Mr. 11. . Aver, who has for some vears past figured const licuoiislv in newsp iper circles Here, and v. ho has filled the repo;.sib!e' wsitio;i of city editor of the Stale Chronicle, -of tins city, so faithfully and efficiently the past year left on Tuesday tT) assume the position ' of private secretary to Hon.-L. L. Pol!;, vice Mr. D. ' H. " IU tenhouse, .resigned. Mr. Aver carries the best wLdies of the people, of - Ral eigh wiJ; h hiinto his new home and they will watch with interest and ap preciation his advancement which his ability is sure to bring to him. Louisa Harris, a colored woman liv ing near the union depot, died on Wel 'ncsAlay of last. week fro in the effects of a wound received by a pistol! in the hands of a white man while engaged in a quarrel in her hou.-,e. The coro ners jitry reached a conclusion on last Saturday, bXt for good re. .sons Rave reserved their -conclusion for the pres ent, j The Raleigh cotton factory has found it necessary to double their - " force, and are now working night and -.t.'. t.,rimr n ,1 ., ..iwt !l lr!lh ffllVP , . 3 .1 ... l riecnrred here on cuauiiv i:.oiiiinLr iii id; 3 o'clock. The new round house ot tiie Raleigh aud Gas toil R, R., ' with seventeen locomotives were burned. The road had just purchased three now locomotives, two of which had never pulled a car, at it cost of about 15,C00 each, all three of which were in the round house at the time, of the fire and were burned. They are not all completely destroyed of course. ' It is said that they can be put in running order for $5,000 each. It is generally believed in Raleigh that Josephus Daniels, editor of the Stale Chronicle, will have no ; opposi tion in regard to the State printing. Live Stock Notes. Use plenty cf bedding. Grooming is as healthful in winter as in summer. Warm the bits before putting them into the horses muuth. Horses should be turned out for ex ercise every pleasant d. y. . 1 1 1 To "et the best results nanoniig ana training should begin when the colt is verv jouo'' Oiife-third each of corn, ojds, ahd 't ;od biiky ground logeiher m. vv'.ittcr t'lition. iL'S t-'tdrnt t' bora's heels and les lean in lite win ler i tiie oesC prevuu I r . Le iJ' sciutcheo. Stantliu; iii wet manure the hoi'o: tends to niaku tile feet ot Keep tl ;e atahiecivan. News and Comments. . Change the fed often eno-igh to keep all stock with gol app-tites. fhey will thrive belter on less feed. The Boston Chainlier of co naieree pissetl resolutions f ivoring reciprocity with Kewfouudtan 1. Reciprocity is booming. The stP imers Spree an 1 Bmr;jjoy:ie brought to New York. Monday 557, 400 in geld. Since December fifteenth i he gold imports have been $5i, 153, 320. The Raihcaii 7YmatSfc.. says that there u now no doubt tlut it is the iutentioiv of the Gre .tlNoilliern Boad to push its line to the Pacific slope. It is repotted' that Bishop Katger, of Green Bay, V h., h is been ajioiiit ed Arch-biship of the MilwaTikee Dio ccs?, to succeed thef late Archbishop Heiss. ' ; ' General Charles S. Taylor drowned himself Christui is Lve at Mount Holly, New York, at the identical spot where his brother drowned himself a. few years ao. " . . : Business failures during the las n sevn days number 33 J, s-onipared with 401 hist week, and 2S in the -Corresponding Aveek in lbSO. The crisis seems to be past. The visible 'supply of wheat Satur day as compiled by the New York Produce Exchange was 25,oG4,7US bushels, an increase of 17,018 Ojusiiels, and of corn 2,117,302 'bushels, aw in crease "of 200,013 bushels. The Maverick Bank, o Sin" An tonio, Texas, closed its doors after a run lasting three weeks. The iiabili are said i be $3il,10t, and theuss'ets $l,7bO,015. The earnings of the Columbus, Hock ing Valley & loledo Road shows-a net the year of V25i,UUU, or I 4UU murc u,aM j' ca1'- i'uur' novel tvrstricken road. I . . The Chicago Sunday clooing. . league v;as incorporated, wuli ttro laiKUote oojeciol closing tippling liuiist? on thcSaubatll. Aia) it a;cc' d better than tiie city government. It is reported that tire njw , M-uvt pohtical oiganiz iUuti, known a the i.jigiKS ol ii-jciprc.u . vmii ooLn or g.ilnze a Ab.ite. loage in Aanas. Se cret poi'itJCid pig.ii;.z.itlons ai.d ..-secret police are dangerous tuiugi in a iic- iiUi.hc. ' The stock uy siock oi wiieau 1.1 jxiui.e.-oi.i. ... i . . - . -. i . i ana tnc ,Lt.Ktas is given at 2i,Oi 1 Ousliei, a gam 5aicc i.il wtci i. oi-i,-250 busu is. U e hope pi ices ui iWtcUi iiae reached tue loAveat ij-tLCij. The schcdulesof Itvjbcrts, Juli:.ia:i . Co., ot AjiV 1 oi'., liaucu liiatcil Siiovs natalities oi gl0,(JLO, tual UsjelS ot v13 jjvO. lnia is OeUcr lltun many ot tue leceut failures. John Larmoutji, niauufacturtr "ol tlirealilUg Ulucllifics at'v Jlolittcal, hs tailed lur 50 ,o'UU. lne "conioine ' beglus to snow lis liouis. lelijitiks tiire is quite a pe.cpiioic .' oni.li oi brimstone about. St. Bernard's Roman Catholic t'liiiicJ at iNe'w 1 o iv was ucsuojeu by 'tire, causing a loos ot t5,U0V, Willi ad'lu su.aitcc oi v0J,OUU. All our benevo lent aud leiiyious li.S.llUtiOiij auu;tl be "as wisely insured. .- - James McBr.de' blew up Jen kins' uiLh dvtiiimlte because lilo win', wlij - was uriing tneie leiiisea to ste itiia. lie Was ariested. I lie 102s w.is (,-JuU; ln.-urauce, 5,UUU. The regular quarterly diridend oi one and Uiree-pu.ti ter cc eettt, pa) aljie Janviaj was deci.ued by tue Us. ware, U icKaWaua Vestttn Uit'eciors. We are to uaye .au other yreat Uau. cotillneiital line. An explosion of kerosene caused a fire in the mine shalt of the L'uitcd Coal and Coke works, near. ScotLU.'.lf, Pa. The coal in the mine is s.ud to have taken tire and if not sj ccdny sub duel wiM-result ia heavy, los. The Ohio oil Company at Lima, Dnio, which is the land dcj..riu.eat of 'the Standard Oil Couui'iy, mcrcscd the capital stock frcm S3,5ii0,tiJtJ to tf. Ml ut I KM) Inf., bun f lit I.. 1 i. 4, VUUWVV. ...... - - ....... ........ v . g;veti. During Christinas week at niiUlo, X. V., the thermometer re.sten J te.i j degiL's below but at Lvadoiiv.He, V t., j the mercury sank thu'ty beiow zero.-. ,o Gieeu'Chritma3 ior thu "Hi roe a Aiodiitain State. ' i A farmtr darned .llollowm in fu';.d a nugget' of guld. we!ghiii0' 'viu.y otihCcs oil iiia lui ui ;u J.iiii...5iv1t teiail lot'.. I. U t.ii- icUiiS 1..1-1 i'..l; d. op eviry .-quaie ti.e 11 ui ne vvi.l i.a f,,o. . go.de. x.a.. C'lii'iStmas nii.t, ia i.i- r.,, (i .. i .!.L;. iJj'. do. il i-A.Vi.-i o; ueiiiv. lie vi .s i'n sn.t.ii .i it. ! ana Ui'uer xi'ane ..1. 1 1 .... 1 (.eiil. ti L ie L i .I'iiUv. - RIFLES OP THE FDrUREL lUROtAfi '.pbUNTP43 AiL ENGAGED TvEDUClNGTHE CAUCEH, The AT&rtasr of a 31 Vict Klxca: Hat. I;-r-Gcrr.itiij'fi Slanicr tu d t5io ! rrencH . lU:lAatrIaa New Kepater 6tUt Will Ilnpvrn ystnu Tvt fstnros in Infantry riflea are nf b3orbiii nttentioa hi all parU io the -wnrld, rife crdiber" and th rcpeatnj aparatui France, Gcrtn;inyi Atutrla, Ealand, IIollhiHt rtnd Italy tira i&ll tw gaged in r JucinqL tire caliber, and Jir lit uur oua couiitry Gen. llcwt saya, In alro-' cent roiTort, tliut .u!m3 quotic:i ot i r dnccil ealilwr for srrisH arms is oi under ' consivleratioa by the department": statenicut whicH -Bpealw volumcv i WitU a smaller ctdibcr nroi joined a'-st-xl! eased bullet and a j;omprcr.st.d fowdVr, or else far, more powerful puwdi r, 'wUtli-' gives greater, range"" and pv'"'-'tKitJon,-vihiloi many additional cortiS.b:es tjrtha tho -ssialier .si23 can obv:ouly bo carrh?d ' by the j-oldier. ' This last advantage is tha more important, graco the tt'inleacy t Cro to rapidly is iucrea.ed by the repeat- ' inTxns?. ;. Germany, in order to supply her nrray ' with inaitazino guns uiw-id :t Frniic' kept her factories at Krfr.rth, 'SpBndait. and D.iutziu working tlay r.u.l n.i-litj-and now that she has coiaijletcl the armuvj her troops at large coat, also is to bcin ll " over asain with a new $m::il bora riflo. i?.9an3a Frchchhaw :f small boro. Ihe present German rcpntm-,';urm. w hich may do for jibe reaervo, and culitla, lar th:.. Mauaor of sixt-ecn years, ago, refurnished with . a magazine of eight cartridge pushed by a spring hi to the barrel. ' CoL " Abuthnot, ' BUix'rintetnk-ht cf tTie ,Enfleld factory cpasidera it the worst repeater h ' K haa rfedn. It is certfiinly both heavy und ill b;ilBioed, although it has the advau- taga that a simj.le movementturna it ten single loader, nid ittequires no new manual of drill. Iiut it is doomed h; fori Jt has been really, u ski, iK-cause n better gun is found in France, Tha cnliber of tiio new German riile is to be eight nnlli meters, which is only .5 inch, whila that of the Mauser U. cloven -jnilUmeters, or .43' inch. - ; THE LEPKL ntrt.F, v The Ivtbcl riflo, tulonted by France, hi cf oidy .ZUi iueli caliber, and carries eiht "Cartridges in a magazine under tha barrel. Iu sharp ioin;e,d steel' foullet, about the size cf a iva, dt he n at a woa tlt rful velocity by a hew siojkclriis pow der, has great rangeitn l atcv.rccy. TJ16 60ldier can carry nearly twice many cf its small cart ridge j '.ni if tli'e -old style.' The trajectory is utmost tlat fv.r ranges customary, with a cuuMpit-i.t gain" In' precision; t'ae rL".oil ij scarcely perceptl- i'.e, andevea the noise of V.o report ij i trilling; The l'rencli I'ivloii ril'.e i. cn ether reraarlial.le -smuU bjr?, cf .015 caliber. - ' : It dy has asm all caliber ride under con ' Si l'jratiou in the invent i a ;f"(.'.ipt, Fredui. It-u of M'S) inch -bore, an I eji-els thclcmpty cartridj.?-, ojcud the: chaiubcr ra;dj -coeLa, the pice. The I'ici i u cf about tht ai:' tore, bait of a greater imixiia velocity , t!.i:i gn and-the i'band Iebler b'.'ia iL'jo moist remarhabie of the i?tcent iuventiuns ia that -repct.. Tiie llebler is very tigut, and is or onjy .jm tnta Caliber. ' " The SchrdhoJ repeater,! he Invention of an Anntriaa, h:s Ixsii tried with much thoro'ahae'ij ia I' iirlaa 1. It ta'kes ten cartrid'i. iiitrodined' fr:T a card b-jar J bi.x, nu ca:i nl'o le uicd as a fainl'j loader. I It Would coat k-: :s thaa the Kuj-l.-SU Martini-l.Khry. 1-1 ut Kn-land :out of " tlu larje iiumbur of ma ..-.ziae iun open t la r is: tryinj "i.y 1 tvb rt-.ice thj iia j rove J Lea and the Lee-iUUm..-. Til a so favorably I.ika. li in ihe Chited t:Cte.-, : he.3 a detachable -!SHi:a2ine, aiid. t'ais is prtferjjed by ...soie expert. it th UritiiTf af p;ifentjy deci-l j iu lavor of havx hi'4 tii hepptr ti'xed, kt the movable 0--Eliould he dropped in the heat of uetka. They follow the nvovenicatr for ,fnilU calibers by lixin; on a .1 bore, vhatevtt tho selection of the innizine rifio tj'steui. , "STho largo chargo of compressed powder -Bnl long bullet will secure hi'jh velocity, 4! at trajectory-and accuracy cf blujutiug. Grout lli itain .hus had un cxperi(.ueoioiie- tiling like Germany's, since ,;;lio-hal jtuC,. introduced, the new Fniiekl-rdartini .-10 caliber 4s an iinprovemeiit ou kr Martini Henry, which ha3 a .43 bjre, liliJ ovK : Kpringlkld. Over 10').00J have been com-; plote.I, with new sword bayonets, but th fcuiall -caliber will supersede thcia. AUSTIUA't) liLrEATLil. " Austria's new repeater, theMannllchcr, ' f"s accurately and rupidly, uud-Cfin heM ftt?the bholihle? unGl . Its series of. . cartridges are leli.vercd. Its detachable magazine is c:.riSt. l in n frame whica haa an ingenious apparatus for fcetlinjj tLTt cartridges iatu the u:rril. IttiU freedom from altcratkaa of aim -between Bhots a'ncl rapidity cf. luuding,-"it resemble-j tko Leo, . but tho latter c:m Uj used as a single, loader, wh'ij tho Mumdickcr cannot. Austria is al.o among the recuut convert! to tho smail culiber, ' whichwlll allow " mere ca.it ridges. than the oiiglnul Slamw 'i' her. The otytia nutuufactory lxaa ro-; :;ied orders to deUvcr.j mere of tha i.ire caEber ri3c 3. ' - , Other well ..known systems are th llotthkiw, Chairee-Iloece. Winchester,. (J-It and Spencer of American invcution, r. i li (yio KropaUchek, Vetteili, Jaftnan:) nad others in Europe. Switzerland Wai the brat country to arm her troop with .repeaters, atldp'ihg tha Vctterlf1 v.hicii ij-Oic heavkot of ail the magnzina fiaaj,- weighing ten poaatLs. eight ottuceli, it even sis ounces ntra than tho Mauser., It tal.ber ij .411. Tito jt ia.uia is . tha ror-eater tf Norway and Gvvoticn, and t cf idout tie weight of the Mauser, j wit':!' high mozzle velocity, end-tki smallest; c.iio.r, .ZZ7. nmoag tho older magazlrij i.r:.u. Tiie ILiOptschcIi ha for ycarar i-u.i unetl 'as a repeater in tha -1 rcac))! ( , iat nvr i. bnt for her land forces 1 ranoo Lad : . . . - , f mou.acatio..3 rather xf tho Graj! r.de. on thujiysteiu of Le'c, Robin, Picar l k".1 ot ten, prior to .l.cr selection of tha1 L'S.iA. 'J'VL3 Ticaid iecms litllo cXTecUJ; oy the i t'sonee of unit or rand. Portugal 1: :.i the Gue le-J, a modiScatlou of the I.: opa;.-cheh, w.ia a 'small caliber, i .SC7, and liigii vilociry. Italy wa-i very-rapidly ! eitniiiJj Iilt troops f wita a Vcttcrli, ciiaagcJ into a repeater on the " Vitalj cy ieu, but wiil be found devoting Ler s.'f heiifcforth to a small caliber nrnn- lc i.i-not al ae the r ' .tnta'jre U dj . t.l ira rt Co 1 a trt.ac.Ix.-i v a i-."ai:-;;l 1.10 n-' I c-i !ar 1.; iitv. '.iica ...s .- ( : v Ue tht l hov-' t 1 i,: ' i -' - b t'O:) -l rt r t- 1. . a. t t ,,' !i : i :. U,-t ' ,"- i 1 " Children Cry !br fflicher'd !:- 4 y .: 1 . ' , X - - - ; X I 1 I- - it