Carolir.aWatchnian. LOCAL. THURSDAY, JAN. L'U 1SUI. Xsewspapsr Uotea. ( half intererest in f!le j.and he and Mr. if. A. continue to edit th Hurrah "for Jim Capt. Lee Wynuc, of KnoxviJIe, Teun is ia the dty. The Board of County Commissioners ivill meet next Monday. - r 'i ' " r : i Mrs. Jj 11. Crawford has been qiiu'.c sick for several days, but H now better. rri a t- ' -t-i f . t- . ..I his railroad pass The Salisbury Jas and IJectnc Light!., ... , company lare preparing 10 put- in a new plant. ' ' Mr. Aifb'rtl Walter, an old and i - i y . It . i rati i . . ' . . man, aieu at ins no me near lumcoiu last j x e editor n;is -been on tho Sunday, "i 'Two Chinamen of the wnsheo vahee class haveilocated here and will do luini dry work. Capt. (r:jw. Clark and several mcm bezs of his family have been quite sick tin bought a Monroe Reg;ter Underwood will paper as heretofore Wade-Han i, has bought a fine new r-ioi uic Ciniiiotte. Niws.' It is us naiiasoine and newsy as ever. Charlotte "It is thought by Vm,e that one-third ncd Meek Jeuburg do not believe in 1ft ofJst year's cotton crfWniains vet in Uiig newspaper men starve. the country unsold.' JAJ Shin., J,.,. The Co a cord Standard' is three vc-rs I . the besfc ho in B:U''Ver ovi ou and i.r: it .-m, im.,,. ... ,. -. weizneu -aiTii no ww ronm-i Jim Cook ia still at !!, ; auotner one better soon. A fW of IKEDELL MATTKIiS PUT IX SHAPE I AiNii'OLI) JJV THE LANDMAliK. A rabb, chase in the centre of town attracted cai ler.t'uU attention Tues-dayaflernoon.v- Rt-v. Dr. Wood preach ed at JIiekoryu;j.Jay and his pulpit here was filk-d by Kc-v. R. 1). Samson. A VEAE lilllJUS r.. -t t o. i. mweil's Utt about D fee uuuuj) it ine ooiiom ot j Davie Coanty I.Te3 GIsaiasi frJa the good i Timsj, . . i 'pi. . .. i -j i . sick, li.-st this week. on a lilt that was ; taken Mr. S. L. -Mr. W. T. has Wood rulf moved rom Mot-ksville back to bis farm X T . 1 -ui. j-iic hmoot succeed this week, r .. t IUIjJUs. il 9l A. L'ewis, on&-of the oldest and best known citizens ofCabarraus county, died last Saturday. i ' Mr. W. A. Lip, of Atwci! township, killed a bog a few daysago that weighed about COO pounds. TMissHattic Crawford is rapidly re-aining-her: health. !She has been ick for several weeks. Mr.CJeo. fV. Smitljdeal, of Ciarlottc, 'is, sick at the residence of his father, Mr W. Smithdeial in tliis city. . AVe dearji ! that a new Biale academy will be established on Chestnut Hill in this city at au early date. The Watchman has increased its cir culation about v) per cent, in six weeks and is still growing rapidly. We return thanks for an invitation to attend the oStb anniversary exercises of the literary Societies of Wake Forest College.! 1 Peach & Bowers minstrels will be here on Fb, 2iwl. t The Kan-sas City Times saystbatit is au excellent all-arouii4 entfcrtaimnent, He.Drv i I I ..I ... . ' ' l J !! iiuimaii as io.lmaster at iloiruai.s. We notice cross ties fur our railroad go Jr.g through ton n every dav. This look 1 like buMi,es. Ttie Uiird dieeof ma sonry was -confer red upon JUr. T. M. Young on last Friday ni-!it. Measles" are going the round -j in Javio county. If you have not had theinyou had better: iuok put. Messrs. ( :iv- win; ixqd Jiain Douthit, of Faimington, have gone to Winston to enter the IXivis Mil- TLa.ry School. nad becn sunk for gold, and out apparently unhurt, Wilson, who was pardoned out of the penitentiary Tuesday, & note in our a.ejgn correspondence, arrived here je.Meruay on his wiy to bis ho:ne in north Iredell. One Prof. Nott, a danc ing master, struck the town a few weeks ago and got up a large class of young men. He collected for the first half of coMe nyeY the. ;i:eat JiL:iiasT to spkxd AT KVLAXI. Dill Nye has forgotten Ashe illc f Ahevill nas not forgotten lidl , f, I tvo gi tal facts -c. . 'U yei.l remembered atb,. intent 1 1 list v in...,,,. ... 1 a l,Jt; r.,- i .l " ! ' '.uiieernmi' UiU section, and ls the author of that iVt, -sentence: "If the people of wtten? -North Carolina wouM Jwk their h'utVer more and their, cows less ih r ,Ll wouhl be greatly improved" Mr. Nye also wrote a vir r.,,,.,.. on Advice to A imWq mi ns. l'leilMi with f.iinnf .,l ..:n ? winters , U2PARTII-TG VIGOH bOLL i:V13UYVHi3itli fTi ' iMii. ! ? 071 md his iileas of ti t.t..i" perforate architecture ,...... V .OI AslieVillo Hf-lnter. Piil Nye has been for-iven an.l I, ;.. coming back. He, of course, could nor! tl iiocure a boine Hi Ashevillc, on account f the great demand for dwellings so he did the next best thing. -Me nas rented Sale of Land. On Saturday the 21st clay o (-ourt House door in Salisr On January 1st, mm A Absolutely Pure. till i. il 'u', ai puhiu; auction, MlLMlOSt )K , tl - - - - V 1 t ho 7.. t , . : . '";iniieu u resKlence at. Rt.-fl,wi 1 ,n. , . v . . 114 1'i-Klay pnnjr. takiniri,. f,,. ' Olii'in f T 'T March l,t will come dona from j Al'infu-ld, J . L. Annticld -md , rTl,iSc;, aulhcl k-. comin-Ym A " 0,O,lti'""X "o acres -y'i!--?vh,B. '"--I i" homo ,,!,,.) n,y()ini (ho """ Uiaivlllir 11 fil.'lft, L'nnifn I W K! t I 1., ,,,, I I I,,..: .1... i . A'timv'i i JU,,i lllt' oaroer, with u hn ! to the following in uina-im in advance lor the sei'.-nwl Jhaif.. taturdav bi -n! n i i,.t i "u, . I i . U,U"J "g"i ue sio)eiJ, and to hear his- pupus talk now one would suppose they Inbi been attending Sl swearing school and had been given a full course. HeraTs All the news'iuat Jim Cock's 5 ' paper contained: Ixpiied railroad passes will be given away as premiums to tlw n(ri;-.t . . come, tirst served. A little child of a section master on the Carolina Cen tral Railroad was killed by a- passenger nam on that road, !iday morning, east oi Mieioy. 31 r, JJA. Wright, who im 1! i., knowledge to the young Americans m No. i, reports a grent deal of sickness in us i.iii ti, f i.. a chilli Mrs. Alexander oer, the inother-fifViti-.'.'.ii ir.i. iveWer, was taken sick mute suddenlv Friday evenin-. 0;ir.jnformant savs she i? threatened 'with pneumonia. Th,.,-,. fc was a misunderstanding in town about clay-bank horse and ox trade. -Xeither p-ny remeniners the trade, though out mi".iim mat n fi-nfo w... with JJlackwel- Letter From Catawba. yorresponJenee or the Vat-liri:;n. Tninking that soma of your readers would like to hear something from old Catawba, I write. All of ----- j. 4lMU uuug men are strongly impressed with the truth, "That H is not good tor men to be alone," and all of the young ladies think so too, and '" "laiving sad havoc of sin-le Blessedness. Allthe girls say it is not a brass. sdver nor gold baud that is the hct, but a husband. If! did not know r . . i . . ' 1U1 ui'tf it it is tiie Allian causing this grcji ivointioa all the United State", I would think i matrimony. IMum picture Mr r. en ni nirer and Hiirht i ,UM "UK,n. I'owder. U "rvA. "wiveuinp strenjrih. 1 ' ('ent report, Aug 17. is.s. CW!dren Cry for Pitcher's Casfona. CO .TO ROBINSON ' & SMITH; orsaavingand hair ruttinir i'n. i cnnmvT, about in cultivation and OIH'- that is over it was was iuk t. ihese parties must have beetv' Mr i.dward 1'axter l'ern", the tatnous i mr M. C: A. hall reain- pianist, will jiIhv at the " next MondaViuight. Mr. Terry is blind. I : 'bui'said to be! a wonderful musician.' ' The Sbbscriiption looks for the new .-Salisbury coition mill are now open- and can be found ' at. the lleaj K-state ollice cf Mc.Cubbiiis-!& M( -Canlcss. The board of directors consists of several .Miccesslul biisiuess The' water in a spring on the property of Messrs. Shaver and barton, in hast Salisbury, has been analyzed by the State Chemist and found to contain valuable medical properties. The property will be developed. The Salisbury Royal A rcanlim bal a public installation 'of olliicers at their - ball Tuesday night About three bun- Ui'ea lnvitalions were sent out, ana quite n large crowd attended. The Arcanum is in a' nourishing condition, has more than a hundred members "and is con- stahtly adding more.' A new star route has been .established - ftt Salisbury, beginning on the '20 inst. J ym ui inn lumi; iui mvj ij .ivuuiu Trom China (Jrove. It begins here now, and runs daily by Faith, Kock, Organ Churrh, and thence by the old route to ' JS'ilesvillt. We now have six Star Route mails, four dailies and two triweeklies ' running from Salisbury. Wc also have six daijy mails from the North', Hast and South, -aud: four from the West. !&-!5 .. . Cabarrus and Conlcord sls seen by the Times. Capt. A. Tl. lYopst has resumed work on, the new Morris .iiilding. -Mr. J. W. C;Minow is n;rl- livo,) mt, i.: otlice i ii the bank building. There !us lH't !1 quite a demand ibr: chickens the past week and the price is good. .-The chain gang are taking the ugly rock out ofiheJY.phir Tent road near Ii. V. Cafd- weil's.-r The s.Uitli-bouiid train last Sunday was oil time,, for the lirst time since the change of schedule, January 4. Iiev. J. II. C. Fisher, of Mt. Pleasant conducted services in the Lutheran church" at.. Charlotte liist S:.i? .,- tiaeas occurred at tho colored school in HiMrict .No. last Wednesday. The origin was a d,g -tf-fit and then guns were brought out. No one was hurt but deputy Morrison had the oilendc-rs be fore Fsq. Hill Wetlnesdav evenin". A National B ink has been oi-'.,.;-, l in Hickory, and the good people of that section will soon see if it has the nou-er to oppress as is claimed. Hickory is also .soon to have anolhsr, paper i)ublis!ied as an organ of .he Farm-" e.V Alliance of Catawba, and surround ing counties. The editors and even the aevils tbemselves are members of the Alliaijce. Mr. A. C. Siiufbrd, C:,o of Catawba's caierprismg stock-raisers has just come from Kentucky, where he purchas- V'e hojie he - mi uu-onie nun c))en arms, and will be glad to have in their midst.'' Jmvc Citizen. letters, wilrrloubtl ,s i foifvtli iuii,u (h , v.JUJV uni v-. v "Hiwiuun anu ono ne nears hchu nn .t.;t .. ; l ic i 1 win. - --..-. (1,1 I J H :i II l I ..), .II4 1IT .. , I. 1 . . nu-nt had .snrun, f I,,., m'. " v-."" I , ni '('ivijy tinihcrcd bottom and Levi. . ! - ! land; this tr.-wt .-nnfoi,,, ... .... i Mi. yc can be assured that tho !lu-M.t.r,.,-i it:.. i xensoftnistowii u ill welcome hi n w , V " XV l and i r tfiv iiiti.,,ii I... e him i "ni'Hiiunirs. j Also the "Hold .Mine" tract i containing 8() ftcros ndininin.r Ghildr-jn Cry for Pitcher's Ptoria.' jtJl lan(ls of T- KTJiompsoii , . and otiicrs; ahout t wry-thirds 0f Walter bridges, Athens, Tenn., writer I tn tract, i- in tilllber I or six years IJiad been afllicted with I TorniQ nf coin M ' c running sores and an enlargement nf tK I ot One half casll bones in my leg', I tried everything j i 11(1 balance ill twelve niOflths neniM oi u unouuany permanent benefit until Botanic. Blood Balm was recom mended to me. '. iVfter using six bottles the sores healediand I am now in better health than I have ever been. T ,,i this testimonial unsolicited because I want others to be benefitted. liii 1 1 i ill i i ini" i v aah i .w.w,o umi nrrfc-ciass work s fit v. I 'We ;hopi i he only white barbershop in the cie usa trial and be g n a r a n t ee sa t i s fa c t i o n . convinced deeltqvr Perliaps no local disease has iu!r,l aim bullied the medical profession more 1 shan nasal catarrh. While iot imine- j ciiately fatal it is among the nost distres- ' ting and disgnsiing ills the tfe.-h is heir I to, and the records show vei v few or no I oi .uuicai euro ol chronic catarrh by any of the multitude of modes of treat ment until the introduetion of Ely's C ream Balm a few yeas ao. The suc cess of this preparation has hem t.wwi i gratifying and surprising. with S per cent. interest Title r i 1 i , . , i-; l . i v. vivi mim purcnase mom is all paid. K. J. HA LTOM, A-ent Jan. 17, 1SJ1. A. S. HEIL1G. Attorney AtLaw. SXIJSUI'KY, X. C. Of!'u c in D'is k Wilov'i l1:ink l.uil,lis, .fiit r ot M ;yin ium luus strt-.-i. Will yvuv. la-i- in Counts ot i;.)wan an.l! c.nni 1 '.r. .nipt aud earel ul att. ntion Kit,n t,, :;n ,,, l 1 t, d. ...... 1 . . . t colicclililla'. i t il SALE OF LAND cattle. sj arranged that the x'k with out go- en a lot oi very line; wiil soon have it I'cst of us can get fine sl ; ii ,. ....... i to anoiner staLe for them. Several fine -lroves of mules and horse . """"o" f-'iti countrv luuie lor some Southern market- Our tobacco farmers are nrenarincr ,i, beds to sow tobacco seed. The moun tains west of here are covered ith snow. When I have time I will write more. Fa k m B, v. Tlie undersigned. Administrator i with Will annexed of Ellen I'lvler. ! Mortgagee, will sell at the ('Durthouse I door in Salislmry at puldic outcrv to ' the Inchest; bidder for cash, ' j On Monday, lYbruarv 10th. IS'Jl. .i tnu-t of land inKowan county mortal which show gaed bvThonias I). CJraha'iii to said ! themelve. KHen l.Mvler, adjoining the lands of J.'L. Ih dric-k, (i. W.' McLean. J. T. , i)odiiKiii and idhcrn. conrtinin 'Jt7' acres more or less. This Is a tine I propertv and vim'v valuable i) nrflTITlrTrtn-i n . . . LISTEN to WHAT I SAY. I begin the new year determined to create such advantages that mv friends ... v i me (u i-.iiuj uowu io unariotie ami see mv immense stock ein .isf)aiiiaciuniy as n inev saw tlie goods on the floor I 1 a complete line of photos of who slav at i ive out 1891 , we will move into our new store oppo3itef our old sta,nd, where we want to mee all thl good people of Rowan Co. We will give you more goods for the same money than ever Respectfully, B. R. Julian & Go; ANTED! The name of every manTii : Western North" Carolina who -has timher land, improved and - j unimproved, farm, lands, town lots and properties for sale. Wo , must have hottom prices-, full, l'ar and eorreet deseriptioiis. j Persons wishing to huy, sell properties vill fmd-it t(r their- interest to write to or call on " ; ; McCUBBINS & REISNER, sALisnruv, c. -' W np Quality and Styles almost as well as if i guarantee tverv ariic o mst r. rrripoa,ni,i hnd it so 3011 can return the goo'ds to me and L will hear the' v and you saw the oroids and if von lo not xpense hoth was REFUND YOUR-MONEY. r 1 1 KliRY lUMI.INSON". Adm'r. Iiohhixs Lost;. Attv's. Jan. ir,ih. 1S1. IJy ordering from me through photos you save paying dealers charge vou, and yourj railroad fare to Charlotte of whTt von want ana 1 win uanuuee 10 ootn piease and aud E. M. ANDREWS, en AULO'ITI", n. 0. the lu'g piices smaller e me for photos Writ ave you money NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qualified as Administrator 011 r he estate of V. A. Ioston, deceas- ed, all persons having claims against the estate of my intestate are required to present them to 1113 on or before ! the 2VHli lay of J anuary, 1S02 or this notice will -h? ple.ided in har of their ' recovery. All arsons indebted to said'1 J estate are repuested to make prompt -jay inent. . . This 1 1th of Jan. 1801. OSTO.V, Adiu'r. 11.6, !. Alexanler Court. The Watchman was represented at Taylorsyille court this week and as a ' re sult'has 33iuore suhscrihers than it.liaJ However, a part oi these were secured at fotatesvilic. -Aiexanoer people are now very -.orderly. The ltute docket was disposed of in one ilay. Killed at the Bridge. Mr. Sloau Cathev, of Mecklenburg county, one of the workmen engaged in building the new iron bridsre for the E.;& I); across the Yadkin River six miles from here, fell into the river last Monday evening ana was-uiuea. i 1 ne bridge is sixty feet high and while falling the un fortunate young man struck against soirie projecting 4 timbers. lie was buried at Charlotte Tuesday. -rr 11 1 CI) I' 5 'Tho Perry Concert. r All the lovers of good music-' ro de li glhted lit t he' prospect of an eyeu i ng witli this sifted and wonderful musician. Tu our last weeks notice, we forgot f o flrl (. .-- . -0"'-' v that this- artist is blind, for his testimo nials speak less of this characteristic; than of his skill and interpretation as an artist. He plays so beautifully and his technique is so. faultles-ly jXMfect - that fha'listener forgets his infirmity, if you can call jt an infirmity. Iu our opinion Mr. renty's blindness only adds svmn.i- thy and-. beaut yto his already sensitive touch. All who wish to spend a truly ociignttui evening, ami lcaru how to eii joy and appreciate music, will take ad vaufage of this opportunity H( hear this wonderful juusician. - Ha plays next Momlay evening at -the Y. M. iX. Hall. Go to hear" him. ' - ' Death of Hr. Ray. . ATi. 'P T ! , r . - . . .. : Steele iownsn:p uieo hwt. Monday at o o'clock at the age o yeans, and was buried Tqesdny atlzbe-f nezer churel).;. Ilf left a wie ami two ehihtrn i r. f...t ... . ujarijr menus 10 mourn Ills loss. ': - ' Mr. J. K. Newell, who for several months has been th city. editor of the Concord Standard, has resigned that position aud returned to his home iu Xo. 10. He is an excellent young man. liked bv fivprv. body aud a fine news gatherer. We re gret his departure from Concord. Union County NcwTX ToldE7the Monrcc Eegistsr. There are more new buildings going up in town now than at onetime iu the past live years. Col. W. H.Trott.who . .. i" 1 ua.-, ioi a longtime a merchant in fnii. roe, died at his home in Newton a 'few days ago. Kev. Mr. Tiiplett preached a "ery eIo(iiient .sermon in the Mgihodist churcli last Sunday evening. The recjent wet. weather put the streets and side Walks in a condition that earnestly pleads forstrpet improvements. We learn that there is a good deal of pneumonia in thcfJ country. people cannot be too careful of their health at this season. Mrs. Snider, wife of Rev. I). A. Snider, lied at her home two and a half miles South of Beaver Dam, Mon day morning, of typhoid fever, 'aged 3S years, The railroad authorities are having the depot overhauled and repaired in general. The present - ticket oflice and waiting rooms will be lowered and another story added, imvhich the train dispatcher will stay Mr.AIdree.from near, the Howie mine, was Ijere Tuesday and met with a very serious accident. The mule lie was riding became friglrt ened andunmana-geable'. ran' away and threw Mr. Alderage oIT. One of his feet hung in fbe stirrup and the muledragged him for some distance. -very badly skin-niu-and bruisii him,aud breaking threS? ! ribs. j se slen- 1S has Around .Eetheay Academy. Correspondeiiee of tin; Watchman. Prof. L. H.Rothrock is principal ' of this school witlrMiss Ellen Holtshouser assisting him in teaching. We hav e en- rn n fl;t. -t . , "Im " pupils. For tho vvisningtogain an education, with uei means, this school is one of the best Twelve months ago many of our peo ple little dreamed that we would ever have a railroad in this section of coun try, but to-day this is a realised fact Last Summer where there was nothing mg but a grassy cotton patch, and ,oor soil, now stands a substantial slate roof- eu, three aivirtmnnf ... . - . v.. u fuming, wnien xwocKweui station. Mr. J. W. Peeler --.0 v,. .ulo ulUte , eyery l)ai.ticu,lr He moved his family to his old home immediately after receiving the appoint ment. While at . every blessi,,- a railroad allbrds, there are some things that we don't approve, namely, the hi"h rates of freight charged by this company frpeed the day for a railroad commission W inle many eomplain of the rates charg ed by through lines, still they are Com paratively nothing to these feeding ines For instance, a man shipping a bale of cotton from Rockwell to Salisbury mut pay 11 cents per cwt., but the samo bale of cotton can be shipped from Rockwell to Concord for 13 cents ner hnmW.l. o distance in the first case is 10 miles', in nlc auuuuu, ou miles. Fine cars. eiI!xiPi station houses, etc., are all risht, lmt' when they are run at the exnensp nf ih is tim6 that thc"furmer legisla- of a railroad appointments 1 s uis 'ap leb. ; t THE WATCHMAN i 1 (1 ti t n ( it t ii ii r' ii il Ii 8. 11 a. 4, 11 5, 11 6, 11 7, 11 9, 11 10, 11 11, 11 12, 11 13, 11 14, 11 16, 11 17, 11 18, 11 19, 11 20, 11 21. 11 m. ErotliorS- 6- Wilson Will fill the following with a lull line of samples, explain the Rusifless Agency System, and ho will K able to give all terms and arrangements to buy Alliance Guano, which isniow be ing manuiacturetl for the member our Order. He will have th make all necessary exnl.-inntinn , i? mo 10 meet mm on me uay ot pomtmctit: ' Pittaboro, Tuesday. Carthago, Wednesday Lau rin bu rg. Th ursda v. Liimberton, FrKlav. Wadesbor o , Sat u rda v, Monroe, Monday, (Jastonia,? Tuesdtiy,- Shelby, Wednesday Concord, Thursday,' Salisbury, Friday " . Lexi njjtbn , Saturday, Durham, Monday, Chapel Hill Tuesday, Graham', , Wednesday. Greensboro, Thursday, 1 Reidsville, Friday, Winston, Saturday, ii tt ii ii ii ti ii .1 ii i . ii' ii i W. Ji. Worth. State Business Agent - - - ; 1 2 (Hi "PIP mm & 0 We have entered in the work of cleaning our tables and counters of all Winter Clothing, Overcoats and Underwear. lure give us something commission.; Mr. E. B. C. Hamblr v i,t w,o,iU the assertion th-tt.- 1. 11 , "v wuiu sunsenbe half the stock to build a ssonort factory at Rockwell.' We hope some moneyed man will improve this oppor rumty, as ihc location is beautiful. Elm Grove Alliauce is in a flnnn.l,;,, condition,; sixty-six male and r.t.n female members. t A passenger car jumped the track at U-cH s camp this morning. No oue,was hurt. Cause: section hands raised the track too high. . Drusus A NNOUNCEMSNr, tVe hereby nnnniihoo xr.. n r t iiil mr. i-. I . Meronej an authorized ent for collec ins and receipting all .bills due helate hrm of Whitehead & 'W Our great January - clcaningv Sale is now in order for 30 "(lays onty. We will sell all Clothing, Overcoats and Un derweannt 20 per cent, dis-count. Men's"suits $20.00 1G.00 $25.00 20.00 15.00 12.50 10.00 ii 12.00 10.00 8.00 AND SO ON. accounts unsettled an, Ijll sixty days thum. All .aI ...K...i. 1 . i u vi, rtiyusieu in the nvf will bl i-educed to im 1 urrti-nr,1,..n " J. ivnUBllKAD, U. D f II.'.l'. TEANTHAit, M I). See whafa friend will do. : Proclaim it fron) the house top, publish it from the highways and byways and come andjee what bargains I am offering in Clothing and Underwear. -y We prefer to sweep all our winter goods for cash rather than carry them over. Doi.'t pass th;s by. You can't afford to do it. ' 1891. Sales must be the largest on record, and with, this end in view, we propose o make sweeping reductions. Is it a suit you want? A boysjsuit? , We will be glad to figure with you. So come and tako advantage -of our 20 pd: cent, discount, sale Respectfully. ? -A