1 . - ' H-tior Toller: , : V Mi Io spfak a few words on nn article of tiie .VitKMiCau ot the Dili ii1sl..-ih whkh l-he editors fee proper io bounee, wtir his usual uegree fd frarraHn,'ihe National Le;iur.-r of the ': L .iitrtis' Ui;i'n, J. 1. ' " Willetts,tiit is view on the t bird p irjy. Tlte American Mar. tali liiitt an imhs- 4-reet dreauieivu fit sul j-ct tor tl(,e fo! ' house, or what not. it will hoi have the tr-iideiicv .tq letr.u-t "the Alliance or - lrmiW aiui LHt'orers' Union from. tljeir piii7-es, 'which are expressed, ortdituvBallv, in the silked interview with Mr. Willetts. Lsay conditionally, i n that the condition I 'bteed itpou whether either of .i'he present parties - t!l mnw to carry out the demands of file Farmers' and and Laborers1 Union in canrf8s Mid elsewhere. If such .is Accomplished sind rxecutrd in Rood , faith - and the old- part u-a can easily de- . ' inon-strafed it by JSD2, then the third ' ir1y movement .will b done away with 'but iiist nssnre as this is not "jc- . Voitiphshed. t hu tlnr.i parjy in ue i ue renirfor 1S01; and the American will discover that its productions bf the idV'ivt of toe paitv or its possibility will be tVilur... Ve knoT the pOr- i ; ruuu fit , iU Mlitoruil is to discourage the moveim Jii"tbdir . not be flius delt wUh. 1 he nljr vvay ' to defeat, or rather prevent it, is, as he , fore btafed; for: one of the "prescirt parties to adjurt itself to good honest Lbnr in'conL'iess, and jive' the country fueli legislation as is demanded for its " rrlifjaad-ftueh as should have been in force years !i-;o. The laboring clases will nilaign themselves with such par ; tv "regardless of politicsand with no Other. - ' ' Th American nias; infer that the .southern -stales vvjil patronize a third party in lahor circles, Lecaust i-ne -icp-;J lefeiiUtive of most said states objected "to the thnd paVty movement at Ocala, Fli.,' but such , will not prove j,tnic iTliP iimmswl.it. not thwt they would lot heartily ew operate the ftituTe, -if necessity demanded, but because they thought wie to 'ive-th olU -partiea tim Jo repent of their evil vays" uttd do 'ooth Such boni fidft 'r'tpentenctj and o.l yvorks not having iee-n writiwt ny wu niaKe ineni ns solid ks.uUainajit withHhe't bird party Jiioveinent. The oppressnd of the sou! h oYe liberiy, jusiice ahd rlht as dearly . iis lh(e overburdened dhes, who, being mere judically aggressive, demand the third JKirty ;iow. A knowledge of "the. iiiiind-iitihi; on the wall" is what will Ijdrfeat t4ie Force bilbV and W Jidnion 'ished, doomed is the party, hat does -not conform to the just demands of 1 lie people. - . - , A Tie -News. ' J Tae 1-Tew South. Foujvlruie'n inn sleigh aftompted bj Cotton factory projected at L;iu rieus, cr.sTrack ..ht-..d of a traiii near b. t. Clule, Oh,o. AU u ere IriHed. I PoV:nHm: fi::.. strits its cotton mill I - ' . t ' Fire af Montreal, Canada, recently this nunth. ia-i.d losses aggregating l.,U00,UtX). The insurance is 'ijO,UOO, United States Senator Miicljell wa ... ?. . I v.l ' I . xt m 'if inn v . Hlf) t - .1 t ti f. 7 St000 for a UvjUO loot Kitesian well ut imblicans or the Uregan Legi,ia-. v S". ft. Huff.)rdxind others are creeling a woolen mill at Wytheville, A'a. Galveston, Tex a, has appropriated At the conclave of Illinois chiefs of fire W. The Tredfger Cotli Manufacturing company. is about to liLuil I a plant at Al.i. I'he company will de- B L M' i&M tn 1 . - J M.irbtii.iii. of Polo. - w.w elected ! cide u?OU !l site Jlt OUCe president. The defic ol State Treasurer Wood riiuU", of .Arkan-sas, is SUA,0l)(). His !Kji:ds:;ran have decided to make good the shortage. Negotiations are pending for the re- ! inoval to Koanoke, Ya., of a 12,000 knitting mill by a .Northern party. Roanoke will secure this industry, pro vided a stock company is, organized for the purpose of erecting the building. ! An agreement between the board of presidents, of Salem, Ya.,-' with Co!. West of Xew York, representing the British and America Direct-Progress Su-el company, Limited, has bee:i en tered into for the immediately erection of a oOO-tou steel plant. A Boston syndicate, healed bv State Senator HenHett, of Massachusetts, is reported as having purchased half the capital stock of the I3;acks!o e, Ya , Land and Improvement company ana is to incorporate the Boston Textile AXanufacturiyg company, for the pur pose of erecting the woolen nulls re cently mentioned. Within the past ten months there have been built and operated along the Norfolk & Western .line, twelve blast f-furnaqjes, eight rolling mills, twenty uine iwood-workiwg establishments, twenty-four foundries and machie'ne works;5 .eighty-seven other industries, five coal mines thirty- four iron mines, 2,000 coke ovens, and thirtv-four hu-tels. fu his mesa're to the isew Jersey h'trisiuture. UoveriKr Abbott maue a stone plea for a irrand display at the Worlds Fair. Three men vere fatally scalded by the bursting of a ste:mi pipe in the Flison Electric Light Company" build ing in Puiladelphia. - On Wednesdvy the California legis lature in i iiU sesion. formallvdechuvd neiil- lie knows what wouldjLtdaiid . Srawford re-elected to the f result. 15ut the people will United States Senate. 1 E. H. Ammidown, destler in dry goods at New York", filled schedules re cently showing his liabilities to be SG'J7,UGu and actual assets, $UG,240. Application b) wind up the. business of the Can:il Forwarder's Association Was made at Buffalo. It could not compete with the railways. E. M. Yan Tassell's grain elevator,, at Eleventh street and Thirteen aven- up, Ney ork, was uitted bv Tira th other tlay. The lo-s was 2J0,- 000. .- Fire at Montreal hist week causal a loss of $12j,UO0, well covered by ni sun.nce. The Phillips Blocks , at Prineetim was burned causing a loss ofj?D0,000. -' . RUKS EASY. m . j ICINSJFAST. wetns SEED i-Jffl BCOrrnTi j i t.iiri.t iLI, SAMPLE. KEVER chokes . 3!tZAK3 TilEKOU- TKECELEBATD n Has All LAiTEST IKPROVE.ENT suras eve tiie Eoath p. KM ed. lhis feature ia ueulir t no other, .tm 5 r.;'. M,!lwKEnanl . tile lir 1,..-.. a : . " liear TOU. li- W.IBS'Sap A E5 F ATLANTA. OA. at cat k -J I i it1 a STANDARD jii7nrs: - i-t paid, lully r, -f -1X-r-J:r rorrn . Oth. r ije or J 3IR20T0BV Siine Points.. Ntititniiil IIeoij,oii! ist. Should the Alliance' movement v strong enough to really frighten : jnohtical bosses in .lSi'2, there will tfnit two parties in the Held, one it the be the the "Demore- I Alliance and the other I.- IpwblirnUcnrv i' WLeo the silver lobby succeeds in' I . : bringing about amillier compromis? ' r the cotintry will have.free .coinage of .silver audv their ocenpation will be it. ' -j;one. Indications point now. to, 'a free coinage bill. II 1 "What the nest move will be by tlu; 'I . eastern monopolists to stir dp section V , Jul strife now that the force bill seems to be dead, is hard to imagine, but t .'.that sotue measure will be -brought up tVo one need have any doubt. Just as Jong as tiie exploiters' can keep" the North, 'Swuth and West fighting each !'.. other, just so "-'long they will contin- ue tp Jeyy tribute. i ,-tt ' " Th3 Two Plans. , Natio:mI Economist. The sub-Treasury plan, and the pr'cr- rposed sk'in o" loan i ng money direct to the people-on real estate securitv .different and distinct proposition?. - oridifferent objects; they. do not con ilict.il caiiinj(t be consolidated. One r$ intended to increase the 'volume f jneney in cifctilatiow, and the 6 her is intended to prevent any sized volume of money from violent contractions, . which depress prices. - The sub-treas- . nry bill as .now before Congress was adopted at-Ocala, and the policy" of the land loan system was afte,! a full dis cussion, adopted with the distinct un derstanding that Uie quantijy of land Ifclid the uinottnt of .mtiney should be so r limited that the measure would be of .0 useito' any but the debt riddeir poor. Advices from Coulee Citv, Washing Ion, says the young.. Indians on the Front-Col villi; reservation are in war paint and are eager to fight. Settlers are preparing i'or an. outbreak. There are according to the State Commissioner of' K-iilro cds, 1,018,73 miles of railroad in Michigan. The gross earnings for the year 1800 ag greKnted SUO.323,071,02; not income, 31,800,270.54. , It is reported that American manu faeturers (jf siotls,l)obbinsfand shuttles, in conjunction with Britis'i capital ists, 'are forming a syndicate with 5, 000,000 capital to control the business. At the close of its annual session at Springfield, the Illinois State Board of Agriculture agreed on a chisiicliaiion of premians for- this year's State- Fair, and 830,000 was appropriated for that purpose. The directors of the Milwaukee, Like Shore & Western Railroad de clared, the regular semi-annual dividend 6f t Free and one-half jrer cent on the preferred stock and an annual dividend of seven percent on the common stock.' Ths Seamans1 Union in sessioa at Detroit recently, decided to withdraw from the Knights of Labor and form an independent society, which will amalagainate with rhe seamen's society organization of the Atlantjj and Pacific coasts, " At nearly the same time, one dav last week three fires were blazing, at NeAv York Yan Tassell's grain eleva tor, Morgan & -Cornell's tinware fac tory, and Campbidh'N.cholls' & Geor ge's bonded stores. 'The losses a"-M-e- gate oioy,uuu. A character has been issued from the Secretary of State's otlise, Yirginia, to Constant A. Andrews, Calvin S. Briee, Russell St regis, Eeverton Chapin.tn, Simuel A. Closer, Frank E. Randell, Clarence Andrews, Edninud Sui.th and others, incorporating a company for leading and in in in; coal land recently 170WLMI COHIllV, VV. Yil. (.')' XT Y mVEUXMEXT. Clerk Superior Court, W G Watson. "Sheriir. Jas M Monroe Keiter of D-.ls, X Woodson 'J reasurer, J Sam'l MeCubbius. Purveyor, Ji C Arey. Coroner, D A At well. CoiiHi.iiotsers, W LKlu.'i?. ehainnan, Ir L W Coleiuan, Cornelius Ke-t!cr J A Stewart and I V Patterson-. Sup't I'uhlie .Schools, T C Linn. Sup't of Health, Dr J J Sum lnerell. Overseer ofl'oor. A 21 Brown. SEND Y0UK TH JOB PRINTING -TO THE wa rvnu t Koluigb, N. Organ of thi N.'.C. S;ate Alii. nice Edited by Col.L.'L. Poi'c, ;-sb,teJ by Rev. Bavins C.a!e. The p:iper. will be kept tip to tin. uiial high s Subscribe 'for if, oily Si'- pir y aiida nl mi in vane. me Progressive yarnier aiid the Watchman- will bj 'sen' new subscribers at SI. 75 for both Ta per uoscn,e now PROuiRESSIYi Audi eS. FA KM ER, 4: , ,r 1U w.xafilyisio?:. f H i m 1. an. lli:i,.lSl!i EASTEOUXD. i Xb. 13 j JJAILV. Ra! e' ''!i c. IX. T JOB OFFICE. J. L .RAMSEY- PROP'R,- ccp. hrnil (be fiftieth y.n of iuh.-.:':. I: i i ikioI.u. uWr"': 'pft, as lare sji i C3 v t" ' :irry V.',- ni,!.i;,.,ti. V y. ;i I ran ntko frt.m tu Ni 1 .-i ,:.v n! lr.?r. !..? i ;t? , ,; oin eipdriei'p. Hr;r r 1: cur- ft.:s. ; , . AdJir.Ji. HAL1.L i I 4. CO. . I -I SfrO. 1 -.11 -M-. : -0 - TOWN. Mayor, T C Linu Clerk; I) U Julian. Treasurer, TH Foust. Police, It W Price,' chief, J F Pace, G W Pool, 1LM Barrinirer. Coininissioi-ers North want, J A Rcn (lle'iKUJ, I) M Miller; SuiHh ward, ) Jf .inlian, J A liarrett; Past ward, .1 U Co don, T A CoiUihenour; West ward, K Holmes, J W 3Iaunev. Coiapiete n all its AppBlntnenls. -o- EVERY AHIETY OP HUntIXO DoXE With Neatness and Dispatch, or- J cijn:ciii-:s. -o- 1 1 valuable coding icquired in Alc- Methodistr-f.Seryiecs everv Sanihiv ni 11 a in and (i p Praver meetinii every Wednesday at (j p iu.' Jiev Dr. W II Pei'lhjjastor, Sunday seiqol every Sutulay afternoon at: o'clock. J W Maunev, sup't. Agricultural Notes. Scales save a good deal ol friction iu neighborhoods. Farmers who know how to produce at a relatively low cost are always at tlieliiead of the procession He who starts a ?ood read in; club in country neighborhood and jMit- enougn or interest into u to going, is a public benefactor. ;eep Preshy terian- :'A:ees every Uiiiiav J Twelve acres of corn near Sib! rv Missouri, the past season yie'iUd l'ui one or our suoc when cribbed. 'Ti souri y"1 nber.i Do ) buh(d's ow is 1 hat fcr lis-. In the experiments now in progress at the Ohio Experiment station, pct.ish seems to have no effect o:i wheat whether used aione or in iiny combination. The Michigan State Funeral Direc tors' Association held a special meet ing, lately and recomeuded a law mak ing it. a misdemeanor to use arsenic inH"1 decided to make a change in the management, to take effeqt upon tne 1st of Februan i Major Peyton Randolph, who is now general manager, has been made third vice president of the Richmond and Danville and Mr. Wm. 1L Green now superintendent, is to be general man- preser.vrng bodies, claiming that 'un dertakers, by the use of arsenic, are of ten made scapegoats for those guilts of murder.. - - o7 They Will Work. V ; - K National Economist. ; It is quite evident from the tone of Ihe subsidized press that a campaign of slander, mi.sreprtfseiitatio:i, and false hood will be coinnieHced, against the Alliance as oon Us t he present' session 8? has adjtmrned. A:? jit ifimpt wilPbe. made to array lone sec- ',r- lion ol theAlliauce igainst the at her -in order that .both m py be- destroyed. lh s method win be pursued because ojt the weakness of some nf the breth. Veil t give cielence to wh;t ni.iV be fl tid by the eneniy concerning the acts j fof thoie phned in trotitiof the battle. '11, c ibvii (. iitu-cii i.o I'roicci aiut care fijr .tht welfare of the Alliance can be 4r5lt -defciidint?-" or rvnl.iie.in.r iLiv I y'Tl . ' I .-5 f cinuact Xx suspicious or h all-heart rd. orethreji,itl eir us tnlness and rT"res styeuM will liejlistroyi'd iud thol , jetts of the enemy attained.. Let the V' brethren Le warned in tu.e, ::gainsi : ' nil i&'iith ;dteinpt's and "meet, them , as 1 Alliawt-e men should, knowing theii ot'j.'ct, wivh seor.i and couh nipt. Tin i !. . . 'If. .J. tl-'-" I ' uas i-oiiie lor Ai.i vnee men ti st:ud by each other, and in' the event ' ' . of- d;2reuce.i Id. them .le srttled usior.g the bredire.n as,thy sho.dd .le. i '-. ; Jiojuity to each-other stud" loVabv tt. i ie principles' ofrihe AlH irce w-ll : i ' riiig about in thf near future the i ; . complete -irimnpa of die 'i jjf:?ndesl , cause .LelbrV t-Fw. .vorld to-dav. 1 - - - l.l tj.-I. - ; - - His Taper Was Read 3y Somebody. Years ago when Henry Grady was struggling to bring Hie Rome Commer cial into front ranks,' says the Rome (Ga) Tribune; he called one day and asked the Rounsayille Brothers for an advertisement. J. W. Roihsavilh re plied: "Why Grady; nobody reads your paper; it, is no use to advertise in it." A Jiappy: thought suggested itself to Mr. Grady. Be went to his office advertisenient, Ttvliich appeared next morning in the Counncrcifil: ''Wanted, filty- cats.' Liberal price for the satire. Apply to the Rounsaville Brothers:" , Well the picture that presented itself atRounsa vill s -corner next morning be-ars description. Boys of all ages aiufses boys of tints, from the fair-headed youth to the sable Ethionhm- h:1r Kootcd boys and ragged boy, read- ieu;eo ouvs, i reciiietace bov; town boys and country ,boyS-boTsfroni all parts of lloyd county blocked up the sidewalks, door ways and street -with baps-full of cats cat of every de sermtion, name and order house c its yard cats barn cats, chiiah cats fat ca s and lean, houest cats and thwvish cats Ve,ll, tomaken long story short. theKounsaviljes told Mr. Grady to reserve a colrfmn for their advertise met as Jong as his paprrcontUuitd; and tnat w;as j nsfc vluit Giv.dy wanted cjijp-inv" of head in; iters 4u R ikig.i, as a payment for advenis .B,je,He oo -.is-.scarce. TbU fVv. I alVS -0!fe !d weather I atts. c oncord Slandartl. I II . i 1 ' - 1 ) , ii inert is any iniug as nooiiity m America, it is that which follows the plow and turns up God's good soil for the iiiiiiutenance of the peoples whom HecreaTed, Professor Wrightonays agriculture is a born science. It is lull of botany, zoology, geology, entomology. It is flill of chemistry, from ihe soil to the growing plant, the ripening seed and the animal life which is the outcome. ti ii a in ami cv.,o j in. 1'ravei- no etiiii; every Wednesday at 8:.'J0 p m. Key . liunipie, 1) 1), pastor. Sunday school every Sundr.y afternoon at 1 p in. J .Uinu)!e, sup"t, - Lutheran Services every Sunday at 11 a in and 7 p m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday at 7 p in. Key ('has 11 Kin, pastor. Sunday school every Sunday afternoon at o p in, 11 ( Kizer, sup't. I'i.i copal Services every Sunday at 11 a in and G:o0 m and Wednesday at G:0 ..... -l.-.iri. i i l iii. iiev i jiiinH-en, reeior. Sunday school every Sunday afternoon at :? p in. Capi Theo Parker, Vnp't. Paptist Sei vices evt ry Sunday inorn Hii: and niht.. ; l'rayi r meeting ewrv Weil.iexlav night. 4iev '- pastor. . '1 , y Sunday school every Sunday at V a.m. Tho.s L Su ink, Fop't. (.'atliooe Services every second Sun day at lu a m hnd , p niT Kev Francis Aiever, pas:i)i : Sunday s.li..,. every Sunday at 10 a in. ' V M C A Devotional services at Hall every Sunday A :':.() p in. lh:iness meet-' ing lirst Tliursthcy ni-ia in every month.! I II Pou-f, ines't. i Rill Heads Letter Heads, Note Heads. Pamphlets, Posters, Statements, Envelopes if -fH- I . 1'u!:N!.mJ t-v,-ry V-V-lao !;v at Tt kx, Kan., ly 1 in- a'.1vcv.;:i? i'tii.n.-Iau i.ai ;v r year. r " u - .- f t;', " rH-- -n c c 'Z.r- ' fill 1Q.91 . 5H :: P-7?.1 I AllO:ic1;i!AlIi;u!Pe !""? lMu;u-r,Sfr.te;ii.(iNa- . t ?.?'J I JU-".: .f lit.-J " '-'1 '- I'i-ii'.ni'.;;. .ii qa'.'stiras "E."-' ' ' '-.- a:; t r," ccoijnaa aa.t r2" . "-- - I ;h r i .m: . of iv.v:- v- I i I ':( L're.i !: ;-r.l tr'ua:'''! rf 'v Vlivpo or " r-:;.:t--s J'a.'j i.i r:U-t( T,!K Ai-r -..v.rK ),ms ,J pr..ra s . ..t a f h f . ; -t. i; ;i -. ; 1 ':;al - 1 -i:vi;! Caoeo-.l ' ''' ' ' ti"' in t ; W .-a r ' '.! k.- r.n- ar- i4 ! t:a.--t-l. Wilil UIH.-at-rii. ' Itl-f! ':. t:..-'. f-it.ir.' i '-u-.t i' tl: :t 1 1 1 - i . - " i, ,v o,.-. . .fa-.-: i:r- - f a :!..,;.., :.,Vi.;- , ; ,.s . tUt "'. .'. i 1 1: ;.., f;,.iv luv.rJ -- - ii. iiJva-ioc. A l.iiv- s Lv Kn'oxyiHo Jv M.or'ristLwn Lv Paint Rock Lv Hot Snriiiirs jLy Aheviile . I Lv P jundKuob j Lv Marion . Lv Morgan ton ! Lv Hickory : Pv Newton ; Jv Statesville : At Salisbury ! Ar Greensboro I Ar Danville ! A-r Richmond , Jv Durham : Ar Raleigh Ar Goldsboro Iv Iiy-nchburg Ar Washingtoa Ar J'altiinou; Ar Philadelphia' Ar New York j -S,J 12, I 7) AM v'' 7 '-f)"'.'7 JSl'jp.M '7-A: U.. " !- Jo. J r ? )I 1' , lot am ;;; J' - ;o t, oo a ji .1 ( i : A M - , o'am (; . ' fijJanr..- 7.'-;MU SlUa o' j;.!a 10 01 am -io - -o p ia4 ;,;;; ; lM m o:;, ia -loJpm 7 ' O 1M .. - ;.-c a in If a !iL tl o,)a ia 1 iu 1 0:1';) m oo ) ia ! m o 00 a ia 0 20 a m -f'I.a 4tu p u WESTDOUXD ' New Vorli Philadelphia Baltimore Washington hy neh burg Richmond Danville (rohI:buI'0 Kalci-h Durham (ireensboro Salisbury Statesvilj Newton t r iiicKorr rIoiWnton Mayion Rotind Knob heil!e t Springs . P'ainl' Rock Moi-ristoWn Knox vibe No f) DAILY 11. -JA l!.Y. 12 b,a xji tj-'J) uiii m 8 Mo'u m 'i 1 p m 1'' 0 p ni ( 5 p ni 1- IT) p m 4 lo j) m 0 20 a in S 00 pin. 12 A ) a m 1 4: a m 2 -50 a m o 1 1 a in " (' a iiy .4 1:1 a m o ' a m ' ( o" a in 5 oj a m S,4o a n b.2."") am -o -Jo p m & S. II. R. Hwiww.... I CLiii.lliI J tt, Dod.rors, . Car;h J a -1 r Ball & Weeidins; Invitations J . Caveats, and 1 ra.''.o-:-Is tSt 1U iuoss C.--.: !;;f:t'-.l f . r (' 'I office io c. :-r"i-y.) : .uaa vc can m :;r fernota f:-o:a ! -beed iaot!-t. V:r.. tinn, Wc s ..Hi .-?, A PAVFHI.CT. Ml-'f; 1 ) O ra::-.'. i cf s'-.:;.l jr.: iu y, low a, ui ii'Cv c:;a-.:;. s-.a Vv.t- ..c. r---.-cr-ic- j la. .:;-.) .j r i.. t. l: " : vx .... - fl A .'Q"'-"'v, f 1 a No "-: Botch Work. Rumored Change of Railroad OScers. The Washington corr. sponpent of tiie Atlanta Constitution says the di rectors of the Richmond niuf Danville Piedmont Air Line system of railroad. 2er. The Georgia Pacific will also be un der Mr. Green's management and will be put in (irst-class condition ot cuice. Pulton Lod-e No (J A P & meets every !irt and third Pridav ni"hl in each month. K P, Neave, W M. Sa!is!ury Lod', No 21. K of P, meets every Tuesday nijilit. A II Hoyden, C C. Salishury Lodue, No 77o, K oi' H, meets every 1st .-md :)s Monday night in each month. C T Bernhardt. Dictator. Salishury Council', No 272, Royal Ar canum, meets every 2d and 4th Ionday nilit in each month. J A Ramsay, Regent . Satisfaction Guaranteed, f;"" ! - . T - ' ' ' '- ' 'V-i - . n't 1 i i t . (. . . . . fi"r..is .!-.! - . - . , ii) -ilsi lr :tr.. . it....; t ill lIl.IS ttHr. , I y.'u kn....v r m. ,! , ,'u ... ,. . ,. L rn iri.u s. iO' .S.;'.-i i f Clinton . -o.. x Ly Aslieville " 1 lendersonville " I 'fat Pock" " Saluda ".J'yrt-n A.r Spartanhurg Pv Spartauljurg " Tyi tMi ' Saluda " Plat lioek llend. isuia ii!o Vr A;ie il!e :.liii-pa P.iKV.-., j No 11. ! UAILV llHi) a i.i 1 1 0! a m U 1 S a in 11 PJ a m P-':il p m i. 4 j, !n 15 "i7 p a ' p m" H -'Dp ia 0 40 a ia 'lo a m y 4o a in f t OO-ji i.i "1,2.3 a m 3 27 a S 10.: a m 12 10 p, a 12 o7 p-m 1 lo p m 2 22 p ia '-I m 4' p. ia 4 22 p m o ,S pia 7 L'O p i A 7 p K l 7 o p in oo p m I No .,. i 1'Aii.v 1 ) 111 4 40 pan o 40 p m -7 p m C 51 p 1:1 7 0 p in S-.00 p ju r.Aac'i. :io. oi, 7 4.0 a ia ! -IO ;.:.r 17 i ia G'Oo i. i a 12 Lv .A siic Hit' Ar Wa'vnesvihe Ih-ys -i City " Tinnol'a Lv Tu!iH;t!a A r 3h-yen ( i y ' ' WavuesNiiic A hlville 4 r,0 a-tn ! 20 a m 2- Oo p m 4 0-Tp ni 7YAS7 officii Oliiee hours from 7:o0 a m to G.oO p m. Money order hours 9 a m to o m. Sunday hours 112:15 a m to 1:00 j m J H Ramsay, P !M. fl A TTETlTriT Take no shoe nnlen l.rt 91 I eIIIW W. I Douglas' namfl and A JLUXl price arc stamped on the bottom. If the dealer cannot supply yoa, keiil direct '.u factory, cucIobIus advertised price. Orders by m:ul solicited and prompt- I ly attended to. Address, Salisbury, N. C. ale of La; On Saturday the 21st d i y o February, 181)1, I Avili sell at the Court House door in Sali.s Uury, at public auction, to the highest bidder the followinir tracts of land belonging to L. J. Armfield, M. L. Armfield and Miss Lou. Armfield, lying -in Unity township: One tract containing 115 acres (the hqpie place) adjoining the lands of Daniel Penninger and C. P. iPcnninger, about one fourth fn cultivation ami one half in pieavily timbered bottom land; this tract contains a uood two-story dwelling, bannd other outbuildings1., Also the "Gold Mine" tract containing 80 acres adjojnim--the lands of T. L Thom), and others; about two-thirds of this tract is in timber Terms of sale: One half cash Mix es-. rftiif l i t ' ? if Ibe Standard, m fyu of aWs?, uili arce,rt Sc.ne "rel used" no-s ties fron, tt.e iiic binond T r m Apur.ea, with the boss P u. t u"w ni twelve months of tbNorthCaroiina part Wlth s Per cent, interest Title W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE GENTLEMEN. Tine Calf, Heavy Laced Grain and Creed moor Waterproof. I?est in 'he world. I'.xanitno his S5.00 JEM'Ii; HAND-! 1: V Y. I snOE S4.00 IIAND-SKWKD M KI.T SIlOIv. S3.50 I'OfJCr, AND FAKMKI5V SI'.OE. S'i.iiO KXTIJA Wl.l'K.CAM'IsIIOE. . 'i WDIIK IN;VI K.N'S SHOFS. tsi.OO ami S1.tr, HOYS' SCIIOOI, MIO:3. All luutle in CoiiRross. Ilulton and I.ace. S3 & Sg SHOES JSSa. 81.75 SHOE FOR MI5S. Best Material. lient StyJe. Best Tittlajr. W. L. Dougla. Bro-kton, Mass. Sold bj M. ;R0WN V f " t V ' 1 71 Uradfield's Feniale Itenhdor worket. like a eharm; improvement been wonder fid; cannot express my latitude. Wish every lady alilieted would t ry it. I know t would eiMe them. Mns. Lui.r A. Loxt;. Sj.:iim (;rtit, 1'la. Write the liraillk-ld Regulator Co., Atlanta, Cla.. for further particulars. Sold by all dr A3 ' . X.s. !) and 10. Pulli'nan sleepers be- v. n ( Jreenslxiro and M orristown. s. 11 and.li. PnU'iia.n Sh ei.er.s be-. yi en ll..t Spih.-s and, Wasliiujitoii and-X'- w York. Nos. land 11. Piilman Parlor Cars m --tween Hot Springs ami Columbia. ,J..s .L Taylor, ' V A Winburn, (ien Pass A-!, Div l'ass At, Washin-ton, 1. C. Aslieville, N. C. -1 T EKK CUAIOK. - I.. il.Cl.I MI t CRA'IGE & CLEMENT, Attornova -A.t Xji,xr Salisbuky, X. C. -b. 3rd, 1831 CREAM -BP, COHS Ideals t'je Seres, Itestorcs the Senses cf Taste and niel; THF rrsY THE GUP.E. '' ' ' '' ' ' ' the kj:m: A particle js applied to each nostril and is agreeable. Price r0tcents at I)rur-in-U-: bv mail registered, o0 cent's. ELY PROTI I PUS; 5G Wr.rren St., Xev York. Steam, Air and Vaciiiirn. .irtimps, Vertical andHcrisou - tal of every variety and capacity. VERTICAL PLUliSl a. VERTICAL PISTOTJ. reserved until purchase monev-sClis tin jJclIU. r .; K.J. HALTOM. A-ent JaifclT, 1891. ' " linnn FOtt THE WATCHMAN Ssgular Uorisant?.. Ficton. V . :' Iv.;-tf . r . r-9 '.' vt: A -.7:..-v??ti v-- .rv,,..-,-.-.. TIp. nujst siinrile, (h'rablu and efJefi-n X - ----- v i Puinp in trie market for Klines, Quarries Kefin,eVies; r'veries. Factories, ArtesJiam wells, Fire dutv and vvneral manufacturing purposes. 51" --nd for Catalogue. T'alo. CMSROlfSAId PUMP f S -If I C 01' n.vsr Srui:i;T Nkw .1. s t re? v I: I i if I Phjlrrcii Crv for Pitchsr1? Cactoria.' i.i -I ; ... : i .. - - I ' f--i " . - 11 - i