7-1 f S G - - ! - . - ! - " - : z Carolina Watchman.. J. L EAMSEY, Editor andPropnetor urrioN jutes. One yetir la udvaiio ftix months ! k t t;ulx$ of five . - IJIuba of ten or more $1.5?) .75 l.L'5 1.00 . " " TERMS STRICTLY CASH. , f - ! Entered as second-class rnall at Sain-bury. Nj THURSDAY, Villi. 5 Thi'ojufk after vour name shows Jhat jour sub eriUon lias cxnrca "na $3 an invitation to rjrnew. EDITORIAL PABACrSAPHS, , . ' It isn't always pride that causeth a tiff neclr, sooietimes ifc s kls- - 7 Some pepiileTseem to Uiiik .tke Far mers Alliance ti maahroW organiza tion, and yet it his just held; its elev enth national convention at jOmaba. " Talk about curious things. Ther democrats of the city of PhilaIelphiaJ have endorsed a colored republican for office and nominated two women to be school directors, , Congress has no excuse now, with t the election biU out oL the way, for ' jnakirig Jan extra session necessary. This fact should be remembered by the leaders of both parties. ' The republican majority in the i Senate isf jot very reliable, upon po I litical questions; This may be unfor- tinate for the republican party as an : organization, but it does not harm the ' onnntrxr ' 1 I The Senators that have failed to make cdnnection.' for u re-election fhoiild organise a club, but come to think of it, it wauld be- difiicult to Jiarmonize men as wide apart in tHeir views as Senator's liluir and IIamJ)ton, to say nothing of the others. f The most nonsensical idea of the i lime -is the attended mixing up of the Federal Election bill -and. the "Worlds Fair. : The two are really as' ar apart as ths poles in all their aims an4 intents, and it is only an, evidence of fcillfaess to try to connect them. V If the-recent transaction in Congress ; can be properly defined as statesman . hip there is a wide gulf between Y; statesmanship and what, is known as ' . ; hard horse sense, and there is little doubt about that,if given an oppotuni- ' ty, the people would choose the latter , jb very time. t---'V'-' - r' Althoughi the lermen Reitching Ji as voted down a bill removing the . present restrictions on the importa- tiori of American pork to that country ' - those l?est informed' of the condition juf th public sentiment thro ughout . Germany are of the" opinio that the restrictions will be removed in the future. If they or not pur Gov ' 4Jrnnient should place restrictions upon sonip product of" Germany which we i i, largely import, as a retaliation. ! Mr. Ingalls is a very smart man, Jmt when he undertook to pull the Vqol over the eyes of the Farmers' Al r .' j Jiance members jof the Kansas legisla ture he took a larger contract than he pouldfil). j The farmers had decided that lngalls mfet gq, and no amount : of blarney could have saved him. His I Successor Judge Peffer, while lacking Xhe public experience of Mr: Ingalls,- js anian of decided ability, andone Jikely to be beard rom in the Senate. lth.as already been proyen that the m !: charge of (Congressmen engaging in - Speculating in silver bullion, while the silver act of last yejir was pending, was bisei on truth, and somehow suspicion that much more might be ilisdoveredif the -committee engaged , in investigating the charge was not, . ironi Som,e; cause, too. timid lo push (uV1 it is said, to expose U ihi prominent men of both parties rhohave engaged in this speculation iJrace up, gentlemen ! Expose every Y illy wan, and the great masses, ' -which are always honest, will stand ?jy u; aye, nnd reward yon, for your courage. K it is well c nought to say pleasant -rords about men after" they die, but jn.mc case or- tne ignorant erambler .-ilrunkartr and debauchee, who by the irony f ate; 'jvas known to the world as "-King KuMna, it is , certainlv beinir 1 Hcarried too fan Kaljikna was" neither od, eininent or wise, in his lifetime iind it is arrant noaesense to attempt to credit him with any of those attrib- I iites now thathe is dead, This seems to be the agejef gush anyway, land if curb is not put upon . the tendency of Americans lo go to extremes, -e shall bj Me liughing slack of' the warll. We gjj$h over everytluug-in i this country fp:n: a inisoniyvom in -to Ai4;.i;iI;..priT;Tjt2r, aai very : often weiaek up "bar gush witli hard -.tncl.ch, but Ls fooli-hit! ihe General Alliacci Ihvr: TiA il..(nr i h-if. u i I litinrove tue . ' n conditio! of the farm-re .will improve the condition of th whole people.- Atlanta Constitution.- ' -. . The Farmers' Aljliauca and the bosrdxf trade of -Paloosi' bity, Wash ington, sent a car-load. of Hour to the destitute farnuTi in Cheyenne county, Neb. LThe inauguration of Hon. j.)hn P. Buclniuan, ex-president of the Tennes see State Farmers' and Laborers' Union as governor of Ttiinesee, occurred at noon on Monday, Jan. 11). - The Ohio Fanners Alliance askssd the general :iSM$enib.y iit Columbus to repeal the law exempting manufactur ed products from taxation for one year after production, and tiie bill passed. The Alluaeemen are in full posses sion of the legislature iii Nebraska, Minnesota, Missouri and we cau lok for a very cold wave to overtake mo nopolies and combines in those states. There a:rV fifty-five Alliance mem bers in ths Florida legislature. It Would not be a surprise if the gener ous, big hearted John A. Dunn werelof TaternialiMU. IJut the objection ' . . - . ... I i... I .i.. MM.. , .,f .,.. the United States Senator from Flor ida. The executiva committee of tha Farmers' Alliance, investigating the connection of President McUrath. with 4he noted Turuer letter, completely exonerate McGmth from any ; improper connection 'with the letter. Cel. L. L. ?o: The Durham Globe is hammering aWay at Col. -Polk. It coatiauss to call him a "political fraud'' and other names. Such warfare as thai never has and never will amount to any thing. ".. i A number of our state papers have tried this game and lound that it did not pay. Now this untamed mustang from the wild and wooly.west takes up the yelp and consents to how 1.1 ike any other covote. -,Col. Polk wa3 first elected to the Idgislature by his fellow soldierlie vras then appjiuted Cominissiiieu" of Agriculture. Wh'eirthe Alliance was started in this state he was chosen State Secretary and his paper was made State-organ by the -order. In all thi he served faithfully. At the St. Loui meeting he was, elected Pivsi lent of the National Alliance. Last Djcem- bef ks was re-elected unauimously at Ocaln, Fhu Alljhis is the use for his being termed a political fraud. Have any of the charges been proven ? They cannot be. ;. With th-j exception of a few people who have been ni'uld by slanderous reports Col. Polk enjoys the respect and coiiS fence of all wiio know-him: Yet the editor of tire Globe. vt9 has not bsnn a resident of this state more than six months, . un dertakes to make our people believe what everybody knows to be untrue Col. Fairbrother or Col. Wetweather or whatever his name'-' is . should not make si:h rank assertions. A tender foot should wat until he knows some thing about the country bsfaie he puts on too much style. Gonsral Conm:ntc The "Central Alliance Union" has beeii organized and incorporated in Pittsylvania county, Va. The Peddoek Pure Food Bill was endorssdvby the Kansas legislature yes terday by a vote of 44 to 33. Seventeen men were drowned in-a mine at Jeuesvilte, Pa., yesterday. A n immense body, of water was liberated in an old mine nccidantallv. " v The Adjutant General at Washing ton to Congress yesterd.iy sh w that flic number of men in the Uuited States available fur military purposes, (unorganized) isJ7,57S,261. -A dispatch to the Charlotte Chron icle stated that Capt, S. A. Ashe, editor of the Raleigh News aue Observer had attacted Mr. Josepluis Daniels1 editor of the State Ch roaicle, and had caned him. Mi Daniels telegraphed that the report was untrue, however, and we have no later news. The death of Robert C. Pattv, Presi-I dent of the iarmers' Alliance and In dustrial Union of Aisssippi, also chair man pf the National Judiciary Com mittee, caused a strong feeling of sad ness to possess everyone who knew him. The lo?s Is one that will be felt keenly, both by the State and Na tional organizations. A conference of prominent Alliance men met in Washington this, week to confer in accordance with the resolu tions passed in December at the Ocala meeting. It is understood that the legislative committee will he appointed loieununin vMireton during the next Congress. that is right. PI ice somebody there to AatcJi them. '. e must "wtch r Town and Country. withiiAhe past t hirty years the1 popula tion of ouX cities auu towns im in creased 1D1 Vr cent, trom 00 to 13,000,000; while the rural p)puh t.on has increased .low than out-third us rapid lv, or about U per cent. It is claimed by some writers tlfat (-under the conditions otVour tiviliz ition this growth of the towns at tne ex pense of the country sdiouSHexciie no alarm. .The AineriQiin Agricultupt, however, sounds a" note ol arning. History reaches us that the strWesi and mostproerons nations haveil ways depended upon a thrifty yeonur.. There is. nothing in our career tint dis credits this lesson: " Oar contemporary asks for the repeal of uujuss lays and special privileges and dtiunnds equality tor all. Further than this it suggests ao remedy beyond a permanent co-op-eration among the farmers, conducted on a modification of tne R-chd.iU pia'u in England. This advice is so general in its terms that is not very helpful. It fails to meet emergencies. Just at present H is natural that the' tanners of tue country. 'should demand from ths gov ernment the same fostering care which is bestowed upon the business interest of certain other classes. In. oilier words, before attempting the almost impossible J.ask of abolishing' all legis lation in the inteest of chisseu. The objection may be urged that this savors . i it l. 1 1 . : comes to ate. the government com- mitted itself to paiernal'sm more than a ceiituary ago, aud'hss been on that line ever since.- One tiling is certain if.it is the settled poieA- of our govern ment to allow other classes special privileges, the farnreH thenise.ves will insist upon enjoying similar privileges. If it is right and jut to p; uvt iii;iii!i faeturers and whiskey men it is. right and just to protect the 'men who pro duce the croos that leedimd cloth us all. ' -7- Yinston-Salen. THE METKOrOLIS OF THE TOTiACCO V.ELT. . ' WHAT WAS SSEtN UY A STP.OLLEIt. Corrt-'spondencc of tht- Watchm.in. "Do you care to take a few. glimpses f the twin city, Wiastou-Salem, the two distinct cities with practically no gov. enimental relations in common, and yet. to straiiRi-rs apparently one city? if so, please don your warmest wrap 'and stout est Overshoes awl we will take a stroll, first through the quaint, old town Salem. We will invite an old friend to join-- us, who seems to posses -the magic witch hazel that always iindsthe living springs in. the news desert. How ho discuvers so much I cannot tell he simply says that he u-cs his eves and cars for the purpose thev are in t ended, and in: ikes them serve him well. The weather is perfect, though it mid-winter: but under foot, on sonic ( the unpaved side-walks, you will iind the mud and slush contesting w ith.olistinate pertinacity every inch "the light' uf way" with the most courageous judes trian. We will start from Cherry street Win ston, Avalk 'half a square in a sout ln-rnly direction and cross First ti . et whicli is the dividing lino hetwei'ii thediial cities. Now we are in Salem, the prosaic, well regulated Moravian town. It is a7i old and celebrated town you know, se ttled long before the war by the Moravians, and has been under their control er since.' We are told that the beautiful word Salem means peace; and the Moro vians arc a sect devoted to pence, benev olent works a n'l the diffu-ioii of a ster ling and moral education among the peo ple. " ' ' It is an easy matter to, find one's way about as the streets begin and finish with one name in both cities, so we continue down Cherry street between its white walled houses 'past the handsome resi dences and beautifully ornamented grounds of Mrs. iMary Patterson and Mr. John Freis, opposite, on tither side of the street, where we reach the terminus of Cherry, and are now facing Freis lnie three story brickcotton fabtor.y and gri.-d mills, both of which I woufd like to fell you about, for they are enterprises per fect in every part and varied by infinite details or extremely interesting facts worth knowing;-but there is no time to examine them now so we proceed up Freisstrett, which the factory and mills arc situated, looking with curious inter est across the way at the large brick fac tory where the world renouued Salem jeans is made and now w e are only a lew sleps lrom Mam street where we ob serve a corps of colored laborers engaged ia removing the almost century old brick pavement preparatory to replacing it with the durable Belgian blocks with which the streets, (ide walks and drives) in bJth cities aie being rapidly paved.. A few. minutes brisk wdk down Main street brings us opposite the . Salem Fc-' male Academy which Was established. ba ilie Moravians in 1804. The school is one of wide renoun,and its scholars have adorned all the Southern, . Western and many ot the -Northern States. Its popu larity has never., waned, but on the con trary, the school is more liberally pat ronized than ever before, the number of pupils of the present term approximating SOU. Its buildings ato hambome and commodious, setting -well 'back fronl Main street, .with well kept, amide and beautifully desigued grounds in front, fringed, on the street .side with 'stately elms and sycamores. We walk past the Widows' aild Sister' Home s, two worthy benevolent institutions; under the con trol of the Moravians, through the hand some Academy grounds, past the brown brick Moravian church with its perfect time keeping town clock in the belfry to.wer, keep the short narrow street un til we reach the head of beautiful Salem Avenue. This lonely walk is shut oft" from the busy world around, by two sta tionary iron posts, supporting a heavy iron rail which any one may go under or around and Iind himself or herself iir what seems a stray bit from some old cathedral town with its sweep efu-xquis-ite vesdueand white sanded" walk, bor dered on either side by venerable cedars, said to have been brought from ancient Lebanon. These are pertinently in keeping with the old graveyard on the right of the Avenue, as vou" enter, and which "city of the dead " is reached lf double iron gates in the brick inciosure threen number, bearing upon the arch ed gateways appropriate Biblical inscrip tions in gitt letters. We pause here and look about us. How lovely! We uhnus? wonder if the beautiful scene is not a dream and will .vauUIr befjre We have hall enjoyed its matchless Iimuiv i the cuanu of sugestivctiess Wiiicli-tt is I visited the place by moonlight, and it is impossible to conceive whut ai weird, fantastic beauty was imparted v fcj the scene by the magic moon beams. One cotibleasily let fancy loose-reined and 1 rituie oneself in a fairjVland'. .The sil very radiance seemed toglcaui from the gates of Paradise, revealing glimpses far inward, then filter down through the lof ty dome -if cedars, making ekborale but grotesque designs on the snow white pavement beneath. I am sure the Moor ish ruins of the A! hem bra could not pre sent a scene of enchantment more thrili uig and lovely. lat we are -pausing by one of the open gates leading into the faultlessly kept eemvtery, to read the in scription over the arch-wav; 'B.es.-td are the dead which die in the Lord."' It is getting late so .we must hurv on, yet giiully yyouid we. stroll L-'s.trely through ihiVhaJiowed spot and read the sacitd epihiphs on each square tabLt ot marble winch est from upon the mounds of the dend Side by side in d.oubie rows, with a luhrow footpath between, the dead, rests apparently every grave alike, the aged reposc.side by side likewise. the young. Many of the stones discolored and hoary with age. dimly chronicle tb birth ami lcat! of the sjiJnt tenant be neath. Here too, we find tall, venerable cedars, w here the constant winds breath ing through their venial foliage, chant solemn requiems above the ftmny dead. This is strictly a Moravian ccuictery anil none are permitted to be intered here but Morovians. But beyond, tJ the-rig! t of the1 burial ground is the Wiustoa C-m-eteiv, a spot .susceptible of the most ar tistic improvement, and which we can reach from hiao by crossing a narrow wood and picturesque ravine, bat the Setting sun wb-ose parting ray s are irli. - ing t lie tail sbires in the t .sn city and turning the western sky into a shield of burnished gold, admonishes us to turn faces homeward, so we laggingly re trace our footsteps, and come once more out into the busy world where the noisy rush of street cars and a series of shriil factory whisUes cause a uueer sensation akin to au electric shock, so sudden is the charge as we emerge from the peace ful solitude of thy Avenue to the noisv bust So and resties.-; activity of the every day v.:or.v!. ov we will return, by a dillereal route Iroui the one 'wo came. leaving Saieui behind us, we go in a noil heily cutirse up Main street to Winston, pacing a. variety of buildings, including stores, hotels, land'ageut's o'lli-cv-s and private re.daences. These are distinctively modern and fre?h in a.-pect, excepting as we occasionally pass time stained i emaau.s of ancient days, that appear strongly .ouj, of place amid their new and practical : urroundings. As it is loo bite to continue ourstroil, we turn into a quietly street where many of the little hou.-e havu a .-shut up look, and re.ich honie ja.-t as the brilliant electric lights are Hashed; t hrotigh tie quiet shad ows over the city. '; There are so many places of interest to vi.-il ia he twin ci I y that we can only get glimpses of a fe w in one afternoon '. Udl; but if you vi.-di to continue sight seeing with us, iuj our next stroll we will visit the u iu.-wm (Iraded School and the l)ai Military Sehotd, two of the Ucst i.r.-tin:tioiiS yf their kind in the State, and place.- brim full of interesting fads iiat i:m;:es. j ' ; La::; O. (iiLMrn. i'oi'.r rixcsian Iciured. Phil- Miller" 1 ; i i , . . . . 1 1 ( i.i i lelphi.i. Kel. :'. l-i re in William . livc-s. :;.' !'a-.i wo;k yesterday lay i'i;-y).t:t:-J. Having the lire the outside elevator crashed down from the lifth il.K.I, liking Assi-tant' District rhiginter SainnefDuuhip, wlio was piu- ned t o t he ' fatal ii jurie 1 as.d l'lcicved prwbabM Three other iiremen were alio baaly injured. Hell ci a Chirje cf Uurdor Lauchester. Pai, Feb. 2. John Dotmh- erty of l'hihuleiphia, Felix McFiclds ol I'nionUnvn, l'a.,and John Daley of Ohio were afroted to-day, charged with the wuirdel- of Henry lorwart at Columbia, Pa., Saturday uight. Ellood Atains have found t)ii l)aly"s coat. -a--g.- T i j 1 1 1 t p to iiie presem tune conj :i e: r-eems to have d(?vofod the most of its time in Ihiditi outflow not to legis late. It is to !e hojsed that t lie .short time remaining' rS the .session will ),( be spent in lee-islating;. that's wind tlie people send these men to Wash-' inton for, but lots of them seem to forget it as soon as they et tliere. M olios to Gators. Having (pialified as -administrator, with the wilt anuexed, qf the estate of John 11. WedJint in, ; deceased. I hereby givy nolieeto all, persons hay ing claims aantst the said decedent, to exdibit the sarrif to me on or before theoth dyof February 18(J2. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to setfU without further notice. Rout1. L. Weddinqton, AdmVC. T. A. of John R. Wedtlington. Feb. 5TrS(dl. ' 14. lQii03 to Clrs- I Living qualTfiyfl as Administrator oai the est .-ite of A. M. Trexler: dacased all persons haviner claims against said estate are hereby uotilieil to present the s;iine to the undersigned for payment on or before the 24th day of January .!SU2 or this notice will plead in bar of their recovery, All persons indebted to said estate are ret nested to make prompt pay ments. This the 23.1 oUan. 1801, P. M. Trexler, Alr.;r. U.Gt ' Notice to Creditors. Raving qualified as administrator of Henry le'.er deceassd, I hereby glv notice to all persons having elftimys against the estate of deeelent to pre sent the same to me, on if not before tfee oth day cf Fob. 1892. All per sons imlebtid are irquested to make payment withoutj further noee. Alfred L. Pkeler, Adtn'r. of Henry' Peelrrl deceased. Feb. 5, 1SU1. -p..,.,. ... -'::::::: M jzi . -w. . m Fon is 01 vm Havn 1 EiUArp, Undo Renms, t7 1.11 f I . . 1 .til 1. HIT H T T-- -WW 11 . I m Weed's Department. Dairyiaj, ?y J. F. Horticulture, by S, A. 1 a irs. Vi. II.FeItcE,Ei!itrcs3 X - rciUtry, by II. A. Kuhas, LvA nzoro titan 109 of the best Special IVritcrs in America. - Coraraissioners of Agriculture of every Southern State will 'write for 'it. -Tho January Lsuo printed m blue afed fTOld, profusely illustrated. Ilaudsomest raazine ever puhlishei Southern Farm $1.00 pep year. Farm and Weekly Constitution Si. r i . p.T.TTTTTn FOR H0TH1G. A FARM AND STOCK PAPER F 11 E C ! 1 'o Every Subscriber of THS WATGIIMAH- We are pleased toannonm e that we have made arrangements witii the publishers of The Breeders Guide .and Prac tical Fanner Whereby we can g-ive that excellent stock; farm aid hoa.si-hobl jtmrmil FltKM to evtrv s!.!iscri!er if Til:-: Alt oiis n:'!ii;': !;i'i(;v, Th FOE A LIMITED TIMSONLY 1 ii n w ho li'iv all arraeges and one year in advance from the (Lite of! payment in this month we will irive ' tho ui!i:i:i)i;iis (ii ii)i: and Pit AC PICA L FA1L.M VI 11 free for one I year. j l&trTo all new subscribers who pay one year in advance from date ci pay ment in this iii.;iit li we will eive the ; iii:i;:iv:)i;irs c.riDi-: and'puac-; T1CAL FAltMKll free for one year. " ! KfeifTo all w ho ;iy one year in advance 'from January 1 we will give the , :ritFi:i)FK"s (ccidi: and" pkac- TICM. FARM Ell free for one year. 1 EsTo all whose subscriptioa is paid a! part of tile year in advance who will pay enough to make it a -whole year in advlii.ee, we will give the Hil'l'il)- I-' ' ' ( ' ! I ' 1 1 ' FA KM Fit tree for one year What is the Guide end Farmer pili: (iFIDF AND FA 1! ?.!::: is a I 40 co umn .-tuck anil lA.in paper, I issued twi -e ach !.;!.. a and A chuck full of p -aetieai, v,. limbic iuiurmaViun I'jv the. far.ncr and . slock raiser, ii i-s a i'.-arl.' e-: ) lie.;' id the various f.uiier.-? '-'A i:V-i i .is .in.l h'.u!d Ik; in the hais,-h,i-i' wf every reader -f thu VATC.1.I VN. C ::k: in and sub scribe now. K ic t your friend; to coiiie in and :et the b t.rier ii'.ibl islied in this sect ion of t In' c malry and an excellent farm paper with it. CJM m AT ONCE... Administrators' Notice. Having (pialilied .-is Administrator with i he will aniiexv 1 upon the estate of Hugh Parks, d.'s iie.l. all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them tome for piyiront on or before the fith day pgt January. PSU2. or this notice will i plead in bar of t h-;ii; recovery. All I unrai'u itidi'lifod to sfa id ostatf will nlease make immediate settlement of same. David M. Parks, Administrator. With the will an nexed of Hugh Parks. Lee S. Overman, A ttorr.ey. January tUh, lS'dl. .. .ra-- When Baby was sick, wc gave her Caetoria.' NVhcn she was a Child, sha cried for Castoria Vhen she became Miss, sho ciang to Castria. When Bhe had Children, sho gavs theid Castoria fHEE FOH EtfEflY I If PP - 4 -"V,-. i if THE CHEAT SOUTHERN WEEKLY, ) 'St, 000 WEEKLY, READ BY NEARLY Irjents mako825 to papor f-r.::r niTI NAJliJi ro?, FIVE n: :i!J(,r., ur.l Saiuplo Ct-i-ioi 01 COKST1 1 ! "i ION cv rv wee.c 1.; tho best V:;r.t ( S :1C If-"' our the TV: 1 Weekly - 1 lliitu. Vi'o-civ .T;-i' i'ai.'.c.!j i ' 1; . i .ul...r-lI:imorist. zoi:2 oiATiRZrn i.abbis, Vt "Uni'-e Kl'::iu-" CtlvUrity. x:cv. t. ;r-v. E-rr t.u.:lAge, 'Ii.-! (c'.c'.'I'.l'.-'l Dlviuo. 'ill IVit. v..I..:: r. nr.r.D. VThosoCUir.iuK Mi- rt torkj havs lat- Tho Sdu'.h' ia--3i I'roraiaei; Ajrlculiaral Lditu.-. Our Special Vashingiua Currespocieat. Iir. VS'm, KIXU, Tho IIJlireFs .-t Woman' lvinsi'-a aai cr NOTE. If you want TZ-z i-lliciii will io wut yuu iwr a yti. 1-1 V EDITED DY r&K . - VS4 TTI.l Dnar. Cooi, . I, 6BADY, Founder, Address THE ; h ; " HEHBY V DB OTIDIJ 8 .MIX- a.W Iffll'l ' - ( - I I1U lull u ill). I. iMlmilr - II M A N upon the! - r :irr:ui::ri:ient is ! i"ur;v t- aa . "- . f mtii-'--ic: SCnslL35 a a rr-m-i-r y : WE ARE PLEASIMy THEl - ALL- j uiib Will all liiifl hist v.'hnt. yon or WATCI1E8, CLOCKS, JEWELRY,' SI.LVJ- ITAJIE AXD O'ELTIES'.- ' v j ' Our low iriv'C: make tho ? MikLkili A 3 V 9 122 MO" KALF tho CCCTof r--n p?iv-:r. CTEWQ f'g. STERL1H3 SILVEH hatf through tha kccU. r. pointo especod to waar, as cfiown by cut, TlIEfl FL&TE3 E'lTSHL Cusrant5ed to more silver end arorooro durable than any plated or LICHT rtarling Cltvsr good 3 mds. i KADli OM.Y BY m fc" si. :i fed !ri WiJWfifc i'7 We invite you all ancLwill-bc glad to serve yo to our best ability. VERY RESPECTFULLY. i ' - W. H. Beisneife Bro. 041E WHO Ytthh TUKE THE TROUBLE ' SUBSCRIPTION PRICE 81.00 PEE i00 po? month yorkinjy.for vs. in Amelias to get Giiyzcriptiona: for. fiAJIPl.C rnPIK Vrho o-.i a VMi Car l th-s iio drcr.i .;,aKia;ri iccuty v,ia l-j sunt l-111,1; 1-lOUSEHOiiD Sr-lOUaD 13E WlTH,OUT;IT. (i :t nor- tfiaa ZlSwOOO milies read THE T7ZZSY i i.i Ai.nr:'. if.. I i:iiy 1.T0..1 teat U l.n no r.i Ai.nr:'. if.. 1 i:ii.v L'.otuijiiir. - .; jtll'tki ; pr ii.k v. lite; ; . h. v.;.! 1 lj 1 v.. a 1 L.ii.Lj cjuiriLior.: v.-1: j uro r. ,' 'ill K ( 'i.Nr-TITl TI.J.; ::,n on- t ti'-itti- fXf"!io l:i;ni any .. r .' ri .a A-.-nnp r t. i-( ui . on! . il-!i!i 'i- !iv:. i i'-J Por tho Vrcr.firs:. r..'f.i.l- ho ro-fi'ir cnt ri'i - '. r t'.i Ttio FiiUioiM 'orii-r re- I.iriy LetTTTj fro i 'i Vsiler. -n 1:1 .tt-r-j v p r. t V'i'i ?Tip(!7 p.? i'.i-.vs;iitH t-ii I ia; : : t j aTi'lori, AJ' p-. .int. ul i) V 1 :i r;:if': j of thiJ ; a tltidy cf A'iri- cuinir.tl n 1 iRfttif rial EjroM tiu Sua c:.:.f n: jlive fur l.u Ti ip t j t!.o'0!-! V.'vrU. Uro 0els!;r?.t2fi African Zplorsr X, Le !.Ttu liiici ut.tri.1.: t'1 ye:. 7 in a fir-" 1 :,i t-j iatci-uoUa article! Vur puLlwhJ. THOS. A. ESI.IO, Tho Great Elsctricia. t I and moro :haa Oue ilumlre.itil.tr of ti.3 rrra t-o Ust laoiiUJ lui iar icrj ever ;rl-ioi, e;uJ Aasre:sjKE DR. -Wm, .1, TONES, rl iothD erelnsloa of nil other crl- -iiiongiits ror ti:3 flontli" czCL "Ansirera to Iafialrtcs" clcso tho sulerlpt!cn price to zhj farsicr. " me SOUTHERN FARM, ATLANTA, 6A. Jl U Mil PKOPO .Va it) .2 . Ms. r - t rrioes. aiv looking .for to mala a holidli': Iw-iutiful oods all bargains.. Call and examine our lincoi ;i ' w i" , n vcr 1 eforc hnve had' i ii -h a:)iini )th stock of tliis line, i And .yve. call your special atton ( ? :)D to on r liivjr of silv:or - inlaid s;.Kn s nd forks, ' .-. Kvcrvbodv is daliglited -witli onrliolid iv display. "You want NEW -HOVEL AND s. PLENTY OF TATRIETr, 1 ATlllAeTIOKS. 1 TO SK FOH IT. YEAE. Cerui for Outfit. Easiest "tBa - . ' nar. - .c? r.Tla.Wrcs3CSc! Y0ril$LF asd cf c-hcrj.:e. ljt. to. mnko ih'T-rONSTITUTION for 181 ul J.r ecu tract Vj v.ii.c for caci istue rr:, f.vi itr.-: xrri.'ern tti" vrotl t lias rro ciii. ! will li'.jko eai h nunilr oft oCON-" : n i I i I)N virt.-i a ytr.rs f ulrr:p: inn. It i t . a!i t i: prici. ti o hiimeft ami lxt 1 v.n-V'y n-wppapi- publis!ip-l in Iho ki.onil v.. ifcl. No 1;oub'!hiJ.1 g oijlj be wiilioot it ' cli'.i t 'lti fitniily Crofiilc. J t lian i otaif V.it.s ly liaso uud iii'.nett every laeuLcr tf ill" f i:n;ly. . . For t: ,o Kathorand Son. it lias Aerln' nrn1. Iu(it! rinlmxl Poliiicul .Vn, Siiit-im cf ll.e H'ar autl At:i-ulnrf. 1 '-r the Mother aitJ I iiebt-isa it t.rti-rs "Wociiiu's Kiusdoui,1' ""fhildreu's Dpmt mpiii ' ua-J otlii-r epccialtitj fcr fca.iaica f.t-ry. . In cliltion to its epf.pial department it " its uil Aniericiin tv- fa per iu giving C'.)n:tJcti tliu tiewd r.f tlio world. It Pit yi.'i iiuthinK to eo tliis r-Rt pnper and I'oit -v ill itu joiirsclf an in up lies if you do Dt m-.jJ for a t-HHipla copy. After you read it if y !j Jo not tfiiiiU it ii tlio Ut fauitr paper i:i u.-j ,.ji.A j jJ Ua not bttvo lit ulicrila for it. l.C3 and boti Farsa aad CONSTITUTION guhstiiutich; ATU.NTA, a t i (,- -lie oc.usioa 'lUt, ' . if - 2 ..vviiLc,