"1 - I SAIISBUBY, N. C, TIIUSSBAY, Fp!t?t?ijapv to ipm 1 . T 1 110. 15. :d:-; ,1.111111 ! Ir.n- . ,. J, MtesrgCgaaj El'SWi ..J!u;LgSCSgT.-. .. .. i II ' ' I 1 I I 'l I I '" I I I g -:. , -., T" '" ' '."nc '"r'f'T liT'! " ' r M-AfrS for Infants and Children. "OastorlaU i nxouuaeuu jl as jjuperior io o-ny prescription jjywtt iu aims. ji. A, ARCHtlt, r.j.. Ui, 111 SoOiforJ t., Brooklyn bi. Y. - - i . V . Thn uo of 'Castoria is so universal and ." - Its merits $o wJI known that it seems a wfS-g - of Supereration to endorse it. Y&w arethe ': j Intelligent ifamilles wio do uotecp Castoria y VPithin easy reach." i . Carlos Marty. D.D.. - ' " New York City, g ' Late pastor Blooixunstlak) liefonnod Church. Tc2 Ckntaub p W RSA.fl.HJf a"- W.; WIMiT if .g -.Jjii'flitnre Dealer; and Undertaker : : . ' IfJ SS IRJ fcY Tlie Isjimv oiTcrin tlic -Largvit ,'ir. ....... i 1 1 .it; c c- cn ji-( )!'" Mt . pa ni.', it -du!;:iir (': rd i'lm-h piievv.CA ' ,' eilk Po.sii :rt fr.O.f.O. $'-e.t;0. - - N " We- 1 IT-ush tit. i:..o.U). Leadia 1'IAXOS AM) (feIM; AN. W i'c ;;i tl Wl ;l( Oi;. ai s ;o d Pn Ih'cVs., Cbltbiiii.-- Imnios. " " ' i:i:u no-;?:. : Antique 'Oak, A-.tiijia- Ashe, Ch rry V:ml 'l Walnut ;at jiitis llhn iic! oii'i Uk.'i iv. ' ' .. A I.AKOJOTOc-K or ;oLa;i,v'!:;.:. yiutHtMi- d S;ii uu ds P:f i-.g ' Ihds, Wcik iab! s for louiit s, v ri(tuic.s .Hid Pit m e Fi;;u.cs el'tvtry t-tlc . ai,d (jUalit v al u s in .: U, t:r v. il! be . Jade to e: tit 1 1. fl.iit voiitc at naMn- , . ' - . I .a.o.e pn.as.- bsj US if . 1JA1JY (.'AitnfACKs o. A bir-c si,,, ,.f w ife whet Is ;it N.."n. , Silk Pli.sb tr't at .-.rd Sera I'mol C;ir 1 i:ig s virh wile w Let's at t i;1v Sili.aO. Ft i-aoiiv sold iei 2 .'(I i xiiKin akino i-j:im:tmi:ki : - Sj-t cijd attOitit.n vivtii to vi-uh ftijirg .in-all; its branches, at all boars dav and 'niebt. - .. Pai ties wi!dpv; lay service at ni-bl will rail-at mv t-nce- Urooklvn.' ,' Tlauikies n.y Xx'uw?. ;U:.l ihc public ineiaiiy for pr.s-t pat 1 .aou.e and ,i,ks:pr ;l ".contiamr.'.ce of the sanve, 1 am, , Yoursa'nxien to nlease,. G . W. -WHIGET,' - Leading Furnitura Daaier. - ' 1 1 j Or PiiKlyo bP13 UAtarnr '.M'hia I aii 'Jiil! . A . ' -r - ' "go g gV X T'Jl (tics. Towns ; 'Akitla-a-s in 'lhtt.NSt.uth. - '! Vi 1 r . -' viOiL ASSETS - '"- ' - --..i . . 'gk g AITIjL"-)" PO WfV, V ' k j " " . . '. c i'Cyj-y k! k k . " :; ; w ' C; ;,':' h' " . j " , : a n m y;,l". Ai."rf.2iH.w.'s'v. ri? - T TT)DT) a ' Wmfm J- I-HOMES BE 2."n -s-- g.i- ;.-.g-o'sr Xh ft''-' -g hii iii CtMt oria cnres Colic, Oonslijviticm, Soiir SStoniih, Diarrhrea. Eructation, Kills Wtnua, gives sleep, and ijrginoteB di petition, V.'itfiout kiiurious modicatioa. For sevpral years I uvve recommended your Castoria, ' and shall always continue to do so as iciiaa invariably produced beneHeial results." n ' Edwin F. Pardee, M. D.o "Tito Wnthrop," 1,0th Street and 7th .Vie., . Keff York City. CoirPANT, 7 ilrasiT Street, Net Yoke. pa b a.i E f?3 S El ' 3h. - st - Asvort.Vi, 'tvk of Funii- 1 - , til's t -i Iv I r O i u,!'iv : i.t t. -GO. - x oi a . 1 r 1 L a, o 1'e-uat..!' p:at c, Fi.iiiier pi Tns ;;! d V.'lt 111. uc S -,! I I"-: I ' v. 1 . . kvr,Pi"j I 1 hi Q i;,o.v (,;:.i..,, , with A r ; s " on Park W ct t, in ..-..' . IT) ah Ti'm " rxiuiVj.vjL r t i ' OWNi: : .VI IT iST.Ci.KTAi.Vr . - . A ' ' - - 750,000 . " , o. v llJ.Cl-t AgXilt, "j Y p ' k' - ! ' .' - , 1 o ?4srt xw.-ojxxxxajij nnpo A Bream of Peace. I The warring clotnls are whirk' l. j The winds' arc wild and Iduh And the tempest hiouds the v.ui.u. lint Oil, rlis n liltle tiine to Wait Ere the wjml and. the rain .-hall e:-:..-r For the stars are bright at he.ivca"s -i-aU And above the. storm 6 ptat e. The shuddeiing earth resounds .Willi the shock and era-h of wai ; Blrife plows her batt Ie-ron(id.s With graves that deeply .-car. lint Ihc roar and .smoke o by, And the soft tfru.ss spreads its lleeee. Over the lieids that .so siltnt lie, Whtrre tumult fell to peace. In the ?tru'e and sire- ot HIV, Beset - by battle and stun?, Weary of elash and sti-ife. The brave heart liil is warm, i For the eartli is lit by heavenjy L.ieaii!S Of wider realms fur live soul's' release. And the stars cf ni.uht seem sieadfa-! beams . From the iidinile deeps of pea.-e. Portland 'i'rai.s.-rtpt . Yhat tfc3 All SJiiH points ;i..r-i:;. inat the Usance has a .nam. in . ;h!, CvUi!ltr, .a, Uci uW!d hv 5 Waun !eMslalure is evahmcct In- i,r lh, e , ulliie J,. W11111 ltTVU f f 'hV'',thot 1 ,W Jai: c.,u, lm)e C1KS wasadop.ed.-Iiuliana.AJvoeate. ' i li;jjJ uf c.tl;ViJ Wc.;;;... of Ftpi-.- ni'in m- wn. n-.. i .!., the wLiiii' v. Kvrrv man or w oaia;-who wi-,!ic h work has a right to work, and evt i v mm or wuiio n t b b .j !- 1. .. 1 .'iuiu inn; V4j, .t . 1,IV 11.. tl natural riaht to remmerative wa-.-es ivln.n tb,. .1,. V..,t ...... .. ..uiji iiv vn nui :i, ii ii, IL ii I e ICIii.l- f. 4il''l f . X' H-'.ir i.'J il.rlir f . , , . . 1 will gijreJ'o(iil, clwtliing, sht iiei'. ;,!! i comforts and -somo o-r' the- li.-x;i; ics life. A .state-- of soeietv Hi:;! all..- thousands to be kept i:i"a tate d" o;i forced idieno-s. while thte who bdi do so for a mere iitt-inc; wlili:- o: !-. who toil not at 'a!i live in inxurv. I,:.- samethiug t;s.-:eut ialiy I'etie:: j,i :'. Nonconformist. Fan 111 ers cr. v.''n- wealth. ' of the co;;u!i , S'Vt ,;- iM-'Olh-. 0 ! !-,. !!--, w . :....( .. .... :.. )' ..... ... ...tt tl .on; i.i...- reed iy, .ami s!n! thev are in dt-h:. o lh;' money-lender:; K;o;e than ii.ev can ever pay under liie i he wea 1 ; i.-p;-; id u:---while- til" ':. i ' sv I III. the d -h:..,-. :,- the iiie gov,';-;!m-nt S:i:is to t:.-- banker. ?.lo.( m it .( ii tj ;.t i ees- co. a n " a.. a t nose 111 tun; loan :t to ihy ..-.n-. r.- from S to 'j ). Wo;;;;; i.trrae .; i. .is in or.-or .en ti:" .'. ov 1 eutt.reu into eot.urt j;-.-. usurers to kc-.-o hh-.t in d.' trial A... 1 eniar.as o : i ne A ew Farmer.-," L.-ague at lot ica I. 1 1. 1 1 . 1 1 , 1 h.ate am! mi' u.nai siail ta'- e ac! io:i l eg 0 : u:g mattei'H: A;' - re,-- e' ''J'.; na-u !k- hhoo, corjiora :- !....! pliohc-idhcei" sua j 1 :eoj u p s f, corporations. Dealing in j i. :,;v h jigricui i :.ra 1 product:- shall re fo e; 01 v M. Se.Se of adulterated food .; n..ia rs r !: : . be prohibited ut;!--'ssT !icv a: o l.y ;ji.' eh The -nati -umliz d-iou v' can..!-: i uccersary. A uniform v--..: ; sen 00! te:.t hooks sli.dl i.-e.i ji-i biisli-';.!. The im.-tfig; :i ot j-aupe:- :.:. 1 Cl'illlilirii (M,.or id this countiyv - ii:; prevented. There sh.-d! L'e ;. !;. ; meat and reform in nut iona!, t:.V' local expenditures. K O- an-i '- An eTort h hoi: ir r. . s. V a count res m Ka;;sas to on? vent All; .oice meetings fh)in .,hing. held, in M:iioo! ' imuses. buits have i.t'eli ii.eo oi-; :::'": a " he Arljaneo wit tea-:h ihg anarch v and socialism i.n t ere i. m. c At ton . ..'...'I'M 1 - 1 I ;ev -v j e; ;e; a : ie.it) r ttecia-'i to- I.C'I. O.-'O i, dav that there w as no hiw to .pr'ev.mt. such' ineelin-gs if the hoard of'dirocli.rs niw proper to allow tin: use t .-!: od ' j buildings for such purposes. Xim- win promot mn in d;m t -m j tenths of the- siih-Aiiiaiices meet i:i'''ie.- eeeiir. But thev iiit i , - i . ' i -.. sen owl nou.-es on" ii'int in en h week and its a majority of the boards belong .dreet. or' in ranching, or mining. :;mi to the order there is no way to t lo.-e ;iway tliey go to try ih-'ir luck, the dohrs to thesw secret meetings. VHoii t!iey hso. tla y do ;iim-i-If tlie republican party is going into ; nine east's out of a hni Ir. .1. that i-; th" 1 I. L 1 '.jl I . ' i 1 ' I l ' I .'-it l I . I mat, Mim oi i.usines.s inm oei.c;- iJ - gin with. the a martmcnt id' ay rkod; ure : ! ,n A ....... 4 . f o ' l . W... 1.; i ii oeic- oi ii.i'iii"iv'ii, v. .to o a i.i1; 1 , , 0 , . . . . . , kuown anarchrst and ineml t v!uhu Most holds a isigh oliiciai pos.Tion. National Economist. The convention of the Farmer's j' K-ipr.,1. ivi'A;ii" i-o',l of nk'.. ri' - i.aucc HUiiii . ne m at Uc.ua, J-Ja.. ior- '"pl-itoi -l r1 -if'.rM',; - i -.1 i .-, . i. i.t i i. .1 i i ui . , i. on , ;j rn i , y w : ; , ii Stlie policy a'l'ooietl at St Louis -tk i I Avar yrr-S Th" - a- V. s ! k, h.n o '! r -'"'' i ' imnlingto wi.ich it i dommal 1 that ' !-tiu oovarniuoiit :dodl e o. i h ! ; ' . ....... ' t reasuries nr d.. -posii crit s io ;;,. vera i j-Sjtates, vhi,;h slmi! loan gmvo.v ik-kv ; ered to. the peopu; at a low rat- j terest, not to cMoerd tj j4..r cn.t. ,-;:r j annivm, on i:o':i -perish able f n-tn nVo-: 1 ducts, and ;:ls; nj'.on re. J estat laitipred to and a d.humd fm- r.n m. - I n:;:f,! oh'Mo (g y. :.,. . imted c;:m-go d rsdvrr was mode. ges ; the two mosj r. g d ill liiigoiiv? a ! . . a!, g i It.' " l : ... I :. ' t :. ' .io:Ci - .-iiiiuiiti.-, ..i..,, ,;t li;-. -.;; ne 1 n'ni'.rs afe t- o- co;; i Ii j t ghey a;o nvi.hei: fi'igig cfioled bv the strong cats ah a 1 . imioeiure" that w.es hro igig, 1 e ! lijioti tkcm t o i;;d;; man ti: ' or mo-li' v .. or mo-g.y ... ;a;i. Ir 1 m A:.; alhwre i.n-o::g,riimi-:m-i -y to 1 I i . ' e 1 !' .';ii"J o-u , t..." ,,4-L i' V- V l 00-;lh,!,VH :'T U,'n'ta ' I If Wi wereia.-litd Jo name the -one griteist evil frofu which the - p....p!. ; culler we vvwU.J unhesitatingly .t "-acK- bf tlie necessary currency to do , ti.c .ju.ncis tue wwtni.ry. p1. ..uoo !.; ri-'st: ions a gi citi ; to-day has er,-cup'itii ' in eircnla- j ''on :md is the most nrosivnMis n-a:,,t. on tne earth. Sla; was'alilt to l(,:u, hn-!and lOO.tHWOO, iUl ie late !ina:;cial str.n'eiuw, nt3 Per cent. nt;r i'liMcni. Ti';e Secretary -of the Trus lay pretends that -we have 'n,.,. , ...... i -, ,. ' .r ' . i.-.p.ui in circuiauoir, wniie the tact a,'; 'ril"'-i:i nnuertaKin., and the ed we have less than 87. It U't-rtie. that ; c,:itors tn-n-ed in it ouht to b all Jl.c nianey g;dd, silver, reen-.; ui:-d of t h-msLlves. If they have hae !:.- n,itif!ial hank notes, r(.J cer- UUili' a better way of beiniiin" the tfiic it: -i:h! silver cx?rtilicater amcnint iuel;l "t liU"of knowled-eLivh v i .. v O 1 . ' . I . . .1.-. it l . . . , . D . ' j to y'l per capita, but less than on'e- i tnird of this is in ciivn!at:on, and our iinui.ci.il sy!e!:i is so arranged as to i'o-v :i ftv jiersjus to control th;f, vol- ! t;;:;e of ennehcy, cxpmding or eon- ira. i; at thv;r pleasure, causing 'panic' or iirries"' ; tlu-ir will. ' U is ior (!."c.-e men to make !..:;, ev waive '. ,. j . .i.i . i i i , . , - ' . " ' nii-fbe doiiars vhich thev have :.:'. control wi;, jJi;v i;iore of I b nro- 1 . i - t V.nets of i,!; c.;rce inoney n.'.s .) i . . . u;.t;:(.s uvh:s hard' t. ltv and causes ii'iorjlo he iorecio.e'd and'thus ' t.,. r - 'i r , , , 4, , ! , ; i Mo iue i.aiias u.u-e who control i;.onrv stij'j iv. It. is hv ti:is ro- a i o ta tlOl i 5 ..i S' !" ;ir;I'S ,JUi ';V!1 ::,,t"-: ; JVM:,i" il; U,'';Mil U-'!-vd hy to:!: while t!:, jai- ta'i.t tofte: ; and famiiies go inT.gs and ;.:var;y. an.l v.d t!;- r.iise n-j out - cl ;ii't.. the outrageous w:.:.-!i j)-.(.t.'es t:;ee ciindiii-ms. The l'o e iii).);. Ut.ltelv IV- j iii ..o y W.is tik.! r. .Vet! - 1 :. i.'iv -i-hf 1 i d: ' homh- -rut up--and i . e luiiiii, s it il'i . dl at oi:- ui !. fr!l I:-.. .. I- 1 i.e.ts.w v iio.es. i.ccoi'Ui.e' I-., li.e in-li'i- I , .. , 1 I ' I . . . 1 , . e:'n;r.'.c:. i ,;e t o.ilrac; made thus.; i...ijriii'-i.''ii-i.i.' .. . a-! Vao.e 1:1 :. f I ' 1 iv oie 1 ii..i..e .o-.-.-rn.m ;:h a! tor , . ' : . . J . : U ; a 1 1 : 1 o.t; a r ...'i'..' a-. i I'iii r.:c: . a;:d was a io.: t.:r t ei i ;.;;..! ',! ') ',' i i " , : ,1 . 0 ( 1 '.' . 1 :.- ; ' i Lit 1 t the t. 1 - ' e - "eo. 'i 1; o'.' i on-- : t ; 1 I c T r. i n 1:1 lo o ) . i .' oa-ioe r, i4 i The fact's ;:iv so pi. tin ihat it seems !illuu' f't tint', in the hands of pruJ '''i Kapals was dedicated by the! p ell grave' enough. It V.cj a stra oi-c;'!iai understand t hem m,,,! ,-,o gi Cs.'i e a-iid wide uwuiie. teaciiers itl ij'i,e oi iiie oiaie in tue pres-; V-..:r, 1 ,,,iU3 rrass, tm i ' on st'i- tl... vb-b imnn:,,, i 't sond educational foundation.1' rri. i- t .i . i i. . i ! dweUinjjd ha! hrunkca awav frnfi. it. 'l. , ...7,1 . 43 " II. (mw..'. .! i o .... ivauvMegKiature oaiiore-t scp- opr:a ranee it 11 nw . UA' lioci ! WV; ilir poorer- ' " --' wnutiu u n a.i i ,.,,. i ,,,,..! c c , 1 ! o t i j - j ' '' ivrrhr ..ne.-s. i .: i i 1 : g .-;'.!.'! ! . ; 10 - :.V--' i:i':: 'vr. cs i: '- : .v.ui.' I; .. ior., .:. '. p an -o-i'' 0 1 i i ; ; a ;'.'( ; ; t y . : . I to ;o,i ; .. ; ' ; i y j.iytiig lie' ! 'tl hi-' .;:;). . ..: '. t t 1 '. o t t U :!o-o ai i.io.i in Xort h Am-'rie:.. re- J ', ,- .J ,.l'l ; jl t i'.-0 Oi : -1 lOii. ; ;;-o ;: -d to eo ( ' 'Vor; v I : V, I : : ! hat neit her of t he:: 1 ; ;!ser; ! n d it to it'iiWiifit mi e:itn am t-.j, l ?r . j i.;a.;e . I i unsuccessful -iu.-ni hi:.;:... 'if ;o; iiousii-!e. O.iesuhi the cans,--, were rigiiora'm iili.i inc;tj;:clt i;:;1 i ai: :' ra i i : i o ; i , , j- i i 1 :!ent t. .Oiso is ho iiiim' or .':: m ,lm: i.ii.iai: ' : a ' ce out t ti.Mi of put pose. I:' ti:" .. tl...'. :'?' mio a jfoed place at the : h.o'-ihl stick' to it, hi; o. .': 1. ,. t ui 1 I - n o- ver.itiee. im t us trr and a! .!i: v . ' . I . O . i . 1 , .'.mm ma aipg n io:-. one 1:1 ;.; mm oi .i.om: i.iev coi novo: se;;i-i o, .... 4.. ...v. , o .,.: . :i:.o i-i .... 1 1. ..' i 4 ' i.. i ..A : '. ... v'iv.i....i iij . i.il,il. I ... o i ' . ' 1 1 ' i i.u . . a uoor u. ' c.k, 1 .r , . . , . x ; rapid. I n;s r-mmn. says the hr, Lm:s j Miller, hits the im.il tm th" head. Jo ; v. hey.- w- will, wo w Tl 'hioh n"mn wlro ijH - 'mniHeiH'Ctl hfe nmler i L 0 most favor - j aide ciren instances, but who are tsuch , 1 ' , ,t . ,1 ! (' mrplete Imancial vrrec k s t hat there 'i- i , i i i . i ii i. . i ;"'! ltlk' "nope, j or their ivtorniatioii. i :'.v -' be hane -J :;::'- to;;-; orrde: i th---" i:!iiv even n. s m.' oral a'njit v -,'; ;V-" V1"-'" VV0 T" . k ' l-11 ':' Jr' i:- -'M order. .,ur hmi.liig m steaghmo.- ; o V' . i . : .. , :.-i!'. :;iiic::oit will r " ro s'i, di i olio thing' no iiia. it e-mk: be li ot t o a droiiee :-:' iV" no reason now would ' 'o' f i' - . - mt dig i ,';' ,k -;;'"" ! ' sioti-cjunge.-ioe. .!.: I -r ' ; soma 'og - e - - n ::- to have no faith in t . . ...... . C- n . s .a g. , n v t , . i l,,xt ,.,.! ' i-- -. I..- ok;:-!. ::: I !o ! u h. k':o ' : -. ;'r kj io g:d ,': sp-'ak 1,'r ; C coi -elv's s. 1 Ct -h rr; 1 ; i ,1 -.00 : - a I i.-... h M '.. - pl'eit. I'i ili g t t, i.n.e. :.o .1 'can; - ! 1 . -- of ti- I e nfraid to l li 1 Oo-v tor ilo. ,o thov rncrh : 1 '!-,..). J doing it : t ne v I-.'.- -.- ,1. . i T .s, 0-. I 1 , . 1 1 1 ; - 1 t-he iv.-ult of earlv trgh'ti :g. .k o r. In.r.tlly timihiskept-m dim b.,,U j ground 00 persistently, and his 1.1. -s- j takes s. s -ver.dy criiicicd. that he grows up into tin eiitireiv nsol-ss inaii. j Push and iixiv of purpose willuhvavs 'dtrin-g a ig'rtsnre of success. Bizq Thoughts. 1 FKOM a practical teacher, ox tiif liLUBl'.dKEi hpellMr. ' ' ' ' bdiior Coi:e.r 1 tand.-ir.l. . - - .! The (ffortto belittle the BSuebac4. ! and bar.isli it fi-.-.-m l!Jt .vchoul ronni t. . . . , . . tl, liie3 ot content themselves with ' shovvg tlit.- meriU and ndvantas of 1 tllat .Wa.v' i"-"tead of u.ing their time I a!J il!tt to depreciate the tried and !'itvin . u'a) By raising a I rue and Cl-V ;iill!;-sL til(J ot ijitieb.tck tliey i 11:,t -'id can n.;i convince t he friend's i 1'1's i"'ih':- that it is worthless ad 1. .... ! a I ... i :.... i ,i i i. . iiomd he disc crded in the work of the cuoe!. x aeneJ.s ol.'tuouht and sense o - a;v not eoiapcLent to decide for ihein : '" Uii iie.-.r.njj; what can he said in: I iV;' method" but ti.i'V vdi' 1, . J,--,- i i ' . i , u 4i , . . ..,.,..,,,., , .. . i , . i iiu"!;-''1" i'" adoj.t.on hi abu.-;e, or dj rccialU'ii, or ridicule of the Blue - I it cannot h, denied hv thejno.t iierv j ami ent h.iasia.tic advocate of the " word niahod'-thattheButelMckhasaon, a (go-.-d work in the education vot jntst I generations. It a a patent ai.d welt . ,. i ! i- 'V' y'llC' lr, U I . "l,,t '.v . Uainmug ot the j i'"!'11.- i-vcrx sa:ie person must nTnur i I-"i' 'v ' i 'Uii faithful use J ,l!e S;i:ue ing;v-s 111 he made so I ''"ddia.s been math i;i ears gone by. , ji . !, . ,, , . ... c 1..,,,,- ...... pu.e.uv a a tin t': ! ! i V 1 i'. l . ' . i : 1 ' I i r lit t in :! p-u'iiot: or. t;;:.' 1 ! ue.j.ic most ;-;'. ci'i. i, i.;,.d i.- 1 ii ;! i'oaml at the i : W i. ... 4-. .: ........ -Mhespe!!,;- tlleVe me com hmat ions i n.uid row hei"-- '-..el! nothing and . meai'i.j I,.,.! t(.aj,;.jid:;i g. e ;:,im;t that (her, are tohf. origi-1 -: ..'hitmtion i --f ibi.," sort, but . . 1 - '4'"- " "' 11 "'t -.i I1.1I 'III .,... I 'ii... i- i.i' "i t .u iii y i.iiiti . 1. ...... i ., . 1 ..... , .1 .... ... ' i 'l ' ! I.i. ! 1 1 - - lr":ii,,.!1 l" 1:1 " '' t!,i,; : ,i:ii..'lii-il ' : . - : : i f , i . i I t - : n mi - i Ul' 1 1 1 s u wm autc. u .;..! ;-,u. ihc ti'iol; i-,.i ............... , ....... ! j 1 ' 1 1 ' 1 i'L i 4 . ' . I. 1 1 1 lill L l W OI 1 1 I I VI. ag;o tintl conimii the combinations so r O;. To to too aKMis mlvoc.ite.s- ot worl ioeiho-l" an.l ad of these '.v exceptions are toiim . L I. S ' i i . a I.,. 'ii ! U a V a 'iKdeai oi; M.cn 1 - ' 1 ; I 1. v . u ' 1 ' I . 1 1 1 " ;i:..:i. v.-c can show .i.:sto 00 a ! fact. '1 ..!.- tlie coiiiidnat ioiis. r;iA, I.-t- .iu. " j! i Cha is the hrst; I 1 .i ... 1 i . : . : : K 1 . 1 ! . o(0(i: a-s ami Ct4.K.li.: CiiK, ...it- . j e. iin'AX;:: ' ... i ; i ; . O- a : i ' ! r. N i; ; ; mo, o I iia.a s ; :!:', i i ''it'.:; : i'HY. t.-f cirv'.Af i.ofs. i..!.e. ai-o. . ... i h. V m e (-! (1;-y i.isl s0,tb,o in Ol'AVi.U: 1 '' i' f 1 1 i " : : i i a o oi a"ii-T. o'ti i.r ..... t .. I ,. ..' '- e iii'.hl liot oe)!"o. 'la . s ''11'. and :o '!.., . . T ' . i. ..' . .l lO ( h'"'"' ' t ioi;S i ,.ro are rolled tmt. v. ;t:i such it.. at Teachers' fas huge-; , j .' e l i - ; . . cra:;i; ;:i euueotioa. to create t he imnression tluit t hese a re. fa -I i s; r boms to' be met with on every page of tlie hist ii i'teen or t went v. 'vVi.v even of these s. iii is fo;n:d u i n sra '. w v ! ' -ihuNii; m !-o. ill sr;;,il.L; S 'iU', in -'.::'i::-':: "i-A;ya "- vvokiax; s. m; ;n .- :.:.::'i.. '. e have iut couir.ed t he 'AO; . i . I t 1 J , . i 1 ' . . n I I 1 i I . I r i , w.- l.'ITl.-ji . . , i , 1 , , , , ' ' ,i o not oii.eve t,;.i; oat td proOidilv tit- . ' . 1 ill "'!'. t '. i 111. .1 I ' . I 1 L ' u'.-.'.i oiioiiie.i loeioeau on i o;i u en- , . . : I ' I ! 1 . t -l;vo commuat h.ms.; u'-g. are not u c.i ' '' as - vhaaie . parts of s;, llables. j ( immral Miles 1 a part v of ten dn- 1 u i h:s to tneoti ; it is net amiss to . dians passetl 1 iirougl'i Chicago en r.-ute .ii i . i .. i ... t I'm.', t . ' i . i Ih.hh., e!-:.-es in .-i r-. 'cuiauon, mm wo w ia :i .o i". ir;: hit loo, ami wo win no; me in examining tnese 'n'mvis-s. .i .. 1 1 - i.oo -io;. coiiuiii! ei tju.-ei com man- l . . -1 ' : . m . ' t i ..i l , v.. , ,.,,,!,,.. ii , ;, " i ' iicie.' l m-v s-seji jtoiunig aim IU .'an nothing. lint do thev not serv a rc-olp-.trn We fear that our ed - uetiou. 1 'lights aredispisetl to strain at a '-ite iKihn l no di:.ic:;Uv in. swal- I j whig a saw-mill. "15. A. Lr - -' ( 2ie'.V.rpripCr -Cll Co i O-iay . Ti;o "t vp.c.d uev.'s.ip r m to" (A to- '. -i v. lh. w s 2le:vt paper L.c 11 m To-day. j Ti;o "t vp.c.d uev.-41.1p -v m to" oi to- 1 iht'v ir a voting' man. lie is college ! hr--.l; he cttines from, a good fanniy and is a gentleman bv birth and breed- 11. 1 mg. tie is a brignter-. tp.i:c.;er. has , , , i n . broader knowledge ot men and an nrs. anJ-lie ;.:..!;.; r.tnl spends-more money i than hi- brother who goes into "bo - i - , , , r , , - ama d;e mid spends more money han hi" bi'ot iior v.dio goes ;:ito "b.; -1- i s w't-ll reused, Wei I hons- a.i i v. - k fed. Li has j.. ,:-o-'i p. noi.k.-d bv irreg' .. .:::.: . h , -iii a c i ! or 1 ; . ; i -. :a l r. a i-'ht i . gt hs and in ih am J that sort of bohemi tuisin to ehrim;c ; ioi g' r - and g: gi"i'.i. he torn.-. jto" mora,.- t:f f he proiessiou haw h.oik d wr'ni ti. las', tweutv vt ..;. ! . i. dh !-.":...'! i i I -'' i i : li . i i Lr to jdiud i-" d-i. i 1 h o ; i : c 1 peopje. wl;o j i;-eep : i.igr e . ' ; .us ;.. ivai". ta tl their ! n iliotis of to- -t vnica! nev sp.ijter i i . . i i , . - i . .. , - i i - . ! i '.'-!, .:. ' a i o; . ,f ? 0 "! v:r.-:i' : !..".. l -. i ' i. r ',..., ,''.: . ,o ii ' e f n O f'.nv ' in iu" ar s t-'i . . .1. o. ; md. mvjov.-:r g t umr? p. s. 1 ' o , :-i m v ; g . v , 00 ! oar 1 io'" ! ;' :' .- 1 . g o 1 :l h " -. i oi g i"o . an.l ! j.- 1 ar gCont when if will . ah... ::-. mi ;: d th-' !.. .''. the I "' '. .. a. o 1 . a.ii'.i i 1 ! ! ! i I g . 0 O ' O 0 O . i I I i 1 , u. 11 1" i , ': 4 1 1 I i "O.l-. lil - t.i; i ' act w id o .ongt d to emtun with- v.m it grace we mav the woutd-be ! iuhtnm; itches of pk0-wi ights ami j hAvea.-,!.-" and the uui:i'e;iti ma:iy stt- ,j pi 1 .:oiiciu-ious of m.ui'.., .tud tkit-ik- ' wis w n st-e in every w.u -.. . -sorehead- ! e i scribbler a t pic ti .1. ...-, -p . m n. f 'Uit ' s .''. The Hews. An Australian voting bill passed the Oregon House. .. The .Northern Pacific nai it sl.nn nr j;Di-aijertl, Miii'ti., burned, cauing a joss Lt.w,' I'''i WJ,wu. Ja'mes 51. -lii-i;s, of Winchester, was elected President of the Illinois Bar Association. . In the W-seuiiMii llouw II... l!,.n iO.t . Ur ;;.. r e,,ll, .he vote Wing akeu tinner su.jenion of the rales. , ' i i.c uumi'i ni .viuert -i roMei in luwiaon oi ono and all lil wan kee was Lurned. causing a lossi J1' .to thcllc -tr-H nrS-iOCHin wit I. f w.,, n, A vein of silver sixteen inches thick l-.-w fain,,! ,xt, t. - 4-V...... ..f I IL n.uiiu wu iic i.u iii oi ..v. inaniii,! near Fairoji t. IuWa. at a dent h of :-! )' - ! ,. - j lt''-t John' IV done, w.., ,w.L....-.l I.. ;...! cf , V i v)'1;-l' "!fnl states bwttes Senator from Nida ior . i ne lu-.u.u nine, rcce vuilt la v-wur : yut f v; , " " 1 1 1 A live fool" V.V.i of bifi.mtnn., r,v,l f , . ......... ot iood qua.ity was struck 'JU i'eet below the surface eight, mi lea north - west of Li Mars. !o;va I ' ii ii i. ii umit.- .tiirtioi, if ( si'ltiHl j,, the election of Judge Peffer, . i . i . , . 0 i vi l inuii uniic utiiiiiui, if i sil'Uii the election of Judge Befier ! U:J Alliance candidate, i ire broke out in llie Clnp'n niira at 1 i oil 'Mountain, Mich. fhglit niiu ers wjre . imprisoned below witiiou ers wjre imprisoued l.telow without - 1 1 j Juiy possiui.it) or escape. ! , . . -1 .i 11. e ii. v.ri'icae v otce v.(:n panv s .ii mi n,. 1i-,.i 1 . ........ 4 1 i.in.t. uu 1111. 1.1 illllll J.MI. 1 Iv.lStllil, !;m'e- U'" 'I'1' i''"" f-, ' ,Jl" f !f 1 m m tue l-,utli i.-t 110 men. Ik. Sullivan Whitney, (he firsUma iscd U-r. ill, ii V.'iU hit new the 1 rst. man I . . , . . . .... : iu.i.1. iioici 10 c iioiinrtMiiii 11 :c uieiiH iiu .! . , c- ti 1.1. 1. t.. ... ............ 1 -. 1. ... , in America, t rod at Aewtoa. Mass , in .- uiei icii . liietl ilL A aged eighty-three years. I -il ou:i ine o,icx:can uireciors .-assed a fi.nmiil voio to .vtiiv tb,. mi. I ' . J . . 1 : Ui'iiy Uu'si V. mcll there are 5o,tiU0,- , u ' J ;:A may oe caiieu at - ?r- -:. , ,W! : ,,1,,. . v..,' t.i i . I i . . '('I I T . -t 1 . . 1 .4. .... . .J i . v. I 111. Ill , , I i . I I t y I , II !ti! e: 'titeen. -a wo ke r,m a tnnwe of 1 . . . ' . .. ' .1 . , , , . . ....1. . ...... ... . , ... 1 1 : ile- 11 o o : is ii 11 r.-i i -1 n ' i.. k f oft1.. 41 .... .... ... Vk,:; , i'ls", o-.o. is un.ioi,. iu lata. 1 . '' At a mectiiig of the Vesse'men's "A-soei dinn at Aiilwaukee resolutions j; t j " .,1 1 -11". f. protesting against the-'buihirug of it ' ! i , , t i I i , . m.Uge iiciosa tne JJetroil lt,er was ...topteu. John II. Fo'.vers. of X. -bra-km wa ,. . .1. ... .1 Ii . . i- - . i. s i ; -e.ec-.to i .cs.oeoi oi nit: a.na: l .oiueis .-vinaace ai u,::;i.i,i. i.n.ca- i.i j i. i i- ,i ; n ) , as sen 'c . c "i ;b i:;e place lor ipe i . . I ill , l i .11'.. i i - i ' i i . . . i I -, i , r W!nm ;i new aumini-tratiou look '-argp of iiie h.nd o'ti'-e at A.iitm,; . T,.x.. ivcentlv, the accounts of the i t ' . ,v, j j... -,.,,. ( ). !;. 1 1, -i i no-wort I n ..... t,,,,,,,l t,. i. h.-.i-t s:i' i-im i:i Mercer county, Kentucky,-a mad ' st.din.rn attacked a jackass, recently. 1 After a long struggle the jack kiih .l 1 1 :.. ... , 1 1 : ... t... 4 i .: i.. 'i . it.. tl stallion, but was himself so ba.Uv hurt that he had to he shot. T!. j..K,e:,,n, J,- ,A PitKburg, !.., . ..i i i,. . ;o f- ,t, ? , . n as e.i-cie j i lesiucm oi tue i at; ,;- , .. i : I IS. 1 l II;, . -I. i iio,;;u rr.-ss ioague at riiisinirg i nurs- , , " .. i o . I r. ,-'-. iv.K r.i,iv:':i cm . t , next r ace ot meeting. r I : ,.w.,..,t "Ti!,..- 1 ,..;,.f '!.. tiles nave been oroim it to 1- r. Mit-n- ties nave been broimht to I L Mit-n- i a ne jii icn ig! u Jli.-sontC home at. Ject smlder.lv ronfn-.i ,,,''.7 . , . , .... ...... . i tlau. Ibihois whcie tlieA- are kept uu - i in- i . . '1 .. -..... i , , - 1 uer guarm i ! A t hrough fat fi eight hue was i ' :lt "llL'5i,,,:lt: 1 rv,':,tl.v ')' j Ik'idnnorek Onio and the (Teveland. i -"cinuuti, tuicago t: ht: - Loms r.oi- Toa-ds oetWeeiM he seaboas d nr.d the' Xorth w-tfst. Thmnas II. Xoimu is 'ei!';ra! ina'na'5r-r. " , Wiiiiini Wind...--! i .,,.,- ,.P . .,. v ,.4 1 ,.,. 'pi 1 Xo: tu w.fst. inmnas li. onau r .-.n-Til rrtn .-r ' " '. ' ' ; Wiiiiam Wimlom. tv-.-.-etarv of 1 Ik . Treasury, d.dd su 1-ieaiy of heart ui.v ' ease at ;i baiipi't 'of the New Yrl ' i" 1 1 -i 11 1 1 - a.mitier d Commerce, lie had jus: i .. , i , i ,. , , .... n.nslied tue lir.t speech ot the evening. j a masterly adtlress on Coiniueivki , iho'pentv, TiiT'residwnt was urea'. . .111 4' j a mas.erly adtlress on ommer. 'a! , 1 i o-p'-um v, i ne 1 res;dnt was great . ' snockcit at t.ie n'ws. , . - Betler'Than Tiis Lodj-3 TiT. N tt ua-.i K .-..::.: '. " W recomm md and urge I a at eg i.i i 1 fa1 km :"-. i o oa.g ,ogai. ciu.irrc!al ami I pogt u.-ak if th-iij.ui ie I for colored and w iute A ili mee i i : : i .iii-:-. etmo.'- t.'i.CV t'Oli-Ul" IV h a li I I.I .t a 1 1"' ' i agot i ami a i.er count e i.!-:s ed at-'O'i and j had io'r coia'ei a., j" w ti ; : e a.ove. by ! everv true Alltar.ce nmu m Americ;-; i . I . . I i 1,11 ill I . I , . I a ! I . i : . . .i t r : l e ! ! I . i l.ei n . l : t i:i A liu-l ! 1 '., g . W-i . it t le eii-. -me -lane I i.v a liimni.mm he at O t, and it bv a liuani.iiou ae at ,., ;Uei it, a '::.'!"" 'J'""' lk!;l" '"t" '-".k v','ii!" . Ia;r ei. et.on-. i.. io. !- ..iid Iii,: s mi.i .,cn is the budge bill. If there-were i; !.,. .. , . ,,..t ,0 tu t 1 i , ,' ... 1 iei 1 t.'a.-(ju. 1 ne i .iei iiialttiis ni.tOi.-l 1 . 1 ... .I-...-H ,:ti.i t . 1 . 1 . 1 : : l i r -. : 1 1 I t 1 1 1 t t 1 1 1 . i rr; t '.,0 ike government nothing, and tint th O -a. .1 ,i Wi.ui.i cou mi. lions, is sum ! i-ient to i o-t:: v ti;.' order in thong as it .'lid at O'c' ia, .;uti.dem.i il.f- Lodge bili and .mhmt thhh Ih,t let it be .euiem- In-red. by white and colored abk- that the. A it, c" s .mis pi. d,,yd o i .os. .n. tlteiv' gar ...ie s t oe ;.:.!' '-i : 1 j more p- .it, jo. t .. e i a an. er e.-i, ; .mow .' mm .wany ..o jci.i e tm party. ta in. i-. ' '.'f '.i, ,,,cu em- nart v. la thi.-, iThaftivc f.isliiou wc fit leii"' fcnclita iho dt&tly r--cdXir.s3 rf nr.iivt , i.e., Ljn.ilvj tl izlI 4-vor.T.' cf Dci- iioivaa tbc lan-lisj frkxa serves only us a 11 vf preface. VThe huts were I r tir.if-t pert ef ctio trcflltioMl type, vi; '. , ta;.t o.. an cncriil'csl:ct with one sUe U-oc-.l out. ln fact, were a monster pu:c to diKjito fenddonly, lcarlus tatii liauipcra tn.l luuci bsktta cuUcix J arormd iii tho. diitt it. would . rcrrcscnt "r" vnaBa oruacry AlricCa vilLig - i ft'SA li0. 'Wlil Mtalzol SScK"iS i?SSS;SS wink patches cf tho samo'-raatwrua'tlmj : -' to their ide3 13 cvcr-rowa. pouta -j - k Ulryu .ta- iasmceh a tere Boemel ta ba notliii' in i. v,. cr three cracked pots and r. tiny lire. Tbv rpoia. In which Jlr.. Nat ,11; .1 "ci iisv,aa c.s xxjuita C:ir''c3 lo r.inq end r.pncaranco of ij Lh. taiJ. to hr.vo co-floor, rfiaor. pn-iti'i-n ."0J. tt "a?y platform t , . , T - - "- J :rourdit3 fod, with a deep bellow . " , in th? xncMle, tl:e- Whob thin Ik. 1 : V. " v Vi l-uo Bvinmiins - if.th. The plajforci-vrca ,Esrro.tht j tbrra ns hnvply room upon. it for w cliaiKa'ad ourseives, wheal aiwjjly' , , .1 T" .V ' r , uiva.Lur.tf ic gi'tiilcp tO UU6 i .lyo, I caine .v.ithia r. Lair's Ireadlhctl ' fpn-'L:- bnckvard head ovcrLcr.ls into i hc. On leaving ,tho' . - . . FT -1 .1 ...... V . 1 .iuuuy, uui I IITOUJU a CLUHu 1U tllO WSN ' i orh wc could so that it3jcartben Ceor 1 tv. 1 1 .'twilW 1n..l :u 1 n 4-Vv"l:a't cn eartli is tiiis nbire" uslce.l l-tV evii eoauur.oiv -il:--' aii.iva-r, l.rkf thoajh it vrr.r., enoko vcluniosi "!t'-. n Mfh' h.ue." lie:::.)-. (Wtsttru. -Vr:ju) ' Ccr. Nv.w Yerh Tliaca. '-,." I Ttio C-ountcrfoItins of liar Coins. -' - T):o ! it C.-pi. V.'al: -.ce Vr: JZr.V., cf t- ; 1 ::-!? 1 ; rcrr.crv;ee.i'hnr?Iy,tc-foi j I li: to ;-t. Uv.ia i.. : :! l--to' l;Sje Lio.ii iu.cHrau;i ,1 i;!ean(io counter feiting r; 1-y ' v.-l.'.c'.i' ;:ge;;ert fare, costly ar'l :;:'! ir:ue ciiu Wore tehr pat i IV'., -- " :;n:1:-- 1:1 K 5' 0 I iJ-.aa,.cle.:;a (( in ,1- Lr n a-.e b Jb.rjlti; ! P-dvtrt;;:c.l uzi MT'-'tle.: cal.j-.cf Iih xif'X? ! ( flr.ojis eoinn, ir: -.1 ..!:!: -aa 1C01 dollar, cid'j J ti--; ta wliic-h r.re l.!:.j.vn tuhavo bin Cvhltj c jiojlaet ; a a :. ! ;c::Iicil. The vlu: . ' 1 ' ... ..j aa cr rtcre, -,nKl tTCat i:;t..-, t way e;;cityi ,iu t!u - A irell l.r.orr.i c; a;:.,:. ..cur v.Iio attiadcJ ... niscov.ic I t.u.t srryj i j .u coinr. were r.t.i ro:r:i;:j, to; : i ii; ou! I'iaiT'-l t 1 lie Jain', it w.-v; l:se'.vcre.l t!-:rt a'lnrr t iv, ' .... f r,. 1 T O i . 1 - 1 ucmiM w.lu- ! ii- ti ye;r; ir:::!;;: c;. .3 ritKh- M :r: kv .PK 1 i;5r:i " t:J . ... . 1 y.o . .- ... " . v.i.:.-t. ii.ai!. iv;: iji'i-iiii; io 1 c ?r I'm' th'h'bia, ret. to work To iavcat:" ttPfie matter. lh fotnrl that the cb.r..i. .tf .inchaled all tl.e Tcr-rlled rsuo nKcer. ilv0 S" fi 1 " 4 i uon - r i?i j lcJl had a lret-eeiitiy daplifiiteilbj UiiaT the 'oe' cut ifu t'-.il::r i t lfJS3 and iiai-. :io - ... i lu wjtich was coldc-rcd wita i ii.r pipe and treated -Cith an acid Ur' j to - ive it an r-mi pir.ted Tsppearimcc. O'.'j r c in:; !.: f.nnd to he cojuttorfcitfo ' a : t i plnM.-r r iel.K- aiitl cll were j -Jtl-vc.-'y it. !' tltr.t lii.iiL' hut an rxnoil l t'M.l-l iV''" i rev c...4i i:r( rii-twopii !; ufc licit a:: I the' ire!tn'nf. '"It Ii. nr.t j known w::-. :f, r Copt. 1 fall ever obtained Cmca-j Triau to:;, co. s- to. lite ceuiitji-fcitcri' tah.L-r .0. A Hint to J'i.i7TiMV!rT(!. Col. Parlo r, ot Ti.o i;o.:'-.a Oar.sttc, ' speaks ro.o.t viicly waiot ho advocates thnt an all 'x-oiii ctc-rur.er.-. sh- raid I to a toaitablt) p.ir t; ;I.t r-.K.m undc-r tho eharo cf -tho -iv'ji':; r arve at, wbvru lite ho.l.'csof iiassen : . :'.; liyiMg da.rii; the voy;e-e could Lu finp riy arcd lor. - Tho I rutal" consirrn i c-f a di-e.r -iic t4;.o tori. tacdA to be- .... t..,..t. e , ..i . u i.ii i n i;.i.tis:i ih.iI ' 'jV- nic '( ' o- ; C P::: ;o ;-, ': h,.ai.l ly evm- l i...r t.ie eai';. ot-L:i!:ia:uf.y, iifor no re-.s--. t-j make re-o-t-uek pr4viirloa o lo.' Vek Croohij. A i Anui-t -!:lsf .Ir.l:c. " F-'.v r.-il : o-.t-i.i ao", whoa Anarchist F.-v ral : o-.ths a -!, eat: Vv.n a eoli- Id w-!- ' .'.': . i 1 1 : t -vt-f"i . a hn- Uo t t . I .a. t wa: . s . . . o'o-ralio-a Bhoes ' 1 :j 1 , ,, , 11 .' ' : 1 -'"ivn:uun ' ". :v : ) v-ai rrt-1 t.u'Ui cfii-ppration.. r. he 1' t cohi.p r, c-:uniia!nj-tho: .... ' I cov :'.:; ti:" !.::: i . i; -:.a j t'. y 'o.v.: no toiler," replied Zc ''' ' "' 4 '-:uk. A "., r! ... n IT.rtI,.;l:i;f u,,.. . Tir-r j i ; s: f Try i: the history r.'f t-h v.-ori i r: : - r o : ,:.! :.: t!-;n tl'.r.t i.t A-m- tria. d: i i,''t4.ry ef the trimaph of di; ' : " y . w;-.:-, n,i 1 vit of-afiplo- 1 J:..o. ti ;--,i-t ni ;dv.;:v ; fr its power e:i v'! ni ;,v.;:y ; b.r its ixiv.'er tai a t - .". d.-:o I f :...h:-o y. t:ln ie:th. . Tu- II ii ; v-i.iO I t i: -'.i Ilioloahtetllv tllO . i I.- i' -' : " t '.-..ra: - . rof tho l.t'iatrchy. ' ' v. It: !. a' vays v.eakrTTe'I itdTtanief.," U . raon-a; o.ii: io. oo the surface- than, ever, . jci i.:a.. ;n coni.-st wna l.;:o;;i ku'cj , oi l i.ike place a yea 'o- tw hencv, 3.-t laai. in co;:t'-st with Ita.sia xth& A:-t:::t v.-.-gj i ba. piiieti"al'y .stronnt. "" laaa :;.;.j..i.- . . t-i.t -uriyTuncyia lief Ii.ia- - :r-i rr --!-; '"..- nri;!i-i. - i . 4 '. Cut ; tlem any o:!n t g, 1, oyer an 1 r.gaiit ;u po'.-'cr wi. uai i i: : it.. i ; i.t victorious vwir. ' I .a Ti ...-;:.h the allies th-tt It v. . Itr.a-oi i.-g : t o . .I:-o.". ui.lhbk Ir tun a with e toiri: o tho c.ii:goiigu3 tf r.Iai-ji a o.o 'h :' ; 1 1 o'lygcd v. ,'01 r.cttie cf ' 1 :--;:. oti ' c.ir owii.nnl : -'gm . o( r of :et ti';-erat:o.i ; t- 1 WiO'.'a . :.. bus a t ia u:ui. airain fcl.wn r'o r .1. f at has I 011 tarvelous. It is' 1.0 'si ht .Iu t . the I o-t 1:0 t. Lrr population... ti.'.iti'.t cr.ti: iv io f-u ttiivrb. litis alwava id! go .. hed a yu .kyk.f k-rdr, tealtli ro; '.-..,.. loc 1 a. . :; m i.er rcn.l I g-o.-.o". h ,k k ... ; . oi toward rcvohi- ' j i,.oa.ry .' ;ia; cs ti f a hi y others in Ih:- : I'; '"it- ' vc'T,tin I i unwary, i.l i n ii.''.. . '..... -1 r i 'io i::r,.".i.it'.uts cf 1 . , . , , . I :u''s i.u r:-o.e o :ay:.c. It is liam to I - . . r, . . 1., J . .-..tl I. i. Vi.t. U j ltil . ' W ukti" fcls ui'I be f'-It. Iht. -a rthclcsd the loy alty cf :;.;::- race:-; tho Tyrulcse, for iu tianct : ;'. rpaertu'y'a c.-rtaia" attach ; rro: at to ti.e r.'.yai houre, if it docs not jr; ply nil the no ' ive power, which armies . -. -need, s.ao Au-izia ftvia many cf th ri. 1.3 wliH-ii' rue of. l.cr ncililxri rua. Uiutl;vutv i' j l.'totaiae. - p . ., . - r -v, , j 4f . 1 4 w UurCf. Zvj far ritC:13r's 'CaStCKU.; : t I - J 1 - t r