.7 4-C-0. q, (fis Trio c J 1JLJL1 jl CvLJlJL J SALISBURY. H. 0.. THURSDAY, PEERUAHY 26, 1881. U0. 17. vol. 1 ssn.-THiaD serhjs. i i i ji iw m i i 1 iii n ' ei I- dpr ' - ' ' ' " "i . r ' - - - ' i ' '-' - L ! -'''.. . r a .J (r-rr J-ov tuo w,ii,jtuu;iu. ir? 'not Earnest j Fttnambuco, jrat i do jit was not tra-?; or -that there was f i ill i f i r I . i i no! ! M: Acrj.; mourn -4 c ' -'1 ' 1 i for -Infants, and) Chile" ron. ! 'Cadtor!a!gsowcHa;aptdtodindrecUiat : Caorf crrcs-Co, Ci3asf!iatlftn, 2 c. ig. 1 . 1 1: 1 . . r u.Amm wjl it. as siiTy-rior ta anr riftsenrtion 3 t- Ljmwn to me. II. A. asch:?i, tt. u., : p-ptti-,' - 111. Eb. Oxford Et, Brockljc, it. T. ; TTItUoot ii? joriou3 mcdicstlcx V mwitHWll Known uuixip 8 t'.. iTi.Xn V,;?! Inteliiffpnt fiitulies who uooot ket;p Cs-Uxm reaiti, - "S within easy reach." - I - -. . Entri F. 1 akdsb R, j , CAU iiABTYrR . . j. 72sUiTCFf" IUi Street &d Trh. Arc U tn-il;c ..i to rU f-r l-jrcu'I - -vc? IV ;lil It Pl-'llf. An i not uvnKin'Uour own '! ! When wo wv. " -T.-lrer.br.ry l.iin. -Phc ho ;.: J;' r liar'!? Veliititf.- " U's unc'rth.'tUa'.i-.-n.-.l. nmn ; It wouhl can-.- ytm ult 'to It's a l:v.-f-!r.'a.!('l s-hctno, Tw-.Mt!.! nJvor .U i' -r ft hih r-r M r:--p:, Il-'d letter go aud raise mufe '-ora. Thai's the cry oft!:? noncy-k'rg-. V!i'"t :;ro'iuee f 5eun; A US ovor-prodiict;-.! " tln fhey pmjr. The iat.orers -to sc arc f.j . Lon'c to vour snterc-Ft. hrotat r?. -,rir,e2rv3 ..hrUrc.s.i'-it. ThoH who:. nioi:.-;!y ::iakrli r:ii Wc il tv-!l h.r j't to wi,;t. - -Throw oif A:i-I sh.- in ?u-'esiu to w.-.-,'r it La or-h.-r to h.i-.i-t . d--.-ive iiot'wiph in u?i? His real ivtu:e. fen. ring i a strain f P!vmw!,th Rock or a OomUW. ilni o on? Ci n:a)n eccc to ucca.y i yotKf.-r in s iSo iiiCH wlncli hut! Jpen mv nc-'v co-tehraaa from me iielore-1 hu!ie.! up y tin? pres. r-r that' th c.iii ;cDt-lihii.lia;e: . hl-.MNM-. in "-.vhoin I h:t'l trnsteJ ;i thor- ".; v. rt r;i i 'v.ih'y -x.;!u.sive, !jal -e i i iv.O'Vt-.it- u r. ..:... - v Tot his iii!-int;s his f.iir na'me hv vvt- ! in vour U-Avv in the New Vurk ''llf!'T t'! er to the Vtilg-ir . . A i v indicate J.' . r.-'Dar:'Jr ' he "i?ti-i of Iho IsationaV Council of ,.t:i'e pr.-.i;!iii's, at Wash i'rtgtou last ".yot'k. nh v. i-l o s- r-n from' t!io procoeains l-.jlo;v, Ihvsiilrnt Jilc-1 li rat ii akol for :o. mvostipition o: tin Our rr?g;re;3. nXTF.RPKISES UNI) WAY. i- . From tU(T5far.fvcoufr t'.ccord. ' ' I?; vsoti (at y li. Newljv wants h'nU for the construction ot an Tron hridijp, Drysnn City ArtTinr & Lipscomb i f!r:H's " lit' :r hip.i llu-'.f. fo? hi.l oo Will t rcer ;i wood ;vorkMii? factorv? "- ,.-....!.-!v !ii :ninki:''ihat vm iuif nen the io-.v. co-.re lM'oo.e who arfM . f- . " ' . ..... ; - - ' ' !nlh tl e.H.'-.r a hand to .lo'sonc oi :i0t uval'.hv enough torn a an account ! l,M"H M,,u, agreemo: U-.n-res , liur;i0. n.It i, rrported that nrT ivovir (MUs'Ltbaut I wo:,! ap!y hefore tht-ii gk. out of piVin- itthe can- m:!n lur;u;r !) ;,s1Sl ,!1 j ilitionui taarloiiery be -will put in tho i '.vone c!co h,v! taken tho job I wish to, H:i!;s lo'ttcs auisans fin-r'r V'1 f " J "T. VX 1 se , mt,75 bt:l , Altam iha coUon mill. ' - - . kfif.v ii" vtiii wt:v.a to employ a man i ' . i r i t 4 , - b-.'.'nile in cuse i'j:i ,. ln-'ui s txuild i ; -n, , . . . - f , Ithat iyr,-s ohl and'an o!ie cripple Imt be eiccl,.t. The cotuunttoe ,tL,Chi,rlo'fe"Th' m General ! !u,t can drive a ucntel horse ifcU!rj.'l to r'u y)'vn? wa-! tu,y ,i t!, , ,',;,,' i-.'o. 1 (v,v,,,,,,. th'c'ric Co., of New York citv ha se- ! i.,,f LtMiv ('iiv:!iii!" about tho citv who o!r. r .vise tter.iL-au t nemselvess. ) - i.-v ;i-1 r 'uMio.ia'wn. i t j of new yor Mo i aave ' bc-ea taar lor a i fow day- t d;--l; not gel thiy aeq';a:Hod 44'io circs' ?i 'or numbers of l :ts. tni I tluuk I ci od lr.ve if the lady new whaVc she wiod file to 1:0 I wrsii to have ood , hoard and, paul lodgios 'this means a I ;; al ih;l to fot on sifter :i days work ii.ni aivnt or driven do yai think I can ; ''V. i'-phi: c to- drive fr sv lady or do ' :h-.:;nis.' scrae sr-v t!i'.'.t 1 a:r. rofl dookio--H out I don't wi.-u to say eayiain; o:: - ;-:;!'ji ct '.i ;', -e li tli i!- is si chance inform s me Vtur.s with r'pe t ..m'nicst. i rxAina'co. 1 P .S I rd.K ui want i' ' dollars a month P.-ido ! P.. -O, 5 )T W 1 r Mvy r1 t.-a Ls -. . ii i a rv? : ( ) www 1 We :sf li: r wdiii. ioo. I Sim woi'.s t.) h.vsirt;.- voiUcu f And tht-a s'.ic fall!-' i- iOoIi. Thedor.rc"!-fr dayiis ilawhi wa&aia vrrs t: i'. a':! had -?pc or rif.cn 1 n '.. Ciin s-c1 1110s No m ';.' niv-ao'ioiy 1 t tric'.st. s s!aVv- Wf'l! he : W . i . 1:01 tin-; tni'di right, m;: o a a iru'y cx:u:s:' I:: r.:- i , o - : ro; n x .v .'oui t mi evi .u'ir, I to l'-rtv-so: o,;.;, street st'ation on three Uv heels "t eaich a train with Earnest amarack pole nuiler oil corner ot our hisis tiie barn ai'tl knock me in the head. , ' - . giiu, jiow am I iohtiow t'.iat tin eogs an 1'cfore? .Is eaci lien to o )rova;eo 'Vit li ;i rtod vr uaiiriT st-t'v.p, stud In won id silmost ;5ve ni tne hitaml ask . . . , w .n . ?da nt-'n lorr-di. i . era,! v , r... -af , , -. 1 f " y ' . , iiK( a roo;a-aiM ::K's:io:j. 1 iurner: ' ... ...v. ...v ...... ...v , some kind friend to take me out he-! , .... . , I the Charlotte Coaso idated ! Const rtn- .-i l 1 . 1 1 r-. , 1 -1 : 1 1 1 l l ..iiv Illliili.U.lli: j . , - . . , ;.. fi'om ih"o. alc'lrath. oil her in person. Ov it t !er or t ii r it: I V . i ' . til it va d.I ije'.o h im ur aovoae 1 - !..,. ti . io ii'. o mi riiii ooe 10 I IO .00 e, 11.11 -;. 1 me u:i .:... rl.t .:,',: .1.,,0,,. o:n:f.li lee --, i;vo;v ' a- h::d 1-rot o.. . r . . , - 1 ,' . 1 -r.! (Otnoh t 'iV e:v.o:rue I iro. dt I wem: J. r oi.: faeries of we come tr ,-. . ' . 1 , ,. . ,,' r , '--it 'fivLi ir ):n a' c isn I cdv ra !ae : -a t i toe ivjv.iv fli-coven-d ri;g will she ,.:,.. 1 , - , , . raintt 1 iie dats. hour and a.t 111 parole 1 .n , t J :. !. o v . i. ... . jl.... -l l . 1 1 1. . ! '"O -Xl l O -I'.is loiii isii. r vi iuusi. v e ui '.isi lo Lite nu:i;:r oi one who counU the natron age of people u i:o ;.i:i he worlced sy l!c sun . . t.:.-,. I .... ) .. i . Oil- . i!C i''A ..iiia y'toV' 4-j H j 0 i d U U ' - I I - . . - 1 I .LL V Wo'i! t..r. 1 l.r 1 v'.-.y hy n:t' o.iaiu-r -Asa! .;-;. a : a r'H right. With is..-'h-;- f.r I'.aj- wcajd. ".. -!i ; :o llif tht.i , n. i : '.' ax:-- ree : , .,!,. v !. o: -.o-d ;i.". . Wllic'l l'oi'.V i-al c 1 o'.a' ::'! a; . V., .a, .1., :..' eiv !::; 1 e nice ra t w.aa. o:e a cov.nirvp.ni'.. 1 1 - a:U 121 I iiO .(;W ! -! (').: v r. "v. 0 can ' a:;o 1. . e t fOifuaai u'i. ;.o 11 . o W llv.ul WV.ii. vi i prvr i'l tu V,T.!;ii; to A-ilatr Kl-i Feet J'pon th; Ii- raeated Ca - ! 1 : I 1 . : (.anno: a . 1. a 1. .s'rmsiur. a.i-.ng ess. o. rower an iea cream ao- 00 v.'.a OaoTi-'il ' 1 1'V r..t;,' ir W. : ('. H'he joyoa ; sea seakon for skating is now drawing to ;i :lfs.', ;::;d wrh it e-s the hast ra sa't for n: :ny. yaaa; .in' these .piavts. rdy all" a.-o" : oa.'i. c:::--l ;ld O. i-O'o-ae 1 j i. f u river 01 car- ov ire .v to i.n 1 1 : to- toe usee 'oahit- 0.1 ;: 1 ... .-. . ;;:a! eur. s vio m io;v disorl .v.i :. Yon o n: 1 also run rents" voa mua! g"t voar-eif :: a" aa:i :.ieg ' a -v' iia. aad t h" ! ; o ", f.':1-.i ' (Jhl VtiramV chalo'. s r.OV. O...'jio!lr I." .......a .... v tdIO CVt-V ii 1:1 a ., J l.-o '. SO ,.u". i- i pna- ak ', 1 . 1 :.-rs'-'-'n.,i .-ion:; a of ;.-e, Ivere'.'V cha'. e n i--" s:o " . ' ! t 1 t 00 a-. ana 0 0 . e.. a,.. in s!;;.;i: g iV.-Hi ;o lo -,ao aa.i : a aa.s :t:m aoia i -i uv.v ?yo 1 e ho-ioKhyd .1 L . . QQ. ' r si. .1 e v 'Vihi I :io f ;-?;. 00. 1 V a).i idi! :!..! J 1 ( ( a .a! 'i I A i'er ;o , i a ;.u :: ! d I 'if h ( r ;n s., ( Lit !.t li . i; . as ;o i Vdn e'a ck riaiios. , lddl.)'.'.i rUi:1 Aidhixic Oak. Aiaiijio A he, Chcrrj smd 1 EaT22 L L ;i 1 :n nea ;o;ea e s everv mi. a. , n i'o .a.r.re'o "id: i .:.: oy -Ka day. iin- . ; . . l' :r..i a ; l a !...( 1 a . 1 a . , ' r .mjd'sh an.;: ' t. L-.ai Isiaa h 1 a . iVe I 1 i-l' ii!(:.-a. tvro.'m crookeoiiess? Vaiiiiy is tin: (.pen avenue to the ;e::ve.s of people who are otherwise lu cid at tiaus. Make them believe that your rates sire ;i little hih in order t keep away the peojde wlio get riht down ami sweat (instead of perspiring in a genteel way) and you get a great many of them. They stre most al! liseajdiole K You go at it rmllt. The smith who hod my justly' cele hrated 'horse Two Strilce laC snmuier, ,li ;rgcd me 1 dollar extra, "because' it wst.s ;t gai iemanY job, your honor, ami tin? same hind of wru'k and price that to i'oi t!ie gin try that, lives on your ierrstre begin' your iio:ior's,p::rdpn. A friend of mine was chnrgtKi" fo- t: visit by a ph ysii.-iun lio ha.d generally 1 charge or 2 per viit, as my fr;e:.al l;ne-.v. My neighbor kicked and spoke piite firmlv laud hotly to the doctor, refusing th pay the hill. "Why," - h I Lh- physahan, 'T certainly nev( 1 !i:a anv eoaip! ;iut bef ore, and 1 always charge ;yo a visit on votir terrace. . So voa sae that on a cert-in s'r'eet. with si house that has brown stov t rimmiiigs, you mu-t e:peci to pay hit!.' I'.iiav for our .excuisivencss, ami si . buy vour eggs of a nun whoso h.-tis eat blue pomts ami (.lives and ii ;v ' never scnitciu'd for a living. Will ao::m ki?i; re .oh r put me onto a .; ;! burcli- r whom I cm rely upon fd w ho ...l! furnish me "with sui siris-to.-r it ie hvei- fresh from tlio interior of soaae wed known animal whose . v sum t:ie coun'e.l i:it again ric Gr.dh io-eto a q n-stion of p.ersona! p.ivih'g... Hestacd to sit ca rso.n re ports ha I been clra 1 ittd ;ird p: b ished' 111 the p.uh'.ic press in wind; lie was presented as parlTeipathig in a scheme to eiect a. certain man its Unite-d States Senator from Kansas, and that his connection with the scheme hail been secured by tiie ttfT -r of money. IltTre q nested the council to appoint ti com mittee, which should m ike si thorough uvestigatam of the reports and eh ugea ami report, the result of said investiga tion to this council. In nae u'duuc" with the above riioarsi ;!)- 1 Xatloual ih-asideot L. L. Polk p an red .v. 1j. L.-lo or iic ngan, i.u.s ih.rr of hsoiuli Noi iii () irouiia ami' Sam ad ilottsto'.i of .'V irgmia to ma;rc tiie 01 suvi 1 tat ion. . 1 I all-v. wav. eve. . j 1 1 Mild in i - i . .. o- 1 - ; 'V a,, t came , .a-:-,. . - i ( .a a a ; ' . ai r V tlosl do aa ; V;l!; in' ;U l ON (. 1! it A lAlad! STOCK Oi' ( I.;.', - , t ; , -, ; a.'nig Iii d, V.'i ak : i . - -1 f ; I' '1 es !'or Lanic?Tr 'O - 1 i tmi.v :i.d'i".tiu. Y:l rat.-- cl 1 c ry t le ai.i a (jindit;. sd v ij. ill. di. tr v. id l-e laro.c lo ruihi'jia. : !j i! !.',. o: sit to soiai ' aide il ia s. ' - , Ii'Airi' OAhitlACiKS' . A hirge vt.ck ' ' ii:i-ly Oanisigrs with w iiVv. jnrb hi yT Z''K - - ' Md Vi U yo ai at d ma 'a mpn Osir 1 ia:.i s v. u'tJt oviu- iJa-il stt only' $!G.o0. Ftd it; rk :! 1 i i ti" 2 0. ; r: i 3-d; -i AKi::t rrrAHTMENT i . ( ', a; o 1. 1 ;cn ' v 1 u lo iirdrt tld ir g a i -Joyia'.is. at', ill I- hoars day and i' vs id'.ii'o;- m pcrviccs at riiuht will a 1 in nj-idilii'c on Iku.k stittt, in "id a;ik"i.ji iiiy li'i t.d.s si r.d the j idai dtai-ia-t j at n lame and a.-king tout ii.aai.s-s- of I i:e -tamie". I am, lo I ' sl-rat;ng. 1 do n.d. know whav a h -Ttd- p . ' - 1 . . . ! v "'!.. ...!- . lean is. iiei'.'.'.. uo t e ae. 1- .. 11,' 111..'., can wear sue Si eSoi. ?. as iic -loo:i., o--.., in. hut when it con os to seating i take tit) fit-' gauntlet- on Udialit oi Stahm Island, the hotbed of athletic Sports, where firemen are not sdlowial suhicient Ivor money to make an ordi nary tire any oojeat hit ail. I will accept the iearaltouge to a lim ped cutout onl'V. li am getting along in ve its nivaauV. but: still 'read line vrint. though preferriag edirormis auo disidav ads. dh r.-.-. a on-lha a ag'e.i, and the i 1 he p died angus, :.d ! b : . ah- ' king. id lull ,!: o..vh-t o in oar Tut ie 'h 'd I'll ir.ie-;. i'oUii- soon as y a; e an. TV.- I i-oe a re :. n ' rV5C-w nt- eu 1 d : f r m t h a r i! U iin'.i n pouli ry e.'' e' s ..l hey t ei. t-aso X c have d.(kk) lav ,0 rH Y.e.ie n ; ladlna Furniiura Dea'en l ami i an 'Aiuancan ov vri 1 an l iiiioi.l? r to . e.i .t riuht botweeu fieehanand Savers: also livdisi E. l'inkhamrrwas Kissed by her as a child. I can saw a cord of wool in a giveh time, and Wk forward to u de.iin" immort-ilify oevorai tne grave I hereby- ngree to saate. with air. Weeks from'v.iH) thjl.hOi) miles in ;m easterly direction, from any point lie may select on-JiOii'or Stateir Island. with bare knuckle jto "a iinish. 1 also i n i i ' ,,a.., .o-.o .,. challenge 10m oi.;.:sm uua irotn 70 years 01 age upward to sa u? backward tit) the rajm water pipeoi tm (Tdeao Atiditoriuni for gate money -and the champhniHiip of the worl.h will also agree to challenge Mr. WWIcs or anv otner gentlemmi oi on a-? to compote with me in delineating on the ice lour pages ot sansein.L rhii di I win seiect. 1 ;,l-:o ch-dlemiL! fhe.woyht ti com- ute with me m skating ok the ice an 1 " ' ,1 e e 11 -.f v-m iropntai llOetXt lioitl ; 1 ;.'.. .-e ,. vvhich I shall seldrt: also! uaeorasing largins of sanieivritn. rnncy serod r' , ,1 1 i ! ! .-" i workturue uo c:i euga- -o (.s io.uur springtide; alsoj eagle witd Orieco oman bqak and: I Spancerian pretzels m iv, . N . .,,.,,d !.rd ai V" ! lie n ime, but tre letter .ask--, Mav 1 send yu a sample K..v- ',,( Oo-,,.. - v. nine or twelv" de.ou f 'A ' ....... r:ew laid t a i a-r hen-. mnn n r -r;. sihaO; d til ev or-' laid - Il l tli I ' the bdter is th York who u:V th.' oggs exe.r.Mve.y. Tim li :-.i ls like that of the patroi: ecsof the eh irity hall. -.It is a very s-vdl arrav of pomp, we-.'fli an 1 goo I yjetoais. 'l'e-ph1 ure there nam m vTio think no more of pviug acveniv-hve ee.ds a dozen for the eggs of a blooa .,1 l.eu than I do.of using white sugar in mv coff.-e 'eA-erV day of my life. hit this is not the w:iy to eaten 00 a.ol fin --sell Sag'o. e do ! 1 t wor.r 1 , t-t a .:'.' om over the entire n!iiiii'i;i;!y? S ane butcher woo gets alstrte from the A-meriean II -rd oa and his sou -'go wrappers tin'd ii'iers from roe- ( ru-dpus or t he . iNstp il is am now eating Km ,; - :s r I 1 , p 1 known ham-; una id bi-gouen-siae pork of a man who does 'lot Know rind there ever was such, a swollen, v.n Amerienu. 11 a in aseu 1 i ne. iihidto vmia'd. nd uuroaehi'd ass from away up the lorook as Ward AlcAlii.ter-. F; 1 in. Nye. Hints for Shp-3,aiscr3. " In treating foot rot remember that ever.' particle 01 virus must he re moved or. killed, or the flock is in dan- UEP0KT OF THE C.MMITTEK A I'd. ,1 XT V.) UX THE NATIONAL COUNVi:, Tv) I.VVltS TIOATE Ti'IE fdlAROItS AdAIXST rilFSI DltNT IdlAN'K M-CGKATII. rlr. President ami aTmihers. of the L 'g!at ive -C. ui ucil : We your com midice iit'pohute'l to investigate r.',e eh.arges agaiai'-t Pred.huit Prank ;!cfVralh," of Kansas' Stale Alliance, beg Leave to submit, the following re port. We have examined the papers sub mitted to ii.-; Iiv Pro. rdcOlrath, .signed by d. P. French, secretary of the Kan s;; - Stale A ' 1 i dice and have also an iu trviov with Hon. P. J. Turin r. mem- Cth trie I bar' of cou gre-s f n -ni ' In y Ka-.Tsas vcl d ive to tiie h-tier said to have I em v, . i out) Pro McCrath by ;id E. . I. Turner, r.nd in; ye received a da'emaut ir m him in writ ling vhich we herewith submit. Your committee are of the opinion, after reading tie stda'i'.vnt fip.ii K ins 1-. which is ah; herewith suomhfed and the mdervikw abov icier red to, together 'with 5thr wriiien statement of air. Turner, fiat Pro. Mdir.lii is an 1 ouvh! to be fully exoimrated and comm. aided to the con !i lance of go ! aohauaeineu every -wiea'e. ail of wnicll is respei.df ally stih- muted. A. K. C(ili Sam A. Huston. ) unn. Washington-. I'e!,.i(h--A.. E. Cole, E-rp. C'a.-.irm.m Commit.fee Dedr S;V: ! .an elies-ri'iisi V s tv to- you that 1 ' 'j :i'!n -y""- Naturally, as wealth mcreaw. tne y , ;vit;, ir. Krauk dt.11 nexl my a.,cr tl.M!,anl for finer gr;!-Ies vi wool AVlii Mefirath of Kans - either indirectly P -peetfolly, - ( invrease. ' There is no profit 1:1 grow- 'y. fr ,.;id,. j-, anv manner iv- r !.-r, .hand m arg;nT o, j t,,,, 10.nr wool, anyhow. hAiiVJ. i.,. d matter in Kan- : ! 1 l ai s in .eW , . . P i, , . "r a a ...... j, ,!.. .f.,M,l...... l;0 earerui nor, liio reeu 10 man su-. 1 i.ian 0..0 .... " o -............, to the breeding eWe. Ivoots are largd y with him or bin friends relating to I hat composed of water and too much' colJ -.bjbet. 1 have never lyd the slight st wafer all understand is injurious to Jlea nor have I bam h d to believe by tiie ewe. ' any one Plat, his mil m:m:; coal 1 be . 1 u, secured by the 1.. e of money-. As I rtis o, the utmost '7VU;;JlV knmlm-(.har.icter 1 know itJould not, the breed oi snoop solocted smill be hr- ( ted to the conditions under vvliich tne, , , ; , )V in. m-e to be kept ele the wool will nee- ( t..V essarilv bv aiiected. 1 1. p 'rrhvrr. T f ,11 day hard, and then sock our wiiole ada-w into-a diamond back terrapin debauch tit night, do we Russ? And we do not buv eggs at Pa doz-n just -o as lo car tlm same . breed of eggs that Colonel Elliott Shepherd dees; do we. Puss? We would ralher be a lit ib.'i.hiin An-erican citiren, eating .the f a broad and den o - 1 1 . 1 1 v Hi ei 111, 1 .... Wool must be equally strong the entire length of the liber, oor necessa rily it ay ill be of less value to the man ufacturer; and wool of that kind can not be grown unless tho shap is kept in good cqndition ail the time. . Sheep breeding and wool growing must excite the enthusiasm of the -dr. filter if the business . achieves at- 1 upoPKfsMPiiii' ,m. mih oayrejt'Ep .-?r- -av ?--; - g- -. -; i e- 'Zs.'J: E ; r J l.. , . ,f '-fr- ".'-. t .r - I VioAv -:- - -, rJ Vr-T :i .v . a- . eLL-. : .v- T t I- - Vi . lo -a. I,, -ia.il 1 i 4y- fJVs? Wt FBOMPT ; m RELIABLE LIBERAL . bPODES rP0Y-AV rPi:s!OF.KT. V'M. V. CO A It T -Skckktauv. t.dtd.: tail fenlhefs. I wnl aiso agrt to skate on more: parts of myself at oie and Em samel thne than any other man between the ages of 7r) and'7h rcspectivelv. d , 'will challenge .any man of twice my .own weight ijnd age to skate tiie score of tke or-bra of 11 Trovat'.rf backward, together with scroll work timh ornamental Uwan on top. wearing doughnut wing and beautiful lull oven movement ihntnlette,, Forpnrse ot j.t.0 and mineral ex ,d- !;(. y,auvi o Kicll : Thai's me and thai" s Kirs :nge ! This is oof all. Ihis pc .ry eg-, harpadver!ies to supp'y o't:V t ie !, ng te.ng v. ill) go ous irotll bis I'l yorks. but docs he? 1 es lie cnnaae him.df to the t:;b!es t f the wealthy? m I assured that those eggs will not m. , dd f. -v.rso and vul air lv oole -ho louve tiieir own children! Paul The ihought of it would drive me E. dl 'i'ritNErt. al. C, A Brave Fellow. A numbor of boys were skating and sliding in Yorkshire. On a sodden the ice gave wav almost in the. middle of the hike and one poor little fellow fell in: There was no house near they could run for help; no ropes which they could throw to tneir struggling com- The boys stood on the' bank .TA'- T-o-.a,. iU.,H.ll.n.w lo thrir .truRsl mg con. oar 'tu'. t oon-o io -v oou ... , y. ,.; 1,;., ',.iniv,v dt b rd- nanmu. i ue 00. r .w.ri 0.1 mt- 0.0. u , pay four pneeaam a ..igusv I . . , - - thc:n-will never get rich wild pa',-, sorrow tul taccs. stirsiid to try vdemtcrpteceof agamey mm y. y . royech ther I rend, m c se the m. ihose gamey eggs sire use,! 1 at Uie oa. r -dmuid dve w sv nml s'.v.ih w them sill mbitu-dlv bv tim tallyho sons-111-riw j Costivent'vs in sheep is very ap.. to ; . . 1 ... 4. . .... 1 1 occur in winter wiien no ro.os 01 .0 , jp,i 0,.(. )OV sila- is fed. Insachcase the vrd uy ! j,.y".;tho'iga' v '1 .... I .1 ; 1 ; 1 . . O. 1 . ( 1 ! ; - ot oil meai en : - j Oi Oil 100.0 c.i - .-v -.v j 1 Upre'.o Oil- l I'll ice v, ono'et, : a o.n-. mated. If the dockmastcr hi Pj ... xei jf Vou lav the same board green food we believe it will pay Hll d tt(,,7 1 :m ic d witl be rpiite safe. I to buv som-' oil meal at any cost that!.;... llv j!;;t p.o d . j-,,..,,- t'aat'.Ie.- . i Ml I!' .... I, t.,",,v I ' . . . 1 - . 1 . .Paly rer.Temherod en. 1 -Ian ! a b lord us goni-g anybody will likely have to pay could ran alougflie board without tear r r 1 r r r ' r ,- ;0TAl; A Slhi - - - - J .",!!'":. ' ' y Salis'mrv, X. C. . -i. . . no uses I will atiree to dr ! o aed'oae iake Victoria Nvanga as soon as th; dn1 h aiiiaio e tor titat lairnos Ilfdso iviil. e.ece;if a handicap d: f rddC f or e tr-h mile, or anything etsa w i 1 1 1 that is not too Til? foliowim , . n' lUigestiOie. bona fide letter, with the name slighlfv s-ui'pressed.ls given merely to showjjt hat good help can nl- wavs be bad inj America it one goes tit x:. d, o-m- works ;S N-wton can ,' ; . -- -- . . nrd s, me any eggs. 1 am .0.... thyt M -elf s - rrt-M d ! Si'I thought T had secured an cggist whom I could hmst. and m ianme-,.v-:i'V I bought and nt the eggs i of cracking the' ice. - It on-hs- took' him a' moment to re member all th;d: the next he spoke to 1 ;;is frl.m Is siim-d oing after !n - lashnm : Volume-; have been written against tho dog. hut it must be C include i that the dog is. here to stay. 'iVii niise ii... .1.. f.i-r -.nd rev tor the - ho-S " 'f liie ; ."- 1 v , -, .... .1 . .... .1... :... sh'eu killed bv the dog; properly mm j -;l wid lie uo.vir-uat 0.1 i.e- tc n.., I'.ui1 ; nb'iodv's bii-sitis.'wo sun-1 the edg d then one of y.ei mu tt com;- 1 me ntiV eggs. 1 am a.raioi" .f c,,m:n:,:iv ihooaes toto mi f-et and pn-h me along tid you e nrorietor might forget ami-1 l , ()U riutt,m if -the com-cmi lie .'..". n m t hat way: and pnyo nerime and s ell to the ir ub-s- 7. viilin to 1 av for it. The I f bv in front of you, we Oodl masre trouble has been that it has not i?n, a ime long cioog.i i -."' "-'.. li. .1.. a,i .AA'i...-, Hnr;d d Ti'ti-s ki n t bo ' -t o f da ; ger h 1 U VO I I O ' - , O " I - ' t oa. , A..,, .. .... 1 ' s 'it. to- Or.sve 00-. no o.- Sr. Peter-Whais the'matter at the .ng np. - reneh ''"j;1;.' 1 . 1 1 ' t l f ' UJ 1 . I ) . ' . 1 . . ' i - ' ' V;a so ( XaU-teO SI 0 is 1101, 1 1 a 1 " ' ' a - , 1 y ; 11 1 . mmnnd omd a big price ba- oftll, Four Hundred has j nmnt to m. f 17 e- va? so- cxr knnwir.gh.at fhre had oeeu no m,.., i ; . : u. ,1? , h ,r;s p u;s Savd thl connected with ,them i-.r manv . . ;td . ml , . 1. r ; i l.tl voy , venerations back, and then I s",. gumr . . 1 1 , J b .ndrni feh :o ,: :. bmlthat I had beam duped, and that ' tue .locuhoal. a. .. . g I toon Co. Can. ord A hill lists been introduc- - ed in the .iegis.bit.ur:e,to incornoiiate the ; Concord Waler V0-fksC0. ) y' , 1) a-rham- Tire Goldeit' Ilelt . Manu fiicLurmgd'xj.. wiirput ne'v jnnchinrv iti ;.:;. double t lie cap Icffy of t.S 5" hag . : factory as stated in ourfist isstie. a v'v Eimwood A Rhode Island party U reported as to erBcba $30,000 Cottou 111 : t i in Ehmvuod. PayePeville-TaTh.s Black; Hiver Lumiicr Co.. ypntcni)lales putting in a? plauiiing nvro and dry kild, , ' Fayetteville-J. D. STtXiel . & Co.t. contemplate the erection of an ice fae, iory. . y Fayctteville McClure, Grenamyer & Co., contemplate establishing a sash, , door and blind factory in connection with tlmir lailiiier null. . ; -' ; - I.iickorv -IP C Latt tV A. A'. Shn- . ford and P. P. Km near hive iucorpoi rsittNl tim S mtlrern Pine Co., to man- id u turo an v sirticl. of -wood,"- metal,, mineral, lie. The capital stock is ten i hoiisaml dollars. , ., ., . -ag 1 1 i c k o r y T he No velty : Wood Wu-ks. previously reported as having been es; .P-.li -!, 1. has been incorporkt-a iil wiHi a capital stock of ten - thou au(l .dollars. - Hi, korv- -Th.e citv will liohlanelec- " v '''' tiou about April -to tleciue as to the is? suaiice of lmds'for w.itcr works, tnu tioue l last wefk. The city is nQir. , -eoi'-id'-ring propositious. Address G. N.' 'Yhite;nr,4u:ivor. -a-'' High Point J. H. MiiK J. X Cox 1'. W. Won h, stud others have .inqor-' por.ate.l the Home -Furniture. Company air to.' -pur:oi f ' inaiiuf.ictiiring I amber, etc. Ta ; capital stoe'rf is 15,- "1 -I'd. . j ' ' King's Mountain The ' iMinini?, alaniiiac; uring & Improvement Co., reported in (ur hist hsne as orgsmized, 5-.-iI-P.have for its purjtose the 4. erection T a bhtd ..furnace nud steel jilant nnd other industries; also iron re landsy have b(.eiT()ptioncddiml1wilPhe devI- L l-.vell Kfinrts are being made for llte.org.-i.niz it ion of a --stock company ; to erect a cotton Midi. - . : Mavwoad Ihirnett Bors., are rf ppr- ; ted as having started a grist mill. iiontg'omery-JJounty Cosil -y-mincs are rcpHTfed ' sis to be developed ; in Montgomery and Richmond comities. Ml. Airy J, K. Reynolds and ' AV. II. Helton" will, it is report!; erect a ; -sash, door and blind factory uear -Ht. Airy. " " ' r . Raleigh The city isV considering the pureh tse of the water works from the fio moke Gas &AVaier.Co. '-.i. Raleigh The North Carol im Wag on Co., will, it is reported, jerect a 'new : building fur itsjivngon fsictory." '- Red Saaiiigs The establishment ct a funiiture factory is eon item plated. - Reepsviile Tiie erection of the cot ton null recently mentioned.4s talked -- """" '.:::5l: R a:kv Point A bill has been intro du ! in the legislature-lb incorporate t!m tP k ," IV;nt Pender ftiesphate & in', ot a. en t (ax. 7 -. . Salem--The S tleni Iron Works,, re-: j centlv mentioned, propose orgiffiizing a 'stock cmnpitny. for Hie purpose; of mauofacturing engines on a more ex-1 tensive scale. C.-X. liege can be, ad dressed for information. : . "--v Saven Stnin-gs A bill hag been in tri abiccd in the legislature to incorpo- ' ,t c o iv;.t.' ra -'' u " r?even opiins iuuiviai : n t", Hi i mm ovi uient Co. - bfrrfrtj Statilv County The North : Carol M oa Statp (h).. receutlv reported (nuclei R alcigh ).-h;is a capital stock bf $500.-1 O'iO, and inteiuls to develop Shite fjnard ries and erect worK-. . - Tli'mntsville It is reported; tha C'PMK 0 asb. door- and blind'' factoT will be established. -A . yda-; y! ad ; Ymlkeabm-rT A bill has hbeen inlro dnced in the legislature to incorporat tlje Araericjui Ito'me Land Company. h w,-. .tonIP H. G. Umiisl of WjisI imdon. I). C, will stsirt briclc worl near Wb'ston. -i ':da VVi nstom-W. A. Wiggins &0. V JoKt s are reported as luivingl started cigi'.r factory. . . ' Wi!itoit--The Winston ! Elect r Ll"ht and Motor rower Company ai. the nton-Daiem orrpei, ; ivaur ;j Company, huvi consolirUated andjorga ' h. 'itaiHb r the name of the Winst.-, Sah ni Railwsiy & Electric "ConijHi' ifb.T IP MtClement. president: t .k.-- ' L. Hawks, vice-president, i'"". v 1 kWn, s'eciet-.iry. a r 1 1 it in the rmht wav. lae rignt. n nt-' J '

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