1 raw, I'll. it? f 1. imi lr 1 1 ; Xatto'rf .1A7 -!,. LP pr sident. North CAnslirii; I!. Jl. C'-ver, vie j.m Merit Kj.-r.sn,.: j. H. Tn.n.r. FcrrJrv tfearcr:, Gtia ; J. If- W. Metis, hn tnrvr. Kansa. i J tfrfc" Orr present, OM SpartavK. C. I !e.U infield, secretary. Kalei-h. UJackmcr: M. L. If't1 secretary, Saw. Iredell Cuii-. IloJ.i.rsn. president. TW.I Hin-'M. fL. i: siy, secretary, JIooresviKe. . Hi'eman, presi- tecic- dent. Oni-ot-,1;. Dr. a S ta-ry. -Concord.-.. V L i !'- it v. flrcen, president. lav, secret ;irv. i' Cur Progi J"rorn t'-ue Var.u'jf u it Albe'm.'irje .v, s it i report cd. been i .-':: cND::if way. 11 it-. !.' t': il. " company, mi-, urbanized to develop taii'V COUIlfy. lias introduced a slate jquarry in . Abbeville in thVlegiidaturv ;t lull smieiiliiR the t-itv charter -o rrto bold an election to . ' it I "IT.. ,. TT;.. . 1 T7T.TritnrtT ed in Hip rsTaflir- to incorporate mjc w.- - - United Mining Olamifacturuigo. Until recently the highest stations r?..i..;i .v'Kill ims been introduced for observatories in meteorology were in the legislature to incorporate tne at nice a reatc, m tne u uueu oiaiea. Keystove Mining Co.: at 14,1 ieei a oove !cn; r,.;;iTh f,idvill Lumber Sonni.iiclr, in the Austrian a p?, at o. f.. r ;. M... n:miP of l i.iu leei. lien rev,is, muwt i i 'i .a finnr i sr.nT.inn in iiri'ui ulu.uji. trt union 13-3 t;i wmiiri iv ill t r ri L i: nii.-'n. uvw. - , ami blind factory recently reported Cleai Up n FieJ3. As the days grow warmer noxious in feds which have laiti dormant uuder piles of trash in fields orchardsrand vine yard will emerge and proceed to lax eggs for their spring brood. Where suih piles have been left during the vwiittei they shonldbeimniedirttely burnt. Ftdl insr leaves.and the primings of the orchard llocfcy Mount J. 0. AV. Gravely wiJl erect, it is reported, a leaf tobacco factory. UoJkv Mount 0." W. Dudleys of Oaiivillc, a., wiil, it is reported, erect a l.-af-rolwcco factory at kocky Maat.t. m(fntg jJonsien iI.a . ..".1 . 1 ii .. 1 . 1. . t than half that elevation, rhe French - have now establishexl tbenjostelevatea station in the world, .at r Roe her de3 I Josses, 1,4G0 feet below Wi summit ot Mount Blancat an elevation ot 1 320 feet.- A cabin has been lit ted up registering ins'rn- lsieur alloc nas 11 Uoc'viv Mount flackney-. Iros. will lonor 0f forming this station, and it rebui Id their coach factory, 11 previ- wns lipro that M. JaSsdllS. of the ouslv reported. ' French Institute. ; made ' lac expedi I - - . Sa!e:n The Fries Manufacturing: tion last summer lor taking scientific & i'ower Co., recently reported (under observations. JNot being a strong irdeHi b control water-power on man, he had m employ porters iu Mavo river which it will probably - de- carry himself, as well as ms apparatus is -'decide n to. t!i; i ..i',i:iCi' of $010,000 of bon'is, $i!).( 0 hfor w'lieh i- to le used for ruUvw.vj; fSw water and sew Waire.jivsl.ems and t'" '0,000 for street 'improvement-:. Aieyuu? - .iL.Aheniaty, of Kak rrsvtlh AV. J. (iraiiam, Jolinsou 'City, afrf li- b- (i: ait mi, are n ported to-erect nn ic1 factory in -Asheville. 'AsiviHpj A liili has be?:i introduc ed in tne-k'g!s!;sture to"incorp.irate the Ashcrille Ice tv; (,'oal Co. Cart!i?ir' Jatns Mclvcr. L.'Grinini, A-tH. -McXiol :rd others' will incorpo rat'r. the '-Grinim' I JrowiLstone & Im- prov.einc vptobfiiLf it (''.. fir""tiie purpose -or de tiiri bmw itstano quarries of L.iGnann, 1 .I.Mcb. Kelly, in Moore county, rec ntiy referred, to. ".' "Chariotto A iv;-c fouudrv Ims, it is Plnted. bi'i'.n ( s'abiisiicU bv the bJUtll :'iio:i. ern eWsu .") r I t C!i?ro!H- R l).(nghtery,-of Au KUtai Ga., wiilf His reported, PHga0 cot-ton mill .ijji.TiiH in tho'ni?tufactn-re of if - in ('iiarlVvtte. bctli Citv --The organization of a f-tock companv to erect a cotton mill ,1 talked nf. , 'ill'o A bill has been intro- Eliz Fayette, icisi.itun to incorporate 1 i'luiocr bo. . I'. Kon1eg.1v, J. B. I). Sauls and other.--d the Carolina Lum ufacture lu.mbrr, is 2 -1,000, witu priv- ducedjiu t'i thf IvnO' . Golds!)oro Elgerton, 1: S. havft inc;rp"ra! h r Co., to j'.n; Tile, capital sto i legi? jfd 'i n v. rea-i i5 g to S 1 00,000. r . (i)its!jO'ii) - The' Goldsboro Lumber Co.will. it s reported, amend its char ter,' iaciti asiig- its capital stock tgj 0,00;.. . Grah.'im TJie Gniham Manufacture intr Co., li is hevh incorporated. (lr??ei)viil( A bill has been intro Vuced irrtbe 'legislature' to authorize (ir.'envilld to isue bonds for street iwi proTemenJs. 'tc. (iroe.?.v'll . --'A 'bill has been intio dueed in tii legislature t o incorporate the Greenville "Land Improvement Co. . Gteenvi l ' --William. Stilton has, it mill vekip. ' ' Va'ttdcmere---A ennninz factory rej)orted as established, Winston Wiggins & Jones, men tiOned last week, have purchiised Key nobis 4h-os tob;icco factory and will (jpcrate it. BriJ:ing the English C hansel. Considering the turbulent commotion of the waters of the Ghaiinel in stormy .vr.tber Hie scheme ' ot a bridge be tween England and France seen mad proposal. Hut it is to he remem brnd that the violence of the- sea is only the by been the Jforth Bridge and other great works', there is nothing of insuperable difliciltv in hridging the Knglish Channel. Tf one pillar can be fixed anv "ii umber can. for tlie " sea. Lottoni hasmarvelously little variation of dfpth pxcent where sandbanks have formed. Tlicj?eparation of the Britsh am s 1 ro'n 1 e com men 1. ov nuiMnr and instruments, to the station ot the GraJd Mulets at 14,000 feet altitude. Tn the Bosso'ns hut the pnjicrpal ohser vations were made and rccprded.but M. Jassens more than once was helped to the summit in favorable weather.by aid of porters Mnie. Jassens also made the ascent. The Bi jest Book in this World. ! The Chinese department of the British Museum library contains a sin gle work which occupies tio fewer than 5.020 voluin.'s. It is aii encyclopielia of the literature of Chiua covering a I - It . 1 lL .'L i .. at the sHcAthat at a slight depl h , 77 rJT , w;lter is quiet and tin moved, save - lt' ,w f,- ' , tides and currents. After what has yngwi to the literary prl.vlt.e oft he lmt . . . . . . Pnnurnr K!i?l(r p VV 11) relCTUeii lOOj achived bv engineers in building V- H ' ' . .f....- 1XO 1 ill ioe irwmoc wi onim..- of the ancient literature of his country, K.ang-he discovered xtensive conup- 0 - 1 - 1 1 M. . i- t.ons. av.d he couceivea mo me;i 01 having the text of the originals repro- 1 1 MM.: . ., .,i. ,.,,noilAn uuceo. mil 'i uiiiu y him.i t .. lri.lv. and it remains unKiue down to the present time, ivang-iie appoinieu ! 1 1 . . . 1 . I .. .. I a commission or learneu men u seieci sia s j 1 h ! 1 i ue 11 hi 1 1 11 tn 1. "t "ui "- , .. . w -i- i 1 1 .Idence'suCicieut to allow the Channel f co hdetfte wn u-s to be reproduc to b. farmed, is an event of every ed, and enMd,yed heOesu; iiision;o ninm m.nlmri(.:d tiiUC. The French IO CU COppe, l pea .i.i - en x i.v- " I . , , . ri'i : .. ; Tier-sent and execute me pruning. 1 pe coiuiiiii'Mi - f 1 ! ! i 0j was occupied Tor lorry ye;irs in m-eat task, lielore the work was com- gineers, MM. Georges Kenantl. give satisfactory reports ii. . i .. 1 . r ii, .w.k.i;.. iF tiiA .h ilL- li e r uiu 01 1 lie Miiiiui y jl nit, vii'n" I 1 , 1 1 i- 1 1 l 1 1 1 .... . " i!,;iiuuflM ,f Dieted King-he died, but he lmd pro . -.. ... i vided hat us successor should seethe t 1C w;iterr 11 n;is Deeu sun mat. muie - - - . . f . tunhunnn wu.ro hook completed, and he faithiully cai issc;iieri ;i mui. hi ih; iiiiiiu-i .... ,-. , ir n p '-,, 1 ,. . if St. Paul's were planted, the whole of "ed out his trust. orjd of W ondei of the dome would not stand above the these arc likely to contain the spores ct fungus diseases. - A gocxl wash for canes of viucs and trunks of fruit trees in composed as fol lows: Sulphate of copper (hi uestone), one pound; l'aris yreen, two ounce?; water, twenty-tive gallons; mix thoroughly and apply with a brush or swab to the canes. trunks and branches, to de.s toy fungus bor ;rs and insect cgs. As soon an the leaves of vines anil trees have fully unfolded they should bt sprayed with the following mixture: Dis solve six pounds cf sulphate of copper (bluestone) in. two gallons of hot water. Iji another vessel slake four pounds ol lime in two jrallons of water. Strain and stir the blaestoi.e solution. Add to this four ounces of Paris green and mix thoroughly. Apply with a broom, or lor large places with the Gallowav Knapsack Sprayer or one of the barrel sprayers. i his mixture will pretcct apple and pear trees lrom can and codling moth. canker worm and tent caterpiller. Ger ald McCarthy, A. C. Experiment Station 1 1 ah.isiied lannin; tated. at llor.s, nc ir Greenviile. Iluutcrsviiir' --A. J. Deer is pre.i d.'nt, and J. W. M tiller, secretary, ot tiie s'ock. I'xh'u p iny lately noutioned as being orgi'ii.ed to erect a cotton mill. H'epneM.a -The ilcirrietta Cotton Milts'(tk. will, it. is stitted, double the capacity of its cotton-mill, ., Jacbon v:il.ILW. Ward, If. E. Kimx. C. U. Whitlocjv and others have incorporated t!ie Onslow Land & Im provement Co.. for the purpose ol dealmg rn . iv;il estate. The capital stock is 25.000. . n . 11 1 lit sea-level. v ibe sandbanks would t3e l)iidged over. Tlif piers would be so strong and high,-as, to admit of no risk from passing.ships while there would be a new series of .electric light beacons to npirk the courses of t rathe. A IlO'lern Fable. . o 0ie day a peasant carried a basket 01 .""potatoes to the lield and dug holes .m the ground and planted them, says ' ; ... 11 1 . 1 1 tlierietroit free l'ress. ins young Sbii watciil the operations for a time and then iiiqiiired: 1 ' -.11 1 .'1 op, why do you put those pota oes in the ground?" '"By so doing each one will bring me back ten, repiied the lather The bov went away and whrn his father came up to dinner he him. digging in the yard and asked: found Folly. : The jealousy of two rival politicians SIlOUKl 1IOL l.lf IllclUU lm W"llt "L .-l- barrassment or disrujitioii to the Alli- 10 11 -i 1 f it. .in: . ance. It tne president ot me .iu;uice sliould be an obstacle in the path ol some other man to oihee, that man should not be allowed to sow the seed.- of discard in the Allianc! simply loget the president of the State .-vlliance out of his way. r our-hfths ot the lolly ;tnd trouble arising from' that oxecu-1 tive mansion caucus is the result, of one man's jealousy of president Liv- 1 ing.-ton. The pet)le of Georg 'a are express ing their disapproval of 'such folly in no uncertain way. :eat evil in this day. We are glad that one who went to the ''dark tne state ot LiUirornia is hnt com ing to the front in Alliance matter rv 1 ll41i i til l he seed or Alliance ideas had heen 1 it- .1 k 11 sown long oeiore the Alliance organ izer made bis appearance, and whei be came the people were- read v. Let all the ol her States be up and doing wr the Empire State of the Paeith coast will be in the lead. National Economist. What is the difference between si dead politician and a dead duck? The dead duck quacks no more, but th dead politician quacks more than ever Again, the dead duck may be good to eat. while the dead politician is good for nothing. -3-rrT- Often a warm barn or cellar can b 1 1 1 used to advantage in Kepping vour poultry growing in cold weather. ' Many years practice have given C A. Snow & Co.. Solicitors of patents at v ashington, 1). C, unsurpassed sue cess in obtaining patents for all classes ol lnvent'ions. lhev make a specialty of many patents that had been pre viously rejected. Their advertisement in another column, will be of interest to inventors, patents, manufacturers, md all who have anything to do with patents, Mr. Je.-sie Shaw, who lives near Lex ington, is 7( years old, and has 11 chil dren, 70 grandchildren and 0 great-grand children. There has nevi r been a death in his immediate family. SEND YOltTR JOB PRINTING TO TUE- WATCHMAN JOB OFFICE. J.L.RAMSEY, PRO- Take no 'J n a rrniTmT bottAin. If tl. dealer mnnot "StffiGa eiMl direct U UvUtrj, encloelne Ivrtlea price. I 02 ,A, iv. V -0- Coiiplcte in all its Appoint- ments. Every Variety of Printing With Neatness Done and Dispatch. ' L. DOUGLAS. $3 -SHOE' GENTLEMEN. Fine Calf, Heavy Lnceil Grain and Creed moor Waterproof. , , . ' liest in tlie -rrorl.l. 1 .xnnijno 1 " RS.OO HENt'lVE IIAX1 .KOE 84.00 II AMI S U W F I) 1 J ? ;,. Ht.HO KXTKA VAI.l K CAU SHOK. Ki.25 & Si V()1UUN( Sir.VS MIOKS. 83.00 anil 81. 75 1YS' srilOOI. MlOtS. All mailt- in Cinrress. Hulton ami I.ucc. $3 8l $2 SHOES mSIBs: 1.75 SHOE FOR MlSSfcSj Best Material. Rent Style. Keet F ittln. - XV, It. Douglas, Bro-kton, Mass. Sold ty M. S. BROWN krkcraige; 1.. II. clkmxet CRAIGE '& CLEMENT, Attornov V"t Ijaw 9.V1.ISCUUY, N. O. Feb. 3rd, 1681 ljssjjn. m 1' Y. N. C. Division. Passenger Train Schedule. Ective'jin.llih, loDll:; EASTBOUI). ! No. 10 i'PAILY. 'No. : 1MILY. Lv KnoxyiUc Lv Morristowji Lv Vidnt Uceiv Lv Hot Springs i Lv Asheville 'Lv Round Knob j IiV MariaiT ! Lv Morgan ton j Lv Hickory i Lv. Newton J l.v !?tatesville A r Salisbury Ar.Cl rcensboro Ar J)anville Ar ltichmond Lv Durham Ar llaleiglv Ar (roldsboro Lv Lynchburg Ar Washington, Ar Baltimore Ar lhilade!,j)hia Ar New Yoik 7 SO PM 8 40 p m 11 20 pm li- 32 p,m 1 Ot a m 2 15 A si 20 A M - 3 36am 4 14 A M r 4 '3 Ar- M !x 2(i a m 6 20 a in 811am iOOla nt 3 U0 p m: 12 38 p to? "Ii32 p m 3 10 p m 100pm 7 oO p m 1 25 p m 3 00am 0 20 a m 800 A ( - 0 80 A M 12 Jt 12 27 i M -2 VJ v t 4 00 j; "1 47 v m 5 25 p f 1 5 45 i j( G 53 p ju 7 25pm 1025 p i n L2 25 a io. 6 00 a i: 05 a m 7:5a m .1 (0 pm' 3 25 a 10 25 a m 11 00 am 2 0p m 4 50 p in. WESTBOUND -0 column. ness is V. cus had sense enougii of the men la.it r l can to tell the . -.King's ITonntniif Black, gray and : f.wliile inarbje "deposits ne.nr King's . Mountain Will probably be developed, i.;-.."-,. - ...t....: i- a l- .. ' iuri);.'MWMiiiiHiH ,j. a. OUlltll IS - resK!en; and A. II. Kudi'sill secretary, C the King's Moimtain Publishing Co , jreTerred to last week. -The com- ; .iny ill c-fntinue the publication ol tiie Kiugs Mountain News.' ' Jjenoir Ihe Wilson. Lumber Co., recently vyportrd as incorporated, ha: purcIiKscd r'.(K)() acres of liniber land ; for iiiS and is- now manufacturing same. . , - ' r : Lowell A eolten gin will be ercci- Lor.cll The ereetion of the cotton r, .mill nrentsmed. hist week, is talked of. J. W. AbibniUhy can give information it any oehiiite arrangements are madeJ Lowell A1 saw mill will nrobabtv , 1m; erected. : Madison Mr. Fries, of Salem, talks of . rcctiiig a cotton mill .near Madison. Mavmn Isadore Collat, William : TdtHarjie, J. L. C. liird and otheis have ineorpot at ed t he . Savannal-Ma-'woji Inytstment & Improvement Co., to buy iuul sell real estate, engage in' manufacturing, etc. The capitTiUtock is sriO.titK) with privilege of increasing ;iay wood -Harnett JirQs., nientiun . d ast y.eek. will ereetj a , (lour mill and. profaLly. put additional lmicbinery .inji heir sawmill. -' Jdt. II,,!lyTbe ,Albioll Miiubfac turmg Co., eon templates increasing its capita. stock. ' l;iyo" .th Walker & Mvers have, it ijV btitted. erected ;i saw mill,' Iblcfgh-iThe Xorth Carolina Wag mi Co., is r.ow erecting the 'additional i it:'d:iigjo us wagon luctorv lcnorted - 'iiny, wnit are you seeing tor- kicv-ers that they should prove all they ""j' Y i " r.....vv pretend to Know, ana tnat oeiore tne io?k, tne oooWaciv,5wo umoreiius, ine nror,r -uithorities. and not endeavor to teapot, your new Sunday hat, ma s m-,l.-.r.nl.i;r lof of rnmoN tl.pv - . . I 111 l l y I ' U V I 1 V ivrw -V'- m v. - x . .av x.a hoes and a tablecloth, and each one nfif cifnnii:.te Snnfbem A'llinnre . . 11 1 . . I . . i 1 . 'I 1 1 ' 1 . ' I I .11 ULLllli. iuc: u iti icii. . i i ou young idiot: Lome nere 'and be paralized!'1 shouted the father; and he tanned that boy up and down, cross wise and sidew.se until the supply of peachtree limbs-gave out. "Pop planted 'taters to get back ten," mused the boy. as he sac down under the wood-shed to think, "but 1 planted clocks and shoes and hats to get a licking. It en'ce in the soil." MORAL. And the next fall when the father cut down his corn-stacks to save them, and the son cut down the currant- bushes for the same object, he licked again. Ariculutral Note3. It is estim anted that the River Rhine discharge each day 22J tans of salt peter into the ocean. On April 1st the duty of ten cen's will be taken off raw sugar, and the gluecos makers, will be jim-nble to com- must be the differ- pete with the sugar makers. This will cut oft a big niarKet tn" corut as the twelve gluecose factories last yearusid on the average each d iv 70,()(X) bushels. or 22,000,000 bushels for the year. A subscriber asks what kind of feed spring rye will make cut, just before it is ripe, and wliat yields b ive been ob serve 1 from it wIh ii allowcl to ripen. Our experience with ryecnt as indicated Wiis stock would not eat it. We know of no yields of morethn fifty-five bushels per acre. , , From N. W., Kansas,, Fe'n uariy 12, "Fair weather; (ine winter so Walter B i 'g s, Athens, Term., writes: "For hx years I had been afllicteil with running .-on s and an enlargement of the hones in my leg. I tried everything j hear"! of wi1 bout any permanent benefit until Botanic Bh'od. Balm was recom mended lo n e. After using six bottles i he sore-' healed, and I am'noW in better health than I have ever been. I vend. this testimonial unsolici ed because I want ohers to be benefitted. Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Note Heads, Statements, Envelopes, Pamphlets, Posters, Dodgers, Cards, Tags. Publlihf d evrry Weilnestavat Topka, Kan., by TI.e AdviK-afe Publlslnuz Co. $1 00 per yoar. til ' as c 3 - i : - I til ATUHE3 ro: 18' 9,1 A ! out til AlUar.tf Matter, NUteaul Na tio:i:il. Au et.ans tiv." ('.ivrjssion of the Taf IT, Fhianre and I'rol.lh'.tlon (piestlons ami all eeon mil? and nth i i-tMiesof imp r tiiaco to the people. mi T f f- - -I e - s , s. 3 n- a. x "9 "Si X a ft IT ? No 9, -DAILY No 11. DAILY;' Lv New-York " Philadelphia Baltimore Vashinton Lynchburg ltichmond Dan ville. (i 4 i li (iyldsboro Ball & Wedding Invitations The prren i tilic;il trnmn'i r.f ffip A'll'nce or I'oiiple's i'.eiy in w ;it-!i T.i': AiVuerK hr.s proven s e'e-n ;t f.ei.'v fi-t uiva: It a na li'inat ii'P ii : :)" 1 I !'" 'i!;t't -i. ( '!i('ert-.l ami enc mr i, i-; ii. I'.'- : i i ; ni e if r sm! s f.u" ar tat.if.l, wail itii-jravi n Linii'le f-iiii!", a'l.t to.iei'i.i- th tr ih- .n-i.i i i:iiii!v; is iai f io da viil ..-j- t i a 1 i ! !. Iy f.i- i! ra -thn If -Itl Tiik Anv. i v.-! in' " f.i ly nr-ii I:.- i.Jfvi a. . -.!, i ;j,-, -I.li) per ra.r. ' ln advaa-' A i i' - ...OiiAii: PULLi5.;i..j Gj., V Baleigrb " Durham " (iteensboro " Salisbury " Statesville " Newton " Hickory loigairton "-Marion " Bound: Knob Ar Asheville Hot -Springs Paint Hock Morristown Knoxville u ii 12 15 a m 3 50 a m G 45 a m 8 30 a m . 3 1 5 p m 1 00 p m f? 1 5 j) m 12 15 p m 4 15 p m 5 20 a m 8 00 p m 12 45a rh -149 a m 2 50 a-ra 3 11 n mf 3 56 a m 4 40 a m i 5 33 a mf C 55 a m 8 32 a m 8 45 a m " 0 25 a m 1100a mi in 4 30 j h 5 p i, f) 30, n,' ll-20 p i 5 -10 a m 0 lo a m .-8 45 a in fi 00 p i u 1 25 a m - 3 27 a m 10 33 a m 12 10 p m 12 57 p nt 1 4: p m "2 22 p hi 2 59 p m 3 -!;? pm "4 22 p m 5 oS p in 7 20 p m 7 3") j) in 8 3o p m Unit p m 3 4 sM fe-a iJ-a j a u m ii ; -i (T co i txty ao i ri;i:xMEr. Clerk Superior, Com t, W G Watson. Sherilf. .las M Monroe BegU'er of Deeds, 11 N Woodson. Treasurer, J Sam'l McCubbins. Surveyor, B V Arey. Coroner. I) A Atwell. Coininissniners, V L KlutLz, chairman, Dr L W Coleman, Cornelius Kestler, J A Stewart and I F Patterson. Sup't Public Schools. T C Linn. Sup't of lleiiltii, Dr J J Sumnierell. Overseer of Poor. A M Brown. TOU'X. Mayor, T C Linn Clerk, 1) It .Julian. Treasurer, I 11 Foust. Police, It W Price, chief, J F Pace, C W Pool, It M Barringer. Conmis.-ioners North ward, J A Ben-ille-nan, D M Miller; South ward, D B lulian, J A Barrett; East ward, J B Gor don, T A Coughcnour; West ward, It J Holmes, J W Mauney. No, Botch Work. 3 42' S.itisfiictonJGuaranfcctl. Orders by mail solicited and prompt ly attended to. IS! B 4' - J No 14. No i.:;. A. & S. B. K. J DAILY DAII.V" Lv Asheville 10 10 a m " Henderson ville "11 00 a m " "Flat Itock 11 lSirr " Saluda 11 4: a in . - " Tyron - 1231 p ni . Ar f partanhurg 140pm " ; LvfSpartaiiburg , 4 40 p m TV('" 54Cpm . - S;ll,!,hv (; 27 j, m . " Ftat Bock (54' pm " llendersonvillc - 7-07 p m -Ar Asheville s (jj p lu Caveats, and I'raiie-Marlf olitpined. ard z Pit cnt bn.-inoci conduct i for f.". ooir?.-.": F;:s. Ou Omzt to Opp,'.-z V. O. Fate'-Orf'cs and we can opfire parent ia leta time iautliOso rcaiote from Wa-'.iiirjcron. Send mcdel. drawing ot pticfo., Tiiih defcrip tion. Wc advie, if patentaMe or r.ot. freo of charge. Oar fee r.ot duo ti'i pa'ent tt e-irc-d. - A Pamphlet, "Ilovr ta Ohraia ratcnt," v. it:i names of aerial c'i. :i! ii your Sta'c, county ur town, aunt fixe. Ad.lrc'i OPP. PATEflT CFKICC. WA3HIN3T0:I. D. C. Address, Salishury, N. C. PROGRESSIVE FARMER Raleigh, .A got I) airy Notes. Take care of the little details. The cost of a quart of milk at 'New H unphsire Station- average for the herd 2.74 cent. The best cow on good feed 1801 nude milk lor 1.59; milk for the poor- far; only nine stormy days; cat I le look est cow on the same food cost 4.2(3. w.Ml; winter gr.un looks hue. rotates Milk that contains more than foiir 1-1 bushel; corn, lift jrfive cents; o i's P9uii(ls of butter fat sliould beskininied fort7 cents- f rtl ,ners a" ettl ready two pounds of milk, and the surplus for spring work. Politics quiet, m ideinto butler, says H. P. Carpenter Hopnig for better pricey uw crops in in the Ane:'ijan Creamery. 1891. s Practical New York dairymen claim " :"smm it has ti.kca af least ten and one-half . Cleveland m Congress. pounds of milk on the average this Mr. Cleveland has at last taken his season to-make, a pound ot cheese, position on tree coinage and, as might This is in exces.4 of ordinary years, says have ben expected, tiilcen his position It York Organ of the X: C. ' Stale Alliance, Edited by Col. L. L. Polk, assisted bv Rev. Bay 1 us Cade. The paper will be Jkept up to thrt usual high standard Subscribe for it, only $1 per year in advance. The Progressive Farmer and the Watchman will be sent to pa- PROGKE3S1VE FARMER, Raleigh N. C. Si week Raleigh A. bilF has bei?n inl rodnced 111 tin- lgisbihire tii incomorate the ndou k G'ult Miuing & Manufactui- the American Cultivator. m 1 - 1 1 -i 1 ine diiirv worut to-ilav is not so much in need of new and startling ex periences as of the courage and presis iences to carry out what it dojs-know already. To accomplish success, we must watch for ant) try to meet cour ageously the great army of competition that, is warring against us. The suc- . . -1 1 1 1 cessiui tiairyman lias connuence in himself and faith iu his' cattle. He must farm it 305 days iu the year. Our dairymen-are fast finding out that the ration that makes a pound ot steer beef (will also niake one pound of butter or two pounds of cheese. No cow was ever a good dairy cow that was not born so, but thousands of tln:t were born so liave been spoiled by .poor amiT unwise handlin I ct 4 ' 1 t 1 '!"' '' A- biJI has been introdui- -ij ,; H-..4uc i liicorpor.tie Ine oS -o'li-.b Rrovynstoiie Co. K;:!i igh ' A bill has hi en inli-oJuc- Miss Newly Rich (showing her falh er her new'balljrlress)-What do ycu think of. it papa? Mr. iiSewly Rich Ueautiful, n.y dear, beautiful; is a shame to hide ,such beautiful und.-relotniiig. Now run and get vourtlress 011 or vou'R Tm? lale for the ball. r ' ' " : among the aristocracy Of the E 1st. is now New 'England add New Y against the South and; West. From thejiiauy expressions given, it seems fair io conclude Unit Mr. Cleveland loes not own the entire Deinocratic party. . Tao - - First Stranger (on railway train) . 1.- m it r?o von are selling 1'rot. oiaiiK s new 1 book,-; are yon? Strange coincidence! I am Prof, nlank. Second Stranger That so? Then you wrote the very book I am agent for? "Yes. The hardest work I ever did was writing that book," "Well, well! Thiit's another coin cidence. The hardest work I ever did was trving to sell it.1 CHURCHES. Methodist Services every Sunday at 11 a m and ( p m. t Prayer meeting eveiv Wednesday at CJ p mi Bev Dr. W li Leith oast or. Sunday school every Sunday afternoon new subscribers at $1 .75 for both at o'clock. J W Mauney, iup't. pers. Subscribe now. Address.' Presbyterian Services every Sunday at 11 a in and S:30 p m. Praye meeting every Wednesday at 8:30 p m. Bev J Buinide, 1) D, pastor. "Sunday school every Sunriny afternoon at 4 p m? J Bum pie, snp't. Lutheran Services every Sunday at 11 a m and 7 p m. Prayer meeting ev Wednesday at p m pastor. Sunday school every Sunday afternoon at 3 p m. B G Kizer, sup't Episcopal Services every Sunday at 11 a m and 0:30 p m and Wednesday at 6:30 p m. Bev 1 J Murdoch, rector Sunday school every Sunday afternoon at 3 p m. Ciipt 1 heo Parker, sup t. Baptist Services every Sunday morn ingandnignt. i'rayer meeting every Wednesday night. Key pastor .Tys- 7&T7 COTTON ff les tin Kzy ST U U 3 V RUMS EASY. Murpliy Branch . IKilly exei ja SI Nii.W TNo. 05. Mo. (4, Lv As'.eviile 7 40 a m Ar Wayne ille ! 40 am " Bryson City 12 47 p m Tomotla G 05 p m Lv Tojnoth. Ar Bryson City ' Wavnesville " Asheville - 4 50 a m !) L'O a m 2 05p m 4 05 p in SLEEPING-CAR SERVICE. 3 FAST. ElssyiPS Glean3 SEED iv,4:rm PCRFCPTI V xzx ii; tiiL. irr. Makes FINE SAMPLE. NEVER CHOKES or 3flIAKS THE ROLL KE CELEBRATED Has All LATEST I MPROV EVENTS lncludirg lilasier ',4 liet l on lirutli which in Burea eve-, speed. This feature ia! peculiar to this make of Gin and is used on no other. Ar il'AIUNTi:CIand Are Ecli-i--l 1'HKK Fli2:i;:iT at any R. R. Station or the landing of any Heg-ular Steamboat Lina the Soutn. If ,iavo no Agent near you, address the General Southern Agent. H.W.HUBDARD M'kl Nos. O ancTlO. Pullmair sleepers be-, tween (ireensboro and Morristown Nos. lTand 12, Pullman Sleepers ' be tween Hot Springs and, Washiugton and N'ew York. Nos. 13 and 14. Pnlman 1 Parlor Cars; between Hot Springs and Columbia- Jas L Taylor, WAWinbum, (i eh Pass Ast, Div Pass A:t. Washington, D. C. Asheville, N. C. ELY'S CUSES Inflammation, Heals tae Sores, Taste and Smell feflf .1 Trns - I.. t-i STANDARD TRY THE CURE. CREAM 5? M i HAY-FEVER: SCALES particle is applied toeach nostril and rt-laht paid, full 7arrii:led. lither .Ue rn,lnr Hil'rr. .nit .W1 (.i-ia.lirc Mlllh .ur Uallu.Twb proportion atolv Y H.W.HI liBRl),Grul..-ouJv a Afitni, Atloi.,.. is agreeable. Price 50 cents at Drug gists; bv mail registered, 50 cents. KLV BROTHERS; 56 W.-.rren St., New York' ery R'f.PCITn Air Q Ttrl xTon-EllYYl TI n tn t- Tm4--?l - A T3" -vZ rr- tal of fever y variety and capacity; VERTICAL PISTGiL Sunday school every Sunday at 9 a.m. Thos L Swink, sup t. Catholic Services every second Sun day at 10V a m and 7 p m. Rev Francis Mever, pastor. Sunday school every Sunday at 10a m. Y M C A Devotional services at Hall every Sunday at 4:30 p m. Business meet ing tirst Thursday night in every mouth.; I II Foust, pres't. LODGES. Fulton Ledge No F & AM, meets every first and third 1 ndav night in each month. E B Neave, W M., Salisbury Lodge, No 24. K tif P, meets cverv Tuesday night. A li lioyden, C C Salisbury Lodge, -No 775, K of H, meets every 1st Mid 3d Mottday night in eaeh month. C T Bernhardt, Dictator. Salisbury Council, No 272, Royal Ar- ..TV V V, "ut'Tuu,Ya'' ' '"ieauum, meets every 2d and 4th Monday hshetl at Louisville, 'hy.v. has been niirllt in onch m0lUi, J A Kamsav. niade the official organ of the Kentucky I Regent State Alliance. S, H. Erwinas sold his 'pajier, the State Union, to this pa per. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorii . '.v.-;- . S : -l . ; . POsT OFFICE. Office hours from 7:30 a m to C.30 p m. Money order hours 9 a m to 5 jt m. Sunday hours 12:15 a ai to 1:00 pm J H Bamsay, P M. 1 0 Regular Horizontal Fiston. VEBTK3AL PLUHG1 fc !'f b fir The most simple, dprahle and elToctive Pump in the market Lr ..Mines,' Quarries Refineries, Breweries, Factories, Artesian wells, Fire duty and general, manufacturing purposes. USend for Catalogue Tie A..S. CAMERON STEAM PUMP WORKS Foot ok East 23d Stijeijt, NVv Yokk. ' III . f -ivsi. -trail 4

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