SALISEUEY. IT. C. THUESDAY, MARCH 19, 109! VOL. iXSII,-3ni?.D 3EEIE3. 1T0. 20. I a.- 1 -s t for Infants ahd Children. Iteookaiena itas superior to any prescnpUGu- r rwwr.merul itassuranor toanyprescnpaou- i known, to me." II. A. A&chtx, 51. D., Ill o. Oxford EL, Brooklyn, N. ' Th nwf ' Castorfa fo so universal and t3 merits so well known tliat ft seems a work ,f Buot-reroc-at on to endorse iC Fevr ar tne StS"retina;e8 who io .not keep Cartuna. ! ! ( New York City. Late Taster Bloominsdalo lieformed Church. -d - V " TILLS SPACE . f JUL. .is MY STOCK OF DR 4 HAT, ' IS ULI I i,l I Hrt Xo'-fh in it iftwv davs for the purpose of making a.hfifrm to mv Vlock of iW Onnls. : Waleh this space. largo .t will loHo vour advantage to - 1 . ,Miin Street Knox's old Stand. 1 0 ffha Leamn Furmiuro 51 U t j 4 " Js nov oily rin; I'-! : the LaiLiv.-t nivd tin e ever lVrouj;h't to this place. PAHLOIl SUITS! i M -hair C;uh Pluli .at':;-WC.OO. Finuir .priii- Sr.! .00. : . . Silk Ph'u at .jO.00. Fotnur price, 00.00. - ' Wv.u Plush at v J-CO. - Fomicr pi ice, d lilAK('S AND OI1GANS. ilt-tix White Organs aud' Uros., (Shu kciing iV -Sous and Whlelock Pianos. LED i'lOOM SI' ITS! Antiipac Oak, Antique Ashe, Cherry and Walnut at pi ici & that defy ci liipctit'u.n. , A LAKGE STOCK Oi i ; t'lias, !Mntti cs-sr p of all Kit ds Spiiipg l.eds, Work Tables for Ladie, Picitui ts ai:d Pit urc Fi anic of every stle nml quality ahvtus in stock, or will be inado to order on short notice at ri&son able Slv.s. ; - fen BAliY CAKIIIAGES.' . - A larc stock of Babj Garriagts uHh ire wheels at 7.'30-. Silk Plush Seat and Satin Tarasol Cur--riiiges w ith wiie w heel at only $10.50. Foi nurlv sold lor C'-2.o0. Q I.EilTAKiyo DErAimiEKT! . Sptcial atlc&tion given to mult rthkirg ill all its branches, at all hours day and Liyl.t. Pai ties .wishing my services at niyht w ill at my residence on Bank street, ia ' Brooklvn." Thanking mv lVieuds Jind the l ul h generally for past patronage and yakhign coutinttance of the. same, I am, Yours trnxious'.to please, G-. W. WltlGSIT, Leading Fy'raitufo Dealer Kill1 Woniii, gives sleep, and promotes H- 'WitotiD;urious medication. , .J w For several year? I have recommended your ' Castoria, ' and shall alwaya continue 10 do so as it has invariably produced beneficial results." " EnwixF.PARDCT.H. P.,: Tho Winthrop," 125th Streei and 7th Ave., Kew York City. ' et Vww .Vnoff BELONGS TO . -4 i3 tJ0 Ofe sStrnb GAPS, ..... -v,.. mrim slwn. and Droiu and . c tto so.- . - iniiv, W. BOSTIAJM. 1 1 D mm ana uswier RY. - - . 'est Assorted Stock of Furni- o 4 O & &3 o plV S lira o ? fey iLu'iiiiid .jjv CO Goas Cannot Win tve Heart. Gems c.mnot wia the heart, , Though raire and bright Hay be their light, Can tkfy true joy impart ? Ah,-no ! Lifo'shidden;deepnv,terioti5stnng3!"P w lie i ver touched by these "cold, glittering summoned to the presence of luurk Arc nev things. i, " What, though the rn.-raond's blazs .May lovely seem, And like a glorious dream Jl.iy ba its spurklhig raVs; They never light the waves which onward roll, Tlifc surging waters of the struggling soul! " Give, says 1 e lonely henrt, Not ji.'Wtl? Iroru the niiiie-' For these I do not pine I UieVj crave no part. Richer and dcarci- are' the trifts I crave Withheld them r:ot my lite they'll bless aud save. . - . ; Affection's tender care, Love shining in the eyes Of those wh(se love we prize, These make our pathway fair; These nre the gifts 1 crave: gold ennhot hny These jewels; these alone can bless and satisfy. T.A.K. For the Watchman. An Addrcsi DELIVERED BEFORE GARY ALLIAXCS IiE CE N T L Y WOMAN AND HER IN FLUENCE IIEK SPHERE.. Mr. President v-vl Got'Jenie": I will n-t detain you long; it kIkiI-1 a short talk and to thejjoint. And I hope nu one will think me. presump tions in trying to talk a little occa sionally in our meetings, for I'll assure vou ic is riot my intention to present you an epicurean feast of eloquence or o display any or my rhetoric, but meicly to vary the entertainment and ren ter our proceedings not quite so monotonous.. Mv subject -to-night i, "Woman and her influence for good."' It is an old subject, a subject that commenced away back yonder immediately after the creation or man; and ever since then silver-tongued orators have her aided her prai ami sne tots neon l cr.e l i immortalized by the sculptor and the painter, and in song by the poet. 1 can almost hear some one say: It vou advance the- doctrine here to-night that woman's - influence, 'has alwavs been for good, I will go back to the creation and refute all ' Ivour argu ment b. My brethren, I am net going to say so, and let me te-Hjyou: Adam was abiiut as much to blakne as. Eve. He should h'ajje retistel the? temptation, lint aside from all that we are bound tj admi! that her inn'iiife i or good lias been for centuries o: g down : culini- 1 c!ie corridors !' time and1 nated in the redemrtion of npi lions of tho.-'e who are nc w at 'rot1 on the other side of the tiver. Her,' intlr.ence pe: nieatco every grade' of society, from the bstatclv n;aiiMo:i to the humme cottage. from the- f'rezen regions of the North co the vine-clad hills of tlte Sov.tii. My brethren, all of us have had a raothcr, and there" is not a man in this room who can remember his mother but will admit that her .teaching and in' uene have been following him all the days of his life. I c;ln remember when young antl di: -posed ,to be way ward my mother would put her hands on my head and sav, k,Mv sou, if sin ners entice thee, consent thou no and it has been ringing in my ears ever sine'1, are d it will cont.nue to ring m them as long as 1 live. 0, woman, .venerated arid lovely woman, how often have men kneeling at thv shrine render-..-! homage and administered to thy transcendent ex cellence.' ' Bk-ssh-.g-3 on t'ne har.d of wrmian, ! . Antls guaid it.; s'reata aial uYace, Io the, cottag-'.', hovel. O, no matter wSure tho pla-e. j iVould that never ?torm. assailea if p Kaiuhot-.vs ever pentiy curk-il, r. .1 cradle Is the Lai: u thul luk-s the world, the 1: And of woman, U!es?in!T5 on Falle.-r., sons and daughters cry: A'i'f the s;-tj?rod son is ndiiglcl. With the music in the sky y ; 'dingles where no tempest darken?, Rainbow.- evermore are htu'e i, Per the hand that rocks the cra2Ie Is the hand (that rules the would.'' I might mention a host of, g!f-sacriticing women, whose influ ence for good wjil last as Ipng as time. I might mention-Miss Di$(, who came to North ('arolina during jthe sitting of the legislature and v. hose infiuencd and eloquence nida'ced thai body to appropriate lands tor the taat building down yonder erection of where the unfortunate insane ' of the1 State are housed. I might menjioji " Fiorence Nightingale, during the Cj'imcan war, as the liitted from cot to cot trying to alleviate the suffeiings of the wounded soldiers, and whose inttuehce was so great that if she were! present a wounded soldier-would submit to anv klni of surgical operation! without a murmur. I might mention Joan of Arc,' who led the French rrtoops as no one else could have led them. might mention Queen Elizabeth and her influence over that accomplished atemau and skillful im vigator, ;sir Wniter Raleigh, who in ail proba- bility would have lived and died in obscurity had it. not bein for that great queen. I might nention the wife of President Hayes, vitho revolu tionized Washington society, and prove! herself a genuine! j heroine bv jjluiishiiig the wine cup! fvoin the hresident s state dinners. J 1 might mention Cleopatra, the Ieaatifui queen oi Egypt,! toad her in iliiehce over Mark Anion f-r Though l r ujerly sneakim' noh iilJi-" iaflnpin-( fcr tjood, yet she was crnjinj out the. oi l aphorism that self-prcsnrvation' ia the first law of nature. Sha knew if Octavins got her in his power he would curry htr to Rome to grace his A nxony. ft ae knew, as sue sailed down the river CiJnu3 in that magnificent bare, with silken awnings, propelled by beautiful girls, exactly what would happen. Mark Antony hail been an ambitious leader until he saw Cleo patra; then all his ambition oozed out at the end of his -fingers. Sir, we may search creation over from the first that ever guessed to the latest who has. philosophized on the subject,- and all history, experience and observation will sustain me in the assertion that o:ie true woman lias more mHuence than a hundred inert Talk abont man's influence! It dwindles into in significance when compare I to that of woman, lie needs her refining influ ence to curb his boisterions nature. Sir, I have seen, daring" the last war. when it was announced that a woman was goingthrough the camp, scores of men camefrom their tents, with no idle curiosity, but to see the sight. And I have seen them as they stood and looked, and as they thought of a wife or a mother cr a sister at home came into their minds, strong men wept u en. Talk about woman's sphere! 'The true womaitvas God intended her, is never out of her sphere She is in her sphere at the couch of the tor tured sufferer, in visiting the eon dunned wieteh in prison, and in going to the cross of the neglected Savior. These are the theatres uoon which her grandest triumphs have been achieved. Fraternally, L. G. Rogers. Sec'y. ' Th3 D.'ary Ioe-Honso. A subserib-ri'.sks alout iee-honses, whether the walls should be built with dead air space- or it lied with tan bark; what is' the bct bottoih, and whether it should be tile-drain. 'd or not, and what is the bot coveiiuv; for the ice? If an absolute dead air space co,;I i be obtained that would be b st, but, witli things us thev an, it is better to till tl lie walls, and sawdust is Uctter tn.ui taniari- The ice hone b.lou ia l.'C built to that surface water cannot ; t under trie ice from the outside. A 11 s,r d gravel isthe best, and is i.ece-sary if the so", there is natural drain; no oiuer Irain 1 is h'Ucil in a r if p;;1 i ;i it in ths-tsL-. Jlii' n 1 laav be so.'ead over the nravt.1, il-itsiicl i oe f;7re ne ice is put in. . The ice should be cut in regular s. piutes, packed as closely as possible, and tilled in with snow; if i.o snow use small pieces of ice; don't use water. Sawdust may be spread over the top-oi ice when ul,l in aud over it marsh hvlt ah I oat straw. If no sawdust can be had use marsh hay for covering - rather than straw. A house twelve by twelve by twelve feel will hold one hundred tons of ice'. To build such a house 1 he sills are to be. two by twelve, bedded level on th. ground, tho inner studs two by six, sheathed on both side-: with common boards, the outside to be covered with felt paper, the space foranal by sheath ing to be tilled by tanbark cr sawdust. The outer studding to be two by lour, spiked to outside of keathiug and cov ered with common siding, leaving a space under frieze and above base oi three inches. The plates t-o be the same as studs, two by twelve, rafters two by four, roof shingled. Ventila tors in top should be two feet six inch es square. Doors doubled and tilled with Sawdust. The w hole bill of lumber is as fol lows: Eight pieces, two by twelve by fourteen, for sills and plates; thirty pieces, two by six by twelve, for inner studs; rive pieces two by six by twelve, for hip rafters and collar beams; thirty-eight pieces, two by four by twelve, for rafters and ventilators; 7oJ feet siding, fourteen feet long; 2,000 feet c minion boards for sheading, doors roof, etc.; twenty-four puces fencing, surfaced, twelve feet long, for corner boards, etc.; eighty yards building pn- i per; 3,000 shingles. This bill will put up an ice-house or the capacity named for about $100, and it will b 8100 well invested. o:i any good-sized dairy farm. Farm, Field and Stockman. i ci n . Homo irotcs. It is not generally known that one orHho best specifics for diptheria is tin nnre iuice of the nine; pole. It is ; ho in valuable in cases ot indigestion. The best external application for headache (especially nervous h.eadairlie) is nennerment essence. It will also i re luce swelling on caused by scrofula. l a g I an us or 1 n. ntck Use insoles and save stockings and discomfort. The best ones are made of calfskin; worn out boot will do as far as they go. If too pliable paste them in. Thev will wear. For the first time, in the history, of the city all the saloons in Savannah, Go., were tightly close 1 the other Sun day. The new mayor determined to eiiiorce the Sunday law, and when the - 1 s m arose there was a policeman in front of every ahou to see that the order " i 'i; . ' i " l l . ilui ".he liquor men ar. iuJignant." wusreritorceu. llie ciinaiicier reci'nis Planting an Orchard. Farm. Field and Stoekmia. The scarcity of fruit the past year and the conserjusnt high prices prevail- ing has given iircre;tWd interest to fruit raiiing In what vn writo l::iv:' in mind the che.m 1.k3? of th nt!.. ' west. . As to the advisability of j went (io;vn' i:l,Je dimisiished, debts ac cd acreage in the older sections tho?c C;liau:ltwl t:iXt i!lC!'e:'Sp l (' propor who are on the ground can betttr juth t!l'--iLilifry to pay), and 'a wave than we. of disaster swept' over, the country, In the place there is yet nearlyttre'n'in" wrecks everywhere and leav enough fruit raised, taking our country i ln" ;i! i,';J'nuv prostrate. Hence the as a whole. This statement mur not ' PeoH inor" money to bring back be readilv nceentpdhv ...Ia wk", ! the eonditiois of a few years ago. in sections where it is largiv raided and there stnhs to h i.i-,ntK,..:nf. ,..,r!- M. ..... , .,j .,..v, ket for their surplus, and it has to beilS,'lL m-:1-Ll to th- h-giti-nat fed to stock. But there are other !ar-e ! pKj;;et;iry ctrculatio: and relieve th sections uhrrn pvwi f n.mmA ! industrial interests .f th" country.- kind of fruit, the ."i-plc, n only known when bought; three or a half-dozen possibly for a nickel. To have them by the hushej, is not thought of. A v.iig on load, or a hundred bushels to put in the cellar for winter use, is not even one of the dreamrs as to the futme. lo have tnetn to cook and eat uai; v- uui wig suiuuier is among trie tum i... , . not in -the calculations:. Now we should like to havs fruit so plentiful that it might be in some form for daily consumption during the whole yar, and until this period is reached th-::v will be nee l for increased fruit raising. I io reaca this end. there needs to lx several Chang s. In s.cta;:s where ( fruit of our preeul do well ard a. r .. . i : the stippiy is yet limited, t trve needs to l;e an increased ;:rta devfdtd to fruit. aud no arginutut should be need-d induce eveVv farmer and lot C OWJli to plant until the-homo demand is satis- iied. Sac.i a section is this Sotitwest country. "fea- C3 As to its adaptability to fruit it m tv not equal some of the farfamed fniit i 11 ts, but thii qui scion about its i m wator-i lerc jt i:- Otherwise an txcellcnt one. The climate;! 11 :i!Hng would .be there, at least noth attittide and sod oi5 the country are ! 111 lilc fo:':u v'1 !'in'1' ""'dihig but favoraide, froiii a theoretical point of ! t!lc p,''f!,i lll!1str!,0! of ti:e Hi:iC!Pa! view- ap.u exenenee has proved th: pr.ictiei'.l part oLir. Hat it is a weli admitted fact tliat there is not nearly emmgh. raised for home cousumj.'tiou. Not one-tenth, of the families on tin? t' irips jiave any tiling like a lull sa-p.;dy. Dae-ilalf ape dependent upon the fast diminishing will f or a sea: sap- i p. ; iily during the .owing season. 'ery tew nave been educated to ecu-! stant use of even the common 'fruit?. notspeaking of the ..more choice kinds. Now, here i- room for a great n-'1 l-trgement in this direction. If there) is not enough for horn. consu;untioo I some idea is. given' of the want, that ex - ists ins, ctions where fruit raising is at-!51 ia :r eii.nriv tutr'.i to i t -?i i tended with irreai diliiculii, s. I T:. I'oriioii:. in liii4 seetion in i which the shioping aunaiuts to con- sioei ao.e i i .lit 1 1 i - i i n . i i t . , x- O . . ' ! . , ! Hut t la re is a demand of there is no question. As to whether it pays to ship may depend upon two con sideration. First the hi-rh cot of transjiortatiiU!. This i.s nerhaps the serious drawb.ick from the fact that it is a question of which the shi;- a per i as n o control, but t-.e wrongs t! at are to be ri;;l t - j . I V -. co;;- tidentiaily exoect attention to this, but l . J - i i I- its u;scuiMn properly ( oeaes un uer another head. ihii-ot is or.e to which farmers and the farm pr -ss are giving earnest alt. nTion, atid wj utay expect relief in the near future. Ih-e condition if too irmt o'a red for mark-ctiug is one that the fruit rai ;er has larg.-iy ihe coutr.d of. . Ii n .v,.ll ' A7 f .. f ( 1 O 1 h-vavs! i. t i i an j j,io. b no u.-rs a demand for t he 1. t or-.dtud ; 1.. prices, ii me nest is proanc It tne best ! orodoc-f a t:on toe next, noiiit is to our it on t!K m - i We have been much interested re cently in studying the success of Cali fs rni i fruit raUers in shipping their fruit to t lie-faraway Eastern markets and selling iu competition with that raised near by. It is said that while the California fruits are tine s xaie of them hick in flavor, as compared with fruit that is raised- hen ; yet the main reason for this .success in s 'hug k in Ci bet r eon lition in which ir is olfen-d. for sale; that it com-s ;.!.ra,s J the continent in more salable state than i that which is only shipped a few nu; dred miles. This being true it only reme.ins lor other sections to a lopt letter methods f!7.-i)iekinr. and. tite like Cal- d'orniaus. have the t f-nl - l 1 I U ii. ill 'ii.i iies that shippers, can aers, evaporators, and trati-spv r ation companies will be m!iwded in lookiniT after it. As to the details of orchard raisin-, we w ill .j refer to it again. J. - iUcn. Hi vet dale, Mo On Iraa Cciaare- It is jist about the same as the grinding of corn or wheat at the mills. Vou take vour gram to the un 1 an have 'it ground and take home the pro duct, less the toll, in meal or flour. So if you have silver bui iou of proper lineuess you take it to the mint and hive it coine h or receive in return t-he amount of coin ' would make. , --abject lo whatever details a;:d couditioiis Tiiay -be eaautyd in J he law. h ms i. ail there is of i! , and this is tne ia-v that itovv nrevaiis in lag.od to com .ge. But iS vve iU.VOj Said 1 1 ni anu again, uie pcopie a. c u'M- nucirsv- 1 1 ,i- , . . t-... I-- i td ill the gld .5.i i I "n I j ' r. ... r.; pv ! o-. ak of i-s '.v. r 'hanging thatched roof, iu the best possih.e con t.tion. 1-x- ! 'v , , " i i- i -i i amine the market report and see thei.P Hytwil bui.d range of the pries as to almost every j n -r u-l oere and jo bimpg goM,lucic. Product of the farm off; red. ' A lA fet' 'Nldlo! i product. What they want is a. fpecr ! circulation -of money. Thev beiian ,Jasinss tAhvr on the farm, iiT M s;,ni) or ht''n1 thv counter, at tl t'0c'. t!le 'v.:ir' u';'il a plethoric ci the the or- cuiation. I'nees wore Insrn and trade! W:lS active. Contraction csime, prices rp, , ,1,1 , . ., .ev iupo, oy resturing stiver t!' P"'- t occupkvl from 1703 to to ite e i'rogressive jf armor,.- Mount Vernou, lil. Th2 Fykes of Holland TIIEIll Ar?EAHANCE AND nOW THEY PRO TECT THE. LAND AND ARE PROTECTED. A certain zealous dame is said to have once atteiHpteJ to . sweep the ocean away with a broom. The dutch ' have been wiser t'han thh. Thev are slow and deliberation prefers clay and soil masonry. tvsiowiv anu deliberate v. o 1 U 1 ykes, those great hi; 1-1 ike wlTrKof ceii'':le!1 :U! S''IC' h:iVe l'iscn to the buiz -ting wave. Aii .l t he funny p ai t UL llK ' sKii.iui.y sianieu lvlvc"i on the outride witliHIat siwiifa lii io iad ejiorts oi in-e tnuniping wves-to .3at down only make 1 nc The.-e 1 lol'iand dvlces are among the v.-o4! lers cf the world. 1 cannot say for how many miles they stretch along the coaat and throughout the interior; but you may be sure that wherever a dyke necce:;s.;ry to keep back tne encreacii- or ii . di.i ill r a seeks ita h vcl j.-iiietune-i tne 1 ho wee r care- r.. n i. ,-:o N i . 1 ;p:o.ig a leak,''' and if o at o ae results o ; t . ire sure iw. ; n tnr.Mteaed Maces Tit 1 onc.d at iahaveis a '.id t-; o::r.; n ot ii'i in dit and , """ O.,:. .-it tl.B first -sign of danger ev:rv uaiCii n in witoni no ;r;n-r or me artiing hell is ready to rus'n to the 'csie. I. on the weak soot .is dis- crcd. vh ;t do vou thi'-k is used to ei, i ne emegencv.; d the em-gencv.:J What but straw -evervv here else considered the. most ! '"''v iu thc;h::n-' !)8 Jutcl has vvi!l ofmMZ. Woven into huge -i---' --t .i. . . s..- H1'i!s ilra Sl c'l' ' agam.t the . ...... . - ..-.. ..0 em o;, it d tes eviii a rusinin ll-; ;. L" -! ST'V u,e 1 1 . :V U V la:d lo ) v t ii i w . i a thi- ocean ev are aia'a ami wide. with tine caia e road - oa top, some- ies lined with buildings and trees. Lying on o j on a h- 1 m side of them, and nearly rith the ed,;e, is the sea. tae, c oi river, as t!:e case may be o:i he utl.e the fields siretcliing i ia iv along . ;u tueir so i.i;a - voo.s sometioie, aie lower man . he siimin" rut ol liu walc-r. t'nv,; -qaattiiig on the shore can-ted-.o.q lite a bird'seye view of the laud sc ipe, and lit tit? hsh wriggle their tails h',-,' t ban the tops of the . willows m-ir 'y. i'orr s loolc complacently d).vn o.-o'-i the beli towers, and men i:i r'.Ali and CM:ai bords sometime know Dirk' hen tin y arc passing their friend 'd rage only by seeing the smoke 1: i ;;s ( ii.mncv, or pern;.vs ov I tie c .i t v !-:! th f , ,(.-.!). 1 IVU.'J fhf el to t has perch; ; ;i : , l Troii Around Eethany Academy. cor. cC tiie Wiieb-nar.. The sehcol at the academy will close M irch 21st. An entei tainm?nt or an exhihitiou will be the exercise for the last d y. If I were not one of the iinm bVr, L say command I would be !:Ui'tf VO'l Wli V(;ur-.e!f. Bat 1 :-.; l... . .. .c i.i iiiuii .i ws. l.u until st Ut i taiuui.-nL 'out t!ie mi. sic a'n sure will I f.av ir il.'i civ .pei t. Ihe nu re me'atlo.-rof the i'rof. Kirks will cou- -j v.nce inauv oi tms, out oestue iue;r j violin, there will he a guitar and cor- U '-'J.II ' Ii'. -j . oiaiii IU! u:ni an i ana Kiuuieu dis II- 1 1 T ease.; still linger in the vicinity. Mr. Crowed, who-c sad accident we rep-o:ted a sliort ti.n siuef, ha. never li .d the use-of hi-; ?.od since he recciv- e ; O i o '. . .-'unlii i 'e has .steadily grown Wl'.c.i' alt. o-t (k'spaired i ill maiiv fr.e,nls mv anxio.islv w .tchtu : tor ihe c. ug- WtUC.l mad s u conna S nee the above was written Mr. Crowell has .tied. Cant. Lvell started south i wit;T Ids ma e lue ev i h v a.e f r sale. If Ii,? tils sellTtrg he will bring them back and hold theni d-ver sumnu-r, at his old camp. Tht;s dies the la-t vestige ol railroad buo-hng. Active oiierations on the Alliance -lore at H-akwell, began Tuesday, i'he wo. a will be pas iel rapiuly, and vc.rv .-ooii th" stuie vvdl be in active operation. io 'liiUbeis will s-oo.i be o; ...e ji mnd i Ji' ...lOia.r s.ore. Doitcsus " . i 1 i. OI ...lOv.U Gold it 1. M.u-cii iu. C:;iidfi Cry ibr Pitcher's Ooria. , ! " " ... ' - Wilitho Wits. . - ' I Go to the ant, thon sloprgar'ls3 Il-nv nuieh she labors uselessly; . " v Aii ! then your thank to licaven tt-II -That you know how to re?t ?o wllf. Washington Postl - The Oi l Man is Wealthy: Goslin If ILss Scadd's face is her fortune, she doesn't rate very high. Dolly- Hr pa value is much above hr face value. ' Xew York Sun. 7 . ' ' . Lrrre and War: Sputts-lt is 'staled; -' 1 that all is air in love and; war, but there is one great diffeieiiiie bttw;i thetn. Sloobmn per What" is it ' ; Spatts--hi 1 jve the fighting rloj; begin until after tire engagement i : over. New York Sun. - Too faraway: Firt Hanker Wh:t 0! t of a man U you r eashier? Sec ond llanker I U is beyond . renroachi ' First Hurker Indeed ! Secon.l Uan ker Yes. He reached .Canada hist; night. MtiRsev's Weekly. Sirs. Spoony Will you love mn l justas much, (btrling, when I am old? 1.; Mr. S. More, Lydia; you won't he S4 silly then. ' An Irish doctor recently reproved :t friend for his too liberal use of brandy.' "Bah !" said the latterT'! drank vt it since I was a boy; and I'm CO.'" kkVery likely," replied the doetorT ''but if you had never drank of it perhirp.i you would now be 70."' - "Was your elopement a success?' "Hard! 'What went father telegraphed us not to re-'-. ' tun? ar..l all wouid be forgiven." liar tier's Iktz ir. i; t - " The Rejiortor the Head. Algie: "T heard a repoii tliat Ch ippie iell hist, night, and hurt his head." ' Gus: -;WtJI, there's nothing in it,-'1 " New York Herald. - . . Chicago's trouble.--The - latest" scheme lor th ? (.'Ii-n.-agoan-s- is to dupli- ' -cate the Tower of HaY.,d. The confu- -sions of tongues already xisU:i tluvt poiy gbt ci i y . India n apol is NeyVs. . Debtor: "You can't collect that. -from me, sir.'v , ' , Collector: "NuV ' ! Debtor: ".No, you can't get bluod out of a turnip," Collector (in disgust): "Apparently? not; neither can I get blood 'but of a...--beet;" Tv xas Sif tings. fes-; I - Chollv: "IlHlo, Dolly; what's -fhaU on vou a a chain i i i Dnliv That i.s a therniemettii charm : t - ChoKy: "Did it go down to zewo, when Miss Moneybags cut your" 1. 0 Wise. Wcrds. Cheat nie in the price rather than hi. the goods. No man was-ever decieved by another so seriously as by himself. . IF that is not open to conviction is not qoahh'ed ior discu.siiju. l" What wcknow is very little, but what . we are ignorant of is immense." Attwenfy the will reigus, at thirty the wit, and at forty the judgement... There aresoniepeojde who,Hkeu new -song, in vogue only for a time. Unworthy offspring often boast ot their worthy descent, and hove desccn- t. ded a long w:ay. - - , It is" to be feared that they who ui..r-v-ry where they do not hive will love -where they do not many. The man w ho has, however itnper-ceptill-yelpcjdinjho work of the uui- -verse, has liveil The plain' man" ei ves the world, by his action, and aa u wdieel in the machine: the thinker ser ves it by his intellect, and a .u lights upon its path. Let thesftulent not grieve too much because of unfit associates. When he sees how much thought he owes to tho disagreeable an ta goir.san of various pel -sons who pass 'and cross hinv he can -easily think that in a society of perftcc "sympathy, no word, no' act, no record would be. Facts Briefly Stated. A Ion of gold is worth S3' J2,700 2 J. There are orie hundred George ' SuiitSis in -Lynn, Mass. New York spends about $1,000,000 .1 a ear in banquets. . - An inch of rain means one hundred ions ot water on e.vry aerv. ,.. The last bank failure ir. Baltimore was in 1S37 lilty-three ears ago. It is estimated that Indian wur havy-cost the government $7,00,000 ' Tea is now probably in daily ue aik -a beverage by one half uf.-lh-j popuh.-1 t:on of the world. ' It would fake a freight train cot;- sisting or ti.u iy-nve c.n s io trail -pj. & 6 1,UU,J,000 l.t peiiuie . " A Spanish potato raise I at Chirk vilie, ia., t Uis-seasn, was four It . and eight inches in length. ' " I ; I irlur liViir:li.lM i-iren ,ll v! :l iex f MA f plant "dualies" or scuds i'uiah a irts.r ' .-, crop of tender slwoi i " . roi.n twciny-five times in the 'iioui&s :.'. a grow ing -and picking "season of niUfX ' . moiilas. i 1