1 ' , 3 - a i I i "ii 1. Si 3 i . , i- hi - -i i u i i i iM--rT-fi-irBTrTMfrgT rriii'T" - . - - - - - . i M MlJ jtj ina Watchman. LOCAL Til A?I.;t the long DA V. M A IirH 19, wished for. rain has We bear that a number of farmers in Rowan anl Cabarrus have bought farm bells. vc are for Anything in the way j of progress, but t hi is bad news. No longer will tiia r.-.clocions dinner horn be heard, a sound that has cheered tired men and . 1oise.r for years. We know weYo old fashioned, but, we can't give un the dinner horn- withouta struggle. Salisbury Busiaess Ken al notices published iatheVVATCH- .. 1 i ;....:, l m advance.1. m-; ,V.'.t.n Raifoad company paid t,. its employes here last Monday. i, ia reported that a third cottcu iac- . ' . it will he operated Here in me near I'. . Wreck on the Carolina Central. A train went through Ledbetter1s tres tle on the Carolina Central featurday niirht TMi-tifan ojra lrm1f;l with 111 CI i - i..w.5...,r,,i "Kluttz'd louacco liniment Ti.l"Fami v Ten Cent Medicine." THE MEN VTOO SELL, DEUGS, IlAltDWAEE, 'JEWEMtY,. 'BOOK3 AND SHOES. j . T. F. KLUTTZ & CO. v j t ThiJ firm it jjcated on the corner' !ff Main and Innis streets, and corisLta of MeArs T. F KSuttz, John Wb'tehci d ud C. R. Rarker. All cf thein were raised in Sal isbury . They have been i u business about nine years. They carry a fall line of drugs, medicines, toilet arti cles and fancy goods of all kinds. They i Li Tri..4 .r .. r!;:n r'-.a manufacture aiuuid. um -uv MIimiG DEPARTMENT. Free coinage of silver has been" re- m.t 1 I K a 1 . mi me ucuiJie once niorP. i .us Mining ITews Gathered in This and plainly shows the utter coi-.tempt in Oilier SiatfS. wnicn iney are lieM bv the n. tioi.al ritejas -an.t artu lcs 4or tliis department are Congress and til i.eceitv for a ehanLe ! earnt'Stlj soluitel. J I in mat dojij. ratloi;:i liCO'.lomiit. READ 1 X A Good Sndestion. Salisbury Frodnca Market. flstitti.oTTE. March 13. 1891. L Corrected weekly by D. R. JruAx & co. j 1 .. . - ,. t-SSSi 1012 I Dry Hides. 6 . Editor Watchman: I notice Ihe finding BuUer, 2023 ! Green " 3 or a il-pounu .iiuggut ui b;iu vui- unicKcns, 2Jr.30 Onions, 1.00 goraery county a short time ago, which Irish potatoes, 100 I White beans, 1.33 notice, 1 believe, was copieu uum jout oweet co Mixed " l.oo 63 : Flour, 72 2.303.00 chandise went through. seven cars remained ou the truck. v K PMi-f jwellito .be a cand'u been rebuilt and (trains are run am r ;.. .vr,-jif CUariotie again ims ulariy naner- which, bv the way, takes more Pens, interest in our miiiinjr operations than 1 Cora, . . . -a-W - I ahd any other paper in the fc-tate; ana i write TQB , cro . RKFT . I . r't.-l-o Pinnmpr I . - , ., . , Vv". : i I I 1 tie Ions Continued season is rmw ni1(l accident -was caused by a broken trcXT and high prices still prevail. All Wes are . . . i i i inn v nnntr nnn i mi t u ;i ii i . i rv mil a tui i v iiiviii i 111 l ii i j lwi uirii - undor the tender. Tbc loss isjavy oui " t mh to our exhibit !2lin wei1' eclaI cil-todicd fillers .1 t I T . H S i ( KK. I fwuv law v - I VI o niinto hurt, -lac tresue naa - . . . " W it. i t.h lart snec men of 'VM Mr. Sicere is a native of V irgnna, ue - r - f "-V he Uuited Common Lu-, has been in Salisbury about six years. . f f 1Qore - ood medmm, inosers, no person was rej ijir. Walter ii. Tag?, formerly of this ;, f !AS become editor oflbe for tun, at i - . .... l mflmkov; nf illGV. A. Ij aur the United He ITas done a large wholesale and retail Can't you do something to obtain such 'Conilon' Ieaf i 1 r Af-sf: t f o" vilnahlo nrri iiiitlirin to our State ex-I .. ' weaiura, Good, Co- L,,, family have been qvute sic V: live pasieeik. . j St: raid Mi -s. Theo F. Kluttz are visit Raltiinore and W'.x olii ii rt r ill r n .rthcru cities. Tac foiir-year-oia sou of John Flake, a (.,:,.,.(.;;;,lrviaa.aitCnarlotte,wasburntd . ..i ! k Monday. Al a h'-tival Saturday nht at Concord ;uirc a row.J-Tae parties have X-. Ij b'Jiu l over to court ' MrV V. L. Kluttz, of Uie firm of Klutt ifian, went .wm w lay Mcst cf la va uable acouisition to our fctate ex - . ... .... . , . ... .i hihit? Vprv Triv v Yours. Mr. i . V . Brown oners some vimuiuic i ic uuiu ne n j H. C ARSON. fVn-sjiIhIm n. urettv section of ine road, lie carries a general line oi urugs, v.j .v-. , - - . . I .... . . , , ! . .!.. ....... . , mpflifiiipq. naints. o 3. Duttv. class and itiere is a mineral ooom in vne mciu LUW ii V u tr-v iv-i - - I J & ' . w i Mri C. L. Welch tells what he can do paper. His place of business is on Ma n uy 01 cainoun, va in his line. lie keeps good horses and street. A mining company has been incorpo- vehictcs. Call on him. - 1 , , Vi . 7 1 r, rated at Dahlonega, Ga nr.. ir t Andrews has so much .'ii. 'J' -A " I : . tt l 1? J 1 - , Art. ton. Davie county. lie nas uvea neie other Iau" 1,1 lwc - , .', , -. icr,7 Tlis nlare of business is on in Ashe county this spring. incr medium, that, lie nas aouuieu iue - . He al- iAm seet. lie carries a iuu nut? u A dcposit of tin &m ieaj has beea dis- drugs, medicines, penumeries, uniec coveved n ear Ost anul a. Ga. feoaw&. seeds. &c. Mr. A. B. Isenhour ilprfc for him A brownstone quarry" company t . ttt.tt work quarries near Carthage ZJarCnUers, good, 10al2 4aG tine, lGa20 Cil2i,Wrap'rsiiied'm, 12? al 5 CalO Good, 1 2 J a 1 d , Fancy, none offered TEES SFMI IS RESERVED FOR T. F. YOUNG, Fresh Garden. Seeds at re duced pricesA Clover and Grass Seeds at the lowest pHces at Enniss' Drug Store. v READ THIS ! Be sure and call for abbttlo whose; advertisement will of 3 Cures. It has never failed APPEAR AS SOON AS HE RETURNS Gold and silver mines are to be worked When Baby was sick, we pare her Castorta. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria When sh0 became Miss, she eking to Castwia. When she had Children, she gave them Castofia in fnri Tlvflrorcin Tn1iTjct?M- I5a23 FROM THE NORTH. WHERE HE HAS . . tZl f 1 "o-"-" I six-v xt r.m.-iT. ......... . . - - . fllVl Su'L' Hnii nnnn I non miV-v ment of dry goods, DRESS LIN- you first-class references in Sal- 1NGS, TRIMMINGS, EDGES, LACES, isbury to prQVo its merits. For ETC. , . sale by size of his ad. Watch, his space. ways tells some impoYtant.uews. a a'HitiK stuck cf goods. It Was a Mistako. Two weeks ago we stated on informa iltm tlint whs KiHMJosed; to be rename that Mr.Xieu. B:imc, of Morgan town ship, who-recently died, had buried a nuantilv of moncv. Last week will Mr. R. LEE WRIGHT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SALISBURY', N. C. Will practice in all the courts of Rowan and adjoining counties. Prompt attention given to all matters pertaining to mv profession. Ftb. 12, 1891. A B;iine. his son. and executor ot tte estate, called in and stated that the re hi ; mi...-, w iirvnc?. formerly a n.t wn" uttti-ne. thatll the money nis i in'- ". j t i'"4 " - r inL ci&zeii of this, county and father Had was fuuud without digging in l(-a,jai;a at.rfearcjArk., oa th t. L.-'SeigleJ of-Ciiariotte, wnosc i..-.-n!;r';d receiitly willed mo ,;.ri v'tV. his sari. Mr. 1 had l. bei- : iiaiice 'A'arcTiousc at Wi i;:jton ih with fourteen piles of a,...' the ground lorn. Trie statement was no reflection on anybody, but was iu- t cf correct and we cheerfully make the cor rection. 3r.pi-:i' i the H"i . the 17th two loads were .,bcM- the'meetingi' at .. Meroney's 1;.1,t. I'.vtry voter- should be n.,i .l-.:; ivill be t-oVae - good S;il. . II' iiai; , tufP'. ah T.V. ' - r m w f 4 a i T . . mial.i-cting o! ti.Ol . 31. i,. a. at ii- lja:n tl'i-i v.'v Ii. - f S iriauH';;t..;Un vic('i. will be held, at 'th:"rfl'vu-ri;i?r ciiiWTh ' next 'Sund-ay. will aV arc ra atti'inlunce at Jr., tne nil- i: ; . J. i. M.ui-u, id Murganlon, ;... cf furnitureof l.i,- i. A. rr.f! iT.'ii vi' M try i'ni'.il, ulCohimbust.a., v. iio Vri i-i'a :'( 1 i-a-rem Fcmiile Ajjadt-mv, .ft i a j-,,. ition wi h fctx omei Vii-: ":-: a pf.in4f room ot the '. tbc iViU-r will sold at public .wiin;;. at lii iuriiiture store This firm consists of two brothers. Fine mineral properties in Swain and They were born and raised in Salisbury. Hay wood counties are to be developed. rpl. hM Tn 4 1 iawaI tit' V 11 C? n tit- Q I lUCyiKWeueeuiu luo .v.o C!1 T'oll,, Hfminn. Pnmr.onv aooui zo yefirSi a ncj cuuiiucuwu tuivi. , 1 t i i small way and by industry, honesty and cood work have built up a large busi- The Southern Manganese Company, at i ncss. They do business on Main street j King's Mountain, has been incorporated and carry a lull line ol ail kinds or jew- Mr J w Stewart will erect a 10-stan.p dry, cIocks, &c, III and develop his gold mine in Cald W: l-I. REISUEK& BUO. well county' I ccrueg of .Main and Inniss streets. Will prac- This firm does business on Main street. t"--e in Courts of Rowan and adjoining counties. Tinnntl r. fl u-n lirntlfM W ni H JJIC UIILXIUIUI me uiiiik iciiuus, u.c i iuiuik aim uuciui niumiuii gucu w mi uua T, , j Is vernmduct of this country last Ve:.r ,UCM V'""s":u lw i.niwuuu K.u una?. 4. .iney were uorn aim ratseu uu - - - . to collections. M(Wr,hrr. Pn. The senior membrr M,&W.UW ounccsrana me esumanieu of this firm has been here about four proauci 01 me "u ul xou,uoo,ov,u JUHll A. KAWSAI, TTn Knrrnn in o cmoll -a- rvnl I OU11CCS 18:3m A. S. HEIL1G. Attomoy "TLmcktsjsj-m SALISBURY, X, C. Office in Davis & Wiley's bank buildine In Gaston County The writer ran over to Gaston" county - .. ... , rnl VPTS IIP. Off'fin 111 5L Va. Ull V 1 I . M m mm -w r.-r -w-T.-J- r.m m.m court at Dallas this wceK. mere wf.su . . , . v v n, innort-int ca-c- on the docket, so'the oingworK ana not carrying any siock ihe lroy V ldette says tne xail mine Attends to Railroad Construction, Surreys, court will not inn long. 111 lucw-p.uun.isinp '"' nas ueen sum 10 ms iuuiiuciv uinung an(1 Mapping of Real Estate, Estimates ot r,'tnn n nnP 0f the foremost 1 111 lbby 1 ney now nave a weu seiecteu Company for ?13,tKXJ. 1 he company has vilter Powers, Plans for the Erection of Mills. J ril.ii i . n i ti 1 T nnrl I.t 1. nni' I r- T4. n 1 - HT1 li I Hti-oI 1 1 n rr X? n otirl atf'.nia fi flip lirpllil.CP if 1 1 ,.;.. I,. ( , SCt it A 1 OKJVrV. UIIU -.ll J , tIl- I IJUO.i, I rill! JJl 113S IIUUI LIUtllWOU VI tCR. J. 11C " " u-v.., ....v. .. ..v. . . - I 11 ii i :i i w i i 1. 1: luuiniis i.i i " i...v... - i 1 pr.i-ipq me run- au(t Jdiciou3 advertising have, ouiit. up 0re is said to be tine. be bui't a l-arS business, ihey- employ J. II Gorman, a graduate of La Porte, Ind., How For Your Jewelry IMPORTANT NOTICE Every person wHo owes me will please come f orwanl at once and pay their accounts. I will have to place my accounts in the hands of a. collect tor (unwillingly) if not settled m tne next 30 days. It is impossible ta carry on business all credit. J. H. ENNISS. fel2tf - ' First Moaal Bank -0F- We are still at our old stand on Main street, where wo have a select stock of Watches, Clocks, Spectacles, and all kinds of fine R j H0LMES . . President. T 1 1 3 A aL. 1 i. ouM-iry un inuiu ut tnu luwebt j tj. pQUST, - - - Cashier. 1 ' prices. About Xouricen eottor Tiing and at least two mole to be built a " ' V" It has been said that a rich gold mine sooir-dne-a.CDallaa; t he other at Gaston orman a graauate oi l rone, ina , . Qn th(j ,and k r ;,i,,, o,ui n-ri-ifiiitniHl I Horo ogical Institute, Will A. Lappa and rrt . . . ia. An. iron lounory and agncuituirai i ' L 1 of Mr. Yates. The report savs it is very machine shop isjo be built at liastonia in the next fcw inonths by the AJliance ill kinds of Machinery, building Materials, &c, ic. fcl2 tf r . 1 n'lvt- -V:-. f.-.-.in' 1 U- ,1 , . ., rs attemti'd to eewpt i iiMiiiiiry ' -rii;k -yard: a1. Tiie people of Gaston county are as well- jdv-ituu-d m.Kiillv. socially and finan cially as in a:' county- in the State. The last legislature passed a law pro-j nibiting the sa'e-of spiritous liquors in tiie comity. t I)r. StroiuT, of the Charlotte Democrat i-:i-s thi-ru and irave'tliem nerniirsioii 'to I .. .... ancn court. Lot, Sossamtn taUe aoom t :e prcieirt good 'Times. ' Hon, B, F. otd T pton was there and told all thq jVer he knew. We Tire indebted to Mr. v'-t rro Little, of the Dallas Eaje, and V, r. Bigham, of the Ga'stonia (Jazille, or courtesies, extended." ., xu. ivuj&in-i. .i.i ,i ,t, 1.:., ;n U This firm consists of 7. Z. Schultk and immediately obtainecLand located there. T. B. Marsh. The firm has done busi The Montgomery mine, in Cabarrus iness twelve months. Mr. Sthultz is a county, has been sold to the Concord native of Virginia. Mr. Mar.-h , was Mining Company. It was owned by Mrs. raised in Salisbury. They carry a full Waggamon, of Washington, D. C. The line of shoes, trunks, valises, umbrellas, price paid was $200,000,-says the Coucord - - - - - i i hats 'and caps. Mr. C. M. Brown clerks Standard. for them. Captain Judd, manager of Parker gold whitlock & wp.ight. : mine, in Stanly county, sent bo the super- Mr. Whitlock was raided in Stanly intendent of the mint at Charlotte last county. Mr. Wright came from Jelfcr- week a nugget of gold weighing 1S3 pen- son, Ashe county. They have been in nvweights. The Charlotte News says it business here nearly five years. They Was worth $175, De. R. L. Ramsay SURGEON DENTIST, Smithdeal's Row, Office, No. 1; OFFICE HOURS FROM 9 TO 5. SALISBURY, - - - - - - N. C. T.I.Vinson, South Main Street, for your First-class work- times. Ijair-dress- in t aiul shairiDooiii? a s'lecinltv. W ill wait on .u'lk-s and children at their homes. Give me j, call. ftb 12, tf. Watch repairing a specialty. All work guran teed 12 months. t J. &'H. HORAH. feia.iy .tTTQ T3 A T5TTT , may tie round on fllo kt Geo. illlO r&rX!iiVp. ttowell Jt Go's Nwwupapar Advertising Burrau (10 Spruce! St.). whemwlvertl Jng V-iutracU may be iaa1o for tt I NEW YORK. Capital, $50,000, Surplus and Profits, $35,000. General Bankingbusincss trans acted. Deposits solicited. fe!9:ly 1.1. v iiiavii, tjuuka .it. n iftavir.g and hair-cvittin.:. lilt'ii and sharp razors at all Valuable Lots K.iii Ui! a !i -a days ago. of Tiiev were al i-jI. fatally. r'ii'tOi'I .fi I . J lli:u ii iiiiiit.iir, . ill. i-. (;::; Jit tiro from the stoye flu. ;Tavd-iy.-i!i...rising. .'It was put out be fore m H U .i.tinage was doue 'l iic Choral Union has begun practic- ini -uv-t ii'i;.ts iu a.v.etk instead of one - Citizen Cugets Some Ilamos. I sec that your column? are open to every reader to L-ay something in regard d-wl exclusively in boots and shoes, and - car.-v all the leading styles land . m i i r:..i. rmaices. Iliev uo ousiaess on dwuui lain street. JOHN ii. KNNirs. Jfr: Enniss w:.s born and raised it; PL-tersbunr. Va. He has lived here ince 1S16. lie has been selling drugs on Main street 32 vears. He carries a full !hie of drugs of all kinds, medicines, ti.let anl fancy article?. IIei3 the old- ot!:e municipal election.. V. e learn that Mr. E. B. Xeave isagain a candhlate for Mayor. He is a good man, but he . has hehl that- office, '-two :t.rm and tli'3 town has not improved very ranidlv. lie is president of the -it -i .1 ....-(. water works company, nud snouid noi est druggist in bansoury. hold IWO ohices. ; ' " THEO, BUERBAUM. - n , and Ben Marsh would make good timber iucroau -u.u . a.sLretot,.re. 'I m;y expect to attend " -- citizkx. II t has been in Salisbury since 187Q. He the li.-li ;d at C harlotte iudod trim. 1 . ' .h Wn Bollin"- books, stationery, nic- The- ditecto Mills Iiavi reo ii-ii b riilol tn biillfl rt'KtllP 1 i ojuiy he received from a failing piece ol 'iruality'aud-fair dealin vimber. lifs death is sadJy felt by all. - " . , . , . n The church has lost cue of its faithful al a Ule traue 1U ms ,1J good tors of the Vance Co. ton "onsntereu ine sue lor tne f.a-:i ry and have decided to build on the roi,.rtv kiiown as the did race track, bi-lonhig tJ,lion. John S. Henderson. f Simc of our farmers say they are so lu'hiLl on -accou'iit of the wet weather i!h 'will have to plant corn without m .Bf l has been semnor oooks. stationery, pic -t. . - " T - Died. tures, wall paper and fancy goods.; ' Mr. On M.uth 11th, Mr. J. Franklin Crow- Buerbaura began business here twehe ell, aged 31 years and 12 days; trom an J years ago without capital. By industry. g he has built nembeis, being a deacon at the time ol us death. Bethany Academy looses one of her staunchest suppoters, being a oihmitleeman for No. 5 District, aud pkiuhiii the land. We think it will I llso one of three Directois for the acade nav to oiouL'h before nlantimr. even if it my. Elm Grove Alliance has lost one ol i- hue. Mr. Elias Hurley, of the Uwharrie section, called at this oih.ee Tuesday, and from him we learn that a great amount of prospective work is going on with fair p.ying results to the prospectors. Mr. Hurley is making arrangements to place machinery on land where gold has been found in sufficient quantity to encourage him to make this outlay. We hope he- may strike it rich. Montgomery Vi dette. The first nickel ore ever shipped from North Carolina was sent from Murphy by Col. Henry E. Colton. It will be sent to the metallurgical works in New York City to test its richness by actual smelting- process. There are many big enterprises being projected at Murphy. The eyes ot the leading capitalists, both North and Smith nre teinsr turned toward this crmwia? section. The iron and o o marble interest in that section is very &J4 I will sell four vacant building lots on Fubon street. Two of these are cor ner lots. Also one house and lot in the same neighborhood, with good well, fruit trees, stable. &c. . . a 1 ill be sold on easy terms. Apply to I. W.BROWN. Salisbury, March 3, 1891. 4t great. her beat and truest members, trom which UC Will ue UJIbceu. xnc c ui juuiim vi i hpPA mnnv Vftiira a. .',. T'i...!. rfr. TtnViir. AHnTVKA "a .i 1 4..., . . J J -V r ' ' r "l "'Vr rw",V"".""0 the stove aid tinware com nr, Miiciue at. csiavesviiie- i uesuay. i anu u e &uju uauwitw en. ileiinmctcd Sn ugly wmmd in his abdo-L. nl , 1ci?KUSUS " ;s 1 . - ne. BAKER & NEAYE. This firm does business corner; M'ain ind Fishar street. Messrs. C. F Baker .md E. B Neave compose the firm. Mr. China Grove Items. u a-r i.'nntive of Virginia. Mri Neave cor. of the Watchman ro Wn m tinn.i Rntb hnCfi Iwfin We are glad to note that Mrs. John I ! ... K Iaaaii tAKir ill f' f Cl m o llovo lnn in I OmilCr WdU Urt3 uvuj vcij iii iv nieik with a knife. lie is now in tl city at the Rowim House. He had been drinking heavily.' v Hon, Ben, Terrell will be at CUariotte to-morrow, Cono'd Saturday and Albe- Baby Carriages 8t.50 Baby Carriages $7.50 Baliy Carriages 87.G0 Baby Carriages $7.50 : Baby Carriages S7.50", E. I. ANDREWS FURNITURE, Pianos aid Organs. Pi.rlor SuiU $35.00 Parlor Suits $35.00 ParlorSuits $35.00 Parlor Suits $35.00 arlor Suits $35.00 I made tho largest purchase of BABY CARRIAGES this season that I have made l nave oeen 10 uubiues. uj"sn" - , , ... . ell a beautiful RATTAN CARRIAGE with Wire Wheels at $7.50. Did you SATES MONEY. Ono box of the pHl will ray "llarc in doctor', blila. XUey r specially prepared Family Modicino, and nr plies want Ioms f elt. Thw Biore uahealthy camulatln froia the body, without nne or ffplis. Adaptca iaxouns and old. Price, 23. fiOLI EVliH VAYHEJiE since can s ever see any of those $12 00 SILK PLUSH UPHOLSTERED CARRIAGES O? mine ? Think of it ! 3 Silk plush at $12.00. I have something new to shof you this season They are beautiful styles in Rattan Carriages, finished 10th century,, for from $15 00 to $25.00. The BAMBOO is something new also,-and is hayjng a. fdg ru. I cati lurnidi yon caUlogue, of all my styles, and I guarantee to sell, you . Carriages from 15 to 20 per cent, less than any other dealer in the Slate. EAELOE SUITS. T have an endless variety of Parlor Suits, to suit all tastes and everybody's, 1 nae an euu t.s r u uri Ph.ch n h nf nrras. 111 Walnuts . .. 1 1 tirsn ft n rr n 1 11 ir if 1 1 1 1 1 ii- v i 1 1 & i 0011 v w v ' - f rame ior omjr -.vy i. -)o-, m AT v vtook is more than tnat retails i complete iu every respect. PIANOS AND ORGANS of the finest, most reliable makes, sold at lowest prices, for. cash or on easy' pay ments. Write for my new Catalogue. . - . ! E.M.ANDREWS, 14 and 1G We.t Trade St. Charlotte, N. C, The Wreck Not So Bad. . Home of Sick,2GI Jefferson St. Danville, v a., March 16. Ed. Watchman : I was in the wreck n&ir Danviile, on the 11th inst., in which marle Moiuhiy. It is a very bu' time, so many-were at first reported killed. I 1U we hope the brethren will work hard was head clerk iu the postal car with Kf.n -iiv.1 .ili.r mill lim'l 'litnItn V 1 toUl as lataUtS xuev oaTc oceu ... . . . , ;s verine. . - 11 V - - - business since , Mr V H Houck, salesman for D. 18G6. They sell all kinds of house fur- Carpenter & Bro., made a very pleasant nihin:? roods in their line, and do all visit to Cabarrus to see ms Desi gin on , .jj. r :: .,.,rmJ.;.. 1 s Sunday evening it1Qu8unep.i.1.i;i,UUuUBuuui51,uS. LawsonFropst killed four foXs in D- A aTwell. Montgomery-county last week in one jjr. Atwell was raised in j Rowan jay. Who can beat that? comity, and has been in business here We think that our genial editor of -the aboilt 21 years." lie. is on South Main Watchman should have the -P; CU 1 i Ull. ill.-J w VJO bviui v . 1' DURHAM FERTILIZER COMPANY. 'present. I lie is one of the fiucsi speak ers in this country. . The "Christ ianja branch of4h.e Woman'.- 11 issionavy So ii?ty will bold a sale in aid of their1 funds .-on. Good Inday at Chris .tiKna clhnrcli. on the Gold Hill rop.d C'ntt-iJuilious are earnestly solicited, and all friends of the cause re invited to at tend.. Several .good speakers are ex p DCtcd. lie fresh men tsj will be supplied ' at rc'asonable prices. , ' . . - At the annual meeting of our Y. M. C. A held hrst Thursday night, the follow iii oi'l'ners wercJelccted for the year 1.91 r 7 II. Foust, president; T. M Mc 'Ciiliob, 1st vice-president; W, II. Reis-- "nrr, 2nd vice-president ; J. R. Whichard, - ord yice:prcsident; W.C.Wright, trcas iurer: Vvm. B. Smoot, secretary; Sam'l ; II. Wiley, Jr., ortanist,. - " -Xext Tuesday is the day appoint! mr few Im2 the ouestion ot riuisburv is Our car was mashed and tore up very1 bad. I was hurt ia the nack aivd side very much, not being able io do anything at all. Was bi ought to the Home of the Sick Tn this, city and have been in bed c-yer since. I fust can sit ujv a little. The other clerks got hurt slightly. Sir. Robeson, a fireman, was killed. Engineer L. Bryant aud Fire man W. II. Jackson were cut and hurl very nau. i ne mail was-seattered in all directious. It was soiitenvhat damaged but as far. as I have learned none wot lost. How the accident happened, 1 ,anubtsay, A great many of iny friemh thought I was killed, and for the benefit of my friends in Salisbury you will oblige me by publishing this. ery Kespectfully, r Henry N". Ceav n. street." He keeps a full line of hardware, builders' supplies, paints, ojls, &c. The clerks are M. M. Bailey and C. F. Atwell. .- FIRST NATIONAL DANK.: Tais b tnk began business on the Gth day of August, 1S83. The paid lip capi tal was $50,000. The first president was M.aj.'S. W; Cole. He from his brother's eye editor? China Grove, N. C, March 18, 1891. Don't vou Mr. W. Close of a SchoolDeaths. C Jirespondeiice of tiie Watchman. A la rare number of people gathered at Frisk's School House last Saturday to was president for hear the speeches, dialogues, &c, by the States ville Letter. THE WEATHER THE SICK BETTER TOE STATE CAPITOL TIIE STATE S. S. -CONVENTION-. v'o n s.on cr.ee of the "Watchman. The weather ha cleared up and busi- ines-s is getting better. Fertilizers are six years. The present oHicers are: President, R. J. Holmes ; Cashier, I. H, Foust, This bank is now located in a fine -new building on Main street. The percentage of deposits in this bank is the second largest in the State compared to capital. DAVIS & WILEY BANK. This bank was established in 1838, was at that time a branch of the Cape Fear Bank, whichwas located at Wilmington. .Ir.r Maxwell Chambers was presideut up io about 1855. Mr. William Mnrphy was president from then till the tlose of the -var4. ' Mr. D. A. Davis -was cashier dur ing all the time It i un7 This batik went lown afier the war. Mr, D. A. Davis then opened a bank, which he continued nnnils of the school at the close, llev V T. T.verlv deseves a great deal ol eredit for conducting this large sehool so -mpppssfnllv Mri Steven Kirk's infaut daughter irl Sndav moruinir. Mr. Martin Josev. one of the oldest riti7'fn3 in this eommunitv.died Monday He was well as usual and on Saturday morning he took a chill and died Monday morning. His sister Miss Annie Josey is verv sick. J.l.W. Faith N. C, March 16th 1S91. Catawba Dots. THE ENTERPRISING ENTERPRISE TELLS IT Tpnl Pstatft is livelv in the upper part of (own. We have recently noted sev- nm I Knlts; nf houses. Mi- tl A ' War ick is culling a nre nuiug bonds to the an'vount of $50,0'K) being hauled out -and the farmers are uHil ! 18S1. The present business was crop of rye off his garden; This is very '.for, the pur'pose of improving the streets. Mu "Jf r1"",", , xr u beguii in December, 1881, by I Messrs. fa,y cousmeuug ... . 1 1 vi'I",'" ' I Tho su'k niR :dl l etter now. Wehone . . . ' ' J.- thnrl nd entitles him to ft premium. . Fhe -average American' citizen is gener-. that such is the ee everywhere. - D- Dav,s andb- ey - 4"e capi- w rlad to see Mr. Frank Coulter jiUv alive and wide aw-ikt nrior tn Hip Yoiir (rrtnnndfnt vi.-itRd. th State I tal Stock illvestctl is $50,000. i h Ktrppt, last Saturday. He is Stil I Cmirol iitst bpfure the lerrsht.u re ad-r T i .Tnlv. IsS'). tbt L:nib tv-ia nlinrtorpl IftnL-inr hndlv but is improving from the - ; I - - - i v - i uu iivv-uuil Vi Ull T l . I'll L. I i r - " 1 - " j, ...... u.v...i.w. n . ., , !:.-.. . ..i , iiom ntMi. ,iiini;v ine wurK (ui u i I n .. ?sr:ii o;uiic wit v si i-nnnni nt x:ui iumi I li'inncs nti rei cicii " ...... is an instance wnicn proves an cx-p!, . , v ... .. e , . . , vr 7 '? --- ..v-- -- . . v! tins boov will hcof some advantage to M Theo. F. Jvluttz iwumfi nfocint..-d I wreck. eption io tbfc rule. If taere is nn thing ,k::f.,5 Sumnnfth, nrnnwwi' vm-1 u T-,.?a v;i.,-i ... .1..,. Ti,a y(.-t,.n llntpl and Improvement ting done to influence the result, "pro or wild legislation but a majoiity were I tim.1. In 1300 the capital was increased Company are having some of the heavy . . i . 1 1 ,1 ii J 1 ... -v ; rr. . v 1 I . u . ..nil.,.;. ..pAr.nrtr nrcnnrninrv wise ei.ougu 10 uorn iiieiu uow-u. 1 to XF,uuu. " 1 ne ia:iK now occupies one lemoer cut uu iurn fitiyeim f k A ne writer auenueii ine xapust oiuiv 1 -jr 111-3 aK.si eifgani misiiiess'siirs in me I 10 pumug m -j -- SdUK.nV 1 1 . i'3 t . , sundav tcnooi couveuuon. we inmK :lty. c-.rner .M.un and Innis streets, it streets ana tots T J " "outu oe to tnem a .1 . . .. ;-,ct:t;,', ivn it wui i. .i...;..:kr..n i... lino , LLttliM iooi ii.uiiv11 .v iivuw av I MiirvtU" laiMMiav U'Hi t 10 ttt ail uie on,. we arel unable to pick it up. 5uch 1. . iu .1.. f iaut as; exists amons the q I'B-ion of 1 the greatest moment just iiow; is ipiaceountable. - do agrvat dal of g od. Jay CeTe. railniads centering Here, and tbu conn v Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorii Office: . DURHAM, N. C. Factories : DURHAM, N. C, and RICHMOND, VA. - This is a Home Company, manufacturing Fertilizers expressly for the Farmers. Every pound of goods guaranteed the Highest Grade. Best Materials. Farmers will always get value received when buying goods with these brands on them. Don't buy any goods until you ex amine carefully what they are offering, and then get their prices. Ex clusive manufacturers for the North 'Carolina Fam.e AlUanoe. The following is a list of their brands : North Carolina Farmers Alliance Official Guano, Durham Bull with Peruvian Guano Durham Tj.oi Art.toJ fbiano. Peruvian Substitute ijuano, uruai vuuu.. a..u JJ UU il HI lllUUUiVVV ' 7 I Corn Grower Brand. TESTIM OlSTI AXIS 1 Mt. Tabor, N. C., July 21,1891. ,Dr. J. I. CleUn, of Hurdle's Mills, Mr W. II. Worth, w rites: The Farmers' Alliance Official Dear Friend aud Brother: I see Quano has given general satisfaction vuur request to business agents who , in this icnr, and we rejoice that Trt the "Alliance Guano" to report ; this mnch of our effort in securing . n ho the persons liked it, and how it j pood gu.in0 has been fraught with acted on our soil. I lave seen or j success. heard from all, and th-y sny they nave j ....r. V ll0(1 bpter. and Wish It neXl season if they can get it. Fraternal W yoms J. Soles, Bu-. Ag No. 130. J. H. Lvne, business aj;ent of Dntch ville Alliance &.: The "Alliance Guano lias given entire sali.1. et.v.11. Hon. J. D. Allen, Treasurer N. C Alliance, P. O Falls, Nj C, ray that the "Alliance" Guano gate liitu and his Alliance good results and proved first-class in evury wa . T. B. Barker, Muywood.-N.-C.t. under date of August 1, 1890, say?: Members of Maywrxd Alliance like the "Allianj1" Guano splendid. HhcI the let crops I hae seen in ." a long time. 4 - -i . 1 1 ti

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