'"' I ' ;J' -:'-: ' ;'' :-.; riUij--i:y: ' s 1 t - u" v- J - -- - .-I ;j- -r. ; .--. " r':-i x -J ' -I; aX" 1 'Lij I. ... i, The Parn arii Garden. 1 !' : JtAETC A TLST VF THE SILO. I The frrtT who ha not jvt tried n' jlilo and is tM-diti rhtiK tnnM in 'tlie field would do well to find-out- the Rarest silo and g 'wd interview the owner of it find seo for himself the re p1ts. If hacan Ret hi- hay for 8150 'tier ton, HirfoU cbu n f ed, he may "on making and fording Inland leave the silo to others', hut if his hay costs ; liini more than that he will find thej jsilo nn economy, even to star- li:sj green clover in. New .York Times..' j " TI1E IDEAL DAIRY FOOD. ' T"-Fresh gris snccii lent nnd rich, , is Jhe ideal f(vd for the dairyman, ar.d it produce more niiMc of a good q'TTflity han anj: f the' highly. prepared pnnU in yen ted by man. ThU ;s the standard: lukmer food, iind the dairyman ripeds ' in. imitate it for the ideal winter food n near as possible AV'nen - th;j qies titon i arjalyzl, it vi!) he fouud thai rich gras provinces plenty of fins milk. Wcatue the cow? like it?an because, it Contain the very bet milk-pro.luniis elements. .The ideal winter; food in.nst then "bear -'two ' stamps upon it. It - in ast be relished by the cows, and it irnait contain -certain constituent which can readily be turned inte wiik. -Courier Journal. : 1 f ZED THE riGS IN WINTER. The well-known fact that animal do not grow asTpid!y or; take n flesh s readilr in cold weather a in warm ; leadi many farmers to delay feeding i cram te their pigs until spring. Tim? there is a long perio-1 in which very little grotvth is-made. Not only is tinit lest by this met h imL, but the an i m ai- get in a condition Jj favorable, to f;.t- tenia? than they were at an earlier "-period.-- If warm pensare providec and anitahie care. is given, leouing car .be profitably conducted even in the jpoUest. wither. If these points an 'neelected the animate will return in profit and make very 1 i L the growth; 'even though a moderate rpiantily of rain,i!f urnisheJ. Aiiienfan Dairy - . lima. pRINDlNO CORN 'AND COB TOGETHER. ' For a long tune carn-coh mnl vyns ' jdivided, bcau analyses did not sho-A i thut it had much nutritive value, let i 'the story of the woman who ktpt he; : jcy mainly on corn cobs and refti frnm the1 table atfd kitchen showeo that cobs had some value. The expe rience of farmers also confirmed the jalneof corn cobs wlie'i gro nid with the "rain. orn meal alone is too condensed for food. It packs in th stomach, and even mixed wiih cut hav ' is1 too heavy feed jfor" horses.- 'Grind ing the cob with it enables trVti salivs-. io mix through 'the mass, and-more- o: the nutritive value of the grain i ex- i irncted. But it is important that i!i t rob he ground as 'finely as pocsibK Ii -. the cob is moist, as it is apt to he 'earl in the winter, it will pay to mix eqviai parts ot oais or oar ley wirn itr nerorr - xrrSnding. This enables ihe miller tf 'grpd evn dampCorn and cob mucl s finer than wouldthrwi;-ie-bc posoiijle - Xltigronnd pieces of cub are iudige.sii ble, and inteiul of making the inea . ;noro nutrit;V2 they detract from it. .'-Uotn.'i. Cultivator. CIJEINa SIIEEl-i:iLLINl DOGS. . A live stock pnper gives the follow ing way to cure do:s tit' t'm s!iee)-kil- Jinfc propensity: loung uogs can -made so,1 .thoroughly ufrahl of sheep - that they will not attack them in their mature yer-. liti the dog to th head of a ram and let about tight fee oE rope intervene, then place them in a clear field. 1 he repeated cnargs of ihe ram will so disgust the -dog with i!ie sheep bMsin ess that ha will evet after ovoid the ovine race. An old '. 'dog who, was caught in the act of kil- lintjj sheep 'Was ' cured, of the propen?it) ni this manner in my presrnce many .years ao. As the ram cou tinned & .charge tfpoa the dojr the l!tp;T worked . closer, andclo'cf to 1 he fence and wheii I he had reached it the ram drew back, land aa he made the tinal eharcre t it dC went orer th fence vyitii a uki jf that mad the nlookers hmgh up jotfiomjly. Thedanine could on I) io'teh his himl feet to the ground, and 8 the ramvoiild bick up to make 1Uiothr chargthin would draw "' the Ofj up5 little. , IIi?5, struggles' to got rcleassi and' thij; rain trying to g.t a fair clip at him' causerl a srp-sawing AfroM the fen.ee that was j?) d ns a eircos to wittiest. Thi? was heroic trea'menr, hut a.U sai l, "Good enough fr hira." He tire I several veari:. Lnt i, f wrs not Inow t o inolest sheep rfiel v ihat. Bt. ' Louia Jvepuhli, A UNIQUE HOT BED. The following suggestion' we find in the American garden: ' Take a hogshead and hore twn or iliree holes in the bottom. St-t it down its f nil depth in the ground, on sUut, so tht Vm ()uthern side is it inches lower than the r.crthcrn. Take some good fresh -stable manure and throuhly mix with it an rtjual ..ii-sntity of leaf fnol-l-.or :ol rich oil.' Let this iiejin a heap until fer- - menUtion has taken "place, which wili be in twa pr three-days, when it should lie tnrnl and allowed to he ih and ftr nient4wo or thtv,e d ivs lo;i2r.- Then pnt,it in the hothead and treal well 7J0wn-nnnt.il the latter is :..bout half full, : allowintr it tj sU4 till heating ta'es jdnce aiiti. 'Fi!tlin with six inch -oE equal ptrt of well rotted mannr k And garden mold well mixed. Cover -"1 - xwjtU a .san. -It sash w not eor.veniint, a largi lu'ecJ ot coarse muslin '.mav ! be? jaid orer the head of the hohpTid iu .fjtstened hy nwa'nuf-a tightly iitlln .hoop. - 1 When the heat of soil is about ehU- jty-tive decrees sow the seed. ' Water' .with tepid water, ;nd give air ejerv ,jle:isint dj by lifting theenvef. p'.i 'vety told frosty nighN, or in snpwy wi i.ther, corer with b.)ar.ls nr inattling. The Reeda rrmyW)? sown in drill-- -aud ;ihe plants thinnl 01. fc as rrrniireil. 'a(!W York World. . ALLIANCC -DIKECTOttY. ynficn.nl AJl'in'rre-L. L-ToVJc, pmidert, N.rlh Orulitm; H." U. Clover,, vwe presir An Jfnnms: .1. H. Turntr, aerrttary- j treason, Georgia; J.F. WillettMcctunr, Rate AUt'nnMWm Carr, prcaMcnt O'd Sparta; KU. ileddinficld, secretary, Ifrvan-Cotrnftf Jesse Millrr,. president, IredtU Co,untji. lt..IIn1man, jiresi'lent, j Cool Spr'yis; hi. E. liamsey, secretary, , MoortsvIte. - - 4- Calxirrus GonntyX. T, Hilcman, presi-d lent. Concord; Vv.J luneny, seciu-j tary, Controrl. , I Duvhhon Countvll. S. Grern, prcsi-lcnt,; J.hnc-s; AV. A. LitKisay, secretary, Thomas- lii tie. General :-: Director '. COUXTY GO VERyilENT. Clerk. Sirpeilor Court, AV G Waison. '! ritf, .las SI Monroe Ite-istcr of Deed, II N Woodsori. Tieasuterj .1 .-sani'l McCubbins. .Purveyor, B OArey. ' Coroner, I) A At well. ' Commj;F,ionerriVvr L Klutlz, rli airman,- Dr L W Coleman, Cornelius Kestltr, J A Rteivart aud I F Patterson . . . Hnp't-Public fichools, T C L:nu. Sup't of Health, -I)r J J-Suinmerell, Overseer of Tcor. A M Brown. i j 7'OIf'X J.fayor, T C Linn Clerk, D It Julian. Treasurer. I H Foust. Police,' R V Price, chief, J F Pace, C W Pool, 41 M l;arrinj;er. . - -Cotiirnis.ioners North ward, J A Ren 1 1 emau, I) M Miller; South ward, 1) I: Julian. J A Barrett; Wast ward, J ii Uoi Jon, T AX'ouglienour: West ward, li J Iloljne'Sj J W iicuney. . CHUJtCHES. ' ' Jlethodlst erviecs every Surday a 11 a in -raid (i! pin. iTayt r meocir.": every VveJnelay at 0 p ra. liev Dr W ii Ijeith Tastor, Sunday scheol every Sunday afternoon atg o elock. J V iiaiincy, sup t. Presbyterian Services every Sunday ,t 11 a m and 8:.'!0 p in,-" Prayer meet 141 j ( rv Wodfiesduv at 8:30 ; in. liev J iinmVle, 1) 1, pastor Sunday school every Suny afternoon it 4 p in. r J Jvuraple, sup t Lutheran Services every Sunday at 11 1 m and 7 pm. Prayer, 1. jetting every KVrdnesday at 7 p m. itev Chas B Jtvinj; oast or." Sunday sc-hcorevery Sunday afternoon it 'A j) in. K ii Jvicr, cup t. Epiicoprd "Services every Sunday at 11 v ra and G:'A0 p in and Wednesdayat 0:0 n io. Itev K J x.iurdoch, reeto-. Stmtlay school every Suriday afternoon at K.p m. -, sup t. Baptist Services every Sunday raorn- .ng and niiit. Prayer meeting every Wednesday night. Key JN b Juues pastor. , . Sunday school every Sunday at 9J a.m Thos L Swiu, sup"t. Catholic Sevviees every second Sun- lav at 10- a in and 7 p m. Kev Father Gtrard, ast r. Sunday school every Sunday at 10 a m YM C A Devotional servies.t Ilai every Sunday at 4:.'-0 p m. Business meet ing tlrsr-ThuiTHlay night-'in every mouth I H Foust, pres't.. -LODGES. Fulton Lorlsre No J?D A F & ATI, meets every iut and third r ndav night 111 eael mouth. :E B Neave, M. everv Sal everv 1st and 3d JMdiv niiht in eaeh month. C T Beridimdt, Dictator Salisbury Council, No 272, Royal Ar canum, meets eyery 2d and 4t!i 3tonda nisiiit in each niuiuh. R G Kizei Regent - ' - P0ST0EFICE. OHiec hours from 7:.0 a m to G."0 p m Money order hours 9am to 5 p in. Sunday hours 12;lia m to 1:00 p m JllRamsay, PM. -Tcrj c Walter Bi i Iges, Athens, Tenn., writer: it i,- or six years I had beeu r.tlneted with lunniu horesaud an etilargemcnt of the iior.es in my lejj. I tried everything 1 heard of without any permanent benefit jnUl""Eotanic Elf'od Balm v-as rec-om-incnded to me. iVflcr u.-ing pix bottie? ihewres healed, vA I am now in better health than I have ;ever been. Iscrd thin iesiirnonial -unsolicitfed because I want oilicrs to'be benefitted. COlfSUHFHON CURED. An old phj-slclan, retired from practice, having had placed In his bunds by an EaK India mission ary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Comsunjpi'.on, Bronchitis. Catarsh, Asthma ond all Ibroat and bung AfTPollons.. 'also a positive and radical cure for .Nervous iK'bi'lty and all Nervous l'omptalnts .fter havtrifrtef,redlt3 wonderful curative pewers In thous;in( of cases, has felt it Ms duty to tn ike a known to his suCerinK fellows. Actuate rtby thlfe mo'lre tT:d a deflre toieltevc human suiTerin?, I l'.l sf-nfF free of chnrze, to who dc-ire it, thl r"cln. in (iemria, French or Er-gltsh; with ru!lil reetin;M tor pjenhiing ai d uslrg. Sent bymnll ry :ddre?t.-ks. v. ith Ktanp. nr.mlnjr IMs paper,. VV. A Notes, sio Powe;s i!loc:c, Rochester, N. Y. is. tj bhHdr-T Cry for Pitcher's Astoria? JSU-.jag li Ml IP ml IJ 1 'A.J II -I J Is an invaluable remedy f of SICK HEADACHE, TORPID UVER, DYSPEPSIA, PILES. MALARIA,: COSTIh'EHESS, AHD ALL E1LS0US DISEASES. Sold Ererywhero; ESS ALLSKIN BLOOD TI13 Best Eouseliold Medicine, Care er tvico each year tLo sys t.ra nc sds pTirgin cf tho inspTiri ticrs -rrhicix dog tho .falocd. Froa cliiI'.lliood to old age, no rezneeiy rnict all casa rit3i ths sa o ccr .taiiity 6f ood results as . " BOTANIC W.OOD BAOI. .,-f'Ch lIcQa;hey, VVtb City. ArV., v'trs. i. -i. 3. aas dons me r.w re po-d ai'd f' r 'frs "ya any cihn cvrifier I ever Vx'C. 1 ' re 1 ;- co:nf-rt niv life to it." V. A. snhoH, -Kvftth, Va., AtipTWt 10, iff?, : , leixn. i ca a. B. B. for tue pwrviti-a ( ry '-with. 1 hav. rd u in fap,j, Bf y '"t"' anU in all that time iuve not kai toh.'voaJi-ij." i-J kJ ....I J .) , At!ji.ta. Sir.tr....- Salisbury Lodge, No 2-1, K of P, meets Tuesday nignt. A 11 jsoynen, u isburv Lodee. No 775. K of II. meets i tsmnm XVhn Baby tras tick, we Te fcer Castoria. V.Then she was a Child, she cried for Castoria : Yhen she became Miss, he cling to Casteria. Wbea she had Children, she gae them Casteria WELCH g j m f Livery, Sale In J?i Salisbury, N. C. "j - '.C-.-T.-r i KJ' a. Oil SHOUT NOTICE. Cbr.lMlRCIAL TRAVELERS CAR- RlF.l TO ALL POINTS; HORSES FElijANI) GROOMED AT REASON ABLE RATES. CALL AND SEE ME. Cn January 1st, 1 391 ,W8 will move mco our new store opifosite cur old ? stand, where all 1 1 ixowan uo. w e will give you more goods for the same money than over SDGCtfllllv, . T), duliaii & Go. 9 j 55 3 UArmrf ? TSe Mi Keuluciy Jaol, Will stand this season at the stable of J. 0. Houston. j For terms and Pedigree apply to J. O.-lfoustfln, Icar Poplar, M. C, r J. Ambrose Stewart, Miranda. 18:2m " As you value good eye fitted Spectacles Don't hang on people, that you should never (ill .flU a ill! 1 i i: " ' ' : : i hardly read or see ordinarily distinct objects. It is ail wrong. It is just as absurd to say, don't oil almost -ceases to run, Or let your until the bearings get stf hot and .of neglected oiling-ik too plain dry, thoy -wear and finally stop. in thinking it could give good why as.c the eye to perform A member more complicated than any piece of mqchan:sm ever invented. This is an aire of nroc-rpsr.. Ion minor nnd mnr-li rnnl- ing. You read to learn. The eye is tho great ! inlj'lligc nco con veyor. "Without it what would you do ? Life would be miser able without it. :Tho evo is your onlv criterion I for the use of glasses ; they will tell you, often long before your unwilling self will acknowledge, that they need attention J Via have made this important branch of our business a specialty, and willingly guarantee h in everv case. Very Truly i pnoFESsidsX cjrws. rrr LIS IWRIGH7, ATTORNKYj V'fj LAW, SALISBURY! N..Q; AVill raticc in ail the .ciurta 6t Rowan and aljoiaing counties. , Prompt kttt'dtiOH given to sul mtter3 pcrtaiuinjjito Iny prolpaion tab. lJ.-18Ul. J ! , A, S, HESL1G. rv vv. SALISBl'TtT,' JT. C). Olace in Davis k Wilcyfs b.nk building corner of iMaia and Innis$ fetrteli. Will prac tice in Courts of Rowau and adjoining counties. 1'roniTit and careful altrniion gireu to alt bus iness ci;tru?ted to me. SepiU attention given to- collections. i JOHN A; RAMSAY, CIVIIj EjJG-I?! E33R. Attends to Railroad Construction, Surveys, and Mapping of Ileal Eptatel Estimates ot Water Powers, Plan3 for Ihe Erection of Mills. Dwellings, &c; and attends to ibe purchase of all kinds of Machinery, BtiS Jii g .Materials, &c, kc. i j I fel2 tf De. R. Ll Ramsay SURGE &JY DEkriS T, SiiiTiiDEAL's Row, Office, No. $: 0FF4OE HOURS FROM 9 TO 5. SALISBURY, ------X. C. T. I. Vinson, South Muiu Street, for your shaving and hair-cutting. FFirst-clRSS work men and sliarp razors f.t all tinics. IIair-dres3 ing and shampooing a specialty. Will wait or. ladies and children at their hbmcs. Give me a call. J . ! febl2, tfl gXECUTOR'S N CE. All persons having claims ng.vinct the estate of George Eume, deceased, nfle lierchy notified to present them to nit! for paynient on or before the 2oth d:iy of February, lM'Jp, or this notice will be plead in bariof their recovery. A'l nfrsf);s indebted to' said estate will plerf&e make immediate settGenicrt. J. A. P. A ME, Executor ot : George Baine. LtE S. OVEItiTAN, Att'y; 17:t YaluaflTtots . i I will sell four vacant; building lots on Fulton street. Two of these are cor ner lots. Also one house and lot in the pame neighborhood, with good Vell, fruit trees, stable, &c. Wiil be so!d en easy terras. Apply to P.W.BUOWxN. Salisbury, March 3, 1S9R 4t "AMOMCMEuT. We hereby announce th.it Ir. P. P. Mi'roney is au aurlK'rizd ;g"r.t for coileeUng an.l rCce-ipting all bills Jue Ihe late linn i f j Wliiteisend & Tran tham. All accounts "iuiisetiled and ;ot adju:-td in tthie next sixty das will ? 1 1 ri lu re. I ; nudgtfi'mt. .). V!I ITHilKAi). M. D. II. T. TiCAXTHAM, M. D. 12: WAXTED I FOIL TR2 -UiilZZl) STATES ARKY, I ! Able-bodied, unmarried ! men, between the apes of L'l and 35 years. Good pay, rsitiun5?, t lothieg and roedie.il attendance. Applicants njust he prepared to furnish satisfactory evidence as to a;;c, character and habits. Apflv at Salisbury, N. C. 21:ot. sight, so must Jyou; value perfectly to the ahsunl reasoning of some put on glasses until you can your sowing machine until it mowing machine or wagon run dry that it stops, i Tho result to bo spoken ofi I The oil is run Why?, Yoii were unreasonable service without attc ntion. men a duty which is an Jmpossibility Yours, i I SEND YOiJE -TO TI1E- JOB OFFICE.1 J. L. RAMSEY", PRO-; 0 ri ' -i . ii j .i ' . Gompleto in all its Appoint - A - ments. Every Vauiety of Printing Done Vtitii Neatness and Dispatch. -o- Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Note Heads, s Statements, Envelopes. Pamphlets, Posters, I Dodgers, Cards, Tags, Ball & Wedding Invitations No Botch Work. n C1, .1-. J 5' ' Satisfacton Guaranteed. Orders by mail solicited and pro dp t- y attended to. Address, Salisbury. N. C. PROGRESSIVE FARMEr Raleigh, N, 0. j Orfran of the N. C. State Alliance. Edited by Col. L. L. Polk, assisted l.y , tev. Bay'us Cude. The p:iper will n iept up to the usual high standard Subscrihe for it, only $1 per year in advance. The Progressive Farmer ! and the Watchman will be wnt to nnw en reriKrs at. S1 Tn f!r k-.(L ni pers. Subscribe now. Address, I uUUllJiobl V jbj t AKMEIt, Raleigh N. C. Steam, Air and VERTICAL PISTGH. JOB PRINTING WATCHMAN 5 $ -. IP wit li All j The namoo every man in Western Noftli Carolina who has timber lantl, improved and unimproved, I M-m lands, town lots and properties for sale. . We must have bpttpm prices, fall, clear and correct descriptions Persons -wihjncj to buv, sell or rent properties will find it to their interest to write to .or call on 1 McGOBBINS& REISNER, SALTSBUjRY,'N. C. TnE r AUK, I Conmcr.ds Itself t ) t' ost who wart tlir sews gl the dar an i all of it, aict w!io want a f-ai.-ld ex pression or o.intoa n nn current too'-is. It tua ?s- column paper, a pa tic , tue poonie who tai? u 4 price, f 2 per year. Jl f( ' column paper, a pa ticuariy lum 1soint 8he-t, atul wear u it. ruDsenotloi: for 'months, ro ceuta for three morlhs. Seed M sample oonv. - Address, - i j. e. cmJAvelt., c Eatter and Prop. I hereby 'an nomine that P. P. Mcroncy is my aa1 horizf 1 aenjt for co!!ertigaisd receipting all bills due me. A.ll accounts unsettled and pot adjusted in the next sixty elays v:H ho induced to' judgment. Rfaoeetjfiillv. jr. bJcouxcill. :.r. d. Feb. 24, 1SG1. 17:tf Caveats, esA Traaf!? cbtaineJ, a:id all rat ent business contacted for Moc:rt fee?. Cvj OfFicc !S 3p-Dsfrs U.S. purwTCt-nc? Mid we t-:ui yifrnns patcpt lu less tiu-o tiiaa iho-s-i r?iioto fro .-a W.tsli:v,'.riu. Send rscdt-1, e.rav.dn f r phct-)., TvPh d.-Tr?-tion. V''e atlv'sc, if ;iat.",-.'s'!-!.c rr i;ot, frra of charjre. C-.-e ??' d;ie ii.l r".m t? A PAWWLtT, '- Ho to tluin Prt?!.!," v.-ith Barnes of a'.-in nl vtsiia yvur ViU-, Cwuaty. ut town, ent fri;e. t ..h'.r.i, Opp. Patent ;Off!c. IVas::ni N. O. C. A' Pc'i'.i-d err-fy '-li.fi lav at Torc-ka, Kan., by The Ailvxv.r I'uiuLi :i' 1 Co. fl.w per yar. 3 n .-3 7 'i r. w 'J- T- 5 - i j r'v -5-1 5 -' till M it-;:; ?i r v - ."3 t T - - -E e -1 r $ 3 r- 3, X '"' "5 - -1 1 :k; n I lib W 1 tlgjliV:. A; a e!:a :'-1 siou of tliv ; r.tr I'lti'!ii'.!l!'li 'jU .'UoIjM ; 1 1:51! ail ec I ,rl--su4s of i-iipr-! taistvi to Mic r""i-?. Tli? it?5! p 'tll'- .l :i:ii:r2-.!: of tV All'.ap.cfl or recp'.v's P. -.ii, I a -iii.-ii A v '.'.. ts l.r.s pr.v?n so p .& a '.: .r:r U f.tsi pvlii It a i:a-U-nsil r:p-!i;!ri.J r.::-t tj-.' i: 'a-Ti-tl a. A ennnr:vf:e't ! li. n.a-iitV-er.t r- sul. :;; ar at tained. Mrfth u'siiv::.- f .t.'.i 'i fuinr', and beiievintf i!i ti h- '-m i !v.-.-i,iii!.;nr ii but tha dawning i.f n il.j! r-u 1 Uie i:ia.sscs-tfii xxiqtU Tux Ai'V.-f. rl: i-! lurx'fuily puv-ua Its iiiissi-m. .- itlcijii.i.! pri; ;, :.jo per year, 'u advance. A 1 in ? ri"flPTC il'fri 'f"!ijr ri" i i- Tcpeki Kansas. - rj:i - "V ?: ri "5 pra p R H ii 1 CI' aJr-lr 1 jjuJJJLL)ij 1 . i - rsyj 4 ' ttI MERR1TT ! A - 43 JUcurAjPC f i J.) ALLBN BEOWIaT, Ag't for W. N. C. 4 L&s X i..hV Vacuiiia Piimps, Eoenlar Iiorisoiitnl Pisloi?. K "1 The most simph j, durable and Pump in the mar;;t. for Mines, Quarries, i- Refineries, Iroweris, Factories, Artesian wells, Firo duty andj general mannfacturirq purposes. 35&'jnd for Catalogue. TliBa.S. CAMlROtASPOMP'WCBKS, 'Foot of ast 2BiySrii;5.T, 't;v; Yokk. I Riclimond Daayflle BR. SCHEDULE. J In EfTrcTMarch 20, 1801. 4Jo isiousi) AH 1 4 HO pr, 11 o m I,v N?w York, Phllartclphln, " BOtlmore, " VV'ashtnsTn, " Cuiino-ie"svn:e, " Lyhchbarg, " Djaville. Lv hfcjhraon.1, " Bujkevi!lf. " Kej-sv!e, Ar maviile, , Lv DanviUe, Ar Greensboro, l.y io!ldsbOio, Ar Haiielijh, I,v Kailelrfb-, Jnjrh-.ua, Ar Orrenhb- ro, Lv Wjnsffn-B ilem, ireen!-biiO, i:iirti Point, rSnsbnry, Lv Salisbury on W. N. C. r statesvlib:, " 'Hickory, eknneliy springs, " !onrnton, M Old Fort., 1: out id Knob. " Dlirrtc Mountain, " AshoHe, " Hot Spihigs, " OoncorJ, Ar t:h,arlott:-, S-artaj.b.J.!, " .ireenvii!e, f 4 Atlanta, Lv oharlort, Ar evsiULabi'a, " Aucusta, t-! 15 aw' 3t'5 ami 6 13 am' a Oa:n 1 OT pin' 3 3." piai 6 :?5 i,m 1 00 pni; 2 r D , 3-12 oiai 6 OG pni; S2'.6in ! f0 .t.'.i j 8 .15 pm s 2-. zm 8 20 pm; lolouu ; J12 1-. pm; US m, , 2e.4pm; r n- . 4 15 pm; 1 2'. i,a .,5 20 pm, 3 .7 . rmj 7toUM -t6:iopiaj (!.-. ;.ri , tS3" pn; :o 's r.-n . 25 I'm; 1o-2um 1124 pm! lir,;..!,, -it ?o am; 12 10 pri tl8 3rami lvsipTH losam, "02 pia 8 20 am i 839 pm ' 2 13 am j 2 ?s pm 4 os am! 4 JR;a 4 2Sa:n! .4?2pia 5 H am! 5 o' pri fei5 am; 5 p-a Swaraj' Tv.'ria iiotspini I2fi.ij-.j-!- 11 S.' pm; 12 4 p;i4 12 20 am! j ?x-u 3 4." ami 4 ?2 tun i f3cra 6 'of iii loooutaj 11 .io i'rii tl2 40piil; 1 43 p; 1 -tu pm! 5 r.o ir, s Wpi-: :--o Ua Ui; 1 J 15 1 N l No. io. j No. l.r Lv. AUgUbU, " Coium'f t, Ar C.I 1 riot t', Lv Atlanta. " (.mnvin?, " S'partanhurg, ArCil-r'uMo, Concoidj " SaMbbu.y, Lv liVt. iirl).(-S, " AHh'-viHe. -lsock Mountain, ' liO'ii,,! Kni.li. " OM F'.i t, " Mnrniiion. " Cr fn . ay spitn-, IHoMory, " Ht(vU!o, Nlsbun;, ' I v Sailsburv, " ifitrh r.-.ir.r, Ar ( ;i ( Hi "horo, " M lnsto-i-Siioin, Lv crt-ei.sboio, Ar Dr.'-4i:.rP, " K..lc!t;h, Lt l?!lcii', Ar c;o':(liiro, Lv (Jret':isb.-!r-", Ar l)ar. l!!r, " Kj-sJ'io," " liur! evil'o, " LlciiL' onrt, f.V l.V l:f!,lui sr. Ch. riot t? !Ho, Ar Wasii'jrmn, '' .iUiPii".-.'. " Pni '!;-;, J . 9 10 pen 12f0nm lo ;5 ii.t "Soopm- ? 10 piu T 10 pm SSI pm 8 So prn 8 1 rm TlTpta 00 pni H IT pia ! JR pm 5 4?Pn, 4 4T p.-a 6 OS f.!n P is in e rs pi,i ' -'.r , 1.1 -9 r. 1 1 'i 4 3o sm ro r..r 1 0 i.E) 11 air 5 1o arr: 6 10 atn C &T em 11 32 nir 1 04 rrn 1 V nn) S l.' am 2 29 nrii 3 Mara .1 5? am 4 u r in hid rtinl 6 2o am j 7 os am! S loam .IO 1.11 1 jv -. . I-i 11 4 3 ami 112 ll. I,,-.-, lo :-. aruj i,Km I? -a pin I - 4 .",,, l22pt.ll T3'.W:, . 1 I raj ter-OMn S lo pi;! 1 cr, :.u co iiiTi l ' ,s: j,., lo .! lo LT. ,.j ( ?3pm .HU-rrr 2 15 pin 4oCr.iu 4 lopir ; Cot. ui-.i 1 1 prn: r, 4loMrn 5 4oia 8 rr hi-' , o -jf, .t.j 12?'. :rti; tl?..: -j -. ?fo:u- . 2C-. - 1 A. fi'oi'i!) ; -4.V-. VKSTIIiULE TIJAIN. ta t ly. sTTpIT n : i'sU:i,Ti n, I.'vTTini-cn Al-x:i'J!rl.-!, - J! ;; i'hi-.rl.-iitrsvlll, ' " ! 0 u . 1,1 J.rrcp-.n-.,', " : 4 :,,fl ln-. m.-v. . ' , 7 2' Mi (Ir.'iriNii io, " ; sfopr.! S.Ui'liirv, - !(.'... r.r.i S ."lishKi-y, , . .r. Id :.T iii r:i,-rlo''.o., Lv 1; S'partu.:.ur,!;, i rn a i -(;. -nMllP, " ! 2 i; n"i - , ' -;ar.i i:il:'PS U'P, ... " ,' .r. rf Af,nr.ta. . "- 7 oij C r:? .nrt Ar. .11 -r;! ' ' nil " ! ' !" ':t " 1! r. p:a " 9 ." pi:i '' S I", Mil' " :,n pm'L". T oi pm Ar 4 !:l nm ' 3 'd ;nn " 1 OOIT.l " li :o pur " II 'o i)T:i " YADKIN HAli.i.O I.-.ve .Sn'!sbi:;-y ovi:Iy oxeep! Sunday. 3 pvnj , r.r ilv HiPf-vlllep. m. .. . : T i-'.ur;:li.(T, la-vea BilesvTITc' S a. n.: arrive s.Pa hurg lo a. m.. r s- tTe e ; ix g-Va til k 1? v in ": t n:--.ar4 It. r-Pi;!;:-? s:ccnr ro. I I 1 II .r -.V V, ' !-' -. - ' r .''i":M : .r, i It v-i vi!:.' .1! ,1 tv: a nil Ati-t ta. A'l.t'.ia jtn.i . .I'ir'ili.pr.i :;t:-M"! ;..J.,1 Mlfoj), M;t A'!V:liMU-l SUlrt:-.;sn P:;.tp!C-:rH ...-..To'a: -t Y.rri.; n via .si.ict !)! tn ..: itt r". -i'ti.'ici "i M-fpeTh'-Hv!-?!! Hl.-Tinirtiul ' 'irf'Si. L-.IO. TTTTi; -r. -i) .-l.cn 1 i.li l I.'a-r.'Rjj; -.- iV'v -r. .-!-v;-r !. n V.ic'.ini'ton a-.L l-.iV. -. 11. u P T It .1-.v;-f,i V(.v! 't:.-a ,p-vi a't-i pi-;:"r.s via Sails-:. i Am r: -'it, 'tie i iiuii ' A. Ik i.vi en V"nsi- 'I - : ::. I V!-!';! ! ;!- l!.-ic: !s i h'1 -VtiMts. l';ir .t i-'lf at p: tv.-lp.il sftMftra't if.i! S-!f:nii.iiio:i ar.rTv fvi anv of f'-p 'o'linaiiy u .!A. L. T WLO'fy- .S'L ! i Y. VTTVK ! S. I. AV T; V'rr. T p , I - li.-wo!.-, ft. v J ;H:AV'vjf ij'itlifie-! a? i'xocu-tor of thn -estate of I H-int'ah McKc:i7t-. colored, dccea'-.l, all per j -o-i3 . liavli'.-.j clitims ajjain.st li-r .cstap..' :ir. r: r.; I y notilio.l to preF!it them to tn.- on or i ! f.re thel'.ith.day of IVhrmirr, lf:'2, or tis j ."oiicft will he j.lead.iri 1-ar of their r.-coxer.-.' AiLpergor.s ir.ilrliU-! i.i fai' ! estate v. iil pk-n-.. J. II. .McKENZiE. Eiecu'Sr." Felt. 10, !P01. Ct iii: - Simple, Durable. Prints fro i a r -Ieta-l Typo, does "the work of a Si!)0 Alachi no; Perfect Align ment. Priiitg Capitals, Small Lit ters, Fignros oiind' Characters 7S in all. -Price" complete, A gents and canvassers wanted. Apply to - -AbasA tra !dJ ertical' and Horizon- it ' j j-P. s i iixL ruu:i J Stri-j-iiiaJ tit X - T7 V4 effective 1 a I S 1 t I t 14 eToweler - : Yr1 i ; i' i '.'.i'- ...-..'". .'. . : ' i i ; j - ; -I r - i ! ! 3 ;