VOL, XXII, THIRD SERIES, SALISBURY. IT C..THUjRSDAYf !SPBIL 9, 1891. HO. 23. i - I E 'Hill- - : , i . Pill ' In K iMsi i oi vn q n ' : v T : $ I! , t -" n U U yU 14 F3. . i,' for Infants snd 'Catorla la eoTreH adapted to children that I recommend ft ea superior to any prescription xhoini to me." II; A. Abcher, 31. D., Ill So. Oxford EL, Brooklyn, N. T. -The o rf ,CMtorla b bo universal and i ,iritto wrtrtnown that It seetos a work Kiwr3& endorse it Few the MS?tftr"iiHM who do uot keep Castona . , New York Ciry. It Tastor DlcomicgdaJo Ilelormed Church. Tas CsxTAcn i a n vi i TO CALL AT ' j; W. BOSTIAS - Ajki sec Iiis NpW STOCK of I ; . -i t . Tl . or B Dry Goods, mms anci ffliiimer; Consisting of DRESS GOODS, ' I HOSIERY, SHOES, ' UD Ell WEAR, NECKWEAR, We make a specialty ih UMBRELLAS, PARASOLS and CORSETS. - . i i Mv MiLINMHRY is now .o!V3:i.iiiKlor the" management of V&m -AiVlersoii, "of Jiltiniore. You areearnestly invited to call examine her-stock. . - , TiiBVLsadiM Furniture - w ri 3 m .SALISBURY. la now o filling tlie Larostand tuie ever brought to this place. 'J - - - - ' r 1 lRI.OP. SUIT'S ! Mohair Crush V'ru CO.00. Forager pritc $7.j.O0. - - '-Silk I'lush at ?3Q.C0. Former price, foO.00. ' ' Wool PUsh at O.j.OO. Foimcr"piice, ?45,oo. , 7 ( O. PlAXO'a AND'OKGAXS: "v i!tox v.v.d White Organs and Derlicr Bros., Chickcrii'gt Sods and Vheelock " IM anos. i - ; iED IiOO-M SUlTsT : H-H, Antique Oaky Antiqud Ahc, Chcrrv and "Wajlnut at prifrs that tfefy compctit-ion. A LAliGE TOK . 0f Ch'hiis, Paifis, attrcsscs cf all Kinds Spring Buds,. Work Tables for Ladies, Pictures and Phurc Fraihes of every style and quality always in stock, or -v ill be made' to order "Dn short notice at reason able prices. i 'i . ' i 1 , BABY CARRIAGES! A large stock of. Baby Carriages with Wire wheels at $7.50. Silks Plush Set and Putin Tarasol Car riages wit li wire wheels at only f 1G.50. Formerly sold-xfor 212 50. -1- t ltd IJK DE RTA K G DEPARTMENT! Speciat attention given to nrdertakir-g " jd all its branchesat alt 'bours day and . Jiglit. ; Paities wishing my services at niht will call at my residertce on Bunk street, in 4 Brooklyn.1' . : -hi Thankifig my friends and the r.bli generally for past patronage and asking a 4-iopti nuance of the sameI am, i Yours anxious tonlease, , - I W. WRIG-KT. Leading Furnilure Dealer. Children. Cstntorla ctrres Colic, Oonfltfpatfoo Four Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills Wonaa, gives sleep, and promotes di gestion, . Witkoui. injurioos medication. - For several years I hare recommended your Castoria, ' and shall always continue to do so a it has Invariably produced beneficial results-" Eowtm P. Parks, M. D., To 'WInthrop," 135th Street and Tib Are New York City. CovrAjrr, T7 Mchrat SruiTKrr Tobx. u v WHITE GOODS, T .TMRMS LACES, TRIMMINGS. WRAPS, ROBES. ' i Hffll Dealer and Undertake t Best Assorted Stock- of Furni- 1 0 o o Q a INVITED! ; IXJ - W 11 VG1 i 1-7 C T Zi in I PS 1 The Sab-Treazur7 ; No doubt some of the readers cf tfie WatchmaNj especially those who oppose this measure, have never read and studied this bill. Of course the bill can be amended, and perhaps shouldrbc. Head it. .House bill No. 7102, iti'oduced by Hon. John A. Piokler, of South Dako ta, embodies the demand of they Fur nifir's'. Alliance and Iudustrial Unian. it was referred to the comniittee ou ways and means, and is as follows : ; Section 1. 15o it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States in Congress as sembled, .That there may be establish ed in each of the counties of each of the states cf this United States, a branch oj the treasury department of the United States, to be kno'.vn aiW designated as a sub-treasui'y, as herein after provided, when 100 or more citi zens of any county in any state shall petitioif the secretary of the treasury requesting the iocatiou of a sub-treasury in such county, and shall, 1. -Present written evidence duly authenticated by oath er atlirmation by county clerk and sheriff, showing that' the average gross amount per annum of cotton, wheat, oats, corn and tobacco produced in that count v Jor i.lie last preceding two years, exceeds the sum of 500,000 at current prices in said co un t- at that time, and, 2. A certificate of election showing that the site fcr the location of such sub-treasury has been chosen by a pop ular vote of the citizens of that coun ty, andialso naming the manager of the sub-treasurv elected at said election I for the purpose of taki charge 01 said sub-treasury under such .reui tions as uiay be perse ri bed: It shall in that ease be the duty of the secre tary of the treasury to proceed without delay to establish a sub-treasury de partmeutrin such county a.i! hereinaf ter providtd. .pee. 2. rhnt any owner hi cotton. wheat, corn, oats or tobuceoj; may de- ppsit tb.8 same in the sub-t reasury nearest the point ot its production, j al expenses or conducting the sub and receive therefor treasury notes treasury dfthe Ujiited .States, hereinafter provided for, equal at the j . Sec. 10. The term of ofiiee for a date of. tin deposit. to SO per centum of j manager of a Hub-treasury shall bo the net value of -such products, at- th i two years, and the regular election to market price, said to be determined by ! HH -uch f-iifice shrill at the same the secretary of the treasury undeV time as the election for members of the rules and regulations prescribed, J-hc tlon?.e of itejiresentativei of the ba ed upon the price current in the . Congress of the i United Stales. In leading' cotton, tobacco or grain mark- ' c:ih0 f d vacancy the oiSce of the? ets of" the United States; b.t.-fto-depo.-- 1 mmag.-r of the s.ib-lre.imry by death, it consirsttng m whole or m part ot cotton, gram or tobacco imported into this country shall be received under the provisions of this ;;ct. Sc. 3. That the secretary of the treasury shall cause to be prepared treasury notes in such amounts as m.iv be required for the purpose of above section, and in such form tie a!Ul denonimanons as may be prescribe:!, provided that no notes shall be of a: denomination less than &1 or more than $1:,G00. Sec. 4. That the treasury notes is - sued under this act shall be receivable for customs, and shall be a full 'legal tender for all debts, both public and j private, and such notes when held by i a national banking association shall be , counted as part of its lawful reserve, j Sec. 5. It shall be the duty, cf the manager Ol the SUb-treasurV When cotton, gram or tobacco is received by give a wareiiouse receipt showing the h i m rvffc itan'icir u n vara i-rnvi.r.ri to amount and grade or quality of such cotton, tobacco or grain, and its value at date of deposit; the amount ofjtreas- ury notes the sub-treasury has advunc- ed on the product; that the' interest on the money so advanced is at the rate ot i per cent, per annum; express- ly stating the amount of insurance, WPirr n rr warehousing, and otner charges that will run against such de- .. -0 'Dl f)osit of cotton, crain and tobacco, .11 such warehouse receipts shall be negotiable by endorsement. Sec. 0. That the cotton, grain or convict. These are dnlya iey of tiie tobacco deposited in be sub-treasury bank robbers. All of thfjm were under the provisions of this act may prominent in financial circlein New be redeemed by the holder of the i j ork. 1 j warehouse receipt therein provided for, And it is thought tq be not improba either at the sub-treasury in which 1 blethat John S. SiUeri will have-to an the product is' deposited, or at any oth- J swer in court. the question whether or er sub-treasury, by the surrender of j not die is a bank robber. He succeeded in such warehouse receipt and the pay- : getting S250,00p from, the banks on ment in lawful money of the United j very questionable security. The m States of the sams amount riginallyl barrassed condftion of the Washington, advanced by the sub-treasury against National Bank is largely due to. the the product, and such further amounts as may be necessary to discharge all interest that may hava accrued against "the advance of money made ou the deposit; ot produce and all insurance, warehouse and other charges that at tach t& the product of warehousing and handling. All lawful money re ieeiyed at the sub-treasury as a return of the actual anion ut of money ad ranced by the government against farm products as above specified, shall be returned, with a full report of the transaction, to the secretary of the. treasury, who shall1 make a record of transaction and cancel and desfroy the moneV sa returned. A sub-treasury" that reeeives a warehdusp receipt "as above provided, together vitlt the return of the proper amount f lawful money and all chargesh?rein f)rvided, wlien the product for which it is given is stored in some other stib-treasury, hall give an order on such oHier sub-trea-ury for the delivery of the cotton, r.iin or tobacco, ;is the case ra iy i be, and the secretiiry of the treasuiy shall nroriie for tlm djnstment beLw uibrtn r.suries and a! charges. Sec. 7. The secretary of the treasury shall prescribe such hdes and regula tion us may necessary for govern ing the details and the Management of the sub-treasuries! Iff sing the salary, bond and responsibility of each of the aianagers of sub-treasuries (provided that the salaryof jany Itnanager of a sub-treasury shall jiot exceed the sum of $1,500 per annum,) holding the managers of sub-re.tsuiies personally responsible on their bond for weights and classifications lof ullj produce, pro viding for the jedtiu Of un merchant able, grades of cotto. (aiu or tobacco, or for such as may, ha in bad condition; and shall provide. rules for the sale at public auction of all corb, oats, wheat or tobaeco that has been placed on de posit for a longer period than twelve months after Ane notice - published. The proceeds ol the salej of such pro duct shall le applied, first to the reim bursement to tie sab-treasury of the amount originally advanced, together with all charge and, second, the bal ance shall be held on deposit for the benefit of the lijpMer'of the warehouse receipt, who shU be entitled to receive the same on surrender otbis warehouse receipt. The secivtary of the treasury shall also provide rules far the dupli cation of any pipers in case of los3 or destruction. j Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the secretary of thetreasury, when section 1 of this act shall haye been complied with, to cause t be erected, according to the laws and jpustorns governing the construction of government buildings, a suitable sub-treasury building, with such warehouse br elevator facilities as. the character and amount of the prwucts or tnat-seetioii may i i Pit i i udicat as necessary. Such b;ildius shall ba supplied with all modern con veniences for handling and safely stor ing and preserving the products" like'.y to be deposited. 5 Sec. 9. That any gain, arising from the charges for insurance, weighing, storing, ciassi ig, holding, shipping, i interest ou other charges, after paying ion or oLiitrv. i ;e, me secretary roa'.mry sImU 'have jvo.vor to aj)- of i he point i j term. ! S-.-e. ' so mut es-arv tnahag r lor the unexpired 11 l n sum of .830,000,000, or h the eof a$ m.iy be found nec- to carrv out the nrd visions of this net, is hereby ja ppro pri.-sjted out of any money? iu tlci treasury ttiot other- i wise appropriated; for that purpose. bee. 12. 1 hat so; mucn of iany or ail other acts as are hi contiLtr with the , provisions of tliisiaet : are hereby re- ' pealed. Who the Bank .Robbers Are. Those who rob lanks now-ra-days are not men who operate in the night with burglar tools and -dark lanterns. They are men regarded! a financiers and ' who nass for ent pinpn imt.i i.hnv ara Pnnou.. Th- minf ihu fn.md . 111 ew A ork Cjt'a?lJ (l:ute a ,lll!?ber ot tuem are iu tlw Jjennenlnuy. r er- dinand Ward is ouejof them, and he is now in Sing Sing. (James D. Fish was another, and he has ately ben released from the Auburn prpon. Kijo would have been sent to pnsoh,ifhe hud not escaped to Canada; ifeu, tne proper, v i o l 1 i, been sautenced to a term in the same prison. James A. Simmons was con- victed of embezzlement tue other dav, and there is not much doubt that he j will soon be wearing ihe clothes of a loans made to him on securities that are comparatively worthless. ; Silver's rise to riches has been rapid. It has not been wany years since he was a boot black on Lung Island. Diring the half dozen years he has posed as a m..n last of fashion, driven fast horses, and fast generally. How he succeeded iu lived bamboozling bank presidents aud bank directors in one of the things that have not yet been explained. There are men, doiibtless, holding respectable positions in Wall strce: who ought to b? in the penjtentiary. It is safe to pay that some of them will finally land there It must )ej said, to tha crclitof New Yorkj tnat r4ercourts; do uot show bank robbers njuch mercy. When the evidence agnlnst j them can be obtained they are giVtjn their deserts. It is regretted, however that jniora of them are not caught. Fine locks and burglars proof safes are mot. a ,su re pro tection against them. They .are more to feared than burglars,! because they rnh tho.Sf who trust 1 1 KftV.i.-r-Golds lxro Heidiijht. i ta E,'3fcrra Movement. THE OPPOSITION- IT' WILL HAVE IN 1S02. Correspondence of Ibe VVatcUniaD. i Those persons who haye entered the ranks of the reform movement, think ing that the excess in numbers of those whose interests will he served by the accomplishment of its objects will ren der victory easy, arc mistaken. The cunning and craft of those who have succeeded iu keeping the people blind upon the vital and .living issues of the da', and divided upon minor issues, have been busy all these years in forti fying themselves against a popular up rising which they, rightly anticipated would come. Every avenue of attack upon their 'entrenched' position has been carefully guarded and strength ened. They haTe made themseves masters cf the most potent power in the land the secular press. They hare done this so adroitly that Ihe pcbple hare been induced to support the pipers that, while- serving the in terests of monopoly, were sowing the seeds of discord among the rallying forces ol the reform movement, "and neutralizing everyeffort to bring them together upon questions which affect their most vital interests. In support of this statement it is only necessary to look back over the files of the great dailies and political weeklies that have, for years persisteaily ignored the issue nowso broadly and- distinctively pro claimed in the" National Alliance plat form. The operation-s of the money jfjuci un uicunty seen m the in tluence which it has wielded in divert ing the attention of tha public press from those issues, whila their work of plunder was amassing millions of dollars in the hands' of a few. and undermining the foundations of the repui.hc. Vv ilh the money Clched from the people they have succeeded in perverting the ends of justice by intro ducing bribery aud corruption in every department of the government. The Suprema Court of the United States, the fountain of justice erected by the framers of the constitution, is not wholly free from the bansful influence of this unholy combination. The Congress of the United States, the citadel of American liberty, has be come their willing ally. -They rejoice in a millionaire Senate and a House composed of bank kers, who are their p'.iint tools. Thev make and unmake presidents, senators and governors, wit h an audacity and disregard of the rights of (ha pe pl?,that is only equalled by tb.a in famous act of the Pnii'orian Guards' who, alter decapitating Pertimax, of fered at public auction and sold to Jaiian the imperial crown of the Ha inan empire. They are "hand in glove'' with trusts and other combina tions of capital, whose sol object is to rob labor of ti e profits of it- industry, Lut now t lie industrial forces are agreed upon the issues laid dowa iu the National Alliance platform. Who- ever seeks to create discord by an tag-' onizing those issues, or precipitating' new ones upon which tne people are divided, is an enemy to reform and should be properly branded such,for he would be assisting the money power in o vim? the seeds of dissension. It - would be impossible to adopt a plat - form upon which iverybody could agree; but the Alliance platf orm Was so near unanimously adoptsd that it may saiiy be sam that it reiiects the sentiments .and feeliags of nine-tenths; oi an true reioriners. ; sent to market in paper boxvs, giassea The fight for 1892 is bow on, and ! or ungiassed?" Up to last year we the conihet will be the most furious in liave said about one-tlbrd of each kind, which an oppressed people ever en- j m the demand was about equally di gagsd to right a wrong at the ballot j vided. "We now use fifty per cent, box. Tha hell hounds ot plutocracy ! glassed, thirty per treat, paper boxes will b? turned loose upon evry speaker, ' and twenty per cent, unglassed, as writer and prominent leader jn the! near as we are able to jestimate. great reform movement. The decop- j The reasons why glassed honey has tive wiles of flattery will be ingeni- ; the preference seem toibe these: The ously employed by the agents of mo-j retailer can take every comb from the nopoly. A partisan press will belch ' crate and make a handsome display of forth volleys of vdlainous slander and ! it (this, of course, can jbe dine with ridicule. Trustedleaders in the move- J the paper boxl, btit the gla3 will ment wil bo offered bribes, and - some show the quality of every comb); the wiil sell. Workmen will be discharged, dust cannot settle on tjhe hoDey and credit refused, aud on every hand the the glass will prevent inquisitive and patriotism ef the reformers will be put j curious customers frouij sticking their to 4he sorest tost by bnberv; threats and cowardly attacks wiil be made uooa their reputation. Ths English k'nizuane will be exhausted for words ds H) and dpithets to apply to those wl itaad by their, convinctions in th fight against monopoly. When that; lay -comes many who now pretend to be with us will desert the ranks. They will barter their liberties tor less than a mess of pottage; they will barter their vote for a smile and a c.'.ress from their masters, who, after they had voted, would kick them iu con- tempt for their cnugin cowardice. God have pity on that poor cringing, cowardly aud treacherous mortal, who, when the hour of peril comes when the crisis arrives in the great battle for American industrial reform, will vote to consign his country to a plutocracy and his children to perpetual financial bondage. Let the coward who fars the con test go the lear. There is no place for bim in the ranks of patriots. Ihs craving cowardice , would disgrace the cause he "p. e. ends to represent Let Let him, also, who would rather bask in the smiles of monopoly, foiled in the arms of I; is mother, ease, an. Hulled to sleep bj the sweet song of rl ittery, while the republic is struggling in the throes ofideath, take his place wher ie - belongs. We want nu traitor iu the ranks, s A toward is bad, but a traitor is infinitely worse. Let the lines be drawn; fl the National Alli ance demand be the shibboleth of the organization1; let !the watchword be "Onward," a)id the battle cry "Equal rights to all Special privileges tolioue." Fraternally, J. R. 1).. I I Sec. No. 424. Apiary. TIIE HONEY MARKET- -WHAT IT DE- MA2JDS. Too much -eannot be said about get ting honey t the market in good con dition, and we are leased to give the following extracts from a uaDer bv xicuij oegeiKien, reai oeiore the iNew York State Bee-Kieper Convention, entitled "Wlujt Out Market Demands." It is certainly tol the interest of the producer to p6t his product on the' market in the most attractive and sal able style, and we, a sellers and dis tributors, are fn a position to know tka wants of cmr markets. Receiving comb-honey io large quantities from all the h oh ey-producing centres, we get it in all shapes, and in many cases there is room tor vast improve ment. - I In these days of jsharp competition iu all industrial, itj has been found II llr i-i r .i . a necessary to put the troods on the market m an attractive ThU 111,3 shape. i is mainly the case with all kinds ef food products, "such ias canned eood, preserves, etc., nil o which are hand somely labelled;, andj those which are put up the ueatesi will find quickest sale. The consumer will always buy that whieh looks the most appetizing As these facts can not be denied of sta ple goods, it is nil tie more necessary to use the utmost care in putting up comb honey in thai most attractive style, because this Ujregarded as a lux ury if not altogether, certainly to a very great ex tear. We very often sceihoney put up in bulky, awkward crates, not even glass on the sides of the crate; the combs built withqut separators, so that it is almost impossible to take them from the crate without injury. Such goods find very slow sale ahd prices have to b? shaded considerably to move them off. Still these shippers generally ex pect hiirhe.it prices, atid are often dis- satisfiad and disappoiiited with the re turns, vvnen the fault lies with them selves only. ; For a one-pound section we recom mend a single-tier crate, holding twenty-four or twnty-fivejseetions. While we are n ot opposed to; the double-tier crate, webe!ieve ihe former is most desirable at anv, rate; for unglassed honey, it some or the combs m an upper tier leak, they the bottom rows and will drop over soil toe whole crate. . j. For glassed or hmrlased linnv we ahise the use of heavy paper in the bottom of the crate turned up about half an inch on the sides. If soma of the combs should be broken down. this will prevent the honey from run- uing through thejcralev In addition, , it is advisable to lay strips of wood of ! about one-fourth inch in thickness on the paper, frm side to side, for the ; combs to rest on. ;; This will. prevent ! the honey drippingTrom the broken ! combs from sj;iling the good combs, Of, course it is not -necessary to go to ' this trouble when ihe honey is shipped in. paper boxes, "What pirt of the honev shduld beHield, put his horses into the bain, and ' finders iu the com hi Another item ot importance is not to have the sections; weigh over one I pound. each, and 1 ss if j po sible. O-ir ' market demands light 'weight at all times, be the honey -glassed, unglassed or iu paper boxes. J leuvy sections are J generally rejected, I work moving then ana we una it slow ; fit I hew pil. ; Thosa who have hot "vet a market for their honey sho'iid find out what the market, in which they wish to sell, demands, and .-end only jsuch as sells the best in that market. The freight and expeuse!of storing is as much on on honey that sflls slow ad cheap as that that sells quiclfiy and at a good prije. Find your market, then ii& the Mr. Bonner is reported as saying that he had decided to breed Maud S., 2:OS to some fast stall in this season, and also that he had notjdecidd what stalliou he should mate Her with. Sev eral papers have settle. the matter and haye already bred her to Nelson. Alcantara, Axte'll, Nutwpol aud other f ist stallicnrbut the matter, so far, has uot been decidl by her owner. v "Clasp Hand in, Hand k beautiful Al lia ice song, dedicaleil i- Mr. Ben Terrell, .rill be Mat f.r iwo amo -subscribm io the X-WalchiiHM. The Sro. 4 OXE CP THE MOST SUCCESSFUL F. ; C IVKS HIS EXPERIENCE AX LNTF.EESTIKO ARTICL?. I notice in a late issue of your paper a request frem your New Stirling cori; respondent for more information about the j silo. 1 1 have had only two year experieRce rith the silo; but hive re ceiverl a great deal of in format on from others who have bad coasidefble mor; also from agricultural j apjrs otU north aud west. My silo was built with . 2x10 inch " posts or stiHWing ltPfeet ;in length;. lined outside with -inch boardH,! inside- with a lining of matched 1-inch dresseuU ceiling. Then a lining of tarred paper, and another liaing of dressed matched, ceiling on that, tint if I wen to pu ' up another one, Ioald only ue one K lining f good heart, weil matchei' plank;.which I think would answer all . " purposes. Here in the South, where we have so little freeziiiLT weather. nrither-would I use the tarred paper,. in my remarks on ihe silb a fw weeks ago I spoke of t he -pit as answer--ing all purposes where th e evation was sufficient to drain. I regit cted to , say that a portion of my ensilage was underground. I had the pit suuk five feet deep, aud left a space of about two ffeet ."11 around on the surface on which 1.1 1 il f . I . m . . . lo-unim rnc rounaaiion tor the liowse. 1 find it kept fully as well in the pit an it did inside the timbers abo7e ground; v in fact, there was less damaged feel around the earth wall ttni arpund tjt,. boarded wall. I had put "about thread or four inches of wheat straw iathV botfom, and there was Fcrcely any damaged feed. . . ' v.... A great deal is said about the length -and width of ihe silo; also about how to feed it out. Opinions differ; soma couteud that feeding from the top is the better plan, while others 8iy cut it bias. I have followed the latter plan, notwithstanding my silo is 25 -feet in width. I find it damages b it little, as I try to-have but a few-inches cut in from top to hottom; each time going across. I think either will do" if . a man has the feed put up when ripe aTrd dry and has the silo dry nnd per fectly air-tight. Ih constructing my building, I should not have made it mare than 1"V ' or 18 feet wide mid made it. longer. I, have thought of putting ji partition im the centre lengthwise, but am- as yet, undecided. lla.vc been advised by President plia! Cari and others to let it. stay as it is, and feed from the top.'. Hoping to' hear fr-om others obk t'o subject of the fi!f or the farm I am -Respectfull v Yours, J. Si. JIarrisost. Valuable Advice. "- A well known business man of New York who died recently, and who was as much .honored for his high character nnd generosity as for the million t dollars which he possessed, used to at, tibute his success in life, as many other . men have done, -to augood talking t-j"""'-whlch he received in his boyhood from , anjelderly and benovolent relative. "It was my uncle Aaron," this gen- tleman s dd, "who, I think, gave me ihe bit of practical advice which I h ive" remembered oftenest. It was on summerday wlien I was visiting at his boose. It had set in to rain very hard. and Uncle Aaron came up out of the came into his n t e w ni.shop to tinker up some butter firkins. "Some question tiiat I asked led him to turu to me and say: "Now, Willie, I am going to give you a little bit of advici, ai.d T waot you to remember and folinv it all your life. . . . .. "In the first place, always go to church. Perhaps some people can leal a decent life and get to heaven witho it it, and they might get to Boston with out traveling on any road. But the roal's the safest place, and it's just so with the church You're liable to wander if you don't sti rk to it. "Always tll the truth and be honest... Nobody ought tefbe told why hesho'ild do that. "N-iver repeat anything bad about your neighbors. Any little com pi nt you pay to others nitit of si m ler that wiil be paid back in slander to yo x some time with interest. "JJ saying, but don't be stingy. The stingy nun is generally mean to others, but he's meaner yet to himself. "I could te.lt you a great many thinjrs thatwould be good for von, but the gre itcst of them ail, Willie, is this: "W heaeysf yoa use y ur i ick-kuife always b3 sure you shut it no and put it in your pocket when you a:e djne using it.' ' k,lJnc!eAron said this last as it it. were in italics, and the earnest n rs with which he uttered the word iiTiprefsed his advice on my mind. I followed his advice, ah ut the I.nife, at le-tat, with great care, and I noticed that after that I nevejr 'o-t a kn f , wh reas before I had never kept one more than a fe .s weeks. "The habit of taking such goxl cans of my knife made me careful of other things-as well. I g c an or lar y h-b ". out of it a habit i"-tnking no'.n me--l t ally of even the most ordiuarj an I accustonifd 'things :vs I did th-uicth has been vvonh a v vt-amouiit to rn;'.'v Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorfcu n fi -5-1 11 i - - . --Tr ', .:.. r- ..:..';. v .- . r